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AA-G级 别

RAZ-aa 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇

1 Farm Animals animals, chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, pig, sheep

2 Go,Go,Go animals, birds, cats, cows, dogs, ducks, go, goats, pigs

3 Jump Over cat, cow, deer, fox, girl, goat, horse, jumps, over

4 Pets bird, bunny, cat, dog, goldfish, hamster, mouse, turtle

5 Plains Animals crocodile, elephant, giraffe, ostrich, plains, zebra

6 Rainforest Animals beetle, butterfly, monkey, parrot, rainforest, snake

7 The Coast beach, birds, cliff, coast, lighthouse, ocean, rocks, waves

8 Water ice, lake, ocean, rain, river, snow, water

9 Spring ball, bikes, birds, bunny, flowers, rain, rainbow, spring

ball, beach, flowers, garden, rain, summer, sunshine,
10 Summer
11 It Is Fall acorn, apple, corn, jacket, leaf, moon, pumpkin, rake

12 Winter coat, fire, ice skates, mittens, sled, snow, snowman, winter

13 The Ocean coral, crab, ocean, sand, seaweed, starfish

14 The Plant dirt, hole, plant, rain, seed, shovel, sunshine

15 The Chicken beak, chicken, egg, feathers, feet, legs, tail, wings

16 These Birds birds, crows, doves, eagles, geese, hawks, owls, turkeys

17 Rain on fairyland animals,fairies,flowers,leaves,rain,roofs

18 Jungle Friends friends, frog, jungle, monkey, snake, tiger

19 Animals Nap bat, fish, giraffe, horse, lizard, naps

20 Colorful Eggs blue, colorful, egg, green, orange, pink, purple, red
21 Purple shirt,hat,backpack, ball, bucket, flip-flop, ice pop, purple

22 Yellow bus, cab, hat, light, lines, signs, truck, vest, yellow
bench, bike, blue, bottle, helmet, playground, sky, slide,
23 Blue
24 Green bird, forest, frog, grass, insect, leaf, lizard, moss, snake

25 Orange butterfly,field,flower,leaf,orange,pumpkin,snake,sunset,tree
apple, beet, cherry, pepper, potato, radish, red,strawberry,
26 Red
27 White fox, igloo, owl, seal, snow, whale,flowers,eggs,white

28 Black cape, sheet, stage, suit, tie, wand,hat,rabbit,black

29 One bed, blanket, book, desk, one, pillow, rug, toy, window

30 Two birds, bugs, cats, cows, dogs, fish, horses, kids, two
bears, camels, elephants, frogs, lions, monkeys,
31 Three
airplanes, boats, buses, cars, carts, four, trucks, vans,
32 Four
33 Five bowls, chairs, cups, five, forks, lunches, pans, plates, spoons

34 Six coat, dresses, gloves, hats, pants, shirts, shorts, six, socks
turtles, worms,bees, frogs, ladybugs, lizards, seven, snakes,
35 Seven
backpacks, bottles, chairs, eight, friends, hot dogs,lights,
36 Eight
raincoats, sticks
bulls, chickens, cows, geese, goats, horses, nine, pigs,
37 Nine
apples, beets, carrots, lemons, pears,
38 Ten
potatoes,Ten,strawberries, tomatoes
balloons, candy bars, cards, cupcakes, eleven, friends,hats,
39 Eleven
pizzas, presents
aprons, bowls, cookies, cups, hats, pans, plates, spoons,
40 Twelve
41 Counting Bugs bugs,one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, many

42 One Insect body, five, four, head, legs, one, six, three, two
43 Counting Letters one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, letter, word

44 The Street bike, fence, flowers, friend, gate, mailbox, sidewalk

45 City Street buildings, bus, city, food, people, sidewalk, steps, street, taxi
big, buildings, buses, cars, noise, park, people, stores,
46 The City
bridge, gate, ladder, slide, swing, wheel, sandbox,
47 The Playground
cookies, eggnog, lights, meal, presents, stockings, tree,
48 Christmas Eve
49 My Hanukkah bread, candle, family, gift, Hanukkah, toy, candy, cookie

