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Rotterdam University Applied Science

16-19 January 2023

Session: Low-land Climate Adaptation: in The North Coast of Central Java

Protection in the 21st.

Title: Concept and Action Plan of Protection and Adaptation

in Low-land of the North Coast of Central Java, Indonesia

S. Imam Wahyudi, Prof. Dr., Ir.

Civil Engineering Dept, Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA),

Semarang, Indonesia

Cooperation with:
Plan of Presentation
• INTRODUCTION: Flooding, Extreme
1 Rainfall & Highest Sea Water Level
• Land Subsidence & Sea Level Rise
2 Northern of Centrale Java
• Updating condition during Flooding -
3 Innundation

4 • Plan and Action

5 • Conclusion and Perspective

1.1 Extreme Rain Fall

With extreme rainfall intensity of 171 mm / day and 156 mm / day, in February
2021, and 31 December 2022, the lower part of Semarang City experienced
floods: Airport, Kota Lama, Simpang Lima, Kaligawe, …

Several areas in the Pantura of Central Java also experienced flooding:

Regencies and Municipalities of Brebes, Pekalongan, Tegal, Demak, Semarang,

What efforts and innovations are needed to mitigate the flood disaster?
1.2. Highest High Sea Water Level

✓ Highest tide + 2.1 M above sea level, 23 to 27 May 2022, in the North of Central
Java. Several land areas of the northern coast of Central Java is lower (+0.5 to
+1.5 m)
✓ Affected Tidal Flood city districts, have not been protected Polder Sistem yet:
Brebes, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Demak, Jepara, Rembang, and in
Semarang, especially the Tanjung Emas Port Area
✓ Alternatives Solution: (1) Migration, (2) Protection and (3) Adaptation
Brebes, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Demak
The most Tidal flood Regency /City in Centrale Java
There is a Land Subsidence Phenomenon in
Semarang, Pekalongan, …. 3 – 13 cm / year
Highest Tide Elevation:
+1.67 mm (in 2017) and
+2.10 9 (in 2022)
Campus area elevation
+1.00 m
Flooding extreme
in 2021: +1.50 m in 5
In 2023: +1.65 m in 2

(Hasanudin, ITB, 2020) Ground Water decrease & soft

soil conditions
2.2 Sea Level Rise

8 mm / year North of Jawa Sea

(Ref: Bappenas, 2008)

Highest Tide Elevation:

+1.67 m (in 2017) and
+2.10 m (in 2022)
Campus area elevation +1.00 m
Flooding extreme rainfall:
in 2021: +1.50 m, in 5 days
In 2023: +1.65 m,in 2 days 9
3. Updating Condition Flooding and protected areas:
Brebes, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Demak
• Brebes Regency • Tegal City
Tidal Flood in Randusanga area that Tidal Flood in the west area (Desa Muara
are between Gangsa & Sigeleng river. Reja, K. Gangsa), and the east area (Desa
Panggung, K. Ketiwon)
- Concept area protected and adapted
- Some area protected by Polder System
- Starting implemented Floating
- Operation and maintenance system
Building (Floating market)
- Manggrove area protection
• Pekalongan Regency • Pekalongan City
Tidal Flood and rain in West coastal area West area (S. Meduri & Bremi), Center
(Depok) – Sistem K. Sragi lama & baru. (Loji), East (Degayu,)
East area : Tirto - K. Meduri. - Implemented Polder System in Pabean
Area, Not yet connected system
- Good Implemented Polder System in
Wanakerta area - Constructing water gate in principal
- Adaptation area in the north of dike and
coastal line
Semarang City

➢ 80% good protected by Polder System:

➢ Banger River, Semarang River, Tenggang –
Sringin River, …
➢ Good and save during high tide and
medium rainfall (50 – 100 mm / day)
➢ Most Flood are from extreme rain fall >
150 mm a day
Demak Regency:
Tidal Flood and Rainfall: The area between Babon River – Sayung River,
and Sayung River, Gonjol dan Onggorawe (Sayung, Sidogemak, Loireng,
Timbulsloko, …

- Some land area become part of the sea, not only flooding

- Some areas will be protected by Toll Road Polder System

- The mayority area need to adapt to live (Migration, pile contruction,
- Built by Nature (mangrove) that can protect erosion but not sea level rise
4. Plan and Action for Handling
❑Technical & Integrated Solution
✓Polder System
✓Cascade Area and Spongy
✓Integrated Solution: Multy Aspects and Stake holders
❑Components of Polder System: Storage, Drainase system, Sea Dike,
Storage, Pump station
✓ Add Pump capacities → Permanent Pump and Mobil Pump Permanen,
✓ More water storage
✓ Maintance Drainage system
✓ Need better Operation maintenance (OM) Management & finance
✓ ….

New Pabean New Sringin Example Mobil

Pump Station Pump Station Pump Demak
Pekalongan Semarang
More Water Storage in Polder System Area
• Retention Pond → Integreted with Toll Road: Semarang - Demak
• Reservoir Dam → Pekalongan
• Long storage → Brebes, Pekalongan, Semarang, Demak
• Land use control: Keep blue area

Kolam Retensi Tawang Longstorage Pekalongan

Retention Pond, Semarang

4.2 Rechanelling: Interconnected Chanels, Flushing Facility
4.3 CASCADE and SPONGY → Ide from Water as Laverage (2019,
Infiltration well, Bio-pori, Gound water box
Spongy area in upstream area

Cross Chanel to
connect Drain system

4.4 Integrated Water Management:
Multy Aspects and Stake holders
- The main duties of the water-board is occur its operational and maintenance of both
technical and non-technical consisting on 5 aspects:


Cooperate with Dutch Water Authority,

HHSK Rotterdam Water Board

Legale Polder Financial


Institution Soscial
Thank you
Dank je wel
Terima kasih

Soft Opening, 2016

Banger Polder System, Semarang

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