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RDM - SAM 2 MVP IV - Salesforce Intelegent Dashboard

RDM - MSTR - Salesforce Intelligent Dashboard - 1.00

Document Classification Confidential

RDM Date 28 Jul 2022


Attendees No Nama Department

1 Jaka Kardana TSO

2 F M Anggra Mandala Putra TSO

3 Ervaran Panjilara Putra TSO

4 Bintang Bagaskara TSO

5 Desi Yuliani CIST - AI

6 Hamal Resta CIST - AI

7 Idham Khalid CIST - AI

8 Muhammad Hamdani CIST - AI

9 Rizka Rosalia CIST - AI

10 Satria Graha CIST - AI

11 Abdul Aziz CIST - AI

Place Online Team

Impacted SO TSO


URF Related on Project


No Date Version Notes Created by

1 27 Juli 2022 1.0 Initial Idham Khalid

2 22 October 2022 1.1 Update Picture Idham Khalid

The sales Supervisor can review performance salesman and updated data.

Business Benefit
Sales supervisors have been rich data performance salesman than before.

Detail Request
List Hot Prospect.
Login Rate (SAM2Login).
Percentage PaymentType (Cash or Credit).
Age Salesman (Just updated in SAM 2, added Birthday date cause SAP not distributed data to PSS).
Data Billing Fleet & Retail.
SPK By Admin or Sales
Decision to be
List hot prospect, condition hot prospect, and get detailed data prospect.
*As Login Rate, just log in cause not have a calendar TSO
Percentage By type, no issue.
*Age salesman must have improvement In SAM 2 TSO in other menu profile.
Data billing Fleet and & Retail no issue.
SPK By admin & Sales (On Check).

User Interface
UI Data Desc

All Data Sales

Intelligent 1. Report data
Dashboard dashboard split
into 2 Sheets.
2. Filter move beside

CustomerName Sales Supervisor to

know list hot prospect
in the salesman.
Prospect Date.


BillingNo Sales Supervisor get

to know,
salesman the billing
Segment most Fleet or Retail
Billing Date Salesman supervisor
get to know,
Sales Type
customers salesman
to used payment...

SPKNO , Sales Supervisor to

know , SPK Created
SPKType By ......

Change Sales Supervisor to

Request for know how
Sales Funnel performance
for prospecting conversion rates

EmployeeID Login percentage to

monitoring salesman,
CreatedDate login in all SAM.

Counting Days

Change Salesman first join


Validfrom and
counting days
Signature from the Parties Involved
No Nama Department Signature

1 Jaka Kardana TSO

2 F M Anggra Mandala Putra TSO

3 Ervaran Panjilara Putra TSO

4 Abdul Aziz CIST-AI

5 Satria Graha CIST-AI

6 Hamal Resta CIST-AI

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