ENGLISH Class 12 Project

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“O. P.


Time : 3 Hrs Marks
: 80

1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.

2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

PART A: Multiple Choice Questions [40 Marks]

Reading Comprehension [20 Marks]

1. Read the passage given below. (10)
1. Yoga in India is considered to be around 5,000 year old mental, physical and spiritual
practice. It originated in ancient times when people used to meditate to transform
their body and mind. Launching and celebrating 21st June as Yoga Day was an initiative
taken by the Indian Prime Minister in the United Nations General Assembly. From
then, the yoga day became a worldwide event celebrated by the people of all
2. Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline. It is the art and science of healthy living. It is a
practice of controlled body part movements and control of breath. It is not just a
physical practice but also a way to get control over mental, emotional, and spiritual
thoughts. It improves discipline and sense of power while providing a chance to live
healthy life without physical and mental problems.
3. Yoga is very safe, easy and healthy way to get fit whole life without any problems. It
can be practiced by people at any age be it childhood, teenage, adult or old age
irrespective of age, religion, or health circumstances. It needs only safe, slow and
controlled movements of body with controlled breathing. Regular practice of yoga
regularizes the connection between the body, mind and soul. It enhances the
functioning of the all body organs. By providing good health it fulfills our physical
needs, through knowledge it fulfills our psychological needs and through inner peace it
fulfills the spiritual need thus it helps in maintaining the harmony among all.
4. Regular practice of the yoga in the morning provides outer and inner relief by keeping
away from the countless ailments at the physical and mental level. Practicing postures
or asana creates the feeling of well-being. It sharpens the human mind, improves
intelligence and helps in achieving high level of concentration. Yoga is like a practical
philosophy which develops self-discipline and self-awareness.
5. We cannot count the benefits of yoga; we can understand it only as a miracle which
can be experienced by practice. It maintains physical fitness, reduces stress, controls
emotions, feelings, controls negative thoughts, feelings of general wellbeing, improves
mental clarity, enhances self-understanding and connects to the nature.
On the basis of the understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the questions given
below with the help of the options that follow. (1x10 =10)
(i) World Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June as a result of
a) its origin in India.
b) its mental, physical and spiritual benefits.
c) its transformative quality.
d) an initiation by the Indian Prime Minister,
(ii) Yoga enables us to get control over
(a) physical health of all individuals.
(b) emotional well-being of people across the globe.
(c) material needs of a person.
(d) our mental, emotional and spiritual thoughts.
(iii) Yoga can be practiced by
(a) people at any age,
(b) children up to a certain age.
(c) teenage and sick people only.
(d) old people only.
(iv) Yoga regularizes the connection between
(a) mind and body of a person.
(b) mind and soul of a person.
(c) body, mind and soul of a person.
(d) body and soul of a person.
(v) Yoga enhances our ability to
a) know one's character and feelings.
b) be self-disciplined and self-aware.
c) have a clear picture of one's personality.
d) understand other people.
(vi) How does Yoga fulfill our psychological needs?
(a) By enhancing concentration.
(b) By self-discipline.
(c) By providing knowledge.
(d) By maintaining harmony.
(vii) What is the importance of asana's in Yoga?
(a) Creates a feeling of well-being.
(b) Corrects postures.
(c) Reduces stress.
(d) All of these
(viii) Pick the option showed the CORRECT use of the word 'transform'.
(a) Liberalization has transformed India.
(b) I transformed coffee today.
(c) The transform took place 2 years ago.
(d) Did he transform to school?
(ix) Which word from para 4 is an antonym of 'dull'?
(a) Ailment
(b) Improve
(c) Sharpen
(d) Practical
(x) The word in para 3 means the same as 'regulates'.
(a) Regularizes (b) Controls
(c) Fulfills (d) Harmony
(xi) Pick the option that correctly lists the benefits of doing Yoga.
1. Maintains physical fitness 2. Reduces stress
3. Controls emotions, feelings 4. Controls negative thoughts
5. Improves mental clarity 6. Enhances self-understanding
(a) land 4 (b) 2 and 6 (c) 3 and 5 (d) All of these
2. Read the passage given below.
The Municipal Corporation of Gurugram recently admitted before the National Green
Tribunal that untreated sewage from the city mixes with treated wastewater in the drains
into the Yamuna. The putrid river that flows through New Delhi is only one of the many
severely polluted surface water bodies in the country. Government agencies estimate that
as much of 80% of India's surface water is contaminated and most of it comes from sewage.
The effects of this contamination are immediately felt with the onset of the monsoons.
No sooner had the rains begun the reports of water-borne diseases like diarrhoea and
cholera breakouts trickled in from Delhi, Pune, Varanasi and Chennai as broken water pipes
and flooding allowed fecal sludge mix (polluted water) into potable water.
The Central Pollution Control Board in 2009 calculated that major cities and towns together
generate more than 38 billion liters of sewage everyday, of which only 30% is collected. Less
than 20% of this is treated because that's all the treatment capacity available. The rest is just
emptied into rivers, lakes, seas and ponds.
A soon-to-be-released report by Water Aid India on fecal sludge management documents
the chinks (gaps) in India's sewage system. Seventeen million, or roughly 20%, of urban
households, lack sanitation facilities, the report says. Among those that have access to
sanitation only 32% are connected to a sewage network, the rest depending on septic tanks
and pit latrines. There are more numbers to raise a stink about. More than 5 lakh pit latrines
are unsanitary, being nothing more than open pits. More than 9 lakh toilets empty directly
into drains. Among the 18% of urban household that don't have access to individual toilets,
more than 12% resort to open defecation.
The story gets murkier beyond the numbers. Where sewers exist, they often leak or
overflow. Instead of being cleaned every few years, septic tanks are left to accumulate fecal
sludge that percolates into ground water. When the tanks are cleaned the black water is
disposed off in fields and water bodies, once again contaminating open fresh water.
The Water Aid report looks at sanitation systems in six states and offers a snapshot of how
much wastewater is dumped untreated. Delhi, for instance, uses 4,346 million litres of water
per day of which 87% returns as waste. However, Delhi has the capacity to treat only 61% of
the total wastewater it generates. The class I cities of Maharashtra together consume water
three times as much as Delhi does, turn 80% of that into sewage and treat less than half of
their total wastewater. The statistics are far worse for class II cities.

