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Versatile Master Key 220 Solved Biology Ist Year
Excllence of Knowledge


Excelience of Knowiedyu
i.XCicnce of Knowlede
ersatile Master Key 221 Solved Biology 1st Year
Time: 20Min. (Objective Part) Marks: 17
Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and
D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or
filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
() Teasts are unicellular:
(a) Algae (b) Protozoans (C) Fungiv (d) Bacteria
(ii) Entamoeba histolytica causes:
(a) Dysentery
(c) Cholera
(iii) Bacterial pathogenicity is due to:
(a) Capsule (b) cell wall (c) Cyst
(b) Fever
(d) Hepatitis notespk.cot
(d) Slime
(iv) Bacteriophage replicates only in cells:
(a) Animal (b). Plant (c) Bacteria (d) Fungi
(V) The number of chromosomes in drosophila melanogaster is:
(a) 08v (b) 14 (c) 16 (d) 26
(vi) Enzymes lower down the energy of:
(a) Kinetic (b) Activation (c) Potential () Ionic
(vi)Cotton is the pure form of:
(a) Glycogeh (b) Waxes
(c) Cellulose (d) Amino ácids
(viü)In human body the amount of iron is:
n o t e s p k . c o r e ,

(a) 4% (b) 0,4% 0.04 % (d) 0.004%V

(ix) Which is not granulocytes?
(a) Monocytes (b) Neutrophils
(c) Eosinophils (d). Basophils
(x) The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from these
parts of the body except:
(a) Brain (b) Liver (c) Lungs (d) Kidneys
(xi) The respiratory system is the most efficient in:
(a) Man (b) Birds (c) Reptiles (d) Fish
(xii) Whích animal has noneed for a gall bladder?
(a) Cat (b) Dog (c) Lion (d) Goat
(xiüi) Functional group of chlorophyll'a' is:
(a) CH, V (b) CHO (c) COOH (d) OH
(xiv) Lactic acid is formed in these except during extreme physical
activities: notespk.conm
Versatile Master Key 222 Solved Biology Ist Year
(a) Man (b) Fish (c) Horse (d) Cat
(xv) Theseare arachnids except:
(a) Scorpion (b) Beetles (c) Ticks (d) Mites
(xvi) Which one is
a pseudocoelomate?
(a) Ascaris (b) Earthworm
(c) Ancylostoma (d) Round worms
(xvii)An ovule is an Integumented indehiscent:
(a) Microsporogonium (b) Seed
(c) Sporangium (d) Megasporangium
Time: 2;40Hours (Subjective Part) Marks: 68

CSpk.Com SectionI

2. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 = 16)
(1) How basic proteins play their role in combined form with nucleic
(ü) Why enzymes need eptimum pH for their proper functioning?
Give one example.
(111) Why some enzymatic reactions occur in series to form the final
products? Explain briefly.
(iv) Which model for enzyme substrate interaction is more supported?
Discuss briefly that model.
(v) Name four diseases caused by fungi.
(vi) How karyogamy is different from plasmogamy?
(vii) Write four characteristics of mammals.
(viii) Give economic importance of mollusca.
(ix) Define the term regeneration and name animal which exhibit it.
(x) What are coral reefs and where they are found?
(xi) Differentiate between chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b.
(xii)What are the differences between alcoholic and lactic acid
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2= 16)
(i) Why organ system is less complex in plants as compared to
(ii) What are adverse effects of use of chemicals during its use to
control pests?
(iii) What is difference between cisternae and cristae?
(iv) Why mitochondria are called self-replicating organelle?
(v) From where the Giant Amoeba obtain energy?
(vi) How ciliates differ from protozoans?
ersatile Master ey 223 Solved Biology Ist Year
(V)Name the parasitic flagellates and disease caused by it and how it
is transmitted?
(vi)Whv fungus like protists are not fungi?
(iN) Differentiate between antheridiophore and archegoniophore.
() Write nanes of two extinct and two living members of psilopsida.
( ) Definc guttation. What factors affect it?
(x1) Wte role of lymphatic system in defense of body.
Attempt any SIX short questions. (6 x 2 = 12)
(1) Write short note on polio.

WnN.otesKnow!pk.c cie
(m) Define plasmids. What is its use? I
(iN) What is ulcer? Write few lines on it. Xcelience
(1) Wite any fwo digestive functions of livcr.
() Differentiate ectoparasites and endoparasites with examples.
(1) What is the function of parabronchi in birds?
(VI)Definc photorespiration. Give its consequences.
(Vin) Define Calvin Benson Cycle.

(Ix) What the role spiracles play in cockroach respiration?
SECTION-I: Attempt any THREE questions. (8× 3 = 24)|
(a) Why is some diseases vaccination is used while
notespk.coh others
preventive measures are adopted?
(b) Discuss major solutes and their role in blood plasma.
(a) Explain the importance of carbon in living organisms.
(b) Describe different methods of asexual reproduction in fungi.
(a) How does physical methods differ from chemical methods to
control bacteria?
(b) How does evolution of microphyll differ from evolution of
8. (a) Write a note on five kingdom classification system of Robert
(b) Sketch the process of glycolysis. (No description required)
9. (a) What is endoplasmic reticulum? Write. its types and
(b) Describe digestion of food in small intestine.
fAcellence of Knowledoe
Versatile Master Key 224 Solved Biology Ist Year


