Chapter III Draft

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This chapter provides the overview of the research design used, the respondents of the study, the
data gathering procedure, and the statistical analysis of the study.

3.1 Research Design

This study used quantitative correlational research. Pressbooks defines quantitative
correlational research as a type of non-experimental research in which the researcher measures
two variables and assesses the statistical relationship. It attemps whether and to what degree, a
relationship exist between two or more numerical variables. A correlational research strategy
aims to describe and measure the degree of association between two or more variables of set of
This study focuses on Financial Literacy and its Impact on the Academic
Performances of Grade 11 Senior High School students from the STEM strand (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and HUMSS strand (Humanities and Social

3.2 Participants of the Study

The respondents of this study are one hundred and thirty-nine (139) students from
A population of the sample size was determine by using Slovin’s fornula.

3.3 Data Gathering Instrument

Survey form were used to gather data for this research study. The survey questions
includes data on personal attributes of the respondents in terms of their sex, strand,
sociodemographic profile, and first quarter GPA (Grade Point Average).
It also includes a question about the impacts of financial literacy to their academic
performance in terms of personal, educational, and personal finance. The survey was distributed
to the 139 students of grade 11 Senior High School of Luis Hervias National High School.
The Likert Scale was used to interpret the responses of the respondents.

Numerical Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 Always

4 Sometimes

3 Rarely

2 Very Rarely

1 Never

3.4 Reliability of Instrument

3.5 Validity of Instrument

3.6 Data Gathering Procedure

To facilitate the data gathering procedure of this study, a letter requesting research was
sent to the principal office of Luis Hervias National High School . After the letter was approved,
the researchers scheduled a actual date to submit an online questionnaire indicating the purpose
of the study and a consent form for the respondents. The researchers used a appropriate statistical
tools to determine the impacts of financial literacy to the academic performance of the Grade 11
senior high school students. The data is then collected, tabulated, and the raw data was encoded
by the researchers and make analysis and interpretation.

3.7 Statistical Analysis of Data

In treating the data, the following statistical tools were applied:

For problem 1, Frequency count will be used to determine the respondent’s profile.

For problem 2, The mean will be used to determine the impact of financial literacy to the
academic performance of the students in Luis Hervias National High School.

The mean scores were interpreted using the following score range guide.

Mean Score Ranges Interpretation

3.25 - 4.00 Very High

2.49 – 3.24 High

1.73 – 2.48 Low

1.00 – 1. 72 Very Low

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