50 Too Many Sweets belly, brownie, cookie, cupcake, ice cream, pie, cake, candy

51 Lunch At School bag, carrots, cookie, friends, lunch, milk, napkin, noodles
balloons, chocolates, cookies, flowers, gifts, valentine, candy,
52 Valentine's Day Gifts
53 Pasta curly, green, long, pasta, red, short, thin, wide, yummy

54 My Gift for Mom bow, bowl, box, day, gift, hug, paper, smile
beans, corn, garden, melons, onions, peas, potatoes,
55 The Garden
ball, baseball, basketball, beach, football, golf, soccer, tennis,
56 Play Ball
57 The Baseball Game base, baseball, bat, helmet, team, uniform, field, hat, game
book, car, clothes, dog, grandparents, map, seat belt,
58 The Trip
59 The Supermarket bread, carts, cereal, eggs, fruits, meat, vegetables, checkout

60 The Zoo lion,tiger,bear,wolf,ape,chimp,snake,zebra,zoo

art, classroom, gym, library, lunchroom, music, playground,
61 The School
room, school
62 The Classroom backpack, book, classroom, chair, desk, eraser, paper, pencil

63 Summer Camp bus, kids, art, camp, games, lake, lunch, songs

64 Summer Picnics cups, foods, fun, hats, picnics, plates, shoes, summer, sun
65 The Post Office letter, line, mailbox, scale, stamp, worker, money, post office

66 The Bookstore door, bookstore, chair, helpers, room, snacks, story, books

67 On an Airplane airplane, pilot, seat, snack, ticket, window, bag, sky

68 The Subway doors, gate, stairs, subway, ticket, tunnel

69 At The Lake boat, dock, fish, lake, rock, swimsuit

70 The Backyard backyard, ball, dog, fence, flower, hose, swing, tree

71 My School Bus bench, bus, door, school, seat, steps, walk, window

72 Fido Gets Dressed boots, cape, mask, scarf, sunglasses, sweater

73 Picking Apples apples, basket, farmer, friends, ladder, tractor

74 My Closet belts, blankets, closet, hangers, pants, shoes

75 The Birthday Party balloons, birthday, candles, gifts, guests, singing

76 Show Some Love card, gift, hand, hug, kiss, lick, pat, smile
cookie jar, counter, cupboard, fridge, sink, stove, toaster,
77 This Kitchen
trash can
78 My Bath bath, bubbles, shampoo, soap, towel, tub

79 Toys bear, blocks, drum, kite, paint, plane, robot, wagon

80 We Build draw, drill, glue, hammer, hang, paint, sand, saw

81 We Go Camping camp, drive, spot, stories, tent, tools

82 The Fort blankets, chairs, food, fort, friends, games, lights, pillows

83 My Garden garden, hoe, hose, plants, seeds, shovel

84 The Book back cover, front cover, letters, number, pages, title

85 My Easter basket, candy, dress, Easter, eggs, family

86 Mom eyes, help, love, smile, tuck, voice

87 The Movie line, movie, popcorn, screen, seats, tickets
brother, family, father, grandfather, grandmother, me,
88 My Family
mother, my, sister
89 Good Night blanket, dream, kiss, Moon, pillow, story

90 Funny Cat funny,cat,hat,shirt,bow,tie,pants,boots,glasses

91 Big big, bus, car, dinosaur, dog, elephant, house, plane, tree

92 Little baby, bug, car, dog, house, little, mouse, plane, tree

93 Under bed, chair, desk, pillow, swing, table, tree, umbrella, under

94 On airplane, bed, bike, fence, house, on, skates, swing, table

95 In bathtub, boat, car, grass, house, in, mud, wagon, water

96 Out bathtub, boat, car, grass, house, mud, out, wagon, water

97 Off chair, computer, couch, off, step, towel

98 Over ball, bat, bike, cat, doll, hole, log, pot

99 The Market cookies, market, farmers, tents, jam, vegetables

100 These Are Opposites dry, round, lat, small, hat, wet
RAZ-A 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇

1 Pond Animals ducks, frogs, pond, swans, turtles, worms

2 My Dog climb, dig, dog, hug, jump, over, roll, run, sit, swim

3 The Big Cat cat, cleans, climbs, eats, hides, looks, plays, runs, sleeps

4 The Forest deer, forest, fox, mushroom, rabbit, squirrel, stream, tree

5 Mom and I apes, dolphins, elephants, giraffes, kangaroos, zebras

6 What Lives Here? animals, bear, bee, child, deer, fish, frog, here, live, worm

7 Baby Animals calf, chick, cub, foal, kid, kitten, lamb, puppy
daisies, flowers, lilies, love, mums, poppies, roses,
8 I Love Flowers
sunflowers, violets
9 Hamster Home ball, cage, food, hamster, home, nest, tube, water, wheel

