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Seeuseeeeeererer erase re stststsUsesesee tetera Seer eres ceeeteererereteeteteteetetereecececeererereerererees Ss F Marken, 22 ry low-cost. Internet proy; on a larger scale and that too at a ve! haath videy a large number of search options and new ways 0 ' mt lighting the important aspects of any item. Internet has completely refing marketing and gives chance to even small businesses to promote an, brand their products on a larger scale. 2.1 WHAT IS E-MARKETING? i ind popular media fo; Internet has become the most convenient a! pop " ; F the marketers to reach out to the existing and prospective customers, Marketing) is the process of marketing a product or ve Market 3g is also known as Internet Marketing, E-marketing (Electroni Online Marketing. service using the Internet. E-Marketin; Web Marketing, Digital Marketing, or les marketing on the Internet, but also E-marketing not only includ ; , includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. E-commerce infrastructure can also be used to provide marketing channels, to cater to niche markets and to improve post sales customer service by creatin, new channels of customer interaction and support. Companies can provide the target customers with product and service information in greater detail. The increasing competition is making it imperative to employ technologies for low cost customer prospecting, establishing and maintaining closer relationship with customer and improved brand loyalty. Thus, need for low cost methods of customers interaction is an important factor fuelling growth of e-commerce. Marketplace vs. Marketspace Marketplace can be considered to be the actual or physical place where buyers and sellers meet and exchange goods or services for a price. Marketspace is a virtual place on the Internet where people meet online to perform sales transactions. Marketplace may take the form of retail shops, supermarkets, or departmental stores. E-marketspaces bring online buyers and sellers in one place in a virtual environment. In marketspace, direct physical communication between buyer and seller is not needed. The sellers may exhibit their products on their websites and the buyers can find their relevant requirements by performing a search query. Concept of E-Marketing The main difference be marketplace is for generally talk Prio: very impersonal (wl conversation betwe, een k —- tra tKetblace and marketspace is th, 1, ; “Nsactions Where by _ \ T to the transaction) wher, eae ce S > eas here sale and Purchase o, ih . 8 en by cur Without i address. Number wy buyers a lee Marketplace has hy \ buyers living in Delhi will Senerally not phys nee hic Factors = in Mumbai for their Purchasin, cael demand and sy, marketspace are decided by What is E-Business? Re-engineer internal business processes, Implement e-commerce system with their customers and suppliers. Promote enterprise collaborati on among business teams and work groups. 2.2 E-MARKETING VS. TRADITIONAL MARKETING Internet marketing has transformed the world of advertising, Everyone spends time for checking email, searching websites, spending time on social media sites. It makes ideal sense for organizations to reach eet to their audience on the web. But traditional marketing has net ost its existence because everyday people see TV commercials, hoard ae magazines, newspapers, etc. Traditional marketing has its o — 24 and effect. The differences between e-mark, ‘Traditional Marketing eti marketing are explained in the following Table: les Traditional marketing requires a substantial time and resources to get the desired results. It promotes the products through advertisements on TV, radio, hoardings, newspapers etc. This marketing strategy involves huge cost to keep the promotion running on schedule. ‘The various media for traditional | marketing are: TV and radio, newspaper, magazines, posters and billboards, etc. Posters or billboards can only be viewed by those who drive by it. Once a print advertisement is printed Online marketin, there are man, virtually free. B also carries ac Y online strategies yi but at are An ad on internet can reach thousana, S of visitors browsing on personal tablets or mobiles instantly, "P&*ers, Any mistake can easily by rectified does not have any data about the intended audience. with mistakes, it is out of control to | updating the website. Mistakes, if ane <¢? rectify these mistakes. be changed quickly online, % can In traditional marketing, the marketer | In e-marketing, the marketer has the complete data such as interests, age, etc. about the targeted audience, . In traditional marketing, it is very hard to calculate the engagement. It is very difficult to calculate the number of customers who read the newspaper ad. In e-marketing it is relatively easy to calculate the engagement. Email marketing software can count the number of Persons who viewed the message of the company about its products. Material and efforts done through traditional marketing are available for a short time and disappear over time. Data prepared for distribution over the internet is available for long period and it becomes stronger over time. Traditional marketing is more impressive for those persons who are not connected to the internet on daily basis or those who are internet uneducated. E-marketing is easier to reach to persons who cannot survive without internet, eg., teenagers. Traditional marketing has a very limited scope, Traditional marketing is a one-way communication channel. In e-marketing the scope is not limited or restricted to marketing only. The organizations can provide other information also like public relations, customer service and sales. E-marketing enables the organizations to communicate with the consumers with a two way communication channel, Companies