Time: 20 Min. (Objective Part) Marks: 17
Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, Cand
D. The choice which you think is correct; fll that circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fl the circles. Cuting or
filling two or more circles willresult in zero mark inthat question.
() During filling of heart chambers, walls of chambers are
relaxed indicate:
(a) Cardiac diastole (b) Atrial diastole
(c) Ventricular systole (d) Ventricular diastole
(ii) Highest blood pressure is in aorta is generated by contraction
(a) Right ventricle (b) Left atrium
(c) Right atrium (d) Left ventricie
(iii) Emphysema is the breakdown of:
(a) Bronchi (b) Alveoli (c) Trachea (d) Bronchioles
(iv) A neurotic disorder in slightly older girls is called:
(a) Anorexia nervosav (b) Dyspepsia
(c). Obesity (d) Bulimia nervosa
(v) Two molecules of reduces NAD produces molecules
of ATP in respiratory chain.
(a) 3 (c) 41otespkag"2
(b) 6
(vi) Pyruvate decarboxylase activity is inhibited by; optimal
concentration of:
(a) ATP (b NAD (c) NADHV (d), Citrate
(vi) A solid double ventral nerve cord is present in earthworm,
hence earthworm is dissected from:
(a) Ventral side
(c) Lateral side
(b) Dorsal side
(d) Ventrolateral
(viii)Sponges are protandrous hermaphrodite because:
(a) Female sex cells develop first
(b) Ovaries develop first (c) Sperms cells develop first
(d) Testes develop firstv
(ix) Allseed producing plants are called:
(a) Arthrophytes (b) Angiosperms
(c) Pteridophytes (d) Spematophytes
(x) Reindeer moss is a:
(a) Moss (b) Animal (c) Lichen (d) Plant
Versatile Master Key 225 Solved Biology 1st Year
(xi) Entamoeba histolytica causes:
(a) Intestinal parasitev (6) Lang
(c) Brain parasite (d) Blood parasite
(xii) When a bacterium posses a single flagellum at one pole is
termed as:
(a) Atrichous
(b) Lophotrichous
(c) Amphitrichous (d) Monotrichous
(xiii) CD, -receptor is presenton:
(a) Plasma cells (b) Helper T-cells
(c) B-Lymphocytes (d) Natural killer cells
(x0V)A lipoprotein membrane (crista) contains FI-Particles and
(a) Nucleotides (b) RNA
(c) Electron carriers (d) Nucleoli
(xV) During metabolic reactions, these substances can be used
again and again:
(a) Co-factor (b) Enzýmes
(c) Enzymes and coenzymes (d) Prosthetic group
(d) Chromatin
(rv) Lipoproteins are structural framework of:
(a) Chromosomes (b) Nucleoid
(c) Mermbranes
(vi) Branch of biology which deals with the study of distribution
of animals in nature is called:
(a) Biogeography (b) Zoogeography
(c) Phytogeography (d) Palaeontology
Time: 2:40Hours (Subjective Part)Marks: 68
2. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 = 16)
(i) Why cellulose is digested in herbivores but not in humans?
(ii) Why pepsin is secreted in form of pepsinogen?
(iii) Name an enzyme which act in acidic medium and also give its pH.
(iv) Why inorganicions cannot be used as co-enzyme?
(v) Differentiate between ectonycorhizae and endomycorrhizae.
(vi) What are predator fungi? Give an example.
(vii) Differentiate between diploblastic and triploblastic organisms.
(vii)How coral reefs are formed?
(ix) Write two adaptations of parasites for parasitic mode of life.
(x) Write two harmful effects of insects.
Versatile Master Key 226 Solved Biology Ist Year
Write the molecular formulas of chlorophyll a and b.
(xii) What is lactieacid fermentation? Also write its equation.
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 = 16)
() What is hydroponic culture technique? Give its uses.
(ii) How and when a hypothesis becomes a theory?
(ii) Doyou knovw about the body in the nucleus which is stained dark?
(iv) Can youcompare the process of pinocytosis with phagocytosis?
() How the pathogen of malaria completes its
( ) Can you give economic importance of algae?.
(vi) Which type of pigments are present in algae?
(viii)Give two characteristics of red algae.
(ix) What is protonema? In which group ofnbryophyte
o t e s p k . it
co ismproduced?
(x) Give four examples of ferns.
(xi) What is pressure potential?
(xii) Define active immunity.
4. Attempt any S[X short questions. (6 x 2= 12)
(i) What is provirus?
(ii) Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cytoplasm.
(ii) What is dyspepsia? Give itstwo symptoms.
(iv) What is appendicitis?
(v) Define peristalsis: Excellence of Knowiedge
(vi) What are vocal cords?
(vii) Why isrespiration important to living organisms?
(vii)Why myoglobin is termed as muscle haemoglobin?
(ix) Why most of the cetaceans have high concentration of myoglobin
in muscles?
SECTION-II; Attempt any THREE questions. (8 x3= 24)
5. (a) How can we protect ourselves from the incurable diseases?
(b) What is transpiration? Explain the stomatal transpiration.
6. (a) Write a note on primary and secondary structure of proteins.
(b) Give eçonomic losses.due to fungi.
7. (a) There is diversity in respiration
notespk.comof bacteria. Prove it. Give
(b) To, what does alternation of generations refer in plants
(Bryophytes)? How it is significant?
8. (a) Define viruses and describe their characteristics.
(b) Discuss Krebs cycle with sketch in detail.
9. (a) Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
(b) Write a note on absorption of food in ileum of human.
Versatile Master Key 227 Solved Biology Ist Year


