In Situ Density (FDD)

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JOB ID: Test start date:

Sample ID: Test completion date:


In-situ Core cutter Details

Height of Mould (cm)

Dia of Mould (cm)

LOCATION Location-1 Location-2 Location-3

Volume of Mould (VC)

Mould wt. (gm)

Mould + Compacted Wet soil (gm)

Compacted Wet soil (gm)

In-Situ Density (gm/cc)

Container No.

Container Wt.

Container + wet sample

Container + dry sample

Moisture %

In situ Dry Density (gm/cc)

Avg. in situ Dry Density (gm/cc)

Compaction %

Average Compaction %

Tested By:- Checked by:-


Client Provided MDD 1.90 OMC

In-situ Core cutter Details
Height of Mould (cm) 13.1
Dia of Mould (cm) 9.98
Volume of Mould 1025 1025 1025
Mould wt. 960 960 960
Mould + Compacted Wet soil 3089 3080 3095
Compacted Wet soil 2129 2120 2135
In-Situ Density 2.08 2.07 2.08
Container No. 8 7 10
Container Wt. 56.82 67.44 59.33
Container. Wt. + Wet Soil 88.63 104.82 90.46
Container Wt. + Dry Soil 85.25 100.7 86.91
Weight Of water 3.38 4.12 3.55
Weight Dry soil 28.43 33.26 27.58
Moisture% 11.89 12.39 12.87
In situ Dry Density (DD) 1.86 1.84 1.85
Average in situ DD (gm/cc) 1.85

Compaction % 97.70 96.86 97.13

Average Compaction % 97.23

JOB ID: Test start date:
Sample Description: Test completion date:

In-situ Core cutter Details

Height of Mould (cm)

Dia of Mould (cm)

LOCATION Location-1 Location-2 Location-3

Volume of Mould (VC)

Mould wt. (gm)

Mould + Compacted Wet soil (gm)

Compacted Wet soil (gm)

In-Situ Density (gm/cc)

Moisture %

In situ Dry Density (gm/cc)

Avg. in situ Dry Density (gm/cc)

Compaction %

Average Compaction %

Tested By:- Checked by:-


Client Provided MDD 2.14 OMC 8.51

In-situ Core cutter Details
Height of Mould (cm) 12.85
Dia of Mould (cm) 10.00
LOCATION 1 1 2 2
Volume of Mould 1000 1000 1000 1000
Mould wt. 921.4 921.4 921.4 921.4
Mould + Compacted Wet soil 3089 3089 3052 3052
Compacted Wet soil 2167.6 2167.6 2130.6 2130.6
In-Situ Density 2.168 2.168 2.131 2.131
Moisture% 3.96 4.02 3.85 4.10
Average Moisture% 3.99 3.97
In situ Dry Density (DD) 2.085 2.084 2.052 2.047
Average in situ DD (gm/cc) 2.084 2.049

Compaction % 97.43 97.38 95.87 95.64

Average Compaction % 97.40 95.75

Proctor Test of Soil :-

Type of Compaction:- Heavy Compaction Proctor Mould Id:-

Weight of Sample taken for test (gm):- 5000 Weight of Mould (gm):- 6240

Sr. No. Weight of Water added (gm) Weight of Wet Sample+Mould after Wet Density Weight of Container (gm) Wet Sample + Container
Compaction (gm) (gm/cc) (gm)

1 200 10290 1.82 59.52 121.542

2 300 10350 1.85 62.45 119.414
3 400 10470 1.90 62.46 111.616
4 500 10560 1.94 54.85 111.635
5 600 10790 2.04 54.92 109.287
6 700 10490 1.91 69.51 129.029
7 800 10390 1.86 63.98 128.416
8 900
9 1000
10 1100
Volume of Mould (cc):- 2226.36

Date of testing:-

Wet Sample + Container Dry Sample + Container (gm) Moisture (%) Dry Density (gm/cc) Container No.

121.542 119.85 2.80 1.77 7

119.414 116.484 5.42 1.75 1
111.616 108.291 7.25 1.77 2
111.635 106.972 8.95 1.78 3
109.287 103.949 10.89 1.84 4
129.029 122.382 12.57 1.70 5
128.416 119.874 15.28 1.62 6

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