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Mobile Networks and Applications (2021) 26:256–265

Financial Times Series Forecasting of Clustered Stocks

Felipe Affonso 1 & Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias 1 & Adilson Luiz Pinto 2

Published online: 17 September 2020

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Predicting the stock market is a widely studied field, either due to the curiosity in finding an explanation for the behavior of
financial assets or for financial purposes. Among these studies the best techniques use neural networks as a prediction technique.
More specifically, the best networks for this purpose are called recurrent neural networks (RNN) and provide an extra option
when dealing with a sequence of values. However, a great part of the studies is intended to predict the result of few stocks,
therefore, this work aims to predict the behavior of a large number of stocks. For this, similar stocks were grouped based on their
correlation and later the algorithm K-means was applied so that similar groups were clustered. After this process, the Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) - a type of RNN - was used in order to predict the price of a certain group of assets. Later, predicted prices
are compared to the correct prices in order to analyze prices tendency. Results showed that clustering stocks did not influence the
effectiveness of the network, once tendency was predicted correct for an average of 48% of time. Investors and portfolio
managers can use proposed techniques to simply their daily tasks.

Keywords Financial forecasting . Clustering stocks . Artificial neural networks

1 Introduction The latest discoveries in machine learning (ML) area shows

that algorithms can learn by themselves, recognize patterns,
Forecasting can be defined as the prediction of some future find the best features for a model and many others [5]. By
event or events by analyzing the historical data [1]. Times using some deep learning (a ML subarea) method it is possible
series forecasting plays an imperative role in several real- to better understand financial market than just analyzing
world problems, such as the financial markets, network traffic, stocks prices. Deep Neural Networks have been used several
weather forecasting, and petroleum (or oil) industry, among times in order to predict the financial market movement.
others [2]. As it represents an attempt to estimate a future Studies show that this method is obtaining 48%–54% right
event based on its past history, the financial market attracts predictions [6]. Therefore, it is believed that there is a wide
the attention of several researchers interested in this area of field of research open to improve such results. Overall, deep
knowledge. Some studies argue that it is possible to predict learning provides some key advantages, as the ability of
stock market movement [3, 4] once, it is believed that today’s performing feature abstraction and detecting complex interac-
stock price will be dependent on yesterday’s price. tions between these features – resulting in state-of-the-art per-
formance across many applications [7]. In this context, recur-
rent neural network (RNN), a type of neural network, offers
the best outcomes when dealing with sequential data, for ex-
* Felipe Affonso ample, stock returns.
Despite having several benefits, the application of neural
networks is a complex task, as it is necessary to have a large
Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias amount of data and organize it in order to make it possible to
use it as an input through some deep learning algorithm. Also,
Adilson Luiz Pinto
as it has several layers of neurons, the computational cost is
high, and sometimes specific equipment is often necessary for
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais the development of a given application. Therefore, this study
(CEFET-MG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil has as its main objective to estimate the movement of group of
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), similar stocks at some specific stock exchange. If so, investors
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil and fund managers will be able to carry out analyzes different
Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265 257

