Cyre 927YK

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The Last War, involving Cyre, was a pivotal period in the history of the Five

Nations. Here's a summary of the key events:

Ill-suited for War: Cyre, the cultural heart of the Galifaran empire, was poorly
prepared for the violence of the Last War, fielding a weaker military compared to
its neighbors. Queen Mishann of Cyre was initially in line to ascend the Galifaran
throne, which made Cyre a target of other nations' ambitions.

The War's Outset: The Last War began in 894 YK following King Jarot's death. Prince
Thalin of Thrane, Prince Kaius of Karrnath, and Princess Wroann of Breland opposed
Mishann's succession, leading to the mobilization of their militaries against Cyre.

Cyre's Struggle and Allies: Cyre was attacked from all sides and relied heavily on
mercenaries, including the Valenar elves, the goblins of Darguun, and warforged
from House Cannith, to defend itself. The nation, despite being the battleground
for much of the Last War, managed to hold out due to these alliances.

Diplomatic Efforts and Failures: Queen Mishann and King Wrogar attempted to
negotiate a peaceful partition of the Kingdom of Galifar, but their efforts were
sabotaged by Kaius I, leading to the prolongation of the war.

Before the year 927 YK, Cyre played a significant role in the history of the
Kingdom of Galifar. Known for its arcane achievements, Cyre was often referred to
as "Beautiful Cyre," the "Purple Jewel in Galifar's Crown," and "Wondrous Cyre."
This land was seen by some as a place of decadence and arrogance, but to many
others, it was a paradise.

During King Jarot's reign, his children, still too young to govern, were under the
mentorship of regents and existing governor-princes, who were Jarot's siblings.
Princess Mishann, Jarot's eldest child, was sent to Cyre for her education and
grooming for leadership. The collapse of the Kingdom of Galifar occurred in 894 YK,
when each of Jarot's scions declared their respective nations independent and
sovereign, marking a significant turning point in Cyre's history.

Ill-Suited for War: Cyre, known as the "Purple Jewel in Galifar’s Crown," was ill-
prepared for the rigors of the Last War. Its military was weaker compared to its
neighbors. Queen Mishann of Cyre, the rightful heir to the Galifaran throne, was
one of the primary figures in the conflict. Cyre relied heavily on mercenaries,
including Valenar elves, Darguun goblins, and warforged from House Cannith, to
bolster its defenses.

A Central Battleground: Cyre became a central battleground in the Last War. It

faced attacks from Karrnath, Thrane, and Breland, as well as incursions from groups
like the Valenar elves, Talentan tribes, and Lhazaarite pirates. The once great
nation suffered greatly, with its wonders falling battle by battle.

The Day of Mourning: The most significant event was the Day of Mourning in 994 YK,
when Cyre was obliterated in a massive arcane explosion, leading to its complete
destruction. The cause of this catastrophe remains unknown. This event transformed
the region into the Mournland, a desolate area shrouded in a dead-gray mist,
marking a grim memory of the war.

Early Stages and Alliances: In the early stages of the war, Cyre, being attacked
from all sides, sought allies. The Valaes Tairn elves, in particular, joined Cyre's
cause, driven by their desire for battle. These alliances and the addition of
warforged to their ranks helped Cyre withstand the ongoing conflict for a time.

End of the War and Treaty of Thronehold: The destruction of Cyre precipitated the
end of the Last War. However, during the Treaty of Thronehold negotiations, which
officially ended the war, Cyre had no representation. The argument was that Cyre no
longer existed, and thus its refugees had no voice in the proceedings.

Legacy and Aftermath: The complete destruction of Cyre on the Day of Mourning was a
pivotal moment in the war. Before this, there were rumors of a major offensive
planned by Queen Dannel. However, the explosive wave of arcane energy that
destroyed Cyre also ended the war, leaving thousands of soldiers from all the Five
Nations dead and turning Cyre into a lost nation behind a mysterious wall of mist.

Ill-suited for War: Cyre, the cultural heart of the Galifaran empire, was poorly
prepared for the violence of the Last War, fielding a weaker military compared to
its neighbors. Queen Mishann of Cyre was initially in line to ascend the Galifaran
throne, which made Cyre a target of other nations' ambitions.

