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Earth Pressure Tn the design of retaining walls, sheet piles, or other earth-retaining structures, it fy 10 compute the luteal pressute exerted by the retained mass of soil, The ‘of finding out the lateral earth pressure against retaining walls is one of the oldest Tevil engineering field. The plastic state of stress when the failure is imminent was by Rankine in 1860. A lot of theoretical and experimental work has been done field, and many theories amd hypotheses have been proposed, retaining wall or retaining strocure is used for mainaining the ground surfaces ‘clevations on either side of it. The material retained or supported by the structure backfill which may have its top surface horizontal oc inclined. The position of ying above a horizontal pline at the elevation of the top of a wall is called =, and its inclination to the horizontal. is called surcharge angle B. 1C EQUILIBRIUM IN SOILS : ACTIVE ANDPASSIVE STATES Body of soil is said 10 be in plastic equilibrium if every point of it is on the failure. Rankine investigated the stress conditions corresponding to those states equilibrium which can be developed simultancously throughout a semi-infinite mass ‘on by no force other than gravity. The stress condition during plastic equilibrium ted by the following Moht-Coulomb equation BG SSM in 6 = econ 20.1) 1, = 2c tan (45° + 4/2) + op tan’ 45° + 6/2) (20.2) 1-21 +0) Me 20.3) stan (45° + 9/2) = flow value ‘c= major and. minor principal stresses at any point in the soil mass, at fof stress components in xz plane, Eq. 20.1 may be written as : 20.4) son The theory on which the computation of the stress in a is based is called the theory of plasticity. The theory of js based on Mohr’s theory of rupture. When the material i just Plastically, it is still im static equilibrium, satisfying. the follo 2 plane’: 3 = + SH 20.5) ag Oe Combining Eqs. 20:4, 20.5 and 20.6 lead w an eq the solution of which for a given boundary condition gives th together with the stress at each point of the failure zone ‘The equations of equilorium in two dimensions are Mobr-circle. Also, the state of plastic equilibrlum (Eqs. 20, by two straight lines at an angle ¢ 10 the o-axis (Fig. 20 KX RRA RX YA! POR LAAN SN | 201 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STATES OF tool for studying the stress conditions at equilibrium both before and at the soi 20.1 show the active and passive state of plastic equilibrium in a non-cobesive the horizontal ground surface. In an active state, the major principal stress Wertical and the minor principal stress o, is horizontal. Circle 1 represents such ‘which the pole P; corresponds to the minor principal stress (4e., horizontal sess presute } while point A corresponds 10 the major principal stress. The circle the failure cavelopes at Fi and Fi’, and hence P, Fr and P\ Fi’ show the directions planes or sip lines. These slip lines tave also been shown in Fig. 20.1 (a) F for the passive state, the minor principal stress i in the vertical direction while Principal stress is horizontal. Circle Tl corresponds to the passive state, in| whicy TPs corresponds 10 the major principal stress. The circle touches the failure envelope Fi. and hence P; F; and Py Fi’, are the directions of ‘slip tines corresponding passive case. From Eq. 20.2 putting ¢ =0, we get Sia tad (45° + 472)= tatio of the horizontal stress. oy 10 the verical stress c, is called the co-efficient [pressure K. When the soil is in the active state of plastic equilibrium: 9. Sean 5" 4672) (20.1) = cot (45° 44/2 20.8) co-efficient of active earth pressure larly, in passive state, y= oy : O= 9) o_o = tan’ (45° + 4/2) the sol isa elastic (ie. attest) the ratio. to