The CEOs Surrogate Wife

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The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 1 One-night surrogacy

It was late night now.

The weather was gloomy.

Darkness engulfed the whole sky after a heavy cloud drifted it.

Miya lay naked on her soft bed, surrounded by endless darkness. She was sent in. She did not know
where it was, nor who she would be for the next second. Her heart was still beating uncontrollably
though she managed to calmed down for a while.

Suddenly, a cloud of powerful footstep came from the corridor and it was approaching, which shocked
Miya’'s heart.

Followed by the screwing sound of the doorknob, then the door opened. Nothing but a dim light went
through the door with a loom shadow of strong man.

A cold wind came together, and she shrouded herself.

“I...” Miya stuttered when she felt the arrogant man’s proud, which indicated that he doesn't want
any talk with her.

“Are you scare?” the man’ s voice is cold but pleasant, combing with a sense of despise.
Miya’s heart ached suddenly, but what qualifications did she have to fear for her own choice?
However, what she didn't expect was that the man's voice was so young and pleasant.

Alex's hugged and kneaded her body by his hands. He could feel her soft and smooth skin, which made
him held tighter unconsciously.

Miya was shivering and feeling his strong body. She could feel his long legs and hefty waist. He was
emitting a sense of noble. Her hand vliatinn Diwan lamb as binn KA

leaned against her chest and she felt his muscularity. He must be a perfect man, she thought.

Alex suddenly came closer to her. A fragrance of a young girl came to his nose suddenly. It was the
flavor of lily. And the thin sexy lips approached. For the first time, in that case, he kissed a girl.

Miya was shocked by the sudden kiss and shrouded her herself. Anyway, she didn’t refuse because she
knew what she wants from this deal.

Alex's one palm grabbed her busty breasts and kneaded them violently! His other hand was drifting on
her charming body. Through the feeling of his hands, he knew she's absolutely a femme fatale.

“Ohm...” a sense of electricity went through her body and she wanted to escape~her breasts were
pain due to his violence. However, a wired feeling spread her whole body, which made her body soft
and her heart frighten.

He kissed downward until he reached her collarbone. He was nibbling it now. He could obviously feel
her shiver, and this was the first woman who perfectly fitted his taste.

He kissed downward again until her breasts. He was licking them now, enjoying her shiver, her tight,
her smoothness and sensitivity as well.

An unnamed and uncontrollable feeling came from her heart, which made her frighten but somehow


A 25-Year-Old Becomes The Richest Man In His City

He's Using This Secret Trick To Make Millions

Miya suddenly wanted to take a look at his face. She wanted to know who she conceiving for, and
meanwhile with a selfishness that she could find out her child someday if she knows what he looks

When she was hesitating, a sudden pain came from her private part, which drew her back to the

The pain, which drew her to the hell from the heaven, is an overwhelmed feeling.

The overwhelmed pain proved that she was no longer a girl but a woman. And from now on, David,
the man who lost her in gambling, is also no longer her father. The pain of tonight rewarded him all of
his goodness. She is just a chip of him after all.

Alex’s hot breath sprayed on her face. His body smelled good. It was a lemon flavor, giving a refreshing
feeling. The smell seemed to relieve her pain a lot.

"Dear, shout out!" his voice was unusually pleasant, but there was an irresistible tyranny.

Miya moved her lips, but no sound came out.

Alex suddenly speeded up his pace, which seems to punish her refusal just now. She is just a woman
who give birth to a child for him to earn money. How ridiculous for her to pretend to be arrogant!

Miya felt a piercing pain from her private parts, and her small hands grabbed the sheet tightly,
standing the pain cause by him.

Tears flowed down her eyes, buried in her hair and finally damped the pillow cover.

Alex didn’t care about this, and he was still moving crazily and went deeper into her body.

Crazy lingering.

He left in the darkness like a cloud of wind vanished in her eyesight.

Miya turned on her phone, and the dim light of the phone illuminated the whole mess of the room, as
well as the striking bloodstains on the sheets, which seemed to remind her that she was no longer

Meanwhile, the lights were suddenly turned on and a maid came in with a clothing.

Miya was led out the villa after she took a shower. The sky is still dark, and she didn’t know where it is,
let alone who was she conceiving for.

Till home, she noticed that her lucky beads had been dropped there, where she was entangled with
the strange man.

Ten months slipped away, Miya gave birth to triplets. Before she could see what her newborn children
looked like, one of them was taken away by her father for money. At that moment, she felt
desperately hopeless.

Fearing that his father would take away her other two children to exchange money for his employer,
Miya fled with her two children and went abroad to her grandmother with a solemn mood.

The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 2 perfect babies

Six years passed like a flash

At the airport, a beautiful woman together with two children, hand in hand at both sides. They are the
children that Miya brought up in those years, and the other one was stolen by her father for money.

Feeling the familiar emotions, she finally came back here six years later. She always reminds of the
stolen child. Child, do you know your Mommy always miss you? Mommy came back because she
couldn't let you go.

Miya is still refined. Her figure is as exquisite as it was then. Her clear eyes are stained with a steady
temptation. Her body has a mature charm. After six years of hard work, she grown up. She is no longer
the simple eighteen-year-old girl!

Ben wore a big sun glasses, covering up most of his small face, revealing only a tender pink lip and
perfect chin. His lips always have a gentle and elegant smile, which makes many people look at him. It
seems that they all want to see the handsome face under the sunglasses.

Joey wore a beautiful sunshade hat so that her delicate little face was shared with everyone. And her
big eyes were always crooked with laughter, which made many people drool unconsciously.
“Wow, isn't the little star Joey?” Suddenly there was a little boy screaming out, his eyes were full of
amazing brilliance. It seems that he couldn't expect to meet the little star here.

His scream provoked everyone to turn around and turn their heads. All of them came to this side.

Miya felt dizzy. Her daughter had only been on TV once. When did she become a little star? And she
was with her daughter last time, how could no one recognize her?

Ben laughed wickedly and let go Miya's hand. He took off his sunglasses by his own way, and suddenly
an angel-like face shocked the eyes of people on the spot. They forgot to look for Joey at the same

Meanwhile, Miya took the opportunity to escape the crowd with Joey.

“Sisters, aunts, brothers and uncles, I have separated from Mummy. Can you help me find her? It's
better to make way first.” While Ben was talking, he also showed a miserable look, and his smart and
deep eyes almost dripped out of tears.


A 25-Year-Old Becomes The Richest Man In His City

He's Using This Secret Trick To Make Millions

The people next to him were instantly soft-hearted. Several younger sisters even came forward and
handed Ben a handkerchief. Some couldn't help to kiss his face!

“Mommy, my brother cheated the little girl again, deceiving their sympathy.” Joey exclaimed in the
car, despising Ben in her heart.

“Didn't I save you? You see, I sacrificed my looks and let the girls kiss me forcibly.” Ben opened the
door while he was talking, and Miya flew away with her car.

Joey looked up proudly.

"Didn't you say you like little girls kissing you? Saying that feeling is like eating candy.” Joey was
dissatisfied and uncovered the scandal of Ben.

Ah, I don't know how many little girls cried for his appearance. He wasn't ashamed to say that they
kissed him forcibly.

Ben smiled and suddenly approached Joey and gave her a kiss on her face.

“My little Joey is jealous, so give her a kiss.” Ben said as if something had happened.

Joey stared at him angrily, wondering that he had taken advantage of her and dare to say she was
jealous now.

“Ben, you have to consider your sister. Your aunt Lisa's home now, you both should behave well."
Miya laughed as she drove. Six years ago, she left without a word and now she suddenly came back.
No one know what Lisa would scold her for.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang. It was Adam who called. She smiled gracefully. She forgot to tell him
when she left. He must be in a hurry. She sincerely thanked him because she would not be able to
support her family these years without his help.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 3 Encountering is Better than meeting

“Miya! Where are you? Obviously, Adam is in a hurry.

Miya was stunned. In her impression, Adam would never be angry.

“I'm home, I..." Crack! With a sound, she seemed to hear the cell phone crash over there. Why did he
suddenly get so angry? Is it because she left secretly?

Looking at the villa in front of her, she sighed and deceived to explained this to Adam someday. She
went to find her best friend Lisa first so that she could let her children have a place to stand.

Miya parked near the door. Before she could knock at the door, there came out of a vigorous figure,
which was getting closer and closer until Miya could see his face clearly. It made her wince.
What a handsome man, his carved fine features, brown hair, thick black eyebrows, a pair of deep eyes,
high nose, sexy thin lips, like a prince came out from fairy tales.

Alex glanced at Miya, and his deep eyes flashed a glimmer of luster. What a beautiful and refined
woman, he did not even look at the children around her, but he hurried away with his assistant as if
there was something important.

However, Alex's assistant couldn't help but look back at the children beside Miya, the little boy looked
like the young master, especially the shiny eyes.

When Lisa saw Miya, she couldn't help staring. Then she looked at the two children in her hands. Her
eyes even stared bigger.

Wondering her brother is always devoted to Miya, she didn’t know what would her brother Lance
think of her if he saw these two children.
"Miya! Where have you been these years? Have you know I've almost gone through Laland city to find
you out? And you know to come back now!" Lisa shouted angrily.


A Pakistani Man Has Accidentally Found A Way Of Earning More

It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

Miya knew her temper that she just likes saying something sharp but her heart is the softest.

"Sorry!" Thousands of sentences were concluded into one word, she knew Lisa's temper, but she can
explain nothing.

Joey rolled her eyes on aunt Lisa and pulled Lisa’s hand with laughter.

“Aunt Lisa is charming, just as her name.” Joey deliberately praised it.
Lisa felt soft on her hand, and saw a pair of fat little hands holding her hand. Looking at the little girl's
face, which like Miya's, her heart suddenly rose a thrill, and she embraced the little girl and could not
help kissing. The child was so attractive. Perhaps the reason Miya left is mainly the two children.

Looked at Ben, who was staring at herself with big eyes, Lisa couldn't help to wonder that there are
such beautiful children in the world. This child born by Miya is definitely a perfect product.

“Aunt Lisa wants to kiss me, too." Ben suddenly laughed. It seems that the sky is a little dark than his

Lisa wanted to say no, but she squatted uncontrollably. She just couldn't resist the temptation.

Miya watched this scene, but she can only shake her head helplessly because her children was so
glorious that they could shine everywhere and put her mother in the dark.

“Come on, let's talk at home. I'll welcome and wash off the dust for you. My brother is on a business
trip now, and if he knows you're back, he'll be so excited that he can't sleep.” Lisa said excitedly, but a
strange feeling flashed her heart when she saw these two wonderful children.The CEO’s Surrogate

Chapter 4 Three Babies A Play

After all the arrangements were made, Lisa and Miya sat in the living room. Both children went to the
bedroom to play computer games.

Miya knew that Lisa was worried about her, but all her things can only be stuck in her heart. Once she
says them out, she is likely to lose the two children. Thus, she can't say anything.

“You haven't seen your Dad, have you? He was sent to jail for owing too much money” Lisa’s face was
more serious than before. David came to ask her for Miya’s whereabouts, but she really didn’t know it
and won't told him if she know about it. He brought too much disaster to Miya, isn’t that enough?

A paleness overspread Miya’s small face and indifference in charged later. When she gave her father
five billion six years ago, she told him that they were no longer father and daughter and she would
find out her mother. It is him who repelled her mother from home. But she felt unknow heartache
when she heard that he was sent to jail.
“You will go and see him.” Lisa knew Miya a lot. She knew Miya is actually a filial girl and would have
an enterprise future if not for her father's fault.

Miya tightened her mouth unconsciously, and her face paled.

“I'll try to find a job tomorrow, and this thing for another day.” Miya even not said a word of father.
Perhaps she felt totally desperate toward him.

Lisa looked at Miya and wanted to ask some information of the children. But there was a refusal on
her face that she would tell nothing.

Lisa signed and let go the thought. You needn't ask for it if she wants to tell you, and if not, nothing
can help, Lisa thought.
In the morning, the sun shined brightly.


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The Transformation Of Denise Richards Over The Past 50Years

“Mommy, what's this school? Why are the students dressed so noble? ”Joey looked at the brilliant
school and couldn't help to ask for the reason.

Miya held Joey’s little head by her hands with a brilliant smile on her face.

“This is the best aristocratic school, and I spent a lot of money so that you can study here. Don't set
your Mommy down. ”Miya always smile when she faces with her two children.

“Wow, do you see that kid wearing a national limited suit? That's what I saw on the computer last
night. It's worth hundreds of millions of dollars. ”Ben asked with wide eyes. Ah, he just saw and loved
this suit last night.
When Andre heard the voice, he disdained it and raised his lips. He despised those who envied him
behind his back.

“You see, he seems to be quite arrogant, and his head seems to be raised. ”Joey pointed to Andre's
back and said in surprise.

Miya looked at the proud and upright figure which suddenly reminded her of the similar figure six
years ago. It seemed that there was such a sense of similarity. She flung the messy mind aside.

“You two go to school now. Mommy's going to work." Miya smiled and kissed on both children's faces.

"Good-bye, Mommy!" Ben took Joey's little hand and went into the school.

Watching the two children enter the school, a warmth flashed Miya’s heart, she rushed to the new
company for an interview. No matter how hard and tired, she must give the babies a happy growth.

The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 5Became someone's secretary

Miya interviewed the design director of Alex Group today. She has been studying design by herself for
six years. Sometimes she learnt from her grandmother. Although her mother divorced with her father,
her grandmother, a famous designer, loves her very much. And now her grandmother is retired at

Miya, come in!

The interviewer suddenly shouted in the house. Miya held tight her hands and took a deep breath
before she walked in calmly.

The interviewer looked Miya up and down before letting her sit down.

After a glance at the files in her hand and a few questions, the interviewer told her that she could go
back to wait for the phone. In fact, their director of advertising design has been recruited, but such an
excellent candidate Miya, as well as the design sheets in her hand, they are reluctant to let go because
she is really a talented person.
Miya rose gracefully, nodded to them with a smile and turned away.

"Wait!" Just as she reached the gate, the female interviewer suddenly cried out.

Uh? Miya was surprised for a moment, but soon she put a smile on her face, stopped her slender
figure and turned around.

"We still lack a female secretary here. I wonder if you are interested in it? ”The interviewer looked at
Miya and said to her. With her face, her figure and her temperament, it should be more than enough
to be a female secretary.

Miya frowned slightly. Someone took over the position of design director. She was late for the
"Sorry, I'm not interested in a secretary position.”

“Don't refuse me so hurry. The salary of our secretary is also very high, and you can transfer to the
design director if your performance is well.”

The interviewer explained. Actually, it would be the seniority’s decision, and what she can do is to
recruit the talent so that she can earn a higher salary.


A 25-Year-Old Becomes The Richest Man In His City

Christie Brinkley And Her Age-Defying Secrets

Miya was attracted by the last sentence of the interviewer. Anyway, to work as the designer director is
her dream, and why not cherish every chance.

“All right, when should I begin to work? ”Miya asked easily, and she knew that today was impossible
when looked at the clock on the wall. It is eight forty now.
The interviewer also looked at the clock and smiled.

“If you report to the personnel department, you can go to work directly today." When the interviewer
came to an end, she opened his mouth and called for the next one.

Miya couldn't help being surprised that she was going to work on the day of the interview. What a

It was 9:30when she came to the president's office after all the formalities had been completed.

“Bring me a cup of coffee! ”Suddenly there was a deep, mellow, magnetic man’s voice in the office. It
was pleasant but cold.

Miya immediately went to make coffee and wondered why there was only one secretary, where are
other secretaries?
Miya knocked softly at the door.

"Come in!" A cool and indifferent tone.

When Miya came in, she was surprised to find that this handsome and impeccable man was the man
she met at Lisa's door yesterday, and he was drinking coffee in his hand. Next to him stood the most
enchanting secretary. looking at the coffee in her hand, she suddenly felt an embarrassment that she
had never met before and a glow spread over her little face. No one told her that there was another
secretary in his office.

Alex obviously looked at Miya at this time, it was her! The woman he met at Lisa's door yesterday.
Looking at the coffee in her hand, he raised up his eyebrows. Is she the secretary who just called from
the Personnel Department?The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 141 6dollars per hour

Chapter 141 6dollars per hour

Miya felt uneasy when she was looked by Alex, especially his deep and cold eyes.

"Miya! Bring me the coffee." Alex said indifferently, but also put down the cup of coffee in his hand.
Miya felt the fiery eyesight of the secretary beside Alex. She knew that was anger.

Alex took the coffee in Miya's hand. His slender finger lightly held her finger while picking up the
coffee. He clearly felt the stiffness of her at that moment.

His deep eyes sank again, staring at Miya, tasting her coffee gently. The taste of the coffee was slightly
bitter and astringent. There was nothing added into the coffee. Then came the sweet taste. It is
obvious that she made it very good.

"It's your task to make coffee for me from now on and still the same taste." Alex said faintly, then
looked down at his files, as if there was no one beside him.

Miya stood there in a daze. What was she doing? She stood for two hours in such a stupefied way that
her legs were numb until the end of work at noon. It seemed that this secretary's job was really hard
to do. But for a salary of 5000dollars a month, she tolerated it.

"Alice, you can go now. Miya, go and make me a cup of coffee!" Miya was fantasizing about leaving
work when suddenly he opened his mouth and did not even raise his head.

Miya was stunned and dissatisfied. It was time to off work. Why not let her go? She was upset, but she
made coffee for Alex.

When Alex came in, he had packed up his documents and was ready to go out. He glanced at Miya’s
sexy figure, and his face appeared a slight smile.

"No coffee, and you go to a dinner with me." Alex went out during the conversation, totally ignoring
Miya's dismayed expression on her face.

It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

The Transformation Of Denise Richards Over The Past 50Years

At this moment, Miya was so angry that she wanted to shake off her glass cup. What’s wrong with the
man? She was not his girlfriend. What did she do at his dinner? How can she feel that the president is
mysterious? Should she consider staying here or not?

"It's a thousand hours for overtime to attend the banquet."

Sure enough, Alex's words fell, Miya flew up to follow, 141dollars per hour, so she would have 423
dollars for three hours?

Miya's face immediately showed a smile, and she quickly followed him.

"Mr. president, can overtime pay be cashed?" It's better to get the overtime pay earlier. What if he
forgets and not to acknowledge the bill?

Alex’s mouth hooked, and he suddenly turned around.

But Miya never thought that he would suddenly turn around, and it’s too late to stand steadily, and
she suddenly hit her head on his healthy chest.

"If you want to throw yourself at me, it's not too late to play a good play with me, and there will be
additional rewards." His voice was low and seductive, and his deep eyes glistened with luster. If she
liked money so much, he would give it to her, but she also had to pay some sacrifices to get it.

Miya stared at the handsome face close by. She could smell the light lemon fragrance on his body. It
smelled good. She was addicted to it in a trance and nodded unconsciously. The night six years ago
came to mind.