The War's Outset: The Last War began in 894 YK following King Jarot's death. Prince
Thalin of Thrane, Prince Kaius of Karrnath, and Princess Wroann of Breland opposed
Mishann's succession, leading to the mobilization of their militaries against Cyre.

Cyre's Struggle and Allies: Cyre was attacked from all sides and relied heavily on
mercenaries, including the Valenar elves, the goblins of Darguun, and warforged
from House Cannith, to defend itself. The nation, despite being the battleground
for much of the Last War, managed to hold out due to these alliances.

Diplomatic Efforts and Failures: Queen Mishann and King Wrogar attempted to
negotiate a peaceful partition of the Kingdom of Galifar, but their efforts were
sabotaged by Kaius I, leading to the prolongation of the war.

Creation of the Mournland: The Day of Mourning in 994 YK marked a catastrophic

event for Cyre. A massive release of arcane energy obliterated the nation,
transforming it into what is now known as the Mournland. This desolate area is
marked by a dead-gray mist that closely follows the old national borders of Cyre.

The Aftermath: Cyre's complete destruction resulted in thousands of refugees and

the loss of its cultural and historical legacy. The survivors faced challenges in
assimilating into new homes and preserving their heritage.

Peace Negotiations Excluding Cyre: During the Treaty of Thronehold negotiations

that ended the Last War, Cyre was not represented, with other nations arguing that
"Cyre no longer exists".

Valaes Tairn and the Kingdom of Valenar: In a significant turn of events, the
Valaes Tairn elves, initially allies of Cyre, declared the independence of the new
elf kingdom of Valenar in 956 YK, annexing southern Cyre.

End of Hostilities: The cataclysmic events in Cyre and the leadership of figures
like King Boranel of Breland and Keeper Jaela Daran of Thrane played crucial roles
in bringing about the end of the Last War.

During the Last War, Cyre, known as the Purple Jewel in Galifar's Crown, was ill-
suited for the conflict's rigors and violence. Its military was weaker compared to
its neighbors, and it relied heavily on mercenaries, including the Valenar elves,
the goblins of Darguun, and warforged from House Cannith. Cyre, once a thriving
crossroads of culture, became the primary battleground of the Last War. The war
took a significant toll on Cyre, with its many achievements slowly toppling as it
faced constant attacks from Karrnath, Thrane, and Breland.

The Day of Mourning in 994 YK marked a catastrophic event for Cyre. A massive blast
of arcane energy obliterated the nation, transforming it into the Mournland, a
region of desolation and devastation, marked by a dead-gray mist tightly hugging
its former borders. This disaster was pivotal in the history of Cyre and the entire
continent, but the cause of the cataclysm remains unknown. It's uncertain whether
it was an enemy's weapon or an arcane doomsday device of Cyre's own design.

Throughout the war, Cyre had moments of success, partly due to alliances with
various groups, including the Valaes Tairn elves. However, the Valaes Tairn later
annexed southern Cyre, declaring the independence of the new elf kingdom of Valenar
in 956 YK. Cyre's Queen Mishann, the legitimate heir to the throne of Galifar,
initially led the nation, but her diplomatic efforts to end the war through
treaties were sabotaged by other leaders, resulting in prolonged conflict.

The Day of Mourning, which ended Cyre's existence, significantly influenced the
eventual end of the Last War. The shock and devastation caused by this event led to
a diplomatic push for peace, with key figures like King Boranel of Breland and
Keeper Jaela Daran of Thrane advocating for an end to hostilities. The tragedy of
Cyre remains a significant and mournful chapter in the history of Khorvaire.

Ill-Suited for War: Cyre, known as the "Purple Jewel in Galifar's Crown," was
poorly prepared for the violence of the Last War. It had a weaker military compared
to its neighbors. Queen Mishann of Cyre was the rightful heir to the Galifaran
throne, which made Cyre a target of usurpers. Cyre survived partly due to
mercenaries, including the Valenar elves, the goblins of Darguun, and warforged
from House Cannith.

Diplomatic Challenges: Cyre was not allowed representation in the Treaty of

Thronehold negotiations, which ended the Last War. Other nations argued that Cyre
no longer existed following the Day of Mourning, leaving the survivors without a
voice in the new order.