Time: 20 Min. (0bjective Part) Marks: 17
Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and
D The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fillthe circles. Cutting or
filling tw0 or more circles will result in zero mark inthat question.
() Percentage of 0, in biomass of man.
(a) 18 % (b) 10% (c) 65 % (d) 50%
(iü)) 80% of the total RNA in the cell is:
(a) mRNA (b) rRNAV (c) tRNA (d) mi RNA
(ii) For enzymes of human body, optimum temperatureis:
(a) 30 °C (b) 25 C (c) 45 °C (d) 37 C
(iv) Major component of primary wall is: ig
(a) Cellulose (b) Lignin (c) Pectin (d) Silica
(v) Number of capsomeres in the capsid of adeno virus is:
(a) 152 (b) 252 (c) 162 (d) 262
(vi) E. Coli is an example of: oí
(a) Bacilliv (b) Cocci
(c) Spirochete (d) Spiral
(viü)Cause of African sleeping sickness is:
(a) Trichonymph (b) Trypanosomav
(c) Amoeba (d) Paramecium
(viiü) Yeasts belong to group:
(a) Zygomycota (b) Basidiomycota
(c) Ascomycota v (d) Deuteromycota
(ix) Which of the following are considered as amphibians of the
(a) Ferns (b) Gymnosperms
(c) Angiosperms (d) Bryophytes
(x) Blood of Anodonta bears:
(a) Myoglobin (b) Haemoglobin
(c) Bilirubin (d) Haemocyanin
(xi) Kangroo has abdominal pouch the marsupium where they
rear their young ones , belong to subclass:
(a) Prototheria (b) Metatheria v
(c) Eutheria (d) Myriapoda
(xii) In anaerobic respiration, pyruvic acid is not oxidized and
turns into:
Versatile Master Key 228 Solved Biology Ist Year
(a) Ethane (b) Methane
(c) Methyle alcohol (d) Ethyle alcohol

(a) Chlorophyll a
(c) Carotene (d) Xanthophyll
(xii) Which of the following is not an accessory pigment?
(b) Chlorophvll b

(xiv) Utilization of the products of digestion for production of

energy or synthesis of cellular material is known as:
(a) Ingestion notcspk.comb) Digestion
(c) Assimilation (d) Absorption
(xv) Respiratory pigment present in muscles is:
(a) Haemoglobin (b) Myoglobin
(c) Myofibril (d) Bilirubin
(xvi) Which of the following is mismatched about
(a) Haemoglobin (b) Bone marrow
(c) Transport of O, (d) Fibrinogen
(xvi) Which of the following is irrelevant for heart of amphiblan?
(a) Right atriumv (b) Right ventricle
(c) Truncus arteriosis (d) Sinus venosus

Time: 2:40 Hours(Subjective Part) Marks: 68 SectionI
2. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 - 16)
(i) How the structure of Lecithin molecule is suitable for it to become
part ofcell membrane?
(ii) The powerful enzyme, pepsin is produced in inactive fom
pepsinogen, why?
(iii) For enzyme activity why optimum pH is necessary?
(iv) What happens if non competitive inhibitor combines wtth
(v) What are toadstools? Give example.
(vi) Write down two similarities between fungi and plants.
(vii) What do you know about nematocysts? n o t e s p k . . c o m

(viii) What is swim bladder?

