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Processing Report Instructions

Introducing the new Amazon Processing Report

Welcome to the new version of Inventory File processing reports!

The new processing report adds information and formatting directly to the file submitted, and provide
about the errors and warnings that occur while processing of the uploaded the files. You can make ne
corrections in the same file, and upload the corrected file for creating or updating your listings on Am

You are receiving this file as Excel, because you chose to receive feedback in an Excel format during
upload process. If you prefer to use the older version of the report, please click "Text" option when u
your flat-file.

Your original submission with error and warning messages can be found in the Template ta
this file. The "Summary" tab has a brief overview of the errors and warnings received, and
often they have occurred.

Are you using the latest template version?

We continue to improve and publish new category-specific Inventory File Templates which include ne
attributes, valid values, and other changes.

Navigate to Seller Central>Inventory>Add Products via Upload>Download template, to download the

version for your products.

Errors, Warnings and Suggestions

In the Template tab of the checked file, the columns A and B have the following fields:

# of attributes with errors

The number of errors found for a specific SKU/row. These errors will block your listings from being cr

Review the entire row to identify errors, which are highlighted in orange and shown in a comment bo
read the message in the comment box, hover your cursor over the highlighted cell, and expand the c
box to read the entire message.

# of attributes with other suggestions

The number of warnings or suggestions found for a specific SKU/row. Warnings or suggestions will no
your listings from being created on However, fixing warnings or suggestions, makes yo
products easily discoverable by the customers.

Review the entire row to identify the warnings and suggestions. Warnings are highlighted in yellow an
shown in a comment box. We may also suggest changes to your file based on the data provided. The
suggestions are highlighted in blue and the details are provided in a comment box. To read the mess
the comment box, hover your cursor over the highlighted cell and expand the comment box to read t
After reviewing and correcting the file
When you have finished making corrections to your product data in the Template tab, save the file as
(tab-delimited) (*.txt) file. Excel saves the active sheet only (the Template tab) as a text file.

This is your inventory file that you will upload through Inventory>Add Products via Upload in the Sell

Still have questions?

See seller Help.


您之所以收到此 Excel 文件,是因为您在上传过程中选择了接收 Excel 电子表格形式的反馈。如果您倾向于使用旧





您可以前往卖家平台 > 库存 > 批量上传商品 > 下载库存文件模板,为您的商品下载最新版本的库存文件模板。


在此 Excel 文件的“模板”选项卡中,A 列和 B 列包含以下字段:


从一个 SKU 或者一行数据中所发现的错误数量。这些错误会阻碍在亚马逊网站上创建您的商品信息。



从一个 SKU 或者一行数据中所发现的警告或建议的数量。警告或建议不会阻碍在亚马逊网站上创建您的商品信息。但


当您在“模板”选项卡中修改完商品数据后,请将文件保存为制表符分隔的文本文件(*.txt)。Excel 仅将活动工作

这就是您要通过卖家平台 > 库存 > 批量上传商品上传的库存文件。

Feed Processing Summary
Number of records processed
Number of records with errors
Number of records with warnings

Type of error


Error message example

The SKU data provided is different from what's already in the

Amazon catalog. The standard_product_id data provided matches
ASIN B0CN49XNLH, but the following data is different from what's
already in the Amazon catalog: color (Merchant: 'Beige - 415 - 6-11'
/ Amazon: 'Black - 415 - 6-11'). If this is the right ASIN for your
product, update your data to match what's in the Amazon catalog.
If it's not the right ASIN, make sure that your data for
standard_product_id is correct.
Affected Attribute Names (Excel Column) Number of errors

Total number of errors 1

Total errors and warnings 1

How to complete your inventory template
GrField Name Local Label Name
Basic - Basic Product information - These are attributes that are important to buyers and should be populated for all your it

feed_product_type Product Type

item_sku Seller SKU

brand_name Brand Name

update_delete Update Delete

external_product_id Product ID

external_product_id_type Product ID Type

item_name Product Name

product_description Product Description

recommended_browse_nodes Recommended Browse Nodes

model Model Number

part_number Manufacturer part number

closure_type Closure Type

model_name Model Name

temperature_rating Temperature Rating

outer_material_type Outer Material Type

manufacturer Manufacturer

language_value1 - language_value5 Language

care_instructions Product Care Instructions

standard_price Your Price

quantity Quantity
target_gender Target Gender
age_range_description Age Range Description

apparel_size_system Apparel Size System

apparel_size_class Apparel Size Class

apparel_size Apparel Size Value

apparel_size_to Apparel Size To Range

apparel_body_type Apparel Size Body Type

apparel_height_type Apparel Size Height Type

Images - Image Information - See Image Instructions tab for details.

main_image_url Main Image Url

other_image_url1 Other Image Url1

swatch_image_url Swatch Image Url

other_image_url_ps01 other image url ps01

Variation - Variation information - Populate these attributes if your product is available in different variations (for example
parent_child Parentage

parent_sku Parent SKU

relationship_type Relationship Type

variation_theme Variation Theme

package_level Package Level

package_contains_quantity Package Contains Quantity

package_contains_identifier Package Contains Identifier

Discovery - Item discovery information - These attributes have an effect on how customers can find your product on the sit

generic_keywords Search Terms

bullet_point1 - bullet_point5 Key Product Features
style_name Style Name

is_autographed Is Autographed

item_type_name Item type name

occasion_type1 - occasion_type5 Occasion Type

sport_type1 - sport_type2 Sport Type

color_map Colour Map

athlete Athlete

team_name Team Name

collection_name Collection Name
material_type1 - material_type3 Material Type
rise_style Rise Style
lifestyle Lifestyle

fur_description Fur Description

fit_type Fit Type

color_name Colour

theme Theme

department_name Department

league_name League Name

special_size_type Special Size

size_name Size
lifecycle_supply_type Product Lifecycle Supply Type
pattern_name Pattern

item_booking_date Item Booking Date

Product Enrichment - These attributes create rich product listings for your buyers.
subject_character Subject Character

ec_medical_device_sales_channel Medical Device Sales Channel

sub_brand_name Sub Brand

flash_point_unit_of_measure flash_point_unit_of_measure
fc_shelf_life_unit_of_measure FC Shelf Life Unit
fabric_wash Fabric Wash
Dimensions - Product Dimensions - These attributes specify the size and weight of a product.
size_map Size Map
height_map Height Map
Fulfillment - Use these columns to provide fulfilment-related information for orders fulfilled either by Amazon (FBA) or by t

fulfillment_center_id Fulfillment Centre ID

package_length Package Length

package_width package-width

package_height Package Height

package_length_unit_of_measure Package Length Unit Of Measure

package_weight Package Weight

package_weight_unit_of_measure Package Weight Unit Of Measure

package_height_unit_of_measure Unit of measure of package weight

package_width_unit_of_measure Package Width Unit Of Measure
Compliance - Compliance Information - Attributes used to comply with consumer laws in the country or region where the it

country_of_origin Country/Region Of Origin

Is this product a battery or does it
batteries_required utilise batteries?

are_batteries_included Batteries are Included

battery_cell_composition Battery composition

battery_type1 - battery_type3 Battery type/size

number_of_batteries1 -
number_of_batteries3 Number of batteries

battery_weight Battery weight (grams)

battery_weight_unit_of_measure battery_weight_unit_of_measure

number_of_lithium_metal_cells Number of Lithium Metal Cells

number_of_lithium_ion_cells Number of Lithium-ion Cells

lithium_battery_packaging Lithium Battery Packaging

lithium_battery_energy_content Watt hours per battery
lithium_battery_energy_content_un lithium_battery_energy_content_un
it_of_measure it_of_measure

lithium_battery_weight Lithium content (grams)

lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_me lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_me
asure asure

n1 -
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulatio Applicable Dangerous Goods
n5 Regulations