Constant Battleground: Cyre became the main battleground of the Last War. It faced
attacks not only from Karrnath, Thrane, and Breland but also from various other
groups like Darguun, Valenar, and Lhazaarite pirates. This continuous conflict led
to the gradual downfall of Cyre's wonders.

The Day of Mourning: In 994 YK, Cyre was obliterated in an arcane explosion, an
event known as the Day of Mourning. The catastrophe's cause remains unknown. It may
have been an enemy weapon or Cyre's own doomsday device. This event created the
Mournland, a devastated region surrounded by a dead-gray mist.

Seeking Allies: As the Last War began, Cyre sought allies to defend against attacks
from all sides. They attracted the Valaes Tairn, militant elves who fought
alongside Cyre for decades.

End of the War: The devastating impact of the Day of Mourning on Cyre and the
massive loss of troops were pivotal in bringing the Last War to a halt. The Treaty
of Thronehold in 996 YK officially ended the war and recognized the independence of
various nations.

Cyre's Decline and Division: Cyre's territory was annexed by the Valaes Tairn
mercenaries in 956 YK, establishing the Kingdom of Valenar. Cyre's lands were
heavily contested and frequently became battlefields.

Aftermath: Post-war, Cyre ceased to exist as a nation. The Mournland, covering the
territory of former Cyre, remains a mysterious and desolate region. Survivors of
Cyre, led by Prince Oargev ir’Wynarn, attempt to rebuild and maintain their
heritage, with many residing in New Cyre, located in eastern Breland.

During the Last War, Cyre, known as the Purple Jewel in Galifar's Crown, was less
equipped for the rigors and violence of the war compared to other provinces. Cyre's
military, a shadow of its neighbors, relied heavily on mercenaries, including the
Valenar elves, goblins of Darguun, and warforged from House Cannith, to survive.

Initially, Cyre was under attack from all sides, leading it to seek allies. The
Valaes Tairn elves, drawn to the conflict, fought for Cyre, engaging with Talentan
warbands, hobgoblin mercenaries, and forces from Breland and Karrnath. Cyre became
a major battleground, with clashes involving troops from Karrnath, Thrane, and
Breland, as well as incursions from Darguun, Valenar, Talentan tribes, and
Lhazaarite pirates.

In 908 YK, after the assassination of Queen Mishann, her son Brusst took over. He
led Cyre's military, maintaining stability and seeking peace with Breland, which
led to joint operations against Thrane. A significant event was the annexation of
southern Cyre by the Valaes Tairn mercenaries in 956 YK, who declared the
independence of the new elf kingdom of Valenar.

Cyre's standing army was smaller than its neighbors, with a structure of platoons,
companies, and regiments led by clerics or fighters. This army was the core around
which mercenaries and foreign forces revolved. Most of Cyre's troops were deployed
along the Karrnathi border and guarding against Thrane, with Queen Mishann
negotiating with the Valaes Tairn elves for support.

Breland and Thrane, having strengthened their alliance, plotted a joint invasion of
Cyre. This invasion, led by renowned leaders from both nations, overwhelmed key
areas in Cyre and pushed towards the city of Making. Cyre was also notable for
being the first nation to employ units entirely of warforged, massive humanoids
made for warfare, without human officers or advisers. By the end of the war,
warforged, associated with the escalating conflict, were a significant part of the
armies of Breland, Thrane, and Cyre.

During the Last War, Cyre was notably ill-prepared for the conflict compared to
other provinces of Galifar. It was culturally rich but militarily weak, relying
heavily on mercenaries for its defense. At the onset of the war, Cyre was besieged
from all sides and quickly sought allies, notably drawing the interest of the
Valaes Tairn, militant elves who fought alongside Cyre for decades against various

Cyre, being the most beautiful among the nations, unfortunately became the primary
battleground of the Last War. The nation faced onslaughts not just from Karrnath,
Thrane, and Breland, but also saw invasions and looting from Darguun, Valenar,
Talentan tribes, and Lhazaarite pirates.

Despite its lack of martial tradition, Cyre did have its own standing army, albeit
smaller than its neighbors. This army, composed of volunteer and enlisted squads,
formed the core of Cyre's defense, around which mercenaries and foreign forces were

Cyre's military strategy involved deploying most of its troops along the Karrnathi
border and against possible invasions from Thrane. The threat from Breland led to a
significant engagement of elven mercenaries, who employed guerrilla tactics against
their foes. This heavy reliance on mercenaries and the cost of maintaining such
forces was a constant challenge for Cyre.