Even with the creation of the National Urban Sanitation Policy in 2008 and several
thousands of crores being spent by states on sewage networks, the problem has grown
worse in the last five years.
The Water Aid report recommends enforcing a national building code, public promotion
campaigns and decentralizing sewage treatment plants as remedies to the sewage problem.
Water experts, for years have been calling for freeing up the flow of rivers to allow them to
rejuvenate. So the good news for the moment is water resources Minister Uma Bharti's
announcement that no new dams will be sanctioned on the Ganga if the project interrupts
flow of the river.
On the basis of the understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the
questions given below with the help of the options that follow. x 10 =101
(i) What does the revelation made by the Municipal Corporation of India point to?
a) Problem of lack of water treatment technologies in India.
b) Problem of water pollution in India.
c) Problem of contamination of water bodies due to sewage.
d) Problem of water borne diseases in India.
(ii) Which of the following is the reason for Yamuna being the most polluted rivers in the
a) Lack of proper sewage systems.
b) Lack of treatment of contaminated water.
c) Flooding with the onset of rains.
d) Improper sanitation facilities.
(iii) What is true regarding the contaminated water?
(a) Less than 20% of the contaminated water is treated.
(b) Most of the contaminated water is dumped into the water bodies.
(c) Contaminated water is the reason for the lack of potable water.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(iv) Based on the information given in the passage, which of the following graph is correct
regarding the sewage treatment in Delhi and Mumbai.

(v) Why does the presence of septic tanks result in contamination of ground water?
(a) They leak on the ground water due to overflow.
(b) They are not cleaned.
(c) They are an inefficient system of sewage management.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(vi) Based on the given graphical representation of data in the passage, choose the option
that lists the statements that are TRUE.
(a) Delhi has the largest system of water treatment facilities in India.
(b) Mumbai has the third largest system of water treatment.
(c) Gujarat sets an example to Delhi and Mumbai regarding the treatment of water.
(d) Madhya Pradesh does not treat polluted water at all.
(vii) Which state in the country has the lowest treatment percentage?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Gujarat
(viii) According to the passage, less than 50 % of water used is treated in
(a) Delhi (b) Mumbai (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Uttar Pradesh
(ix) Which of the following facts can be inferred from the given graph?
(a) The sewage treatment capacity of the country needs to be increased.
(b) The condition of treatment of sewage is still better in Class II cities.
(c) The Maximum contamination of water takes place in Delhi.
(d) The class I cities are the reason for contamination of water bodies.
(x) Which of the following figure shows the correct percentage of Indian households lacking
sanitation facilities?
(xi) Which of the following statements is NOT substantiated by information in the passage?
(a) The water Aid report looks at sanitation systems in six states.
(b) The Yianna is not a putrid river.
(c) More than 5 lakh pit latrines are unsanitary.
(d) Monsoon leads to increase in diseases like diarrhea and cholera.
Literature Textbooks (20 marks)
3. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions. (Do any two.)
A. I went to a pool and practiced five days a week, an hour each day. The instructor put a
belt around me. A rope attached to the belt went through a pulley that ran on an overhead
cable. He held on to the end of the rope, and we went back and forth, back and forth across
the pool, hour after hour, day after day, week after week. On each trip across the pool a bit
of the panic seized me. (i) Why did Douglas hire an instructor?
(a) To help him get over his fear.
(b) To learn how to swim.
(c) To handle the ropes and cables that would help him in swim.
(d) To save him from any mishaps related to his fear.


