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There cannot be stressful

thoughts in the mind while
laughing or smiling. No, it is not
possible. The science of
gerontology has proven smile
or laughter gushes the feel-
good hormones in the system.
These biochemicals, called
endorphins and
neurotransmitters, cool down
the brain cells, dilate the blood
vessels and control blood
pressure, enhance the immune
system, and de-stress

A smile costs nothing but

means much, but people often
refrain from using it regularly. It
instantly shortens the distance
between two individuals. A
smile requires a lesser number
of facial muscles to contract
than frowning.
Perform a simple walking
exercise for five minutes daily
with a friend with a broad
smile. It is a challenging task.
Try it out.

Try to smile, laugh, or be

humorous every hour. Initially,
it would be best to make a
conscious effort, which would
become a spontaneous act.
It is called the "fake it and make
it" method.
Read, recall, and recapitulate
various jokes to bring humor to
life. Never feel embarrassed to
join a laughter club and
experience the difference.
Enjoy the journey called LIFE.
Let there be years in life and
life in years.

GAYATRI MANTRA is the most

potent hymn on the planet.
भर्गो देेवस्य धीमहि

धधयो यो नः प्रचोदयात्।्
"Om Bhoor Bhuwah Swah, Tat
Savitur Varenyam,
Bhargo Devisee Dheemahi,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pra-chodayaat!"

An American scientist Dr.

Howard Steingeril,
experimenting in his physiology
laboratory, has confirmed that
this hymn creates 110,000
vibrations per second and is
second to none in its strength
and beneficial effects on the
human body. Many Westerners
are reciting the Gayatri mantra
regularly and enjoying its

The perfect utterance of this

hymn daily makes a person
unique. An unseen protective
halo surrounds such a person.
The psychological and
physiological benefits are
enormous. There is a significant
enhancement in memory,
intelligence, and emotional

Many practitioners experience

an enhancement of extra-
sensory perception. The
immunity goes up, and the
response to any stressful
situation in life is very positive.
Enjoy the enormous benefits of
reciting "Gayatri Mantra" 21
times in one sitting and twice a
day. However, one must
articulate it perfectly.
Understanding and mastering
the techniques of the correct
utterance of the Gayatri
Mantra is very important.

In critical situations, the sub-

vocalization of the Gayatri
mantra helps to stay calm and
command the right decisions at
the right time, yielding positive
results and successful

VITTHAL, a Hindu God, is

considered a manifestation or
avatar of Lord Vishnu, who is
the preserver or sustainer
amongst the triad, including
Brahma, the creator, and Shiva,
the destructor of the universe.
Vitthal is the main deity of the
monotheistic Varkari faith of

As a practicing cardiac surgeon,

I came across several patients
from the Varkari faith who had
undergone open-heart surgery
and wanted to walk for
hundreds of miles during the
annual pilgrimage, also called
Palkhi. Despite disqualifying
them for such long walks, they
would still undertake the
journey, chanting VITTHAL a
million times and coming back
to me victoriously. We found
that their medical reports were
all within normal limits.

That was the main observation

to initiate research to study the
relationship between the
chanting of VITTHAL and
cardiovascular parameters. An
indexed journal called The
Asian Journal of
Complementary Medicine
(2014) has published the results
of our scientific study.

Utter the word VITTHAL at

three levels. "Vi" from lips,
"Tha" from throat and navel
while "La" from rolling of the
tongue. It is considered a
unique sound consisting of one
"maha prana" and two "alpha-
We observed several benefits
with the regular chanting of
VITTHAL. A person develops a
positive aura. It stabilizes the
cardiovascular parameters.
There was more tranquility and
peace. More research is on the
way to scientifically validate the
effects of chanting VITTHAL on
lipid and sugar metabolism, the
endocrine system, and
preventing lifestyle disorders.
We recommend chanting
VITTHAL every day at a fixed
time for nine minutes with total
concentration to reap the
benefits. It costs nothing but
means much and will certainly
not harm you.


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