10 Oh,Raccoon awake, hungry, messy, raccoon, smart, sneaky

11 Birds Goes Home tree, farm, city, street, tables, cars, mountains, home

12 Spring Weather clouds, comes, flowers, fog, rain, spring, storm, sun, wind
broccoli, cabbage, chile pepper, lettuce, potato,
13 Vegetables
14 Fruit Colors blue, fruits, green, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow
big, butterfly, green, hello, new, red, small, spotted,
15 Hello, Butterfly
16 Shapes in Nature circle, heart, oval, shape, spiral, square, star, triangle

17 Spring and Fall birds, corn, fall, leaves, see, spring

18 The Rainstorm clouds, lightning, puddle, rain, rainbow, sky, Sun

19 Rabbits big, black, fast, fluffy, rabbit, short, small, tall, white

20 Snake Colors black, blue, green, orange, pink, red, snake, white, yellow
21 I See My Colors blue, brown, gold, green, orange, pink, purple, red
bird, blue, brown, colors, gray, green, orange, pink,
22 Bird Colors
purple, red, yellow
count, five, four, I, many, one, seven, sheep, six, three,
23 Bedtime Counting
24 Carlos Counts Kittens five, four, kittens, many, one, seven, six, three, two

25 Maria Counts Pumpkins five, four, one, pumpkin, seven, six, three, two

26 This Insect beautiful, furry, insect, shiny, spotted, striped

27 Halloween Pumpkins face, Halloween, make, monster, pumpkin, spider

28 Fruit fruit,cherry,pear,banana,tomato,apple,orange,lemon

29 Going Places bike, boat, bus, car, horse, plane, skateboard, train

30 Now We Bake bake, frost, pour, serve, shop, wait

31 My Easter Eggs fancy, plain, silly, spooky, starry, stormy

32 This Is My Halloween brother, bucket, candy, Halloween, jacket, pumpkin

33 Halloween Houses candles, fog, ghosts, monsters, pumpkins, webs

34 Smells Like Thanksgiving gravy, smell, stuffing, Thanksgiving, turkey, yams

35 This Feels dry, feels, rough, smooth, warm, wet

36 Where to Go beach, game, museum, parade, playground, woods

car, doors, engine, lights, seats, seat belts, trunk, wheels,
37 Car Parts
38 Fun In The Water dive, fish, float, paddle, play, sail, splash, swim, water

39 I Draw A Bunny body, bunny, draw, ears, tail, teeth

add, banana, berries, brownie, candy, hot fudge, ice
40 Sundae Time
cream, nuts, spoons
41 This Tastes bitter, bland, juicy, old, sour, spicy

42 What Do I Hear? hear, music, snores, waves, whispers, wind

43 The Mall food, mall, people, stores, toys, workers
button, dark, large, metal, round, shiny, small, square,
44 All Kinds Of Buttons
add, lettuce, beets, onions, carrots, peppers, cheese,
45 Make A Salad
tomatoes, dressing
bounces, rolls, dumps, spins, falls, sprays, flies, toy,
46 Move It
47 Our Apartment Building apartment, building, city, elevator, hallway, mailbox

48 This Is My Bear bear, brown, ears, fat, feet, fur, love, soft
brush, computer, crayon, finger, marker, pen, pencil,
49 Write!
stick, write
50 This Sounds boring, noisy, quiet, silly, sounds, squeaky

51 Time for Eggs carry, collect, cook, count, crack, eggs

52 This Looks dirty, funny, pretty, shiny, ugly, wild

53 I Go park,store,movies,zoo,library,room

54 My Room bed, books, clothes, desk, fish, room, shoes, toys

55 A Fish Sees book, friend, lamp, picture, sees, toy

56 Go Fly a Kite butterfly, dragon, fly, kite, rainbow, shark

57 He Runs boat, plane, pool, school, store, train

backpack, brother, crayons, eraser, hug, lunch, pencils,
58 Maria Goes to School
ride, ruler, sweater
59 Carlos Goes to School backpack, crayons, eraser, pencils, ruler, sweater