_The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 7It’s up to your performance

Chapter 7It’s up to your performance

Alex looked at Miya and nodded, deepening the smile on his face. As a matter of fact, she was a typical
fool and a woman who loved money.

When Alex grabbed her little hand, she woke up suddenly. She wanted to shake off Alex's big hand,
but she wasn’t strong as him.

" Mr. President, what is my extra reward?" Now that he has taken advantage of her, how can she get
nothing, or how can she treat her white-skinned hands fairly?

Alex frowned slightly. Nine out of ten sentences of this woman mentioned money. Other women only
seduced him when they were with him, while she only saw money when she was with him. He was a
magnificent and handsome man. Wherever he went, he was the focus. Couldn’t him compare with
those money in her eyes?

“It’s up to your performance! ”Alex spoke out the sentence meaningfully. Then he came to his car and
asked the driver to leave-- he wanted to drive personally.

Miya has been reliving Alex's words for a long time. It was up to her performance, what did she need
to act? Did he want her to seduce others and sign contracts with him?
When she was changed into a dress of 10,000dollars, she was surer of it. If she did not consider this
overtime pay, she disdained to do it. But the dress looked good, too.

"Is this dress belong to me when the banquet is over?" Miya came out of the fitting room and asked,
not a lady at all. She took money at the sight of it.

Alex took back his eyes which had been looking out of the window and turned his head to Miya. His
eyes flashed a sense of amazement. Yes, amazement came out from his eyes.

It was a red and flaming dress, uncovering her white swan-like neck, her attractive collarbone and her
white skin. In front of her chest, a piece of pearl composite flowers, shining, tightly wrapped her
breasts, which seemed to come out easily.


‫جرمن تیل جو سائز بڑا کرتا ہ۔‬

The Transformation Of Denise Richards Over The Past 50Years

Combining with this lovely face, a pair of clear big eyes, a beautiful nose, cherry lips and a delicate
cheek, she is as beautiful as Snow White who came out from the fairy tale.

Even the waiter beside was enchanted, it was the first for him to see a charming woman who dressed

“Forget about it if you are unwilling to do so. ”Miya looked at Alex, wondering he was unwilling to do
so. Of course, she was nobody to him, how can he send the clothing to her, let alone a clothing worth
several millions.

Alex’s eyes became darker. This woman is really good at destroy the atmosphere, he thought.
“It’s up to your performance. ”the same sentence again. He rushed out.

Miya followed him dissatisfiedly. He always speaks this sentence. If she can’t behave well, she will lose
the extra rewards as well as overtime pay, which is so unfair.

In the villa of Alex, Miya was always following him. She cursed him in her heart that this man even
brought her home. What did he want to do? She wasn’t his family after all.

She suddenly found a little arrogant figure in front of her. The figure reminded her of the boy who
dressed in the favorite suit of her son and pointed by her daughter, and she curiously wanted to have
a look at this boy now.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 8: Shielding

Chapter 8: Shielding

Alex even called his son after he saw the slight frown behind the small figure.

In the dining room, there were three persons, Augus and Bella, Alex's father and mother respectively.
Next to him is Bess of Bella Group, which his mother introduced to him.

Seeing Alex came in, Bess wanted to cuddle him, and suddenly found another woman behind Alex. Her
face turned cold obviously.

Miya looked at the situation in front of her. Her suddenly felt nervous. She knew that his family had
made him a blind date, and he took her as a shield. How could she always feel like a third party who
had robbed people of their happiness when she looked at Bess?
"Alex, who is she?" Bess's shrill voice was full of discontent. Soon her father would come again. They
wanted to make an engagement date today.

Alex glanced at Bess, reached out and held Miya's small hand. His eyes were full of affection.

Miya looked at Alex in a daze. Could this girl not pretend to be so real? She will fall into his trick.

"I'm not going to get married for group cooperation. She's the woman I love." Speaking of the word
"love", he intentionally accentuated his tone, which seemed to remind Bess and Miya.

The two women were shocked at the same time.

Bella's face changed slightly, and there was a slight chill in her eyes. This marriage must be made. This
is not only good for the Bella’s family, but also quite good for Alex’s. How can she allow a little woman
destroy this good thing?

"Come and sit down!" Augus spoked coldly, and his voice was not angry but powerful. He absolutely
disagreed with Alex's casual behavior with a woman. You can play with women, but never treat them


Islamabad Janitor Became A Millionaire Almost Overnight!

He's Using This Secret Trick To Make Millions

Alex took Miya's hand and sat down. Miya had been standing all morning, her legs were tired, and she
sat down even without saying hello to Augus and Bella.
"Where comes a wild girl, not understanding the rules, she met the elders and even didn’t know how
to say Hello?" Bella's tone is disdainful. This little woman just came and being snooty, how could
Alex’s family offer a place for her to stand?

Miya's attitude toward Bella changed instantly. Now that she wasn’t her elder, why did she need to
say hello to her? As far as her behavior was concerned, she also didn't know the rules.

"Is that how my aunt greeting guests? Even the wild girl called out. Is that what you call the rule? ”
Miya asked, not angry and laughing back. She could see that Alex did not seem to like the old woman,
then was what she did help relieving Alex’s anger? would he give her a reward?

Alex picked up his eyebrows that Miya's reaction was unexpected, but he was very satisfied with her

Bella could only stare at her because she didn’t realize that this little woman looked quiet but her
mouth was so clever. Anyway, she underestimated this little woman.

"A bitch is a bitch, and she doesn't even take the words of her elders into account." Bess stepped
forward and looked at Miya coldly. Her eyes were full of hostility, and she would certainly let this
woman pay the price if she dared to rob her man.

"Oh?" Miya gracefully lifted her lips, and her face burst into a brilliant smile, revealing a pair of
charming dimples, which added a blurred beauty to her. In a moment, the sky and the earth lost their

"What are you laughing at?" Bess was very dissatisfied with Miya's smile. She was scolding Miya, but
Miya was laughing.

Just then, a brilliant little boy calmly came in, looked at Miya, then at Bess, and finally fixed his eyes on
Miya's smiling face. Mommy's smiling face will be so beautiful like this, he thought.
The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 9I can die for him

Chapter 9I can die for him

"Sister Bess's manner is too bad and she curses others. Obviously, this beautiful sister is unwilling to
talk to such a person." Andre said calmly, but what he said made Bess had the impulse to blow him up.

Saying that she is lowbrow was enough, he even called her sister Bess while called Miya this beautiful
sister. Where did the woman more beautiful than her? But the fact is that Miya is really more
beautiful than her.

Miya's eyes flashed a trace of surprise. It was unexpected that a child could guess what she meant.
How clever! She looked at the boy and breathed in a cold air.

What a delicate boy, but...why is he so similar to her Ben?

"Andre, don't interrupt when adults talk something." Augus was obviously angry. Bess is Bella’s
diamond; how could she be insulted by this naive boy?

Andre looked at Miya quietly. From the first sight of him, he fell in love with this woman whose
eyesight was gentle and somehow emitting a sense of mother’s love.

Alex obviously felt unexpected for his son’s talk. In his impression, his son was seldom talk with
others, and no unnecessary words when he talked with him. But he said a lot for this unknown woman
His beautiful brows frown for a while and restored to indifferent soon.

“Beautiful sister, it seems that you are unwelcome here! ”Andre said, glancing at Bella and Bess, with a
cold smile on his lips, which was exactly the same as Alex.

Bess laughed immediately. cny ne enilaa yln l inht yti tiht—

y ee n cte ytyy nthlet leeeali . oee teti ct ne ”.lnac , eh let hietaheet ctet, ie l laa“
?yn t, li cee eli nety ate eee cte e nt leeeali

tatv ni neeteti a aeeot l ct yn hl nei ni eeei ee cne. it oite ti et etaa cl cny yei eeha itete
.etetihtatlet l el eee e ctey, ecnhc yttet yhhhtt laa ee cny hclelh tey, nihah nia ni ne

y ctl , eei tenia yct ely l etla aeyte cl teti l hcna heha enahet eh ct ’en l hletyyt ti et
.hietaheenia ee cte

en l aeeot l tatv etlhtehaa li ”.eia eit ny tiehac la cehac ct e ctey let ie lhhte nia et“
.c tihehi tet yenat , li cti ctne t tyna

AodklksdAoO Gl GNt yottete

!Ayalelnl tlin ee ythlet t enaaneilnet taeey Geteinac

A ehy ilet ytti t Ani Ge itaa ee t An at ecenyy et I

i cny t ty y cli y, li ct yenat e en l ati a . dct eia cnia n’tatv yh tia y ee he li ctae en l
.ely en l ni cny eeeti
en l laye aeeot l cne. iee heha cny t tynac ye ati at li yee ? eeha ct lh eeet etla? Ae ye, yct
.y etla leeth nei’enac cnio cl n

hla ati nan . A yttet y eenht etetlat li hihy’tatv ”!y ae’Ae eh let hietaheet ctet, ye e A. At “
. cl ctet ely iene ecti ct eti eh cli ni cli

.y elny eeee cny nlho’ytyy ehyct eh li ch at tatv

yct aeet tatv li yct thn t e elee cne eeee ct eney eeeti yct yle cne ”! atlet’tatv, ei“
.at anea, nh ct enilaa hceyt lie cte eeeliecti yct ely l an

tatv heit e en l, li yct ely eei tenia ect cte yct yceha lh anot eeet ,tlaehy yniht ct ely
.iee ”cte eli“

anot e eet ti ly cny aeete eeee ct ntaniinia, ’en l y hiit . aly n ithtyyle e lh lalni? sct n i
nh yh tia yct yle tatv y et hct eh ee yati te eniatey. acl n ct etli? Onet cte ee
cehyli eaaley ly etele ? en l el t he cte eni li hei niht cte lh nia. ti el , yct ely
.y ehaaania eee eeit

dcny ehia al , ei' eh oiee n 'y neeeela e cea yeeteit tayt'y ne eenti ? iny ne hli eia nt "
ehhct n et." en l tanntel ta yln , li cte yti neti la t ty ely aeeonia l tatv, ecnhc yttet
. e eteath nia tatv'y ne

?tli n yl nia hli eia nt ehhct n cte? aly ct ntaeiania e cteytyy elat . acl n yct e

n eee ’ytyy y let l en l li yln . alyi ”.tatv, A hli anet eh ct ylet ecl tete yct hli anet eh“
. eeeyt cli cte, ytyy cehac ’cte ne ? e ytv yonaay eteti

ayt ee alhacnia. aly ct eeeli ete chiae eee ytv? iee enenehy cte aett en l y elnit cte neeh
!eee ytv ely
A hli nt eee cne, hli eh?" en l yh tia yln . ite eee y, ecnhc anot l neen, ycehot ct ctle y ee "
y t ty ealyct l elht ee y eliat cl eteeat ni ct ealht, nihah nia tatv ece y naa cta n ytyy. ti cn
! ct eeeli'y etyeeiyt ny lael y hitveth t . iee ni tety nia

ytyy ely laye ycehot . acl l teennat eee tl c ny eee ct enhc. sct n i' teti oiee ectet e eh
.cte eeit le te yct nt

netlo eee ytyy'y cli li ehaat en l e atlet phnhoa , etale atyy ee ct tatv eeo ct eeeee hin e
.eele ee cny el cte ntcni cne

y sheeeal t anet’dct ekG_

ecle te 10 ylealninia

ecle te 10 ylealninia

lie cte eteyei heeelet en c te te atlenia ct enaal, tatv'y tveetyynei yh tia heit hea , ,hy anot
. ct ati atityy l ete ythei y lae

en l ely enenehya y hiit n tatv'y niy li litehy hcliat ee tveetyynei. Ay ctet li e cte elht
?hcliania ye ely ni ct eeea

"...tatv, e neihy"

Ot n eeee ct lhhehi li ecti eh at e ct heeeli ." it yln hea a . dctet yttet e nt l an at "
?neel ntiht ni cny eit. eeha ct eeeli ie lao eee eeit laa ct net

a at . thhee nia en l n i' hlet lneh tatv'y neel ntiht. sct hlet lneh cee ehhc eeit yct eeh
e ecl ct yln , yct elyy ct tvlenil nei e l ? sct laye hatlea etetentet cl ct cl y et hct
eh ee eniatey eee cte l cl net, ecnhc etli ee cehyli eaaley. dcett cehyli eahy ee
.ae cty eeha hey ti cehyli l atly ne yea cehyli tphlay e enet cehyli , li cte h

sct etlaa el t l ae ee eeit e l . te te yct ylet tiehac eeit , yct eeha ae e ytt cte el cte
ni eenyei. keti cehac yct yln yct eli t e netlo he en c cne, ct ely cte el cte ece elnyt cte eee
.tti tley. oe el te cee ehhc n enaa hey , yct enaa et tte cnetnac

ee. eetyn ti , ecl 'y ct eete net ett e l ?" en l yh tia lyot , hlahhal nia cee ehhc yct heha "
’a itlei e l , li yct eeha hte lnia ae lalni ecti yct et yhhc l cnia anot e l . sct eeh
.heeealni lneh at nia ee ehhc eeit

tatv yh tia y teet ei ct nelot et la. dct eeeli ely y naa lyonia eee eeit . en i' yct eni cny
? nyeatlyhet

ti tatv ae haeyt e en l, li ct hea lne ee cny ne yheeehi t en l. ke ”?iee ehhc e eh eli “

.cny elht ely ly heea ly nht

en l ycelio cte itho hiheiyhnehya li y let l ct eteeth eli haeyt n . it ely lyonia cte cee
?ehhc yct eli t . eeha ct anet cte ly ehhc ly yct eli y

yceeo ni eeei ee tatv. dctet ely ne cehyli " en l yh tia y et hct eh cte yelaa cli li "
.tveth l nei ei cte ntlh neha li etenit elht

tatv'y enhot aney etet ane t . it leeeelhct en l lalni. it n ie y ee hi na cny cli yeet ieyt
.laeey ehhct cte ieyt

lht. dct l eeyectet ni ct hle hcliat en l niy nih neta et etl t hi na ctet ely ie ea
.niy li litehya . dctne eey hety hei lnit l ytiyt ee lennahn l cny net
Onet eh clae l enaanei." tatv yh tia yln en c cny eatlyli li hea eenht, nh cny eit ely ehaa ee "

eetyynei. sct ely ie l eeea. ite ni hn nei ea cte cl ct ely liae . en l aeeot l tatv'y tv
.ta cehac yct eli t e at cte, yct ely leeln e nt clee l ct net

yct yeti satte en c et einac " tatv'y eenht etyehi t lalni, ecnhc eteni t en l ee ct inac "
.en c ct y eliate ynv tley lae

ite tveetyynei nthlet ni neeteti l cl eeeti . it cehac ee cte ly yhhc l eeeli. snv tley lae,
.n ely l yclet. sct eeha itete laaee cl yclet e leetle ei cte lalni

neiatyy. Ai cny ctle , ct cl laeey oieei ecl yct cehac . tatv aeeot l en l, ece ely y naa ee
oe el te cee leeeali ctyt eeeti aeeot , ct etla aela ee ctyt eeeti ely ,hy e yt hht cne.
.it cl ntheet lhhhy eet e ctyt cniay

AodklksdAoO Gl GNt yottete

li y Ge eeaaley lnl dcny teeAyalelnl eli kleiy dcehy

A ehy ilet ytti t Ani Ge itaa ee t An at ecenyy et I

iny ytv cni aney yh tia leeeelhct en l en c l ny lnieha yitte l ct heeitey ee cny eeh c. it
.eta yheeenyt cl cte aney etet ye yee li yett

aye etenat yh tia , li l ytiyt ee chenanl nei yheat he. eety cny eli eli e en l'y ctle l
.chenanl t cte en c eeit ? dcti ct'y aeeonia eee ct eeeia eteyei

ee " t hatle li aeh eenht thcet ni ct ynati hle, elonia en l li tatv aeeo l tlhc e cte "
.niy li a
tatv yh tia ehaat lel ct ny liht nt etti cte, li cny t ty etet ehaa ee clIt, nh cny ienat
? ntl cte, enac ’ teeteleti ely ie aey . en l'y ctle ntl ena a . it eei

.Ot eee " ct eenht ny y naa hea nh ntlh neha"

.etyeei eee l ecnat, y lenia l cne Nc? acl ?" en l n ie "

sct ely ceeei e ct y ett l ythei al te li cti etlanIt ecl cleetit e cte ecti yct eta ct
.entehnia elni eeee cte ne ee

t alet cte en l aen t cte tt c li e ie cnia nthlhyt yct heha eatel t li cnia ly aeia ly c
eeit . sct eli t e y li he nh yh tia eehi cte yone ely eei l ale, ecnhc laeey e ct eee
.ee cte atay

yct ely ycehot li ehaat cte an at cli leehi ct aeia ale li aeeot l ct tvetiynet etyy. sct
!yphl t ei ct aeehi li eta yl nthlhyt cte ti cehyli eaaley etet aeit

li ct heiyenhhehy ,sh tia , l nalho yhn hel eate eete e cte li heetet cte ata neth a
.k n nei Aleneeacnin nyleetlet ni eeei ee cte-Anen t

teti oiee cee e lot ’sct heha ie ctae tyenynia cne ni cte ctle . it ely l tena cl ct n i
ti anot cne ehy nt en ei ntlh li cete l etlo eeeli ei ct eel li ate eee l yale. seet e
.yaleet l ae

acnat cnionia lneh n , yct y ee he liaena li nt tatv'y hel ei cte elny e heete ct ale. sct
.ate yele a , nh yct ehnnt cte nh ehoy eeee net e net nthlhyt cte let etlaa elnieha

nh ehoy, yct eti e ct heeeli e eni li lhhehi li li ae ct ylale ytlenia ct elni ee cte
eney . A ely 50,000 eaaley. aee, laa cte tley ee tvhn teti hlet eh . Ai elh , ct tley hlet eh
elni, li ct nthlhyt cte nh ehoy etet ete elnieha. ti el , cte nh ehoy etet ie ceeei ni
.eeit ely eee c n . dcehac ee ctyt, yct cta ct eeit nac a ni cte cli y

hl hc l ynac ee tatv ni ct le teieei, cti yct yeti ct eceat le teieei clenia ehi en c ’sct n i

i li Anyl eee l etla. ta cehac ct tvetiynet Ai ct tetinia, en l thn t e lot cte ee hcna et
. etyy ely yheleet , yct ae 50,000 eaaley, ecnhc el t cte ly tvhn t ly tete

y sheeeal t anet’dct ekG________

ecle te 11 tihehi te lalni

ecle te 11 tihehi te lalni

.dct yhi ely ynionia

eetit , li ct enete ae eee cly na li hlet e ct e cte yn t. dcti ct eetit dct hle eee ely
. ct eee li aett t tatv etyeth ehaa n ehaania cny cli lalniy ct ee ee ct eee

