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Tanay Rizal Day Tour:

Itinerary and Tips
Last updated on: October 2, 2022

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Tanay Rizal is one of the best day trip

destinations from the metro. It’s only 2 hours
away and so it’s very accessible, and it o>ers a
lot of nature attractions and activities. Here’s our
experience including an updated Tanay Rizal day
tour itinerary.


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This Tanay Rizal day tour only costed us P650

each, excluding lunch.

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Our day trip in Tanay, Rizal

Calinawan Cave
Daranak Falls and Batlag Falls
Pililla Windmills
Other places to see in Tanay
How to get to Tanay, Rizal
How to get around
Tanay Rizal Day Tour Itinerary
Budget and expenses
Reminders and Tips
What to read next:

Our day trip in Tanay, Rizal

Hali and I went on this day trip in 2015. There

was an upcoming holiday and as luck have it, I
came across a tour to Tanay for only P650 per

The group met up in Cubao at 6AM. We drove

for about 3 hours to Tanay. I was asleep most of
the times, but whenever I’d wake up I would see
the high mountains and then, on the way to our
Nrst destination (Calinawan Cave), a long rough
road with dense vegetation on both sides. I love
being in nature and I took this as a good omen.

Calinawan Cave

Calinawan Cave is a historical cave that was used

during the Filipino-American times.

The tour inside the cave only takes an hour or

less. It is beginner-friendly and so it’s ideal for
everyone. You just have to be watch your step
because it’s dark inside.

Inside Calinawan Cave.


It’s completely dark without ;ashlights. Also Hali likes to

make these funny faces.

Our local guide Kuya Adam gave us an

entertaining and educational tour of this nature
preserve. Apparently, this is where the Filipinos
and Americans agreed to join arms to end the
Spanish rule. Historically, this gesture was a
sham, but this is not the place for an in-depth

Kuya Adam also explained the di>erence

between stalactites and stalagmites and how
these are formed. We also saw fruit bats and the
holes they make in the ceilings. I think I’m
missing something here. How are they
drilling/punching these holes?

Glittery stalactites. Guests shouldn’t touch them because

our skin is acidic, apparently.

Bat holes in Calinawan cave.

We only explored Levels 1 and 2 of the cave.

Levels 3-5 are open during summer and are

more di[cult, with some parts requiring the
guest to crawl and such. Levels 6-7 are
permanently inaccessible, from when the
tunnels were bombed by Japanese soldiers.
Once upon a time though, one can go through
this tunnels and travel for 9 days to go to
Montalban, Rizal! What an underground
adventure that must be like.

It was nice to see that Calinawan cave is being

preserved by a local organization. Sadly, before
this was set up, a local network company Nlmed
a local series here and irresponsibly left silver
glitters and fakes stalactites. The rest of the cave
remained intact, with minerals still able to
produce new cave formations, which will take
thousands of years to be completed.

This is one of the Nrst caves I’d visited, and

looking back, it really made an impression on
me. It made me appreciate other caves in the
Philippines that were properly preserved (e.g.,
Diamond Cave in Quirino).

Daranak Falls and Batlag Falls

Not far from Calinawan cave are the twin

attractions Daranak Falls and Batlag Falls.

Daranak Falls is a government-owned park and

it’s one of the most visited destinations in Tanay.
Here you can swim, eat in one of the alfresco or
indoor tables, or just relax.

When we arrived, we were awed by the huge

stream falling down the falls into an aqua-blue
basin. However, there were too many people, so
we decided to go to the more-secluded Batlag
Falls just a few walks away.


Daranak Falls.

There are only picnic tables in Batlag falls and

none of the man-made facilities such as stores in
Daranak falls. Batlag falls is a refresher from the
September heat but isn’t a place for regular
swimming. Similar with other falls, the stones
around were smooth and slippery. The ground
underneath was uneven and hid rocks of
di>erent sizes. It’s best to wear aqua shoes or
trekking sandals rather than ordinary slippers or
going barefoot.

Batlag falls in Tanay Rizal. It’s so much bigger than it seems


Tip: If nobody is swimming in that area, it’s probably

because it’s too deep.

It’s refreshing to be back with nature.

We went astray from the main falls and followed

the water trail down south and then on a parallel
northward direction from Batlag falls. There was
nobody else with us, and the water on those
parts seemed undisturbed. There were water
insects and cobwebs. There were eying insects
that might have been buttereies or dragoneies.
it was di[cult to tell since the wings were bigger
and vividly colored.

Follow the water stream.

This place was deserted except for us.

We also found a pool, with corners too precise to

be natural, but just like the other small pools
and mini-falls, it too seemed abandoned.

After several minutes of trudging across

undisturbed waters, we clambered up a high
slope and went back to the familiar noise of
people bathing in the main falls.

Pililla Windmills

We intended to stay until late in Batlag Falls, but

after a short discussion we agreed to visit the
new Tanay windmill in Rizal as well. The Pililla
windmills were a recent construction and only
began operating summer of 2015.

Pililla windmills in Rizal province.

We enjoyed our visit here.

There was nothing to do here but relax, check

out the windmills and feel the strong winds
brush your hair. It o>ers a full view of Laguna de
Bay and the surrounding hills Nlled with white
seed heads swaying with the wind. It was the
perfect way to end our day trip.

Other places to see in Tanay

Here are other places you can also include in

your Tanay Rizal day tour itinerary.

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Incheon’s special
district with over 10
integrated facilities
Incheon Songdo ICCZ

Treasure Mountain. This is a mountain

campsite where you can witness the sea of
clouds — a popular spot for sunrise viewing.
There is no hiking involved to reach the view
deck. The campsite has a restaurant where
you can order silog meals for breakfast. There
are other activities available for those who
wish to stay longer, including an Obstacle
Course with Spider’s Web Activity and visits to
The Apiary Farm, Bosay Falls, and Laiban Falls.

The dry season is the best

time to visit this country.
   -8:19
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El Patio Razon. Want to experience kawa hot

bath without having to book a eight to Tibiao?
This is the place to be!

Regina Rica. A popular pilgrimage site in

Tanay, Rizal. You can look at the religious
displays and explore the surroundings.

How to get to Tanay, Rizal

From EDSA, it takes about 2 hours to get to

Tanay, Rizal.

From EDSA Shaw, head to the terminal in

front of Starmall and ride a van to Tanay (P70
per person). Alternatively, you may also ride a
jeep (about P50 per person).

How to get around

If you know your way around Tanay, you can

commute via jeepneys to your destination.


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