ventical sess co-efficient of earth (Act stato (0) Passive stato FIG. 202 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE FARTIC PRESSURE wedge. The resisting. force due direction along the filre plane (or slp tins). Fg. wich the wall moves towards the fil, doe to some The magnitude ofthe Iatral earth pressure depends upon the ‘wall relative to the backfill and upon the nature of the soil. variation of laeral earth pressure with movement of the tei the varaioa of co-fficiens of earth presue with the horizodtal earth pressure at rest, When the wall moves wa) from, the ‘geal resistance of soil, which builds up in decions. away) and hence the earth pressure on the wall decreases. The decrease wo # wnt the full resiance has teen mobilised. The ant teyond this point with further movement of he wall. This active carh pressure. If on the other aod. the wall Moves pressure increases, Because the shearing resistance builds Up ia The presure reaches a maximum point (pine C) when the been fully mobilised. Any furter movement of the wall” dep This maximum pressure is called the passe earth pressure, TPO imporant conchsions have been drawn (Lanbe, 1969): (I) kes than - 0.55, is required to reach the acive sate aout 03% is required 10 reach onetalf of the maximum acer latest) ® FIG. 203. VARIATION OF EARTH PRESSURE AND CO-EFFICIENTS WITH THE MOVEMENT OF THE WALL. eo coochsons resin. yall, but she horizoon compression ‘may be as large as 15% ‘sands, the first two amiss is based on effective steses, Eqs: 20.8 reach full passive resistance stress analysis. Vf the 20.8 a) 1420.9 a) iting reining structure, infinite, bomogencous ‘an element of soil at a depth I stress ov. There will be 90 shear stress H(ort od <= EL est corresponding 10 she condition of 72° or Sa Ke Imeral stain (€, = 0) on= n(n ©) at 20.10) of the earth pressure at rest eee prewre (03) 2t rest by Py aat SAREE © pea Kort is tous triangular with zero inesiyy at z= 0 and ES as wal, where £—H, The tl rome PoP eight His given by poe | Kore de =} Kovth +.:20.12) istic theory and do not have fs not in accordance with the el alue of Ky available Poistia’s ratio. Table 20.1. gives some ¥ ALUES OF Ke FOR DIFFERENT. SOUS K, may also be computed from the following (194) Kyat sing 1 is to be noted very carefully that the earth pressute than active earth pressure (P,) but lesser than passive from Fig. 203 (a) Example 20.1 A rigid retaining wall, 6 m high i= backfill consists of cohesionless soit having @ = 26° and re arth pressure per metre length of the wall ? ; Solution : Since the wall is restrained from yi to earth pressure (/P,), at rest, given. by Eq. 2012 Pak Ky Here, Ky can be estimated from Eq. 20.10 (a) by Ko= 1 = sin 26° = 0.5616 (Nowe | This value corresponds to sand in nearly P= $x 0.5616 x 19 (6) = 192-1 KN | 20.4. ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE : RANKINE’S THEORY As originally proposed, Rankine’s theory of Iateral cobesionless soils only, Later, it was extended 0 include Ghd by Bell (1915). The theory has also been extended 19 dnd submerged soils. Following are the assumptions of the] 1. The soil mass is. semi-infinite, bomogencous, dry 2. The ground suriace is a plane which may be 3. The back of the wall i vertical and smooth, Ia stresses between the wall and the soil and the stress fo the wall is the same as for any other clement far away 4. The wall yields about the base and thus satisfies plastic equilibrium. However, the retaining walls are constructed of masonry back of the wall is never smooth. Due to this, frictional frees fof Rankine's assumption of no-existence of frictional forces at pressure must be parallel to the surface of the backfill. The the resuliant pressure inclined to the normal to the wall at at friction angle between the soil and the wal ‘The following cases of- cobesionless. backfill will now, 1, Diy or moist backfill with no surcharge. 