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NAME: __________________________ DATE: ________________

SECTION: _____________________ TEACHER: ____________
Multiple choice: Answer the following questions. Choice the letter of the best answer and write it on the blank
provided before each number.
______1. Everybody needs to exercise. Physical activity is considered as an exercise. Physical activity defines as?
A. It is any activity that involves physical movement.
B. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal .
C. It is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure above
resting levels.
D. All of the above
______2. Cassie observed that she is having a hard time doing house chores. Since then, she motivated herself to
do physical activity.
A. Cassie wants to be sexy.
B. She exercise sports in physical activities done as part of daily living occupation leisure and active
C. Instead of riding tricycle, she used to walk going to school.
D. She did exercise every weekend.
______3. Marga, Cassie, and Fatima are very close friend. Cassie and Fatima decided to join Lyre Band since
they are from family of musicians. Marga decided to join too because she don’t want to be left behind.
A. It is an example of social influence in participating physical activity.
B. It shows that when your peers or your family are engaged in physical activity there are greater
chances that you will participate in physical activity as well.
C. Marga wants to be in to the trend.
D. All of the above
______4. Imagine that you are living in a place where river, farm, and trees are present. Possibly you are
encouraged to do swimming, farming and do other related activities where you can enjoy your surroundings.
A. You are a nature lover.
B. It is an influence of environment
C. It is an influence of environment, your surroundings dictate how you participate in physical activity
D. You maximize your resources to do physical activity.
______5. Ka Roger fund and raised his children in raising farm animals. That is example of what factor to
influence participating physical activity.
A. Environmental factor.
B. Ka Roger is kind of lazy
C. That job is the only applicable in their place.
D. Environmental factor because your surroundings dictate how you participate in physical activity.
______6. Teacher Kelly used to go to the gym every after work.
A. She is using her leisure time to do her recreational activity.
B. Teacher Kelly is unwinding.
C. She is using her leisure time. What sets these activities apart from traditional exercise routines is that
they are intrinsically motivated and are enjoyable.
D. All of the above
______7. In order to be healthy we need to exercise at least 3 times a week. Walking is one form of exercise.
What are the Pros of WALKING
A. Getting Physically fit
B. Most popular No age limit – a lifetime activity Easily incorporated into lifestyle and little skill
involved, no cost Less injuries than running or jogging
C. Not active enough for some and takes longer to get the same benefits as running or more intense
aerobic exercises
D. Getting Physically fit with no cost and less injuries.
______8. In order to be healthy we need to exercise at least 3 times a week. Jogging is one form of exercise. What
are the Consequences of Jogging.
A. Can cause lower body injuries especially if not warmed up properly, excessive distances, impact of
feet to the ground, wearing improper footwear, exposure to pollution and traffic when done in
urbanized areas
B. Can cause lower body injuries especially if not warmed up properly
C. Can cause lower body injuries especially if not warmed up properly, Excessive distances, impact of
feet to the ground
D. Not applicable for students.
______9. In order to be healthy we need to exercise at least 3 times a week. bicycling is one form of exercise.
What are the Pros of BICYCLING (Road or Mountain)
A. no age limit - a lifetime activity C. less injuries than running because less impact on lower body
B. it’s a no for kids D. letter a and c
______10. Cons of BICYCLING (Road or Mountain)
A. trails for mountain biking may not be readily accessible Injuries include painful knees, feet, back
B. trails for mountain biking may not be readily accessible Injuries include painful knees, feet, back, and
saddle soreness Crashing can cause injuries and may be life- threatening
C. trails for mountain biking may not be readily accessible Injuries include painful knees, feet, back
May be expensive (cost for bike, helmet, gloves, etc.)