. ct laania yle t aeia y elnac ata y et hct eh , li cti ct eli y ee heenac l ct ti eliht ee

lli , ny ctet yeet cnia eeeia en c ehe ly t? ehe teti neehac et e yhhc li leeha ealht. " "
tatv'y eenht yehi t aee nh ehaa ee eeniliht, ecnhc hei lnit y eeia nyyl nyelh nei. Ae n eteti'
ne yniht ct itete ne ctet e heet e yhhc l ealhteee lli , ct eeha hte lnia ehinyc c

.y eenht’ta cehac lli oite cne l ae , ct heiehayt cny ne ecti yetaat ct liate ni tatv
y yln cl ytyy eeha nt ctet, ye ct ’th hlaa , ytaal leeliat cny ,eheit , niy tl ee cne. ti n
.neehac cne e cny nle

. nenia tatv e ctet’ti ytaal laye yln cl yct eeha enet cne ne ct n i

ee. eetyn ti , cny ny l aee ealht eee ti te lnieti , li A laye nien t Aliht eee eh, ct'y yheeeyt “
”.leenet e clet

e n ni ’lli oite cl ctet el nt eeyynnat ne ct yln Aliht ely laye ctet. A yeee , Aliht, A ei
.eheeeyt. Ae eh let ie ctet, eh netlo l eeeenyt li ieit ee e nhynityy

y ly t ntheet ye aee li teti hlet ’ ntantet cny tley. acti n cl al ’iny hli ”?Ay ct ctet ee“
? e yhhc l yelaa nle

te te l ete ythei y ee et n l nia, ct y et hct eh cny yati te atay li elaot y elnac e ct laania

!i ct nlelli eta ety atyy ntcni cne li phnhoa eeaaeet cny y tey. ttyhy, eatlyt at Aliht n

AodklksdAoO Gl GNt yottete

A ehy ilet ytti t Ani Ge itaa ee t An at ecenyy et I

dlao tneh t eelel nh ecliat -tiatanil teant itla c s ehaaaty

ytyy cta l aalyy ee enit ni cte enac cli li l enh ni cte ate cli . sct ely yceh nia li
. aeet cte l laa’ enioniahcte ctle ely neeoti nthlhyt ct eit yct aeet eeee hcna cee n i
sct ely yeniinia li enionia. dct enit yct elio l l hcleenia aaee e cte yelaa elht, li eli
.eti ni ct nle ely aeeonia li eei tenia cee e at cte ne

sct elio eh ct enit ecti yct ely tvclhy t eee yceh nia. ee dct aalyy ni cte cli ely ceeei
.y eee’ e ytetela et tey lel eeee ct nle

tatv cl ,hy heet e ct eee li yle li hioieei en,th ely ea nia e cne. it ely y hiit eee l
.ythei , nh ct heit leehi yeei li cta ct aalyy nac a ni cny cli

l ct neth nei y hintantelnat t tynac ecti ct aeeot ’lli ely laye ly einyct , li ct eehi ytyy
.ectet ct aalyy hlet eeee. tecley yct itete cehac tatv eeha heet e ctet

y tatv ite ctle ’ytyy cehac yct enac nt nII , li chy ehnnt cte t ty eee ehnat hctho. A
ecti ct yle cte tenleelyyt eehi t . yh yct nthlet eenac tit cl ct eeha cl t cte ehhc

tatv hlet e lli li lyot , en ceh li hlet ee ct helI ytyy. iny t ty etet ”?actet ny Aliht“
.ten nia l ytiyt ee hea , ecnhc el t ct ienyt leehi hlaet eei

y tvny tiht, nh cny t ty aeeot ’ ie nht ytyy’itatv aaliht leehi ct nle li heit eh ly ne ct n
.heeeanhl t

Anyl elaot hletatyya ni ct eeei , eeaaeet n en l ece ely cli ni cli en c yti li tet . dct
.y eeet eee l ecnat ecti ct leenet l laania yle

Anyl ”.li ehi, eh let aenia e el l nna etla eee et e l dcny laania yle aeeoy inht, en c eee “
alhact . ite alhac te teti nthlet eeet nenaanli ecti yct yle en l cea nia cte elaat nac a . sct
.yln n tanntel ta nh ct cl l lA hle ee ct nle
l nna net e l . at hli hyt eeit e tanenil t nyly tey. " aee, cl 'y aetl . at hli enilaa clet"
tet yln en c l alhac te. sct oite cl n ely ie tly eee cte ee cte e nenia cte li cte nee cte. A
.ely laye l aee cnia e ti,e anet eeeetea

nac ni en c cte ee hcna eti. alyi' cl ,hy l eal ? en l aeneet el t he cte eni li eli y el
.eeit ny eee eatlyhet

Anyl aeeot l en l'y nlho li eei tet ec yct ely ye helI . en i' yct ,hy ae e l nle? sct
?itt i' nt ye tvhn t . ilyi' yct tete ntti e l nle

y heenia. dct heieeei t tlhc ’e hcna eti, en ceh leletityy ee tatven l ehyct ni en c cte e
.e cte


y sheeeal t anet’dct ekG

ecle te 12 cn n l eeeli

ecle te 12 cn n l eeeli

e hctho ect cte n y t ty aeeot hea te, li ct ehnnt cny ctl . it yceha elot l nenil nei’tatv
.ely yhn lnat eee ae eh e l , li ct liyete ehy nt ital net

lli , ece ntyn t cne ely eenac tit cl cny eeetctl ely yetl nia. iee heha tatv nt ye hiahho
.yy e l ? it ely eeet e nt cn n yeeteit cehac ct tyhlet eeee ct aal

thy ly ytyy hlet laeia li yle en l nheenia ni e tatv'y leey, yct laeey cl li neehayt e onaa cte.
?dcny eeeli lalni
tatv heit eei cny ctl e ct eeeli ni cny leey li eta ly einyct . A ely yct lalni dct aly
ct eney eeeli ece let e yale cne ni ct elht, li --eeti ely cte cnia ct eli t e ytt l ct e
?cee heet yct cl ee hcna eti ni cte cli ? sct laetl cly ee hcna eti

en l laye elnyt cte ctl li cti ent e tyhlet eeee cny leey ecti yct yle cny t ty, nh ct
. hh at cte nac a

en i' eh tveth e ceee eheytae l e leey? Ay cny l tee l nei ni lh nei ecnat l etehyla ni ehe “
Aeeonia l ct y ehaaania en l, tatv elnyt cny t tneeey li yln e cte. iny eenht ely ete ”?ctle
”.aee, nh n ,hy hatlea hlet ni e cte tley

en l eta heiehyt n cny ntclenee. A ely hatle cl ct chaat cte eeehnna , li cee hee n nthlet
?cte tee l nei? ac n ct ye eei ee niyha nia e ctey

e ata. iee let cne ’tet thnyneta nn tatv ”!At ae ee e eeee , eh let e on ile e eeee “
. e yhhc l cnia e cte ee cte en ceh li eteen

tatv eta ct elni eeee cny ata, li ehyct en l lel eneati a . A ely tvlh a ecl l ee cte li l
! lhac te aeeot anot. dct eeeete yaleet cne ni ct elht li al te nn cne ni ct ata. Oee , tvhtaati
.it yittet

lli , lot cte e e hle, li ei' lot ct eehnat elote." it eti eh eeeh a , atlenia ntcni l "
. nainent enahet eee laa eteeat

. oiee ecl ct etli eney . acti yct n , yct yceh t l tatv'y etht nia enahet’tet n i

l GNt yotteteAodklksdAoO G
it'y Nynia dcny sthet denho de elot enaaneiy

A ehy ilet ytti t Ani Ge itaa ee t An at ecenyy et I

ace'y ct eehnat elote?" elet e yl cl yct ely l eehnat elote, che, yct eney eeeeyt cne ne "
.ct eli t e hclyt le te cte ee cte

.sh tia l eee ene t eeee ct eh yn t

ote." ataa, cte ee cte acetete cly ,hy yeeoti ny ct eit ece cly l en t cl ct ny l eehnat el"
.ely ie cny eeeeiti ne yct eli t e leaht en c cne, at laeit l ilhac on

tet y naa eli t e hclyt eh , nh ct ely ehaat n yti ntyn t cne. yti'y t tneeey etet nac a
?l y cnio cl eli aeeot anot cneeeeeit . dcl eli ely etlaa l ,teo, nh ec n yti lae

t cny net, Anyl laye hlet ni. sct cl laetl et tatv eh yn t, li ct eleit cte ie e ni teetet,
e cteenyt ct eeha taa Aliht cl yct hlet e yhhc l ealht nthlhyt n ie at cte heet e yhhc l
.ealht eenel ta

taa cte nee cte ecl cleetit ’ ni teetet li ct n i’dct etlhct l heiytiyhy cl yct eeha i
e l . iee heha yct nt ye hiahho cl yct et yhhc l eli ece ely cny nee cte'y aee eenti ecti
.yct eti eh

ly elaat eh n lli , li ct lh nei ely ye ely cl sthet le , A le yeee " ty l etyha , en l e“

.cte hcna eti heha ie hl hc he l laa. en l ely ceeei ni e ct hle li hleent lel

t n nei Aleneeacnin, li tley eaeet eei eeee cte eeny -eeee ..." tet yceh t l ct anen t "
.t ty

eot l ct ee hcna eti ni eeei ee cte, li yct ely etlaa ycehot cl ct ne c aeeot anot ytyy ae
.tatv, nh tatv n ie ytte e oiee cte lhhee nia e ecl ct cl eit
y sheeeal t anet’dct ekG____

?y ct enho’ecle te 13 ecl

?oy ct enh’ecle te 13 ecl

.y t ty aaneetet , li yct thn t e y le en c ctyt ee hcna eti’ytyy

y t tynac aeeoy etl eha, ny yct lael y aeeonia l e ctey anot cl ? Ae ye, ctet ehy ’aee, cny yny te“
. ctae lyonia ecti yct yh tia eta l enthnia t tynac elaania e cte’tet heha i ”.nt iene anot cte

Anyl ely ycehot ecti yct ie nht ytyy, ece ely t teenit e elee tatv ly ct eia hcna ee
.y aeehe, nh yct tyenyt cte leeealiht’ytaal

”.e ceet. ehe eeee ely yti e ceet n cl hihaty a’y ntlh . At ’sct tient an at tet “

Anyl yln li alhact ly yct ehaat ctyt ee hcna eti lel . yh cte ctle cly ntti ti liaat en c
. ct el te ee en l, ect cte yct yceha taa cte nee cte lneh ctyt cniay ee ie

c cte eni , yct thn t ie e ea cte nee cte. en l heha eia eel eee cteytae te te l y ehaaat en
.yniht yct eeeti t tatv

yti yh tia lyot , ct lael y cehac ct eli ely ye ynenale e ”?y ct ,teo hihat’thi Anyl, ece“
.cne li el nt ct heha eni ctne el cte
?nyl aeeot l yti, eei tenia ec n ct lyo cny phty nei. en ct eli e lot letiat ei tatvA

dct ,teo hihat ni ehe eeh c cly l y eeia nlhoaeehi . acti eh ytt cne ni ct eh het, eh yceha "
ett cne." Anyl tveetyyt ’ny eh ei cn t lel eeee cne, eetetelna ly ele ly eh hli, li ct nty
cte entey ei tatv. sct hyhlaa cn ty ecti yct ytty tatv cl cl eli ny eeet teennat cli cte
.nee cte

.yti ie t cehac ehaa , nh ct ely cnionia cl ct heha ytt tatv lalni

hle. ite nh ehoy etet cn lalni. acl nl ahho ely cte nh ehoy? en l ely eeehnna ceeei ni e ct
?ely n nthlhyt e l 'y eeit ely ie yeti ? li n ely aenia e yheete l nyly te cti

en l yh tia lyot ”?ee. eetyn ti ? aeha eh el et eete net ett ly eh lot et lel eeehnna “
e yct eeha anet cne l aee elht ly aeia ly yct ely eln eete net. Ae ie , cti yct eeha ie clet ly n
. e eeeycne cne

tatv el hct cte clae atlinia ne . ythlhyt ee ct aeeyt hae cty ei cte hcty , cte l elh net
hiheetet . it netl ct ni l heea netl c. dct eeeli'y hatlelaty, ti te yoni li nhy netly y etet
.aty het ely ct ilot yt hh nei

AodklksdAoO Gl GNt yottete

‫جرمن تیل جو سائز بڑا کرتا ہ۔‬

The Transformation Of Denise Richards Over The Past 50Years

Miya seemed to have noticed Alex's eyes, and following his eyesight, she was shocked and suddenly
sat straight.

“Hmm ”hthe piercing pain of her buttocks made her face pale instantly, but she managed to keep
Alex looked at Miya’s face and then turned to her buttocks, realizing that he threw her to the ground
and perhaps her buttocks were injured.

Miya stared at him and covered her buttocks by her little hands, which seemed to reject his eyesight.

“You tell me, is there any overtime fee? ”she asked again, and her little face shown a hint of

Alex felt speechless, and his sympathy for her vanished instantly. Could this woman not talk about
money all the time? Did she really lack of money?

“Yes! ”Alex answered indifferently.

Miya felt pleasant in her heart. It seemed that she forgot the pain of her buttocks instantly.

“But your daughter bit my leg just before, and it offsets your overtime fee. ”Alex’s voice was still

Miya’s hope was killed by his words before she could feel surprise. Her daughter just bit him once, was
it necessary to be so stingy? Besides, it didn't hurt when a child bit.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged, and then she gritted her teeth and
stretched out her long white arm in front of him.

Alex was stunned. What tricks did the woman want to play?The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 14you bite me then

Chapter 14you bite me then

“You bite me then, isn’t a bite? But you should pay me overtime! ”the last sentence of Miya totally
enraged Alex that he never saw a person who love money so much.

Even Randy who was driving couldn’t help turning back to her. This woman was really somebody who
always had ways to enrage Alex.

“Randy, you can get off now. ”Alex suddenly said. He wanted to check whether she worth it or not
before she got the money. His lips curled wickedly.

Randy stopped the car and got off immediately, and Miya also opened the door and wanted to get off.

But Alex gave no chance for her that he caught her arm and locked the door. He suddenly pounced on
her and the seat on the car immediately became a bed.

Miya was shocked. What did he want to do? Her buttocks was hurt, but he pushed them up again. Did
he want her buttocks busted?

Suddenly, a fragrant smell of lemon climbed into Miya's nose, which made her hesitated. In the
hesitation, she remembered that night when she was entangled with a stranger six years ago, and the
strange man also had such a light lemon fragrance on his body, which smelled cool and good.

The next second, her hands leaned against his chest, and her little face glowed when she touched the
muscle of his chest.
“HmmhMr. president, you are very heavy, and can you get up and talk about the overtime fee”h

“Shut up! ”Alex was extremely angry. This woman talked about overtime fee all the time, and thus she
needed a good punishment.

Two sexy thin lips suddenly approached, and it reminded him of the kiss in this morning. Her lips were
so soft and their taste were so delicious. And when he recalled the slap she gave him, his eyes became
colder and his lips also pressed to her.

Miya was shocked and immediately used her little hand to cover her mouth. The man wanted to kiss
her again. He took advantage of her this morning.

Alex apparently didn't expect such an action. Her face shown an indescribable anger. Well, a woman
refused his kiss, but did she know that nobody could stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

He dragged her hand away and controlled her two hands by one of his big hand. The thin lips stuck
together and rewarded him an explosive soft which beyond his imagination.

His kiss, which contained tyranny and possessive desire, enchanted Miya’s heart.

His big palm became mad and drifted on her back. She tried to resist, but her hands were controlled by


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A 25-Year-Old Becomes The Richest Man In His City

Her eyes were full of panic that this man kissed her in this way again. Feeling the drifting hand of him
on her back, her heart pounded and her body stiffened.

“Hmm ”hshe wriggled restlessly, and her mind went blank. She was recalling the crazy night six years

The harder she struggled, the wilder he kissed. It seemed that she didn’t know she evoked his desire of

She suddenly felt the protruding object leaned against her skirt, and she almost forgot how to react.
Her mind was playing the scene of the night six years ago, which reminded her of the transaction
between virginity and money.

She panicked and resisted harder. No! she couldn’t lose her body again. That night is a humiliation to
her, and she decided not to sell her body and her dignity for money from that on.

Alex didn’t have any intention of stopping. He kissed downward with craze and left terrifying purple
traces on where he kissed. Her flavor was delicious, which aroused his memory of the woman who
gave birth to a child for him. And at that night, no one knew how many times they did.

Miya still struggled, and she suddenly raised her head and bit his arm madly until he let go of her.

“You want to die?" Looking at the neat toothmarks on his arm, he was furious. Her daughter bit him
on the leg and she bit him on the arm. What did they think of him? Is he so delicious?

She saw him got up and immediately backed up vigilantly until she reached the door, but the door was
locked and she couldn't open it. What she was worried about was that he would come up again.

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die." Miya raised her head and answered his words, but her face
obviously shown that there were still some uncertainties.
She was on guard against him. She was even considering whether she should work in here or not.
Anyway, she got 50,000dollars for working only one day. This man is terrible, and she didn't want to
stay with such a dangerous man.

Alex stared at her coldly. What kind of elegance did she pretend to be since she had been a mother of
two children? Is she chastity for her man? Is it her love for her man? A woman like her, who loves
money, should marry a rich man. How could she love money so much?

" You sign a contract when you enter the company, and if you don't want to come to work, you have
to compensate the company for the loss of one million dollars." After the words, Alex was in the
driving position. He stepped on the gas pedal, and the car flew away like an arrow.

She stared at him in dismay, wishing she could stare out her eyes. Oh, one million dollars. She clearly
saw that the liquidated damage on the contract was 100thousand dollars. Is that how he made
money? Making easy money.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 15cunning babies

Chapter 15cunning babies

Alex hooked his lips wickedly. He would not let her leave so easily, instead, he would keep her beside
him, and then slowly humiliated her. According to her expression, she cannot afford a million
liquidated damage.

Alex’s phone rang suddenly. It was his son who called him. Alex frowned slightly as his son was never
called him proactively in his impression. And why did he call him today?

“Dad! ”a pleasant voice came into his ear as he picked up the phone.

“Yeah? ”he answered calmly and waited for more words of his son.
Andre kept silent and it seemed that there were somethings hard to speak out. He tried to be reserved
toward his father for the first time.

“Dad, will beautiful sister come to our home again? I really want to have a tutor; can you ask the
beautiful sister to be my teacher? ”Andre said a lot, but his only purpose was the accompanies of

Alex was stunned for a while that his son wasted so many words for Miya and called her beautiful
sister all the time. was he liked Miya? Alex’s frowned severely. It was clear that her children were
almost as old as his son.

“Do you really need a tutor? Didn’t you rank first in every exam? ”Alex said coldly, and his intuition
told that his son just wanted to come close to Miya.

Andre’s expectation faded away obviously. The reason why he tried to be the best in his schoolwork
was that he wanted to attract his father’s attention, but Alex just told him not to be proud of his work
even without a look at the award certificate in his hands.