(ix) Howinsects are beneficial to humans?
(x) Define marsupium.
(xi)) Define chemiosmosis.
(xii) What is alcoholic fermentation?
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x2- 16)
() What is hydroponic culture technique? Give its applications.
(ü) What is parasitology?.
Versatile Master Key 229 Solved Biology Ist Year
(iii) By which disease the liver and muscles are filled with glycogen?
Write causes of that disease.
(iv) Why peroxisome is named peroxisome? Write its functions in'cell
(v) Which mold had played infamous role in Irish famine? Write
structure of that water mold.
(vi) How lime stone deposits are formed in the bottom of ocean?
(vii) How does slime mold reproduce?
(vij) How green algae differ from plants?
(ix) Write scientific names of four plants belonging to family
(), Why sphenopsida are called arthrophytes?
(xi) Why body cavity of Cockroach is known as haemocoel?
(xi) Compare plasmolysis with deplasmolysis.
4. Attempt any SIX short questions. (6 x 2 = 12)
(i) What are prions?
(ü) Differentiate between micro aerophelic and facultative bacteria.
(ii) How leguminous plants fix nitrogen?
(iv) Why tubular digestive system is better than sac like digestive
(v) Write down composition of gastric juice and how its secretion is
(vi) Why respiratory distress syndrome is common in infant with
gestation period less than 7 months?
(vii) Differentiate between pleura and diaphragm.
(vii) What changes.occur in chest cavity of man during inspiration?
(ix) Why smoking in young adults is the most potential threat of lungs
SECTION-II: Attempt any THREE questions. (8 x3 = 24)|
(a) Why organelles and cell level of organization is important for
life along with molecular level?
(b) How cardiac cycle works in Man? Give its various atages and
its regulation.
(a) Describe the importance of water for life.
(b) What are the various economic losses due to fungi?
7. (a) Write down the characteristics and economic importance of
(b) Discuss different evolutionary steps in evolution of
8. (a) Writea note on the history of two to five kingdom system.
(b) Explain the phenomenon of non-cyclic phÍsphorylation.
9. (a) Compare prokaryotic cell with that of eukaryotic cell.
(b) Discuss digestion in stomach of man.
Versatile Master Key 230 Solved Biology Ist Year
Time: 20Min. (0bjective Part) Marks: 17
Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, Cand
D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cuting dr
filling two or more circles willresult in zero mark in that question.
() The example of parasitic plant is
uta (d) pitcher plantv
(a) Puccinia (b) sun dew (c) cuscuta
(ii) The surplus food in plants is stored in
(a) photosynthetic cells (b) collenchymatous cells
(e) parenchymatous cells (d) scierenchymatous cells
(ii) Which of the following group includes the largest number of
(a) chordates (b) arthropods
(c) vertebrates (d) insects
(iv) John Hogg in 1861 proposed kingdonm for
(a) monera (b) protista (c) plantae (d) prokaryotae
(v) The 16 elements that occur in organisms are called
(a) essential elements (b) bio-elements
(c) common elements (d) important elements
(vi) The bird's lungs have thin walled ducts called
(a) alveoli notéspk.rn (b) bronchi
(c) peri-bronchi (d) parabronchiv
(vii) Fungi growv best in the habitat
(a) dry (b) moist (c) hot (d) cold
(viii)The genus which is not included in gymnosperms is called
(a) pinus (b) cycas (c) crataegus (d) taxus
(ix) Which of the following is produced by the reactions taken
place in thylakoids?
(a) Co, + H,0 (b) NADP*+ ADP
(c) ATP, NADPH,+C0, V(d) o. + ATP
0, +
(x) Certain electromagnetic rays below 300 nm are effective ín
(a) virus
(b) algae
(c) microorganisms (d) germs
(xi) An enzyme and its substrate reaet with each other through a
'ersotile Master Key 231 Solved Biology Ist Year
definite charge bearing structure.
(a) active site (b) binding site
(c) catalytic site (d) reaction site
(xii) Which of the following is not a part of human immune
(a) antibody (b) antigen
(c) Blymphocite (d) T-lymphocyte
(xii)) The paired gill openings are developed in all chordates but
non-functional in
(a) rat (b) fish (c) frog (d) amphioxus
(xiV) The glucose forms a six cornered ring when dissolved in water
is called
(a) glucofuranose (b) ribofuranose
(c) glucopyranosev (d). ribopyranose
(XV) Which of the following initiates the process of blood clotting?
(a) conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
(b) conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen
(C) exposure of bloodto air (d) by platelets v
(xvi)The bacteriophage replicates only in the
(a) animal cell (b) plant cell
(c) fungal cell (d) bacterial celi
(xvii) In which of the following the first molecule is reduced to
second molecule?
(a) pyruvic acid to acetyl-CO-A
(b) glucose to pyruvic acid (c) glucose to lactic acid
(d) glucose to C0,
Time: 2:40 Hours (Subjeetive Par) Marks: 68
2. Atiempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x2 = 16)
(i) Why are lipids important to living organis1ms'?
(1) Why are enzymes considered as integral part of ribosomes?
(11) How does enzyme accelerate the rate of metabolic reaction?
(iv) Why is catalytic region of active site necessary to enzyme?
(v) Wrie down Iwo differences between spores and conidia.
(vi) What is parasexuality?
(vii) What is the importance of hook worm ofir BärsAit point of
(viii)Differentiate between anniotes and anamniotes. Give example.
(ix) Define metameric segmentation. In which phylum is it found?
Versatile Master Key 232 Solved Biology Ist Year
(x) Give two basic characteristics of chordates.
(xi) Define bioenergetics. Does it obey the law of thermodynamics?
(xii) What are accessory pigments? Give their role.
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 × 2 = 16)
() What is inductive method to formulate a hypothesis? Give an
example. (ii) Define biome and community.
(ii) Name any two structures / organelles which are common in plant
cell, animal celland prokaryoticcell.
(iv) Compare the cell wall of plant cell and a prokaryotic cell.
(v) Why diatoms are considered as major producer of an aquatic
ecosystem? (vi) Compare foraminiferans and actinopods.
(vii) Write down two characteristics of euglenoids.
(viii) Write down two characteristics of oomycotes.
(ix) What is prothallus? Give its characteristics.
(x) What is overtopping in evolution of megaphyll leaf?
(xi) What is electro cardio gram (ECG)?
(xii) Differentiate between open and close circulatory system.
4. Attempt any SIX short questions. (6 x 2= 12)

(i) What are prions? (ii) What are water blooms?