Cyre was also notable for being the first nation to employ units entirely
consisting of warforged, without human officers or advisers. These warforged,
massive humanoids crafted from a composite of materials, fought fiercely and
without remorse, displaying adaptability beyond typical arcane constructs.
One significant military action involved a joint invasion of Cyre by Thrane and
Breland. The vanguard of this joint army overwhelmed Cyre's defenses in several key
locations, marking a critical point in the war against Cyre.

The military history of Cyre in the Last War is a tale of a culturally rich but
militarily weaker nation, struggling to defend itself against numerous and more
powerful adversaries, eventually leading to its tragic downfall.

During the Last War, Cyre, known as the Purple Jewel in Galifar's Crown, was less
equipped for the rigors and violence of the war compared to other provinces. Cyre's
military, a shadow of its neighbors, relied heavily on mercenaries, including the
Valenar elves, goblins of Darguun, and warforged from House Cannith, to survive.

Initially, Cyre was under attack from all sides, leading it to seek allies. The
Valaes Tairn elves, drawn to the conflict, fought for Cyre, engaging with Talentan
warbands, hobgoblin mercenaries, and forces from Breland and Karrnath. Cyre became
a major battleground, with clashes involving troops from Karrnath, Thrane, and
Breland, as well as incursions from Darguun, Valenar, Talentan tribes, and
Lhazaarite pirates.

In 908 YK, after the assassination of Queen Mishann, her son Brusst took over. He
led Cyre's military, maintaining stability and seeking peace with Breland, which
led to joint operations against Thrane. A significant event was the annexation of
southern Cyre by the Valaes Tairn mercenaries in 956 YK, who declared the
independence of the new elf kingdom of Valenar.

Cyre's standing army was smaller than its neighbors, with a structure of platoons,
companies, and regiments led by clerics or fighters. This army was the core around
which mercenaries and foreign forces revolved. Most of Cyre's troops were deployed
along the Karrnathi border and guarding against Thrane, with Queen Mishann
negotiating with the Valaes Tairn elves for support.

Breland and Thrane, having strengthened their alliance, plotted a joint invasion of
Cyre. This invasion, led by renowned leaders from both nations, overwhelmed key
areas in Cyre and pushed towards the city of Making. Cyre was also notable for
being the first nation to employ units entirely of warforged, massive humanoids
made for warfare, without human officers or advisers. By the end of the war,
warforged, associated with the escalating conflict, were a significant part of the
armies of Breland, Thrane, and Cyre.

In the year 927 YK, the nation of Cyre was deeply embroiled in the conflicts of the
Last War. The period from 906 to 913 YK was particularly challenging for Cyre,
marked by military struggles and invasions. During this time, the Kingdom of
Breland launched a major offensive into Cyre. They advanced through Marguul Pass in
the Seawall Mountains, aiming for the Cyran cities of Saerun and Making. However,
the onset of winter, characterized by heavy rains and snow, severely hampered their
progress. This inclement weather closed the pass through the Seawalls and disrupted
the supply lines to the advancing Brelish forces, causing Breland's invasion of
Cyre to falter.

In the year 927 YK, Cyre was in a particularly precarious position amidst the
tumult of the Last War. Known as the "Purple Jewel in Galifar’s Crown," Cyre was a
cultural crossroads and the heart of the Galifaran empire's artisan soul. However,
its military capabilities were notably weaker compared to its neighboring
provinces. The Cyran military was described as "only a pale shadow of its

This vulnerability was further exacerbated by the political situation. Queen

Mishann of Cyre was the rightful heir to ascend the Galifaran throne following King
Jarot's death. However, the Cyrans were among the last to become aware of the
usurpers' intentions, which put them at a significant disadvantage in the early
stages of the war.

To compensate for its military shortcomings, Cyre heavily relied on mercenaries for
defense and combat operations. These included the Valenar elves, the goblins of
Darguun, and warforged purchased from House Cannith. Without these mercenary
forces, it is doubtful that Cyre could have sustained itself until the Day of
Mourning, a catastrophic event that marked a significant turning point in the war.
As with many conflicts, the noncombatants and innocents in Cyre bore a heavy burden
and suffered greatly during this period.