D. a lifetime activity
______11. Give the best definition of Anxiety
A. It is a normal response when a fear-eliciting situation arises
B. It is a normal response when a fear-eliciting situation arises. Our natural response would be fight or
C. Either you overcome the anxious feeling or just go with the flow.
D. Inhale and Exhale.
______12. Once you encounter a stressor, What factors are usually increases?
A. Blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, blood flow, oxygen, strength
B. Blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, blood flow to active muscles and brain, oxygen, strength
C. Blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, blood flow to active muscles and brain, oxygen update,
strength, and general awareness
D. High Blood
______13. Major categories of mental Illness are composed of what
A. Anxiety disorder, Impulse uncontrol disorder, mood Disorder, Substance Abuse
B. Anxiety disorder (eg. Panic and post-traumatic stress disorder), Impulse Control Disorder(eg:
attention deficit or hyperactivity disorders), Mood Disorder (eg: depression and bipolar disease) ,
Substance Abuse
C. Anxiety disorder, Impulse Control Disorder, Mood Disorder, and Substance Abuse
D. Anxiety disorder, Impulse Control Disorder, and Mood Disorder
______14. Choose the best definition of depression
A. Depression is a mental disorder notable for negative alteration in mood
B. Depression is a mental order notable for positive alteration in mood. This can often accompany other
anxiety disorder and may vary in severity and duration.
C. Depression is a mental disorder notable for negative alteration in mood. This can often accompany
other anxiety disorder
D. Depression is a mental disorder notable for negative alteration in mood. This can often accompany
other anxiety disorder and may vary in severity and duration.
______15. Jona’s parents are controlling her decisions even in a small thing. This is an example of what stressor?
A. Family responsibility C. Parental conflict
B. Lack or privacy D. All of the above
______16. Ms. Joana did her skin care routine.
A. It is example of existence time
B. She use to do a biological needs
C. She used to do her biological needs such as personal care, having meal and sleeping.
D. Joana is a high maintenance girl.
______17. Ms. Belen is a workaholic person.
A. It is example of Substance Time
B. She used to spend her time to economic purposes
C. She used to spent her time for economic purposes such as going to work, chores, and for students,
hours spent in school and school work.
D. She use to do a biological needs
______18. Gardo use to go to gym every after work.
A. He always use his free time C. He use his free time to do a recreational activity
B. He use his free time to relax D. He is a self-conscious
______19. Aunt Lita is a nature lover. She always want to spend her weekend visiting different places.
A. She is out goer
B. She loved doing outdoor recreational activities.
C. Aunt Lita appreciate space outside and outdoor activities that includes the natural and resources
which comprises the land, water, wildlife, vegetation, open space, and scenery.
D. All of the above
______20. Land : Mountaineering ; Water : Swimming ; Air : Prasailing
A. Trekking/ Hiking :Camping C. Water : Snorkelling
B. Land : Camping D. Air : Skydiving
______21. BODY COMPOSITION is the percentage of body fat and lean body tissue in an individual, Lean body
tissue is composed of water, blood, skin, muscles and bone. From a health viewpoint, it is very significant to have
a low level of body fat. What indicator you need to identify your proper body composition.
A. BMI is an indicator of total body fat which is related to the risk of disease and death.
B. BMI refers to the measurement of one’s weight and height.
C. BMI is very important to monitor your weight and height
D. Letter A and B
______22. Allysa pick up shopping bags from floor and reaching for something, inside of it. She has good
A. She is an athlete
B. FLEXIBILITY is capacity of a joints such as our knee to move during a complete range of motion.
C. A flexible body possesses a better variety of motion which should help in the performance of skills.
D. FLEXIBILITY is capacity of a particular joints such as our knee to move during a complete range of
motion. A flexible body possesses a better variety of motion which should help in the performance of
______23. Weightlifting releases what energy.
A. Weightlifting releases ATP-PC
B. It releases Immediate Energy
C. It releases ATP-CP system that is responsible for very short (i.e. 1-2 repetitions), explosive
movements. This energy system is only good for about 6-10 seconds of activity.