2. Submerged backfill 3. Backfill with uniform sa PRESSURE 4. Backfill with sloping surface 5. loclined beck and surcharge. DRY OR MOIST BACKFILL WITH NO SURCHARGE (Consider an element at a depth z below the ground surface. When the wal is at ver maoving outwards (i.e, away from the fill), the active state of plas cquitrium rote porisontal pressure o is then the minimam principal str 0) and reaure o, is the Ima principal seat; . From he sess relationship (Ea we have Gy =o; tan’ (45* +9/2) (sime ¢ = 0) a. 1 , 9 Ne 5 +472) GO tan’ (45° +972) s i. fon ier eath pressure = Ps sr vertical presse on the clemett 7.2 pom 1.2008 (45° + 9/2) = Ket £20.13) 0.13 @) Ky co-efficient of active earth pressure = cot’ (45° + $/2) 1 sin 30" 21 Train 30° 3 snows the disibuion of ative Ne p over the reiaining wall eae: Kee {otal active earth pressure Py oF pressure per unit length of the by integrating Eq. 20.13, or solar pressure distribution dia~ ” © FAG. 204 ACTIVE EARTH. PRESSURE OF DRY OR MOIST COHESIONLESS St Bem Keyl 29.13) 3 above the base of the wall oil is dry, y is the dry weight of the soil, and tbe substinied in Eqs. 20.14 and 20.15, GED BACKFILL fase, the sand fil behind the retaining wall is saturated with water. The made up of two components prsssuc duc 10 subaccgod weigh x of the soil. and pressure duc to water. This, at any depth z below the sic, pew Keyet Yet if wet, 7 & the moist insect ‘aa The pressure atthe base ofthe re- yp og WT taining wall (=H) is given by Pe= Ka H+ Ye H 20.16) If the free water stands 10 both ‘sides of the wall (Fig. 20.5(b)} the water #1 pressure need not be considered, and the net lateral pressure is given by Pen Key H 20.17) If the backfil is parly submerged, i.e., the backfill is moist w a depth H, ‘below the ground level, and then. (q) it is submerged, the lateral pressure in tensity at the base of the wall is given by FIG. 206. PARTLY SUBMERGED BACKFIE ‘The above expression is on the assumption that the the moist as well as submerged soil. If it is different, say the arth pressure co-efficient, K,, and K,,. for both the $ decreases, K, increases. The lateral pressure intensity (Fig. ‘wall is given by: Pa Key We + Key ¥ Ha + Yo He 3. BACKFILL WITH UNIFORM SURCHARGE. If the backfil is horizootal and carries a surcharge Of area, the vertical pressure increment, at any depth z, will ine ‘he lateral pressure due t0 this will be K,q. Hence the lateral given by Pe= Kee + Keg ‘ At the base of the wall, the pressure intensity is teat @ « © FIG. 207. BACKFILL WITH UNIFORM SURCHARGE Pe= Kay + Keg 20.1) ‘and (b) show the two alternative methods of ploting the lateral pressure ‘The lateral pressure increment duc to the surcharge is the same ack of the wall, and docs not vary with depth z. The height of ‘he uniform surcharge intensity is given by the relation, Keyu- Keg or ned 20.2) the effect of the surcharge of intensity q is-the same as that of Te ground surface (Fig. 20.7. (0) SLOPING SURFACE : Let the sloping surface behind aagle with the horizooual; pis called the surcharge angle Beets fx tis casc by Rankine's theory, an addiional sum Gieses are conjugce is made. It can te shown that if Rem ives poine is paral to anciber plac, the stress on Foi fat be pr! et ae Sch ps te a Me ieencs etng on tiem ave called conugue stresic, BE pelt A a depth ¢ within a bockfil wit a sloping. sure, Bike top plave of the clement is paral o the ground plane, fo Gis is verical Lato ant p be th conjupate ates, Hesiel to the oping backfl Being conjugate, bot te Pesare p have the same angle of obiqety [which i Baise poe the eeoelne sees on the 