Although he hardly liked this beautiful sister, but he was refused crucially by his father. “How could
you be so strict to a kid? ”Miya recalled Andre’s face and looked at the man in front of her. He must
not be his son, she thought.

Alex raised his brows that this woman’s response toward his son was totally out of his expectation.
She smiled suddenly which seemed she remembered something.


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“My son wants you to be his teacher. ”Alex threw his phone to Miya when he was talking to her, and
then drove home. It would be good to see how he humiliated her when she was the tutor.

Miya didn’t know what they said in the call, but she was astonished when she heard what Alex said.
Although she wanted to earn extra money, but how could she be a teacher of his son without
graduating from university?

She picked up the phone though she was still astonished.

“Beautiful sister! ”Andre was very happy because he clearly heard the sounds from the other side of
the phone, and he was sure that Miya was answered the phone.

Miya laughed embarrassed. She felt unease when the kid called her beautiful sister.

“Little kid, I am Miya, and you can call me aunt Miya. ”Miya said gently. How interesting. She should
call his father uncle if he called her sister.

But she loved to deal with children, and sometimes couldn’t help wondering how was her stolen kid
who didn’t have a mother to accompany. And it would be worse if he met a bad stepmother. She
didn’t even hug the kid at that time.

“Aunt Miya, I am Andre, and thank you for being my teacher. ”Andre said cunningly, and his face was
full of excitement.

Miya was speechless that how come she became his teacher even she didn’t notice that?
The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 16a chess

Chapter 16a chess

Alex listened to their conversation while driving. He felt unexpected that his son was so smart, and his
mouth unconsciously drew a beautiful arc.

"Just now, did Aunt Miya forget about it? Didn't you just say yes to Dad? Didn't you say yes? Andre
explained that he remembered what he had just heard clearly. "My son wants you to be his tutor!"
This is what his Dad said, and she did not refuse.

Miya was stunned. It seemed that Alex really said such a sentence and she did not respond to him. But
she did not refuse him, nor did she promise him.

Alex deepened the smile of his mouth. It was definitely his son that his small head can scheme others
even at this age. It seemed that he would exceed his father in the future.

Miya looked at Alex at this moment. When she saw the smile on his lips, suddenly she had a feeling of
being schemed as if she had been cheated by the father and son, but she couldn’t find any clue of
being cheated. It was indeed the same cunning father and son.

“Let me check first. I don't know if I can be a tutor, and I'll talk to your father about salary...”

Alex grabbed the phone and hung up suddenly even though Miya didn't finish her sentence. Could this
woman not be so disgraceful? She seemed to have never talk without money in her words. Was she so
poor in her prelife, so she would love money so much in her life?
50000“dollars a month! ”Alex said without thinking. Wasn’t it high enough for her to do part-time
tutor? And she still earned 30000dollars a month in his company.

Miya smiled when she heard the figure. 50000dollars is not a small bill, and she should try her best to
get the job. She would earn 80000dollars a month if all the salaries were added together. And would
it add up to 100000dollars if she got some extra rewards?

That’s great! There was a hope to redeem Dad from the prison.


Jennifer’s Dating History: A Timeline Of Her Famous Relationships

Why Chrissy Metz Is So Much More Than A Number On A Scale

Looking at her face, Alex frowned again. She was so eager for money so that she would laugh if she
heard the word of money.

“Mr. president, you can ask me to help if you need someone as long as you give me rewards. ”Miya
said suddenly. She found that she could earn so much money if she worked for him. He was absolutely
her mammon!

Alex’s face turned greener gradually. This woman was so fond of money that she would probably
betray him for money one day.

"Loving money can only be three points, but you account for nine points. You are absolutely
unreliable, and I suddenly wondered if you would betray me for something, such as other companies
giving you money and letting you take out my company's information." Alex suddenly said. With the
madness of this woman's love for money, she would probably do such a thing.
Miya was stunned. Besides humiliating her, the man could only suspect her. Did she behave so badly?
How could she probably do that? Even if it's to be done, she would do it obviously. Doing something
sneakily was not her style.

“The love for money is different when it comes to different situation, and the fond of money can’t
reveal one’s characteristics. If Mr. President doesn’t trust me, he can fire me at any time, but hwith a
liquidated damage of one million dollars.”

Miya said seriously. She heard clearly what Alex said, a million dollars liquidated damage.

Alex turned to her suddenly, wondering that she was so smart and can change her passive situation
into a positive one. She was probably an excellent chess.

Now that she loved money so much, he would give her enough amount, but she should be obedient to

____The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 17slept with the child

Chapter 17slept with the child.

“You can stay here safely, and I won’t fire you. ”Alex seemed to show his mercy. Right, he would not
fire her because she was a very useful chess.

Miya didn’t answer him, and her face looked calm, which no one could regard it as happy or sad. She
looked through the window, wondering that she could leave if she wanted since they signed a
one-year working contract. However, what she worried about was her father, istead of her job.

She would go to the prison to visit her father on weekend. Mom left him, and grandma wouldn’t come
to see her father. He should be very lonely after spent so long in prison alone.

At the gate of the villa, Andre waited for them quietly. After hanging up the phone, he ran out and
asked the housekeeper and nanny not to follow him.

Suddenly a point emerged from the distance, and then expanded rapidly until the limited-edition
Lamborghini stopped in front of Andre.

Alex looked at his son for a long time. In his impression, his son never waited for him. When he was
very young, he seemed to have waited for him for several times, but he didn’t wait for him after he
was taught not to do so. And it was totally out of Alex’s expectation that today he waited for him at
the gate again. Was it because of Miya? He looked at her unconsciously.

The door was opened, followed by Miya.

Andre glanced at Alex and ran to Miya directly. He remembered his father once seriously criticized him
that it was waste of time to wait him at the gate. Thus, he waited for Miya, instead of him.

“Aunt Miya! ”Andre came close to Miya and said politely. His little face was calm, but Miya clearly felt
the joy in his voice.

Miya smiled while she was caressing his little head. Looking at this pretty face, she really wanted to
kiss him on the face, but she didn't have the courage. He was so similar to his son.

Alex frowned beside them that his son even allowed this woman to caress his head. What was wrong
with his brain? Where was his cold and proud? How could these things disappear instantly?

“Can I ask what should a tutor do? ”Miya held Andre’s hand and asked while they went together to
the villa.

Andre didn’t think about such a question because he just liked to stay with her so that he asked her to
be his tutor. As for what should she teach, it wasn’t important.


Islamabad Janitor Became A Millionaire Almost Overnight!

It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

Alex’s eyesight became cold that this kid just ignored his presence and left hand in hand with the

“Sleep with me! ”Andre thought for a while and said. His eyes were full of expectation when he raised
his head to Miya.

Miya was astonished that she couldn’t respond to his words. And her fine face glowed when she
turned to Alex.

Alex almost laughed out loud. This kid really liked the woman and even asked her to sleep with him,
which was so ridiculous.

“No way. ”Alex rejected decisively. What a joke to let this woman defile his son.

Andre pouted his lips and did not speak any more. He couldn't help feeling upset that he wanted to
feel the accompany of a mother. He wanted to be accompanied by his mother when he went to bed at
night and his mother told him stories until he fell asleep.

"Will Dad marry Aunt Miya in the future?" He never saw his father brought a woman to their villa, but
now he brought her. Did that mean he will marry her? And did that mean he will have a mother?

Miya and Alex looked at each other and then turned to Andre at the same time.

“No! ”they answered at the same time with a so decisive voice. One of them was eager for money, and
the other was desired to exploit the former, how could such two persons marry each other?

Andre’s long eyelash fell down that he was so desperate at the moment. He thought he would marry
her at the beginning.

In this villa, he possessed good food and house, but what he could feel were only loneliness and cold
because he didn’t have a mother and his father seldom came home.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 18telling stories to the kid

Chapter 18telling stories to the kid

“Will aunt Miya live here in the future? ”Andre tried to withhold his sadness and asked calmly.

Miya didn’t think that he would ask such a question. How could she live here? She had two children,
and who would take care of her two children if she lived here?

But when she looked at Andre’s expectant look, she could not bear to refuse him. The child should be
very lonely since he had no mother and his father did not love him, and thus he lacked of love from
mother and father.

"Aunt can wait for Andre to go to sleep every time." She said with a slight smile that he must be a child
who lacked of sense of security. She recalled how much she longed for maternal love after her mother
and father divorced, but her mother never came back since then. Therefore, she could understand the
loneliness of a child who lacked of mother love.
She couldn't help thinking of her stolen son who was taken away. Her son should be as old as Andre.
He must be lonely for he didn’t have a mother.

“Really? Aunt Miya should promise to me. ”Andre's deep eyes blossom with extraordinary brilliance,
which proved that he was excited and joyful at this time.

Alex frowned slightly. He never knew that his son could laugh so happily. There was no other
expression on his delicate face. His smiled like an angel, which seemed to make everything around him

Miya looked at Andre. And she was surprised to find that Andre also had a pair of tiger teeth, which
just like Ben's.

For a moment, Miya was immersed in his smile. His delicate face was full of satisfaction, and his smile
was better than everything in the world.

The moon light filled the whole room through the window and reflected on Miya. She lay quietly
beside Andre.


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"Aunt Miya, I want to hear the story of Cinderella. She has a bad stepmother. Fortunately, a little bird
helps her." Andre said softly, holding Miya's small hand tightly for fearing that she would leave him.
Miya listened to his words, and she wanted to cry at the moment. She was afraid that Alex would
bring him a stepmother, and then he suffered as Cinderella did. Thinking of a child who was so young
but under such heavy pressure, she could not help holding Andre.

Andre apparently didn’t think that Miya would suddenly embrace him. An aroma of Lily instantly came
in his nose, and he got into her arms.

It was not until Andre fell asleep quietly that Miya came out and looked at the clock. It was half past
ten. Her children should worry about her. She had to hurry back.

Alex was reading documents in the living room. When he saw her coming out, his eyes became
somewhat complicated. She really knew how to take care of kids that his son was obedient to her.

"Good bye, Mr. president!" Miya left quickly with her bag. It was half past ten. She had to get on the
bus quickly. There would be no bus later. And then she would have to transfer one knew if she
could catch it.

Alex stared at her and did not speak. He thought she would say "It's very late today. Can I stay here for
a night? ”If she said that, he would permit, but she left without hesitation."

When Alex drove to catch up with her, she had just got on the bus. At the beginning, he wanted to go
back to his villa, but he worried about her safety a few seconds later. He decided to follow the bus.
After all, his son liked her so much.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 19be drugged

Chapter 19be drugged

After passing 8or 9stations, Miya got out of the bus. She had to transfer to another bus. Looking at
the time, she sighed. Fortunately, there was still five minutes to catch up the last bus.

She took out her cell phone and made a phone call to her children. When she looked at the phone, it
had turned off automatically because it ran out of battery. No wonder she didn't receive any calls from
the children. She immediately took another battery out of her pocket.

At that moment, however, a man suddenly covered her mouth behind her, and the other man helped
to drag her away.

“I didn't realize that this woman is really pretty. Who will fuck first? ”A fiendish man said with an
obscene laughter. They were unexpected that Bess let them raped such a charming woman whose
body must be perfect.

The other man, who was as thin as a bamboo, posed a cold face.

"we work for money, and just need to rape this woman. Let's do it together." The bamboo-like man
began to take off his clothes during the conversation.

And the fiendish man tore down Miya’s clothing. He breathed a cold air when he saw her white skin.
She was a beauty indeed.

“Little sister, I will make you high. ”The fiendish man caressed her little face while talking.

Miya was frightened, and a sense of disgusting rose from her heart. What a disgusting man! She
suddenly spat to him, and it was exactly shot on his face.

“Pop! ”the man got angry and slapped on her face.

“Bitch, it’s your honor to let me fuck you. And you will ask for more later. ”The fiendish man laughed

The bamboo-like man had already set up his camera. Actually, to record a video was Bess’s ultimate

Miya’s little hands were controlled, but her feet were kicking. Suddenly, the bamboo-like man grabbed
her feet and immediately opened her legs.


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It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

Miya was ashamed and angry, but she was totally controlled although she was struggling.

And the fiendish man put a pill into her mouth with an obscene smile.

“You will tread on air in a moment. ”His big palm stretched to Miya’s busty breasts. He couldn’t wait
to taste this woman. It must be an enjoyment to have such a charming woman beneath his body.

Miya suddenly felt a heat rising from her heart, and it was getting hotter and hotter. There was a
strong uneasiness in her heart.

“My man is Alex, don’t you fear a revenge? ”Miya shouted out. She had to protect herself by saying
Alex was her husband instead of boyfriend.
Alex, who was about to start save her, was surprised when he heard Miya's words. Then he drew up
his lips that she remembered mentioning him when she was in trouble.

However, the fiendish man seemed to care nothing. His big palm has stretched to her busty breasts,
and his eyes couldn’t help looking at the camera.

"If he knows you had done such a thing, will you believe he will still love you?" As a result, his big palm
grabbed hard on her breast, which felt very good.

Miya felt the trembling of her body, and she swore that she would cut down his right hand if she had a
chance to do so.

Alex’s eyes had been fixed on the hand on Miya's breast for a long time. His eyes suddenly darkened
and he kicked the fiendish man off before he could notice that. The foot was exactly kicked at his
crotch that he couldn’t make love ever after.

The bamboo-like man fighted against him immediately, but it was too late that Alex had punched him
in the chest. The bamboo-like man was unwilling to show his weakness, but he was beat to the ground
after several rounds.

Alex took off his coat and put it on Miya, and strode away with her in his arms.

________The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 20crazy sex

Chapter 20crazy sex

Miya rested quietly in Alex's arms and smelled the lemon fragrance of him. For the first time, she felt
safe in his arms. When she listened to his strong heartbeat, her heart was burning again.
No wonder others would say that a man's embrace is a woman's harbor. Indeed, relying on his arms
was so warm.

Alex seemed to be able to feel the heat from her body. He looked down at her face. It was red. Damn
it. She was drugged.

He took her into the car and drove to his villa. Miya leaned quietly in the car. The coat had been fell,
but she did not have the strength to cover anything. She felt that she was full of heat, a lonely heat.

She felt thirsty that she could not help licking her lips. she wanted to take a bath, and she had to wash
her body with cold water, otherwise she wouldn’t stand the heat.

Alex was driving, but he could not help looking at her, but what he saw made him almost bleed, which
was a very tempting picture.

She was half leaning against the seat. His coat had slipped down. Her ambiguous eyes were looking at
him. Her beautiful nose, attractive red lips and her gentle licking made the red lips more attractive.

Those messy clothes could not hide her snow-white skin, as well as the pair of busty breasts. And her
skirt was torn off half so that her fair and tender highs were uncovered. It was originally a mid-skirt,
but now it has become a miniskirt, which just wrapped up her pretty buttocks.

He touched the root of her thigh inadvertently, which made the whole body of blood rushed
downward momentarily to his private parts. He suddenly stepped on the brake.

Miya, who did not pay attention to her body, suddenly fell to him. Her head fell on his thigh. His
object, which had already responded to this situation, rose up instantly. Damn, did the woman not
know that she was playing with fire?

"How could it be so hot..." Miya murmured softly, rubbing her head. She wanted to sit up straight, so
she put her hand on Alex's leg and used the rest of her strength to support her weak body.

Alex looked at her small hand and took a deep breath. Her small hand was on his object. He only felt
his object constantly expanding.


A 25-Year-Old Becomes The Richest Man In His City

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Miya sat upright with difficultly. And before she could respond, Alex's kiss had already fallen to her
lips. His kiss was restraint but full of wild flavor.

Her small hand was leaned against his chest. She seemed to be awake for a moment, but his cool kiss
was so comfortable that she couldn't help kissing.

"Hmm..." Miya couldn't help murmuring softly. Her voice made Alex totally enchanted. His big palms
wandered on her smooth skin and his kiss went down quickly.

Miya struggled for a few times at first, but gradually became addicted to the feelings. At this time, she
didn’t know what she was doing. She only knew that Alex's touch made her very comfortable and she
can't help wanting more.

The seat of the car became a bed, and Alex suddenly pounced on her. Her taste was very beautiful, so
he was intoxicated.
Miya had completely fallen. She kissed Alex shyly. Her kisses were disorderly. She never touched a
man except that night six years ago. Although her kisses were clumsy, they made Alex felt good.

She was addicted at this time, but she would only kiss awkwardly, which proved that she had never
been kissed by others. Her clumsiness made him even more crazy.

His big palms caressed her busty breasts, then he gently kneaded them. He seemed to be able to
clearly feel the gentle tremor of her body. Her body was very sensitive.

"You are so charming..." He could not help sighing that she was really beautiful that she was full of
temptation from her top to her bottom, which made him addictive.

"Hmm..." Miya seemed very comfortable to be kneaded by him. She couldn't help moaning out. Her
face was red, and her mouth was slightly smiling.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 21Sink into Night Lust

Miya’s response is like an invitation. Alex can't help it anymore. He suddenly tears up her clothes and
runs through her body at that moment.

“Ahah. ”Miya’s small face immediately becomes painful. In that instant, she falls back to reality from
the top of her addiction, and there is a tearing pain come from her lower body.

She has never had sex like that except that night. And it has been six years since that time. Her
compactness is no different from virgin.

Alex stops at once. At the moment he entered her body, he seemed to feel her tight. She is so tight. If
he hasn't seen her with two children, he would think she is the first time to having sex.

“Be good.... Relax! ”Alex's body begins to move slowly. If he doesn’t move, he would explode.
Gradually, she gets used to his exist, and starts catering to him.

Alex is feeling the body under him which makes him remember the woman, who was pregnant and
give birth to a baby for him. She also had the flavor of lilies like Miya and it smells good.

Two people sink into lust together, climb to the top of the sky together, and enjoy the passion they
give each other.

Alex doesn’t know how many times he had had sex with Miya, nor does he know how long he had not
been as crazy as he is now. He vaguely remembers that the surrogate woman gave him such a crazy
night six years ago.

Miya gradually wakes up and sees such a messy scene in front of her. Then she looks at the scene
where Alex’s lust is still in her body. She is so ashamed and angry that the man takes advantage of her

Miya thinks, struggling to resist, thinking of he had said that he would pay her 500thousand for
sleeping with him one night. He had subconsciously regarded her as that kind of woman, so he
thought he could have sex with her without her permission.

“Go away! ”Miya is completely angry this time. She can tolerate anything, but he touches her bottom
line and insulted her self-esteem.

Alex has been asleep, but Miya’s movements make him react obviously and his penis in her body
began to swell instantly.

Miya seems to feel the obvious change, and her heart is shocked. It’s sure that he is a stallion and
could be estrus everywhere.
“Get out! ”Miya shouts again, and her face is full of anger with a little shyness. And there is a little
hatred in her clean eyes.

Alex’s body has already responded. How can he listen to her? It depends on his penis.

