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Ys [HEAD LOSSES aor Loss (ave to triton}: Darcy: Weisbach formula s = at a =00ms1.& Marrng formu: Se ape othe o Inpro ope, choy easeet sette& ae 1 feng ete pe im) Ie hed ned fo eon) (= feton factor uses E, nezeree Yatmoe = tres oticet Iyss0a9mt Be neacsee®, Se” [Hazen-wiiams formula c= Hazen-Wiliams coett Minor Losses: =0.mg2 C REESE V= 1318. CRIM SHEAA (due to change in size ot = 0.2785 ¢ DOS = 0.432¢ DIESE ‘rection, obstruction ete) [= minor tos (m) 51. Whatis the discharge? k= coefficient of such minor loss. 52. What's the velocity of ow? For snon-cicular pipe, getits 53. Whats the total head loss after ctious diameter D by equating ts 202 moffow? hyérauticradus “R" with that of a Jercular one. Thus, O = 4R. Ina 055m pipe 20 m long when water fows at Mere D diameter ofthe pipe (m} Bet second using: 80. Cis0 Hose The les of headin a 4SPmex bmn = pe conveying water is estimated a ft fon permeterlength. f= 9-H aap [Pipes WW SERIES AND PARALLEL $< harper eae mare lsenues: +1900 m of 800 men, 1200 of ra 400 rm, and 60 of 300 een new TTT + eraerance in ctvationsbetwoen| cast ron pipe. C= 120. cme oe Sarge quid surfaces te equal tothe | 54. Whats te guar engh of Cy headioss '2400-mm pipe? HL tas hes oa 155, What s ne equialent sizeof mer Pipe has the same fad loss, sens pre? « Change in pressure heed is equalto| fs me cf towel 20 50? ae Pipe AB inthe glen gure branches into ‘wo paral pipes which lead to reservoir =O + ay check: =a, = 0s +0, Othe properties othe pps ae ceed. / {tne pump delivers water at 40 Here per ( /19{ py 57, What et tal ead ms? 58 Wat the pressure Nea ot uncon 8? 8. Whats the peesre heed athincton A? | Tne equate be, So) He te Hye = 020+ 829= 849m 1088 ee soa maeeesbam soon Lar] = 22em 202 (9810) 248.49. 475 = 2 000 Peso] 10 6419600).<* Calaate the tatheadions —— #OSTEO'FE seep inthe gen sien. é 0,=0387m aoe Hoste the he Sap Mtae to sap se arax- op. |® witggetam AEB, = 1984 1800) a1 “Bay ae 2430008 get $000 LV" os? WE, Be aot ge HF B 20+ 00 (oy (0507 Se BEA Be Haag or joe 7 n, = 68.7760" oa ccers| ea eoe , Hugs 9 B10 ros taso240" HL = 420878 (0088) e no= 275700'% HL= 520m ye ptt ett so ML=40s780% ay fo- B= = 8% = noo 20 2755 ms ssannietsontarteane [8°] ii ao ears aire ee fag « 08046 (o.oo) ESSE hee 2am, Was oon Steamt ee be ¥ was be « P.24 (oes ung res he + Bam, orto Pos ua hee Sa ng -meaceniosss® wea (0389 he = 3.95, 7 The eh of head in a atm Xe, ee ES 2 be oh 2 outs SI) What is we dischorge? Yols aeons tHoxo & + outewnuno @ = hoy me, St) Wat is be er of te few? Ye to My Lichen weno] SH Wrak o te Tela fend bee auc mr oF he? Gem, he ta * ae Ihe = tlecomn + lemy Acree soln [THREE-RESERVOIR PROBLEM (Pipes to Reservoirs of Diferent Eevations) Three reservoirs A B anc C are [connected by pipelines which merge at junction X_ The elevation ot reserva is 300 m and that of [B'e-285 m. The rate of fow from reservok Ais 14m. Pipes Olam 1 A" 800mm 150m 0.0157 Bc 480062 ic 450 00 (NTT 160. Comput the ciecherge Rowing inside pipe 8. 161. Compute the ciecharge flowing inside pipe C. 62. Compute the elevation of Fals “The total flow trom reservoir Ain the fgute is 0.394 m°¥s and that ofthe reservoir Cis 0.354 ms “62. Compute the cischarge in ine 4. 64, Compute the clecharge inne 2 65. Comput the length of pipe 1. a ‘asue ne pumps removes Feservor yell igure le not given) (igure lz given) 6 hg™ 15-1164 = 326m 3:36 =0.082640,0162) 450 22" 162) y= 05+, 1420650 +0, 50741 ae - nerooragcormy an | ap he =52.20m j aTOORIKOOISTII500 5 lever =300-1164~5220 hartteam Elev of = 208.18 m emilee (0.3547 caso 500 O55 n-a8som 0.68 =0.0826(0.02)1680, a-021@ = 7 aset=0,* 0281 0,=0:163 3) 50.038 Use equations 2, 3 and 4 in 1. 