0 ee Ge peal wiesées, Let 0, sod c, be the map s the soil element at A. From stability requirement, we have, w Fig. 20.8 (6) shows that Mohr circle corresponding to the principal stress imensities 0, and 0) at A. The Mobr’s circle is the locus of 4 point that represents that resultant ‘tress intensity at all planes passing ~ through the point under consideration, ‘Hence we can find the resultant stress imensies 6 and p (i.e. conjugate stresses) on the two conjugate planes at point A. The obliquity of ¢ and P is B. Hence through origin O, draw a fine at obliquity B to cut the citcle at A, and A;. Then OA, represents the resultant stress P and OA; represents the resultant stesso. Draw OB perpendicular o} Yow aren 0-08 + Bt, 2242 cap AA 08 = OC cos = SF cos 8.2) FIG. 208 CONJUGATE STRESS BC = OC sin p= 2* sing I AB-BA; ~V AC? BC? But (0; ~ 03) = (; +0;) sin $, from (1) ; Hence | Ai Bm Bay = S59 sites and sess p= 08-4, = 9% Dividing (5) and (6), we get ; pps polatg oa ok Spear aE Rien Rs“ ie “onan or aio’ a i oa | ‘| fhe Interal pressure due Boll will act at with borizoeal SURCHARGE ing. wall with an inclined back ground surface. The tou (00 a vertical plane BC passing P is the resultat of the weight W of the wedge ABC: 2026 retaining wall with inclined pressure is first calculated the heel and intersecting the in point C. The height by BC. The resultam of P ub 8 FIG. 20.9. LATERAL PRESSURE Ho Water will act normal w ‘DISTRIBUTION FOR SLOPING oe, oo (2023 a pe lateral earth pressure ese in Eq. 2023, we pt cos p ~ eos? p= cos? ¢ =e. con p SOP Fe a (20.24 8D con B+ Teor" B ~ con? (2024 4) (20.25) m=8 SURCHARGE, FIG. 20.10 INCLINED’ BACK io FIG. 2011. PRESSURE ON INCLINED BACK WMH sLOPING: Xe vecior sum of P, and W, where Wis the weigh Of twiangle ABC. 20S. ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE OF COHESIVE SOmLS ‘The principal sess relationship on a failure plane ig ©: = 05 tan? a + 2¢ tana 4 In ie case of cohesionless soils, ¢ was equated 19 gem To extend. the theory w the cohesive soll, ¢ hes ao te Consider 4 retaining wall with a smooth, vertical back ‘At any depth z we have o:=72 and oy = laral prema Substirwing. in (1), we have 4 i Ye=petan'a + 2ctana or Pano a-eeta Where a= 45" 4472 . Eq. 20.27 is known as Bell tion for the lateral equa } At 2=0, we get from Eq. 2027, Pom =2ceo a 2 ze When m=O. 220 tang =2€ MnO, raya 2 This shows that negative pressure (i.e, tension) is Nall, The ‘tension decreases to re10 at a depth %4 su 20.12 shows the variation of lateral pressure along the height of the retaining escen that if ¢ were equil to zero, the pressure af the base would have been ‘thus the effect of cohesion in soil is t0 reduce the pressure intensity Hoot a = by 2 cota fou! net pressure is given by Sp. de = Sy 2a? a - recor a) ae ay Hf cot a -2cHeote (2030) ‘of negative pressure, 2 tension crack is usually the soil near the top of the wall, upto a so, the total net pressure upon a depth ‘This means that a cohesive soil should be ‘with a vertical face upto a depth 2 z» without The critical height He of an unsupported jin cohesive soil is thus given by 4 Fetes FIG. 2012 ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE OF CONESIVE woh BACKFILL B2o- SS tana do occur and soil does not necessarily to the top portion of the wall, upto height zs, it is usual to neglect the ‘and consider whole of the positive pressure below ». The total lateral ‘wall is then obtained by integrating Eq. 20.27 betsicen the limits zo to H: orzo a - reco aye =} 1 0h zoo? -2€(tl-ayena 20.32) tan a, the shove equation reduces to +-120.33) Pan} ut ot ate cot + 2 With surcharge. If he backfil carice a surcharge of uniform intensity @ healateral pressure is increased by Ke q or qecot'e everywhere Hence he lateral pressure is mificd 10 Pa yeeot® a ~ 2c cot a+ ¢ cor’ & (20.34) 0, pe = q cot" a - 2c cot a, ‘The depth z) at pe <0 is given by t= tta-2 (20.35) y Y Ihackfil. If she water table. exists at a depth H, below the top of Tateral pressure at depth 2 (-H1,) is given by pom by Hit y (2-H) Loot’ a - 2c cot a + ye (e- Hi) (20.36) Backfill of intact saturated clay. The active lateral pressure for temporary works or immediately after construction of retaining wall o=O.