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01 - Scientific Knowledge
Is It Science?

Most everything in this world can be further explored and investigated through science. Whether
it's discovering a brand new species, developing a life-saving medicine, or looking for life on another
planet, scientists are constantly finding endless ways to apply new scientific knowledge to all parts
of our lives. The tricky part is learning the difference between actual science and what we like to call
pseudoscience (or fake science). Here's the good news: we've outlined some useful ways to spot the
fakes and identify the real stuff (the science, that is).

Science: Fake or Not?

Focus Question:

How does information appear to be science?

Science has been around for a very long time. We're talking about centuries of investigations and
discoveries about our world. There's tons of scientific knowledge, but let's be clear: this isn't your
grandparents' science. It's so much more.

Pull up the Web for any type of scientific information, and within seconds hundreds of websites
come up in your search results, all claiming to have the answers you seek. With so many sources to
choose from, how do you know what is science and what is not?
Being "science-y" has become trendy. Everyone wants to claim a new discovery or debunk a myth
using science. There are thousands of articles and resources claiming to have scientific information,
but just because it looks like science doesn't mean it is.

Take a look at the news headline below. Does this headline lead to scientific evidence that supports
the author's claim?

Parents are putting their kids at risk for cancer because they spend too much time looking at
screens. The Child Research Agency reports that children spend an average of four hours a day in
front of the TV or the computer.

Doctors warn that sitting for long periods of time can lead to obesity, heart disease, or diabetes. Dr.
Applegate from the Cancer Research Group says that allowing children

to sit for long periods of time will lead to bad habits later.

Dr. Wilson from the Pediatric Society stated, "Being overweight can increase levels of certain
hormones and these hormones have been linked with some cancers." Being more active can reduce
the risk of some cancers by 30 percent.
TV & Computer Craze Is Giving Kids Cancer. Docs say children must take more screen breaks. 7 January 2013. The World's
Best Selling National Newspaper

A Second of Science
Think about it. Are televisions and computers really giving kids cancer? It's easy to be fooled by
headlines that seem to be supported by science. This article uses important words such as doctors,
experts, reports, and research—but none of these words leads to scientific evidence that supports
the headline's claim. The article states that parents are putting their children at risk for cancer
because they watch too much television. To prove this statement, the article would need to provide
evidence that watching television directly leads to some form of cancer. However, the article only
states that obesity and inactivity can increase the changes of cancer, not the act of watching
television. It is not a direct support of the claim being made. At this point, the headline is only the
opinion of the writer, and nothing more.

Science Versus Non-Science

Focus Question:

What is science?

Let's identify some key characteristics of science and non-science. This will help you distinguish
scientific facts from non-scientific information in the things you read and watch, such as online
articles or television news shows.

This Is Science
To figure out if something is real science, look for these key characteristics that support a prediction,
idea, or claim.

Science attempts to explain natural phenomena by analyzing and observing the world and
testing ideas about it.
The results of tests are called empirical evidence because the data collected can be observed or
measured through experimentation.

Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and verified by other scientists if they
conduct the same tests under the same conditions.

The more an experiment is repeated, with the same outcomes, the more reliable the evidence
becomes. Evidence without bias also increases its reliability.
As new information is discovered, new evidence can add to current evidence, allowing scientists
to improve their theories.

Phenomena: an observable event or occurrence; plural of phenomenon

Replicated: the reproduction of a scientific investigation by another person to ensure accuracy

Reliable: to be consistently good or able to be trusted

Bias: a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group

This Is Non-Science
There are many fields of knowledge, such as philosophy or art, that add to our view of the world.
They can help us appreciate the beauty in nature, guide our interactions with others, and help us
decide between right and wrong choices. However, if there is no way to measure, observe, or test
these beliefs or opinions, they are not considered science.

Philosophy: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
To Science, or Not to Science?
Focus Question:

What questions can be answered with science?

The simplest way to determine if the information you are reading is based on science or not is to
review the question being asked. There are just some questions that science cannot answer. Here
are a couple of things you can look for to determine if a question can be answered with science:

● If the question is asking about an opinion or a moral value, it's not something that can be
measured using a scientific process. Therefore, it cannot be answered with science.

● If the answer to the question cannot be tested and observed, it is not considered science.

Testable or Not Testable? — Text Version

Which questions can be answered with a scientific investigation? Match the questions to the correct

1. What gases make up the atmosphere of Earth?

2. Why do you think the environment is important?
3. Should mining of phosphates be stopped?
4. What gives a person's life meaning?
5. What career should I pursue after I graduate?
6. Should the use of coal and other fossil fuels be banned?
7. What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?
8. How many people live in an area prone to earthquakes?
9. To what extent has climate changed over the past 100 years?
10. How long does it take water to freeze?
● Testable
● Non-testable
Show Answer for Slide


● What gases make up the atmosphere of Earth?

● How long does it take water to freeze?
● How many people live in an area prone to earthquakes?
● To what extent has climate changed over the past 100 years?
● What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?


● What career should I pursue after I graduate?

● Should the use of coal and other fossil fuels be banned?
● Should mining of phosphates be stopped?
● What gives a person's life meaning?
● Why do you think the environment is important?

A Method to the Science

Focus Question:

How do we use the scientific method to conduct investigations?

Science is used to explain natural phenomena in our world, such as plant growth, earthquakes,
weather patterns, and the formation of the planets. Through systematic study and experimentation,
also known as scientific investigation, scientists can explain how and why these marvels of nature
take place.