0.0110 f+ 0.0201 /3-Rf, = 00380 Ay ,=8.20_m 2, =00110 836 = 0.032 ms 0, = 00201 {835-3 = 0.068 me 0, =00380 /IS=055 = 0.078 mits Horee viens Toei, ap + 1a eats ome eoitunatens™ cocoa he = 28h Ove Qt os ont san 4 es neg = es, Ceoraldly costes _pun(se0) ad oy (os Ca OT Gee Laeses So! ays (aes Os Gas ooh He we gg « iAN(sBeD L605) © rr eemm te Coa oo Wal he = hg shen = TAWA ASAD = Filmy 4 Be es ota qos’ ese fife + BRIA BE en Be Ne eg te elegy R= [el Ode PAA, Ketoneis = Moot, if atapey ro sesh % D. y 2.6m OF am TTHRee - FESERWA FORELEA (figes to ceeeiees oF OH BOD Foodie: Diocrte 6 wae QU Wi anu aeteon EL A ES Gres] * Dyce en I ig, Dem he ates . “5 anrect & ond 0 o\a 4, J — fo 2 Lael ve doh, at waste dren ok 6 onde vat tas 5G, Reet S Reo, 3 ames & 370-0 (0.0%) io00 Of Gas 00 10 + G06te (0.054)l00 Oe + one Ge Be Anat = Qe ~(T) “fabs [OPEN CHANNELS conduit where liquid flows wih ‘Theoretically, ‘ree or atmosphere surtacs, of Q=AV | esinpipes 7 i by Manning: V bythe Chery formula: cola chy Bazin = slope ofthe oleae " : 3 ie by ter R= hydraulic radius (cm) La 2, 2omiss a Z n= ssinpipes EVM] = wetted perimeter (m) = cazy cootiont( 2) if C je not specified in the problem, — A rectangular channel 1 /*4wide ae he Manning's Cin the Chezy’s| conveys wate ata depth ot Z 3 Xe" the relist Manriog ortho 70, what le te velocity of Mow Chasy-Manning formation ialuemasiopest and et n= .0n ‘cr | ethan 71, What the dlacharge fhe Sanaa) ‘channel slopes 01" and a= 4% 8. Unitor Fiow Use the Kut’ formula for ¢? }- the same depth, cross sections! 72, What is the velocity of flow if fra ana vaoatytorsteoat Be og amg ond et tow open 3. the channe! bedi paral! igure shows ature ae ‘peratiel main channel and two equal flooc) 2 en. onthe sides, Assume the iy? s Te sepa ok a chaneel © One =0020 for he Pe —Y—— YD = 0.040 for the flood plains. a& 4 73, Whatis the estimated Giacharge inte maln channel? TS qe arROSe 8,8 aa [ay oom aes Q, = 153.61 mie, OAR RPS a0w=n a, 5700002 , ws, 0040", 0, 6, 0.000 Ee ism a wm y= 020] A Tm asa ees Q2a%20, 4 pega 2, =153.61~ 2120.18) 212001. gg [p42 14,0, = 19957 mie ,= 2018 me cool azalanse b=152m tossr= £ ons gh, [2 roo 4 o.0%6 | 4} 7 lasabre se oon 120.478 m ro=nrengt (5) eome a=ai Re sa! =13 1 foasss) ooo tontae i fealfosen x= 0.529 4 =0,000(0.528) d= 0458 m “a open shanna sto be aia! sischarge? to cary 1.0 ms of water at astoxe 175. tr the tot discharge isto ©F 0.0068, The channel mate} be contained in an asphatiined has n= 0.011. semicicular channel with n= 78. Computa the depth fo a er [0.016 whet diameter is required? circular section, ° ene a ‘secton im channeis of cterent shapens Ta cess be dpi for @ Propertons but ofthe same AS jagcone tne de and n, th one that gives the biggest ee ‘81.54 storm sewer convess risen ssctonapocatcc ret | aflowol Sms at adopts 2 [economical section, most hydrauiicaly 10. efficient section, best hydraulic section, 79. Calculate the velocity of most advantageous section, and the ike.) OW? ‘MES may be used to save excavation and 80. Calculate the hydraulic lining oF surfacing of the channel, radius, ‘The same materia! not only means the same “n” but also means the same “PY Thus, P= material. £81, Calculate the value of 82. Calculate the unused capacity. Asmiers) = tam Rs 25tKi4zse tim R= Ae 2 ha + tot V = ah (Lows? (o-ores il on ey ® voters cy re fares teee 4 ats) seh ston Sedonoit 7 0.0088 co. tate Oe (ase) coum mY, vane Ne CIS Ae So 12 [temo = esos ake @ aa(estey = 2004 we 9) yet paed fe 0.0% 5 S+0.001 hobs yetpR Ve rte |{ otuloaes) ve oma a 2) A 15m 4 som saute ome a foo Bek s is f= he on (Ne *) Ae sek td ‘sh or ob SS wee gL KS se) go - 20 = 2840 ce. sont Bee 0 fazorigoden) tea = Ont Ae Voss 094 +1155 YareVs aoe eb) 30% Bes P= 2:00 123 ae = Ota, Sine Co Healhed by way of 9.00 Ne cles.

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