can interact with the customers and resolve their queries instantly. Concept of E-Marketing - 27 2.4 E-MARKETING TOOLS E-Marketing Tools Feedback Forms Bookmarking = ‘Awards/ Online Coupons Testimonials Tours One of the pre-requisites of online business is that the customers should be able to easily find the company on the internet. Once they find the company/website of the company, it is necessary to engage them in browsing or buying process. The challenge in getting customers to visit the company’s site and return in the future is a reflection of the competitive nature of the online environment. Online businesses have to compete against thousands of new companies that go online every day. To stand out from the endless stream of online businesses and to gain the attention of customers, company must promote its website. Company can use various online tools and techniques to enhance the online experience of the site visitors. Following are the -* online-marketing promotional tools: . Feedback Forms: Feedback forms enable the marketer to find out what the people think of their company. Based on the feedback of the visitors, company can improve its site and provide better services to its customers. The main advantage of this tool is that customers will feel that they have a say based on which better relations can be build up with the customers. For example, a company can send an email thanking a particular customer for bringing an issue to their attention and follow it up with a coupon to show appreciation for bringing up the issue. « Bookmarking: A good way to encourage customers to visit the company’s website is to ask them to bookmark it. Through bookmarking, customers do not have to remember the site's \ aa ———— ll exact URL to visit. This way customer can have easy = to the company’s website. Content iver for encouraging uate eases ‘Content of nies should be fresh, ae wid gives customers a reason to vist regulat. Content th, ae soot for the visitors and enable them to leave with r knowledge will attract the customers and er them © th Sa i regular visit by a well-known expert to provide Vise in the field of company’s business. fier regul - /Coupons/Contests: Sites that offe ular * Give. ‘Away: ch as a ‘Give-away, coupons, OF contests are STaaiia 5 position to capture regular visitors. This a 4 esi acts as a driver that attracts customers to ua initially. Later it provides an opportunity to showsase new products and services and deliver important news about thie company. Luring the customer to visit the site increases the likelihood of getting a sale. Offering various Promotions slag enables the company to obtain personal information of the customer which can be used in future marketing campaigns, « Surveys: Surveys is an effective tool to gather important customer data that helps the company to improve its business and plan for the future. To encourage visitors to complete the survey, the marketer can provide an incentive such as an opportunity to win a prize. i ; « Awards/Testimonials: Including awards and testimonials on the site provides creditability to the company’s business. This tool also provides a foundation to build rapport and trust with the customers. With this, customers will be more willing to visit a site they can trust. The fact that the owner of the site is winner of President Award will be trusted by the visitors. * Online Chat: Online chat mechanisms provide a forum where customers can come together and share their experiences th each other and with the company, This interactive tool allows the company to maintain a direct access to customer opinions. Based on the opinions of the customers, company | of E-Marketing can have insight into the treng on the industry. = and determine thej . ‘ir , Online Tours: Online tours Provide an company to showcase particular Products ©PPortunity to th as highlight their key benefits, and services ag wel 29 views 5 ONLINE MARKETING PROMOTIONAL TECHNIQy : UES allowing are the formats of internet communications f y the customers: °F Teaching « Articles Submission: Submitting articles to tar, portals will broaden company’s reach Re Tesource company as an expert in its field of business. fee me the article useful, they are likely to visit the. People find “ “y 2 the cx i 4 and take an interest in its products and servi os site ices. | . Newsletters: Newsletters isa low-cost Promotional tool which helps the company in building rapport and strengtheni relationship with customers. The company should Reiss newsletter regularly to effectively communicate with cure fi and prospective customers. The newsletter should focus Tess on self-promotion and more on Providing information that is newsworthy and valuable. Moreover, customers should be given an opportunity to unsubscribe the newsletter. « Press Releases: Important news about the business can be shared by sending press release to editors and newswires. This will enable to get access to customers who are interested in the company’s message and will increase company’s exposure. + Banner Advertising: Banner advertising campaign is an effective advertising method to increase company’s brand awareness. Banner advertising is an effective direct marketing tool that can increase site traffic. Banner should be creative and should be advertised on sites that the company’s customer would visit. +. Sponsorship: Under this method of online advertising, web advertisers often pay content providers or search engine sites (e.g., Google.com) to host ‘sponsored links’ which are somewhat similar to banner ads. Sponsored link connects -_oylar approach 2.10 js tb rive yo ey t 5 be an ay # arching for sont ady to provide reley,.