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अंतररक्ष विभाग/DEPARTMENT OF SPACE

भारतीय अंतररक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन/INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION
सतीश धिन अंतररक्ष केंद्र शार/SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE SHAR
श्रीहररकोटा-524 124, ततरुपतत जिला (आं.प्र.)/SRIHARIKOTA-524 124, TIRUPATI DIST. (A.P)

Date: 10.01.2024

Attention is drawn to (1) Advertisement No. SDSC SHAR/RMT/02/2023 dated

26.04.2023 and Addendum dated 15.05.2023 inviting applications for filling up of various
Scientific & Technical posts and (2) Advertisement No. SDSC SHAR/RMT/04/2023 dated
04.08.2023 inviting applications for filling up of various Administrative and Paramedical
posts. It is to inform that Corrigenda vide No. SDSC SHAR/RMT/02/2023 dated
10.01.2024 and No. SDSC SHAR/RMT/04/2023 dated 10.01.2024 have been published
in Employment News and SDSC SHAR Website in respect of the above advertisements,
indicating the revised number of vacancies in both the advertisements. All those candidates
who have applied against the above advertisements are hereby advised to refer/visit latest
edition of Employment News/ SDSC SHAR website ( (or) for details and note the changes.

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