_id UN number
safety_data_sheet_url Safety Data Sheet (SDS) URL

item_weight Item Weight

item_weight_unit_of_measure item_weight_unit_of_measure

item_volume Volume
item_volume_unit_of_measure item_volume_unit_of_measure

fabric_type Fabric Type

flash_point Flash point (°C)?

on1 -
on3 Material/Fabric Regulations
ghs_classification_class1 - Categorization/GHS pictograms
ghs_classification_class3 (select all that apply)
Offer - Offer Information - These attributes are required to make your item buyable for customers on the site.

condition_type Condition Type

condition_note Offer Condition Note

currency Currency
fulfillment_latency Handling Time

sale_price Sale Price

sale_from_date Sale From Date

sale_end_date Sale End Date

number_of_items Number of Items
offering_can_be_gift_messaged Can Be Gift Messaged
offering_can_be_giftwrapped Is Gift Wrap Available?

restock_date Restock Date

map_price Minimum Advertised Price

is_expiration_dated_product Is Product Expirable

list_price_with_tax List Price with Tax for Display

merchant_release_date Release Date

product_expiration_type Product Expiration Type

fc_shelf_life Fulfillment Center Shelf Life

offering_end_date Offer End Date

max_order_quantity Max Order Quantity

merchant_shipping_group_name Merchant Shipping Group

offering_start_date Offer Start Date

product_tax_code Product Tax Code


business_price Business Price

quantity_price_type Quantity Price Type

quantity_lower_bound1 Quantity Lower Bound 1

quantity_price1 Quantity Price 1

progressive_discount_type Progressive Discount Type

1 Progressive Discount Lower Bound 1

progressive_discount_value1 Progressive Discount Value 1

national_stock_number National Stock Number
United Nations Standard Products
unspsc_code and Services Code

pricing_action Pricing Action

Definition and Use
e important to buyers and should be populated for all your items. Some are required to create an offer.
Within a category there are often multiple product types defined.
Select a product type from the drop down on the template tab or
the a value from the valid values tab.

A unique identifier for the product, assigned by the merchant.

The SKU must be unique for each product listed. After you have
established a SKU for a product, please do not try changing it
without first deleting the associated product from our systems
through a delete feed.

The brand or manufacturer of the product.

Specifies the type of operation (Update, PartialUpdate or Delete)

to be done on the data provided. If left blank, the default
behaviour is "Update." Use "Update" whenever you are changing
any field in the existing product's information, including reducing
the inventory to 0. Only use "Delete" when you wish to remove a
product completely and permanently from the catalogue.

After you have established a SKU for a product, please do not try
changing it without first deleting the associated product from our
systems through a delete feed.

A standard, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the

product. This could be a GCID (16 alphanumeric characters), UPC
or EAN. This is a required field if product_id_type is provided.
The type of standard, unique identifier entered in the Product ID
field. This is a required field if Product ID is provided.
A short title for the product. Choose with care; together with the
image, this is the information the customer will see first on a
search results page.
The format is standardized as follows for all Amazon
Parent Asin: Brand - product type -gender - Model - (model
Child Asin: Brand - product type -gender - Model - (model
number) - color - size.
Note: Please *ONLY* include size and colour information in child
SKU titles. Parent SKU titles should never contain size or colour
information as they represent the entire sku family, not any
specific size or colour.
For further instructions on title requirements please refer to the
category styleguide available on Seller Central :

A narrative description of the product, that should provide

enough detail to ensure the customer can make an informed
decision regarding the purchase. If you see #### signs where you
should see the text, clear the format of the cell. This can be done
by clicking Edit in main menu, select Clear & then Formats.

This determines what browse node the item will be assigned to.
Always use this field to make your product discoverable to
customers. Please consult the Browse Tree Guide LINK for the
best value to use for your product.

you can find the browse tree guide (BTG) here in seller central:
If applicable, please submit the manufacturer's model number for
the product.
If applicable, please submit the manufacturer's part number for
the product.

Provide the 'model' name as determined by the manufacturer

The temperature the product should be stored at.
Material from which the outer clothing or accessory is made.
Must be populated to satisfy EU regulation No 1007/2011

Specify the supported language for the product use, or language

of included manual or documentation.
The care instructions as found on the item of clothing.
A price greater than 0. Do not include thousands separators or
currency symbols.

Merchant-fulfilled products: Enter the quantity of the item you

are making available for sale. This is your current INVENTORY
commitment. Quantity is required for all "child" or stand-alone
items. If left blank when first submitting the product information,
the item will be displayed as "Out of stock." Do not enter
quantity for parent items.
Amazon-fulfilled products: Do not enter quantity, as it is not
applicable for products fulfilled by Amazon. Instead, submit
fulfillment_center_id in a separate column (see data definition for
Select one of the follownig options: Female, Male, Unisex
Select one of the following options: Adult, Kids, Toddler, Infant
The selected size must be specific to the marketplace size system
and might differ from the label size.
Select the class of apparel size representation.
Provide the size value associated with the size system and size
Provide the to size value (if range) associated with the size system
and size class.

Provide the body type description for the apparel item.

Provide the height type description for the apparel item.


The URL where a main image of the product is located. It's

important that this is supplied for all products. Main images must
be front view photos on pure white background, of high quality
and may not contain plastic mannequins, otherwise they will be
blocked from the website. For further instructions on image
requirements please refer to the category styleguide available on
Seller Central :
The URL for additional images of your product.

These images will be shown on the detail page when the

customer clicks through to see other views associated with the
product. For example, you can use this field to show the label
information or packaging of your product. Upload additional
images with different views to the item, or with some emotional
surrounding as additional image.

Swatch images may be used for zoom views of patterns or fabrics.

Swatches display on the product detail page next to the name of
the colour. With no swatch image, the child main image will be
displayed instead.

The URL for one product safety and compliance image of your
product. This image should show one or more of the labels,
markings or warnings displayed on your product or packaging, or
an accompanying document. This could be an image of one side
of your product or its packaging, an accompanying document or a
close-up photo of a label, warning or marking. These images
should exactly represent the product or its packaging as it is
shipped and as it would appear in a physical store, and you must
ensure that the labelling, warnings and markings are clear and
legible in the images. If it is the “winning image”, it will be shown
on the product detail page.
your product is available in different variations (for example colour or wattage).
Defines the product within a relationship with another, similar
product. If you offer a product that exists in different colours
and/or sizes, you will need to create a product variation even if
you only sell one colour or size.

The "parent" defines the basic data about the product. Parent
products are not purchasable; the "parent" product simply
specifies the attributes of the product that are common among all
of its children and only acts as a place holder. The "child"
products define the possible variations (i.e., size, colour) of the
parent product and represent the items that are actually for sale.

This field is required if any of the following columns are

populated: variation_theme, color, paper_size,
maximum_expandable_size, line_size. If the product does not
participate in a variation relationship, use the value "child."

For further information about how to construct a product

variation, please refer to this template's "Example" tab and to the
category styleguide available on Seller Central :
If the product is a child product, list the SKU of the parent product

Describes the relationship between products that are related.

Accessories can be seen on the site as "Also
Recommended" selections on certain detail product pages. Use
this field to create an accessory relationship.
Describes the parameter(s) by which the parent product may
vary. The value input for this field should be the same for both
the parent and child SKUs. Always use "sizecolor"
Pick an enumeration to represent if the item is a base item or a
packaging configuration
Provides the quantity of the next package level inside this
Provide the sku value of the item directly contained in the
an effect on how customers can find your product on the site using browse or search.
Search terms that describe your product: no repetition, no
competitor brand names or ASINs.
Brief descriptive text, called out via a bullet point, regarding a
specific aspect of the product.
This is free text to describe the style of the item.
Indicate if this product is autographed. This is a true/false
answer. TRUE; FALSE
Within a product type there are often multipleitem types defined.
Select a item type from the drop down on the template tab or
the a value from the valid values tab.