As he thinks about it, he throws himself on her body, and suddenly the smell of the sweet lily
fragrance spreads out and makes him can’t help but get closer to Miya.

Miya can’t get rid of Alex no matter how she struggles. Her heart is filled with fear, and her long
eyelash is filled with sweat. She was so fear that she bit her lips tightly.

Alex finally enters her body as he wanted. She is still so compact that he still gets addicted to her, but
she no longer carters to him.

Till the end, she is biting her lips tightly without saying a word.

Her clear eyes are a little void. At this moment, she is so helpless. When it is over, Miya puts on her
clothes and takes Alex’s coat. She opens the door and gets off.

Alex grabs Miya’s arm, with complicated expressions in his eyes. Does this woman want to go back
with dressing like this in the midnight?

“Let go of me! ”Miya doesn’t know where her strength came from. She gets rid of Alex’s hand and
quickly gets out of the car. The she leaves with her bag.

“I hate you! ”Leaving such a sentence, she leaves without looking back.
Alex looks at Miya’s back. Her figure is so prideful and stubborn and seems that there is a trace of
sadness in it.

For a moment, he wants to catch up with her, then taks her in his arms, comforts her gently, and tells
her that if he did not have sex with her just now, she would die of lust, so he saved her just now.

But he knows that this tough woman would say that she would rather die than be touched by him.

Even if he had to do something like that just to save her, what about just now? Just now she was
clearly awake, and he still forced her, he dared to say that he did not possess her for his own desire?

At the moment Miya gets off the car, her tears finally bursts down like a spring flowing out. Her body
is very painful, and her heart is even more painful.

She doesn’t want to see Alex or go to Alex Group anymore, but where would she borrow that million
liquidated damages? In fact, if she goes to Lisa to borrow money, Lisa would certainly agree, but Miya
can’t open her mouth.

She can also borrow money from Adam. Over the years, she has borrowed a lot of money from him,
but it seems that he is angry because of her return to homeland.

Lance? Never mind, she can’t open her mouth to Lance even more. Six years ago, she left without
saying goodbye, so how could she be ashamed to ask him for money now?

Miya doesn’t know how she gets home. She slips into the room and sees that both children are asleep,
so she goes to the bathroom with ease.


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Lisa is relieved to see Miya coming back. In fact, Alex had called her just now and said that Miya had
come back. Seeing her ragged appearance, Lisa was surprised. She didn’t expect Alex to do such a
thing to Miya. In her impression, Alex seldom looked for women. But now he has had sex with Miya,
does he like Miya?

In the bathroom, looking at her body, which is full of blue and purple bruises, Miya cannot help
laughing bitterly. This was the witness of her disgrace. No matter how hard she washed it, it can’t be
cleaned. Dirty is just dirty. She even feels it was much dirty than six years ago.

It is unknown that how long she took for washing. She doesn’t fall asleep in the bathroom until she is
so tired to open her eyes.

Although she is very tired, she wakes up very early because of her uneasiness. When she gets up, she
looks at the time, gets dress and goes out.

When she arrives at the children’s room, she takes a breath of relief. Fortunately, both children are
sleeping and they found nothing last night. She kisses each of the children on the face and go to cook
the breakfast for them.

Miya asks for leave and doesn’t go to work, while Lisa goes to work early. In the big villa, Miya lay
quietly. Suddenly, she feels very strange to the house. No matter how good this house is, it is not her
home, she can’t live here forever. Suddenly she has an idea of moving away.

Alex has just come to the company and hasn't come to the office yet.

“Mr. Sheng, Miya asked for leave. ”says another secretary Alice.

There is an obvious unusual emotion flashing in his eyes. Is she really uncomfortable? He is afraid that
she doesn’t want to see him. He clearly remembers that when she left last night, she said she hated
him. She hates as she like, he doesn’t love her anyway.

“Ok, I see ”He walks into his office after that.

Miya slept all day and didn't wake up until five o'clock. She quickly tidies up and goes to school to pick
up the children.

“Mommy, why are you not here until just now? I miss you so much. ”Joey sees Miya’s figure and
immediately rushes up to her and gets into Miya’s arms. By the way, she kisses Miya on the face.

Andre happens to come over, and when he sees Miya, he is so happy and come to her side.

"Aunt Miya!" He calls Miya politely. As if in that instant, he has curbed all the cold on his body and
makes a sunny smile on his little face.

Miya notices Andre only then. She puts down Joey, and then holds Andre in her arms and rubs his
small head. She wants to kiss him, but in the end she has no courage to kiss him. He is Alex’s son. He
has blood relationship with Alex, the man who insulted her.

“Why do you look so like me? ”Ben, who stands aside and does not speak, finally opens his mouth.
How could this kid, who was full of cold breath, be so like him, just like the man he met yesterday who
was so like him, too?

Only then does Andre turn his head, but in the instant he turns his head, his face has returned to his
former cold, and his gentleness can only be found when he is facing Miya.

Andre’s deep eyes sweep through Ben’s whole body, and finally, they look at each other with the two
delicate little faces with the same look.

“It’s not that I look like you, but that you look like me. ”Andre’s tone is as cold as him. His eyesight
never left Ben for a moment. Is this kid ranking first with him? The hostility is evident in his eyes.

Miya looks at the two unfriendly children and frowns slightly. What conflict did these two children
have? Her Ben is very obedient, and has never had an enemy with other children, how could he have
an enemy with this Andre?

Joey also winks her big watery eyes and stares at the little boy who has the same delicate little face as
her brother's.

"Ben, this is Andre. I'm his tutor." Miya smiles and hugs her son. Then she looks at Andre.

Andre’s eyes clearly flashed a trace of disappointment. So she is Ben’s mother. It feels so good to have
a mother. She would hold you in her arms in the first place, just like Miya is holding Ben now.

Joey shyly grabs Andre little hand, then kisses him gently, causing a lot of jealousy of the girls next to

"Brother Andre must be very lonely. Otherwise, go to my home and have fun. There is a lot of funny
things in my home." Joey’s invitation is written on her face. She has always had a good feeling for
Andre, and she hopes to marry him when she grows up.

Andre looked at Joey in surprise. For the first time, someone invited him. In school, he is always so
arrogant and dignified. He has no friends, and no one dared to kiss him. The Joey in front of him even
kissed him just now, making his heart suddenly crash.

Ben is angry. How can his sister kiss his enemy casually? Besides, this girl never took the initiative to
kiss him? He can’t help being jealous.

"Joey, how can you kiss him? Is he much handsome than me? Come on, kiss me!" Ben’s tone is
obviously full of jealousy. His sister kissed another boy in front of him.
Joey stares at Ben. Is she attacked less by him? Every day when she sleeps, he kisses her forcibly
before she goes to bed.

"Master, it's time for us to go." Housekeeper Li respectfully say to Andre. Of course, without Alex’s
permission, Andre can’t play outsides casually. He had heard their conversation just now.

_____The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 22Alex arrives.

Andre glances at Joey and finally his eyes fall on Miya.

“Auntie, I am waiting for you tonight. ”After that, he leaves with the butler, but his last sentence
shocks Ben’s heart.

Ben looks at Miya immediately. The reason mommy came back so late last night is because of Andre.
Mommy accompanied him last night, so she didn’t accompany him and Joey.

Joey is obviously confused about Andre’s last sentence. She couldn’t help but look at Miya. Is Mommy
familiar with the lonely prince?

Miya puts both Joey and Ben in her arms, and the two children are still jealous!

“You two are unique in Mommy’s heart, but Andre can be so poor. He doesn’t have a mother. Hid dad
doesn’t love him either, so Mommy just gives him a bit of love and give him the feeling of love. ”Miya
explains gently to the two children. In fact, she also likes Andre, but unfortunately, he is Alex’s child,
and she probably won’t see him in the future.
When Joey heard Miya’s words, she suddenly becomes sympathetic. It turns out that Andre is so
pitiful. He is so noble, so arrogant,so good,but without love.

Ben just frowns a little. He has only a mother. He also wants to feel the love that Dad gives.

On the night, when the black wind is heavy, Miya turns to the opposite side and stays up all night.
When she thinks that her father is suffering in the prison, her heart is hurt.


The sun rises slowly and glows brilliantly in the early morning. Today is Sunday, so she doesn’t wake
up the children. Lisa wouldn’t go to work today. She asks Lisa to help her take care of the children. She
goes to prison alone.

When she takes some money and sees the $ 7,000she had taken out of Alex’s company, she thinks of
the humiliation he has given her. She smiles bitterly and puts the money in her bag. Then she takes the
$ 7,000she had saved and goes out of the villa.

She is wearing a white dress today and looks unusually refreshing and clean, but that beautiful face is
with a slight sadness, “Dad, I came to save you.”

Just as she is getting on the bus,her phone rings. She looks at the screen. It is Alex’s. She doesn’t want
to answer it, but she doesn’t hang up, either.She just lets it ring. She doesn’t want to talk to him at the

However, the phone rings again and again, and the passengers could not help but look over to her.
Miya smiles embarrassingly and finally has no choice but to take the phone, but she is extremely
“Come to my house in twenty minutes! ”Alex’s voice is cold without a a bit of humanity. There is also a
vague anger in his voice, which seemed to bear something.

Miya’s face sinks in an instant. She apparently doesn’t expect Alex to call just to roar at her. If she
know that, she would turn off her cell phone directly.

“Sorry, sir. Today is Sunday, I don’t have to work. ”Miya says simply, but there is also very apparent
displeasure in her voice. What did he take her for? Am I the kind of woman who takes his orders and
makes love with him whenever he wants? He is wrong.

It was her fault that she let him have opportunity to rape her the day before yesterday. Now she
would keep distance with him.

“And you have nineteen minutes and fifteen seconds to come! ”Alex said coldly. He looks at his sickly
son. He couldn’t eat anything, but he even murmurs Miya’s name. He really wants to know what Miya
did to his son.

Miya is surprised at Alex’s words. She hangs up quickly, and shutdowns the phone. Now she regrets
having answered the call that effected her emotion.

After half an hour's she arrived at the terminal, Miya feet had just landed, suddenly she felt someboby
tugging on her, and her instinctive struggle.

When Miya sees this guys in suits,her heart tightens. They’re Alex’s people! When she thinks, she was
dragged away.

“Let me go or I’ll start yelling! ”Miya, regardless of her image, fights back. What does Alex want to do?
Why is he always so bossy? What kind of woman does he take her to be?
Nobody listens to Miya, and she is quickly pulled into the car.

There is anger in Miya’s heart. She calls Alex angrily.

“Alex, what do you want? ”She only works for his company. He has no right to deprive her of her
freedom. Why should he do such a thing to her? She finds that she has never hated a man so much as
she does now.

Alex looks at his feverish son, who has spent the night in the wind waiting for her to arrive.

“As a tutor, do you know the consequences of your absence? ”Alex’s tone is still cool. In fact, he
doesn’t care much about Miya’s absence yesterday, but his son caught a cold. And it is her. He has
been very unhappy with the way she had spoken, and now he is determined not to let her go.


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“Didn’t I ask for leave yesterday? ”Miya also says confidently. She asks Alice for leave yesterday.

“You just took a leave of absence from the company, not from your tutor. ”Alex calmly replies that the
woman is to blame for his son’s illness.

He could almost imagine the little woman getting angry over there. He suddenly thinks of the beauty
of the woman. He recalls the tightness of her body and the virginal feeling which he could not forget.

Miya is angry. She really feels that the man is deliberately targeting her. He robs her of her innocence.
She is supposed to be angry. What right does he have to do that to her? So she hangs up.
Alex looks at the phone in his hand. His eyes dark again. Very good. The woman hangs up on him

She gets out of the car and rushes into Alex’s living room in a white dress. She seems to be still angry.

There is no one in the living room. A maid leads her to Andre’s bedroom. Miya stands at the door and
she is surprised. Why is Alex here? What she remembers is that this room belongs to Andre.

Miya goes into the room, and suddenly her big bright eyes meet Alex’s.

“Auntie! ”Andre, lying in bed, says the moment he notice Miya. He seemes to be happier when he sees
her than he gets an A in an exam.

Miya shifts her sight from Alex to Andre. She is no longer angry when she see Andre.She even smiles
to him.

“Why is Andre so sleepy? It’s 10:00a.m.. ”Miya says with a smile. During the conversation, she
doesn’t want to look at Alex at all. She doesn’t like him even hates him.

Andre is a little bit sad and he points the pills on the table. He feels bad. He feels colder and colder and
he is helpless. He can’t get up at all.

Miya notices the pills on the table with the hint of Andre. She confounds for a few seconds. Those are
cold medicines. Because of Joey and Ben, there are always these pills at her place, so she knows when
she sees these bags.

“How did Andre catch a cold? Have you taken any medicine? ”Miya comes to the table while talking. In
fact,she wants to go to the bedside to take a look at Andre closely, but Alex is there too. She doesn’t
want to get close to him, so she stops.
Andre shakes his head. The medicine is bitter. He doesn’t want to drink it, and He feels pleased to be
ill. At least his cold-faced father would be with him. Now Auntie is here too. If he could, he would like
to stay ill all the time.

Miya thinks of he took the medicine, but she doesn’t expect him to shake his head. Her heart is full of
worry just like when her own child is sick.

“What if you don’t take medicine? Come on, Auntie medicate you. ”During the conversation, Miya
gives the medicine to Andre. She wants to feed Andre, but Alex still doesn’t mean to go away. She
frowns slightly and feels unhappy.

Alex just watches Miya quietly. She is very skilled in medicating a child. She is so careful with other
people’s children. She should be a good mother.

Miya watches Alex as he still doesn’t mean to go away. Although she’s not satisfied, she finally walks

Andre still doesn’t want to drink, but under Miya’s inducement, he takes the medicine and holds
Miya’s hand and refuses to let her go.

“Auntie, I’m so cold.Hold me in your arms. ”Andre suddenly becomes coquettish. He likes Miya’s
embrace very much. It is so warm that he could imagine whether his mother’s embrace is so warm.

Miya and Alex have a good understanding and look at Andre at the same time. They have different
expressions. They can’t help but look down at Andre. Alex never imagines that his son would be
coquettish. He is so indifferent, but he is so enthusiastic about Miya.

Miya also wants to hold Andre, but Alex is sitting next to her, which is inconvenient.
Andre’s big eyes turns to Alex immediately.

"Dad, will you get out of the way?Let auntie lie next to me."Andre looks at Alex and says, "Alex will
never hug him anyway. He has never hugged himself all his life, so he tells Alex to get out of here."

Alex obviously doesn’t think that Andre could talk like this. The next moment, he is already looking at
Miya. For the first time, his heart is filled with jealousy.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 23You don't entangle me, but I will entangle you

“Can I ask you something? ”Miya says suddenly, she still remembers what Alex had said. He said that if
she did not present the consequences would be serious. She wonders what the consequences would
be. Can the current overtime work be made up?

“Well ”hAlex raises his eyebrows slightly and instinctively told him that this woman would not ask
something good.

Miya looks at Alex's expression. What is his expression about? Does that mean he acquiesces that she
can ask?

“Excuse me, what the consequence is about my absence last night? Can I get overtime today? ”If he
wants to deduct money, she will leave immediately, and she will never deal with him again.

Alex stares at Miya, a glimpse of the complex color in the sly scorpion. Is this woman lacking money?
Since she is so short of money, after that incident, why didn’t she take the opportunity to ask him for
more money? At that time, if he was happy, he might give her a lot of money, but she was just angry
and left.

“In fact, if you have difficulties, you can tell me, I will give you money! ”Alex suddenly said, after that
day, he inexplicably wanted to be good to her, and to meet some of her need.
When Miya heard Alex's words, she couldn't help but sneer a little. She suddenly thought of the scene
that he insulted her that day. What does this mean? Want to give her some compensation? So to make
up for the fault, he made on her day? Thinking of this, she deepened the sneer of the corner of her

“I need money, but even if I need it, it will be the hard-earned money I earned. You don't have to
worry about what happened that day. I think it is bitten by a dog. Don't worry, I won't be entangled. ”

Miya said coldly, she said that she didn't care, but why did her heart hurt? What he ruined that day
was not only her innocence, but also trampled on her self-esteem, which made her think of selling her
own night for money in six years ago.

And in their conversation, Andre was already asleep, probably because of the cold medicine, so that
he did not sleep for a night, he fell asleep quickly.

Alex's face is getting colder, damn, what did she say? How dare you say that you were bitten by a dog?
Does she think he is a dog? He suddenly evoked a wicked smile.

“You don't entangle me, but I will entangle you, your body is so charming, if you go out to sell, you can
certainly sell a lot of money. ”Since she told him that he is a dog, then he does not care about her

In fact, he is not disgusted with her, just because she always has a way to provoke him to resent, this
woman is really the best.

Miya's face turned pale in an instant. He really thought of her as a woman, so that day he would have
a relationship with her without any concern, so, he would insult her.
“Your size is appropriate. If you are a duck, you will definitely attract a lot of customers. ”The business
is absolutely good. Miya said bluntly, but her heart still hurts. Six years ago, for her father. She sold her
innocence and sold her self-esteem. She did not expect that she would be possessed by such a man
after six years.

Alex suddenly approach Miya, his cold breath sprayed on Miya's face, making her heartbeat
inexplicably speed up, her little hand has already resisted Alex's chest.

“Then, I will try to be a duck, and you are my first customer. ”Alex is still bullying Miya in his speech,
and his unique lemon flavor enveloped her.

Miya feels nervous, she reflexively retreated, but Alex suddenly hold her head and force her to look
straight at him, his sexy thin lips suddenly printed.

Miya struggles hard, but at this time, her resistance is not useful at all. Alex kisses Miya and picks her
up and walks out. The woman's body exudes a touch of lilies. He used to think that she used this
perfume. Now suddenly, she discovered that the fragrance is from her body, without adding any
impurities, it is so natural.

Suddenly Miya feels that her body was soft. Her heart was suddenly shocked. Damn, what kind of
woman Alex is thinking of her? How can he be so mad, it’s still early in the morning!

“You don't like money? Say, how much do you want? ”Alex kisses Miya's body in obsessiveness. He is
kissing; no matter how much she wants he will give her, her body really let him so obsessed, if he can,
he is willing to keep her around to be a lover.

“I want self-esteem, I want to go back to my innocence, can you afford it? ”Miya said with a word of
biting his teeth, the voice seemed to be full of losing. Her expression made Alex shocked and
subconsciously stopped the movement in his hand.

Now he understands that she cares so much about her body. Is she guarding her innocence for the
fathers of her two children? For a moment, he is jealous of the man who could marry Miya.
Alex gets up. He didn't apologize to Miya. He looked straight at Miya. Since she has a husband, why
does her husband not support her? What does she need to do for money? He suddenly wanted to
explore this woman; he wanted to know her life.


A Pakistani Man Has Accidentally Found A Way Of Earning More

‫جرمن تیل جو سائز بڑا کرتا ہ۔‬

She settles some messy clothes that are torn apart. She turns proudly. She didn't want to face this man
at all. If she could, she would rather never see him.

