CDP Marathon For CTET-2020

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Marathon Class-01

CDP (बाल $वकास)

By Himanshi Singh
Social Media Handles:

Instagram: Himanshisinghofficial

Facebook Page: letslearnforctet

Telegram Channel: LETSLEARNSQUAD

Growth and Development

• $वकास एक ऐसी +,-या है जो सतत चलती है तथा िजसम8

गुणा<मक प>रवत@न तथा प>रमाणा<मक (माCा<मक) प>रवत@न
दोनG सिHमIलत रहते हK।
Broad Domains of Development

Physical Cognitive Social Emotional

Development Development Development Development
Growth (वNृ Oध)
Growth (व#ृ $ध) Development ('वकास)

1. माCा<मक या प>रमाणा<मक प>रवत@न। प>रमाणा<मक के साथ-साथ गुणा<मक प>रवत@न

से है ।

2. वN
ृ Oध सामाRयत: शारU>रक प>रवत@नG से जब,क $वकास से आशय शरUर के $वIभRन,
सHबंOधत है । शारU>रक, मानIसक तथा Zयावहा>रक संगठन है ।

3. वN
ृ Oध का मापन सहU से ,कया जा सकता है । ले,कन $वकास को मापना क\ठन है , उसका
(संकुOचत) अवलोकन करते हK।

4. इसम8 संरचना<मक प>रवत@न शाIमल हK, और एक इसम8 +कया@<मक प>रवत@न शाIमल हK, और यह
समय के बाद ये aक जाती है । bनरं तर चलता रहता है ।
1. Physical Development
(शारU>रक $वकास)
2. Cognitive Development
(संcाना<मक $वकास)
3. Social Development
(शारU>रक $वकास)
4. Emotional Development
(संवेOगक $वकास)
Stages of Development

1.Infancy (शेdवावeथा)
2.Early Childhood (पवू @ बाgयावeथा )
3.Later Childhood (उhर बाgयावeथा)
4.Adolescence (,कशोरावeथा)
1. Infancy
2. Early Childhood
3. Later Childhood
4. Adolescence
Nature and Nurture
• Heredity can best be viewed as something that sets a range within
which an individual’s development is actually shaped by the support
and opportunities of the environment.
Principles of Development
1.Development is Continuous
2.Development is Sequential
3.Rate of Development Varies Person to Person
4.Development Proceeds from General to Specific
5.Growth and Development is a Product of Both
Heredity and Environment
6.Development is Predictable
7.There is a Constant Interaction Between All Factors of
Individual Differences
• Individual variations are common within and across all species.
• Variations add colour and beauty to nature.
• Variability is a fact of nature, and individuals are no exception to this.
• They vary in terms of physical characteristics, such as height, weight,
strength, hair colour, and so on.
• They may be intelligent or dull, dominant or submissive, creative or
not so creative, outgoing or withdrawn, etc.
• This list of variations can be endless.
Language Development
Factors Influencing Language Development

Social Biological
Factors or
Factors Factors
Stages of Language Acquisition

1. Cooing (six weeks)

2. Babbling (About 6 months)
3. One-word stage (Around 1 year)
4. Two-word stage (Around 18 months)
5. Longer utterances (2-4 years)
Language & Thought

Piaget Vygotsky
1. Thought precedes Language or determines it. 1. In the initial stage of life thought & language are

2. Egocentric speech is of no use. 2. Whereas Private speech gives direction to


3. Cognitive development is independent of 3. Language is essential for cognitive development.


• Skinner argued that children learn language based on behaviorist

reinforcement principles by associating words with meanings.
• He described it in his book ‘Verbal Behavior’.
Noam Chomsky
Child centered Education (बालक8\iत Iशjा)
• Children are curious, creative, and have an innate
ability towards learning.

• बkचे िजcास,ु रचना<मक और सीखने कm जRमजात jमता रखते हK।

Teacher Centered
Shift from …
Teacher centered to Child centered
Child Centered Education focuses …

• Focus on child’s current life & experiences.

• Put children at the center of education.
• Provide opportunities to harness their skill.
• Support the choice of the child.
• The child has an individual identity - Go for differentiated instruction.
Qualities of a progressive

• Learning by doing – hands-on experience.