from the traditional ones, thus facilitating their work and en- dimensions, so it is possible to use techniques to reduce the
abling new opportunities. complexity of the datasets, but important information can also
In order to predict the movement of a group of stocks, it be lost during this process. Different algorithms are shown
must be previously clustered together. There are several recent and explained, each one of them present their own character-
studies proposing different ways of clustering stocks [8–11]. istics and purposes. Focusing on the stock market, deep learn-
Most of them use more than one technique and focus on port- ing strategies can solve most of the problems on dealing with
folio management. In this paper, K-Means algorithm will be such type of data and provide new approaches that have not
used once it outperforms other methods in terms of clusters yet been tested.
compactness [8, 11]. Later recurrent neural networks are used Bini and Mathew [8] present some data mining techniques
in order to predict clustered stocks future prices. applied in clustering and information prediction, where the
The main contributions of this work are: (i) propose a tech- goal is finding the best companies in the market using clus-
nique for grouping stocks based on their historical prices, (ii) tering techniques and prediction of future stock prices by
use a machine learning technique in order to predict stock using regression algorithms. Among the methods used for
prices, as well as (iii) predict financial market trend in a future clustering, K-Means and Expectation Maximization algo-
moment of time. rithms have shown better results when compared to hierarchi-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. cal and density-based techniques. For the prediction, multiple
Section 2 presents some necessary background in order un- linear regression algorithm performed better than simple linear
derstand some key concepts. Section 3 briefly covers some regression.
previous studies in this area. Later, Section 4 provides an in- Kumar and Ravi [13] describes past studies and surveys on
depth discussion of the methodology, explaining which tech- text mining field including several applications of these tech-
niques were used in each part of the process. In Section 5 the niques. They also present the advantages and disadvantages of
results are presented. Finally, Section 6 presents some discus- methods used on these researches. The paper consists of a
sions about most relevant findings and some future works. literature survey on different databases about the text mining
subject applied to financial domain. In order to transform a
normal data set into a structured format several techniques can
2 Background be applied. The first step is called pre-process, it plays an
important role in text mining tasks. Usually, when the pre-
As explained by Krauss et al. [7], one of the motivators of processing of information is done with excellence, results tend
projects related to neural networks applied to finance is the to be better. In a second step, feature selection must be carried
small number of articles published in this area. When out. In this step, information considered irrelevant to the prob-
conducting a search for the term “neural networks” in The lem in question is removed, causing the data set to contain
Journal of Finance, one of the main ones in the area, only 17 only the most relevant fields according to the proposed
results were found, while approximately 2000 articles have objective.
been published in the last 30 years. According to the paper, Cavalcante et al. [14] proposes a literature review on recent
this is a unique study because they use three different state-of- approaches designed to solve financial market problems,
the-art machine learning techniques and compare than with a where the main purpose is to present machine learning
deep learning algorithm. Also, they follow the financial liter- methods applied in this context published from 2009 to
ature and provide a holistic performance evaluation, making it 2016. Besides summarizing the main studies, the authors have
easy for investors to understand the results achieved. And also identified the key challenges in this research field. The
lastly, the authors focus on a daily investment horizon instead articles are categorized by their pre-processing, forecasting
of months and weeks, as normally on the literature. By using and text mining methods. Some concepts are detailed trough
daily values, the model can be trained with more data and the article, as the difference between technical and fundamen-
consequently perform better. The main objective of the paper tal analysis, and some artificial intelligence concepts, like
is to strengthen the links between the academic area and pro- clustering, artificial neural networks, support vector machines,
fessional investors, providing a new perspective for both and others. The authors also explain the advantages of using
fields equally. these techniques in financial data and how it can be applied in
Längkvist et al. [12] explains the importance of time-series order to achieve better results.
in data mining and how it can be used as a feature to perform
better tasks in ML. By adopting unsupervised training
methods, it is possible to use time-series as an important fea- 3 Related works
ture of the model and consequently achieve better results. The
authors also explain that dealing with times series is an ardu- Chong et al. [15] aims to use deep learning techniques for
ous task, as the data can be noisy, and usually have several financial market prediction for 38 stocks from the Korean
258 Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265