60 I Can climb, crawl, hop, jump, play, ride, run, swing

backpack, belt, glasses, jacket, pants, put, shirt, shoes,
61 Getting Dressed
62 These Shoes big, blue, funny, old, red, shiny, shoes, tall, wet

63 What I Like bees, birds, flowers, outside, slide, swing

64 I Love Pirates gold, love, parrots, ropes, sails, ships

65 The Parade balloons, clowns, drums, flags, hats, horses, parade

66 I Dream dream, monsters, robots, space, sports, super powers

67 Clean, Not Clean clean, food, hand, not, room, shoe

68 Building with Blocks boat, build, castle, house, maze, plane

bathroom, bedroom, dining room, door, hall, house,
69 My House
kitchen, living room
brother, dad, dog, friend, mom, sister, smile, teacher,
70 Smile
71 Make Me Laugh clowns, comics, friends, laugh, pets, tickles

72 I Set the Table cloth, flower, fork, glass, knife, napkin, plate, spoon

73 I Save Money dime, dollar(s), nickel, penny, quarter, save

74 My Body arm, belly, body, chest, foot, hand, head, leg, my

75 What Makes Me Happy bubbles, friends, happy, make, swings, trains

76 My Hair black, blond, braided, curly, hair, long, short, straight

77 Athletes athletes, dive, ride, swim, throw, win

78 Nice, Not Nice hit, kick, nice, pull, push, this

79 Safe, Not Safe fire, ice, not, safe, street, water

80 You Can Dance bend, dance, hop, leap, prance, skip, spin, step

81 I Can Skate backward, fast, forward, jump, slow, spin

82 My Little Brother brother, feed, help, hold, meet, rock

83 Muscles jump, kick, lift, muscles, pull, push, run, smile, stretch

84 Dad and I bake, bike, dad, garden, hug, play, swim, walk, write

85 For Mom carry, clean, cook, draw, mom, read, sing, sleep, smile

86 My Face cheek, chin, eye, eyebrow, mouth, nose

87 All kinds of Faces excited, face, happy, mad, sad, scared, shy, sleepy, sorry

88 Grandparents Are Great garden, golf, grandparents, hike, paint, sew

89 We Can Make Sounds clap, pop, slap, snap, sounds, tap

90 In and Out cats, cows, dogs, in, mud, out, pigs

91 Up and Down dog, down, eyes, frog, hands, up

92 Who Has It ? has, have, he, I, she, they, we, who, you

93 This Smells ! bad, clean, dirty, smells, sour, sweet

94 Opposites closed, down, fast, open, slow, up

95 Hot and Cold cold, food, hot, people, place, things

bell, candle, cookies, flower, name, Santa, snowflake,
96 Christmas Cookies
snowman, tree
above, behind, below, between, far, hid, inside, near,
97 Where They Hid
98 Scary,Not Scary house, scary, mask, treat, not, trick

99 This Lizard bumpy, smooth, colorful, spotted, plain, striped

100 I Push baby, cart, bike, door, button, swing

RAZ-B 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇

1 Taking Care of Chase brush, dog, dry, feed, love, pet, walk, wash

2 The Pet Rats chew, class, climb, drink, hide, sleep

3 Gracie's nose birds, bugs, busy, ear, lunch, roses, sniffs, toes

4 Playful Puppy ball, be, frog, get, let, little, mouse,puppy, sees, turtle

5 My Pet Dinosaur beg, dinosaur, fetch, pet, roar, shake hands

animals, barn, chicken, cow, dog, duck, farm, field, goat,
6 On the Farm
hay, hill, house, mud, pig, pond, sheep
7 Bonkers Likes to Bark bark, bikes, birds, kids, likes, squirrels
bark, bees, birds, buzz, cats, chirp, cows, dads, dogs,
8 Animal Sounds ducks, hiss, lions, meow, moo,oink, pigs,
quack, roar, snakes, snore
9 Pond Life beavers, ducks, plants, pond, snails, turtles

10 Where is Water ground, lakes, ocean, rivers, sky, water

desert, Earth, flower, hill, lake, mountain, ocean, river,
11 I Love the Earth
12 Animal Coverings armor, feathers, scales, shells, skin, spines