=0. 1 sin Then aaah Pewter 2-24 Pa $m UO ~ 2d) ~ Yell ~ 29) 2a i 20.46. PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE : RANKINE’S THEORY (@) Cobesionless backfill : In the case’ of passive state of lateral pressure is the major principal stress while the vertical stress. Thus and ae MEO); oman Substituting this in the principal stress relationship = ¢, =e) Pr=vetn' a= Key: B where Pr passive earth presure intensity K,=Rankine's co-efficient of L+sin g “Tosa ¢” Ke tan’ (45° + 9/2) cor (45+ 972) Kyun a= My Also ratio stant (45° 4 For example, if y= 30°, P= wnt (45° + 30° ‘The distribution of passive earth pressure, given by Eq. 20.40 is “value of Ky 7H at the base of the reining’ wall of height H. 2 depth His given by y= Sire. dee kya If a uniform surcharge intensity q per unit area acts over the the increase in the passive pressure will be equal to Ky. ¢. ‘The at a depth z is then given by — pp= Kyyz +4) If the backfill is having its top surface inclined at an is given by 205 fs + Voos! Pr = 72.008 P= cos B+ Voor Baer" | eax where’ eywene p LRP te heats 020,45) co B= Veoe" Bens § Cohesive backfill : For the case of cobesive soll, _zetmg_ stress relationship at failure is given by = 6: oy tan’ a+ 2eun a the case of passive pressure, = an=pp oor ing these values of 0; and oy, we get ztan? @ + 2c tana 20.46) EN +200 =e den J13 shows the pressure distribution diagram. The ig. a9 13 VARIATION OF is given by PASSIVE, PRESSURE 0 (ees COHESIVE BACKFILL P= J" paca hy H tas a+ 2cHt wna (20.47) HEN + 2H VN 20.474) ; 20.2. Compute the intensities of active and passive earth pressure at depth | ‘dry cohesionless sand with an angle of internal friction of 30° and unit | EN‘. What will be the intensities of active and passive earth pressure if rises to the ground level ? Take saturated unit weigh of sand as 22 (@) Dry soit : 1-sas _ttsing Trane Rolamabo ks” Pam Key H= $x 18 x8 = 48 kN/m? Pp=Kpy H= 3x18 x8 = 432 kN/m? | back Y= Ye = Ye= 22-981 = 12.19 KN/m? po= KaYH+ yoH= 4x 1219 «84981 x8 1M AN/a! Pe Kp H + yw H = (3 x 12.19 = 8) + (9.81 = 8) = 371 KN/m? A retaining wall 4 m high, has @ smooth vertical back. The backfill in level with the top of the wall. There is uniformly distributed 36 KNim® intensity over the backfill, The unit weight of the backfill sw SOUL MECHANICS, is 18 kN/m; us angle of shearing resistance is 30° and cohesion is rmagritule and point of application of active pressure per metre length Solution eee Kem 1+sing 3 The lateral pressure intensity dove t0 the surcharge is given by P= Ky.g= $x 36~ 12EN/mt The pressure intensity due to the backfill, a depth H=4 m is given by, pom Kay =} 184 = 26 N/m ‘The total pressure intensity at the base of the wall is given by Pa= py + pr = 12 + 24 = 36 KN/m’ Fig. 20.14 shows the pressure distribution diagrams frp, and p,. The resultant wal pressure P, duc to inemsty py is given by = 12 x4 = 48 KN/m, ‘The resuant tous! pressure. P; due to. intensity py ia gived Poe} pi He} 24 x4 BEN/e, acting at $4 = 133 me P=P\+P,=48448=96 KN per meter length of the Wall: The resultant P acts at a distance Z above the base, given by about the base (48 x2) +48 x ae = 1.67 m. Alternative solution. Equivalent height of surcharge is given wate 622m 1 ‘Thus the problem reduces to the calculation of