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., test 2

1 Write and complete the.puzzle.



2 Complete the words. c=m

1 g ~ t dr ~ ssed 2 _ ave brea _ fast
3 etch the b s 4 w lk to sc ool

3 Tick (tI) the correct sentence.

o He aren't windsurfing. 0
o He isn't windsurfing. 0

They're kayaking. 0 We'm sailing. 0

They's kayaking. 0 We're sailing. 0
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Falnily and Friends 3
Summative test 2

4 Match.

1 Are the monkeys eating? a No, it isn't.

2 Is the fLamingo fLying? b Yes, they are

3 Is the crocodiLe swimming? c No, they are

4 Are the penguins sLeeping? d Yes, it is.

5 Read and circle.

1 We has /~ breakfast at eight o'clock.
2 My father get / gets up at six o'clock.
3 He don't / doesn't catch the train to work.
4 Does she brushes / brush her hair every morning?
5 I pLay / pLays with my friends after school.
6 They don't waLks / waLk to school.
7 What time does / do you start schooL?

6 Circle the words with an 'or' sound.

1 ~/ house 2 paw / pair 3 spout / sport
4 yawn / young 5 straw / street 6 coin / corn

7 listen and compLete. ~ 132

1 t oy
2 L
3 b
4 c n
5 s L
6 ster _ /30

Falnily and Friends 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Pre

Skills test 2


1 Listen and tick (v). ~ 133

10 o 0 ~

~~on~ ~o 0

0 40

2 Listen and write. ~ 134 crocodiles seven ~ penguins ~

giraffes three today flamingos Saturday

1 Name of zoo: Animal Land 2 Opens: _ _ _ _ __

3 Animals by the lake: _ _ _ _ __

4 Number of camels: - _ _ _ __ 5 At 3.00, watch _ _ _ __


3 Read and order the pictures.

Hi, my name's Anna. I'm nine.
Every day I get up at 7.30. First,
I have a shower. Then I get CD
dressed. Then I have breakfast in o 0 o
the kitchen. After breakfast
I brush my teeth. Next, I leave
the house. I don't walk to school.
o w
I always catch the bus. Finally, o CD
I arrive at school just before 9.00.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Family and Friends 3 •

Skills test 2

4 CompLete the ~ords.

1 wind ~ uri ing 2 kay __ ing 3 snor _ eL _ ing

4 swi __ ing 5 water _ k _ ing 6 d _ v _ ng

7 sa __ ing 8 _ ur _ ing

5 Look and write.

monkey Lizard
crocodiLe ::.. ~
~ cameL . ....Kv~1 ...

o_m_in_~_:_n_g_U_in- , ~.,5
,-k_a_n_g_!_rLo_a - ,- . u , - - ~
[4 .". [7~~

6 Choose and describe the odd-one-out.
Picture b.
These are
10 [IJ GJ 0
all at home
but this is at
20 [IJ GJ 0

• Falnily and Friends 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University

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