However, just as Miya walks to the door, Alex suddenly pulls Miya's hand.

“This is one million. You should hold it first. If you need it when you need it, you can give it back. ”His
tone is unusually calm, and there is no fluctuation.

Miya looks at the check in Alex's hand. He couldn't help but get rid of her in the car that day, and what
he has said, he once said, 70374dollars, to sleep with him for one night. And he now gives her a
million, is it indirect to explain the use of this million to buy her that night.

Thinking of this, Miya's face raised a sardonic smile. She took the check from Alex. Before Alex had not
had time to open her mouth, she suddenly reached out and, in the face of Alex, tore the check. The
debris, the hand raised, suddenly, flew down the entire room.

Alex looked at it in surprise. His face was already cold; he thinks the woman was so ignorant that she
had shattered the check in front of him. It is the first time he personally gave a woman the check. He
used to ask assistants to do it. His hand can’t help but become a fist, as if he is trying to hold back his
Miya looks at Alex like this, her face is full of stubbornness. She is sneering.

I suspect your money is dirty! ”The words fall, she turns and leave, leaving a proud back, her back is
straight, which is full of reluctance.

Alex stares at Miya's back, his brows locked up. For the first time, a woman didn't want his money and
dared to tear the money in front of him. She says that his money is dirty? What kind of woman is she?
Who is the man that married with her?

He isn’t angry because of her words. He is inquiring about Miya. This woman is very interested. For the
first time, he is interested in a woman. He has an inexplicable impulse to understand her life. What
kind of woman is she? Since she needs money, why should she tear up the check which he gave?

Suddenly Miya folds back because the door of his villa was locked. Without Alex's permission, they
can’t dare to let Miya leave.

Alex looks at Miya who is returned. The corner of his mouth suddenly raised a curve. Without his
command, she couldn’t leave out.

“Sir, can you let your guard open the door, I still have something to do. ”Miya stares straight into Alex
as she speaking. The man is very delicate, but she hates him.

Alex is also staring at Miya. She is always so stubborn. If she can speak softly, he may agree with her
departure and send her back.

Alex steps forward, but Miya take a step back and pulls away from him.

Alex looks at Miya in front of her eyes. Is the woman afraid? It’s funny. All the women in the past
wanted to get close to him. He is not only rich but also handsome and powerful. It is so conspicuous.
However, the woman in front of him is backing up? “You can't go, because you have to wait my son
wake up. ”Alex suddenly says that his son had a cold because of her, so she should responsible for it.

“Sorry, sir, it isn’t in my scope of work. ”She can’t still here because she should visit to her father. It
has been six years from she leave her father. She doesn’t know whether her father lost his body in

Alex's brow is locked, is it the woman only working in front of him? It seems no other topic between
her and him.

14000“dollars. Please stay here with my son for a day. ”Alex suddenly says. Since she likes money so
much, he gives her some money.

Miya might be happy if she heard so much money before the incident happened, but now, in the
subconscious, she feels that he gave her money for what happened that day .This thought makes her

“Sorry, Mr. some things can’t be bought with money, but some not. My time isn’t can be bought, so
please you let me go. ”Miya's big eyes are clear. She is staring at Alex; after all, she hasn’t respected
him since that happened. he doesn’t respect her, why should she respect him?

_______________The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 24How can you have such an extreme taste?

Alex’s eyes are cold and deep, and his whole body seems to radiate chills. His thin lips are tightly
pulled together, which makes him looking unhappy. This woman speaks so strongly that she shouldn’t
be so strong in front of him.

“What if I don’t let you go? ”Since she wants to leave so much, he just refuses to let her go. He waits
for her to ask him for help. He wants to see how long she can stay strong, and which is more powerful,
her stubbornness or his strength.

Miya looks at Alex’s face. Why does she always feel like he wants to kick his ass? He could say so justly
that he would not let her go.

“What does that mean, sir? Is it depriving me of personal freedom? I can sue you. ”Miya stares at Alex
fearlessly and says that she finds that she really hates this man. She has never hated a person like him.

“She’s suing him? ”It is the first time in his life that he has heard such words, and the woman is too
good to say these words. A tall figure comes and envelopes Miya, he takes a cold smile, smile like the

Miya is so frightened that she immediately steps back away, until her body touched the door and
there is no way out. Her stubborn eyes finally flash a hint of panic.

“Is that how master usually treats married women? ”Miya asks suddenly, her tone full of sarcasm, and
her eyes seem to show a trace of contempt.

Because Miya's words, let Alex pause, he almost forgets that she is the mother of two children, she
should have a husband, and think of here, his heart suddenly rises a trace of impatience.

“If your husband loves you, how can you let a woman run around like this? ”He has such an impulse to
know what kind of man her husband is.

Miya apparently does not expect Alex to suddenly mention her husband. She feels slightly sour
because she has no husband, so she is bullied by him. If she has a husband, her husband will protect
her well.

Suddenly she has an idea whether it is time to go to a blind date and finds a husband, so that no one
could say that her son is a bastard. Yes, it is decided that she will go to a blind date when she come
back from visiting her father.
“It's my business, so don't bother. ”Miya says with her head held high that she is waiting for him to say
she is going to leave. She resigns, and she will never step into his place again.

Alex seems to feel that he is asking too much, but even if he asks too much, she can’t say anything
about him. How can his words be despised by her? She is defying his majesty.

“Taking care of an employee's family can help improve their work. ”Alex smiles and still moves
towards Miya.

Miya looks at Alex dismissively, but his tall figure really put a lot of pressure on her. Finally, she cannot
help holding out her little hand and resists Alex, who is still approaching.

“Is the boss so enthusiastic about his employees? ”Miya points out that this Alex is a lecher, and do
not know how many female employees have been destroyed in his hands.

Alex raises eyebrow a little.

“Are you jealous? If you are jealous, I will be so warm to you only. ”Alex keeps a smile on his face. He
has nothing to do but play with her.

Miya sneers. He's really self-affectionate. Will she be jealous for him?

“I will not be jealous to see you have sex with another woman! ”Yeah, what does he want? That's his
business. What's the matter with her?

Alex's eyes suddenly cooled. The woman always challenged the limit of his patience. Very well, he
decides to have a good time with the woman. If she does this to seduce him, she really succeeds

“Well, you can go! ”Alex suddenly changed the subject. He wants to see how tough the woman's thorn

Miya shocks by Alex's sudden words. She obviously has no idea that Alex will suddenly ask her to

“What? Don't want to leave! ”Alex's thin, sexy lips with a proud radian.

Miya is surprised and quickly leaves.

“Randy, do you find Miya's information? ”He says to the phone indifferently.

“Yes, Miya and her two children just returns from abroad, no husband, unmarried pregnant, her
parents divorced, she has been with her father David, David was sent to jail six years ago for usury. ”
Randy's respectful report over there, she doesn't understand why Mr. Randy is so interested in women
who already have two children.

Alex squints. She doesn't have a husband? Does that mean she's not married? She is not married. His
heart even flashes a trace of inexplicable joy. His father is in prison, and all of a sudden there is a
gleam in his eye.


Islamabad Janitor Became A Millionaire Almost Overnight!

It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

“You go to the prison and give orders, do not let David go, if you want money, ask the other side to
pay $10 million. ” Alex hung up the phone with a deep smile and doesn't believe the woman will not
come to him.

“Yes!” Randy doesn't know what Alex means, but he does what he is told.

In the visiting room, Miya holds the phone excitedly. When she sees David walking out with a face full
of vicissitudes, she cannot help crying.

David is also with a look of excitement, it is six years, since she gave birth to a child after he
disappeared, he gets money to return some money after the usury, because of a moment of greed, he
played a few times, owe a huge amount of usury, finally been put into prison.

“Miya, daddy is the one who wronged you!” After working in prison for six years, he learns a lot.
Gambling not only makes him lose his wife, but also his daughter.

“Dad, you're thin!” Miya gently said, the tone is hard to bear the pain, looking at his father with gray
hair, she felt that she is too unfilial.

David wipes the tears from his eyes, because Miya's caring words makes him full of sadness.

“Dad is fine. Dad's doing well here, Miya. How are you doing? ” He feels he has no right to ask. It has
been his whim which ruined his daughter's life.

Miya's small hand, holding the phone, shocks apparently. Dad is so thin. How could he have a good
life? At this moment, she makes up her mind to save Dad, no matter how much it cost.

“I've had a good time. Do not have to worry, Dad. I'm working and earning money. Now I'll wait for
Dad to come back. We'll live a happy life together. ” Miya says with a bright smile on her lips, this is
probably what she expects most.
David nods. He opens his mouth and wants to ask something, but he does not do it. He thinks he has
no face to ask. He doesn't know what happens to her two children, which are all six-year-olds.

“Daddy, the children are all very well. I'll take them to see Daddy when I have time. ” Miya seems to
see through what David is thinking, and then she laughs. Even though her heart is in pain, she has to
laugh. Only in this way can he reassure his father.

Sure enough, after hearing Miya's words, David shows a happy smile.

“It's time to finish the prison visiting.” The staff comes over and says indifferently. She meets the

“What? Ten million?” Miya stares at the warden in front of her with an incredible looking. Is he eating
money? It's more black-hearted than Alex. Her father should be in prison for ten years, and now he
has been in prison for six years, with only four years left. He asks her for ten million dollars!

“Yes, ten million, not a cent left!” It was master's own order, and he dares not change it. He wants to
keep his job.

Miya goes back frustrated. Even if she sales herself, she doesn't have that much money- ten million.
Then Alex suddenly comes to her mind. He says that if she wants money, she can find him. But soon
she rejects the idea. People like Alex would only insult her.

“Ben, what are you doing?” Joey stares at Ben, who is playing with his computer. I don't know what he
is playing with his computer every day.

Ben glances at Joey and then at his computer. He doesn't care about the boredom on Joey's little face.

“Children go and play, don't disturb your brother to earn money.” Ben is still staring at the computer.
His stock has risen. If he trades stock now, he can make millions.
Joey pursed his mouth aggrieved.

“Mom is not here, aunt Lisa is not here, I'm so hungry!” As he says this, Joey's clear eyes are sparkling
with tears.

Ben has no choice but to stand up, looking at Joey with tears shining, and shocks his head helplessly.

“Well, women are trouble.” As he said this, Ben takes Joey's little hand and walks out.

“But mother is also a woman.” As Joey walks out while she can’t help asking, and when his mother
comes back, she tells Ben that she dares to say that her mother is in trouble.

“I know, my mother is troublesome and likes to nag, but it's better than you.” Ben doesn't forget to
satirize Joey even when he is speaking.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 25 Father and son don't know each other

Joey's big eyes rolls around and extends her hand. The small hand has a pair of big glasses that Ben has
to wear when he comes outside. Because no one could help but kissing him for he is co cute.

Ben almost forgets this. When he sees the big glasses in Joey's small hand, he immediately wants to
get it.

Joey suddenly puts the glasses behind her. Huh, dare you say she is a trouble maker. She won't give
him the glasses. You bastard, wait to be kissed by those old ladies in the street. Joey can't help feeling
a little proud and happy when she thinks of that.

However, at that moment a car runs toward them. Ben is shocked and protects Joey immediately. At
that moment, the glasses in Joey's hands drops.

“Joey, are you all right?” Ben asks with concern. Why this silly girl doesn’t pay any attention to the
traffic? She is just like their mommy.

Joey just wants to say something, the car just left suddenly turns back.

“Is this glass yours?” When Alex sees Ben, his eyes flashes strange, but it disappears soon. These two
little kids are Miya's children. He saw them once in Falling Bar, and he is really impressed.

Joey apparently sees Alex too and there is a burst of anger on his little face.

“Uncle, even if you are so handsome, you can't say I am a drag. Does your mother never teach you
about moral principles?” Joey clearly remembers how Alex said about her. Does he ever see such a
beautiful, smart, generous and lovely drag? She is her mother's sweet honey.

Alex shifts his eyebrow slightly, this little girl is vengeful. He looks at the little girl in front of him, the
big shining eyes, delicate little face, and the beautiful little nose is similar to Miya's. But, why dose
Joey looks like him so much?

“How can you look at my sister so directly? My sister already has a sweetheart. She won't take a fancy
to you.” Ben finally opens his mouth. He has a good impression of Alex, but when he looks at his sister
with that disgusting sight, he is unhappy with no reasons.

Alex notices Ben next to him, and Ben is looking at Alex at the same time. At the moment they look at
each other, they are both shocked. Maybe they don’t expect to look so similar to each other.

Alex looks at Ben in front of him. He is absolutely beautiful, even can comparable to his own son. He
doesn't expect Miya have such amazing children. Who is her man? Why is he so mysterious?
“Wow, this uncle looks like you.” Joey suddenly says that to Ben. It seems that she thinks it is very

Alex doesn't say anything from the beginning to the end. He also notices that the little boy looks like
him. He wonders if the boy is his son. But he knows it is impossible.

“Oh, brother, our glass is on that uncle's head.” Joey takes the lead in finding their glass and points at
the glass on the driver's head surprisingly. It’s amazing that the glass sticks on the driver's head.

Alex's eyes instant dark down when he sees the piss on driver's seat. The driver was scared of peeing
his pants when he saw an unknown thing flying towards him, but this is not important. However, his
seat is wet, that is a big deal.

“Do you know the consequences of throwing glasses around?” Alex doesn't really hate the two kids,
but they are Miya's children. He deliberately teaches them a lesson.

“Hey, uncle, could you please be reasonable? You almost hit us. As a result, I lost my glasses. You
should compensate us.” Joey is pissed off.

Alex glances at the piss under the driver and then at the two children.

“You scared my driver to pee and then the seat is wet, which is worth 1.4 million dollars.” Alex says
coldly and he looks at his watch. He has an important meeting in a few minutes. He can’t talk to the
two kids any more.

Ben's eyes instant dark down at that moment, with a faint glow, looks Alex.

“Uncle, my sunglasses worth more than ten million!”

How dare he ask for money? Does the little guy think that he's such an idiot?

Alex frowns. He looks at Ben in front of him. This little fellow's reaction is very fast. The broken glass
won’t worth a hundred dollar, not even close to ten million dollars. Ten million is enough to buy him a
big truck full of glasses.

“In that case, I'll buy you the same glasses and you'll have to compensate me for the same seat.” Alex
gracefully raises his lips. His car is a limited edition. He wants to see how will the kid get him an
identical seat.

Sure enough, Ben's expression changes slightly, and his eyes instant dark down a little bit. He looks at
the sports car and considered for a while.

“Well, I'll pay you 1.4 million!” He has seen this car on his computer. It's a limited edition car. If he
really pays for it, he probably can't afford.

Alex has no idea that Ben would suddenly promise that. He wants to know how Miya, who loves
money so much, would get a million dollars for her son.

“This is my email number. If you want money, please contact me through that.” Ben takes out his pen
in his pocket, writes a series of numbers on his hand quickly, and then put his hand in front of Alex.


Islamabad Man Earns Thousands Of Dollars Via This App

The Transformation Of Denise Richards Over The Past 50 Years

Alex glances at the number and feels that the kid is much more amusing compares to his son, the kid is
much livelier.
“Well, remember, it should be 1.4 million dollars.” When he lefts, he couldn't help but looking at the
driver's seat. It seems that he has to change the driver. Where did Randy find such a coward for him?

Looking at the back of the car going away, Ben's little hand clenches tightly, and his 1.4 million dollars
unexpectedly disappeared. He will remember the hatred.

“Wow, handsome boy, what's your name?” Suddenly a ten-year-old girl comes to Ben and stares at
the beautiful child.

Several women who had been staring at Ben are instantly come over to him when they see someone
approaching him, and some of them reached out their hands, trying to touch such a delicate little face.

More and more people circled up, and the praise of Ben is endless.

“Handsome boy, may I kiss you?” It is the little girl who asked Ben about his name. Her little face turns

Ben glances at the crowd. Everyone looks at him in such an impatient manner. He feels sweat suddenly
comes out from his head.

“You can't kiss him. He's mine.” Joey reaches out her hands and presses at Ben's face. Next moment,
she kisses Ben forcefully. It’s the first time that she kisses Ben forcefully. Hmm.. It tastes good!

In everyone's dismay, Joey pulls Ben and run away together. The ten-year-old girl immediately reacts
and chases him sadly. She finds that she has fell in love with the delicate little handsome boy at first
sight, and she must be his girlfriend. Suddenly a group of ladies come after them. Those ladies want to
arrange marriage for their daughters even they are still babies.

Miya bought a lot of food and is about to go home. Suddenly she sees so many people. She is surprised
and she decides to follow them.

When Miya sees her two children, she is even more surprised. Those people are chasing after her kids.

Miya stops a car and drives up to her children. Then she waves and the two children get on the car

“Mommy, you're like Captain Marvel.” Joey jumps into Miya's arms. It is like a little princess plunging
into the arms of a little jade.

When Miya hears Joey's words, she considers for a moment. Where did her daughter learn about
Marvel movies?

“Joey, you kissed me, and you need to be responsible for me.” Ben's remark is so astonishing that even
the driver couldn't help looking back and subconsciously looking at Ben's crotch. A baby boy like him
could even say he will take the responsibility?

Miya's looks good now. What are her children learning? He is only six-year-old and he knows taking
responsibility. What responsibility does he need to take?

Joey gets into Miya's arms and doesn't talk or look at Ben. Anyway, her mother will take care of

“Ben, please don't say that in the future. Why do you get the second place in the first entrance
examination?” Suddenly Miya asks because her son never fails to get the first place since he was a

Ben get angry the moment Miya says about the school. He scored as much as Andre in the exam, but
their head teacher is so eccentric that he let Andre be the first and let him be the second.
“Mummy, Andre and I are both in the first place, okay? But, the head teacher let me rank second.” He
believes that he is no worse than Andre.

Andre? Miya frowned slightly. Suddenly she thinks of an important thing. Andre gets a cold this
morning. She wonders if he's all right now. She is more and more anxious.

“You two go back home first, Mummy gotta something to do!” Suddenly, Miya says, waving to the
driver as she speaks, signaling him to stop.

Joey who is in Miya's arms obviously doesn't want to let her go. Joey drilled harder.

Ben was obviously reluctant to let Miya go.

“Mommy, how could you just drop us and go. Look at you beautiful babies. We are a perfect match
between a man and a girl. What if they were abducted?” Ben muttered.

Miya couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth. Does he think they are lovers? What about
handsome men and beautiful women? No, they are just two little kids.

“Well, Mummy really has something to do. No kidding. This is the food Mummy bought for you. See
you at night." Then Miya kisses Joey and Ben on their foreheads, laughs and left.

_The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 26 One-Month Contract Lover

Miya looks at Alex's villa in front of her. She doesn't want to come here at all, but she is worried about
Andre. She wants to go in and have a look, but she doesn't want to meet Alex. She tangles at the door.
Andre just comes back from the outside and sees Miya standing in the doorway. Obviously, he can't
believe it. He rubs his eyes and fixes his eyes again. Sure enough, it is his auntie.