stock market. The authors compare three deep neural net- authors claim that this framework can be used by small
works methods against a standard regressive model and an startups that does not trade in the stock market so frequently,
artificial neural network. The authors utilize the Normalized the analysts could use the method to narrow down their search
Mean Squared Error (NMSE), Root Mean Squared Error for good stocks to invest in.
(RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mutual Comparing with related works, the present paper shows
Information (MI) as measures to evaluate the prediction per- itself using two different ML techniques, where stock ex-
formance. As a result, the deep neural network performs better change actions are made or grouped using the KMeans algo-
on the training set, but on the test set the autoregressive model rithm, with this number or number of activities used by a
performs better. Both methods can be joined in order to com- portfolio manager is considerably less and later, groups of
bine the advantages of each one and eliminate the actions are used as input to a neural network. Shao et al.
disadvantages. [18] presents the most correlated work, however, the authors
Fischer and Krauss [16] propose a new method for finan- use only one company, while 2.029 are used in the work
cial market predictions using deep learning with long short- presented here.
term memory (LSTM) networks. This work outperforms
Krauss et al. [7] and achieves returns of 0.46% per day. To
this end, the authors explain some concepts related to the use
of artificial neural networks, as well as some challenges in 4 Materials and methods
using them, and finally proposes the use of LSTM in the
financial market. In this case, the application of this technique The data set used in this paper was downloaded from Kaggle.1
meant that long-term dependencies were understood and the It contains the stock code, date, and values of close, high, low
results, when compared with a previous study, were and volume for a given date. The first step is to define the
improved. period in which the data must be extracted. Later, it must be
Nelson et al. [17] studies the applicability of recurrent neu- analyzed in order to obtain the period that contains the biggest
ral networks (RNN) in order to predict stock prices movement number of stocks traded. Data preparation and handling was
for four Brazilian companies. It was possible to observe that entirely conducted in Python 3.5 [19]. The deep learning
by the application of LSTMs, the predictions outperform the LSTM network was developed using Keras [20].
baselines with few exceptions. It proves that this technique In order for the proposed objectives to be achieved, a series
can offer good predictions when compared to other ap- of steps is necessary: (i) initially the data set must be prepared
proaches, mainly in terms of accuracy and gains obtained. and organized, this process consists of downloading the infor-
Even when compared to other finance strategies the developed mation, and filtering the period, stock exchange and stocks to
model performs better than traditional methods and offers less be used. (ii) The second step is to group the stocks according
risks when observing the maximum losses. to their historical price. In this way, it will be possible to use a
Similar to the work presented here Shao et al. [18] seek to smaller set of observations as input to the neural network.
use the K Means clustering algorithm to group, based on dif- Therefore, the K-Means algorithm will be applied to a corre-
ferent time windows, a single stock exchange action. In this lation matrix previously generated from the use of Pearson’s
way, the neural network will have several observations to correlation coefficient. Once the data is grouped by its simi-
learn, but all of the same asset. From the methods presented, larities, neural networks algorithms will be implemented to
the authors then compare the presented methodology and con- (iii) predict stock market prices. Finally, the results generated
clude that the use of several layers for training the network in last step will be evaluated.
favored and improved the performance of the model
4.1 Clustering
Zhang et al. [4] created a model called Xuanwu, which
utilizes unsupervised pattern recognition methods in order to
Mirkin [21] defines clustering as a mathematical technique
remove the human factor in some steps of the neural network
designed for revealing classification structures in the data col-
model creation. Experimental results show that the proposed
lected in some real-world phenomena. It can also be explained
framework outperforms the best methods in stock movement
as the process in which clusters of similar objects are created
prediction. On a more detailed explanation, the first fact is that
[8]. K-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k
it is impossible for human to compete with big data algo-
clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with
rithms, so, the separation between train set and test set should
the nearest mean [11]. However, for any clustering algorithm
be made by the algorithm. The training sample differs from
to be applied, a data set must be used as an input. In this
other literature models because it works utilizing the probabil-
ity of a known shape be formed in a fixed duration of time 1
when only the first days of analyze were conducted. The stocks-etfs
Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265 259

