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Communication skills Training for Clinical

Gugsa Nemera (PhD)

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• Session objective
• Introduction
• Principles of communication skill
• Types of communication
• Communication and interpersonal
skill teaching strategies
• Summary

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Session objective
At the end of this session trainees will be able to:
▪ Describe communication skill
▪ Describe the difference between communication and interpersonal skill
▪ Identify the basic principle of interpersonal communication skills
▪ Describe the different types of communication
▪ List the tips for good interpersonal communication skills
▪ Discuss the use of role-play
▪ Demonstrate communication skills using role play

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1. What is the goal of communication?

• State it in one word
2. How is it achieved?
• List the process of communication

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What is communication?
Exchanging information, thoughts, and feelings to
create an understanding
o Consists of a sender, a message, a receiver, and
o Should be accurate, timely, and effective
o Includes instructions or orders, discussion, reports,
o May affect the nursing student’s ability to learn

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Introduction: Communication and Clinical Education

Excellent Quality clinical Preceptors Negative and Effective

communication education communicate confrontational communication
skills are essential requires effective student progress exchange are during clinical
for clinical communication with the Clinical barriers to encounters is
practice. between Education effective learning associated with
preceptors, Coordinator patient recall and understanding
students, regularly adherence to treatment plans
patients, and HCP
symptom resolution
physiological outcomes
Patient-centered decision-making
Provider and patient satisfaction

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Interpersonal and communication skill
▪ Both skills go hand in hand
▪ The ability to interact with others positively and empathetically.
▪ Among the core competencies of essential skills for HCP students
▪ Includes listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills
▪ It is essential for preceptors to receive and transmit information effectively
▪ May take a lifetime to master
▪ Requires
• Body languages
• Facial expression and
• Cultural norms

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Think –pair-share (10 min)

What are basic principles of interpersonal communication?

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Basic principles of interpersonal
communication skills

• Trustworthiness
• Active listening
• Effective speaking
• Non-judgmental
• Empathy (See Respectful Care video from
Normal labour and Birth module on Safe
Delivery App)
• Authenticity
• Feedback

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Game (10 min)

Play a game (Pass-it-on Charades) on how

communication fails or breaks down while
transmitting from one person to another.

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Tips for effective interpersonal
communication skill
▪ Active listening
▪ Paraphrasing
▪ Body language
▪ Eye contact
▪ Verbal & nonverbal communication
▪ Openness to feedback
▪ Negotiation skills
▪ Decision making and problem-solving skills.
▪ Conflict resolution

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Teaching communication skill

How can we teach communication skills?

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Communication and interpersonal
skill teaching strategies

• Role-play
• Standardized patients
• Simulation
• Real patients
• Clinical placement
• Group discussions
• Audiotapes

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Standardized /Simulated patient

Individuals trained to simulate

medical conditions accurately and
repeatedly in a standardized way

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Development of communication skill using a role-play
A role play
• a teaching method in which the preceptee acts out a
role in a constructed scenario to learn and practice
effective communication skills
• focuses on interactions of people with one another
under various circumstances
• the critical points in creating role-play include but are
not limited to:
o Objective
o Situation
o Role description
o Discussion points

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Steps in Conducting a Role Play

1. Prepare the Role Play

2. Conduct the Role Play
3. Lead de-brief discussion

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Prepare the Role Play

Identify the Draft clear role Draft de-brief Collect any props Imagine what
learning Develop a descriptions and discussion or equipment you will do if the
objective(s) scenario that is: instructions on “ questions in line needed; set up point is not
Related to the learning playing” the role. with the learning the “stage” for made
objective objective the role-play
Interesting to your What happened in the
students role play?
Suitable for acting What do you think the
Focused on a typical provider did well?
professional situation How can you apply
what you learned?

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• Ask for volunteer role-players and Brief the players on their roles
• provide written descriptions and do not let them see each other’s role
• Explain the scenario to those who are observing the role-play
• Distribute role descriptions and checklists if using one for the
• Introduce the role players and explain that they represent roles, not
their attitudes
Conduct the • Encourage people who are acting to let themselves feel and act like
the characters
Role Play • Make sure that all can see and hear well enough to follow the role-
• Remind the observers what to look for and focus on as they watch.
• Ask the role players to perform the role play.
• Watch to see if the role players are raising issues that are appropriate
to the main problem
• Watch to see if the observers stay engaged.
• Stop the role-play when it meets its objectives( feelings, skills, and
techniques )

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De-briefing is the most critical element in the learning

“De-role” the players

• Thank the role players for their good work

Lead De-brief Begin the discussion

Discussion • Ask the role players for their thoughts and reflections about the role-
play first
• Then ask the class for their observations

The key learning occurs from the discussion about what

students observed

After the discussion: summarize key points or messages

related to the learning objectives of the session

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Summary of role-play

Before beginning the activity During the role-play After the role paly

• Explain the objectives of the role-play

• Keep the role play brief and to • Debriefing the role player
the point • Discussion on the key features of
• Define the setting and situation of the
role play. • Stop role play when you feel the role play

• Brief the participants on their roles. the role players have • Summarizing role play
• Explain what other students should demonstrated the feelings &
observe and what kind of feedback they skills related to the learning
should give objective

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Role Play (30 min)
Prepare and facilitate a role play on
1. Counseling a pregnant HIV-positive woman about
postpartum family planning; providing correct information
about breastfeeding to a woman and her mother-in-law,
who has been giving the women misinformation.
2. Teaching a patient undergoing an operation about
perioperative procedures: providing the correct
information about the risks and benefits of the operation
and what is expected from the patient and informal
caregivers before and after the operation

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▪ Communication should always lead to understanding.

▪ Quality clinical education requires effective communication

▪ Role-play is the most effective method of teaching communication skill

▪ Always maintain non-confrontational and positive manner in communication

▪ Preceptors should use effective communication principles when interacting with

students a

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Thank you!

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