Select the value that best describes the occasion associated with
the product. This information will support RING products only.

Always use this field for the color of your item, it will enable the
color filter used by customers. Values must be chosen from the
list in the Valid Values worksheet.
Name of the player the product represents.

Name of the team the product represents. Please enter the valid
name of the team your product is associated with. Not using the
appropriate name can possibly result in your items not appearing
in browse and search.

Material Type

The original colour name of the product.

Select from the following departments: mens, womens, boys,

girls, baby-boys, baby-girls, unisex-adult, unisex-child, unisex-
Indicate the professional body that governs the competition of
the team or group you are listing.

The original size name of the product. Please use the local size for
the Marketplace you are selling on.
gs for your buyers.

size and weight of a product.

formation for orders fulfilled either by Amazon (FBA) or by the Seller.

Amazon-fulfilled products: For those merchants using Amazon

fulfilment services, this designates which fulfilment network will
be used. Specifying a value other than ‘DEFAULT’ for
fulfillment_center_id will cancel the Merchant-fulfilled offering.
Resubmitting with a blank or ‘DEFAULT’ value for the
fulfillment_center_id, along with quantity, will switch the item
back to Merchant-fulfilled.
Merchant-fulfilled products: Do not enter fulfillment_center_id,
as it is not applicable.

The length of the package.

The width of the package.

The height of the package.

The unit of measure used to describe the dimensions (width,

length, height) of the package expressed in inches, centimeters,
or feet.

The weight of the package.

The unit of measure used to describe the weight of the package,

expressed in kilograms, ounces, or pounds.

The unit of measure used to describe the weight of the package.

ply with consumer laws in the country or region where the item is sold.

Country/Region Of Origin
An internal rechargeable, non-replaceable battery (e.g. laptop
battery) is also considered a battery.

Select "yes" if batteries are contained in the product (e.g.

batteries inside a pair of Bluetooth headphones) and/or included
with the product (e.g. batteries packed separately with a camera),
otherwise select "no"
Commonly printed on the battery or outer packaging

Specify the type of battery in the product.

Number of batteries, including spares (total batteries, not cells
per battery)
Provide the total net weight of the batteries included. This is the
weight of the standalone batteries not including packaging or the
device it may be used in.
Unit of measure used to describe the battery weight
Total number of Lithium cells (of type Metal) in the product,
where the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.
Total number of Lithium cells (of type Ion) in the product, where
the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.

“Batteries only”: the battery or batteries are sold alone or with

items they are not meant to power. “With equipment”: the
battery is included in the package but not pre-installed. “In
equipment”: the battery is pre-installed in the item.
Commonly printed on the battery or outer packaging
Indicate unit of measure if Lithium Battery Energy Content is

Commonly found in manufacturer's technical information

Select the unit of measure for Lithium Battery Weight . If Lithium
Battery Weight is used, you must also enter theLithium Battery
Weight Unit Of Measure.

Select the purposes for which your product is regulated as a

dangerous good or hazardous material (hazmat) (e.g. dangerous
good for transportation, hazmat for waste). Common products
can be regulated as dangerous goods (e.g. nail polish, aerosols,
cleaning products). For more information, refer to the help pages.
Usually found in the Safety Data Sheet or procured from the
manufacturer/distributor. For more information, refer to the help
Can be procured from the manufacturer/distributor. For more
information, refer to the help pages.

The weight of the product.

The unit of measure used to describe the weight of the product
without shipping material.

Indicates the volume capacity of a product.

Indicates the volume capacity of a product.

Commonly found in the Safety Data Sheet or provided by

manufacturer. For more information, refer to the help pages.

Commonly found in the Safety Data Sheet or on the product

e your item buyable for customers on the site.

A numerical entry that indicates the condition of the item. Review

the condition guidelines definitions.

Descriptive text explaining the item’s condition. This Condition

Note field is limited to 1000 characters for all Used, Collectible,
and Refurbished items. Condition notes are not accepted for
products with a condition type of new.
The currency code for price data. This is required if map, msrp,
item_price, or sale_price is provided. The same currency will
apply to all price-related fields.
Indicates the time, in days, between when you receive an order
for an item and when you can ship the item. The default
production time is one to two business days. Use this field if your
production time is greater than two business days.

The sale price at which the merchant offers the product for sale,
expressed in local currency. The site will strikethrough the
product's standard price and indicate that the item is on sale at
the sale price.
The date that the sale price will begin to override the product's
The last date that the sale price will override the item's normal
price; the product's item_price will be displayed afterwards.
The number of items that are included in the product
If you can print a gift message with the item indicate that here.
If you can gift wrap an item indicate that here.

This is the date that a merchant will be able to ship any back-
ordered items to a customer.
For MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) based pricing. If you have
never heard this term before, this function probably does not
apply to you.

Does your product expire or lose effectiveness over time? Select

“Yes” if the product meets one of the following criteria: (1) has a
printed expiration date, (2) is a topical or consumable product for
either human or animal use, or (3) has a recommended shelf life.
“For more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help
Manufacturer's suggested retail price or list price for the product.
This is not the same as the offering price, which is specified in the
item-price field.
The first date on which you can deliver a pre-orderable product
(one that has never been available prior to this date) to a

1) Expiration Date Required: The expiration date is printed on

product packaging. 2) Expiration on Package: The product will be
reviewed for an expiration date at inbound. 3) Production Date
Required: The production or manufacturing date is printed on
product packaging. 4) Shelf Life: The product will lose
effectiveness over time but does not have a clear expiration date
or production date. For example: Batteries & Beauty Supplies. For
more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).
FC Shelf Life is the number of days the product may be stored
without becoming unfit for sale. For more information, refer to
Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).
Specify the date when this item can be discontinued on the site.
The maximum quantity of the product that a customer may
purchase in one order

Sellers can create a set of ship configurations based on business

needs and use cases. The ship configurations can be region based
and have rules to set SLA and rate for the region. When listing
product to create offer, seller needs to select one ship
configuration for the product. The ship configuration will be used
to retrieve the valid ship options on the website.
This is the first date on which a merchant can deliver a pre-
orderable product (one that has never been available prior to this
date) to a customer.'s standard code to identify the tax properties of a

The price at which the credentialed Amazon Business seller offers

the product to verified business customers, expressed in GBP. The
price should be greater than 0. If price exists, business-price
should be less than or equal to price, as business-price represents
a discount for business customers. Do not include thousands
separators or currency symbols. This field is required if quantity
prices are provided.
Either fixed or percent. When fixed is selected, quantity prices are
expressed in GBP. When percent is selected, quantity prices are
calculated as a percent off of the business price.

Quantity thresholds, expressed in units. Business customers who

purchase at or above a quantity-lower-bound will be given the
corresponding quantity-price. For example, if lower-bound1 is set
to 50, quantity-price1 will apply to a purchase of 50 or more units.
Merchants can specify up to 5 lower-bounds and must provide a
quantity-price for each lower bound. Each lower-bound must be
higher than the previous one.

Quantity-prices, expressed in GBP or as a percent-off the

business-price, depending on the chosen quantity-price type.
Must provide a lower-bound for each quantity-price. Each
quantity-price must be lower than the previous one.

Fixed price or a percentage off of Business price.

Minimum purchase quantity to receive Progressive Discount
Value 1.