In the year 927 YK, the condition of Cyre was significantly affected by the events
of the Last War. As a critical battleground in this conflict, Cyre, once the most
illustrious among its sibling nations in the Kingdom of Galifar, suffered greatly.
The nation and its citizens endured the war's destructive impact, which eroded many
of its achievements over time.

The Last War saw the armies of Karrnath, Thrane, and Breland frequently clashing on
Cyre's soil, turning it into a near-constant theater of war. This prolonged
exposure to conflict led to a considerable decline in the nation's condition. The
culmination of these events was the catastrophic disaster known as the Mourning in
994 YK, which resulted in the creation of the Mournland within Cyre's borders. This
cataclysm was an unprecedented event, with a blast of arcane power not seen since
the ruin of Xen’drik forty thousand years prior. The cause of this disaster remains
unknown; it could have been an attack by an enemy nation or possibly a result of
Cyre’s own arcane experimentation, whether deliberate or accidental.

894 YK: The Last War begins with the death of King Jarot ir’Wynarn of Galifar.
Cyre's Princess Mishann, the rightful successor to the throne, is denied her claim
by Prince Thalin of Thrane, Prince Kaius of Karrnath, and Princess Wroann of
Breland. This leads to the mobilization of military forces by these nations against

895 YK: Queen Mishann of Cyre, seeking a peaceful resolution, proposes a partition
of the united Kingdom of Galifar into two or three kingdoms. However, this effort
is sabotaged by Kaius I of Karrnath, leading to the continuation of the war.

908 YK: Queen Mishann is assassinated by agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw.
Her son Brusst takes the throne and begins to seek peace, especially with Breland,
to avoid a multi-front war.

964 YK: A massive goblin raid originating from the Seawall Mountains pillages the
city of Saerun in Cyre, leading to significant losses and enslavement of many Cyran

Throughout the War: Cyre, less militarily robust than its neighbors, relies heavily
on mercenaries for its defense, including Valenar elves, goblins from Darguun, and
warforged from House Cannith. Despite this, Cyre suffers greatly, with its
noncombatants and innocents bearing the brunt of the conflict.

994 YK: The Last War culminates in a catastrophic event known as the Day of
Mourning, resulting in the creation of the Mournland within the borders of Cyre.
This event marks the end of Cyre as a nation.

894 YK: The Last War begins when King Jarot ir’Wynarn, the last ruler of Galifar,
dies. His children dispute the succession, with Prince Thalin of Thrane, Prince
Kaius of Karrnath, and Princess Wroann of Breland rejecting Princess Mishann of
Cyre's rightful claim to the throne.
895 YK: Queen Mishann of Cyre attempts to negotiate peace, proposing to partition
the Kingdom of Galifar into two or three kingdoms. Her efforts are sabotaged by
Kaius I, with Thrane and Breland rejecting the treaties.

908 YK: Queen Mishann is assassinated, and her son Brusst becomes the new king of
Cyre. Brusst, experienced in military leadership, begins making diplomatic
overtures for peace to Breland, leading to joint Brelish-Cyran operations against

964 YK: Cyre suffers a significant setback when a massive goblin raid from the
Seawall Mountains pillages the city of Saerun. This raid marks a notable event in
the continuing conflict.

965-979 YK: The period sees the rise of the Warforged, a key element in the war

General Warfare Period: Throughout the Last War, Cyre, known for its culture and
artisan soul, struggled militarily and relied heavily on mercenaries, including
Valenar elves, goblins of Darguun, and Warforged from House Cannith.

Repeated Engagements: Cyre was involved in various flashpoints of combat, notably

the city of Eston between Cyre and Thrane, and the town of Vathirond between
Breland, Cyre, and Thrane. Karrnath was primarily engaged with Cyre, indicating
frequent military conflicts between these nations.

This timeline highlights the key military and political events involving Cyre
during the Last War, showcasing the nation's struggles, diplomatic efforts, and the
persistent conflict that marked this period.