The Scientific Method

There is a system for conducting a scientific investigation called the scientific method. The scientific
method includes five main steps. Take a peek at the overall system before diving into each step.

Ask a Question
Scientific investigations usually begin with an observation and a question about it. Starting with a
question guides the investigation and helps you know what knowledge you are trying to find.

For example:

● How do we get energy from sunlight?

● Why do bacteria make us sick?
● What is at the center of the universe?

For any question you can imagine, if it's testable, you can use a scientific investigation to find the
Do Background Research
The next step is to do background research. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don't reinvent the
wheel"? It means don't start from the beginning if someone has already started it for you. Find
resources that will give you information about your question. Someone may have researched it
before. Previous investigations into the topic may lead you to new questions that need answers.

Construct a Hypothesis
A hypothesis is an educated guess, prediction, or proposed explanation based on some research or
observation. Predicting means you are anticipating what will happen as a consequence of
something else. Constructing a hypothesis gives you variables to test in the investigations.

Most hypotheses are made using an "if, then" statement. If "this" happens, then "that" will take
place. This helps you know how one thing can affect another and gives you something to test.

For example, "If my plant receives three hours of sunlight a day, then it will grow as expected."
Test with an Experiment
An experiment allows you to test your hypothesis and see if it is a correct or incorrect prediction of
your outcome. As you conduct the experiment, you collect data, which is usually recorded on a table
or in an some other organized fashion. An experiment should always have clear and concise
procedures to follow. Procedures also allow other people to reproduce the experiment. If your
procedures are not allowing you to test your hypothesis, you must correct them.

A variable is a factor within an experiment that will vary or change. All factors in an experiment
should be the same, with the exception of the variable. For instance, if you want to know if plants
grow better in red light, all the plants of the experiment should be grown in the same soil, get the
same amount of water, and get the same amount of light. Only the color of the light should change
in the experiment.

Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions
Once an experiment is complete, the results need to be analyzed to determine if the outcome supports your
hypothesis. To do this, scientists interpret the data, create graphs or charts, or even use mathematics to make
connections between the variables. The goal is for the scientist to make inferences about their experimental
data. An inference is a conclusion derived from evidence and logical reasoning.
If you see footprints in the sand going in the direction of the beach, you can use logical reasoning to infer that
someone recently walked down to the shore. The same reasoning can be used when analyzing results and
formulating a conclusion.

Once a conclusion is made, you can communicate your results, or use the results to help you do new


Other Forms of Investigation

All investigations share steps of the scientific method, such as asking a question, conducting
research, or analyzing data. The differences between investigations are usually related to what's
being examined and the order of the steps followed.

In a criminal investigation, facts are collected about a crime that has already happened. While there
are individual tests that can be done on certain types of evidence, there isn't an experiment to test
every part of a crime. It can also be difficult to control all factors in a crime scene in order to test
one variable at a time. Usually, there are so many variables and missing facts in a crime that a
hypothesis and conclusion are hard to determine.
How to Spot a Fake
Focus Question:

What is pseudoscience?

Pseudoscience is a non-science that falsely portrays itself as real science. It does so by copying parts
of real science or ignoring sections of the scientific method within an investigation. Even a tiny
mistake can turn a scientific explanation into a pseudoscientific claim.

For example, if a group of scientists want to know if students prefer the taste of a particular type of
soda, they must control all factors in their experiment except for the students' sense of taste. If they
conduct their tests on students and allow them to see the color of the soda they are testing, then
their results are unreliable. There is bias in their results. They would not be able to claim any
preference for one soda or another because students may have picked a soda based on its color, not
its taste.

A Second of Science


Phrenology is the pseudoscience of matching bumps on a human skull to personality traits. When it
was first introduced, neurologists hoped it would help diagnose brain disorders.
Phrenologists believed the brain was a muscle, and personality traits used more often would bulge,
as your biceps do when you exercise. However, the brain is not an actual muscle (though it acts like
one) and does not bulge past the skull.

Let's look at some additional errors in scientific inquiry and investigation that can lead to

Botanists have a new plant fertilizer to test. If they don't compare fertilized plants with unfertilized
plants (a control group), they won't know if the fertilizer helps plants grow. A control group is the
group left untouched by the experimental process. The tested group is compared to the control
group to validate the results of the experiment.

Two people lose weight on a new diet program. Unfortunately, with too few test subjects, we don't
really know if the diet program caused the weight loss. The program needs repeated testing and
replication from other scientists to make the results reliable.
A pharmaceutical company has spent millions of dollars on research for a new drug to treat
diabetes. They need it to be successful, so they hire a group of scientists to test their new drug.
Since the scientists are paid by the company, they may feel pressure to overlook certain results in
favor of the positive results the company wants to see. This favoritism is called bias.

Science is amazing. There are magnetic imaging machines that can detect injuries and illnesses.
There's technology that can make artificial limbs. There's detection of water on other planets.
What's next? What can we do with even more scientific knowledge?

There are new vocabulary terms in this lesson:

● Bias: a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group

● Control group: a group left untouched by the experimental process

● Empirical evidence: knowledge gained through observation and experimentation

● Hypothesis: an educated guess, prediction, or proposed explanation based on some research or


● Inference: a conclusion derived from evidence and logical reasoning

● Natural phenomena: an observable event or occurrence in nature

● Pseudoscience: a non-science that falsely portrays itself as real science

● Reliable: consistently good or able to be trusted

● Scientific investigation: systematic study or experimentation

● Scientific method: a system of steps to conduct a scientific investigation

● Variable: a factor within an experiment that will vary or change

01.02 - Measurements of Matter

It's Only Measurement

Imagine for a moment it's someone's job to get an orbiter to Mars in order to learn more about its climate.
The big day comes. The orbiter has arrived at its destination, and space engineers wait anxiously for the first
bits of data. But there is nothing but silence—no blips or beeps of information arrive from space.

