Sociology Assignment 2

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Submitted to : Ms. Farhana Asghar

Submitted by : Syeda Rutab Aziz

Registration no : COSC232101044

Class : BSCS – 2A

Course : Introduction to sociology

Department : Computer Science

Topic : Sectarianism in islam

Date Submitted : 27/12/2023

Sectarianism In Islam
1 . Introduction
Sectarainism is the menance that has clutched the Muslim Ummah under its claws . It
not only creates a negative , untrue image of islam , it also jeopradizes all efforts to
cultivate a sense of peace and stability in the society . Sectarianism is the blatant
violation of Allah’s commandments and Prophets’s PBUH ordainments whereby
Muslims have been likened to a strong wall.Allah says in this regard :

‫ُقْل ُهَو ٱْلَقاِدُر َعَلٰٓى َأن َيْبَعَث َعَلْيُكْم َعَذاًۭبا ِّمن َفْوِقُكْم َأْو ِمن َتْحِت َأْرُجِلُكْم َأْو‬
‫َيْلِبَسُكْم ِشَيًۭعا َوُيِذيَق َبْعَضُكم َبْأَس َبْعٍض ۗ ٱنُظ ْر َكْيَف ُنَصِّرُف ٱْلَٔـاَيٰـِت َلَعَّلُهْم‬
٥ ‫َيْفَقُهوَن‬

Say, “He ˹alone˺ has the power to unleash upon you a torment from above or below you or
split you into ˹conflicting˺ factions and make you taste the violence of one another.” See how
We vary the signs, so perhaps they will comprehend.

Definition :
In Islamic terminology , sectarinism is the division of muslims on the basis of rigid
and fanatic interpretation of the beliefs professed by one’s own sect into various sects
.This vociferous attitude and stubbernness to follow reason and rationale creates an
atmosphere of intolerance in society and thus proves to be an impediment to peace
and stability .

2. Causes of Sectarinism
Though various causes make the birth of sectarinism possible , some important of
them are as follows :

Incomprehension of the teachings of Quran and Sunnah :

A common Musslim residing in non-Arab areas can hardly understand the Holy
Quran because it is in Arabic language . Hence comprehending the meanings of
Quran and teachings of Sunnah is almost impossible for him unless he id taught and
guided by some learned people called interpreters or scholars or ulema . When such
scholars hold only there viewpoint as true and spurn others as false or faulty while
also reject any kind of discusion and rationale they actually exhort their followers to
be rigid and stubborn . This act of decming only oneself true refunting all others is
called sectarianism .

Fiery adresses and orations :

Religious behaviour and traditions brought forth during a few last centuries ,
especially in the subcontinenet highlights on contradictions more than the similarities
. Pseudo scholars , orators and zakrin who are devoid of any rational thinking
nurtured this poison tree of hate animosity .

Blind Following :

Blind following, known as "taqlid" in Islamic terminology, refers to the

unquestioning adherence to the opinions or interpretations of a particular scholar,
school of thought, or religious leader without critical examination of the evidence.
While taqlid itself is not inherently problematic, blind and uncritical following can
lead to sectarianism within the Islamic community.

Sectarianism in Islam arises when followers of different schools of thought or

religious leaders become rigid in their beliefs, dismissing alternative perspectives and
considering their own interpretation as the only valid one. This narrow-minded
approach can contribute to divisions and conflicts within the Muslim community.
Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge, understanding,
and reasoning. Blindly following one particular scholar or school of thought may
contradict the principles of independent reasoning (ijtihad) encouraged in Islam. The
Quran encourages believers to reflect, ponder, and seek understanding:

"Will they not reflect upon themselves? Allah created the heavens and the
earth and everything between them in Truth and for an appointed term. Yet
many people deny they will meet their Lord." (Quran 30:8)

There are also numerous Hadiths (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, peace
be upon him) that highlight the significance of knowledge and understanding. For
example, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." (Ibn Majah)

Blindly following a particular school of thought without understanding the reasons

behind its rulings can lead to a lack of unity among Muslims. The Quran encourages
unity among believers:

"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.
And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He
brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers." (Quran

Intolerance :

Sectarianism in Islam often arises from various factors, and intolerance is one
significant cause. Intolerance within the Muslim community can lead to the
formation of sects, as different groups may develop rigid and exclusive attitudes
towards others who hold differing beliefs or practices. It's important to note that not
all Muslims are intolerant, and many emphasize unity and cooperation among
different sects.

3 . Effects of Sectarianism

When sectarianism and the hate campaign go on unchecked the land is filled with
the blood of innocent people . In an islamic society every muslim is obligated to
follow the Qura’n and sunnah but non muslims are free to follow their own religions
.But unfortunately this sense of tolerance has become scare in Muslim societies .
Killing a human without unlawful reasons has been equalled with the killing of the
whole humanity . Unfortunately lot of blood has been shed on the grounds of
muslim countries and Muslims are killing Muslims . This has tarnished the image of
islam of being an epitome of peace .

Negative image about islam :

When any untoward incident takes place media covers the whole episode with much
zeal . ANd when this act is carried out in the name of religion , media gives it
maximmum projection . They knowingly or unknowingly exhort people to turn
away from the religion . This projects the negative image about Islam .

Allah’s Wrath :

When Muslims turn away from the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah and
indulge into activities prohibited by islam then Allah’s Wrath is sure to come .
Sectarianism is a Wrath of Allah because Muslims forgot the Quranic message and
disobeyed Allah almighty . Division of the people into different sects in Allah’s wrath
according to a verse of Surah Al - Anam.

Social disruption :

Islam doesnot support anarchy and choas in a society . Islam has come to unite people
and not to separate them . Sectarianism doesnot attarct the hearts but repels them .
No other result may come from it except social disruption and destruction of peace .

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