13 Animal Ears big, ear, long, pointed, round, small, spotted, striped

14 The New Forest Path bird, bug, flower, forest, leaves, moss, path

15 What Has These Feet animals, duck, little, elephant,big, feet, shark, soft, tiger

16 What Has These Stripes animal, fuzzy, long, smooth, snake, stripes

17 What Has This Tail animal, curly, long, person, short, tail

18 What Has These Spots animal, cheetah, fawn, lemur, spots, tiny

19 Amazing Caves bright, cave, crystals, drawings, sharp, shiny

20 Animals Can Move crawl, hop, move, slither, swim, walk

21 Rain in the CIty clouds, drain, lightning, puddle, rain, rainbow

22 Rain in the Country clouds, lightning, mud, puddle, rainbow, Sun

23 Gobi Desert Animals camels, eagles, Gobi Desert, horses, lizards, wolves

24 Wind Blows across, leaves, against, sand, blows, wind

25 How Many Legs animals, eight, four, legs, many, six, ten, two

26 what flies in the sky balloon, bat, bee, bird, flies, kite, rocket, sky
door, fence, grass, hose, mom, paint, purple, shoes,
27 Paint It Purple
28 Our Show act, bows, dance, juggle, sing, stars

29 Ten bows, crows, jugs, mugs, roses, ten

30 My Brian think, see, talk, listen, movw, sleep, laugh, everything

31 High or Low balloons, boards, high, hoops, low, slides

32 Healthy Snacks celery, cereal, cheese, healthy, seeds, snacks

33 Things Made of Wood bridges, chairs, fences, made, puzzles, wood

34 What Gives Cover cave, cover, log, mushroom, tent, umbrella

35 Fun With Paper change, paper, fold, tape, glue, tear

always, bananas, boats, frowns, hands, pencils, smiles,
36 Bananas Sometimes
sometimes, spiders, telephone
37 Henry's Hike deer, hikes, mud, past, pond, trail
add, apples, applesauce, cinnamon, cook, cut, green,
38 Applesauce
mash, red, yellow
apples, carrots, cheese, crackers, drinks, grapes, pack,
39 We Pack a Picnic
picnic, sandwiches
apples, basket, cheese, chips, cookies, mouse, picnic,
40 The Picnic
puts, sandwiches, soda pop
41 We Make Cookies butter, eggs, flour, milk, mix, oven, salt, sugar, yum

42 Halloween Costumes clown, costume, dragon, look, pirate, superhero

43 On Thanksgiving clean, cook, drive, football, Thanksgiving, visit

44 The Aquarium flip, float, glide, jellyfish, otters, tank

45 Too High chair, hook, hoop, roof, shelf, sink

46 Trucks carry, cement, garbage, logs, mail, trucks

47 So Many Shops cheese, fruit, meat, sells, shop, vegetables

48 Animal Caution Signs cattle, caution, elephants, kangaroos, turtle, watch

49 Stop That Cat door, fence, nap, past, yard, zooms

animals, bike, boat, car, cat, cow, dog, duck, go, goat,
50 Go Animals Go
horse, pig, plane, skates, train
aunt, brother, dad, dog, grandma, grandpa, mom, read,
51 I Read a Book
52 I Pick Up blanket, book, pick, room, shoes, teddy bear

53 You and I dance, fun, hike, ride, slide, swing

54 Carlos and His Teacher add, clean, paint, share, teacher, write

55 Maria and Her Teacher clean, read, smile, talk, teacher, write
airplane, art class, chain, drawing, flower, hat, love,
56 I Love Art Class
mess, painting
baseball, dress-up, hide-and-seek, play, soccer, video
57 Games We Play
58 The Big Game cheer, dress up, football, friends, game, watch

59 Clean Is Not for Me dirt, grass, hay, ketchup, oil, paint

60 Beach Fun beach, castles, dig, kites, shells, swim

61 Taking the Bus bus, pay, ride, school, wait, walk

brown, gold, grandma, leaves, many, orange, rake, red,
62 Too Many Leaves
air, car, cold, feels, fence, handle, hot chocolate, mail,
63 A Cold Day
mailbox, tree
64 The Kids Built It built, city, house, park, road, store
catching, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday,
65 Firefly
tried, Tuesday, Wednesday