“Auntie!” Andre shouts and rushes to Miya. He has an inexplicable feeling about Miya, which makes
him want to get close to Miya.

Miya suddenly turnes her head and Andre’s already approached her. She smiles and holds Andre in
her arms.

“Are you all right with your cold?” During the conversation, Miya’s hand is on Andre’s forehead.
Suddenly, a smile appears on her lips. He has no fever, and her heart is relieved at the same time.

Alex actually came back a long time ago. His car is parked not far away. He looks at Miya’s actions just
now. The moment Miya lifts Andre's forehead, he knows that she really cares about his son.

“Auntie, let's go in.” Andre takes Miya’s hand and walks inside. It’s hard to see her. He won’t let her go
so easily.

Miya hesitates again. She doesn’t want to see Alex at all, but her heart softens again with the eager
eyes of Andre.

“Auntie has something else to do. Come back to Andre another day.” At last, Miya can’t help but say
it, and then she looks away. She doesn’t want to see Andre’s disappointed face.

Andre pulls Miya’s hand a little tighter.

“Does auntie hate my father?” Andre asks, and he can see that Miya doesn’t like his father.

Alex, who wis trying to approach, hears Andre’s words and suddenly stops, as if to hear what the
woman’s answer is. At that time, a trace of expectation rises in his heart.
“No, but I don't like him either.” Miya doesn’t want to hurt Andre’s heart, so that’s all she says. In fact,
in her heart, she hates Alex very much and has a grudge against him.

Alex holds his sexy thin lips tightly and seems not very satisfied with Miya’s statement that the woman
dares to say she doesn’t like him in front of his son. It humiliated him a little.

Andre just wants to open his mouth. Suddenly he feels the cold look behind him. He takes a reflexive
backward look. At that moment, he drops his head and dares not look at it again.

Miya is apparently shocked. She never thinks she has just come here to meet Alex, the last man she
wants to see.

Miya looks at Andre and finally she turns to leave. She really hates Alex and doesn’t want to see him
at all. Now that Andre is all right, she will leave here.

“Wait!” Alex suddenly asks, his voice is still cold, but it is obvious that he is not angry when he meets

But Miya doesn’t mean to stop. What does he mean? Why she should stop when he asks her to do so.
She walks proudly past Alex.

Alex’s mouth is gracefully curved, and he seems to have guessed that she won’t stop.

“Don’t you need money?” Sure enough, Alex’s words bring Miya’s footsteps to a sudden halt. How
does he know she needs money? He’s investigating her?
Looking at Miya’s stop, Alex’s smile deepens. As long as she needs money, she will beg him.

“Let’s talk about it.” Miya suddenly lowers her voice and says.Her dad needs 1.4 million dollars to get
out of prison. It's an astronomical figure for her. She can't get that much money, so she wants to talk
to Alex.

Andre is happy to hear Miya say that she wants to talk to Alex, and wonders if auntie will fall in love
with his father. She is the first woman dad brings back.

In the large living room, Alex sits gracefully on the sofa, leans over it, and his long legs overlap. The
whole person looks lazy, but noble.

Miya sits on a side sofa with some restraint, because the sofa is the farthest away from Alex. Perhaps
subconsciously, she is afraid of Alex.

“What do you want to talk about?” Alex knowingly asks, of course he knows what Miya will ask. If it
hasn't been for money, she might not have stayed here alone with him.

Miya bites her teeth and tries to borrow money from him, but she can't say it out. She feels a little

“I remember you saying that if I need money, I can find you.” Miya plucks up her courage and says,
feeling so relaxed after saying that.

“Oh?” Alex slightly picks out his handsome eyebrows and looks thoughtful. As if he’s struggling with


He's Using This Secret Trick To Make Millions

It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

“But I've heard you say that you hate my dirty money?” Suddenly his thin lips lightly open. Yes, he will
not forget it so easily. She once said that she disliked his dirty money. Now he thinks of it, what she
said is still fresh in memory.

Miya is stunned and doesn't expect Alex to say that. He is so vindictive. Such a big man can be so
narrow-minded. He even remembers that day.

There is a sudden silence in the room. Miya can’t help feeling like she is running away, but she stays
for money.

“I was a little excited at that time, so what I said might be excessive. Please don't worry.” Miya lowers
her voice and says so.Since she has something to ask of him, she can only tolerate it and it’s wise to be

Alex nods profoundly, seemingly satisfied with Miya’s answer, but he doesn’t intend to let her go.

“Of course I don’t care. I heard that your father has been in prison for six years. It's pitiful. You need
1.4 million dollars to help him get out of prison, don’t you?” Alex asks calmly, with a glimmer of
triumph in his eyes. It is addictive to watch the stubborn woman murmur at him.

Miya seems to feel the irony in Alex’s tone, and her aversion to Alex grows.

“Yes, so I want to borrow some money from you. 1.4 million dollars are nothing in your eyes.”
Suddenly, Miya says, and there is a little expectation in her heart that even though she hates him, she
needs his money now.

Alex plays with his cup. Hearing Miya’s words, he looks up a little and sees Miya’s eyes.
“1.4 million dollars are really nothing to me. But why should I give it to you?”

Alex’s lips rise slightly during the conversation, and even his eyebrows seem to be smiling.

Miya’s little hand is still tightly codified, and she knows that he won't give it to her. She knows that
she will be disappointed. Just after what he said, she knows that she can't get money from Alex.

“I see. Excuse me, sir!” As a result, Miya turns gracefully. Since he doesn't give her money, there is no
need for her to waste her time on him.

“In fact, it's okay to give you money, but I have a condition!” Alex suddenly says and he takes a gentle
sip of the tea in his hand. The temperature is suitable. He likes it.

Miya has just taken two steps. Hearing Alex’s words, she quickly turns around and her eyes are
renewed with hope. Will he give her money?

“What is the condition?” Miya’s tone has obviously improved, and when she gets the money, she can
save her father, and she will be inexplicably happy.

Alex puts down his cup and suddenly stands up and approaches Miya.

Miya apparently doesn't expect Alex to come to her suddenly. She subconsciously steps back two
steps, and her heart becomes tense at that moment. Alex stops at a short distance from Miya.

Miya seems to be able to feel the lemon scent on Alex, which smells good, but at this point it scares

“Be my lover for a month.” He admits that he is full of interest in her now, but one month is enough to
make him lose interest in her, so he spends 1.4 million dollars to buy her for one month.
What? Miya opens her mouth and says nothing at last, but her body instinct retreats two steps. At
that moment, her expectations vanish instantly. She looks up at Alex with a stubborn little face.

“Sir, if you are short of women, you can go to Falling Bar, where there should be many women waiting
for your favor.” Yeah, he is a rich and handsome man and maybe those women will surround him.

Alex is still approaching Miya. This woman is so stubborn. She likes to take advantage of her quick
tongue. He smells the lily fragrance on Miya and it reminds him of that night.

“I’m only interested in you.” Alex says.

“I’m sorry but I’m not interested in you, sir.” Miya’s tone changes dramatically, with a trace of anger.
She wants to run away from him, but there was no retreat behind her, so she can only calm herself.

Alex looks at Miya in front of him. He smiles and suddenly turns to leave Miya.

Miya feels a flash in front of her eyes and the sense of oppression disappears. It gives her a sigh of

“In that case, you can leave now, but next time you come to me, I won't be as good as that.” Alex says
slowly that he is already sitting on the sofa, and he seems to have expected Miya to come back to him.

__The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 27 Are you going to abduct my son?

Miya doesn’t hesitate to turn around and not even say thank you. She certainly won’t think about such
a deal.
Andre stands at the door. He seems to have expected Miya to leave here directly. In the morning, he
fell asleep, so he would let her leave so easily, but not now.

“Auntie!” Andre says softly, and during the conversation he also shows a beautiful smiling face, which
makes Miya’s mood slightly better. How can a man as disgusting as Alex has such a wonderful son?

“Well, is Andre waiting for me?” Miya also has a slight smile on her face and touches Andre’s head.
This child is silent, cold and aggressive, just like Alex’s character, but he always smiles when she sees

“Can auntie cook for Andre? Andre’s hungry.” In fact, there are nannies and subordinates at home, but
he really wants to try Miya’s cooking.

Miya laughs and holds Andre in her arms. She even holds him up.

At that moment, Andre feels a strange feeling running through his body. He reaches out and wraps his
little hand around Miya’s neck. It gives him a moment of happiness, and his little face bursts into a
brilliant smile. The smile is as charming as the flowers blooming in summer.

Miya looks at the smile on Andre’s face. His delicate little face shows a pair of lovely dimples, and even
a pair of tiger teeth. It turns out that Andre has such a childlike sunny side. She can’t help but kiss
Andre on his little face.

Andre holds Miya tightly, as if he wants to find the feeling of his mother on her body.

When Alex comes out, he sees the scene before him. He squints slightly. His son is so good to Miya. He
never lets anyone come near him before. Now he lets Miya hold him. His heart suddenly flashes a
trace of strange emotion.
“Or you go to auntie's house, Ben and Joey are still there. I’m going to go back and cook for them. They
are not like you. If I don't go back, they will have no food.” Miya can only say so. She comes here today
just for Andre. If it is not for him, she will not have stepped in half a step.

“Well, if I don't want those nannies and subordinates, can auntie cook for me?” His meaning is
obvious. If he dismisses those people, he will have no food.

“Or I will take you to my house where you can play with Ben and Joey.” Miya laughs and says that she
has not noticed the figure behind her. She always feels reluctant about the child in front of her. He is
just like her own child.

“Well, I...” Andre’s words suddenly get stuck in his throat and he stares at Alex in front of him. He
dares not say another word.

“It’s forbidden to meet this kind of person in the future.” Alex’s thin lips open slightly. Sooner or later,
his son will be sold by the woman in front of him. His son with high intelligence will become an idiot
when he meets the idiot woman.

When Miya hears Alex’s voice, she is angry too. Damn it, dare he say that she’s a bad person? She
suddenly puts Andre in her arms on the ground and looks angrily at Alex.

“Are you a good person?” Miya immediately goes up to Alex’s cold eyes, and she feels that there is a
cold feeling all over his body, which makes her want to retreat.

Alex almost walks up to Miya and looks her up and down again.

“You want to abduct my son?” Alex ignores Miya’s words, but goes straight to the subject. She also
wants to trick his son into going to her house. What’s her peace of mind?
She finds that she and Alex really have nothing to say. When does he see that she wants to abduct his

Miya doesn't want to talk to him, so she turns around and leaves. Forget it, she doesn’t want to talk to
him because it’s a kind of waste.

“Auntie, I’m hungry.” Andre looks at Miya as she turns around. He says with no guts and looks at her
with pitiful eyes.

Alex looks at Andre who looks pitiful. He is speechless. When does his son beg from this woman? And
he looks pitiful, as if he was abused by his father.

Miya has a firm heart. But after hearing Andre’s words, she obviously softens again. Her steps pause
slightly, but she doesn’t turn back.

“I will send you some meals some other day.” Miya says and goes away in a smart way, just a little bit
of heartache flashes across her face. In fact, she is reluctant to part with Andre.

Andre watches Miya fading away, and his little face has returned to its old chill. It's a kind of ice that
hasn't changed for thousands of years. He only dissolves Miya’s smiling face. He glances at Alex and
walks back to the villa in diameter.

Alex looks at his son and suddenly feels a sense of melancholy. His son is so old that he really doesn't
know his son at all. He never knows what his son needs. But now he knows that his son likes Miya, and
he likes Miya very much.

Looking at Miya’s distant back, a smile comes from the corner of his mouth. It turns out that his son is
very similar to him. He is also interested in the woman.
Miya looks for a house outside. She doesn't want to live in Lisa’s house all the time. It isn't her home
after all.


Why Chrissy Metz Is So Much More Than A Number On A Scale

Separate Beds And Even Bedrooms Might Be The Key?

It is very late when she returns to the villa. She is holding several rental cards and seems to be thinking
about which one to go to.

As soon as Lisa sees that Miya is back, she runs up and examines her whole body turgidly, seemingly to
see if she is injured.

Miya is confused by Lisa and looks at her delusively.

“Miya, you’re okay. I’m worried about you. You get back so late and your cell phone doesn’t work.”
Lisa’s little face is obviously blaming. Miya went out and turned off her cell phone. If she doesn’t come
back, she would go to the police.

Miya is surprised and takes out her cell phone. Sure enough, it is turned off. She smiles apologetically.

“The phone is powered off automatically.” Miya says with a chuckle that she often forgot to bring her
cell phone when she was abroad. She remembers that Adam bought her children cell phones in order
to keep in touch with her at that time.

She thinks of Adam and she has not contacted him since returning home. She is used to being nagged
by him and is not used to being so quiet.
“You...what should I talk? Don't you know I'm worried about you?” Lisa still complained, pointing her
little hand at Miya’s head.

Miya looks at Lisa. Is she worried about her? Lisa’s careless words deeply touches her, let the softest
place in her heart suddenly flashes a trace of palpitation.

“Thank you, Lisa. It’s nice to have a friend like you.” Miya says from the bottom of her heart.

Lisa laughs as if to say you know I’m good to you.

“Tomorrow my brother will be back. The plane will be at 6:30 p.m. and then you will be off duty. Let's
go together.” Lisa actually told Lance about Miya’s return earlier, and Lance comes back earlier
because of Miya. Of course, Miya doesn’t know about it.

“Will he come back?” Miya’s eyes glimmer with surprise, and Lance's handsome face comes to her
mind. He’s a sunny teenager. After six years, he should be a handsome man now. Miya thinks to

How should she face him when she sees him? Six years ago, because she was pregnant, she left
without saying goodbye. Six years later, what will it be like to meet him again?”

“Yes, I told my brother that you are here too. My brother is so happy. He still loves you as before.” Lisa
says without implication.

Miya stares at Lisa in shock. She is surprised by Lisa’s words. She is still loved by him as six years ago. Is
that true?

“Lisa, what are you kidding about? I have two children. He is so excellent that he will find a woman
more suitable for him.” Miya says softly that since they had no chance to be together six years ago,
she has no expectation of him, even though she felt the same way about him six years ago.
Lisa holds Miya in her arms and laughs in Miya’s ear.

“I like you to be my sister-in-law.” Her brother loves Miya so much. Seeing her again, he will not let
her go.

Miya is so stiff when Lisa holds her, and her heart is in a mess.

When she comes to her room, her hands are still tightly compiling the business cards. Now she is
determined to move out. She can't imagine living under the same roof with Lance. Her heart will
shudder inexplicably at the thought of his affectionate eyes and the pain of being rejected by her.

Looking at the two sleeping children in bed, her mouth shows a slight smile, and now only her children
can make her smile for a moment.

She goes up to the children, put a good night kiss on each child’s forehead and goes back to her room.

She tosses and turns. Tonight is doomed to be a sleepless night.

After Miya left, however, Ben opens his eyes. He takes out his mobile phone and logs on to QQ. Sure
enough, someone applied to be his friend.

“Uncle has a good memory. He read my account once and remembered it.” A message is sent to the
person over there.

Alex looks at his typos and twitches his lips. If he isn’t so young and doesn’t know the words, he will
think that the kid is intentional.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 28 Valentine's Agreement

“Of course I have a good memory. How you give the money to me?” Alex smiles while typing.

“Uncle, you love money as your life. You are same with my mother.” It seems that Ben isn’t hurry to
give Alex money. He wants to talk with Alex for a while.

Alex looks at the words in front of him and feels speechless. The kid said that he loves money as much
as his mother, and the parent trap? Does he have it? He just wants to know how the kid will pay his
money back.

“Boy, can't you afford it?” Alex used the agitation method. This kid is very interested.

“Uncle, it’s useless for you to use the agitation rule. I just want to know why you look like me?" Ben is
very puzzled about this. Not only Alex looks like him, but also the Andre.

Alex is stunned, and he finds that the kid's thinking reaction is quick, and he is becoming more and
more curious about Miya's husband.

“This is going to ask your mother. I don't know. What does your father do?” Alex asks again.

But the only response is silence. Just when he think the stinky boy is asleep and going to go offline,
Ben sent another message.

“I don't have the father.” Simple and clear words, but let Alex's heart suddenly shocks, this child just
silence must be sad. He could not help thinking of Miya, she is stubbornness and desires to protect her
body. Is it not for her children's father? Why doesn't she tell the children who their father is?

“Uncle, I'll give you my stock. Now it's worth a million dollars to change hands!” During the
conversation, he sent Alex a series of things about his stock.
Alex's face suddenly changed. He is young but he would speculate in stocks. Alex suddenly has a hunch
that the child must be a business wizard. He looks at the things on the screen and more curious about
whom the Ben’s father is and who could make Miya has such a talented son.

When Alex wants to ask a questions again, he find that Ben's image has turned grey. He stared at Ben's
image for a long time.


In the morning, Miya opens her eyes and is shocked. Damn! It’s 7:40 and she will late for work.

Miya dresses quickly, take up her bag and rushes out, while Joey and Ben are just getting up.

“Mummy, don't you take us to school?” While talking, Joey wants to turn to Miya and hug her.

“Mommy must go first. Let your Aunt Lisa give you a ride.” Then Miya rushes out.

Ben and Joey look at each other before they look at the clock on the wall.

“Well, I forget that I played with the clock yesterday, as if it had been switched up for an hour.” Joey
suddenly says, thinking that Miya had just burst out as if she eyebrow is burning, I couldn't help
feeling a little worried.

Ben glares at Joey. The little girl does things without remember the consequences. It's exactly the
same as Mommy.
Miya doesn't take the bus after she ran out. She leaps a taxi directly to the company. It can't be too
late. Alex is targeting her now. She doesn’t know how much bonus will be deducted if she is late.

After Miya arrives at the company in a hurry, she is surprised to find that there is no one in the
company except the guard. She couldn't help but wonder whether she doesn't go to work today. But
why no one tell her?

Just then, her cell phone rings.

“Are you David's family, please?” A cold, no-temperature message come from the phone.

“Yes!” Miya says softly, what's the matter in this morning? Dad is looking for her?

“Your father has acute appendicitis and must operate immediately. But he is in the prison; no one can
visit, so you have to pay 28000 dollars medical fees in advance.” Still cold without a trace of

Miya's heart sank. Dad is ill. 28000 dollars? She has only one 14071 dollars in her hand. Where is she
going to get the other 14071 dollars?

“Well, I'll collect the money and send it to you later.” Miya's slender hand holds the phone tightly, and
she couldn't help shivering. How could this happen? He was fine when she went to see her father

After hanging up the phone, Miya doesn't know what to do for a while. Lisa had helped her enough.
She doesn't want to borrow Lisa's money any more. How could Dad stay in prison when he is ill? She
wants to rescue her father.

