The Batang Tuaka River

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The Batang Tuaka River

Once upon the time, there was a story from Indragiri, Riau, Indonesia, lives a old
widow and her son, Tuaka. Tuaks’s father had passed way. They lived in small hut
which was located in the edge of Indragiri river. They did not another family and
less wealthy. Altough they lived in poor, but they loved each other, they had to
collect fire wood in the jungle. They had purchased them in the market. They
used to carry much fire wood in their back.

One day, they entered the jungle to find the fire wood. That day they had more
fire wood than before. In the evening, in their way home, they met a fighting
between two snakes, they hid behind the big tree. Some minutes later, they saw
one of the snakes was died and other was wounded by biting. The wounded
snakes was bitting a jewel on his mouth. They carry it to recovery at home.

They put the snake in the basket, Tuaka’s mother went to the jungle to find
herbal medecine. After getting all, she grilled all and covered the wound by it.
They saved that snake by giving the food and made a small stable from wood.
Some days later, after it had been well, that snake lost from Tuaka’s home. It left
the jewer in the stable. Tuaka and his mother were shocked knowing it. They
tought that the jewel it’s recompense for them.

After discussing both Tuaka and his mother, they decided to sell the jewel to the
merchant. The money was for fulfilling their want. Tuaka went to Bandar to sell
the jewel. Arriving in Bandar, he looked around the merchant who could pay
highest for his jewel. He met Singapore merchant and bargained the jewel, the
merchant was interested and wanted to buy but unfortunatelly his money was
not enough. He asked Tuaka to follow to Temasik (Singapore). Tuaka went back to
his mother and asked permitting her to go to Temasik, his mother permitted.

Getting in Temasik, the merchant paind Tuaka’s jewel by much money. He got
alot of money and ho forgot his mother in the village. He decided to build big
home, bought many ships there and got married with beautiful lady. He lived in
luxurious situation and did not pay attention his poor mother in the village. He
never told to his wife about his poor mother.

One day, Tuaka and his wife sailed to Tuaka’s hometown, he remembered his
home but he did not want that his wife knew. They got his home and his arriva
was known by Tuaka’s mother. She was hurry to meet his son, Tuaka. By her weak
power, Tuaka’s mother got in a small boat. She yelled his son’s name, how
shocked Tuaka and his wife. Tuaka was so embaressed and mocked his mother by
saying that she was crazy mother. Moreover his wife asked him to chased that old
woman form their ship. Tuaka asked his employes to chase her by his ship.

Tuaka’s mother was in deepest sad, she cried and she prayed so the God gave
him a punishment so that he remember his mother and knew his sin. She loved
him so much and she wanted to live together with him in her age. After she
paryed to the God, suddenly the flash and thunder broke the sky. Tuaka became
an eagle and his wife became a pigeon . knowing that incident, she was so sad but
she could not do anything to them.

The eagle and pegeon flight around up the river, they cried along time. Their
tear feel down up the river and made the water’s river more and more. The river
was called Batang Tuaka (River of Tuaka). The legend was believed by the people
around if there was a voice of eagle around Batang Tuaka river in the afternoon it
meant that Tuaka cried and requested pardon to his mother.

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