MID-term Test 1 Grade 10

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A. Lý thuyết
1. Verbs followed by to-infinitive (to + V)

1. Manage 6. Refuse 11.wish 15. expect

2. Offer 7. Tend 12. afford 16. expect
3. Plan 8. Seem 13. arrange 17. fail
14. demand 18. force
4. Pretend 9. Hope
19. attempt
5. Promise 10.Decide

2. Verbs followed by bare infinitive (V)

a. Modal verbs: can, may, must, would, should, could, may, might ...
E.g. I can dance gracefully. He should stop smoking

b. make/ let/ would rather/, had better.....

E.g. He made me cry.
You had better tell him the truth.

3. Will
4. Be going to

5. Simple present
6. present continuous

7. Passive voice
Từ vựng bài đọc 1

1. Be in danger: đang gặp nguy hiểm

2. Become extinct: trở nên tuyệt chủng
3. Threat: đe doạ
4. Vanish: biến mất
= dissappear
5. Hunt: săn bắn
6. Valuable (a): có giá trị
7. Crops: mùa vụ
8. Soil: sỏi

Từ vựng bài đọc 2

1. Nuclear family: gia đình hạt nhân

2. Rank (v): xếp hạng/ hàng
Rank (n): cấp bậc, xếp hạng
3. Weapon: vũ khí
4. Divorce: ly dị
5. Widow (n): bà goá (mất chồng)
 Widowed (n): goá chôngf/ goá vợ
6. Roof: nguồn gốc/ rễ
7. Generation: thế hệ

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