What could have happened?

It was a mix-up—a big and expensive one. The company that built the orbiter used one system of
measurement for navigation commands, but the National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) used
another. The mismatch sent the orbiter too close to Mars, causing it to stop working due to the heat. It looks
like these two systems of measurement, and knowing when and how to use them, are important in our
understanding of science.

What We're Accustomed To

Focus Question:

What is the U.S. customary system of measurement?

There is a popular saying, "If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile." It means you give a little, and people
begin to take too much. It uses two measurements from the U.S. customary system (commonly known as the
English system): the inch and the mile. We use measurements from this system every day to describe how
much we have, what size we want, how far we want to go, and more.

Do you recognize these words from the English system of measurement? Select a word to view what it
English System Unit of Measurement — Text Version

● Distance
Inch (in), foot (ft), yard (yd), and mile (mi) measure the length of an object or the distance
between two things.

1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 3 feet
1 mile = 5,280 feet
1 mile = 1,760 yards

● Weight
Ounce (oz), pound (lb), and ton (T) measure weight.

1 pound = 16 ounces
1 ton = 2,000 pounds

● Volume
Fluid ounce (fl oz), cup (c), pint (pt), quart (qt), and gallon (gal) measure liquid volume, which is
the amount of space an object occupies.

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

1 pint = 2 cups
1 quart = 2 pints
1 gallon = 4 quarts


Another Way to Measure

Focus Question:

What are the differences between the metric and English systems of measurement?

Our country is one of only three countries in the world that still uses the English system of measurement.
Even the country that created the original English system, England, no longer uses it.
One reason for the wide-spread use of the metric system is that it seems easier to learn and remember.
Instead of multiple words for units of measurement, such as inches, yards, and miles for length, the metric
system uses only one word for length, the meter.

Metric System English System

Length meter, kilometer inch, foot, mile

Mass/Weight gram, kilogram ounce, pound, ton

Volume liter pint, quart, gallon

Temperature degree Celsius degree Fahrenheit

If a person needs a larger or smaller unit size to work with, he or she can simply add a prefix to the unit name
to increase or decrease the size of the unit. So rather than changing the unit of measure, people can just
change the prefix. This works with any unit of measure in the metric system: meter, gram, or liter. Check it out

Prefix Symbol Multiplier Example

Kilo- k 1,000 Kilometer (km)

Hecto- h 100 Hectometer (hm)

Deca- da 10 Decameter (dam)

Unit 1 Meter (m)

Deci- d 0.1 Decimeter (dm)

Centi- c 0.01 Centimeter (cm)

Milli- m 0.001 Millimeter (mm)

Meter: the international standard unit of length

Common Measurements
Let's define some basic units of measurement.

First, there is distance, measured in meters (m), which is the length between objects.

Then there's time, measured in seconds (s), used to measure how long it takes for an event to occur.

Lastly, let's not forget mass, measured in kilograms (kg), which is the amount of matter in an object.


Temperature is the degree of heat present in a substance or object.

Fahrenheit is the temperature scale that is common to the people in the United States. It sets the freezing
point of water at 32 °F and the boiling point at 212 °F.

The Celsius scale is used most often in other parts of the world. It sets the freezing point of water to 0 °C and
the boiling point to 100 °C.
For scientific measurements, there's the Kelvin temperature scale. It sets 0 K as the coldest possible
temperature. Water freezes at 273 K.


Derived Units
Derived units are calculated from the measurement of other units.

For example, speed is the distance traveled in a set amount of time. Distance is measured in meters and time
in seconds. Therefore, the derived unit of measurement for speed is measured in meters per second.

Area is calculated by measuring the length and width of something and multiplying them. Both are distance
measurements. You will learn about many more derived units as we get to them.


Measuring "How Heavy?"

Focus Question:

What is the difference between mass and weight, and how are they related?

Explore the interactive below. What do you notice about the weight and mass of the person as she moves
from one object in space to another?
Weight and Gravity

On Earth

The Astronaut's mass is 45 kilograms (kg).

The Astronaut's weight is 100 pounds (lb).

On the Moon

The Astronaut's mass is 45 kilograms (kg).

The Astronaut's weight is 16 pounds (lb).

On Mars

The Astronaut's mass is 45 kilograms (kg).

The Astronaut's weight is 40 pounds (lb).

On Jupiter

The Astronaut's mass is 45 kilograms (kg).

The Astronaut's weight is 250 pounds (lb).

On Saturn

The Astronaut's mass is 45 kilograms (kg).

The Astronaut's weight is 110 pounds (lb).

Why does this happen?

While mass is a measurement of how much matter makes up an object, weight measures how much the force
of gravity is acting on an object. When the astronaut moves from one object to the next, the amount of
matter that makes up her body does not change, therefore her mass does not change. However, the strength
of gravity on the body depends on the mass of the planet or moon. So, as the planets' gravitational strength
increases or decreases, the astronaut's weight changes.

Mass is not affected by gravity; weight is. Calculate weight by multiplying the object's mass by gravity:

weight = mass × gravity

There are two ways weight can be altered, according to the equation.

Change the mass of an object, and the weight changes.