The Fixed Price or Percent Off associated with a minimum

purchase of Progressive Discount Lower Bound 1.
An alphanumeric 13-digit code, which is the the standard item
code according to NATO definition
An 8-digit alphanumeric code for classification of products
according to the UNSPSC system

Specifies the actions that need to be performed on the price

attributes of this SKU. The only action currently supported by the
system is deleting the business_price.nSet this field to "delete
business_price " " when you want to remove a previously
submitted business_price and any quantity discounts. If left blank,
no action will be performed and the contents of this column will
be ignored."
Accepted Values
Some are required to create an offer.

Input an appropriate product type.

Unique Identifier. If you don't enter a SKU we'll create one for
An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 50
characters maximum in length.

Select one of the following options: Update, PartialUpdate, or


Any valid GCID, UPC, or EAN.

The type of standard, unique identifier entered in the Product ID
field. This is a required field if Product ID is provided.
An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 200
characters maximum in length. Note: Type 1 High ASCII characters
(®, ©, ™, etc.) or other special characters are not supported.

A text string; 2000 characters maximum in length. Note: Type 1

High ASCII characters (®, ©, ™, etc.) or other special characters
are not supported.

A positive integer.
An alphanumeric string up to a maximum of 40 characters in
An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 40
characters maximum in length.
Provide the type of closure that the item has
An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 50
characters maximum in length
Please select a value from the list of valid values.

Select a value from the Valid Values worksheet.

Specify the manufacturer of the product

Select one the options in the valid values tab

An alphanumeric string up to a maximum of 100 characters in
The price at which the product is offered for sale, in the local

A whole number.
Select one of the follownig options: Female, Male, Unisex
Select one of the following options: Adult, Kids, Toddler, Infant
The selected size must be specific to the marketplace size system
and might differ from the label size.
Select the class of apparel size representation.
Provide the size value associated with the size system and size
Provide the to size value (if range), must be greater than the size
Provide the body type for apparel item, select "Regular" in case of
no special body type.
Provide the height type for apparel item, select "Regular" in case
of no special height type.

Images must have 1000x1300 pixels minimum, we strongly

recommend 1300x1500 however. The preferred file format is
JPEG (.jpg), and the URL must be fully-formed and valid (i.e.,
include http://). When naming your image, you may use the
following convention (though not required): Product SKU + View
Indicator (.main) + File Extension (.jpg). An example would be:
"15774.main.jpg". There cannot be any spaces or high ASCII
characters in the image url. Save the image to your Web server
and supply the URL to the image in this field. Accepted formats
are .jpeg, .jpg, and .gif
A valid URL, including leading "http://"

The URL is case sensitive, so make sure to use matching

capitalisation and no redirections (e.g. .jpeg instead of .jpg). While
a web browser might be smart enough to locate your image
despite of these little inaccuracies, our image collection process

Images should have 72-pixels-per-inch resolution and be 30 pixels

maximum length (on the longest side). The preferred file format is
JPEG (.jpg). When naming your image, please use the following
convention: Product SKU + View Indicator (i.e., .swatch) + File
Extension (i.e., .jpg). An example would be: "".
Save the image to your Web server and supply the URL to the
image in this field.

A valid URL for an external website where the image is stored,

including leading "http://" and PS01 (the image variant name).
The URL is case-sensitive, so make sure that you use matching
capitalisation and no redirections (e.g. .jpeg instead of .jpg). While
a web browser might be smart enough to locate your image
despite of these little inaccuracies, our image collection process is
r or wattage).
Please select one of the following values: parent child

An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 40

characters maximum in length.

Select one of the following options:

Accessory Variation Package Contains

Select an applicable variation theme.

Select one of the following options: Unit Case Pallet

Give the quantity of the SKU immediately contained inside

An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 40
characters maximum in length.
g browse or search.
Search terms that describe your product: no repetition, no
competitor brand names or ASINs.
An alphanumeric string; 100 characters maximum length per
bullet point. Please do not include the bullet point. Note: Type 1
High ASCII characters (®, ©, ™, etc.) or other special characters
are not supported.
The style of the item
Select 'true' if your product is autographed. If your product is not
autographed, you may leave this field blank.

Input an appropriate item type.

See valid values.

Provide any specific sports with which the item is designed to be

Select a value from the Valid Values worksheet.

An alphanumeric string; 50 characters maximum.

An alphanumeric string; 50 characters maximum.

Enter the name of the collection that an item belongs to.
The material the outside of the product is made of
Provide a description of the style of the item's rise
Specify the lifestyle that best represents the item and its use

Specify a description of the item's fur. If item contains real fur,

include fur origin country. If the fur is dyed/colored, used,
damaged, or contains paws, bellies, tails or waste please indicate
as such
Specify the item's fit type
An alphanumeric text string; 1 character minimum and 50
characters maximum. If multiple colours are available, a unique
record should be submitted for each product.
Specify the theme of a product. Very similar to subject, but with
more general use cases

Select the Department in which the product is found.

Please refer to the Valid values tab for the appropriate value for
this field.
Specify the special size type for the item

Please see the Size worksheet for size convertions.

Specify the intended supply method for the item
Specify the item's pattern
Provide the date a vendor must receive a PO in order to deliver
goods to Amazon by a specified date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Provide the primary character the item represents

Please provide the required sales channel for the product. This
sales channel is based on whether the product is considered a
medical device by the EU Medical Device Regulation [MDR] or In
Vitro Diagnostic medical device Regulation [IVDR].
Provide secondary brand information related to the product such
as licensed or franchise

Provide unit for fc shelf life

Provide the appropriate wash type

Specify the height of the item with a short description


A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point.
A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point.
A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point.

Select from the following valid values:

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point.
Select from the following valid values:

Select a value from the list of valid values.

Select the option that indicates the country/region where the
product originates from.

Select: true or false.

Select: true or false.

Select a value from the list of valid values.
Please refer to the Valid Values worksheet. Only use this when
PowerSource is 'battery'

Any integer greater than or equal to one

Number up to 10 digits and 2 decimal points long.

Unit of measure used to describe the battery weight
Total number of Lithium cells (of type Metal) in the product,
where the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.
Total number of Lithium cells (of type Ion) in the product, where
the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.

Choices are batteries_only (If battery is a standalone)

batteries_contained_in_equipment (if battery is assembled in the
item) or batteries_packed_with_equipment (If battery is included
in the item packaging but not assembled in the item)
Watt hrs of each battery (or cell) in unit
Indicate unit of measure if Lithium Battery Energy Content is
A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use
Select the unit of measure for Lithium Battery Weight . If Lithium
Battery Weight is used, you must also enter theLithium Battery
Weight Unit Of Measure.

Select the purposes for which your product is regulated as a

dangerous good or hazardous material (hazmat) (e.g. dangerous
good for transportation, hazmat for waste). Common products
can be regulated as dangerous goods (e.g. nail polish, aerosols,
cleaning products). For more information, refer to the help pages.

Hazmat United Nationals Regulatory ID

Holds link to the externally hosted SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for an
A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use
The unit of measure used to describe the weight of the product
without shipping material.
A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use
Indicates the volume capacity of a product.
List all fabrics separated by ','. Indicate with % composition.
Always add "Viscose" or "Rayon" instead of "Bamboo", and
"Azlon" for Soy
A number with up to 10 digits allowed to the left of the decimal
point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not
use commas.

Does your product contain any of the following materials/fabrics

subject to regulation: Bamboo, Wool, and/or Fur? Please select all
that apply. If none apply, select not applicable.

Global Harmonized System (GHS) CLP classification system.

Used; Like New

Used; Very Good
Used; Good
Used; Acceptable
Collectible; Like New
Collectible; Very Good
Collectible; Good
Collectible; Acceptable

Provide descriptive text explaining the actual condition of the


Three letter currency code.