Read the extracts given below and answers the following questions. (Do any two) (8 Marks)
A. I went to a pool and practiced five days a week, an hour each day. The instructor put a
belt around me. A rope attached to the belt went through a pulley that ran on a
overhead cable. He held on to the end of the rope, and we went back and forth across
the pool a bit of the panic seized me.
(i)Why did Douglas hire an instructor?
(a)To help him get over his fear.
(b)To learn how to swim.
(c)To handle the ropes and cables that would help him in swim.
(d)To save him from any mishaps related to his fear.
(ii)The given lines show that the author overcame his fear with
(a)courage, guidance and determination
(b)with love and care
(c)with motivation derived from mother’s words
(d)with fear and panic
(iii)How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer?
(a)By making him practice
(c)By motivating him
(d)With the help of ropes and belts
(iv)Identify the sentence in which the word ‘seized ‘has not been used CORRECTLY.
(a)Suddenly he seized my arm.
(b)Martina seized the folder from Robin.
(c)The troops seized the capital city.
(d)Troops seized control of the radio station.

B. "Look!' For a moment Evans's eyes smoldered dangerously, but Jackson was
ready for him.
"Orders of the governor, Evans's. "He learned forward and leered, his voice
dropping to a harsh, contemptuous whisper. “You want to complain?”
Evans’s shrugged his shoulders lightly. This crisis was over.
“You’ve got half an hour to smarten yourself up, Evans – and take that bloody
hat off!”
“Me ‘at? Huh!” Evans put his right hand lovingly on top of the filthy woolen, and
smiled sadly.
(i) Why was Evans looking at Jackson dangerously?
(a) Because Jackson has insulted him.
(b) Because Jackson was rude to him.
(c) Because Jackson had his nail clipper and nail file removed.
(d) Because Jackson wanted Evans to take of his bobble hat.
(ii) For what reason did the Governor order to remove the things from Evans
(a) To make sure Evans does not hurt anyone.
(b) To make the room an ideal space for exam.
(c) To make sure that the invigilator was safe.
(d) To make sure that Evans does not have any chance to escape.
(iii) Evans got sad when asked to remove his hat because
(a) He believed that it gave him a smart look
(b) It was his lucky charm
(c) He knew he would be cold without it
(d) He loved to wear it
(iv) The given lines indicate that Jackson
(a) Disliked Evans
(b) Loved to tease Evans
(c) Was always suspicious of Evans
(d) Shared a friendly relation with Evans
C. They did not try to hide what they said from the ears of Hana as she stood
arranging the day’s flowers in the veranda nearby, and she knew they spoke on
purpose that she might hear. That they were right she knew too in most of her
(i)’They’ refers to
(a) Sadao’s parents
(b) Sadao’s servants
(c) Sadao’s children
(d) Sadao’s patients
(ii) Why were they not trying to hide anything from Hana?
(a) To make her feel guilty.
(b) To punish her.
(c) To express their dislikes for her and her husband’s action.
(d) To appreciate her husband.

(iii) What were they right about?

(a) Their pride in their master.
(b) Their disgust for the prisoner.
(c) Their reactions to their master’s act.
(d) Their concern for their children.
(iv)’ On purpose’ in the extract means.
(a) Casually
(b) Accidently
(c) Intermittently
(d) Intentionally
4. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions.(Do any
one) (4Marks)
A. When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing proud and unafraid
(i) Of what or of whom is aunt Jennifer terrified of?
(a) Of tiger
(b) Of her death
(c) Of her old age
(d) Of her husband
(ii) What does the ‘ordeals’ refer to
(a) Heavy responsibilities of married life
(b) Wild animals
(c) The nurturing of her children
(d) The lack of freedom
(iii) What literally device is used in the last line of the extract
(a) Oxymoron
(b) Alliteration
(c) Personification
(d) Irony
(iv) The ‘terrified hands’ represent
(a) Physical condition of aunt
(b) Mental state of aunt
(c) Troubled physical and mental state of aunt Jennifer
(d) Fears of aunt
B. And such too is grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink
(i) The figure of speech used in mighty dead is
(a) Alliteration
(b) Personification
(c) Oxymoron
(d) Metaphor
(ii) We associate grandeur with
(a) Nature
(b) Ancestor
(c) Old legends and tales
(d) All of these
(iii) The rhyme scheme of the given stanza is
(a) abcbc
(b) abbcc
(c) abcab
(iv) The use of ‘immortal’ indicates
(a) The forever aspect of beauty
(b) The everlasting joy and pleasure
(c) The permanent aspect of nature
(d) The constant thrist.