More mass equals more weight. Here is an example. A truck with a mass of 3,500 kg will have more weight
than a car with the mass of 1,500 kg on the same planet.
Change the force of gravity acting on the object, and the weight changes.

If gravity changes, so does the weight. A smaller force of gravity will result in less weight. Here is an example.
The gravity of the moon is about one-sixth the gravity of Earth. So your weight on the moon will be about
one-sixth your weight on the Earth.

Practice Like a Scientist

Q: Is it possible for something with more mass to be lighter than something with less mass?
A: Sure is. Put a 3,500 kg truck on the moon, and it will weigh less than a 1,500 kg car on Earth. The thing to
remember is that there is a proportional relationship between mass and weight. This means that when
gravity does not change, if an object has more mass, it will have more weight. The reverse is also true; if an
object weighs more, then it is because it has more mass. So, if mass increases, so does the weight, if gravity
remains the same.

Q: If we triple the mass of an object, what will happen to the weight?

A: The weight will also triple, because there is a proportional relationship between mass and weight.
Gravity: a force that attracts an object toward the center of another object

With your new knowledge of the two different measuring systems, metric and U.S. customary, now you
understand how NASA could have made such a big and expensive mistake. Measurements are a part of our
daily lives, whether we are measuring distance, weight, time, or mass. As long as you know which system
you're using and how that system relates to objects, you'll measure up to be a true scientist.

There are new vocabulary terms in this lesson:

● Derived units: measurement calculated from the measurement of other units

● Distance: the length between objects
● Force: a push or pull
● Gravity: a force of attraction between two objects with mass
● Mass: the amount of matter in an object
● Matter: physical substance that occupies space
● Meter: the international standard unit of length
● Proportional: when two quantities always have the same size in relation to each other
● Temperature: the degree of heat present in a substance or object
● Time: a measurement of how long it takes for an event to occur
● Weight: the force of gravity on an object

01.03 - Volume and Density

It's Great To Be Dense!

Isn't it strange how some words can have the opposite meaning when spoken? Take, for instance, the word
"dense." Formally, it refers to a closely compacted substance or something thick. Yet being dense has also
come to mean being slow in thought.

But here's an ironic twist. A dense brain means it is full of neural pathways that would make someone quick
to think, not slow. If someone calls another person dense, it really should be considered a compliment. How
dense an object is can give us important information about that object. In science, we can actually calculate

This Just Won't Fit!

Focus Question:

What is volume and density?

In order to calculate the density of an object, we must understand where this measurement comes from.
Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space. These are the two key components of
density. We already know that mass is the amount of matter in an object, but what is the "takes up space"
part called?

There's never enough space for things. Extra space has become such a great need that people are willing to
buy it. However, maybe the problem isn't space, but volume. If everyone could reduce the volume of their
items, they would need less space.

Volume is the amount of space a substance or object occupies. In the metric system, it can be measured in
liters (L), usually for liquids, or in cubic centimeters (cm3), usually for solids. In the English system, it can be
measured in gallons, usually for liquids, or in cubic inches, usually for solids.

What makes it easier for someone to drink a cup of water than a cup of pudding?

Pudding is thicker and does not flow as easily. It has lots of ingredients in it—like milk, butter, or chocolate, to
name a few. If the amount of pudding and the amount of water have the same volume of a cup, there is still
more matter in a cup of pudding than in a cup of water. In short, pudding is denser.
Density is the degree to which something is compacted, or in science terms, the quantity of mass per unit
volume. For example, look at the image of the two squares. One has a lot more dots than the other even
though the squares are the same size. The square with more dots has a higher density. This is the same idea
as the way density is determined.

Pump Up the Volume

Focus Question:

How is volume measured for liquids and solids?

Volume of a Liquid
To determine the density of a substance or object, you need to know its volume. Volume, and how it is
measured, depends on the shape of the object. If the object is a liquid, it takes the shape of whatever
container it is in. For this reason, the easiest way to determine the volume of a liquid is to pour it into a
measuring cup. If water is placed in a measuring cup and fills it up to the 1-liter line, then the volume of the
water is 1 liter.

Volume of a Solid
When an object has a definite shape, such as a ball, a can, or a brick, its volume can be calculated through
measurements using simple tools like a ruler. Depending on the unit used to measure the dimensions, volume
can have cubic meters (m3), cubic centimeters (cm3), or cubic feet (ft3) as the units. Here are some simple
shapes whose volumes can require a bit of calculation using their volume formulas.


Rectangular Prism

To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, multiply its length, width, and height. A cube is a special case
of a rectangular prism in which the length, width, and height are all equal, so just take one side and cube it.

For example: A cube has a length of 3 centimeters. What is its volume?

We are given the following information:

side = 3 cm

We are asked to calculate volume. Use the formula:

V = s3
Substitute the numbers and multiply:

V = (3 cm)3

V = 3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm

V = 27 cm3

Rectangular prism: a three-dimensional object that has six faces that are rectangles

Cube: a three-dimensional object with six faces that are squares


Volume of a Cylinder

To calculate the volume of a cylinder, multiply the value of π by the square of the radius (r2) and by the
height (h) of the cylinder. You can use 3.14 as an approximate value for π.

For example: A cylinder has a height of 3 centimeters and a radius of 2 centimeters. What is its volume?