(iii) How constipation and diarrhea are caused?
(iv) How sundew shows its insectivorous activity?
(v) Define pyrosis. (vi) What is myoglobin?
(vii) How air composition changes after breathing?
(vi)Why lungs collapse if gestation age is less than seven months?
(ix) In plants how respiration occurs in presence of light?
SECTION-II: Attempt anyTHREE questions. (8 x 3 = 24)
5. (a) How is Biology important to control diseases in man?
(b) Describe. lymphatic system. Also discuss its various
(a) Describe importance of water for living organisms.
(b) Write down the characteristics of ascomycetes and
importance of yeasts.
7 (a) For growth, maintenance and rproduction nutrients are
necessary. How bacteria get them?
(b) Why sporophytes and gametophytes of plants alternate with
each other? Give its significance.
8. (a) What is hepatitis? Describe its different types.
(b) Write down the role of water in photosynthesis.
9. (a) Discuss structure and functions of plasma membrane.
(b) Describe digestion in stomach of man.
Versatile Master Key 233 Solved Biology Ist Year
Time: 20 Min. (Objective Part) Marks: 17
Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and
D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of
that question umber. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or
filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
() The amount of CO, transported in the form of HCO,, is:
(a) 60% (b) 70% (c) S0% (d) 80%
(ii) Blood cots are prevented by
(a) alanine (b) glycine (c) histamine (d)/wW.notespk.
(iii) Blade, stipe and holdfast are parts of Excellence
(a) polysiphonia (b) chlorellav
(c) laminaria (d) spirogyra
(iv) is not a part of electron transport chain.
(a) plastoquinonev (b) cytochromes
(c) plastocyanin (d) acetyl CO-A
(v) The sponge of fresh water is
(a) spongillav (b) euplectella
(c) sycon (d) leucoselenia
(vi) Horsetail belongs to sub division
(a) lycopsida (b) psilopsida
(c) sphenopsida (d) pteropsida
(vii) The diameter of peroxisome is approximately.
(a) 0.2im (b) 0.3pm (c) 0.4um (d) 0.54um

(viiî) is not lipid.

(a) oil (b) wax
(c) cholesterol (d) maltose
(ix) is not a member of phylum Mollusca.
(a) slug (b) sea urchin
(c) land snail (d) water snail
(3) How much nitrogenous compoundsare present in honey dew?
(a) 0.5% (b) 1% (c) 2% (d) 3%
(xi) The animal having iHntracellular digestion is
(a) Hydra (b) frog (c) fish (d) manv
(xii) Mammals became dominant in
(a) Proterozoicera
(c) Mesozoic era
(b) Palaeozoic era
(d) Cenozoic erav
(xiii) The detachable organic co-factor of an enzyme is known as:
lersatile Master Aey 234 Solved Biology Ist Year
(a) activator (b) prosthetic group
(c) co-enzyne motespk.corn
(d) apoenzyme
(xiv) solvent does not dissolve chlorophyll.
(a) alcohol (b) benzene
(c) water (d) carbon tetrachloride
(xv) is an insect.
(a) silver fish (b) hag fish
(c) cray fish

(c) chitin
(d) lampreys
(Nvi) Cell wall of archacobacteria does not contain.
(b) peptidoglycan
(d) cutin
(xvii) The number of ascospores in each ascus is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8v

Time: 2:40 HoursSubjective Par) Marks: 68

Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 16)
() Define that branch of Biology which deals with study of chemicals
and give its significance.
(ii) How irreversible inhibitors inhibit the activity of
(iii) How active site of an enzyme is formed? enzymm
(iv) How the lining of digestive tract is protected by the action of
pepsin? n o t e s p k . c o m

(v) How spores are different from conidia?

(vi) What is histoplasmosis? How is it caused?
(vii) Define metamorphosis. Give example.
(vii)How osculum is different from ostia?
(ix) What are the features of archaeopterys?
(x) Why exoskelcton of echinoderms may be called endoskeleton?
(xi) Define bioenergetics.
(xii) What is oxidative phosphorylation?
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 16)
(i) Define population and state its attributes.
() Differentiate between organ and organelle.
(iii) Enlist two self replicating organeiles of the cell and mention their
(iv) Why food is stored in underground parts of plants?
(v) How ciliates differ from other protozoans?
(vi) Why limestone deposits are formed from foraminiferans rather
Versatile Master Key 235 Solved Biology Ist Year
than actinopods?
(vii) What is African slceping sickness?
(viii) Writc downimportance of algae.
(x) What is overtopping?
(x) Diferentiate between antigen and antibodies.
(xii) Definc plasmolysis.
(ix) Differentiate between homospory and heterospory.

4. Attempt any SIX short questions. (6 x 2 = 12)

(i) What is hepatitis? How is it caused?
(ii) Differentiate between flagellum and flagellin.
(iiü) What is hunger pang? Give its reason.
(iv) How hydra captures its prey?
(v) What is hemorrhoids? Give its treatment.
(vi) How does respiration take place through cork tissues?
(vii) In hot dry seasón, why the level of 0, rises inside the leaf?
(vii)Why larynx is important during the act of swallowing?
(ix) Why myoglobin pigment is required by animals in addition to
SECTION-IK Attempt any THREE questions. (8x3= 24)
5. (a) In what ways Biology helps us to save our deteriorating
(b) Explain the structure of human heart with the help of
6. (a) Explain primary and quaternary structure of proteins, each
with one example.
(b) Fungi are well adapted to land. Give reasons.
7. (a) How antibodies affect the health of bumans? Give detail.
(b) Why microphylls are different from megaphy!ls ? How
evolutionof leaf has taken place?
8. (a) Describe life cycle of bacteriophage.
(b) Give an account on light /ndependent reactions of
9. (a) Differentiate between prokaryoticand eukaryotic cells.
(b) Explain the digestion in cockroach.
Excellence ofKnowledge
Versatile Master Key 236 Solved Biology 1st Year