5. Attempt any eight questions from the ten given below. (8Marks)
(i) Why was the old crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?
(a) Because he trusted the peddler
(b) Because the peddler was his old friend
(c) Because he lived there all alone and was happy to get someone to talk to
(d) Because he thought that the peddler was a good guy
(ii) Choose the statement that is NOT TRUE with reference to old crofter
(a) He had no family
(b) He was very amiable, friendly and gullible
(c) He used to sell milk for a living
(d) He had a guest house too
(iii) How was the friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry?
(a) Pathetic
(b) Fruitful
(c) One sided
(d) Intermitted
(iv) There is a sudden strangeness on counting to twelve in’ Keeping Quiet’. With
reference to this statement, which of the following is incorrect?
(a) People are always in a rush and thus, there is strangeness
(b) People cannot stop their work for silence
(c) Total inactivity resulting out of this is strangeness
(d) Fraternising with people this silence is strange
(v) The phrase ‘reacting a father’s gnarled disease means
(a) It means ridiculing one’s father disease
(b) It means inheriting one’s father disease
(c) It means not caring for one’s father disease
(d) It means not knowing about one’s father disease
(vi) What is a better ending of Roger Skunks’ story?
(a) Jo’s father ending of the story
(b) Jo’s mothers ending of the story
(c) Jo’s ending of the story
(d) Jo’s friends ending of the story
(vii) In the line’ Reciting the fathers gnarled disease’, the disease here means
(a) medical condition
(b) misery
(c) poverty
(d) both (a) and (c)
(viii) Saheb was ……………….in his new job
(a) Fabulous
(b) Not happy
(c) Set aside
(d) Happy
(ix) Sadao’s house was built of
(a) Stone
(b) Mud
(c) Cement
(d) Wood
(x) The ‘mighty dead’ refers to
(a) Our ancestors
(b) Our relatives
(c) The dead emperors
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Part-B: Subjective Questions (40 Marks)
Writing skills
6. As the honorary Director of an old age home ‘Tulasi’ write a notice of appeal
to be published in newspapers asking for donation of Man-Hours from general
public. (50 words) (3)
You are Sneha, F-97, Shakti Appt, Rohini, Delhi. You are well qualified in music
and dance forms (Classical). Draft an advertisement for seeking work / job to be
published in local daily in about 50 words.
7. Nikhil/ Nikita has come out successful in the IIT entrance examination. He /
she has decided to have a party with his/ her friends. Write out an invitation
giving details of venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words. (3)
You are Akshay/ Aakriti. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on
‘Fundamental Rights of Children’ organised by the Lions Club of your district.
Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the secretary of the club. (50
8. You are Samee/ Savita Arora. You have read an advertisement for the post of
a librarian. Write an application for the post. Also give your Bio-data separately.
(120-150 words) (5)
Wanted a smart, efficient professional librarian with proper
education and a relevant work experience for a leading school
library. Apply with complete bio-data within 10 days of the
advertisement to the principal of willows public school, Meerut.

Write a letter to the Editor of a National Daily expressing your concern on the
deteriorating standard of living in your society. Give suggestions for
improvement. You are Pratap / Preeti of Kriti Nagar, Ghaziabad. You can use the
following clues. (120-150) words
• Main road in a dug-up condition
• Parks becoming garbage area
• Poor system of water supply
• Street lights not working
9. As the sports Captain of your school, write an article in about 120-150 words
for your school magazine emphasising the need of adventure sports in
youngster’s lives. You are Rohit/ Roshani of Happy Public school, Mathura. You
can use the following clues. (5 Marks)
• Attraction towards exploring and experiencing the outdoors
• Help us in being strong, both in body and mind
• Prepare us to face the future
• Lot of geographical diversity (mountains, hills, rivers, beaches etc) in our
Tourism plays an important role in improving the economy of a country.
Write a report for your school magazine about the role of tourism and give
suggestions how it can be improved. You are Aditi/ Aditya of Sunshine
Public school, Gwalior. You can take help from the following clues. (120-
150 words)
• Economic development
• Positive reviews
• Employment
• Issues
10. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words. (10)
(i) Why don’t the maps and pictures have any relevance to the children?
(An Elementary School Classroom in Slum)
(ii) Explain sharecropping as described in the lesson
(iii) Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winters moon’? (My
mother at sixty-six)
(iv) How in your opinion can Mukesh realise his dream?
(v) What shows M Hamel’s love for French language?
(vi) What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why
does he call that immortal drink?
11. Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words. (4)
(i) What conflict in his mind troubled Dr Sadao when he came to know that the
wounded man was an American POW?
(ii) Why did Evans not take off his hats when Jackson ordered him to do so?
(iii) Why does Mr Lamb does not have any curtains at the windows of the
12. Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words.
Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a
lasting impression on us? (5)
“Our native language is part of our culture and we are proud of it” How does the
presence of village elders in the classroom in M Hamels’s last lesson show their
love for French?”
13. Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words.
Justify the title ‘The Third Level’ (5)
What did Hana think of her husband as a surgeon and doctor in ‘The Enemy?’



1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and
follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the question.