specific case, the information used refers to the closing prices some simple modules, all (or most) of which are subject to
of the shares in a given period. learning, and many of which compute non-linear input–output
The stock return was calculated using Eq. 1, where Rt rep- mappings [5]. These modules are the neurons in a network,
resents the return for a specific period t. Pt is defined as the and in other for the information to flow through the whole
price of the stock at time t, and Pt-1 represents the price of that structure, they must be connected to each other. After that,
same stock at the instant just before Pt analysis [22]. In this deep learning methods are applied, causing different layers
study, 1-day interval was used to perform the calculations. of these groups of neurons to be developed [27]. These
  methods have been used to achieve state-of-the-art results on
Rt ¼ ln ð1Þ several benchmark data sets and for solving difficult AI tasks
pt−1 [12].
A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a special case of
Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used to measure how
neural network where the objective is to predict the next
two linear variables are correlated. The result goes from −1
step in the sequence of observations with respect to the
to 1, the signal indicates the direction of the relationship and
previous steps observed in the sequence [26], which is ex-
the value suggests how strong it is. By other side, if the value
actly the case for stock prices. It processes an input se-
is zero, there is no linear correlation between the variables [3].
quence one element at a time, maintaining in their hidden
R i R j −h R i i R j layers a ‘state vector’ that implicitly contains information
C i; j ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
D ED ffi ð2Þ
2  2 E about the history of all the past elements of the sequence
R i −hR i i
Rj− Rj
[5]. This is the key difference in RNN, by using the state
vector, it is possible to store important information during
The formula for calculating Pearson’s correlation coeffi- the learning process.
cient is presented in Eq. 2, where “Ri” represents the average One of the biggest challenges when using this type of tech-
of the closing prices of a given stock, thus “RiRj” can be nique is that when it is performed several times, over several
explained as the average of the sum of the mean log return sequential data, important information can be lost throughout
values of two corresponding stocks. In other words, it is the the learning process. It uses a back-propagation algorithm in
mean of the mean. The correlation coefficient is measured for order to replicate its results through layers. Although their
all pairs of stocks in both exchanges. main purpose is to learn long-term dependencies, theoretical
After performing the calculation of the chosen similarity and empirical evidence shows that it is difficult to learn to
metrics, we must separate the observations analyzed in clus- store information for very long [28]. For example, it would
ters, however, it is necessary to define how many clusters will be harder for an RNN to predict the next correct word for a
be formed. As we are dealing with an unsupervised method of 2000 words text than for a 10 words sentence. This situation is
machine learning, the definition of this number is a major called vanishing gradient problem.
challenge found in the literature [23, 24]. Several techniques LSTM is a special kind of RNNs with additional fea-
can be applied to overcome this challenge, in this article the tures to memorize the sequence of data [26]. This type of
“elbow method” was chosen. It consists in plotting a graph architecture is specifically designed to learn long-term de-
where the y-axis represents some error metric and the x-axis pendencies and overcome the previously inherent prob-
represents the number of clusters. A marked flattening of the lems of RNNs, i.e., vanishing and exploding gradients
graph suggests that the clusters being combined are very dis- [16, 29]. It does so by keeping the error flow constant
similar, thus the appropriate number of clusters is found at the through special units called “gates” which allows for
“elbow” of the graph [25]. weights adjustments as well as truncation of the gradient
After obtaining the correct number of clusters, K-Means when its information is not necessary [17]. Hence, the
algorithm was applied on all the correlation matrices and the gates, which are based on sigmoidal neural network layer,
output was a file containing the stock and its correspondent enable the cells to optionally let data pass through or
group. disposed [26], they are:

& Forget Gate: Decides the fraction of the information to be

4.2 Neural networks allowed [1]. This value ranges from 0 to 1, where the
bigger it is, more information will be remembered.
At this moment, still addressing the artificial intelligence tech- & Output Gate: It combines all the information processed
niques used in this work, neural networks are largely respon- inside of the cell and decides what will be transferred to
sible for the results shown in the literature. It consists of at the next one.
least three layers namely: 1) an input layer, 2) hidden layers, & Memory Gate: Through some steps, it chooses which new
and 3) an output layer [26]. Each one of these layers contains information is going to be maintained in the cell.
260 Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265

Table 1 Representation of the dataset before and after extraction number of clusters, with the minimum error value, because it
Exchange Number of Companies Companies After Extraction would cause an over-fit.
Using the information generated by K-Means algorithm,
NYSE 3.795 1.225 the data was grouped using simple average, which means that
NASDAQ 3.066 804 for each day the values of all group components where
summed and then divided by the number of components, it
was done for every day since 01/01/2008 in both exchanges.
The Table 2 shows the number of files in the beginning of the
5 Results process, and the number of groups for each exchange. By
doing that, instead of conducting 2.029 predictions, it will be
The results are presented in three stages. First, information
necessary to run the model through 40 clusters.
about the data is presented. The second step consists in using
the data set in order to cluster stocks by its similarity. Lastly,
by using the groups created in the last step, the LSTM model
5.2 Predicting values
is trained, and the predictions are made. The results are
Prior to executing the predictions, the two sets of data were
discussed in Section 5.
sliced, where a part was separated to execute the training of
After analyzing the dataset, it was possible to observe that
the algorithms, and another part for testing. In this way it is
the period between 01/01/2008 and 29/03/2018 contained the
possible to validate if there really was a learning experience,
biggest portion of the data. The result of the extraction is
therefore the division was done by selecting 80% of the data
shown in Table 1, where both exchanges had their data re-
for training and 20% for testing. After going through scaling
duced drastically.
process, each group of stocks was trained and tested separate-
ly. An LSTM network was created with the aim of predicting
5.1 Clustering future stock prices considering the previous values. It was
developed using the mean squared error (MSE) as the loss
In order to illustrate the results obtained during this part of the function, “adam” optimizer and 10 epochs, which means that
process, a correlation matrix was plotted, and it is presented in each group of stocks was used ten times, in different patterns,
Fig. 1. For each stock, in each stock exchange, the correlation for training.
between all of them was measured. It is possible to confirm After running the prediction algorithms on the selected data
that the main diagonal equals to one and the rest of the matrix set, the results were generated and are shown in Table 3 sorted
is between −1 and 1. Therefore, it is possible to use this result by their respective MSE for both exchanges. It is possible to
to group similar stocks. observe that the error is small, and that the groups had a sim-
The elbow method was used to obtain the optimal number ilar performance. The results are also shown in Fig. 2, for
of clusters. It consists in plotting a graph, where it is possible groups formed by NASDAQ, and in Fig. 3, composed of
to check the number of clusters versus the generated error, in groups formed by NYSE. In both cases the blue line repre-
this case Within-Cluster Sum of Squares was used. It is im- sents the real value, and the orange line represents the predic-
portant to emphasize that we cannot just choose the biggest tions made.

