094 Anggraini Kinasih TP6B Latian SPSS RAL

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Anggraini Kinasih


Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
A 60 C 5
B 70 C 5
C 80 C 5
D 90 C 5

Levene's Test of Equality of Error

Dependent Variable: kadar_air
F df1 df2 Sig.
.992 3 16 .422
Tests the null hypothesis that the error
variance of the dependent variable is equal
across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + suhu

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: kadar_air
Source Type III Sum df Mean F Sig.
of Squares Square
18.481a 3 6.160 15.205 .000
Intercept 699.745 1 699.745 1727.061 .000
suhu 18.481 3 6.160 15.205 .000
Error 6.483 16 .405
Total 724.708 20
24.964 19
a. R Squared = .740 (Adjusted R Squared = .692)

Estimated Marginal Means

Dependent Variable: kadar_air
suhu Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
60 C 7.526 .285 6.923 8.129
70 C 5.044 .285 4.441 5.647
80 C 5.730 .285 5.127 6.333
90 C 5.360 .285 4.757 5.963

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets

suhu N Subset
1 2
70 C 5 5.0440
90 C 5 5.3600
80 C 5 5.7300
60 C 5 7.5260
Sig. .125 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous
subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error)
= .405.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. Alpha = .05.

Case Processing Summary
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Residual for kadar_air 20 83.3% 4 16.7% 24 100.0%

Statistic Std. Error
Mean .0000 .13061
95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound -.2734
for Mean Upper Bound .2734
5% Trimmed Mean .0013
Median -.0370
Variance .341
Residual for kadar_air Std. Deviation .58412
Minimum -.96
Maximum .94
Range 1.90
Interquartile Range .99
Skewness .119 .512
Kurtosis -1.123 .992

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Residual for kadar_air .113 20 .200* .950 20 .367
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Residual for Kadar Air

Residual for kadar_air Stem-and-Leaf Plot

Frequency Stem & Leaf

6.00 -0 . 556779
6.00 -0 . 000023
4.00 0. 3334
4.00 0. 7889

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

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