894 YK: The Last War begins with the death of King Jarot ir’Wynarn, the last ruler
of Galifar. The princes of Thrane, Karrnath, and Breland reject the succession of
Princess Mishann of Cyre to the throne of Galifar. This leads to the mobilization
of their militaries against Mishann, marking the start of the conflict.

908 YK: Queen Mishann of Cyre is assassinated by agents of the Order of the Emerald
Claw. Her son, Brusst, is crowned the new king of Cyre almost immediately. During
his reign, King Brusst makes diplomatic overtures for peace to Breland, leading to
joint Brelish-Cyran operations against Thrane.

964 YK: Cyre faces a significant setback when a massive goblin raid originating
from the Seawall Mountains pillages the city of Saerun. This incident highlights
Cyre's vulnerability and the growing threat from external forces.

965-979 YK: The period sees the rise of the Warforged, which signifies a change in
the dynamics of warfare in the region.

994 YK: The Last War takes a catastrophic turn for Cyre, leading to the creation of
the Mournland. This disaster, the cause of which remains unknown, marks the end of
Cyre as a significant player in the conflict. The once proud and bright nation
collapses in a devastating arcane explosion, an event unparalleled since the ruin
of Xen’drik forty thousand years earlier.

Throughout the Last War, Cyre, known as the Purple Jewel in Galifar’s Crown,
struggled due to its ill-suited military capabilities compared to its neighbors. It
relied heavily on mercenaries, including the Valenar elves, the goblins of Darguun,
and Warforged from House Cannith, to sustain its defense. This reliance on external
forces, coupled with internal challenges and external threats, ultimately led to
its downfall.
Here is a year-by-year timeline of Cyre's activities during the Last War from 894
YK to 927 YK:

894 YK: The Last War begins. Following the death of King Jarot, Cyre's Princess
Mishann, the eldest child of King Jarot, was denied her rightful succession to the
throne of Galifar. This rejection by Prince Thalin of Thrane, Prince Kaius of
Karrnath, and Princess Wroann of Breland sparked the war. Prince Wrogar of Aundair
supported Mishann's claim, leading to the mobilization of militaries and the
declaration of independence by the contending princes.

895 YK: Diplomacy’s First Failures. Queen Mishann of Cyre attempted to negotiate a
peaceful settlement by proposing a partition of the Kingdom of Galifar into two or
three kingdoms. This effort was sabotaged by Kaius I, who urged his allies to
reject the treaties.

896 YK: The Order of the Emerald Claw was established, which later conducted
missions against Karrnath's enemies, including Cyre.

897-907 YK: No event specifically noted for Cyre in these years.

908 YK: Queen Mishann was assassinated, and her son Brusst was crowned the new king
of Cyre. King Brusst began diplomatic efforts for peace with Breland and prepared
for joint military operations against Thrane.

909 YK: The Sky Battle of Daskaran marked a new dimension in the war, involving

894 YK: The Last War begins following the death of King Jarot ir’Wynarn. Princess
Mishann of Cyre, the rightful successor, is denied the throne as Princes Thalin of
Thrane, Kaius of Karrnath, and Wroann of Breland reject her claim. Prince Wrogar of
Aundair supports Mishann, leading to the mobilization of militaries and the start
of the war.

895 YK: Queen Mishann attempts to negotiate a peaceful settlement, proposing the
partition of the Kingdom of Galifar into two or three kingdoms. Her efforts are
sabotaged by Kaius I, leading to the failure of diplomacy.

896 YK: No event specifically involving Cyre is mentioned for this year.

897 YK to 907 YK: No events specifically involving Cyre are recorded for these

908 YK: Queen Mishann is assassinated by agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw.
Her son, Brusst, is crowned as the new king of Cyre. He begins diplomatic efforts
for peace with Breland, setting the stage for future joint military operations
against Thrane.

Here is a year-by-year timeline of Cyre's military actions during the Last War from
894 YK to 927 YK:

905 YK: The second siege of Eston occurred. Cyran cavalry launched midnight
sallies, destroying siege towers and engines. The siege ended primarily due to
Karrnath's plague and reinforcements from Aundairian rangers.

906-913 YK: Breland launched a major push into Cyre, striking through Marguul Pass
towards the Cyran cities of Saerun and Making. The onset of winter halted Breland's
908 YK: Queen Mishann was assassinated, and her son Brusst became the new king of
Cyre. Cyre's military situation remained stable, and King Brusst began diplomatic
overtures for peace to Breland.