PART A: Multiple Choice Questions [40 Marks]

Reading Comprehension [20 Marks]

1. My father, the late Dr Gustav Bucky, was the physician to Einstein's two stepdaughters and this relationship had
prompted the professor to invite us to dinner once. My father and he became friends and from then onwards I spent my
summer vacations at his home for the next eight years.
2. To a boy, Einstein was a God. Even his appearance had a God-like distinctiveness — the massive head with its unruly
mane of hair; the ragged moustache; the deep, gentle eyes that could twinkle with amusement; the droopy upper lids;
and the soft, expressive wrinkles that creased his face.
3. One time, after I had known him for several years, I impulsively remarked that it might be time for him to abandon a
frayed stretched sweater that was part of his daily uniform. His sudden, cool silence told me that I had stepped across
the line.
4. Yet he had a good sense of humour. His only reading for fun was Emily Post's book on etiquette. He read the book in his
bedroom and study in the evening and his sharp laugh rattled through the house.
5. Einstein's friends never expected him to behave in the conventional manner. Yet his regard for others often prompted
him to do the conventional thing. When I was ill with tuberculosis at a veteran's hospital in the Bronx, Einstein created a
sensation there by visiting me. I was tremendously moved. I knew how much he disliked to leave his work, how much he
was bored by the two-and-a-half hour automobile trip and how pained he felt under public scrutiny.
6. Since we knew how Einstein was tortured by formal occasions, we didn't invite him to my wedding in 1953 at the
Plaza in New York. He showed up without being invited. He was dressed in a dark suit, with white shirt and tie — the
perfect attire for the proceedings, according to his standards.
7. The problem of keeping an important secret may produce a sweaty conflict in most people, but not in Einstein. I was
hardly a hundred feet from him during one of the most important meetings of this century and I never knew about it.
During the summer of 1939, I was staying at Einstein's vacation house near Southold on the tip of Long Island. On 1st
August, the housekeeper told me that a group of scientists were coming to visit the professor. When the visitors left,
Einstein made no reference to the meeting. I only remember his expressing a vague fear in late 1944 that Germany might
be making progress towards a new and terrible weapon.
8. After the United States exploded the first atomic bomb, the bits and pieces of the story behind its development began
to sift out. Only then did I realise what had happened during the meeting on that August day. Fermi, Szilard and a few
other physicists had persuaded Einstein to write to Roosevelt, the famous letter, now in the Library of Congress, that
prompted the President to launch the Manhattan project for the production of the atomic bomb.
9. He won the Nobel Prize for his Photoelectric Theory — a series of equations that he considered relatively minor in
importance — but he didn't have any curiosity in observing how his theory made television possible.
10. One puzzle that Einstein could never understand was his own fame. He had developed theories that were quite
esoteric and capable of exciting comparatively few scientists. Yet his name was a household word across the civilised
world. He was baffled by the phenomenon of himself. 'I've had good ideas and so have other men," he once said. "But it's
been my good fortune that my ideas have been accepted." He was bewildered by the deluge of public attention; people
wanted to meet him, strangers stopped on the street to stare and smile at him, scientists, statesmen, students and
housewives wrote him letters. He could never understand why he received this attention, why he was singled out as
something special.
On the basis of the understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the questions given below with the help of the
options that follow. (1x10 = 10)
(i) The author was well-known to Einstein as-
(a) he was his friend. (b) he was his classmate.
(c) he was his teacher. (d) his father was the physician to Einstein's two stepdaughters-
(ii) Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his
(a) Equations, (b) Photoelectric Theory.
(c) Inventions. (d) Genius.
(iii) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the correct sequence in which the given data is
(1) Einstein often wondered about his fame. (2) Einstein was anti-social.
(3) Einstein read only one book. (4)Einstein was very peculiar regarding his look.
(a) 1,2,3,4 (b) 4,3,2,1 (c) 1,3,2,4 (d) 3,2,1,4
(iv) Einstein liked to read
(a) Emily Post's book on etiquette. (b) suspense novels.
(c) romantic novels. (d) thriller novels.
(v) Where does the famous letter written by Einstein to Roosevelt lie now?
(a) It is with Einstein. (b) It is in the Library of Congress.
(c) It is with Roosevelt. (d) It is lost.
(vi) Einstein was not pleased with the author's remark that ....................................................
(a) he should spend his summers at the author's home (b) he should abandon his frayed stretched sweater
(c) he should read Emily Post's book on etiquette (d) None of the above
(vii) Why did the author and his wife not invite Einstein for their wedding?
(a) They knew he would insult them. (b) They were not on good terms with Einstein.
(c) They knew he hated social attention. (d) None of the above
(viii) The word ................. in para 4 means 'echoed like a succession of short and sharp knocking sounds'.
(a) Rattled (b) Etiquette (c) Sharp (d) Sense
(ix) The other scientists mentioned in this passage are
1. Fermi 2. Szilard 3. Roosevelt 4. Dr Bucky
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
(x) The word in para 10 means 'likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialised knowledge'.
(a) Civilised (b) Phenomenon (c) Bewildered (d) Esoteric
(xi) Pick the option that correctly lists the final feelings of the writer with reference to his experience with Einstein.
1. Hatred 2. Sympathy 3. Awe 4. Appreciation 5. Love 6. Care
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 6 (c) 4 and 5 (d) 3 and 4

