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IA St Louis, Lycée de Ross Bethio 2023/2024

Cellule d’Anglais

Terminale :…S2……………..

Name : ……………GAYE DIOP …………………………………………..

Girls' education has always been a controversial debate between traditionalists and modernists in
Africa and particularly in Senegal.

The former think that the place of a woman is at home. Her role is limited to be a wife, a mother and
a housewife. So, to play that part, a girl doesn't need to follow primary or secondary studies, even
less to get a university degree.

They can't accept a girl profiting from the freedom and independence given by education and
training. Their motto is "the sooner a girl gets married the better".

The latter, on the contrary have deplored the evil endangered by early marriage, and which can
create hatred between husband and wife, an unhappy or completely ruined life, homicide or suicide
and son on. According to them, girls' ambitions go beyond having husbands. They want to fully enjoy
their rights, which is to be educated. They intend to participate in the building of their nation but also
in the running of their society. To play that part girls have to go to the same schools as boys. To solve
these problems, the government has been building schools in the farthest Villages of the country.

But unfortunately some parents are deeply against their daughters going to school. In fact, mothers
who used to be helped by their daughters find it difficult to be separated from them. Fathers who
have no education and who are aware that daughters will sooner or later leave them to join their
husbands are not eager to pay school fees.

A- Find in the text two disadvantages of early marriage (1mark)

1- Create hatred beetwen hasband and wife

2-unhappy or completely ruined wife

B- Find in the text two arguments of pro-girls' education (1 mark)

3-enjoy their right

4-participate in the building of their nation

C- The Following sentences are true. Find in the text relevant quotations to justify them.( 3marks)

5-Tradition supporters do not encourage girls to go and stay at school.

The former think that the place of a woman is at school


6- Illiterate fathers believe that spending money on their daughters' studies is a waste.

…fathers who have no education and who are aware that daughters will sooner or later leave them to
join their husbands are not eager to pay school fees

7- Pro-girls' education are for gender mixture in schools.

…to play that part girls have to go to the same schools as boys

D- Referencing: what or who do the underlined words refer to? (1 mark)

8- that part (L4) :…the place of woman is at home ………………………………..

9-them (L16) : …daughters ……………………………………..

E Matching information in colomn A with those in column A with those in column B(2 marks)


10- university degree a- conscious

11- aware b- monetary payment

12- training c- diploma

13-registration d- teaching



F- Use the right form of the verbs in brackets (2marks)

A long time ago, the majority of girls did not have the right to go to school. People……
thought………………………………….... 15 (think) that it was not necessary to educate girls. But now more
and more girls …are attending…………………………………..………………… 16 (attend) with the support of
their parents. In fact, the governments………are promoting …………….…,
…………………………………………….17 (promote) the education of girls for years now. And if partners
respect the financial engagements taken in the last world education forum of Dakar, we …will
see……………. ………. 18(see) more girls in schools in the coming years.

G- Complete this dialogue between Astu and Fatu meaningfully (2marks) :

Fatu: Hi Astu ! Are you ok ? Where are you going ?

Astu : Yes I am, and you ? I’m going to school.

fatu : Great !

19. How …many years have you been going to school ……………………………………………………. ?

Astu: I have been going to school for eleven years. And 20……why have you dropped out of school

Fatu: I have droped out of school because my parents want me to stay at home and take in charge the
house shores.

Astu: I am sure your parents have never been to school,21……have they………………………………………..?

Fatu: Obviously not.

Astu: If I 22………………………………..... you, I would convince them to let you go to school.

H- Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings. ( 2 marks)

1- No weapon is more powerful than education.

23 Education is the…less powerful than no weapon………………………………………………………..

2- Tradtionalists don't encourage girls' education

24 Girls' education is…not encourage by traditionalists ………………………………………………….

III- Essay: choose only one topic. Write about 100 words (6 marks)

Topic 1: Dieynaba's father wants her to leave school and get married with her cousin.

Dieynaba doesn't agree to that decision. Write down their conversation.

Topic 2: Many girls leave school very early. What are the reasons for this situation and try to propose
some solutions.

Topic 3 : As the chair person of a human right association, write a letter to the minister in charge of
women affairs to denounce early marriage and ask him/ her to assist the victims of that practice.

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