A positive integer.

You can place your listings on sale by entering a sale price

(expressed in local currency) along with start and end dates.

A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd.

A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd.

A whole number
Select: true or false
Select: true or false.

This field is used to setup back-order and is the date when the
back-ordered products will be available for shipping to customers.
A number with up to 18 digits allowed to the left of the decimal
point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not
use commas or currency symbols.

Does your product expire or lose effectiveness over time? Select

“Yes” if the product meets one of the following criteria: (1) has a
printed expiration date, (2) is a topical or consumable product for
either human or animal use, or (3) has a recommended shelf life.
“For more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help
A number with up to 18 digits allowed to the left of the decimal
point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not
use commas or currency (pound, dollar or euro) signs.

This field is used to setup pre-order and is the date from when the
pre-ordered product will be available to be shipped to customers.

1) Expiration Date Required: The expiration date is printed on

product packaging. 2) Expiration on Package: The product will be
reviewed for an expiration date at inbound. 3) Production Date
Required: The production or manufacturing date is printed on
product packaging. 4) Shelf Life: The product will lose
effectiveness over time but does not have a clear expiration date
or production date. For example: Batteries & Beauty Supplies. For
more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).
FC Shelf Life is the number of days the product may be stored
without becoming unfit for sale. For more information, refer to
Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).
This is the date from when customer cannot place an order on
your product, irrespective of the stock in hand. But the product
still be active, if other Selling Partners are selling this product.

A whole number

The ship configuration group for an offer. The ship configuration

group is created and managed by the seller through the ship
setting UI.

Once the product is launched on Amazon, customers can start

placing orders on your product from this date.
Enter the product tax code supplied to you by If
no entry is provided, the default is "A_GEN_NOTAX".

A business-price greater than 0. Do not include thousands

separators or currency symbols. If price exists, business-price
must be less than or equal to price.

The unit of measure the discount will be expressed in. Either

Fixed price in U.S. dollars or Percent Off

A positive integer. Do not include thousands separators.

The Fixed price or Percent Off discount at which the merchant

offers the product for sale if the buyer is purchasing at least the
associated quantity, expressed in U.S. dollars.
The unit of measure the discount will be expressed in either Fixed
price in U.S. dollars or Percent Off.
The minimum purchase quantity necessary to receive the
associated Fixed price or Percent Off price.
The Fixed price or Percent Off discount at which the merchant
offers the product for sale if the buyer is purchasing at least the
associated quantity.
An alphanumeric 13-digit code, which is the the standard item
code according to NATO definition
An 8-digit alphanumeric code for classification of products
according to the UNSPSC system

"delete business_price " " (without the quotes)"

Example Required?

OfficeProducts Required

10162513 Required

Puma Required

Update Preferred

5279173125000 Required

UPC Required
Levi's Original Fit-1537 Straight Men's Jeans Required

This beautifully handcrafted dress by newcomer

designer Sugar will make you the star of this
summer's garden parties. It features a butterfly
embroidery on the front, a zip on the back and is
made from 100% organic cotton. Optional

1981350031 Required

Sunset Required

AMZN-234890 Optional
Snap,Buckle Optional

Samba Optional
Ambient: Room Temperature Optional

Leather Required
Nike, Procter & Gamble Optional

English Optional
Dry clean only Optional

249.99 Required

152 Required
Female, Male Unisex Required
Adult, Kids, Toddler, Infant Required

US, UK, FR/ES Required

Alpha, Numeric, Age Required

10, Medium, 2 Years Required

10, Large, 3 Years Preferred

Regular, Plus Preferred

Petite, Short, Tall Preferred
1250.main.jpg Required
1250.other1.jpg Optional Optional
1250_ps01.jpg Optional
parent Optional

10162513 Optional

Accessory Optional

Size/Color Optional

Case Optional

5 Optional

unitsku Optional

Electric Optional
classic cut Optional
Mission; Art Deco; Jack Purcell Optional

true Optional

Carbonated soft drink containing caffeine Optional

Halloween Optional

Snowboarding Optional

green Optional
Michael Jordan, Larry Bird Optional

Arsenal Optional
Rivington Optional
Leather Optional
Low, High Optional
Athletic Optional

Pieced Dyed Calf (Fur Origin: Vietnam) Optional

Skinny, Relaxed Optional

Light sage Required

Aliens, Animals Optional

unisex-baby Required

MLB Optional
Petite, Husky Boys Optional

X-Large Required
Fashion, Perennial Optional
Checkered, Polka Dot, Striped Optional

2017-07-20 Optional

Batman Optional

OTC Retail Optional

Princesses, Star Wars, Bountiful Harvest, 501 Optional

Days Optional
Dark Optional

Above the Knee, Ankle High, High Top Optional

AMAZON_EU Optional

10 Optional

10 Optional

10 Optional

CM Optional

1.2 Optional

LB Optional

CM Optional

uk Required

FALSE Required

TRUE Required
Lithium Ion Required

battery_type_lithium_ion Required

3 Required

150 Required
gr or kg Required

1, 2, 3 Required

1, 2, 3 Required

batteries_contained_in_equipment Required
1, 2, 3 Required

watt hours Required

0.9 Required

grams Required

Transportation,Storage,Waste Required

UN1950 Required
%2Faldrich%2F84985%3Flang%3Den Required

2.33, 20.75, 10000.00 Required

KG Required

34.78 Required
milliliters Required

75% Cotton, 15% Nylon, 10% Wool Required

180 Optional

Bamboo, Wool, Fur, Not Applicable Optional

[{class:Explosive,subcategory:Liquid}] Required

New Optional

Small dent in left side panel. Optional

GBP Optional
9 Optional

219.99 Optional

12/2/2002 Optional

12/2/2002 Optional
1 Optional
TRUE Optional
TRUE Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

259.99 Optional

TRUE Optional

259.99 Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

Shelf Life Optional

14 Optional
MM/DD/YYYY Optional

4 Optional

"Heavy Bulky Products", "CN ShunFeng Delivery" Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

A_GEN_NOTAX Optional

239.99 Optional

FIXED Optional

50 Optional

10 Optional

Fixed Optional

200 Optional

10 Optional
6240-00-027-2059 Optional

47121602 Optional

delete business_price Optional

TemplateType=pscustom Version=2023.1111 TemplateSign
Number of attributes with errors Number of attributes with other suggestions Product Type
1 0 socks
Seller SKU Brand Name Update Delete Product ID Product ID Type Product Name
G_M_HeatSock_415 True Face PartialUpdate True Face Unisex
RHS_W_Socks_RS381_LPNK_4-7 True Face PartialUpdate 5059649070EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_W_Socks_RS381_GRY_4-7 True Face PartialUpdate 5059649070EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_W_Socks_RS381_CRM_4-7 True Face PartialUpdate 5059649070EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_W_Socks_RS381_BLK_4-7 True Face PartialUpdate 5059649070EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_M_HeatSock_415_BLK_6-11 True Face PartialUpdate 5059649070EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_M_HeatSock_415_BRW_6-11 True Face PartialUpdate 5055922625EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_M_HeatSock_415_NVY_6-11 True Face PartialUpdate 5055922625EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_M_HeatSock_415_OLV_6-11 True Face PartialUpdate 5059649069EAN True Face Unisex
RHS_M_HeatSock_415_BGE_6-11 True Face PartialUpdate True Face Unisex
Recommended Browse Nodes Model Number Outer Material Type Your Price Quantity Target Gender
1731479031 381 Acrylic 9.99 18 Female
1731479031 381 Acrylic 9.99 18 Female
1731479031 381 Acrylic 9.99 18 Female
1731479031 381 Acrylic 9.99 18 Female
1731479031 415 Acrylic, Nylon, Polyes 6.99 18 Male
1731479031 415 Acrylic, Nylon, Polyes 6.99 18 Male
1731479031 415 Acrylic, Nylon, Polyes 6.99 12 Male
1731479031 415 Acrylic, Nylon, Polyes 6.99 12 Male
1731479031 415 Acrylic, Nylon, Polyes 6.99 12 Male
Age Range Description Apparel Size System Apparel Size Class Apparel Size Value