2. Read the passage given below. (10)

India is a major producer of several agricultural/food items in the world but only less than 10 per cent of that is processed.
Demand for processed food items is set to increase in India in the coming years providing opportunities for greater value
addition, lower wastages and alternative employment opportunities. Analysis of corporate data shows that food processing
firms have been profitable, but the value addition component needs to increase significantly.
India has made vast progress overtime in providing food security for its people and has become largely self-reliant in
agriculture. Accordingly, the policy focus has shifted from attaining self-sufficiency to generating higher and stable income
for the farming population. Food processing industry (FPI) is one area which has the potential to add value to farm output,
create alternate employment opportunities, improve exports and strengthen the domestic supply chain.
India, with about 11.2 per cent of total arable land in the world, is ranked first in the production of milk, pulses and jute,
second in fruits and vegetables and third in cereals (Government of India, 2010). It is also the sixth largest food and grocery
market in the world (Law, et al., 2019). Recognizing the immense potential of FPI in promoting inclusive growth, it has been
identified as one of the key thrust areas under the 'Make in India' Programme.
Food processing is defined as transforming agricultural products into food that are in consumable form or transforming one food
item into another by adding value to it (Government of India, 2019). Based on physical properties of the final product, the Ministry
of Food Processing Industries categorizes food processing under two sub-categories, viz., (i) manufactured processes, whereby the
original physical properties of the product undergo a change through a process involving employees, power, machines or money
and the transformed product is edible and has a commercial value and (ii) other value-added processes where the product does not
undergo any manufacturing process, but gains significant value addition like increased shelf life, shelled and ready for
consumption, etc.
Depending on the type and extent of value addition, it is categorized as primary and secondary processing. Primary processing
relates to conversion of raw commodity to one that is fit for consumption. It involves steps such as drying, threshing, cleaning,
grading, sorting, packing, etc. Secondary processing involves creation of value added products like bread, wine, sausages, etc.
The importance of processed food items in the consumer basket has increased globally over time. With higher income,
urbanisation, demographic shifts, improved transportation and changed consumer perceptions regarding quality and safety, food
consumption patterns have changed over the years. Further, advertising through mass media/social media is also found to have
resulted in a higher demand-led Food Processing Industry (FPI) growth in India.

The share of processed food in world especially Indian exports in value terms has remained stable over the years. In 2018, it
accounted for 6.5 per cent of total world processed exports and 5.7 per cent of total world exports.
With the increasing importance of processed food in consumers' food basket, quality standards have also emerged as an
important factor with new regulations. The food system is being regulated through a mix of private-public standards which
provide the basis of competitive strategies while also proving to be entry barriers. The implementation of quality standards has
been an issue of contention between developed and developing countries.
On the basis of the understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the questions given below with the help of the options that
follow. (1 x 10 =10)
(i) What does the given passage highlight?
(a) The system of import and export. (b) The growing demand of processed food.
(c) The food capacity of India. (d) The share of Indian exports in food market.
(ii) Processed foods provides for
(a) more food variety. (b) alternate employment opportunities.
(c) lower wastage. (d) Both (b) and (c)
(iii) According to the passage, India has become self-reliant because of
(a) agriculture. (b) stable income.
(c) employment opportunities. (d) import business.
(iv) Which industry adds to the growth of the country?
(a) Import-export (b) FPI
(c) Agriculture (d) Chocolate food industry
(v) India is ranked first in the production of
(a) milk, jute and pulses. (b) fruits and vegetables.
(c) cereals. (d) chocolate.
(vi) Manufactured processing of food involves ................................
(a) no change (b) mixing of spices to increase shelving time
(c) a change in the properties of raw material (d) drying and spicing
(vii) Drying, threshing, and grading are a part of
(a) tertiary processing. (b) primary processing.
(c) secondary processing. (d) value added processing.
(viii) What leads to a change in the food consumption pattern?
(a) Urbanisation (b) Demographic shifts
(c) Improved transportation (d) All of these
(ix) The passage states that the growth in the FPI can be credited to
(a) globalisation. (b) urbanisation.
(c) higher incomes. (d) advertising
(x) Which of the following graphs represents the correct data presented by the government of India in 2019?