* , are Very Teley,, tl ing. Therefo, ads. Sponso,, s listing of te to the info . aks are ™ fren ' ide an effective Way 7 * prov: other sj company % pinki?6 out compe ‘ould be built 7 ? jokine y have 4 similar targy compe les the company sgtOUP | in the industry, ang 7 a] i ., to bu id nee! spen so muc em on fe ail, em and bui Email Mark ortunity ' market ; has —— there i ‘an enormous | nships- ail marketin8 ical 7 aeromer relatio Pe profitable and econo! Ways s f the mor ships. Its penefits include the icles accé targeted and qualified yehicles fective; offers personalized e; increases sales, «ng: 0! followin eo eecient a : efficier track and evaluat a Jy submitting th ‘ « nization: Effectively submitting the site search Baie OP enable the company t acquire top i coment jn search engine results and increase the likelihood that people will link into the companys site during search ueries. The company should identify effective methods to optimize its placement in search engines: The criteria for ranking varies in different search engines and directories. For example, Google uses link popularity in their ranking mechanisms. Affiliate Marketin offer its affiliate an incentive to per. g: In affiliate marketing, company offers form a particular outcome. 2.11 pop Markee she outcome may be in the form of generating leads for the ’g business, increase ‘Clicks’ to the company’s site, 10) : : compa. centive is usually a fee, which may be in the form percentage otion Activities: There are companies whose ° is to promote the websites. The company can avail of these companies to promote its site. These the services mpanies do not guarantee results and can be romotion co e expensive. eral Material: Company should ensure that its Web and Collat email address is printed on all collateral material including any promotional items it gives away, such as mouse pads or T shirts. This will help in increasing brand awareness and provide an easy Way to contact the company. Trade Shows: Attending trade shows is an attractive way to increase awareness of company’s business to a targeted audience. Moreover, it helps to have a direct access to potential customers. Attending a trade show will also enable the company to identify trends in the industry and get information about the competitors. Company can also give away gifts with website address printed on it. Company can also encourage people to complete forms for prizes. This way an collect valuable customer data. a quit company ¢ , Launch Events: An event to introduce new products and services is an effective way to generate excitement and develop relationships with potential customers. Company can obtain customers’ contact details and can follow up after the event with promotions. still do not trust the method o Ory f an online payment and Jack training in English Language and other foreign langue marketing to than other to market online in global markets. This is a very big ch; Rey time intera before online marketing. 8 alleng. more efes 2.7 ADVANTAGES OF E-MARKETING above-ave Following are the advantages of e-marketing: a targetec E-Marke media 1 E-Mark of inve « E-Marketing Levels the Playing Field between Large ang a Smal] Businesses: E-marketing gives a good chance to small 4 tf Concept of E-Marketing tT) businesses to promote and brand their Products on a much larger scale. « Elimination of Geographic Barriers: One of the key advantages of online marketing is that it removes all geographical limitation from the Practice of buying and selling. So internet allows an unlimited global reach at on outstandingly lower cost. Overcoming the geographic barriers, marketers are now able to present products and services to different groups of costumers across the universe with the simple condition that they have access to internet. + E-Marketing Can Reach Targeted Customers More Effectively: One of the key characteristics of e-marketing is that these digital marketing tools were designed to target specific sets of customers or audiences. Unlike traditional mass media marketing where advertisements are broadcasted to anyone, even those who do not like or are not interested in a particular product or service. Internet marketing which is a form on inbound marketing attracts targeted customers who are specifically looking for the brands, products or services. + E-Marketing Delivers Better Results: E-marketing as an inbound marketing tool delivers better result and revenues than traditional marketing channel. This is because an outbound marketing such as newspapers, consumer magazine, radio and TV are getting out of style, whereas inbound marketing tools such as mobile media, social media, social networks and search engines are on the rise. + E-Marketing Delivers Immediate Results; Real-time marketing tools can bring more benefits to the businesses than other tools. E-marketing is characterized with real- time interactions that can connect the organization much more effectively with targeted customers. Organizations get immediate results for their marketing efforts. The results are above-average conversions to either leads or sales every time a targeted customer visits organization's websites. + E-Marketing is Cost Effective: Compared to traditional mass media marketing, e-marketing is much more cost effective. E-Marketing also does not require ridiculously large amounts of investment as what businesses have done in the past with ne hee E-Marketing channels are cheape, . _arketin8 in man edia marketing. BP" sj annelss and in Many cases an wed to traditional m° aa for free- ompal ' eo can generate tral der oF Even Internationa i . d 7 , each 4° ivities are done Online, E-Marketing Ca ROM xeting ACO ar limitations whe Audience: Since Mr prickand-m ce. The world just usinesses are not ider audience ©” fl +t comes to reaching out keting» allowing businesses from it col ith e-mar’ + to another as if they are just a the worl marke - Geographical distances are ther. f few blocks