We are given the following information:

height = 3 cm

radius = 2 cm
Cylinder: a three-dimensional object with flat, circular bases on top and bottom

We are asked to calculate volume. Use the formula:

V = πr2h

Substitute the numbers and multiply:

V = (3.14) × (2 cm)2 × 3 cm

V = 37.68 cm3


Volume of a Cone

To calculate the volume of a cone, multiply the fraction

, the value of π, the square of the radius (r2), and the height (h). Notice this formula is similar to the formula
for the cylinder; it just has the fraction in it.

For example: A cone has a height of 5 centimeters and a radius of 2 centimeters. What is its volume?

We are given the following information:

height = 5 cm

radius = 2 cm
We are asked to calculate volume. Use the formula:



Substitute the numbers and multiply:


× (3.14) × (2 cm)2 × 5 cm

V = 20.9 cm3

Cone: a three-dimensional object with a flat, circular base and a taper to a point on the other end


Volume of a Sphere

Spheres are three-dimensional objects that are perfectly round. To calculate the volume of a sphere, multiply
the fraction

with π and the radius cubed (r3).

For example: A sphere has a radius of 4 centimeters. What is its volume?

We are given the following information:

radius = 4 cm

We are asked to calculate volume. Use the formula:



Substitute the numbers and multiply:


× (3.14) × (4 cm)3

V = 267.95 cm3

Sphere: a three-dimensional, closed surface that is equally distant from a fixed center

Solids With Indefinite Shapes

Objects come in all shapes and sizes. Because of this fact, there isn't a formula to calculate volume for every
solid object, such as those without a definite shape.

For example, how can we determine the volume of a rock, a human body, or some random object? Instead, a
technique called water displacement is used. The object is placed into a container of water. The difference
between the water levels before the object was placed and after the object was placed represents the volume
of the object.
A Second of Science
Volume of a Gas

You may think finding the volume for a gas would require some special technique of its own. Well, gases take
the shape of whatever container they are in by filling up the space. Therefore, it is measured in a similar way
to solids. For example, if a gas fills a cylinder, then the volume of that particular cylinder would be used to
determine the volume of the gas.

Through Thick or Thin

Focus Question:

What is the relationship between mass, volume, and density?

The density of all matter can be measured through a simple calculation. Remember, density is how much
mass exists in a certain space. This means density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its
volume. Density uses the unit measurement of kilograms per liter (kg/L) for liquids or kilograms per cubic
centimeters (kg/cm3) for solids.
In the equation, density is directly proportional to mass. This means when mass increases, density will also
increase. And when density increases, the mass will increase.

density= mass/volume

If the volume stays the same:

If Mass Density will also

If Mass Density will also

Also, volume is inversely proportional to density. This means when volume increases, density decreases. And
when volume decreases, the density will increase.

If Volume Density will

If Volume Density will

Let's look at some examples of how to apply the density formula.


This sample of cork has a mass of 2.88 g and a volume of 12.0 mL. What is the density of the cork?

We now have the following information:

mass = 2.88 g

volume = 12.0 mL
We are asked to calculate density. Use the formula:

Density = mass/volume

Substitute the numbers and divide:

D = 2.88 g/12.0 ml

D = 0.24 g/mL


This sample of marble block is in the shape of a cube. It has a mass of 22.4 kg and a side length of 2 m. What
is the density of the block?

Determine Volume First

Notice you are not given the actual volume. You are given a measurement that can help you determine the
Because it is a cube, you can determine volume as follows:
V = (side length)3

V = (2 m)3

V = 8 m3
Calculate Density
We are given the following information:

mass = 22.4 kg

volume = 8 m3

Use the formula:



Substitute the numbers and divide:


22.4 kg
8 m3
d=2.8 kg/m3

The density formula has other applications besides just determining density. There are times when you might
have to determine the mass or the volume of a substance. Make sure you are not only writing the density
formula, but also that you know how you can use it to determine mass or volume.

.Determining Mass
A sample of limestone has a density of 2.73 kg/m3 and a volume of 2 m3. What is the mass of the limestone?

We are given the following information:

density = 2.73 kg/m3

volume = 2 m3

To use the equation to calculate mass, the density formula must be rearranged so the equation solves for
mass only.

1. Multiply both sides of the equation by the volume

2. Cancel volume on the right

density = m/v

volume × density = mass

Substitute the numbers and multiply:

mass = density × volume

mass = 2.73 kg/m3 × 2 m3

mass = 5.46 kg


Density — Text Version

Slide 1

If the mass of an object stays the same but its volume decreases, will the density increase or decrease?

1. increase
2. decrease
Show Answer for Slide

The answer is: increase

Slide 2

If the mass of an object is measured in kilograms and the volume is measured in cubic centimeters, what is
the derived unit for density?

1. kg/L
2. kg/cm3

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The answer is: kg/cm3

Slide 3

Which formula should you use to measure the volume of a cylinder?

1. v=
2. πr3
3. v=πr2h

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The answer is: v=πr2h

Slide 4

The mercury in a thermometer has a volume of 0.516 milliliters and a mass of 2.8 grams. What is its density?

1. 5.43 g/mL
2. 1.44 g/mL

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The answer is: 5.43 g/mL

Slide 5

An unknown sample has a density of 2 g/mL and a mass of 120 g. What is its volume?

1. 240 mL
2. 60 mL

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The answer is: 60 mL

Slide 6

A sample of water has a volume of 24.0 milliliters and a density of 0.992 g/mL. What is its mass?

1. 23.8 g
2. 24.2 g

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The answer is: 23.8 g


The density of an object is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. Volume can be calculated in
many different ways. If the substance is a liquid, a measuring container will do. If the object has a
definite shape, it will have a formula to help you calculate the volume. Do you have a solid object with
no definite shape? No problem! Just use water displacement to find the volume.

