Tracing The Evolution

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NAME Moskito, Glyzel Mae S.


SUBJECT Science, Technology, and Society


Tracing the Evolution of Science and Technology in the Philippines Through the Pages of
Science and technology in the Philippines have evolved over the course of the country's
history, with significant contributions from various civilizations, including indigenous peoples,
Spanish colonizers, and American occupiers.

As I look back at the history of technology, I am struck by how much it has changed over
time. From the invention of the wheel to the advent of the internet, we have access to an almost
unimaginable amount of information and resources at our fingertips. But it's also important to
remember that these technologies didn't just magically appear out of thin air—they were the
result of centuries of human progress and innovation.

One of the earliest periods of technological development in the Philippines was the pre-
colonial era. Even before the arrival of the Spanish, I am impressed to know that Filipinos had
already developed advanced skills in pottery-making, metalworking, and even shipbuilding.
They also had their own systems of measurement and counting, as well as an alphabet and a
vibrant textile industry. Learning about these early achievements is a reminder that science and
technology have always been an integral part of Filipino history and culture.

However, as the Spanish colonized the Philippines, the focus shifted towards trade
and the introduction of westernized practices. The galleon trade played a significant role in
the progression of technology in the Philippines, as it allowed new ideas and tools to reach
the country. Filipinos continued to develop their skills and knowledge in fields like
medicine and natural science, paving the way for future innovations. It was good to know
that during that time, the medical field was given attention because I can’t imagine what it
would be like to still have the traditional way of healing, such as folk massage, burning
incense, and brewing concoctions to cure diseases like heart attack, diabetes, etc. As an
individual living in the modern era, I am fortunate to be living in a time when technology is
advancing at an unprecedented pace, aiding human lives. The Spanish introduced formal
education to the Philippines, including subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, and
medicine. The country's first university, the University of Santo Tomas, was established in
1611 and offered courses in these subjects.
The American regime brought with it a renewed focus on science and technology,
particularly in the areas of agriculture, medicine, food processing, forestry, and pharmacy.
Looking back, it is clear that science and technology have played a significant role in
shaping the Philippines. Each era brought with it new ideas and innovations that have
helped improve the quality of life for Filipinos. The Americans introduced modern
technologies to the Philippines, including telegraph and telephone systems, as well as new
forms of transportation such as trains and automobiles.
Post-independence period: After gaining independence from the US in 1946, the
Philippines continued to develop its scientific and technological capabilities, with a focus
on fields such as agriculture, electronics, and engineering. Overall, the evolution of science
and technology in the Philippines has been shaped by a complex interplay of indigenous
knowledge, colonial influence, and modernization efforts.
As a student in the modern era, it is fascinating to look back at the history of science and
technology in the Philippines and see how it has evolved over time. I realized how essential it is
to understand the historical context of science and technology in the Philippines. By
understanding how science and technology have evolved over time, I/we can appreciate the
contributions of past scientists and innovators and work towards a better future for the country.
Despite the challenges it has faced, the Philippines has made significant contributions to the
advancement of science and technology and continues to play an important role in these fields
today. The pre-colonial era, Spanish era, and American era—each era brought its own set of
innovations—and as I examine them, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for our
ancestors and, at the same time, wonder what the future holds.

Caoili, O. (1986). A History of science and technology in the Philippines. University of the
Philippines Science Research Foundation
Prieto, N.; Vega, V.; Felipe, E.; Meneses, J. (2019). Science, technology, and society. Lorimar

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