Adult UK Numeric 4
Adult UK Numeric 4
Adult UK Numeric 4
Adult UK Numeric 4
Adult UK Numeric 6
Adult UK Numeric 6
Adult UK Numeric 6
Adult UK Numeric 6
Adult UK Numeric 6
Images Variation
Apparel Size To Range Apparel Size Body Type Apparel Size Height Type Main Image Url Parentage
7 Regular Regular child
7 Regular Regular child
7 Regular Regular child
7 Regular Regular child
11 Regular Regular https://s3-eu-w child
11 Regular Regular https://s3-eu-w child
11 Regular Regular https://s3-eu-w child
11 Regular Regular https://s3-eu-w child
11 Regular Regular https://s3-eu-w child
Discovery Product EnrichmentDimensionFulfillment
Search Terms Colour Department Size Subject Character Size Map Fulfillment Centre ID

Light Pi Unisex 4-7

Grey - RUnisex 4-7
Cream - Unisex 4-7
Black - Unisex 4-7
Black - Unisex 6-11
Brown - Unisex 6-11
Navy - 4Unisex 6-11
Olive - Unisex 6-11
Beige - Unisex 6-11
Country/Region Of Origin Is this product a battery or does it utilise batteries? Batteries are Included
Battery composition Battery type/size Battery type/size Battery type/size Number of batteries
Number of batteries Number of batteries Battery weight (grams) battery_weight_unit_of_measure
Number of Lithium Metal Cells Number of Lithium-ion Cells Lithium Battery Packaging
Watt hours per battery lithium_battery_energy_content_unit_of_measureLithium content (grams)
lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measureApplicable Dangerous Goods Regulations
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations UN number
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) URL Item Weight item_weight_unit_of_measure Volume
item_volume_unit_of_measure Fabric Type Categorization/GHS pictograms (select all that apply)
Categorization/GHS pictograms (select all that apply) Categorization/GHS pictograms (select all that apply)
Offer b2b
Condition Type Business Price

Product Type socks
Brand Name Gaffer True Face
Update Delete - [ socks ] Delete PartialUpdate
Product ID Type - [ socks ] GTIN EAN
Closure Type - [ socks ] Fold Zip
Temperature Rating - [ socks ] Room temperature (ambien
Cold or Cool : 8 C to 15 C
Outer Material Type - [ socks ] Faux Fur Down
Language - [ socks ] Unqualified Scandinavian
Product Care Instructions - [ socks ] Dry Clean Only Machine Wash
Target Gender - [ socks ] Male Female
Age Range Description - [ socks ] Adult Infant
Apparel Size System - [ socks ] UK
Apparel Size Class - [ socks ] Age Alpha
Apparel Size Value - [ socks ] 1 1.5
Apparel Size To Range - [ socks ] 1 1.5
Apparel Size Body Type - [ socks ] Plus Regular
Apparel Size Height Type - [ socks ] Petite Short
Parentage - [ socks ] Child Parent
Relationship Type - [ socks ] Accessory Variation
Variation Theme - [ socks ] Color Size
Package Level - [ socks ] unit pallet
Is Autographed - [ socks ] Yes No
Occasion Type - [ socks ] Baptism Easter
Sport Type - [ socks ] Cycling Golf
Colour Map - [ socks ] Bronze Brown
Team Name - [ socks ] Tennis
Material Type - [ socks ] Faux Fur Faux Leather
Rise Style - [ socks ] High Low
Lifestyle - [ socks ] Maternity Kids Playwear
Fit Type - [ socks ] Western Overall
Theme - [ socks ] Geography TV Programmes
Department - [ socks ] Unisex Baby Baby Boys
League Name - [ socks ] MLB European Basketball
Special Size - [ socks ] Big Big Girls
Product Lifecycle Supply Type - [ socks ] Perennial Year Round Replenishable
Pattern - [ socks ] Galaxy Christmas
Product Enrichment
Medical Device Sales Channel - [ socks ] Exempt from Medical Devic
OTC Other
flash_point_unit_of_measure - [ socks ] Kelvin Degrees Fahrenheit
FC Shelf Life Unit - [ socks ] Years Seconds
Fabric Wash - [ socks ] light Dark
Size Map - [ socks ] XXS XS
Height Map - [ socks ] Quarter Crew
Fulfillment Centre ID - [ socks ] AMAZON_EU DEFAULT
Package Length Unit Of Measure - [ socks ] IN FT
Package Weight Unit Of Measure - [ socks ] LB OZ
Unit of measure of package weight - [ socks ] IN FT
Package Width Unit Of Measure - [ socks ] IN FT
Country/Region Of Origin - [ socks ] Afghanistan Aland Islands
Is this product a battery or does it utilise batterYes No
Batteries are Included - [ socks ] Yes No
Battery composition - [ socks ] Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Air
Battery type/size - [ socks ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
battery_weight_unit_of_measure - [ socks ] LB OZ
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ socks ] Batteries packed with eq Batteries contained in eq
lithium_battery_energy_content_unit_of_measu Kilowatt Hours Joules
lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measure - [ sLB OZ
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations - [ soGHS Unknown
item_weight_unit_of_measure - [ socks ] LB OZ
item_volume_unit_of_measure - [ socks ] Cups Microliters
Material/Fabric Regulations - [ socks ] Bamboo Fur
Categorization/GHS pictograms (select all thatExplosive
a Flammable
Condition Type - [ socks ] New new, open_box
Currency - [ socks ] GBP
Can Be Gift Messaged - [ socks ] Yes No
Is Gift Wrap Available? - [ socks ] Yes No
Is Product Expirable - [ socks ] Yes No
Product Expiration Type - [ socks ] Does Not Expire Expiration Date Required
Merchant Shipping Group £2 Shipping Large Heavy Items For UK
Merchant Shipping Group - [ socks ] default
Product Tax Code - [ socks ] A_BABY_BIBCLOTH A_BABY_CARSEAT

Quantity Price Type - [ socks ] fixed percent

Progressive Discount Type - [ socks ] fixed percent
Pricing Action - [ socks ] delete business_price delete quantity_price
Magnet Double Ring Belted Buckle
Deep-Freeze: >-15 C Refrigerator: 2 C to 8 C
Fur Hemp Synthetic Felt
Belarusian Scandinavian Languages Pidgin English Maharati
Hand Wash Hand Wash Only
Toddler Kid

2 2.5 3 3.5
2 2.5 3 3.5

Regular Tall

SizeColor color-size SizeName-ColorName SizeName

Christmas Graduation Prom Anniversary

Hunting Snow Skiing Climbing Camping and Hiking
Gold Blue Multicolor Black

Polyester Nylon Spandex Polycotton

Mid Ultra-Low Crew Length Calf Length
Nursing Dress Work Utility Athletic
Regular Relaxed Stretch Slim
Holidays Aliens Animals Films
Baby Girls Girl's Unisex Women's
Indian Soccer League Japanese Basketball Pro Wrestling League WUSA
Big Tall Plus Size Big Boys Baby Boys
Seasonal Basic Fashion
Cartoon Geometric Fruit and Vegetable Plants

