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A.causative organism
Chlamydia trachomatis

B. Predisposing factors
1.age : usually infancy and early childhood

Aetiology : female> male

3. Race : common in Jews, less common in negros
In Nepal tharu community most common
4.climate :dry and dusty weather
5.socioeconomic status
Poor classes owing to unhygienic condition
6. Environmental factors
.. Out door workers > office worker
C. Source of infection
Conjunctival discharge of affected person is the main
source of infection
D.Mode of infection
1.Direct spread – air borne or water borne mode
2.vector transmission – common through flies
3.material transfer – contaminated fingers of doctors,
nurse and contaminated monometer
Trachoma in Nepal

6.9 percentage suffer

2.4 percentage blindness
Fenale > male

Incubation period:- 5 -21 days


Bulbar congestion –condition in which the thin layer of

tissue that covers the sclera (the white part of the eye)
becomes inflamed.
Follice-most commonly on upper tarsal conjunctiva and
also in limbus
Mucopurulent discharge
Progressive conjuctival scaring,produce Trichiasis and
Blindness from corneal ulceration and opacification.
In absence of secondary infection
1.mild foreign body sensation in the eyes
2.occasional lacrimation
3.slight stickiness of lids
4.scanth mucoid discharge
In presence of secondary infection
1.mild photophobia
2.slight blurring of vision
3.coloured halos
4.stickiness together of lid margin
Type of trachoma /WHO classification

TF – trachomatous follicle
TI – trachomatous intense
TS – trachomatous scarring
TT – trachomatous Trichiasis
CO – Corneal opacity
Diagnosis of trachoma

a.clinical diagnosis
At least two sets of signs should be preventing out of the
1.conjunctival follicles and papillae
2.pannus progressive or regressive
3.epithelial keratitis near superior limbus
B.laboratory diagnosis
1.conjenctuval cytology- used to identify the number,
morphology, and staining characteristics of inflammatory
cells and infectious organisms
2.detection of inclusion bodies
3.serotyping of TRIC agent – done by detecting specific

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