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NAME: Domingo, Aryan L.

ADZU ID: 220618

“Evolving Paradigms: A Reflection on Grasping the Contemporary World”

The study of Contemporary World is crucial for understanding the complexities of the
present times. By examining the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of our global
society, we students can gain insights into the challenges and opportunities that shape the world.
In this reflection paper, I will share my thoughts and reflections on the literature and concepts
associated with understanding the Contemporary World.

The Literature on Contemporary World encompasses a wide range of topics, from

Globalization and International relations to environmental issues and human rights. The
introductory readings provided a comprehensive overview of these complex issues, highlighting
the interconnectedness and interdependence of nations and peoples. One of the key concepts
discussed was Globalization, which refers to the increasing interconnectedness of the world and
the blurring of boundaries between nations. Another theme that emerged from literature was the
increasing importance of international organizations and institutions in shaping global
governance. The United Nations, World Trade Organization, and World Health Organization were
highlighted as key actors in addressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and
pandemics. The discussions emphasized the need for effective multilateral cooperation and
global governance mechanism to tackle these issues.

The topics discussed in Contemporary World have provided me with significant learning
and understanding about the complexities and interconnections of our global society. Through
studying various issues such as globalization, environmental degradation, economic inequality,
and geopolitical conflicts, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the challenges we face as a
global community. One significant learning that stands out to me is the concept of globalization
and its impact on economies, cultures, and societies worldwide. Before this course, I had a limited
understanding of globalization and its implications. I now realize that it is a multifaceted process
that involves the integration and interdependence of economies, societies, and technologies
across national boundaries. This understanding has made me more aware of the ways in which
globalization influences various aspects of our lives, including trade, technology, migration, and
cultural diffusion. Moreover, the course has exposed me to the detrimental effects of rapid
economic growth and industrialization on the environment. I have learned about the depletion of
natural resources, climate change, and pollution, and how these issues are interconnected with
our economic and social systems. This knowledge has led me to become more conscious of my
own ecological footprint and has sparked a desire to engage in sustainable practices and support
efforts to protect the environment.

As an Atenean inculcated with Ignatian values, I believe that I have a significant role to
play in addressing global issues. The Ignatian values of men and women for others, social justice,
and being contemplatives in action provide a strong foundation for actively engaging with the
world's challenges and making a positive impact. One prevailing global issue that I am deeply
passionate about and wish to address is climate change. The impacts of climate change are
increasingly evident, ranging from extreme weather events to rising sea levels, and it
disproportionately affects the most vulnerable communities. Addressing climate change requires
collective action, innovative solutions, and a commitment to sustainable development. As an
Atenean, I can contribute in various ways to address this pressing global issue. Firstly, by being
a person for others, I can engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness about climate change
and its consequences among my fellow students, faculty, and the wider community. By organizing
seminars, workshops, and discussions, I can promote education and understanding of the urgent
need for environmental protection. Furthermore, as an Atenean, I am encouraged to be socially
just. This means acknowledging the unequal distribution of the burdens and benefits of climate
change and working towards equitable solutions. I can join campaigns and initiatives that aim to
empower marginalized communities who are disproportionately affected by climate change. By
advocating for just policies and supporting the voices of those who are most impacted, I can
contribute to a more inclusive and fair response to climate change.

In Conclusion, understanding the Contemporary World is a complex endeavor that

requires exploring diverse literature and concepts. Through my study of globalization, technology,
and international cooperation, I have become more aware the interconnectedness and
interdependencies of our global society. This knowledge has encouraged me to critically analyze
the contemporary world, question dominant narratives, and seek avenues for positive
engagement and change. Understanding the contemporary world is a continuous process, but it
is a crucial step towards creating a more informed and responsible global citizenry.
“The key to understanding the contemporary world is to engage in critical
thinking and question the status quo.”

By: Domingo’s Poem House Since 2016

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