Time: 20 Min. Marks: 17
(0bjective Part)
Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and
D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cuting or
filling twoor more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
() Energy is required for nerve conduction which is provided by
the phenomenon of:
(a) Photosynthesis (b)
(c) Digestion (d) Excretion
() In root nodules, nitrogen fixing bacteria convert nitrogen into:
(a) Ammonia (b) Urea
(c) Nitratesv (d) Uric Acid
(iü) In earthworm, exchange of gases mainly occurs through:
(a) Gills (b) Lungs
(c) Book Lungs (d) Skin
(tv) Average velocityof sugar movement in Phloem is 1m/hour but
rate of diffusion is Im/eight years. It shows diffusion is:
(a) Too fast (b) Medium process
(c) Slow and fast (d) Too slow
(v) During day time, solute concentration in plant guard cells
increases, then water potential in guard cells:
(a) Decreases b) Increases
(c) Not change d Increases andecreases
(vi) Mammal_ became dominant in:
(a) Cenozoic era b)Mesozoic era
(c) Palaeozoic era (d Proterozoic era
(vii) Fats are insoluble in:
(a) Ether (b) Alcohol (c) notespR.corhloroform
(viii)Co-enzyme is closely related to:
(a) Minerals (b) Proteins (c) Enzymes (d) Vitamins
(ix) Haploid Chromosome number in Drosophila melanogaster is:
(a) & (b) 4 (c) 23 (d) 13
(x) Micro-organisms which arecomposed of only proteins:
(a) Viroids (b) Virion (c) Prions (d) Bacteria
(xi) Prokaryotes that do not have peptidoglycan cell wall are:
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Gram-positive Bacteria
(c) Archaeobacteriav (d) Gram-Negative Bacteria
Versatile Master Key 237 Solved Biology lst Year
(xii) Protozoans having two kinds of Nuclei are called:
(a) Actinopods (b) Ciliates
(c) Zoofiagellates (d) Apicomplexans
(xiii) Histoplasmosis is a serious infection of: otespk
(a) Heart (b) Brain (c) Kidney (d) Lungs
(xiv) Pteropsida is further sub-divided into:
(a) 2-classes (b) 3-classes (c) 4-classes (d) 5-classes
(xv) Flame cells collect waste products from body fluid, so part of:
(a) Respiratory system (b) Digestive system
(c) Excretory systemv (d) Nervous system
(xvi) Some fishes fill their swim bladder by gulping of air, it shows
their swimmer bladder is connected with:
(b) Larynx notespk.coim
(a) Pharynxv
(c) Esopaagus (d) Epiglottis
(xvii) The number of co, molecules required to produce one
molecule of Triose sugar are:
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2
Time: 2:40Hours (Subjective Part) Marks: 68
Section I notespk.corit
(8 x 2 16)
2. Attempt any EIGHT short questions.
(i) Which type of carbohydrate is stored in our liver and muscle
Give its two characteristics.
(i) Why poisons act as inhibitors? neutralized?
(iii) How can the.effect of reversible inhibitors be
(iv) Why co-factors are necessary for proper functioning of enzymes?
(v) What is Nuclear mitosis? In which organisms it
(vi) What are Conidia? How they differ from spores?
is found?
(vii) What is Pseudocoelom. Inwhich group of organisms it
(viii)Differentiate between radial and bilateral symmetry.
(ix) Name the three bones of middle ear.
(x) What is the role of Swim bladder in
(xi) What are accessory pîgments? Give
(xii))What is oxidative phosphorylation?
questions. (8 x 2 = 16)
3. Attempt any EIGHT short
(i) Define Chemotherapy. Mention its reasoning.
(iü)) Differentiate between inductive and deductive importance?
(iii)) In what way mitochondrial matrix is of vital
endoplasmic reticulum.
(iv) Narrate any four functions of smooth
Versatile Master Key 238 Solved Biology Ist Year
(v) Do youknow about flagellate who lives as symbiont?
(vi) On what basis it is accepted that green algae are ancestor of
plants? xcelence
(vii) What are actinopods? notespk.corn
(viii) What are diatoms?
(ix) Distinguish between monocots and dicots.
() What is annulus and stomium?
(xi) Detine blecding.
(xii)What do you know about myocardial infarction?.
4. Attempt any SIX short questions. (6 x 2 = 12)
() Write down four symptoms of AIDS.
(ii) State the postulates of germ theory of disease.
(ii) What is heart burn?
(iv) How Jaundice is caused?
(v) What is omnivorus mode of nutrition in animals?
(vi) How breathing is different from cellular respiration?
(vii) What is photorespiration? How itaffects the plant growth?
(viii)What is vocal cord? Write its function.
(ix) Why respiratory system of birds is most elaborated?
SECTION-II: Attempt anyTHREE questions. (8x3= 24)
5. (a) How reasoning is used to tentatively explain aset of
(b) Define osmosis and describe different pathways adopted by
water to reach xylem tissue.
6. (a) Compare fibrous proteins with globular proteins.
(b) Discuss various methods of asexual reproduction in Fungi.
7. (a) How bacterial walls show different colours during staining?
Discuss differences between major bacterial groups based
upon cell wall.