away a ach arketig, allowing businesses to a ore than th d interact with targeted customers me a ey ene ing traditional marketing methods. could ever do usi bl . are Measurable: . . E-Marketing a and available in real time” Each click. easily measural : ¢ : aaa age or websites, sign ups, and online visit to a landing Pp: i purchases can actually be measured very accurately allowipg digital marketers to easily gauge marketing tool will work for them and bring the best results. E-marketing results which particular Internet - On top of that, e-marketing analytics data can also give digital _ marketers a better insight about their targeted customers’ purchasing behavior among other things. + E-Marketing Can Be Personalized: Not only is e-marketing highly targeted, offers and programs can be customized ° Personalized based on the profiles and other consumer behavior wre targeted audiences exhibit. This will give the istome . better er 7 what they have paid for as well as a e . , ned and ae looking of products and services customers + E-Marketin, 8 Hel; i ; ; marketing is one ps Build Relationships: Traditional interaction betwe way and there is very limited or no With e-marketin en an advertiser and the end customet. ae with eee is the key and being able to etter customer eg qo eomers in real tim ild tts, and supplier relationshi ime can help buil nd generate ips, build higher levels of € business and Seat cust eir dlentele er loyalty that benefits both i I | | Cp conceot of E-Marketing E-Marketing is Available 24 7: sleeps and so does e-marketing the resources to sustain a physical ane in the digital marketplace using i can run virtually 24 hours a day ae Wide Web never on Hs usiness with little aa Peration to compete ware sparketing tools that ‘ays a week, 28 DISADVANTAGES OF E-MARKETING owing are the disadvantages of €-marketing: E-Marketing Campaigns Can Be Cop; Cc : in Internet marketing is that a Pree One ee the dangers be copied by a competi ‘ar campaign can easil Pp y petitor, and mam i ly utter disregard for the legal ramification ee done so with bring. Trademarks or logos can be used 5 a fi arpa and take away a sizeable market share. Not a ence , n t, can also be used for Perpetrating negative a cnene information about marketer's brand, product or service hat will ruin company’s online reputation - and lose valuable targeted customers. E-Marketing Can Get Drowned by Too Much Online Ad Clutter: With both legitimate businesses and questionable entities like trolls, spammers and scammers present in the digital marketplace, the Internet is flooded by lots of online clutter. It would really be doubly hard for Internet marketers to get noticed by their targeted customers. Some consumers now have the tendency to simply ignore Internet advertising, making legitimate businesses lose valuable traffic and of course revenues in the process. E-Marketing Will Not be.Taken Seriously if Not Done Professionally: Business owners and digital marketers should focus on bringing their Internet marketing campaigns to professional levels, otherwise they will not be taken seriously by their targeted customers. + E-Marketing May Not Be Appropriate for Company's Products: Some brands, products or services have targeted Internet marketing audiences that may not be reached by ty and channels, Some products and services target the elder! ye only a few percentages are tech savvy and may not Foll re 2.20 By access or do not even know how to get online “oe e-marketing will not be of any use. «In uch E- Marketing Involves Too Much Competition, proliferation of online ads, Internet marketing is use lig, great challenge of too much competition. Digital ad Wig scrambling to get into a better position for optima Steet for their marketing and advertising campaigns, aa Visit . Presence of too much competition, will make it verth ¢ and expensive to get the attention of targeted auidiengs « E-Marketing Reputation Can Be Damaged by cea Feedback: E-Marketing marketing tools are prone i i perennial problem of negative feedback which can iy company’s online reputation. A single Post OF twee - defames or give erroneous claims and negative feedback abe t company’s products or services can scar and ruin company internet reputation for a long time. 3 + E-Marketing is Highly Dependent on Technology wy; Can Be Prone to Errors: E-marketing makes use and is hi dependent on technology. In many cases, technology es break down and produce erroneous results that can severe affect company’s internet marketing campaigns. Non-workin, links to important landing pages, pay buttons that do not work and other similar stuff like can ruin company’s hold of its targeted audiences and lose good business. c « Lack of Trust: There are a lot of illegitimate websites out there which look similar to original websites and rob the customers of their money. Spamming is also one of the biggest challenges for Internet marketing and confidential data can be easily stolen by hackers. E-Marketing is not Yet Embraced by All People: There are still many people who prefer to choose or put more importance to products that they can actually touch before they purchase. Many are still concerned and have serious doubts in the security of online transactions that they fear going into one for business purposes. Focusing only in Internet Co » cept of E-Marketing 2.21 arketing will prevent the com m eted audiences in this cate a derable in terms of num rae) Pany from reaching out to 80ry which can still be very bers. Marketing Lacks the Human Es Ived when a customer 5 is invo on. Lack of human touch in €-marketing hampers salesper® ects of relationship building which plays an the ean part in repeat sales and word-of mouth jmpor publicity Touch: Personal touch uys a product from a

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