66 Under My Bed bat, bed, block, book, sock, under

answers, hairbrushes, secrets, share, tissues,
67 We Do Not Share
68 After School act, bike, dance, play, sing, study

69 All By Myself build, color, dress, listen, myself, think

70 Boats boat, carries, logs, poilce, planes, trash

71 Old and New bikes, houses, new, old, pickup trucks, teddy bears
72 The Sandwich
73 Valentines All Around dad, pappy, granny, mom, one, you

74 Mixing Colors brown, colors, mix, orange, purple, turn

75 It is School Time breakfast, reading, recess, school, science, time

76 Time For Soccer cleats, goal, greet, pass, score, uniform

construction worker, doctor, firefighter, nurse, pilot,
77 I Am a Community Worker
police officer
78 Winter Fun coats, mittens, pants, scarves, sleds, winter

79 It is Spring animals, everywhere, leaves, plants, pops, spring

80 Sophie Goes for a Walk fresh, jumpy, leash, mailman, sniffs, steak

81 Your or Mine bed, food, my, room, tail, your

82 Near and Far Away deer, far, lion, near, owl, wolf

83 You Can Go across, around, backward, forward, over, through

84 Swing, Sydney, Swing beside, between, chickens, nest, farm, swing

85 Bridges bridges, made, metal, rope, stone, wood

86 Where bear, brown, father, honey, house, mother

87 Are These His or Hers clothes, jacket, jeans, pajamas, shirt, shorts

88 Lazy Lulu blows, feather, fly, lazy, leaf, seed

89 Light and Heavy dog, heavy, lift, light, log, rock, stick

90 The Hungry Goat ate, clothes, goat, math, problem, stinky

91 Three Baby Birds away, baby, birds, flew, grew, last, mama, rest

92 Two Little Dicky Birds away, back, dicky birds, fly, hill, met

93 Wet Wally lunch, phone, shoes, swimming, tie, wet

94 Drop It burger, doll, drop, keys, paper, slipper

95 Mouse in the City city, climbs, hides, lucky, nibbles, smells

96 Crows on a Wire another, away, crow, flew, landed, wire

97 Wake up, Rooster farmer, horse, long, rooster, slept, woke

98 Make a Superhero cape, mask, muscle, power, saves, superhero

99 This Turtle turtle,small,swim,walk,digg,snap,hide

RAZ-C 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇

bears, dinosaurs, elephants, giraffes, lions, monkeys,

1 What Is at the Zoo
sea lions, tigers, zoo

2 More Baby Animals called, donkey, gorilla, know, koala, owl

3 All About Spiders climb, eggs, eight, lays, silk, spiders

4 Ladybugs colors, insects, ladybugs, plants, spots, stripes

5 Apple Tree blooms, comes, cycle, grows, sprout, wait

eggs, froglets, frogs, grow, lays, legs, smaller,
6 How Frogs Grow
tadpoles, tails
7 Moms Do So Much cuddling,feeding,protecting,singing,teaching,washing

8 Allie and Ollie chase, dogs,people, sisters, sleep, think

bugs, crunch, fish, fruit, grass, gulp, leaves, munch,
9 What Animals Eat
seeds, slurp, zap
10 The Animals of Canada bear, eagle, goose, lives, loon, moose

11 Different Kinds of Sharks different, sharks, sharp, spots, stripes, teeth

12 We Count count, crickets, fleas, grubs, slugs, ten

13 Many Kinds of Dinosaurs dinosaur, head, kind, leg, live, teeth

14 Snow Falls clouds, desert, falls, forest, mountains, plains

15 Strange Animals animals,blue dragon,living,rosy,strange,water bear

16 That's a Fruit avocado, eggplant, fruits, pumpkin, surprise, tomato

17 All About Penguins birds, black, cold, penguins, swim, white

big, blue, brown, earthworm, plant, red, ring,
18 All about Earthworms
small, soil
19 Ice forms, freezes, ice, slippery, water, wet

20 Animals That Sting defend, hurt, jellyfish, safe, sting, wasp

arms, candles, eight, eyes, five, four, kites, nine, see,
21 How Many?
seven, six, smiles, three, two, wheels, windows, wings
22 Spirals, Spirals Everywhere cloud, finger, horn, shape, shell, spiral
comets, day, Moon, night, planets, satellites, sky,
23 Space
space, stars