OTC Pharmacy OTC Retail Prescription Other Prescription Pharmacy

Degrees Celsius
Months Days Hours Weeks
Over-The-Knee Knee-High No Show Ankle-High

CM MM M Yards
CM MM M Yards
CM MM M Yards

Algeria American Samoa Albania Andorra

Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Al Lithium-Nickel ManganeseLithium-Phosphate

battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2
Batteries only
Cubic Feet Watt Hours Milliampere Hour (mAh) Cubic Meters
Other Not Applicable Transportation Waste
Cubic Feet Centilitres gallon Quarts
Wool Not Applicable
Oxidising Compressed Gas Corrosive Toxic

new, oem Used - Like New Used - Very Good Used - Good

Expiration On Package Production Date RequiredShelf Life

Mainland UK Only £1 Shipping Small n Light Prime Migrated Music Template


delete progressive_discount
Adjustable No Closure Snap J Clip

Corduroy Leather Velvet Alpaca

Bahasa Belgian Nahuatl Romansh

4 4.5 5 5.5
4 4.5 5 5.5


Birthday St. Patricks Day Thanksgiving Hanukkah

Fishing Hiking Surfing Running
Orange Clear Red Silver

Silicone Leather Cotton Cotton Blend

Knee Length Low Cut Over The Calf Over The Knee
Casual Uniform Themed Exotic
Loose Skinny
Cartoon-Characters Comedy Politics Steampunk
Boy's Men's Unisex Kids
Canadian Premier League NBA E-Sports Japanese Baseball
Baby Slim Boys Standard Tall

Floral Polka Dot Letter Print

Prescription Retail Professional Use

Mid-Calf Thigh-High

Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua And Barbuda

Lithium-Titanate Nickel-Iron Nickel-Zinc Silver-Calcium

battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5

Milliamp Hours (mAh) Milliampere Second (mAs)British Thermal Units (BTUs)


Nanoliters liter Picoliters fluid-oz

Irritant Health Hazard Environmentally DamaginAmazon Specific No Label With Warning

Used - Acceptable Collectible - Like New Collectible - Very Good Collectible - Good

Heavy and Large Free Domestic Shipping Nationwide Prime


Lace-Up Hook and Eye Tie Elastic

Cashmere Cotton Angora Silk

Provençal Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Valencian

6 6.5 7 7.5
6 6.5 7 7.5

Kwanzaa Bridal Shower Mothers Day Wedding

Snowboarding Diving Exercise and Fitness Skateboarding
Pink White Metallic Beige

Nylon Blend Silk Wool Blend Polypropylene

Quarter Length Footie Mid-Calf Thigh High

Comics Sports

Japanese Football MLS NFL Indian Premier League

Plus Girls Toddler Girls Petite Plus Size Little Girls

Paisley Plain Camouflage Animal

Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Island

Silver-Zinc Zinc-Air Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Nickel Oxyhydroxide

AAAA Battery Lithium-Polymer battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spe

Cubic Metres Pints Cubic Yards cubic-in

ific No Label With Warning

Collectible - Acceptable Club


Flap Button Hook and Bar Toggle

Satin Mohair Linen Sequinned

Latin Spanish Gahrwali Tulu Kumaoni

8 8.5 9 9.5
8 8.5 9 9.5

Baby Shower Fathers Day Halloween Retirement

Swimming Outdoor Lifestyle Racing Tennis and Racquet Sport
Purple Yellow Turquoise Green

Acrylic Blend Rayon Polyester Blend Rubber

Ankle Length

Pro Volleyball League Italian Football International Cricket Mexican Football Federat
Petite Slim Girls Toddler Boys Baby Girls

Embriodered Striped Plaid Color Block

Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas

Zinc Chloride Lithium Zinc Carbon Mercury Oxide

Unknown Metal Lithium Battery LR41 Nonstandard Battery

Imperial Gallons milliliter Cubic Centimetres Deciliters


Drawstring Waist Pull-On Button Fly Hook and Loop

Denim Fleece Wool

Haryanvi PortugueseBrazilian OldIrish Egyptian

10 10.5 11 11.5
10 10.5 11 11.5

Valentines Day
Yachting Rugby Trekking Road Cycling
Grey Off White

Wool Acrylic

Spanish Football English Football Portuguese Football PGA

Little Boys Tall Plus Size Husky Boys

Leopard Argyle Self Design

Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus

sealed_lead_acid NiMh Alkaline Lithium Polymer

battery_type_cr123a LR44 12v Battery battery_type_9v


Masai Kongo Rarotongan Siksika

12 12.5 13 13.5
12 12.5 13 13.5

Badminton T-Ball Table Tennis Wrestling

NCAA German Football NWSL I-League

Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda

NiCAD silver_oxide lithium_manganese_dioxiLead Calcium


Pampanga NorthernFrisian DravidianLanguages Lezghian

14 14.5 15 15.5
14 14.5 15 15.5

Cricket Horse Racing Sailing Archery

French Football NHL UFC Formula 1

Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire, Saint Eustatius a Bosnia and Herzegovina

lithium_metal Polymer aluminum_oxygen lead_acid


CaucasianLanguages HiriMotu Tuvalu SonghaiLanguages

16 16.5 17 17.5
16 16.5 17 17.5

Workout and Training Cheerleading Boxing Triathlon

Minor League Baseball Dutch Football NASCAR Tennis

Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Terri

Zinc manganese Lithium Ion


CelticLanguages UpperSorbian Manchu PapuanLanguages

18 18.5 19 19.5
18 18.5 19 19.5

Bowling Volleyball Cyclocross Ice Diving

Pro Kabaddi League WWE Hockey India League World Cup Football
British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso


NiloSaharanLanguages KarenLanguages Hittite MundaLanguages

20 22 24 26
20 22 24 26

Mountaineering Backcountry Skiing Kayaking Ice Skating

Canadian Football LeagueX-Games National Teams Premier Badminton Leagu

Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cambodia Cameroon


Fulah Lushai GalibiCarib Niuean

28 30 32 34
28 30 32 34

Walking Weightlifting Roller Hockey Baseball

National Lacrosse League Scottish Football World Baseball Classic More Football Leagues
Canada Canary Islands Cape Verde Cayman Islands


Ojibwa Bliss JudeoArabic Komi

36 38 40 42
36 38 40 42

Canoeing Yoga Wakeboarding Tactical and Military

Central African Republic Chad Chile China


BandaLanguages Caddo KaraKalpak Sukuma

44 46 48 50
44 46 48 50

Softball Kitesurfing Paddle Boarding Martial Arts

Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros


Tokelau Kimbundu Mapudungun Erzya

52 55 56 58
52 55 56 58

Billiards Airsoft American Football Basketball

Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba


Basa Nyoro IroquoianLanguages SouthNdebele

60 62 64 68
60 62 64 68

Squash Boating Racquetball Paintball

Curaçao Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of t


Beja Dakota Tigre ManoboLanguages

70 74 80 86
70 74 80 86

Snorkeling Waterskiing Mountain Biking Water Polo

Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic


Sandawe Magahi AthapascanLanguages InariSami

90 92 98 100
90 92 98 100

Windsurfing Auto Racing Gymnastics Multi-Sport

East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador


AltaicLanguages Hupa Haida WakashanLanguages

104 110 116 120

104 110 116 120

Tennis Mixed Martial Arts Hockey Soccer

Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia
Votic Haitian OldSlavonic Grebo

122 128 130 134

122 128 130 134

Roller Skating Wiffle ball BMX Snowmobiling

Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland
FrenchCreole Neapolitan Mari Gondi

140 146 150 152

140 146 150 152

Rock Climbing Equestrian Alpine Skiing Dance

France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territori
OldPersian BamilekeLanguages Manx Kanuri