• Problem-solving and critical thinking.
• Life-long learning and social skills.
• Collaborative Group work and development of social skills.
• De-emphasis on textbooks.
Socialisation (समाजीकरण)
Classification of People on the Basis of IQ
Concept of IQ
• In 1905,
• In 1908,
• Chronological Age (CA) is the biological age from birth.
• In 1912,
Creativity and Intelligence
• Researchers have found that the relationship between creativity and
intelligence is positive.
• Terman, in the 1920s, found that persons with high IQ were not
necessarily creative.
Emotional Intelligence
• This concept was first introduced by Salovey and Mayer.
Cognition & Emotion
• It has been suggested by psychologists that giftedness from
the teachers’ point of view depends on a combination of:
Theory of Multiple Intelligences (M.I)
• Intelligence is not a single entity; rather distinct types of intelligences
• Each of these intelligences are independent of each other.
1. Linguistic: (skills involved in the production and
use of language)
• Persons high on this intelligence are ‘word-smart’.
2. Logical-Mathematical (skills in scientific
thinking and problem solving)
• Persons high on this type of intelligence can think logically and
• Scientists and Nobel Prize winners are likely to be strong in this
3. Spatial (skills in forming visual images and
• Pilots, sailors, sculptors, painters, architects, interior decorators, and
surgeons are likely to have highly developed spatial intelligence.
4. Musical (sensitivity to musical rhythms and
• It is the capacity to produce, create and manipulate musical
5. Bodily-Kinaesthetic (using whole or portions
of the body flexibly and creatively)
• Athletes, dancers, actors, sportspersons, gymnasts, and
surgeons are likely to have such kind of intelligence.
6. Interpersonal (sensitivity to subtle aspects of
others’ behaviours)
• Psychologists, counsellors, politicians, social workers, and
religious leaders are likely to possess high interpersonal
7. Intrapersonal (awareness of one’s own feelings,
motives, and desires)
• Persons high on this ability have finer sensibilities regarding their
identity, human existence, and meaning of life.
8. Naturalistic (sensitivity to the features of the
natural world)
• Hunters, farmers, tourists, botanists, zoologists, and bird watchers
possess more of naturalistic intelligence.
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Louis Thurstone - SPNV - WMR
Piaget, Vygotsky & Kohlberg
Piaget’s Cognitive Development

• Piaget was a swiss psychologist.

• Piaget’s theory tells us that the child is born with a
mental/cognitive structure which develops and
attains maximum growth around the age 14 or 15
$पयाजे का IसNधांत हम8 बताता है ,क बkचा एक मानIसक/
संcाना<मक संरचना के साथ पैदा हुआ है ; जो 14 या 15 साल कm
उs म8 अOधकतम $वकास +ाtत करता है और +ाtत करता है ।
Stages of Cognitive Development

1. Sensorimotor (0 – 2 years of age),

2. Pre-operational (2 – 7 years),
3. Concrete operational (7 – 11 years) and
4. Formal operational (11- 15 years)
1. Sensorimotor (0-2 Years)
2. Pre-operational Stage (2-7 Years)
3. Concrete Operational (7-11 Years)
4. Formal Operational Stage (11 and above)
Lev S. Vygotsky

• A Russian Psychologist.
• A Social Constructivist.
• Focused on socio-cultural aspects.
Three Important Aspects:


Language Culture
Vygotsky and Language
Vygotsky believed that language develops from
social interactions.

Vygotsky viewed language as man’s greatest tool, a

means for communicating with the outside world.
Three forms of language:

1. Social speech: which is external communication used to talk to others

(from the age of 2).
2. Private speech: (from the age of 3) which is directed to the self and
serves an intellectual function.
3. Silent inner speech: finally private speech goes underground,
diminishing in audibility as it takes on a self-regulating function and is
transformed into silent inner speech (from the age of 7).
3 types of speech
Some other important Terms:

Zone of Proximal

Other Scaffolding
ZPD, Scaffolding, MKO
Kohlberg’s Moral Development
1. Moral Reasoning/नैbतक तक@
2. Moral Dilemma/नैbतक द$ु वधा
applicable in
all cultures.


Inclusive Education
“Segregation is against the law of
Inclusive and Integrated Education
Gifted children/ +bतभाशालU
Strategies for Intellectually bright children

• Enriched Curriculum/
ृ ध पाuयचया@
• Grade Acceleration/
vेड <वरण
• Special Classes/
$वशेष कjाएं
• Ability Grouping/
jमता समह
ू न
• Self-directed Learning/
आ<म bनदy शन म8 सीखना
Children With Disabilities

• Children having cognitive and/or learning disabilities.

• Children with social, emotional and behavioural disorders.
• Problem with language and communication.
• Children with visual, Hearing impairment.
• Physical problems or orthopaedic disabilities.
The Right Of Persons With Disabilities
Act, 2016

• Comes under the Ministry of Social Justice and

• This act replaces the PWD Act, 1995.
• It came into force from 15th June 2017.
Right to Education Act, 2009
• The Constitution 86th Amendment Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A
in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory
education of all children.
• In the age group of 6-14 years as a Fundamental Right.
It Prohibits:
1. Physical punishment
and mental

5. Running of schools
without recognition. 2. Screening procedures for
admission of children;

4. Private tuition by
teachers and 3. Capitation fee;
3. Minimum No. of Working Days:

1. 200 Working days for 1-5th Class.

2. 220 Working days for 6-8th Class.
4. Instructional Hours:

• 800 Instructional hours per academic year for 1st - 5th

Class and
• 1000 Instructional hours per academic year for 6-8th
5.Minimum number of working hours per week
for the teacher:

• 45 hours including preparing hours.

National Curriculum Framework-2005
• The National Curriculum Framework 2005 is one of the four NCF
published in 1975, 1988, 2000 and 2005 by the NCERT in India.
• The NCF 2005 document draws its policy basis from earlier government
reports on education as Learning Without Burden and National Policy of
Education 1986-1992 and focus group discussion.
Perspective of NCF:
1. To shift learning from rote method.

2. Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.

3. To integrate examination into classroom learning and make it more flexible.

4. To enriching the curriculum so that it goes beyond textbooks.

5. Nurturing an over-riding identity informed by caring concerns within the

democratic polity of the country.
Social Media Handles:

Instagram: Himanshisinghofficial

Facebook Page: letslearnforctet

Telegram Channel: LETSLEARNSQUAD

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