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Audio script

Alana: Look at this, Mum. ‘New Zealand – the land of adventure.’

Mum: Mm, yes.

Alana: ‘Seventy per cent of New Zealanders live on the North Island, but the South Island is full of
places to explore.’ That sounds good. ‘Start in Queenstown, known as the “Adventure Capital of
the World”.’ Wow! I’d love to go there. I could stay with Auntie Paula.

Mum: Mmm.

Alana: ‘ offers every outdoor pursuit you can think of: snowboarding, bungee jumping...’

Mum: Bungee jumping! Is that when you jump off a bridge with a long piece of elastic tied to
your feet?

Alana: Yes, but you come back up again.

Mum: Alana, you can’t do that!

Alana: ‘...paragliding, zorbing and more’.

Mum: Paragliding and zorbing? What on earth are paragliding and zorbing?

Alana: Paragliding is when you jump off a hill with a special parachute that lets you fly quite a
long way, a bit like a bird, before you land. And there’s a picture of zorbing here. Look. It’s when
you roll downhill in a big plastic ball.

Mum: Oh great! Well you could do that.

Alana: ‘...North-east of the city is Lake Wanaka, where all sorts of activities are on offer: walking,
trekking, mountain biking, fishing, sailing, kayaking, water skiing...’

Mum: Mmm, some of those sound OK.

Alana: ‘...white-water rafting, sky diving, canyoning...’

Mum: What are they?

Alana: Well, white-water rafting is when you go down a very fast river in an inflatable boat.

Mum: I don’t like the sound of that.

Alana: Sky diving is when you jump out of a plane and you only open the parachute at the last

Mum: Oh it gets worse

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