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What + danh từ -> cái gì = which ( đề cập đến sự lựa chọn)

When -> thời gian

Where -> nơi chốn
Why -> tìm lý do, nguyên nhân
Ask for the underlined words.
Who -> tìm người
How + tính từ -> như thế nào -> cách thức

1. They heard a terrifying noise.

2. The dog goes over to the children.
3. They wrote down the address.
? what did they write down?
4. They look at our flowers and vegetables.
5. Andy did his homework very quickly.
How did Andy do his homework?
6. My mum pays for the ticket.
? Who pays for the ticket?
7. He kicked the ball high into the air.
? How did he kick the ball?
8. They had new mobile phones.
? What did they have?

9. Andy saw a red sports car.

? Who saw a red sports car?
10. He ate an apple.
What did he eat?
What’s her name?
 Her name
Fill in the correct question word.
1. who sits next to Frank? Clara.
2. Where does the boy come from? He's from Newcastle.
3. How old are her children? They are seven and ten.
4. When = what month is Peter's birthday? In April, I think.
5. How much is the shirt? It's twenty pounds.

6. ………….is best at playing tennis? It's Bob.

7. ………….are you going? I'm going to my friends.
8. ………….is an orange juice? It's fifty pence.
9. ………….does the restaurant open? It opens at six o' clock.
10. ………….can I get some ice cream? You can get some at the snack bar.
11. ………….are you going to order? Fish and chips.
12. ………….are you going to do on Saturday? I don't know.
13. ………….has got my pullover? I have got it.
14. ………….is your name? Carol.
15. ………….is Susan's party? It's on Friday.

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