(a) option (1) (b) option (2) (c) option (3) (d) option (4)
(xi) Pick the options that lists the statements that are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
1. India is ranked first in the production of fruits and vegetables.
2. The demand for processed food items is set to increase in our country.
3. Food processing is categorised under two sub-categories.
4. Tertiary processing relates to the processing of raw commodity to one that is fit for consumption.
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
3. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions. (Any two extracts) (1x8=8)
A. DERRY: They talk about me. Downstairs, When I’am not there. ‘What’ll he ever do? What’s going to happen to him when
we’ve gone? However will he get on in this world? Looking like that? With that on his face?’ That’s what they say.
MR LAMB: Lord, boy, you’ve got two arms, two legs and eyes and ears, you’ve got a tongue and a brain. You’ll get on the way
you want, like all the rest. And if you chose, and set your mind to it, you could get on better than all the rest.
(i) Who does ‘they’ refer to?
(a) Derry’s family (b) Derry’s friends.
(c) All other people around Derry (d) Derry’s mom
(ii) What does the given lines tell us about Mr Lamb?
(a) He was a social man (b) He was wise
(c) He had a positive outlook towards life (d) All of these
(iii) Why does Mr Lamb say the given lines to Derry?
(a) To help him accept his fate (b) To teach him how to ignore others
(c) To teach him self-worth (d) To make him his friend
(iv) ‘set your mind to it’ in the extract means-
(a) to be determined to do or have something (b) to be casual to do something
(c) to be struggling and impatient to do something (d) to be indifferent to do something
B. She entered, followed by a valet, carrying on his arm a big fur coat. She was not at all pretty, but seemed modest and quite shy.
In the forge everything was just as it had been earlier in the evening. The master blacksmith and his apprentice still sat on their
bench, and iron and charcoal still glowed in the furnace. The stranger had stretched himself out on the floor and lay with a piece
of pig iron under his head and his hat pulled down over his eyes.
(i) Who is ‘She’ in the given lines?
(a) The strangers estranged daughter (b) A servant from the captains house.
(c) Edla (d) The old croner’s relative
(ii) Why does she come there?
(a) To get the stranger arrested (b) To scold the stranger
(c) To give the stranger some money and clothes (d) To invite the stranger for Christmas
(iii) The presence of the blacksmith and apprentice tells us that
(a) They were suspicious of the stranger (b) The stranger was still at the iron mill
(c) They were waiting for the young female (d) They wanted to help the stranger
(iv)The term ‘Pig iron’ in the extract refers to-
(a) hot iron (b) cold iron
(c) pure iron (d) impure iron
C. At 11:20 AM the receiver once more crackled across the silence of the Governor’s office, and McLeery informed Evans that
only five minutes remained. The examination was almost over now, but something still gnawed away quietly in the Governor’s
mind. He reached for the phone once more. At 11:22 AM Jackson shouted along the corridor to Stephens. The Governor wanted
to speak to him- “Hurry man!’ Stephens picked up the phone apprehensively and listened to the rapidly spoken orders.
(i) What examination was Evans giving?
(a) French (b) German (c) Spanish (d) Italian
(ii) Who was McLerry?
(a) Evan’s friend (b) Policeman (c) Inspector (d) The invigilator
(iii) The Governor reached for the phone twice indicates his apprehensions. Pick the option that correctly states them.
1. Somebody was helping Evans. 2. Evans had tried to kill the invigilator
3. Evans had run away 4. The city could be in extreme danger because of Evans
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 3 (c) 2 and 5 (d) 3 and 4
(iv)The Phrase ‘once more’ signifies that-
(a) the Governor had received two calls earlier (b) the Governor was keeping check on Evans
(c) the Governor was constantly receiving calls of major crimes (d) the Governor kept an eye on any news related to Evans
4. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions: (Any One Extract) (1x4=4)
A. Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse and realized with pain
that she was as old as she looked.
(i) Who is the ‘poet’ of this poem?
(a) John Keats (b) Rudyard Kipling (c) William Wordsworth (d) Kamala Das
(ii) What does ‘ashen face’ signify?
(a) the poets fear (b) Indicates ageing is painful (c) Pale and lifeless face of poet’s mother
(d) shows oldage
(iii) What is the tone of the poem towards the end?
(a) Sad (b) Hopeless (c) Cheerful (d) Resignation
(iv)Which figure of speech is used in the above lines?
(a) Alliteration (b) Simile (c) Personification (d) Metaphor
B. Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink
(i) What is the name of the poem?
(a) Keeping Quiet (b) A Thing of Beauty (c) Endymion (d) The Roadside Stand
(ii) How do we know about the ‘mighty dead’?
(a) Oral songs (b) Tales (c) Myths (d) Statues
(iii) What is the effect of immortal drink?
(a) No one is thirsty (b) Everyone is happy (c) Immense joy and happiness (d) Beauty never moves away
(iv) The rhyme scheme of the extract is-
(a) abcabc (b) aabbcc (c) abccba (d) aaabbb
5. Attempt any eight questions from the ten given below. (1x8)
(i) What had the narrator counted on to enter the school, unnoticed?
(a) He counted the leaves of a plant outside the classroom.
(b) He counted the blessing of God.
(c) He counted the number of people he met on his way.
(d) He counted on the hustle and bustle that was usual in the school.
(ii) Why does the poet say “And yet, for these children, these windows, not this map, their world”?
(a) The world of the middle class is not accessible to the slum children.
(b) The world of the rich is not accessible to the slum children.
(c) The world of the good people is not accessible to the slum children.
(d) The world of the literate is not accessible to the slum children.
(iii) How has Aunt Jennifer created her tigers?
(a) She created them with wool.
(b) She created them with ivory needles.
(c) She created them with cotton threads.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(iv)Which of the following is TRUE about Mukesh’s dream?
(a) Car driver (b) Astrologer (c) Teacher (d) Motor Mechanic
(v) What symbol from nature does the poet use to prove that ‘Keeping Quiet’ is not total inactivity?
(a) Symbol of a broken car.
(b) Symbol of a picture on the wall.
(c) Symbol of nature.
(d) Symbol of a switched off camera.
(vi)Which of the following factors is NOT TRUE about the decision of Douglas in favour of the YMCA pool?
(a) It was safe.
(b) It was only 2 miles away from his house.
(c) It was only 2 or 3 feet deep at the shallow end.
(d) The drop of the pool to the nine feet at the other end was gradual.
(vii) Why did Gandhiji demand 50% refund from the British landlords?
(a) Because they had legally procured it from the sharecroppers.
(b) Because they had illegally and deceitfully extorted it from the poor sharecroppers.
(c) Because they had illegally and deceitfully extorted it from the rich sharecroppers.
(d) Because he wanted to appease the landlords.
(viii) How did the old gardener react when Dr Sadao gave shelter to the enemy soldier?
(a) He reacted happily.
(b) He did not show any reaction.
(c) He reacted negatively by pulling his hair from his head.
(d) He reacted negatively by pulling a few hairs on his upper lip.
(ix) What does the third level refer to?
(a) It is a medium of treatment for sick patients.
(b) It is a medium of escape through which a man yearns to be away from life’s harsh realities.
(c) It is a medium of transforming oneself.
(d) It is a medium of educating oneself.
(x) Choose the statement that is/are NOT TRUE with reference to Roger Skunk.
(a) Roger Skunk lived in the deep dark woods.
(b) Roger smelled so bad that none of the creatures would play with him.
(c) The creatures called him ‘Roger Sinky Skunk’.
(d) Roger went to the wise owl and requested him to make him smell like roses.