But at this moment, Miya's mind suddenly flashed over a person-Alex. She thinks the conditions which
Alex had given her. She could not help laughing bitterly. If she wants to save her father, would she
have to do so?
She clasps the cell phone in her hand. Finally she dials Alex's number. At the moment of dialing, she
could almost imagine Alex's cynicism towards her, but because of money, she has no choice.


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Alex is on his way to the company when his cell phone rang suddenly. He doesn't want to answer it,
but at first glance he finds it is Miya's number, so he takes it.

“Hello!” He has a hunch that this Miya would not call him for nothing unless she needs him.

Miya's little hand is still holding her cell phone tightly. Teeth bite some white lips, as if trying to hide

“I'll hang up if it's okay!” He is upset that she hasn't answered the phone for a long time, but at the
same time he also has a feeling that she meets some difficult things. Thought of here, his mouth could
not help rising here.

“Wait a minute,” Miya says quickly. She is nervous at the time.

“I promise to be your lover for one month and you need give me 1407103 dollars.” Her voice is very
light and deep, and has a kind of humiliation hidden in it. Yesterday, she said so proudly that she
would not promise him. Today, she pays for the keeping of an unprofitable business. At this moment,
she looked down on herself.

Oh? Alex slightly picks out the sharp eyebrows. The radian of the corner of the mouth cannot help
“I remember I say that if you come to me again, things would not be so simple!” Alex says slowly. By
the time, his car has already entered the company. Miya's tiny and perfect figure was in front of him.

Miya is shocked. A bad feeling flashes through her mind. At that moment, her big, flustered eyes go up
to Alex, who is just got out of the car.

His figure is so slender and perfect that the weak light of the sun shines on him, making his whole
body shine. Looking from a distance, he likes a prince out of the picture.

Alex immediately comes straight to Miya with his long legs. His is smiling all the time.

Miya has such a momentary trance that he is the prince waving to her.

“Go to my office, then print the contract and sign the lover's agreement. Of course, you have the right
to repent before you sign the contract.” Alex Diameter walks past to Miya, leaving behind a standing
and arrogant figure.

Miya grits her teeth, looking at Alex's back in silence. Finally she follows him with a stiff scalp. Her life
is doomed to be stained. What about another one?

In the big office, Alex leans gracefully in the chair of the president, and Miya stand in front of him. The
atmosphere makes her feel fear.

“This is a contract. If you feel reasonable, you can sign it now.” Alex has several more contracts in the
middle of the conversation.

Miya doesn't take the contract, but looks straight at Alex. What is written on it is no longer important?
Doesn't he want her to be his lover for a month? In that case, what else does she need look?
“Can you advance some money?” Miya asks again. Her father needs money. She had to advance 28000

Alex picks up his eyebrows. Is it the important thing that happens to this woman? No wonder she is so
anxious to find him now. His mind could not help thinking of her son's money. If she knows that her
son could make money, would she still find him? Of course, he would never tell her that.

“Yes, after you sign the contract, you can advance 140710 dollars.” Alex watches Miya’s face turn pale.
His mouth is rising slightly.

Miya shivers over Alex's contract. She even doesn't look at it. She signs her name directly. It is only a
month. She thinks that she can treat as is bitten by a dog for a month.

After signing the contract, Miya seems to be a trace of death on her face

Alex looks at her expression. His eyes are deep and a little complicated. Why she looks like she will do
to the battlefield? When he takes the information from Miya's hand, he has a rare smile on his face.

“Well, from now, you are my exclusive mistress.” Alex raises the information in his hand and says
proudly. She could not escape from his palm. He always get what he wants, besides the women.

Miya stared at Alex with bright eyes. Not a sweetheart? Why become a mistress in the next moment?
The identity is obviously lower than a level.

“Can I have the money?” She doesn't want to talk nonsense with Alex right now. She just wants to
save her father with money.

Alex hooks up with Miya. A thought flashes through his evil eyes.

Miya looks at Alex. She doesn't want to approach him, but she has to approach with him for money.
She lives so humbly in front of him.

“What's your order, sir?” Miya approaches Alex a few steps and stops at his desk. She looks at Alex in
this way. He could look at her humbly, but she could not degrade herself, so he looks at Alex directly.

______________The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 29 Her embarrassment

“Before I advance you money, don’t I have to take a look at first?” Alex says when he looks at Miya's
body. Finally his eyes fall on Miya, and he couldn't help but think of that night.

Miya takes a step back in consciousness, is the man an estrus? He is estrus anytime, anywhere.

“Aren't you already experienced it? It was that night.” Miya says it calmly, but she has already
smashed Alex a few hundred times in her heart. This man is simply a color embryo.

“Oh--” Alex stretches his voice, and it seems that he has forgotten the matter. After Miya reminds him,
he remembers it.

Miya only feels that her face is a little hot. What is the reaction of this man? Obviously it was
deliberately embarrassing her.

At this moment, Alex's mobile phone suddenly rings. He looks at the electric display and calmly stands

“After a while, you can go to the secretary to advance a million, and go to the 'Charming night bar' to
find me at night!” Then he leaves, and he takes away the contract signed by Miya, with the corner of
his mouth. He holds this contract seems to be more happy than he earns hundreds of millions.
Miya looks at the back that he is drifting away. Her heart is a little confused. She pulls out a hard bitter
smile. She once again sells her body, self-esteem and pride for money.

After giving money to the prisoner, she wants to see her father, but she is stopped. She has to go back
and lost. When she think of what Alex said when she left. Her heart would be lost. She will never be
clean again in her life.

In the evening, the clothes are scattered in a mess and the room is full of sly atmosphere, in the
Charming night bar’s VIP room. Miya stand quietly at the door, looking at everything indifferently. Is it
the purpose that Alex asked her to find him? She remembers that she has told Alex that even if he
goes to bed with a woman in front of her, she wouldn't care, so he is doing this to prove what she

She would have thought that she really doesn't care at all, but when she saw this scene, her heart
suddenly flashes a trace of strangeness. When she think that his man do something with her after with
the other women.She feels uncomfortable. It will get more and heavier.

The door is suddenly pushed open.

When the woman lying under Alex watches Miya, she does not evade her proud figure and her voice
was even bigger. Her eyes have a glimmer of glory.

Miya doesn't look at the woman in Alex's arms, but looks straight at Alex.

“Sir, I am coming.” She finally knows that he let her come to make her embarrassed.

Alex smacks his mouth and doesn't push the woman, but he turns his head and looks at Miya.
“Let you learn how to please me?” Under the blurred lights, she doesn’t see Alex's expression.

“I don't think I have to learn. Isn't Mr. happy in that day?” Miya doesn't know why, but looks at Alex
and another woman in front of her, it makes her unhappy. Maybe because this man has possessed
her. Obviously know that it is only a one-night stand, but it makes her feel a little wronged.

Alex raises his eyebrows and stand up. His clothes are not messy. The clothes on the ground are the
women’s. He just wants to give Miya a look, and he is very satisfied.

“You are jealous?” Alex gracefully goes closer to Miya. He asks her the second time. He remembers
when he first asks her, she said that even if she saw him go to bed with her woman, she would not
Care, so he just asks her again.

Miya is having a meal, she knows what Alex meant. She looks at the woman next to her, and her heart
couldn’t tell what it was.

“If Mr. does not touch me after touching another woman, then I am not accounting for it. But Mr. has
touched other women. If you come to me, I am afraid of getting dirty. I am afraid that it will be
infected.” Miya is honest. This is the fact, she is not jealous; she just does not want to share a man
with the other woman.

Alex's face turns into a blue, very good; this woman actually suspects that he is dirty, and also afraid of
infectious diseases. If so, he would show her dirty.

Alex suddenly approaches Miya, and he rushes to her body. Before Miya has not reacted, his sexy thin
lips have already been printed.

Miya's little hand presses tightly against Alex's chest, the unique lemon scent come out. Her heart is
amazed, and her face immediately flashes a fluster. The woman lying on the bed actually wants to say
something, but when she sees Alex's cold eyes, she run on the ground and fled, because she know
what the consequences is offending Alex.

It Must Have Been A Kind Of Hell For A Little Chrissy Metz

The Transformation Of Denise Richards Over The Past 50 Years

Alex disregards Miya's struggle, holding Miya and throwing her on the big bed.

Miya touches the soft bed and bounces immediately. She suddenly gets up, but Alex rushes up at this

“Remember your identity!” Alex says with hegemony. He holds Miya's small hand and kisses her.

Miya pauses for a moment, but her mind suddenly remembers the scene that just now this bed is still
laying on another woman. Just at the last moment, he also licked another woman in the arms.

Miya think of this, her face suddenly rise with a anger, she really feels that the place is too dirty. She
suddenly raised a feeling of nausea.

Looking at Miya's expression, Alex's face is getting darker and darker. Is the woman hate him so
disgusted? Why she has this expression on her face?

There is never a woman who dares to have this expression in front of him. She is despising his
authority. His anger rises instantly.

“Sir, I want to vomit!” Miya says suddenly, she is talking, when is a sudden tumbling in her stomach.
Fortunately, she didn't eat at night, just retches a few times and do not spit it out.
Alex seems to be splashed with cold water on the spot; his face turned from green to green, damn, this
woman turned to him sickly. All desires were also extinguished at this moment.

“You aren’t a lover, the contract is invalid!” Alex stands up coldly, and his heart is extremely annoyed.
At the first time, he would be dirty by a woman. He wants to sleep; she is disgustingly wants to throw

Miya pats her chest and sighs, which seems to relieve the nausea. She stands up, the contract could
not be revoked, she must get the money now, and she can no longer watch Dad suffering in prison.

“I’m sorry, it is my mistake. Do I want to change a house?” Miya says suddenly, she couldn't stand
being on the same bed with another woman and waiting for the same man, she would crash.

“Change the room?” Alex suddenly thinks of the thing just now. Is she thinking about what he had just
done? Is the mean that she cares about him? Think of this Alex cannot help but provoke a trace of
smile. Likes him, such as the rich and handsome, any woman will not have immunity to him, besides

“I have no interest now.” Alex's tone is still cold and chilly, as if he has made up his mind to destroy
the contract.

Miya bits her teeth. The contract she get so hard, how can it be destroyed and destroyed? Absolutely

“I can provoke your interests.” Miya says with courage. After she finishes speaking, she feels the hints
in her words and her face become red.

“Yes? Can you really provoke my interests?” Alex also looks at Miya all over the room. He finds he just
did not find that this woman would be so hot. The tight-fitting top shows her sleek figure.

With such a delicate little face, she paints a light makeup when she comes today. The golden eyeliner
wraps the big eyes tightly, making it impossible to see the size of her eyes. The long eyelashes flutters
and flashes, adding a touch of cute color to her.

Let him suddenly has a feeling of wanting to hold her in his arms and not let anyone see her.

“Yes, please give me some time, I will be able to provoke Mr.'s thoughts.” Miya says softly, although
she says shameful, but for money, she can only do so. Money is really important for a poor person.

“Okay, give you half an hour.” Alex says suddenly. He has already had a strong idea in his mind after
seeing her.

When Miya heard that she still has a chance, her face immediately burst into a happy smile. Alex never
sees her so brightly smiling. He indulges in her smile.The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 30 His lingering is her suffering

In the other room, Alex sits gracefully on the sofa, looking at Miya standing in front of her. The illusory
light is shining on her small face, reflecting a strange brilliance.

Suddenly, Miya reaches out her little hand, puts on the zipper on her skirt, and slowly opens it under
the gaze of Alex.

Alex is gazing at Miya like this way; neither stops her nor speaks a word. His face was full of complex
emotion. He cannot see what he meant in the end.

Miya becomes more and more nervous. In the end, she is completely naked, but Alex doesn’t say a
word except squints.

Alex only feels that his blood was buffeted, but he still maintains a calm posture. He wants to know
what kind of scene it would be when someone like Miya was please him.
Miya looks at Alex’s indifferent expression, and her heart tightens. She slowly approaches him. God
knows how much courage she uses to walk towards him. Looking at ALex in front of her, she only feels
a kind of indescribable sour in her heart.

At this moment, he is so superior, like a king in the world. His whole body emits such a noble
atmosphere. But she is so low that she wants to please him for money. For a moment, she wants to
escape but because of money, she can’t escape for half a step.

"Mr. Alex, let me help you take off your clothes." Miya say softly that her voice was so low. During the
conversation, she has had reaches her little hand to the buttons of Alex’s clothes.

Alex looks at Miya’s movements and he is obviously stunned for a while. He used to sleep a woman
just simply for letting off sexual desire. So he never took off his clothes when having sex, and not a
woman had seen his body. Even in the night six years ago, even though he took off his clothes, the
light was turned off that night.

He used to hate being touching by women, but now he has no aversion to Miya’s touching. Instead, he
has a kind of expectation.

“Mr. Alex, do you need a bath? Let me bathe for you first!” She still remembers that Alex had pressed
another woman under her body at that time. She’d better bathe and sterilize him.

Alex raises his eyebrow slightly. He knows what the little woman is thinking, but he nods his head. He
thinks he can make love with her in the bathroom as well.

Seeing Alex agreeing, Miya stands up with a smile.

“I’ll turn on the water for you. But I want to ask you that when can you give the one million to me?”
Miya suddenly asked, with a look of expectation on her small face. As soon as she gets the money, she
can redeem her father.

The smile Alex just raised, stiffs in his face. How can this woman so good at destroy the atmosphere,
will she die if she doesn’t mention money in a moment? She is really fit her son's saying that she loves
money like her life!

"Wait for a month!" Alex stands up unhappy. He was in good spirits. This woman is such a killjoy! But
his eyes can’t help staring at her naked body, and he can hardly move away his eyes from her body.

When Miya hears Alex’s words, she suddenly gets upset. Did he say that it needs a month? Is he crazy?
Isn't their contract just signed for a month?

"Mr. Alex, may I ask you for day-end payment?" Yeah, if she had been with him enough for a month,
and he had run away and refused to give her money, she would not have lost a lot of money, and she
would loss more than she made. And she could not be able to bring such a humiliating thing to court.

It can only see that Alex’s face is getting darker and darker. What exactly is her head made of? Now
she even mentioned money to him again. Why does she like money so much?

“Day-end payment is ok. One hundred thousand per time, you agree?" Alex finally cannot help saying
so. It's really hard to get into bed with this woman.

One hundred thousand per time? Miya stared at Alex. If she had sex with him ten times a day, it would
be a million! At this point, Miya raises her head happily, but when she looks up at the man in front of
her, she blushes.

His figure is perfect. His face is as exquisite as sculpture; his pectoral muscles are strong. Under the
lights, his perfect figure is emitting a fantastic color. Looking down his body, she is shocked, and
suddenly moves away. "It's not the first time, why you're shy?" Alex has come to Miya while talking,
and with the cold air on his body coming into Miya’s nose.
Miya feels only a shock. Alex’s words seem to be humiliating her. As if he gave her a hard slap and hurt
her heart. Yeah. This is not her first time, she lost her virginity in the night of surrogate pregnancy, and
her second time was the night having sex in Alex’s car, so today is her third time.

Miya hardly regains her sight on Alex, but her eyes are not so bright anymore. Instead, they became
dark, so that people could not see through her heart at a glance.

“You’re right. It’s not my first time anyway, and I don't have to pretend to be shy. I thought you like
shy girls, so I pretended. I didn't expect to be recognized by you at a glance. It seems that my skill is
not enough. I will work hard.” Miya is extraordinarily calm and her words are echoing in the large

Alex narrows her eyes slightly. Although she spoke calmly, he could clearly feel the sadness spread on
her. At that moment, he wants to embrace her.


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But he says nothing, turns around and walks into bathroom.

Miya follows into the bathroom, with a bitter smile on her face. Her life is bound to be stained.

In the bathroom, she gently wipes Alex’s body. Her movements are so light, because she fears that
Alex would not be happy if she wiped hard.

“Are you hungry?” says Alex with dissatisfaction. Does she call it scrubbing? It’s gentler than
scratching, just like a wind. If there is no lily scent on her, he would have thought she is no longer

Miya bites her lips and says nothing, but she does use some strength. In fact, she is really hungry. Since
she had knew that he would come to see her at night, her heart flustered that she couldn’t eat

“Is that how you please me with a cold face? How does this make me lust? If you don't want to, just let
it go.” says Alex, looking at her gloomy face which shows as if he owed her so much money.

Hearing Alex’s words, Miya then pulls out a smile on her face. Although she smiles forcedly, she finally
showed a smile.

Alex looks at Miya expression, reaches out and pushes her away. His face seems full of displeasure. He
bought her for pleasure, not for such a sad face. Even if she had tens of millions of dissatisfaction in
her heart, it could not be shown in front of him.

"Ok, stop smiling." Alex says indifferently that his heart is also inexplicably agitated. This is a
consensual deal, which is what she asked for. It’s not his duty to make her happy.

Although he has already reacted, Miya makes him very upset. Unexpectedly, there is a feeling in his
heart that he doesn't want to embarrass her.

“Mr. Alex, my mood may be a little abnormal, but I’ll absolutely satisfy your requirements," Since Alex
said the sentence that it’s not her first time so that she doesn’t need to be shy, her mood has been
low, as if her bottom line was touched. She was touching the softest part of her heart and the sadness
spreads uncontrollably.

Alex wants to say something. He turns his head to the enchanting body.

"Then you just slowly recover in the water." Alex says that when he turns around, he pulls Miya into
the bathtub. The bathtub here is large enough to accommodate both of them.
Miya has no time to exclaim. Her whole body has been pulled into the water by Alex and she falls into
Alex’s arms in an instant. Suddenly, she feels a thing against on her body. Her heart was startled and
her little face suddenly turned red.

The beauty is in his arms and Alex big palm is no longer spared.

Miya only feels a burst of electric current flowing through her whole body, which makes her feel a
strange feeling. She was not very disgusted with this feeling, but her heart was still painful.

"You are so beautiful..." Alex can’t help exclaiming, and his thin lips falls at that moment.

Miya feels trembled all over her body. She immediately tightens up. His thin lips are as cold as his
character. The unique lemon fragrance is stimulating her nerves.

Miya feels only a feeling of numbness spread throughout her body. It is obvious that she has feeling
with his kiss, but there is a sense of humiliation hitting her. Does he do it just to embarrass her?

Suddenly, Alex bites Miya’s lips hard. It seems that he is punishing her for her absent-minded. How
dare she is thinking about things in front of him. Is she thinking about another man? Thinking of her
child's father?

Looking at the expression on Jiao Yaqing's small face, Alex wonders why she is so painful to have
sexual behaviors with him. Is it because of another man? At this moment, his man’s self-esteem seems
to be insulted, and his kiss became fanatical. Never had a woman dared to ignore him so much that
she thought of another man in front of him.

Suddenly he picks her up, and before they dry themselves, he pushes her to the glass table in the
bathroom. Then he is crazy absorbing her beauty.
Miya only feels that his kiss makes her be painful, but she could not resist it. She could only let him
kiss her cruelly.

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