158 160 164 170

158 160 164 170

Lacrosse Rafting Track

Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany
Sasak Zaza OldHighGerman Vai

176 182 188 One Size

176 182 188 One Size
Ghana Gibraltar Great Britain Greece
Tsimshian Gbaya Venda Nyamwezi


Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam
Efik Nko Gayo Papiamento

Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau
Serer Nzima Adangme Aragonese

Guyana Haiti Heard and McDonald IslanHoly See (Vatican City)
NigerKordofanianLanguagMiddleIrish Soninke Rapanui


Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland
Tlingit Kachin AlgonquianLanguages Chuvash

8XL 9XL 10XL 11XL

8XL 9XL 10XL 11XL
India Indonesia Iran Iraq
Fon Kamba CushiticLanguages Nias

12XL 13XL 14XL 15XL

12XL 13XL 14XL 15XL
Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy
SouthernSami Ewe Choctaw Luxembourgish

16XL 17XL 18XL Premature

16XL 17XL 18XL Premature
Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jersey
ArtificialLanguages Fang Gilbertese Achinese

0 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months

0 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months
Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati
Arapaho Yapese Pahlavi Elamite

12 Months 18 Months 24 Months 1 Year

12 Months 18 Months 24 Months 1 Year
Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia
AfroAsiaticLanguages Sardinian Chichewa Kabyle

2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya
Mandingo Angika Aromanian Kumyk

6 Years 7 Years 8 Years 9 Years

6 Years 7 Years 8 Years 9 Years
Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau
Bini LubaKatanga OldProvencal TupiLanguages

10 Years 11 Years 12 Years 13 Years

10 Years 11 Years 12 Years 13 Years
North Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia
Pangasinan Gwichin Lamba NepalBhasa

14 Years 15 Years 16 Years 17 Years

14 Years 15 Years 16 Years 17 Years
Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands
Tiv Pedi Cree Kutenai

18 Years
18 Years
Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte
Gorontalo PhilippineLanguages Luiseno OldNorse
Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco
LubaLulua Karelian Tereno Ewondo
Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco
Mandar LandDayakLanguages Pohnpeian Duala
Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal
IranianLanguages Zenaga SiouanLanguages Umbundu
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand
Yao TaiLanguages Blin Phoenician
Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue
EasternFrisian TokPisin Sogdian Chipewyan
Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Islands Norway
Buginese PrakritLanguages Ugaritic Palauan
Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory
Lozi Ossetian IjoLanguages Aleut
Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru
Mossi Dhivehi Kosraean Kpelle
Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal
Fanti LowGerman Kawi SrananTongo
Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of the Congo Reunion
Lahnda NorthernSami Afrihili Asturian
Romania Russia Rwanda S. Georgia and S. Sandwich
Cebuano Nyankole Tamashek Ekajuk
Saint Barthelemy Saint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia
OtomianLanguages Madurese Bemba Sidamo
Saint Martin Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent And The Gr Saint-Martin
Kabardian Osage Walloon Walamo
Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia
YupikLanguages Minangkabau CentralAmericanIndianLa SalishanLanguages
Senegal Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles
PortugueseCreole Friulian Washo Micmac
Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia
Chamorro Akkadian Avestan Dogrib
Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea
ClassicalSyriac Chibcha Tumbuka Kurukh
South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan
JudeoPersian Baluchi TongaNyasa MiddleDutch
Suriname Svalbard Swaziland Sweden
Avaric BalticLanguages Hiligaynon Gothic
Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan
Selkup Delaware SkoltSami LuleSami
Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo
Cherokee Herero NorwegianBokmal Timne
Tokelau Tonga Trinidad And Tobago Tristan da Cunha
Ga NorwegianNynorsk SlaveAthapascan Arawak
Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands
HimachaliLanguages Shan Bikol ApacheLanguages
Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates
SouthAmericanIndian Acoli Limburgan Ainu
United States Uruguay US Minor Outlying IslandsUS Virgin Islands
Zuni Susu NorthAmericanIndianLangChuukese
Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam
Khotanese AustralianLanguages Tetum ChinookJargon
Wallis and Futuna WD Western Sahara WZ
Iloko Akan ZandeLanguages Waray
Zapotec Ganda Ido SemiticLanguages
XM XN XY Yemen
Iban MonKhmerLanguages KhoisanLanguages Coptic
Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe
SouthernAltai Makasar NubianLanguages ChamicLanguages
Unknown United Kingdom
OttomanTurkish KruLanguages GermanicLanguages Geez
Lunda Konkani Mizo Igbo
Sami Khasi Chhattisgarhi Santali
Bodo Garo Kokborok Manipuri
None AmericanSignLanguage Yugoslavian AfghanPashtu
GaelicScots Pali Scots ScotsGaelic
Bashkir Sicilian Greenlandic Buryat
Cayuga Sundanese AncientGreek Estonian
KarachayBalkar Amharic Kikuyu Uzbek
Punjabi Chiricahua Lojban Mirandese
Byelorussian Lingala Xhosa Afar
Chechen Lithuanian Romany Multilingual
Sesotho Kalmyk Bhutani Azerbaijani
Mohawk Faroese Kirundi Vietnamese
Zhuang Bantu Bhojpuri Oriya
Albanian IndoEuropean Kannada Spanish
Quechua Catalan Indic Syriac
Tamil Fiji Kinyarwanda Swedish
Kalaallisut Arabic Javanese German
Dari Esperanto SwissGerman Hausa
CantoneseChinese Irish PigLatin Udmurt
Hokkien Chagatai Tatar Turkish
Burmese Russian Tahitian Hungarian
Norwegian Sinhalese Croatian OldEnglish
FrenchCanadian Maori Romansch Kazakh
Mayan Volapuk Moksha Kashmiri
SignLanguage Persian Slovak Italian
Filipino Malayalam Cambodian Wolof
Malagasy Austronesian Chinese Armenian
Twi Finnish Samoan Mongo
Alsatian Moldavian NorthNdebele Inuktitun
Balinese Czech Japanese Latin
Dinka Latvian Interlingue Gibberish
Awadhi Ndonga Aymara ClassicalNewari
Tsonga Kashubian Flemish Turkmen
Hebrew Bribri Creek Tagalog
Dzongkha Dogri Occitan Tzeltal
Uighur Tibetan Bambara Slavic
Tuvinian Gallegan Ladino Cornish
Interlingua Bislama Dargwa SichuanYi
Tigrinya Creole Inupiaq Lao
Aramaic Greek Khmer Telugu
Icelandic Gujarati Inupiak Sindhi
LowerSorbian MiddleEnglish Batak Portuguese
MiddleFrench Nauru Romance Marwari
Kirghiz Shona Adygei Assyrian
Breton Macedonian Kurdish Klingon
Rajasthani Maithili Romanian Pashto
Ukrainian Frisian Tajik Yakut
Zulu Jula Bengali Braj
Castillian Korean Guarani Corsican
Serbo-Croatian Ukranian MiddleHighGerman Somali
Nogai Oromo SorbianLanguages Sumerian
SinoTibetan Sangho SouthernSotho Nepali
Mende Polish Dutch Lapp
Tonga Ingush Marathi Assamese
Indonesian Slovakian Swahili Samaritan
Setswana Abkhazian Yoruba Luo
French MandarinChinese Hindi Sanskrit
Slovene Siswati Thai Galician
OldFrench FinnoUgrian Danish Bosnian
Hmong Maltese Welsh Navaho
Mongolian Bulgarian Bihari Yiddish
Georgian Farsi Kuanyama Malay
CrimeanTatar Afrikaans Serbian Urdu
Inuktitut Unknown Berber Gullah
TaiwaneseChinese Basque English Marshallese
Hawaiian Cheyenne multiple_languages kubo

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