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NAME: ________________________________STRAND & SECTION:________________SCORE:________

Task 1

A. Rewrite the following sentences to observe a more formal tone.

1. Writing can’t be done effectively if you don’t burn the midnight oil.

2. Parenting is a 24/7 job.

3. Watching that romcom gave the audience the feels.

4. The class is cooking up something big.

5. Adventure may mean doing something epic.

B. Substitute the single-word verb for the two-word verb in the following sentences. Choose the appropriate
single word-verb in the box.

Investigated arrange create

Increased postponed tolerate
Refused fluctuated produce
Eliminate raised conduct
Reduce save

1. ________________________Senate set up the Meralco committee.

2. ________________________Mothers cut down spending on rice.

3. ________________________Oil price has gone up.

4. ________________________Students come up with a solution.

5. ________________________Students looked into the problem.

6. ________________________The dollar rate went up and down.

7. ________________________Students brought up the uniform issue.

8. ________________________The School gets rid of tuition hike.

9. ________________________Parents turned down the proposal.

10. ________________________The proposal turned out a positive result.

11. ________________________Major oil players put off oil price hike.

12. ________________________Employees did not put up with the company’s expectations.

13. ________________________Parents could not put away money for their children’s education.

14. ________________________The chemical gives off a foul odor.

15. ________________________The class carried out a research on the frequency of using SMS.

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