911 YK: Breland accepted Cyre's offer to defend against Thrane invaders, breaking
the original political alliances of the war.

912 YK: Cyre was forced to withdraw from Arythawn Keep due to Thrane's naval power.
This year also saw the loss of Cyre's monarch to an assassination by Karrnath.

905 YK: The second siege of Eston took place. Cyran cavalry played a significant
role in defending the city, especially against the siege towers and engines. This
siege ended mainly due to a plague in Karrnath and Thrane and the assistance of
King Wrogar's Aundairian rangers.

906-913 YK: Breland launched a major invasion into Cyre, but the advance bogged
down due to harsh winter conditions.

908 YK: Queen Mishann of Cyre was assassinated. Her son Brusst was crowned king and
began diplomatic overtures for peace with Breland.

911 YK: Cyre faced an invasion from Thrane. In response, Cyre formed an alliance
with Breland, breaking the original political alliances that had started the war.

912 YK: Cyre advanced against Arythawn Keep on its western border but was forced to
withdraw due to a Thrane offensive. This was also the year when Cyre lost its
monarch to an assassination by Karrnath.

920 YK: There's no specific mention of Cyre's involvement, but it's noted that
Thrane moved against Aundair, indicating ongoing conflicts in the region.

Here is a timeline of the significant military actions involving Cyre during the
Last War, from 894 YK to 927 YK:

894 YK: The Battle of the Galifar Heirs took place on the western shore of Scions
Sound, just south of Thrane’s capital of Flamekeep. Queen Mishann of Cyre and her
forces were outmanned and sought to link up with King Wrogar’s troops in Aundair.

895 YK: Diplomacy's First Failures occurred when Queen Mishann sought an end to the
fighting by proposing a partition of the united Kingdom of Galifar into two or
three kingdoms. However, her efforts were sabotaged by Kaius I, who urged his
allies—Thrane and Breland—to reject the treaties.

908 YK: Queen Mishann was assassinated, and her son Brusst was crowned the new king
of Cyre. Brusst, experienced in leading the Prince’s Own cavalry regiment,
maintained Cyre's military stability and began diplomatic overtures for peace with
Breland, which led to joint Brelish-Cyran operations against Thrane in the
following years. The Sky Battle of Daskaran occurred this year, signaling a new
dimension in the conflict.

942 YK: The Third Battle of the Talenta Plains involved Cyran and Karrnathi forces.
This battle, southeast of the western Karrnathi town of Vulyar, featured 900 Cyran
heavy cavalry, 400 heavy infantry, and additional forces, including arcane units
and mercenary archers.

Mid-994 YK: Cyre launched a deep-strike invasion of Karrnath, targeting the undead-
producing crypts of Atur. After a furious assault, the Cyran army retreated back
towards Metrol, their capital, followed by Karrnathi forces. This resulted in a
sizable conflict developing in northern Cyre.
General Strategy: Throughout the Last War, Cyran troops typically conducted
guerrilla warfare and utilized mobile units. They preferred speed, mobility, and
flank attacks, especially in terrain unfamiliar to the enemy. This was in contrast
to their operations in Karrnath, where they engaged in trench warfare and massed
battles. Cyre also relied on adventuring parties and specialized strike teams.

These events highlight the significant military engagements and strategies of Cyre
during the Last War, illustrating its changing tactics and diplomatic efforts in
response to the evolving conflict.

Here is a timeline of significant military events involving Cyre during the Last
War, from 894 YK to 927 YK:

894 YK: The Battle of the Galifar Heirs - This major engagement was the first of
the Last War, occurring on the western shore of Scions Sound, just south of
Thrane’s capital of Flamekeep. Cyre's outmanned forces were caught by King Thalin
and Queen Wroann.

906-913 YK: Cyre is Embattled - Breland launched a major offensive into Cyre,
striking through Marguul Pass and heading east towards the Cyran cities of Saerun
and Making. However, the onset of winter and harsh weather conditions halted the
advance, causing the invasion to bog down.

912 YK: Siege at Arythawn Keep - Cyre advanced against Arythawn Keep, a Thrane
castle, but was forced to retreat due to Thrane's naval maneuvers on the Brey
River, which destroyed Cyre's camp and supply depots.