Fig. 1 Correlation Matrix. a) NASDAQ (Left); b) NYSE (Right)

Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265 261

Table 2 Number of Groups

Exchange Companies Companies After Extraction Number of Groups

NYSE 3.795 1.225 20

NASDAQ 3.066 804 20

After running the predictions in the neural network, it was achieved the best results, especially considering the MSE.
observed that, many times, the algorithm misses the exact However, the trend did not show such a significant difference.
value of the prediction, but the trend seems to go in the right Considering the trend of predictions, the groups that ob-
direction. Thus, the separate vectors for testing were used to tained the best and worst results from each exchange will now
assess whether the results indicated a bullish or bearish market be analyzed. In this case, the best group for Nasdaq was found
for the following period. Therefore, two vectors were gener- in group 1, and the worst in group 12. It is interesting to note
ated using this data, one with the real values, and the other that, even having the highest success rate related to trend,
with the values predicted by the network and they are com- group 1 showed the worst result when using the MSE.
pared against each other. The results of this analysis are also When analyzing Fig. 2, it is possible to make some observa-
shown in Table 3, where the tendency indicates whether the tions about what happened. The prediction and the correct
trend of the predictions was right or not. It is important to note value distanced themselves at the beginning, thus increasing
that no specialized classification algorithms were used for this the difference between the predicted and the real. However,
purpose. In other words, the data presented is based only on the algorithm was able to follow the movements performed by
the values predicted by the neural networks in the previous the actions. Already considering the worst result related to the
step, where it was analyzed the number of times that predicted trend, group 12 shows the eighth smallest error, however, this
value corresponded to the real one. group of shares showed no market direction, after a huge drop
When comparing the results of the two exchanges, the re- in the beginning of the process, it presented an stable move-
sults for Nasdaq showed an average error of 0.011127, and the ment, making it difficult to predict the trend.
trend was correct 47.80% of the time. On the NYSE, the This time analyzing the best and the worst result taking into
average error was 0.003407, and the trend was correct account the proportion of errors related to the trend, the NYSE
49.26% of the time, demonstrating that this exchange group 5 hit the market direction 56.14% of the time, with an

Table 3 Results for both

Exchanges Exchange Group MSE Tendency Exchange Group MSE Tendency

Nasdaq Group 10 0.000003 50.29% NYSE Group 2 0.000150 50.29%

Nasdaq Group 16 0.000004 50.29% NYSE Group 12 0.000338 50.10%
Nasdaq Group 13 0.000005 47.95% NYSE Group 7 0.000385 43.27%
Nasdaq Group 7 0.000784 47.75% NYSE Group 10 0.000434 52.63%
Nasdaq Group 4 0.000862 45.80% NYSE Group 5 0.000495 56.14%
Nasdaq Group 19 0.001014 47.36% NYSE Group 1 0.000744 46.78%
Nasdaq Group 15 0.001016 48.34% NYSE Group 18 0.001026 54.58%
Nasdaq Group 12 0.001507 43.46% NYSE Group 9 0.001077 48.73%
Nasdaq Group 8 0.001739 50.48% NYSE Group 16 0.001123 45.61%
Nasdaq Group 18 0.001979 45.22% NYSE Group 17 0.001223 50.68%
Nasdaq Group 2 0.002017 47.17% NYSE Group 11 0.001275 47.95%
Nasdaq Group 3 0.002117 44.44% NYSE Group 14 0.001479 49.12%
Nasdaq Group 11 0.002658 48.92% NYSE Group 8 0.002089 49.71%
Nasdaq Group 14 0.003343 46.39% NYSE Group 6 0.002255 47.76%
Nasdaq Group 9 0.003704 48.34% NYSE Group 4 0.003121 45.22%
Nasdaq Group 0 0.004064 48.92% NYSE Group 19 0.004496 46.78%
Nasdaq Group 6 0.004315 44.44% NYSE Group 15 0.005739 43.27%
Nasdaq Group 17 0.005058 48.34% NYSE Group 0 0.005979 50.29%
Nasdaq Group 5 0.005611 49.90% NYSE Group 13 0.006704 52.24%
Nasdaq Group 1 0.180757 52.24% NYSE Group 3 0.028008 54.19%
262 Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265
Group_10 Group_16 Group_13 Group_13