24 The Moon changes, cycle, dark, different, full, thin

25 Then and Now camera, cell phone, computer, new, old, television
banjo, bear, drum, elk, fiddle, fife, fox, horn, jam, owl,
26 The Woodsy Band Jam
rabbit, raccoon, spring, woodchuck
apples, bananas, carrots, cookies, corn on the cob,
27 Yummy, Yummy
jam, lima beans, peas, pizza, popcorn, yucky, yummy
28 Mash the Potatoes boil, count, eat, mash, peels, potatoes
chips, cilantro, lemon juice, onion, pepper, peppers,
29 Making Salsa
salsa, salt, tomato
30 We Learn to Swim dunk, float, learning, paddle, practice, swim

31 The Easter Egg Hunt Easter, eggs, find, pot, rake, swing

32 What Can I Be ghost, Halloween, mummy, pale, shiny, sweet

33 Going Away chug, float, pedal, rocket, sail, zoom

34 A Place Called Home city, country, home, state, street, world

35 City Shapes hexagons, oval, rectangles, shapes, squares, triangles

36 Road Trip bridge,dam,Grand Canyon,mountain,road trip,yawns

37 Shadows blocked, long, round, shape, short, square

38 Building a Road built, flattened, gravel, painted, paved, spread

airplanes, detail, grow, idea, machines, main, places,
39 Airplanes
tricks, ways
40 Rocks boulder, broke, mountain, pebble, rock, stone
boy, cannot, dog, duck, elephant, girl, in, man, pig,
41 Get In
42 We Buy bank, buys, clothes, crayons, furniture, tools
43 Birthday Party bakery, balloon, birthday, games, party, shopping

44 Fall Fun carve, fall, friends, pick, rake, roasted

busy, children, count, game, numbers, picture, school,
45 Busy at School
share, snacks, song, story, toys

46 Taking Turns cut out, drink, first, read, slide, turn

47 What Can We Draw draw, hairy, heap, fluffy, shower, together

48 I Can Be cheetah, meek, peacock, proud, silent, slug

49 At the Fair fair, favorite, giant, painted, tiny, wheel

back, bottom, brush, front, minutes, teeth,
50 Teeth Brushing Fun
toothpaste, top, twice
dog, dream, feed, hug, love, play, read, something,
51 What I Want
teach, want, walk
52 My Clothes Are Too Small brother, grown, small, summer, sweatshirt, too
dice, eyes, gloves, one, pair, shoes, skates, socks,
53 Pairs
twins, two, wings

54 I Looked Everywhere closet, everywhere, looked, shoe, toy box, under

55 I Won't book, mask, picture, scary, song, watch

56 Jack and Lily's Favorite Food chicken, different, pork, salmon, same, tuna

57 Spring Cleaning basement, clean, kitchen, living room, porch, spring

58 Machines at Home blender, dry, freeze, machines, make, wash

animals, cats, fish, lots, purr, sheep, sleep, wonder,
59 I wonder
60 Go Away, Lily ate, played, ran, read, sat, slept

61 Lucy Did It clang, crash, ding, plop, rip, whoosh

arms, eyes, friends, house, mouth, nose, play, snow,
62 We Make a Snowman
snowman, soup
airplane, bucket, drum, fort, make, phone, puppet,
63 New Again
sprinkler, things
bucket, noodle, soaked, sponge, squirt gun, water
64 Water Fight
65 Tools carrying, digging, knife, pounding, tools, wheelbarrow

66 Pick Me ! agreed, always, everyone, kickball, last, picked

67 We Make Good Choices choices, fair, healthy, helpful, quiet, try

bacon, breakfast, cereal, eggs, fruit, muffin, toast,
68 What's for Breakfast
69 Winter Hats floppy, funny, furry, fuzzy, hat, long, silly, wear, winter
crickets, mealworms, spiders, squid, surprising, water
70 You Like What