PART B: Subjective Questions [40 Marks]

Writing Skills [16 Marks]
6. You are Ramesh/Samiksha of M-15, Greater Kailash II, New Delhi. You want to sell your motorcycle. Draft a suitable
advertisement to be published in the classified columns of ‘The Hindustan Times’, Delhi, Mention the details of the motorcycle.
(50 words) (3)
You are Divya, Secretary of the History Club of Saraswati Vidya Mandir School. Draft a notice informing the students about a
proposed visit to some important sites in your city. (50 words) (3)
7. Your school is organizing its Annual Day Function next month in one of the prestigious auditoriums of your city. Draft an
invitation giving all the essential details. Do not forget to include necessary instructions against mobile phones and cameras.
(50 words) (3)
You are Manoj/Manvi. You have been invited to attend a birthday party of your closest friend. Draft a reply accepting the invite
(50 words). (3)
8. You are Satish/Sarita of Class- XII. Write a letter to the Editor of a leading National Daily highlighting the unfriendly attitude of
the staff of the ‘Grameen seva’ transport buses. You can use the following clues. (120-150 words)
• Hundreds of people travel
• Problems while boarding
• Never on time
• Stops at random locations
• Causes immense chaos
You are Parth/Prerna of M-114, Najafgarh, Delhi- 110044. You would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in a reputed
firm in Mumbai after reading an advertisement. Write a letter in 120-150 words applying for the job. Also give your biodata. (5)

Red Chilli Enterprises invites application for the post of the
Marketing Manager in Mumbai. The applicant must have the
required education from a reputed institute along with work
experience. Fresher’s can also apply. All interested candidates
can send their application to the Public Relations Officer, Red
chilli Enterprises, Mumbai.

9. Write an article for your school magazine on “Effect of Social Media in Raising Adolescents Social Awareness”. You are
Naveen/Neeta of Class XII. You can take help from the following clues. (120-150 words) (5)
• Response to a questionnaire
• Actions limited to cyber world only
• Social media help hesitant adolescents to express themselves
• Beneficial in raising awareness
The Heritage Centre, Ambala, organized a National Level Inter-School Quiz Contest with its academic partner, Tata Steel.
Write a report on the event for your school magazine, giving necessary details. You are Karan Bhardwaj/Kirti Bhardwaj,
Coordinator of the Quiz Club. (120-150 words)
10. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words. (2x5=10)
(a) What picture of the slum children is depicted in the poem ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’?
(b) What pleasure does a beautiful thing give us? Are beautiful things worth treasuring?
(c) Why does the narrator look outside? How did it affect her?
(d) Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahle?
(e) Mukesh finds himself caught between two distinct worlds. How do they affect his life?
(f) Describe the atmosphere of the class on the day of the last lesson.
11. Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words. (2x2=4)
(i) How did the wise owl and the wizard help Roger Skunk?
(ii)Why did Mr Lamb always keep his gate open?
(iii)What did Stephens see on opening the peephole of Evan’s cell after seeing off McLerry?
12. Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words. (5)
‘Self-reliance, Indian Independence and help to sharecroppers were all bound together.’ How did Gandhiji manage to do this?
Explain in the context of the chapter ‘Indigo’.
Under the apparent stillness there is life. Justify with reference to the poem ‘Keeping Quiet.’
13. Answer any one of the following questions 12-150 words. (5)
There are moments in life when we have to make hard choices between our roles as private individuals and as citizens with a sense
of National loyalty. Discuss with reference to the story ‘The Enemy’
“The parents sometimes do not understand the moral fiber of the children. As a result they feel isolated.” Justify the statement in
the context of the lesson ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy.’


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