There are new vocabulary terms in this lesson:

● Cone: a three-dimensional object with a flat, circular base and a taper to a point on the other
● Cube: a three-dimensional object with six faces that are squares
● Cylinder: a three-dimensional object with a flat, circular base on top and bottom
● Density: the quantity of mass per unit volume
● Height: the vertical distance from top to bottom that creates a 90-degree angle with the base
● Volume: the amount of space a substance or object occupies
● Radius: the distance from the center to the edge of a circle
● Rectangular prism: a three-dimensional object that has six faces that are rectangles
● Sphere: a three-dimensional, closed surface that is equally distant from a fixed center

01.04 - Physical Properties

Line 'Em Up!

An eyewitness's description of the suspect is a powerful tool during a crime investigation. Hair color, height,
and build are all physical properties of a person that can create a lineup and identify a suspect.

Just like in a lineup, in science physical properties are used to help classify and group substances or materials.
In fact, there are more than 50 physical properties! Let's dive in and learn about some of these properties.

Focus Question:

How are physical properties used to describe substances?

In some ways, changes in matter can seem like magic. Think about it. Chilled cubes transforming into liquid?
Watching a pot of water disappear into the air in the form of steam? It definitely looks like magic. But is it? As
you see, water can change how it looks and how it feels, and it will still be considered water. The only things
that change are its physical properties.

A physical property is an observable and measurable physical characteristic of


Physical States and Properties

Let's go back to our magic trick where we had an ice cube (the solid form of water). Ice is cold and firm. When
we melt it, it becomes a liquid, flowing and wet. If we heat it up enough, it can become a gas, misty (wet
steam) and hot.


Water in solid state is ice. Ice has a definite shape and is firm and cold. The density of ice is 0.91

Water in liquid state is, well, water. Water does not have a definite shape and is free to flow. The
density of water is 1.00 g/cm3.


Water in gas state is steam. Steam also does not have a definite shape (it's actually invisible) and
is hot and light. The density of steam is 0.0006 g/cm3.

Density and Floatation

Density is a physical property that helps determine whether things will float or sink. Objects float when they
are less dense than the fluid in which they are sitting. For example, water has a density of 1 g/cm3. Anything
with a density greater than that will sink in water, such as coins or rocks. Anything with a density less than
that will float on water, such as wood, sponges, or ice cubes. This is also the case for liquids. Less dense
liquids, such as oil, can float on denser liquids like vinegar.

Many hollow objects, like an empty bottle or ball, will also float because the air inside is less dense than the
water. This is why heavy objects like boats can float. They contain a lot of hollow space.

Depending on Size
Focus Question:

What are the two types of physical properties?

There are two types of physical properties: extensive and intensive. The type depends on whether the size of
the substance affects the property or not. Select each image below to learn more.
Extensive Properties

An extensive property is a physical property that depends on the sample size.

Examples: Shape, volume, length, and mass

If you have a large amount of metal and a small amount of the same metal, these two samples
will have different volumes.


Intensive Properties
Intensive properties do not depend on the size of the sample. No matter how much or how
little of the substance you have, an intensive physical property stays the same.

Examples: Magnetism, density, melting and boiling points, electrical and thermal conductivity,
solubility, and color.

If you have a large amount of metal and a small amount of the same metal, these two samples
will have the same density.


Physical Properties Video

[Tight shot of a magician's hand waving a wand around an upside down top hat. He reaches inside with the
other hand. Bunny ears poke up and around inside the hat.]

"It must be magic." It's a common saying—after all, lots of things are mysterious and difficult to explain. But is
it magic, or is it science?

Let's start by looking at the physical properties of different substances—the characteristics of matter you can
observe and measure.

[Magician's gloved hand pulling a cute bunny from inside a top hat.]

Now, my observations tell me this bunny is made of floof, but let's begin with something a bit more
scientific… like these magnets.

[Two bar magnets with the north and south poles indicated in different colors. The opposite poles of each
magnet stick together. Next, the same poles of each magnet push each other away.]

What happens when we place the opposite poles together? Aww look. They're inseparable. What about the
same poles? Not happening. They push each other away.
[A box labeled "iron nails" and a box labeled "wooden toothpicks" appear. A magnet passes over them, and
only a few iron nails fly up and stick to the magnet. Science Approved stamp appears.]

Certain substances are easily magnetized, like iron. See how the magnet attracts the nails? It may seem like
magic, but nope—it's science. Magnetism is the attractive and repulsive magnetic forces between objects.

[A common household plug with a cord and an outlet nearby is shown. The plug is inserted into the wall
outlet and we see an animation of electricity is moving through the wire.]

Place this in an outlet, and you magically have electricity. But this doesn't occur because of magic. It occurs
because of electrical conductivity, which is a material's ability to transmit electricity.

[The plus is removed. An arrow points to the plug's teeth.]

Here's how it works. This part is made of metal, a good conductor of electricity.

[An arrow points to the casing.]

But the casing is made of plastic, which has low electrical conductivity. You know, so you won't shock yourself
when you plug this in.

[Science Approved stamp appears. ]

Science to the rescue.

[A stove gas burner with a flame is shown. Pots and pans line up next to the burner. The pot is placed on the
burner and an animation shows heat flowing through the metal pot with upward pointing arrows.]

For our next trick, we will make heat magically flow with thermal conductivity. This is the degree to which a
material can transmit heat. Ever wonder why pots and pans are made out of metal? Probably not, but we'll
tell you anyway.
[Various foods, such as pasta and vegetables, fall into the pot and a steam cloud appears. Science Approved
stamp appears.]

