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Submitted to Senior High School Department
Center for Positive Futures - Montalban
#27 J. P. Rizal St., Balite, Rodriguez, Rizal

In Partial Fulfilment of the requirement for

Work Immersion, Academic Track
GAS - Humanities and Social Science


Grade 12 - San Lorenzo Ruiz
June 2023
#27 J. P. Rizal St., Balite, Rodriguez, Rizal


In Partial Fulfilment of the requirement for Work Immersion of Grade 12


The Grade 12 students of Center for Positive Futures - Montalban

commenced their Work Immersion program on June 15, 2023, for partial fulfilment of

requirements for graduation and lasted until June 30, 2023. Students were given an

equivalent of 24 hours and the freedom to choose the desired place to fulfil their

work immersions to test their acquired knowledge and skill during the months of

lessons and activities at the workplace.

According to DepEd order no. 30, series of 2017, "Work Immersion" is a

subject included in the Senior High School Curriculum of the K-12 Program. It offers

students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience or engage in work simulations

that are directly related to their chosen track. Through this immersive approach,

learners are able to actively apply the competencies and knowledge they have

acquired to real-life professional settings. Additionally, work immersion serves as a

means of evaluating the learners' ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired

within a practical work environment. This ensures that students are well-prepared

and equipped with the necessary skills for their future careers.
During the course of the program, students have the opportunity to immerse

themselves in a real working environment where they can gain practical experience

and become acquainted with the actual conditions and daily tasks associated with

their chosen profession. It is a way to train learners to interact within the workplace

that they can apply in real life. Work immersion can be also a medium in testing

Senior High School students the knowledge and skills acquired in practice, that can

help in their career choices and to decide whether they pursue the career they

choose in school.

Objectives of Work Immersion

The primary objectives of work immersion is already explained by its name: to

immerse the learner within the workplace as well as to help the learner be

familiarised to the nature of work and profession he or she chooses and pursues.

Another goal is to assess the learner in practical application of knowledge and skills

he or she acquired during the time of their lessons outside the school premises,

especially in a work environment.

Duration and place

The following table presents the time and place of the student’s work

immersion, attested by his Daily Time Record (DTR):


June 21, 2023 8:00 am - 5:00 pm GUINAYANG NATIONAL

June 22, 2023 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Jurado Compound, Brgy.

June 23, 2023 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Guinayang, San Mateo,


Fig. 1. Official Logo of the School

Guinayang National High School is a government-funded secondary school

located in Jurado Compound, Guinayang, San Mateo, Rizal. Established in 2011 as

an annex of San Mateo National High School, its current enrollment totals to 1748

learners this school year. The school is currently under the leadership of Mr. Alwin B.

Vergara, its school head.

Fig. 2. The vicinity of Guinayang National High School


Fig. 3. My first day of Work Immersion

June 21, 2023


● Today I commenced my work immersion. I was oriented by my supervisor,

Mrs. Evangeline Abillon, regarding my functions and duties. I was deployed

within clerical and administrative work for the office of the school head in the

mornings and for observations in the afternoon. My duties will be until Friday,

June 23, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a lunch break from 12:00 noon to 1:00


● My first task was to photocopy copies of MOOE Liquidation Report form the

month of February to June of 2023. After which, I was tasked to round up and
collect signatures from the teaching staff regarding the MOOE Liquidation

Report attached with School Memorandum no. 55

● Since my house is within the walking distance of the school, I just walk home

at lunch break to have lunch. After I came back, I continued my task while

waiting for observation.

Fig. 4. Class Observations done in 8 - Basho and 8 - Mencius

● Around the afternoon, I was introduced by my supervisor to the Subject

Coordinator of Social Studies (Araling Panlipunan / AP) Department Mrs.

Lorna Beguia. She then introduced me to Mrs. Joy Egino, the teacher whom

I'll observe.

● Normal rowdiness was observed in some of the classes we entered. The first

period of Ma’am Joy‘s class is at Grade 8 - Basho. A short presentation about

their topic was shown after the attendance was counted. A related video

presentation was shown and students in four groups were tasked to write

questions about the topic. After the video they had a Question and Answer

activity, where groups asked the written questions earlier in turns and called

someone from other groups. Once answered right, the group where the said

student belongs gets a point. They then took notes of the short presentation.
● Same rowdiness was observed in the next class we entered after recess. It is

Ma’am Joy‘s advisory class, Grade 8 - Mencius. Some of the students were

late and some were reprimanded for eating in class or not seating on their

designated seats. A long quiz was done in preparation of their final exams.

Answers were written in a separate sheet. As a consequence, students with

the lowest points were tasked to do a report on the topic that will be tackled.