$0 $2
$0 $0
Scaled Price

Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price
$0 $1
$0 $0

$0 $1

$0 $1 $0 $0

$0 $1
$0 $0
$0 $1

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Group_4 Group_19 Group_15 Group_12

$4 $0

$1 $0 $4 $0

$1 $3 $0

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price

Scaled Price
$1 $3 $0

$1 $3 $0
$1 $2 $0

$1 $0 $2 $0

$1 $2 $0

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period

Group_8 Group_18 Group_2 Group_2

$1 $1
$2 $2

$1 $1

$1 $1 $2 $2
Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price
$1 $0
$2 $1
$0 $0

$0 $0
$1 $1
$0 $0

$0 $0 $1 $1

$0 $0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Group_11 Group_14 Group_9 Group_0

$1 $1 $2
$1 $1
Scaled Price

Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

$1 $1
$1 $1
$1 $1 $1

$1 $0

$0 $0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Group_6 Group_17 Group_5 Group_1

$1 $0
Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price

Scaled Price


$1 $1
$0 $1

$1 $1
$1 $0

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Predicted Actual

Fig. 2 Predictions for Nasdaq

MSE of 0.000434, this being the best prediction of the study. two analyzes can be made. At first, group 7 presents the third
Accomplished. When analyzing Fig. 3, it is possible to notice smallest error of this exchange, however, as can be seen in
that this group of stocks showed an upward behavior, where at Fig. 3, there are significant drops in value at times, but most of
different times the stock prices rose for several consecutive the time prices rise and fall for small periods of time., that is,
periods, thus demonstrating a strong bull market. Still analyz- they do not present a definite trend. Group 15, on the other
ing the NYSE, groups 7 and 15 presented the worst results hand, has a similar behavior, but with significant increases in
related to the trend, both with 43.27% of correct answers, so value and later a lateral behavior.
Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265 263
Group_12 Group_7 Group_10
$1 $1
$1 $1
$0 $2
$1 $1

Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price
$0 $1
$1 $1
$0 $0 $1
$0 $0 $1
$0 $1
$0 $1
$0 $1
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Group_5 Group_1 Group_18 Group_9

$1 $2
$0 $2
Scaled Price

Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

$1 $0

$1 $0
$0 $1
$1 $0
$0 $1
$1 $0

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Period Period Period Period

Group_16 Group_17 Group_11 Group_14

$1 $2 $2
$1 $2

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

$2 $2
$1 $1

$1 $1

$0 $1 $1

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Group_8 Group_6 Group_4 Group_19

$6 $0 $5

$5 $4
Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price

Scaled Price
$1 $0
$4 $4

$1 $0
$4 $4

$4 $3

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Group_15 Group_0 Group_13 Group_3

$1 $1 $2
$0 $1
Scaled Price
Scaled Price

Scaled Price
Scaled Price

$0 $1
$0 $1
$1 $0
$0 $1
$0 $0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Period Period Period Period

Predicted Actual

Fig. 3 Predictions for NYSE

6 Discussion Means algorithm. Finally, an LSTM network was applied in

the data set with the purpose of predicting the value of a group
We have shown how two different machine learning tech- of similar stocks. The process was done successfully, and it
niques can be used in pursuit of a single goal. The raw data proves that stocks can be clustered using K-Means algorithm
was organized, and important information was extracted. The in a way that the network prediction capacity did not suffer
rest of the stocks were analyzed in order to find the most any impact, making it possible to manage a large group of
similar ones, and the clusters were generated using the K- stocks using less computational power.
264 Mobile Netw Appl (2021) 26:256–265

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