notespaBlants? Write any

(b) How seed formation is important fof
two steps of seed evolution.
8. (a) Give classification of corn plant.,
(b) What is glycolysis? Draw its scheme of reactions and give its
energy balance.
9. (a) Explain the structure and functions of Golgi apparatus.
(b) Explain the phenomenon of digestion in Cockroach with
Excellence of Knowiedat
Versatile Master Key 239 Solved Biology Ist Year
Time: 20 Min. (0bjectivePart) note°Marks: 17
Note: Yon have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and
D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or
filling twoor more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
() Human lungs are in nature.
(a) Waxy (b) Spongy(c) Fluffy "d Wavy
(i) How Sugars are transported in plant cells?
(a) By Sieve (b) By Sieve Pipes
(c) By Sieve elements (d) By Sieve compoundsv
(iii) Disruptionsof Controlsystem of the heart leads to:
(a) Hypertension (b) Heart attack
(c) Stroke (d) Haemorrhage
(iv) The geological period starting from 225 million years ago is:
(a) Jurrasic (b) Permian (c) Triassic (d) Sillurian
() Biologically the most comnmon hexose is:
(a) Fructose (b) Glucose (c) Galactose (d) Mannose
(vi) The optimum pH for Pancreatic Lipase is:
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
(vii) The outer surface of cisternae of Golgi complex is: Www.notespk.c
(a) Concave (b) Knowledge
Convex (c) Flattened (d) Round
(viii)About 60% of Adults are immune to:
(a) Measels n r k . c o(b) h Small Pox
(c) Rubella (d) Mumps
(ix) Many species of cyanobacteria form:
(a) Water Blooms (b) Algal Blooms
(c) Blooms (d) Fungal Blooms
(x) The giant amoeba obtain energy from:
(a) Virus (b) Cyanobacteria
(c) Bacteria (d) E.Coli
(xi) The Lichens are Bio indicators of:
(a) Pollution (b) Soil Pollution
(c) Water Pollution (d) Air Pollution
(xii) The
(c) arrangement of leaves in Lycopods is:
(a) Spiral (b) Alternate
(d) Upper and Lower
(xiii) Pheritima posthuma is the zoological name of:
Versatile Master Key 240 Solved Biology Ist Year
(a) Nerries (b) Earthworm
(c) Leech (d) Chaetopterus
(xiv) Bilateral symmetry in animals is best corelated with:
(a) Diploblastic (b) Triploblastic
(c) No tissues (d) Porous
(xv) For Chloroplast to produce Sugar from Co, in dark reaction
is needed:
(a) ADP (b) NAD (c) NADP (d) ATP
(xvi) Which redox process is endergonic.
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Respiration
(c) Glycolysis (d) Krebs cycle
(xvii) Hepatic and Pancreatic secretions are stimulated by:
(a) Gastrin, (b) Pepsin (c) Secretin (d) Amylase
Time: 2:40 Hours (Subjective Part) Marks: 68
Section I
Lo Attempt any EIGHT short guestions. noiespk. (8 x 2 = 16)
) Why glycerol is important for the Synthesis of triglycerides?
(ü) Why in humaa body vitamins are required in small quantity?
(11) Why apoenzyme is non-functional?
(iv) Why without enzymes life is impossible?
(v) What is istoplasmosis?
(vi) Differentiate between plasmogamny and karyogamy.
(vii) What is Swim bladder? In which fishes it is found?
(vii)What are urochordates?
(ix) Enlist three basic characteristics ofwww.nct
(x) What is metamorphosis? Excellence of Knowicdge
(xi) What is lactic acid fermentation?
(xii) What is chemiosmosis?
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 16)
(i) How does theory differ from law?
(ü) Define the term species with example.
(ii) How is centriole important for cell?
(iv) Why name peroxisome was applied for this organelle?
(v) Write importance of Algae.
(vi) What are Actinopods? Give example.
(vii) How do Red Algae play important role in marine environment?
(vi) Why do biologist regard protists kingdom as polyphyletic group?
(ix) What are Sori?
Versatile Master Key 241 Solved Biology Ist Year
x) Differentiate between Antheridium and Archegonium.
(xi) How heart sound is produced?
(xi))Differentiate between closed and open blood circulatory system.
4. Attempt any SIX short questions. (6 x 2 = 12)
(i) In which state phage is called prophage.
(i) What are Pili, write their function.
(iii) Differentiate between Facultativ and obligate parasite.
Write the ingredients of Saliva.
(v) What is botulism and its cause.
Excellence of Knowied,
(vi) Why the larynx is called voice box
(Vi1) Why respiratory systemn in birds is more efficient and elaborate.
(viii) Why the person suffering from emphysema becomes breathless
and exhausted even at least exertion.
(ix) Name the process by which oxygen passes from an alveolus in the
lungs into the blood.
SECTION-II: Attempt any THREE questions. (8 x3= 24)|
5. (a) To control diseases, how biology has played its role through
vaccination and treatment?
(b) Discuss blood plasma in detail?
6. (a) Explain the primary structure of protein with example of
insulin and haemoglobin.
(b) Write down different methods of A Sexual reproduction in
7. (a) Compare photosynthesis in eubacteria and cyanobacteria with
special reference to oxygenic photosynthesis in
(b) Relate heterospory and modification of megasporangium
with adaptation of seed habit in spermatophytes.
8. (a) Discuss Biological journey from two to five kingdom
classification system.
(b) Sketch Non-cyclic phosphorylation with energy yielding
9. (a) What are plastids? Write their three types in detail?
(b) Give role of liver and pancreas in digestion.