D. It releases Quick Energy
______24. Hockey and Soccer are example of sports using what energy system?
A. Glycolytic System
B. Glycolytic System provides energy for medium to high-intensity bursts of activity that lasts from 10
seconds to a max of approximately 90 seconds
C. Glycolytic System provides energy for medium to high-intensity bursts of activity
D. Glycotic System
______25. Why kayak and swimming are involving muscular endurance?
A. MUSCULAR ENDURANCE involves the muscle in building a number of continuous movements.
Muscular endurance can be a specific muscle or group of muscle such as the biceps, making
continual contractions over a considerable period, perhaps over a number of minutes.
B. MUSCULAR ENDURANCE involves the muscle in building a number of continuous movements
C. It is a sample of Oxidative Energy System
D. MUSCULAR ENDURANCE involves the muscle in building a number of continuous movements.
Muscular endurance can be a specific muscle or group of muscle.
______26. Choose the best scenario where Environmental of demand can be found.
A. To listen
B. As student he/she is oblige to study
C. As student, it is your role to study comply to rules, perform all needed performances.
D. As a individual, we have different roles and obligations in life.
______27. Choose the best scenario where Perception of demand can be found.
A. Studying is really hard, for some
B. Studying is really hard, be as a student, you have to comply to all requirements
C. Studying is hard, some of student know and aware and embracing the nature, some are hating it
D. Studying is a burden to everyone.
______28. Allen diagnosed having depression. What could help her to ease and overcome her illness.
A. Think of the Recreational Activity
B. Look to the picture that makes her sad
C. Think of the best recreational activity where you can relax and unwind yourself for a while.
D. Socialize with friend.
______29. It is the mechanism that shows how we response in a anxiety.
A. Fight or Flight C. Fright and Flight Mechanism
B. Overcome the feeling or just let it be. D. Fight or Flight Mechanism
______30. Tolits’s response to his stressor is to relax and arrange each into place. This is an example of?
A. A positive response C. Letter A & B
B. Time management D. Fight or flight mechanism
______31. Picnic, Walking, Running, and Bird Hunting are example of what recreational activity?
A. Land B. Passive C. Outdoor D. Active
______32. Soccer, Hockey, and Basketball are example of what recreational activity?
A. Active B. Land C. Outdoor D. Exercise
______33. Consequences of BICYCLING (Road or Mountain)
A. trails for mountain biking may not be readily accessible Injuries include painful knees, feet, back
B. trails for mountain biking may not be readily accessible Injuries include painful knees, feet, back, and
saddle soreness Crashing can cause injuries and may be life- threatening
C. trails for mountain biking may not be readily accessible Injuries include painful knees, feet, back
May be expensive (cost for bike, helmet, gloves, etc.)
D. a lifetime activity
______34. Swimming, Diving, Kayaking are example of what recreational activity?
A. Water B. Outdoor C. Passive D. Beach
______35. Involves great deal of fun for activities
A. Free time B. Leisure time C. Recreational Activities D. Outdoor activities
______36. Ms. Helenita use to play bowling every weekend.
A. She is using her leisure time to do her recreational activity.
B. Teacher Kelly is unwinding.
C. She is using her leisure time. What sets these activities apart from traditional exercise routines is that
they are intrinsically motivated and are enjoyable.
D. All of the above
______37. This is an exercise that evaluates the strength of the arms and abdominal muscles as well as the
flexibility of the shoulder joint.
A. Squat B. Push up C. Lunge D. Trunk Rotation
______38. Aron wants to know if he is still in the right category of BMI. To compute, what are the details
A. Height and Weight C. Weight in kilogram and twice of Height in meter
B. Weight and twice of Height D. None of the Above
______39. Compute BMI. Weight = 51 kg : Height = 1.66 m
A. A.30.72 B. 18.48 C. 61.44 D. 9.24
______40. The BMI above is categorized under?
A. Normal B. Under Weight C. Starvation D. Overweight

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