active earth DeW+y=4+2-6 m The pressure intensity at the base of the wall is given by) pom Key Z=$% 18 «6 = 364N/m? Pressure intensity at the top of the wall is evidently 12 kN/m?, is thus trapezoidal, having pressure intensities 2. and 36 KN/am P= $ (12+ 36) x4 = 96 KN/m ss fof point of application from the base given by LH 2o+b 4 2» 12436 3° 12+36 20.4. In example 20.3, if the water table rises behind the wall 10 an below the top, determine the total active pressure and is point of application weight of sand as 12 KN/m’ Assume that there is no change in the angle re due 10. submergence r= lateral pressure intensity due 1 surcharge prlteral pressure intensity due w dry soil = 1.67 m pelateral pressure imensity duc to submerged soil ps=lateral pressure intensity due to water Bg =} 36 12 KN /n? GH = bx 18 x 15-9 ENT 9 He=}*120.5) = 10N/ni? TH = 981 «25 - 24.53 N/a. ‘shows the pressure distribution resultant pressure $9425 =22.5EN/m, acting @ 1.25 m from dase 410% 25=125KN/m, acting @ 0.833 m from base se 24.53 «2.5 = 30.66 N/m, acting @ 0.833 m from tase = PHP+ P+ Pt P+ Ps = 48 46.75 + 22.5 + 12.5 + 30.66 = 120.41 KN/m the point of application of P above the base is obtained by ta 3, 2) (6.75 » 3) + 22.5 « 1.25) + (125 x 0.833) + (30.66 = 0.833) vertical excavation was made in a clay deposit having weight Ger the depth of digging reached 4 metres. Taking the angle © internal friction to be zero, calculate the value of cohesion. 2: @ backfill against a retaining wall, upio a heigh of 8 metres, anh pressure, (ii) total passive earth pressure. Assume that the 40 allow Rankine deformation conditions 10 exablish Solution : The critical height 1, of an unsupported is ghen by Eq. 2031: He =nn AS $20, tana tan (4s? + 4/2)=1 eater 4x Ica © Total active earth pressure is given by Eq, 20,30 Pe 1 Hoot o- 2c cata = 3 «20 (0 640 ~ 320 = 320 KN /m (i Total passive earth pressure is given by Eq. 2047 Pye fy Hm a+ 2cH tana » § «20 Os = 640 + 320 = 960 KN/m Example 20.6. A 6 m high vertical wall supports a (450) with horizontal surface. The ‘op 3 m of the backfill fas a apparent cohesion of 18 8N in? The bulk unit weight ‘the bottom 3 m of the backfill are respectively 20kN /m! and. depth of tension cracks behind the wall ? If tension cracks total active pressure ? Draw the pressure distribution diagremm | &f eppicaion of the resukant pressure Solution : The active carth pressure for a saturated clay 2037 Pew tee 2-2 and the height of tension cracks is given by Eq. 20.39 de 2m: For the top soil, Yq = 18 KN/m’ and c, = 18 kN/m?, | For the bottom soil, Yay =20kN/m? and cy = 24 KN/m? From Eq. (1), we get 2=0, Pen ~2a= ~2x18 = -36KN/m? 4 ea 218 8 Po= (18 x 3)~ (2x 18) = 18kN/m? (upper! Pa (18 x 3) + 20(¢ ~3) - (2 « 24) = 54-4208 2m 4 Pa pox S4—-48=G6KN/mi (lower soil) pa = S4-+ 2046 — 3) — 48 = 66 KN/m? [pressure distribution is. shown 15 (a). thatthe tension cracks have the net active pressure will ‘area of the positive pressure re 1 2 mix 1x 18-91N/m 344-335 m from the KN/m length fof the poin of application is given by j= 93.38) + (108 > 1.085) nT 20.7. A retainin ts @ back{ill (¢ = 20kN/m IkN/m) with horizontal top. flush wish the top of the wall. The bacifil of 20 kNin’. If the wall is pushed towards the backfil, compuue the ‘on the wall, and its point of application. c= 2KN/m" 4 = 30" 5 Ky = Ny = tan? (AS® + 4/2) = tan? O° = 3 pressure intensity due to surcharge is given by pr=Ky-4=Nyq=3xqe3%20= GO RN/m pressure intensity due to backfill is given by Eq. 2046 @ 20NN ty HN, pate YN, =2 «20 V3 = 69.28 N/m! prev Ny =20x4%3=240KN/m" Mistrbuion diagram consists of two rectangles and one triangle corresponding {as shown in Fig. 20.16. FAG. 2013 @ =126 m wall, 4m

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