Eacellence of Knowledge
Versatile Master Key 242 Solved Biology Ist Year


Time: 20 Min. (0bjective Part) Marks: 17
Note:You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B. Cand
D. The choice which you think is correct; fllthat circle in front of
that question number. Use marker or pen to fillthe circles. Cuting or
filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
() Surfactant is mainly composed of:

(a) Lipids! (b) Proteins

(c) Lipoproteins (d) Carbohydrates
(ii) Appendix arise from blind end of:
(a) Ileum (b) Caecum (c) Colon (d) Rectum
(iii) In which of the given parts of body lactic acid fermentation
takes place?
(a) Brain (b) Muscle (c) Heart
He (d) Liver
(iv) The product of cyelic phosphorylation is/a
(a) ATP (b) NADP
(c) NADP and ATP (d) NADP, ATP and ,
(v) Which one of the given is intermediate host for Taenia?
(a) Snail (b) Pigv (c) Sparrow (d) Man
of an animal mesoderm layer gives rise
(vi) During
(a) Nervous system (b) Digestive system
(c) Integumentary system (d) Reproductive system
(vii) The number of ascospores in each ascus are:
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8v
(viii) Vascular system is absent in;
(a) Bryophytes (b) Pteridophytes
(c) Gymnosperms (d) Angiosperms
(ix) Which one of the given phylums has noflagella?
(a) Euglenophyta (b) Pyrrophyta
(c) Rhodophyta (d) Chlorophyta
(x) Antibiotics are produced by fungi and certain bacteria of
(a) Oomycetes (b) Basidiomycetes
(c) Ascomycetesv (d) Actinomycetes
(xi) The mysterious brain infection in man is caused by:
(a) Virion (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) Prions
(xit) Nuclear membrane is continuous with:
|Versatile Master Key 243 Solved Biology Ist Year
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum (b) Golgi bodies
(c) LysOsomes (d) Peroxisomes
(xii) The optimum pH for pepsin is:
(a) 2.00
(b) 4.50 (c) 5.50 (d) 7.60
(xiv) Identify the unsaturated fatty acid.
(a) Acetic acid (b) Butyric acid
(c) Palmitic acid (d) Oleic acid
(xv) A method in which pests are destroyed by using some living
organisnm is called:
(a) Biological control (b) Insecticide control
(c) Cultural control (d) . Pesticide control
(xvi) Hydathodes are linked with one of the given processes.
(a) Imbibition (b) Bleeding
(c) Guttation (d) Transpiration
(xvü) Which one of the given parts of fish body has oxygenated
(a) Sinus venosus (b) Dorsal
(c) Ventral aorta (d) Atrium
Time: 2:40 Hours (SubjectivePart) Marks: 68
Section I
2. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 = 16)
(1) Why proper arrangement of amino acids is necessary for proteins?
Give an example.
(ii) What will happen to enzymatic reactions if the temperature
becomes 50°C?
(111) Why some enzymes are not produced in active form? Give an
(iv) Enzymes become denatured in what ways? Explain briefly.
(v) What are septate and non-septate hyphae?
(vi) Write a brief note on yeast.
(vii) Give four parasitic adaptations in Platyhelminthes.
(vii) Define Moulting.
(ix) What do you know about locusts?
(x) Give two differences between osteichthyes and chondrichthyes.
(xi) What is compensation point?
(xii) How absorption spectrum differs from action spectrum?
3. Attempt any EIGHT short questions. (8 x 2 = 16)
(i) Differentiate between biopesticides and biological control.
(ii) How a biologist can help to reduce environmental pollution?
Versatile Master Key 244 Solved Biology Ist Year
(ii) Why thylakoid has grana and intergrana?
(iv) Describe the fact that centrifugation is necessary for cellular
fractionation. (v) How are limestone deposits formed?
(vi) Write two similar and two different characters between algae and
green plants. rogtespk.ooi
examples each of Talgae and green algae.
( ) Give two
(viii) What is the name of oomycotes which played infamous role in
human history? Comment why it is so notorious?
(ix) Which plant group is called arthrophytes and why?
(x) Differentiate between monocots and dicots.
(xi) What willbe direction of flow of blood in the heart of fishes?
(xii) Define Immunity. What is difference between active and passive
immunity? (6 * 2 = 12)
4. Attempt any SIX short questions.
(i) Define Retroviruses.
(ii) Write down few words on the capsule of bacteria.
(iii) Write down the names of any two salivary glands. Compare them.
(iv) Define Heart Burn. (v) Define Dyspepsia.
(vi) Write down the lung capacity of humans.
(vii) By listening "Smoker's Cough" which disease come in our mind?
Elaborate. (viii)How muscles get their oxygen?
(ix) Has pH any effect on the blood when oxygen combines with
SECTION-II: Attempt any THREE questions. (8 x3= 24)
5. (a) Why is understanding of biodiversity important and how
biology is helping to mankind to conserve environment?
(b) What is, ascent of sap? Explain the Cohesion-Tension
6. (a) Describe the structure of amino acids and importance of
(b) Describe nutrition in Fungi and explain mycorrhizal
7. (a) Wise use of antibiotics is.necessary. What happens if we
misuse them? Introduce antibiotics as well.
(b) Comprehend various processes that occurred in vascular
plants to evolve microphylls and megaphylls.
8. (a) Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane.
(b) Explain the digestion of food in Hydra.
9. (a) Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane.
(b) Describe any four methods of animal nutrition.

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