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Chapter 1: Introduction |1


Background of the Study

As of 2004, the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources identified almost 500 rivers in the Philippines (EMB 2004). The same agency also noted that as early as 1996, only half of these rivers were still meeting the standards for its beneficial use. In response to this situation almost a decade ago and with the reality of the continuous degradation of the environment and the river system in particular, Republic Act (RA) 9725 popularly known as the Clean Water Act of 2004 was passed by Congress, which has the primary purpose of providing for comprehensive water quality management in the country.

The Pasig River, being one of the countrys major river systems along with its rich history and significance to Metro Manila and nearby areas, is still undergoing rehabilitation projects initiated by government and different sectors under the law. Starting 1930, a decline in the fish migration to Laguna de Bay from the Pasig River was noticed. After two decades, peoples bathing activities in the river became less followed by the decrease of washing activities. The river began to smell bad and its water quality fell below the Class C river in 1970. It was 1980 that all fishing activities in the river was stopped until the river was declared biologically dead in the 90s.

Given the following series of events, the rehabilitation of Pasig River was brought into the attention of the National Government. Various projects were started two decades ago and some changes can be noticed from the river, although all these seemed to be inadequate (Cruz 1997:97). The National Government created a body called the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC), who will be responsible for ensuring that the Pasig waterway is rehabilitated to its pristine conditions conducive

Chapter 1: Introduction |2 to transport, recreation and tourism (RA 9765) through the collaboration of the efforts of different national government agency, together with the local governments in Metro Manila. The Pasig River remains a Class C river in spite of the unwavering support for its rehabilitation from various sectors (EMB 2004).

In addition, the level of participation for the rehabilitation of the Pasig River is high among the non-government organizations (NGOs) but its success story is still far from reality. This means that the strength of the level of participation of NGOs is not the major factor to the rehabilitations success (Falcon 2000:25). The success of the rehabilitation would need the help of other stakeholders like the residents on the banks of these rivers (Deocariza n.d.: 45). The residents along the Pasig River, mostly illegal settlers, are major contributors to the pollution of the river, aside from other pollutants (Palafox nd). Theoretically, the success of the River Rehabilitation would rely on the impact of the programs and advocacies of the NGOs to the people residing in riverside villages, not only affecting aesthetically its physical environment, but also their attitudes towards the environment. As cited by De Groot (1996)for people to undertake action, they do not only need the capacity but also the motivation to do so (Elster 1989; De Groot 1992). In this field of motivating people, NGOs are seen to excel

Chapter 1: Introduction |3

Falls Below No more bathing in Pasig Decline in Migration of Fish to Laguna de Bay River Starts to Smell Class C II Water

Falls Below Class C Water

No Washing of Clothes

Decline in Ferry Boat Service

Decline in River Tourism

No Fishing









Figure 1. Timeline of Pasig River Deterioration

Chapter 1: Introduction |4 Statement of the Problem Main Research Problem: How do environmental non-governmental organizations programs, advocacies and projects influence the environmental behavior of residents residing along riverside barangays along the Pasig River?

Specific Research Problems: a) How do NGOs involve themselves in the rehabilitation of the Pasig River? b) What are the effects of NGOs to the environmental behavior of the residents in the riverside barangays? c) What are the implications of the environmental attitudes of the riverside residents on the river rehabilitation programs? d) What can the involved NGOs do to further influence the environmental attitudes of the residents on the banks of the Pasig River to attain the desired goal of the River Rehabilitation Programs?

Objectives of the Study

With the following conditions presented above, the research group has come up with the following objectives for the conduct of the study:

Main Research Objectives: To evaluate and assess the programs, projects and advocacies of NGOs in influencing the environmental attitudes of residents residing on selected riverside barangays towards the rehabilitation of Pasig River.

Chapter 1: Introduction |5 Specific Objectives

a) To determine the involvement NGOs involved in the Pasig River Rehabilitation programs b) To assess the effects of their programs, projects and advocacies on the environmental behavior of the residents in the riverside barangay. c) To determine the implications of the environmental behavior of the residents on the river rehabilitation programs; and d) To recommend measures to the involved NGOs on utilizing their influence on the environmental behavior of the residents of riverside barangays to further improve the implementation of the River Rehabilitations programs and projects.

Hypotheses This study sought to test the following hypothesis: 1. The programs and projects of non-government organizations in river rehabilitation sites have significant influence on the level of participation to the program of the residents of riverside barangays that are undergoing rehabilitation. 2. The programs and projects of non-government organizations in river rehabilitation sites have significant influence orientation and views of the residents of riverside barangays to the rivers. 3. The level of participation of the residents of riverside barangays of rivers that are undergoing rehabilitation has a significant influence on the success of the rehabilitation program. Scope and Limitations Given the research questions and objectives above, this paper focuses not on the technical and mechanistic, clean-the-river, relocate-the-people, no-waste-dumping approach in the rehabilitation of the river, which were the approach taken by some past studies. It endeavors a more humanistic

Chapter 1: Introduction |6 approach by studying the attitudes and behavior of the residents of the riverside barangays towards the river and its rehabilitation

It should be noted that, for clarifying the scope of this paper, the paper has the following limitations: 1. The study only focuses on NGOs effectiveness in river rehabilitation- in terms of its influence on social cooperation, with respect to environmental conditions, and the environmental attitudes of the residents living on the riverside. 2. The study shall only be conducted for selected riverside barangays where NGOs have active advocacies. 3. Major NGOs identified by the literatures are the focus of the research. Definition of Terms The following are the basic concepts in this paper, the operational definition as used in the study.

Environmental attitude - refers to the peoples knowledge and awareness about the environment -a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating perceptions of (or beliefs regarding) the natural environment, including factors affecting its quality, with some degree of favour or disfavour Environmental NGOs - the nongovernment sector is characterized as being: organized as a separate entity, private and separate from government, self-governing, nonprofit distributing, and being voluntary where membership is non-obligatory, with advocacy focused on environment issues and concerns

Influence -a power affecting a person or course of events based on prestige, ability or position

Riverside barangays -barangays along Pasig River

Chapter 1: Introduction |7






Figure 1.1: Theoretical Framework

Chapter 1: Introduction |7

This study anchors on a basic theoretical framework, that is, through the projects, programs and advocacies and with the mechanism of working in the grassroots level with hand-in hand interaction with the people, a change in the environmental attitude would occur. These projects/programs/advocacies were treated as input that will result to the output, environmental attitudes. These environmental attitudes include the perception of residents towards the river and the environment in general, the beliefs on the rehabilitations success and the day-to-day attitudes of the people that have impact on the environment (e.g. waste disposal). The environmental attitude will, in turn, be an input/deciding factor on the rehabilitation projects of the NGOs. Although not the sole factor on the success or failure of the rehabilitation projects, these attitudes will play a big part on the rehabilitation efforts. As what has been noted in the literatures, these environmental attitudes are largely responsible for the citizens' protective and participatory behavior on environmental issues.

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