Metals like iron and aluminum are able to transmit heat better than other materials, which makes them
useful for cooking. And that's how you take the magic out of mealtime. Wait. That came out wrong.

[Image of three ice cubes melting into a puddle of water, and then evaporating as the sun comes out. ]

Does it take magic to change a substance's form? Not when you have science… and a little heat.

[Two pots each on a flaming stove burner. Pure water is poured into the pot on the left. Steam rises out of the
pot when the thermometer reads 100 degrees Celsius. Apple juice is poured into the pot on the right. Steam
rises out of this pot when the thermometer reads 160 degrees Celsius.]

So where's the science here? Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid turns to gas. Different
substances have different boiling points.

[On the left is an ice cream cone. On the right is a wedge of cheese. Both sides show thermometers. The left
shows negative three degrees Celsius. The right shows 32 degrees Celsius. Science Approved stamp appears. ]

Melting point is the temperature at which a solid turns into liquid. This is different for each substance as well.
For example, it takes a higher temperature to melt cheese than it does to melt ice cream. You could say it's
magical. Or even delicious. But it's 100 percent science.

[A pitcher of water next to a bowl of sugar cubes. A few cubes of sugar are thrown into the pitcher and
disappear. Arrows fly in, labeling the water in the pitcher as "Solvent" and the sugar cubes as "Solute."]

For our final act, we will make something disappear. These sugar cubes disappear when placed in water,
forming a solution. According to science, this demonstrates sugar's solubility, or its ability to be dissolved in
something else. The water is the solvent—it does the dissolving. And the sugar cubes are the solute, the
component dissolved in a solution.
[A hand picks up the bowl of sugar cubes and dumps them all into the pitcher. Some dissolve and some
remain, resting on the bottom of the pitcher. Science Approved stamp appears.]

But science also explains that the water in this pitcher can only dissolve a certain amount of sugar. See the
sugar cubes on the bottom? This is because of saturation, or the state when no more of something can be
added or combined. Yep, that's science.

[Words Appear: Intensive physical properties are independent of the amount of the sample.]

The physical properties of matter we just explored do not change if the sample size changes. Whether you
have one kilogram of a substance, or 10 kilograms, its intensive physical properties will be the same.

So, is it magic, or is it science? The answer should now be pretty clear.

[Science stamp appears.]


Comparing Physical Properties

Focus Question:

How are physical properties used to compare and classify substances?

There are numerous physical properties that describe substances. Each of these physical properties can be
used to group substances with similar characteristics together. They also allow for comparing materials for a
specific need or purpose.

A great example of this is building a doghouse. Poor Rover. He doesn't have the best protection from the sun
or rain. It's time to build him a new doghouse with a better roof.

His new roof should be resistant to heat and moisture. To resist heat, the roofing materials should have a high
specific heat capacity, which is a physical property that measures the amount of heat one gram of a
substance can absorb to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius. Having a high specific heat capacity
means that more heat is needed to make the object hotter.

To resist moisture, the roofing materials should also be low in porosity, which is a physical property that
measures the amount of space in a material through which liquid or air can pass. Having a low porosity means
that it is good at blocking water, like an umbrella.

Slide 1

The list of materials you can use for the doghouse roof is below. Can you sort them based on their physical
properties? Drag and drop the following building material from highest to lowest based on their heat
capacity. Use your prior knowledge to think through the tasks.

1. Oak
2. Clay
3. Slate
4. Concrete
● Highest
● 2nd Highest
● 2nd Lowest
● Lowest

Show Answer for Slide


● Oak

2nd Highest

● Clay

2nd Lowest

● Concrete


● Slate

Slide 2
Drag and drop the following building materials from lowest to highest based on their porosity.

1. Concrete
2. Clay
3. Slate
4. Oak
● Lowest
● 2nd Lowest
● 2nd Highest
● Highest

Show Answer for Slide


● Concrete

2nd Lowest

● Clay

2nd Highest

● Slate


● Oak

Slide 3

Great work! Now that you have the knowledge of the highest specific heat capacity and lowest porosity,
which material would you choose to build Rover's new doghouse roof?
Show Answer

Oak has the highest heat capacity; therefore, oak can absorb a lot of heat without raising its temperature.
This is good for very hot areas. Concrete has the lowest porosity so water will not leak through its pores and
drip into the doghouse. This is good for rainy areas. However, clay is second on both lists and might be a good
choice overall for hot and rainy weather conditions. Rover should be happy with this.
Think about it. Each physical property allows you to compare and categorize substances, making some
substances better for a particular use. You now have firsthand experience in how physical properties are a
valuable resource for scientists and engineers as they conduct experiments, understand materials, and create
new designs. How else can comparing physical properties of matter help us? This is definitely useful for
buying clothing or things around the house, for instance.