929 YK: The Battle of Metrol - King Connos of Cyre gathered an army, including
cavalry regiments and Valaes Tairn mounted elven scouts, to strike previously
untargeted territories.

930-935 YK: Reaction to the Sack of Metrol - This period saw Cyre's response to the
Sack of Metrol, involving naval operations and a focus on defeating Karrnath,
following the severance of ties between Breland and Karrnath.

936 YK: The First Siege of Korth - Cyre conducted a large-scale raid into Karrnath,
exploiting a vulnerable point in Karrnathi's defensive lines.

942 YK: The Third Battle of the Talenta Plains - This battle saw Cyran and
Karrnathi forces clashing in the Plains of Talenta, with Cyre deploying heavy
cavalry, infantry, and superior arcane might.

970 YK: The Battle of Marguul Pass - This battle occurred in response to Darguun's
declaration of independence from Cyre, with Cyran forces holding the line against
the Darguun goblins at the Ghaal River before falling back to the town of Lyrenton.

994 YK: Invasion of Karrnath - Cyre launched a deep-strike invasion aimed at the
undead-producing crypts of Atur in Karrnath. After the assault, Cyre quickly
retreated, pursued by Karrnathi forces.

This timeline highlights Cyre's active military engagement in the Last War,
showcasing its struggles and strategies in facing multiple adversaries.

Here is a timeline of Cyre's activities and key events during the Last War, from
894 YK to 927 YK:

894 YK: The Last War begins following the death of King Jarot ir’Wynarn. Cyre's
rightful heir, Princess Mishann, is denied succession, leading to conflict with
Thrane, Karrnath, and Breland. The Battle of the Galifar Heirs occurs, with Cyran
forces outmanned and caught by surprise near Flamekeep. Mishann declares herself
Queen of Cyre and United Galifar.

895 YK: Diplomatic efforts for peace fail as Queen Mishann and King Wrogar propose
partitioning the Kingdom of Galifar, but are sabotaged by Kaius I, leading to
continued conflict.

908 YK: Queen Mishann is assassinated. Her son, Brusst, becomes the new king of
Cyre. He leads the Prince’s Own cavalry regiment, also known as the Cyran Blues.

964 YK: A goblin raid from the Seawall Mountains pillages the city of Saerun, a key
Cyran military staging point.

956 YK: Valaes Tairn mercenaries, initially allies of Cyre, annex southern Cyre and
establish the Kingdom of Valenar, effectively seizing a portion of Cyran territory.

928-936 YK: Cyre remains in a precarious state following the assassination of its
leaders by the Order of the Emerald Claw.

980-992 YK: Cyre, along with other nations, experiences internal divisions and
challenges during the war.

No specific events for Cyre are recorded in the timeline for the years 896-907 YK,
909-963 YK, 965-955 YK, 957-927 YK.

Throughout the Last War, Cyre struggled against better-equipped and often larger
forces. The nation relied heavily on mercenaries, including the Valenar elves,
Darguun goblins, and warforged from House Cannith, to bolster its military efforts.
The conflict was marked by various sieges, battles, and shifting alliances,
reflecting the complex and tumultuous nature of the Last War.

The interactions between Cyre and the Talenta Plains during the Last War are marked
by significant military engagements and alliances:

Early Stages of the Last War: As the Last War began, Cyre, which had incorporated
lands once contested by hobgoblins and elves, came under attack from multiple
fronts and sought allies. They drew the interest of the Valaes Tairn, a group of
militant elves. These elves joined Cyre's cause, fighting against Talentan
warbands, hobgoblin mercenaries, and the forces of Breland and Karrnath for decades

First Battle of the Talenta Plains: Cyre attempted to annex Karrnathi-held regions
of the Talenta Plains, leading to the First Battle of the Talenta Plains. The Cyran
forces, overconfident in their abilities, expected to defeat the Talenta tribes
individually. However, they faced a united Talenta army, as large as their own and
with superior terrain knowledge. The Talenta halflings, mounted on thunder lizards,
successfully repelled the Cyran cavalry. This defeat weakened Cyre's northern
defenses and stretched their armies thin, affecting their military capabilities in
the following years.

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