Accounting The Shadows

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Accounting the Shadows: Unraveling Unethical Business Practices in a Philippine Company for


"Accounting the Shadows" in the research title suggests an investigation of hidden unethical practices
within a Philippine company's financial and operational activities. "Accounting" in this context goes
beyond the traditional financial sense and implies a critical observation of the concealed or unethical
aspects within the company. The term "shadows" metaphorically refers to the concealed practices that
might be unethical, irregular, or non-transparent.

In essence, "Accounting the Shadows" implies bringing to light and analyzing practices that are not
readily visible in the regular financial statements or operational reports. The objective is to uncover and
understand these hidden elements in order to address unethical practices and promote reform within
the company.

On the other hand, the term "unraveling" signifies the uncovering and disclosure of the details behind
unethical practices. It involves peeling back the layers of secrecy or deception to expose the true nature
of these practices.

In the context of the title, "for reform" implies that the study aims to not only uncover and analyze
unethical practices but also to contribute insights and recommendations for positive changes or
improvements in the business practices of the company. It suggests a focus on addressing and rectifying
the unethical aspects with the goal of promoting ethical behavior and responsible business conduct.

Statement of the Problem:

The study aims to analyze and examine unethical business practices within a Philippine firm.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following:

1. What are the specific instances of unethical business practices in the selected Philippine
company, and how do they impact its financial health, reputation, and overall operational
2. What are the root causes and contributing factors behind the unethical, including organizational
culture, governance structures, and systemic issues?
3. How do the uncovered unethical practices affect stakeholders, investors, and employees?
4. How can the study propose reforms that promote ethical behavior, enhance transparency, and
encourage responsible conduct, ultimately contributing to the overall integrity of the firms in the
Actual Cases of Unethical Practice in the Philippines:

• Jollibee Food Corporation - violated the security of tenure of its employees (illegal labor-only
contracting practices)

• Magnolia – illegal contracting practices (Endo process)

• Philippine Airlines – shipping of primates to laboratories

• Ayala Land, Inc. – false promises and undisclosed hazards (malpractice in the field of real estate)

• NutriAsia – workers illegally arrested, falsely accused and detained for exercising the right to strike

- Labor-only contracting, illegal deduction of wages, forced overtime, underpayment of

overtime pay, harassment and falsification of cases

• Nestle Corporation – misleading advertisements and false claims (“The Nestle Infant Formula Scandal”
or “The Baby Killer”)

Potential groups of respondents to consider:

1. Employees of the Company:

 Current and former employees can provide insights into the internal workings of the

 Department heads or managers may have information on practices within their areas.

2. Managers and Executives:

 Top-level executives and managers may offer perspectives on organizational culture,

policies, and decision-making processes.

3. Internal and External Auditors:

 Internal auditors can provide information on the effectiveness of internal controls.

 External auditors may offer insights into their audit processes and any identified

4. Regulatory Bodies:

 Representatives from regulatory bodies overseeing the industry can provide information
on compliance and enforcement.

5. Industry Experts:

 Experts in the specific industry can provide context and insights into common practices,
standards, and ethical considerations.

6. Customers and Clients:

 Individuals or organizations that have interacted with the company as customers or
clients may share their experiences and perceptions.

7. Ethics and Compliance Officers:

 If the company has ethics or compliance officers, they can offer information on existing
policies and measures in place.

8. Whistleblowers or Anonymous Sources:

 In some cases, individuals who have witnessed or experienced unethical practices may
be willing to share information anonymously.

9. Legal Experts:

 Legal professionals can provide insights into the legal implications of unethical practices
and any legal actions taken against the company.

10. Industry Associations:

 Representatives from industry associations may provide a broader perspective on ethical

standards within the sector.


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