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Essay topics for Grade 08

1. The importance of learning English in the modern world

2. Sports as an important part of a student's Life
3. TV: its advantages and disadvantages
4. The toughest decision between right and wrong
5. How I helped a friend against the rules
6. My first time traveling abroad
7. How I missed my flight/train/bus
8. The happiest moment during the holidays
9. My most memorable holiday ever
10. The saddest incident on a holiday
11. What my parents mean to me
12. The best memories I share with my friends
13. My best visit to a children’s entertainment park
14. My favourite preschool teacher
15. My first time on the airplane
16. My childhood phobias
17. The funniest incident of my childhood
18. The moment of my life I’m proud of
19. If I were a character in a book
20. The memory I wish I lived through again
21. What makes me unique
22. The greatest risk I took
23. The computer: is it a friend or foe?
24. The World In The Year 3000
25. The Person Who Inspired Me Most
26. Write a story begin as follows: As I approached the deserted house at the end of the road I saw…..

27. Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do
you agree or disagree?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

28. Where is one place in the world you would like to visit? Explain why you would want to visit this place, and what
you would want to do or see once you arrive. Include specific details and examples in your response
29. Think about how daily life, from reading to playing games to communicating with others, has changed over the
past hundred years because of technology. Using specific details and examples, explain how these advancements
in technology have changed daily life.

30. People often credit their successes to having good attitudes. Explain the benefits of having a good attitude, even
during a difficult time. Provide examples from your own experience or from having witnessed this in others.

40 The ancient Greek storyteller Aesop said, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Explain how
small acts of kindness can have an impact on others. Use specific details and examples in your response

41. Sometimes people recognize similarities between themselves and a character from a book or a movie. Write about
a character from a book or a movie who you think is similar to you. What do you have in common with this
character? Use specific details and examples in your response.

42. Some people enjoy public speaking while others are frightened by it. Using specific details and examples, explain
how you feel about public speaking.

43. Some people believe owning a pet is important, while others do not. Using specific details and examples to
support your position, argue for or against owning a pet

44. If you could make a significant change to the structure or appearance of your school, what would it be? Identify
the change you would make, and explain why you would make it.

45. Some people think that schools should offer only nutritious drinks such as white milk, water, and natural fruit
juice. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Use specific details and examples to convince your principal to
accept your opinion.

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