● After my observations for the day, I bid farewell to the School Head, who's still

in his office, filled my DTR (Daily Time Record) and left for home.
June 22, 2023

Fig. 5. Bell schedule of GNHS

● I went early to do my morning prayers within the nearby chapel and passed by

at our Barangay Hall, where my fellow students go for their work immersions. I

left at 7:30 am, clocked in at 7:38 am, and prepared for the day. I then

continued my first task since some teachers are busy or absent yesterday

● I met my fellow students together with their supervisor at the multi-purpose

court beside the school premises. They were deployed at the nearby

Barangay Health Center. At that time, free samples of Milo chocolate drink

were given at the court. We drank some and I returned with samples for our

school head, other teachers in the office, and to my supervisor who arrived

just in time. I then stationed within the school bell to ring it during the end of

● My second task was to collect signatures for the School Memorandums no. 51

(regarding Year-End activities of GNHS) and no. 56 (regarding the

Reorientation of Teachers regarding the Policies of Awards). She also tasked

me to follow-up the Memo no. 55 to those who are not already signed.

● As I record on my experience log, I noticed a misprint on Memo no. 56, as it is

labelled as Memo no. 55. I immediately reported it to my supervisor since it is

an important school document, which she immediately erased.

Fig. 6. Grade 8 - Mencius

● At my observation hours, I was tasked to handle the AP class of Grade 8 -

Mencius while Ma’am Joy, together with the students she tasked, sorted out

learning materials at the back of the room. The same activity as Basho

yesterday was done. The same video presentation, and the same activity was
done. I oversee the said class activity while putting my own twist. The second

group won, but I noticed some bragging, so to avoid any fight I reminded them

of the virtues of sportsmanship. Due to the rowdiness of Mencius, I came

home with a hoarse voice, but it was enjoyable. I clocked out immediately

after the class and went home.

June 23, 2023

Fig. 7. Compiled Learning modules in Health for inventory and my improvision in


● Today is the last day of my work immersion. Same as yesterday, I went early,

but clocked in at 7:20 am, earlier than yesterday. I did my morning prayers

there and prepared myself for the day. I also brought two copies of my

evaluation form, submitted a copy to my supervisor and to Ma’am, then

continued in following up the Memo no. 51 to those who are not already

signed. I also did the same task within the school bell.

● While sitting under the school bell, I was called by one of the teachers from

ESP Department to help her in the Inventory of Learning Materials and

Modules of her class. We finished at around 11:00 am in sorting and bundling

of Modules and Books used during the school year.

Fig. 7. Learning modules and materials, compiled and bundled

● During inventory and bundling, we noticed that the straw ropes were not

enough to bundle the remaining modules of MAPEH, so I searched for straw

ropes but I found nothing. When I asked the nearby water station for some

straw ropes, I had an idea. Since there were none straw ropes, I improvised,

asked for plastic bags used in wrapping water gallons, and used them as

ropes. After the said task, I rested on my station and went to break.

● At my observation period, Ma’am and I entered only one class, since they are

on early dismissal for their Team Building. We entered the class of Grade 8 -

Mandela, and did the same activity, but Ma’am let me handle the said class

since she would give special long quizzes to those absent when they took it. A

lecture was first delivered then the video presentation was shown and the

question and answer, but since they ran out of questions, Ma’am and I started

to ask questions. To avoid any commotion, I used a twist of mine where they

will reach my fan from my hand then they can answer. In the end the first

group won. After the said class, I came to the rooms of Basho, Mencius and

Mandela to take a photo with them since it is my last day.

Fig. 8. Photo with the School Head, Mr. Alwin B. Vergara

Fig. 8. Photo with Ma'am Lorna and Ma'am Joy of AP Department

● After that, I retrieved my Evaluation Forms as well as the Certificate of

Completion, took a photo with Sir Alwin, the School Head, with Ma'am Lorna,

the Coordinator of AP Department and with Ma’am Joy, then clocked out.

Thank you GNHS for a new memory and experience. I really enjoyed being

with you all.

IV. Reflections about Work Immersion

Learning without piety produces a proud device;

piety without learning produces a useless one.

St. John Baptiste de la Salle

My experience overall during my work immersion in Guinayang National High

School was great. I had a great time within the duration of the said program, and the

teachers are all approachable. Some of them even know me personally. Starting my

day with prayers really helped me within the period of work immersion. The most

enjoyable of all were the classes where I entered. Rowdiness is normal in every

class, even in ours, and that gave me enjoyment during my time with Basho,

Mencius and Mandela in their AP Class. Even with naughtiness and such, they are

fun to accompany and observe. I also commend the methods of Ma'am Egino in

handling her class. The effectiveness is really shown although minimal talking was

observed. Overall, the experience was good, and I highly recommend you to try and

see a school environment. You will appreciate more the hardships of an educator if

you try to put on their shoes in your work immersion, and if you don't appreciate it,

well that means you didn't learn anything, and as said by one of the greatest

pioneers in Catholic Education, St. John Baptiste de la Salle, on the abovementioned

quote, "Piety without learning produces a useless one".

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