Physical Properties Concentration Game—Text Version

● 1) Electrical conductivity

● 2) The degree to which a material can transmit electricity

● 3) Melting point
● 4) The temperature at which a solid turns to liquid
● 5) A physical property that depends on the sample size
● 6) Solubility
● 7) The degree to which a material can transmit heat
● 8) The attractive and repulsive magnetic forces between objects
● 9) Extensive property
● 10) The temperature at which a liquid turns to gas
● 11) Boiling point
● 12) A material's ability to dissolve
● 13) Thermal conductivity
● 14) A physical property that is not dependent on sample size
● 15) Intensive property
● 16) Magnetism
Show Answers
● Boiling point matches The temperature at which a liquid turns to gas
● Electrical conductivity matches The degree to which a material can transmit electricity
● Extensive property matches A physical property that depends on the sample size
● Intensive property matches A physical property that is not dependent on sample size
● Magnetism matches The attractive and repulsive magnetic forces between objects
● Melting point matches The temperature at which a solid turns to liquid
● Solubility matches A material's ability to dissolve
● Thermal conductivity matches The degree to which a material can transmit heat

The cool thing about physical properties is that they capture a substance's unique colors, textures, or
even complex properties such as magnetism and electrical conductivity. The substance can be classified
using these properties, allowing scientists and engineers, and even everyday people, to choose the
appropriate substance for their specific needs or tasks.

There are new vocabulary terms in this lesson:

● Boiling point: the temperature at which a liquid turns to gas

● Electrical conductivity: the degree to which a material can transmit electricity
● Extensive property: a physical property that depends on the sample size
● Intensive property: a physical property that is not dependent on sample size
● Magnetism: the attractive and repulsive magnetic forces between objects
● Melting point: the temperature at which a solid turns to liquid
● Physical Property: an observable and measurable physical characteristic of matter
● Porosity: the amount of space in a material through which liquid or air can pass
● Saturation: the state when no more of something can be added or combined
● Specific heat capacity: the amount of heat one gram of a substance needs to absorb to raise its
temperature by one degree Celsius
● Solubility: a material's ability to be dissolved in a solvent
● Solute: the component dissolved in a solution
● Solvent: the component that dissolves other substances in a solution
● Thermal conductivity: the degree to which a material can transmit heat
01.05 - Measuring Physical Properties


Ever heard of debunking? Basically, it exposes myths, false ideas, or claims. To bust these myths, debunkers
gear up and dig deep for the facts. But they don't attack the facts randomly; there's a method to their
madness. They use the process of experimentation to uncover the truth. Let's learn more about the steps of
an experiment so you can join the ranks of debunkers.

Trial and Error

Focus Question:

What components make up the scientific experimentation process?

Did you know that people are born with problem solving skills? Watching toddlers find a way to their favorite
toy certainly proves that we already know how to learn from trial and error. Scientific experimentation is just
a systematic process of something we already do naturally: ask questions and find ways to the answers.

How much phone data do teens use on a daily basis?
A scientific investigation begins with a question.

The question asked should lead to research topics so that background information can be gathered.
Researching helps drive the focus of the experiment.

● average daily phone data
● phone data usage by teens
● popular phone apps that use a lot of data
With enough research or understanding about the topic, a hypothesis, or a prediction of the answer to
the question, can be developed.

If teens have four or more social media or game apps,
then they will use at least 50 megabytes of data a day.
With a testable hypothesis, you are able to conduct a trial-and-error process to gather the data you
need in order to evaluate your hypothesis. This is where an experiment comes in.

● Procedure
● Data
● Conclusion
● Variables
To test a hypothesis, scientists create an experiment where they describe the materials used, list the
steps they followed to collect their data, explain the necessary variables under investigation, and keep
an accurate record of the data. Experiments are wrapped up with a conclusion.

Detailed Procedure
Listing the materials and procedures seems simple enough, but missing a step can be disastrous. Read these
steps to see if you can actually create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from them.

1. Select two slices of bread.

2. Using a butter knife, place the peanut butter on one slice of bread.
3. Place the second slice of bread on top of the peanut butter.

Will you be able to enjoy this sandwich?

If you follow the instructions as they are, you might end up with a jar of peanut butter between two slices of
bread. Being detailed to avoid any missteps is key to creating a valid experiment.

Take a look at this non-detailed example and this detailed example

Non-Detailed Example = Pour water into a graduated cylinder, and drop the object in it. Measure the volume.

Detailed Example = Measure 50 mL of water using a graduated cylinder. Drop your first solid sample into the
graduated cylinder. Record the new level to which the water rises to determine the volume from water

Experiment Variables

There are three types of variables in an experiment: controlled, independent, and dependent.

Controlled variables are factors that remain the same throughout the experiment. These are things that are
not changed so that you can study the effect of other variables in the experiment.

Take a look at this example

Example = In the plant experiment on the right, the amount of water, sunlight, and starting plant size are
the controlled variables. While the dependent variable would be the growth of the plants and the
independent variable. would be the amount of fertilizer each plant is given.

The independent variable is also known as the test variable. It's the one variable that changes so that the
experimenter can see the effect on other variables.

The dependent variable is also known as the outcome variable because it will change in response to the
independent (test) variable.

Control Group

The control group allows scientists to compare the tested (experimental) group with the untested (control)
group in order to validate their results.

Take a look at this example.

Example = In our phone data experiment, the test group can consist of teens on a selected data plan with
their regular phone apps. The untested group could be any teen, in any city, on any data plan.
Now you know how to debunk myths, false ideas, and claims! Remember to use a detailed lab report because
that's the key to a successful experiment. It must include all the important sections: a title, objective,
hypothesis, materials and procedures, and a data section. And don't forget to give a smart analysis and clever
conclusion to expose the truth you've uncovered.

There are new vocabulary terms in this lesson:

● Conclusion: a judgment reached by inference and reasoning

● Controlled variable: factors that remain the same throughout the experiment
● Dependent variable: a variable whose value depends on another variable
● Experiment: a scientific process to test a hypothesis
● Independent variable: a variable that does not change due to another variable

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