71 The Festival of Lights candle, festival, Hanukkah, lights, middle, night

72 I Can Help clean, wash, plant, make, hold, wash, feed

73 Quiet or Loud game, library, loud, places, play, quiet

74 How Many Wheels? four, move, one, three, two, wheels

75 What Do I Wear chest, heart, smile, waist, wears, wrist

76 Wash Your Hands bathroom, between, fingers, pet, sneeze, wash

77 Elephant Car Wash driver, tire, elephant, washes, laughs, window

78 How Things Move push, pull, lift, drop, roll, hit

apples, beets, cabbages, fall, foods, pears, potatoes,
79 Fall Foods
pumpkins, ripe
80 Feelings angry, feelings, happy, sad, scared, sometimes

81 What's My Job art, boss, drives, jobs, teacher, women

82 When is Nighttime blink, lights, nighttime, rises, shine, sleep

83 Take a Bite bite, dessert, hated, one, plate, take

84 Fall corn, frost, grass, leaves, moon, pumpkins

85 What Season Is It change, fall, grow, spring, summer, winter

86 My Teacher caring, creative, helpful, interesting, smart, talented

87 Sherman Sure Is Shy fancy, grand, proud, shy, sure, wonderful

88 Selfish Sasha eraser, help, luck, selfish, share, time

book, box, cage, close, door, drawer, jar, open, quick,
89 Open and Close
90 There is a Mouse in the House air, boat, cup, fox, house, tea

91 Mongo and Cutie Grandma, hide, lunch, nice, play, run, tries

92 One Stubborn Horse begged, brushed, fed, stubborn, tickled, washed

candy cane, North pole, polar bear, reindeer, Santa,
93 Who Stole the North Pole
94 Who, Who, Who alligator, eat, fly, hunt, owl, play, read, sing

95 Abby and Zots arms, different, eyes, friends, legs, space

96 I Want to Be a Cat hunt, jump, movies, purr, scratch, stretch

97 The Box anywhere, backyard, climb, mountains, ocean, special

98 Too Hot ! catch, climb, hot, outside, ride, sprinkler

99 Build a World build, clouds, empty, friends, water, world

100 What Does the Wind Move floats, something, lifts, turns, pushes, wind

101 We Are All People clothes, live, different, same, homes, world

102 Making Music board, drum, horn, pluck, rattle, strum

103 My Tree House deck, cozy, tall, view,window,wooden

RAZ-D 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇

1 Grow, Vegetables, Grow cucumber, grow, onion, plants, salad, vegetables

2 Bees Feed Me bees, favorite, feed, help, job, without

3 Whale Watching carefully, docks, spot, surface, tricky, whales

4 Frog is Hungry buzz, crunch, eats, fly, food, frog, hop, hungry, munch

5 Where Animals Live burrow, octopus, pond, prairie dog, whale, woodchuck

6 Swamps clean, fresh water, healthy, salt water, soil, swamp

7 Bats Day and Night bats, cave, evening, hanging, hunting, returning

8 Welcome Back, Butterflies eggs, fall, north, plants, seeds, south, spring, sprout

air, inside, outside, plants, pots, rocks, sand, soil, sunlight,

9 Where Plants Grow

10 Fog fog, form, ice, spooky, still, water

blue, creamy, darker, fuzzy, jumbo, puffy, round, sky, tall,

11 Clouds

12 Future Flowers bulbs, fall, plan, plant, spring, winter

13 Under That Rock grub, silky, slow, smooth, surprises, wiggly

14 No, Lily, Don't ! bored, butterfly, gray, jumped, lizard, play

15 Polly Gets Out cage, children, flew, path, playground, safe

16 Lily the Cat circled, couch, crossed, curled, jumped, strolled

17 Insect Wings clear, covers, insects, spotted, wasp, wings

18 Animal Horns antelope, curved, fighting, horns, scratching, straight

19 To the Woods bushes, climbs, crawl, hiding, squirrel, woods

20 The Busy Pond busy, cattails, lily pads, pond, turtles, water
21 Tadpole Teasing frog, grew, like, odd, strange, tadpole

22 Cranberries bogs, cranberries, dried, fruits, sauce, tart

23 River Otters amazing, breath, catching, fur, river otters, swimming

24 Reindeer Are Real born, real, reindeer, sleds, travel, weigh

25 All About Foxes bushy, foxes, fur, hunters, mammals, pointy

26 Tiger Sharks blunt, eyesight, fins, gills, stripes, tiger sharks

27 Who Runs Faster antelope, cheetah, faster, run, squirrel, tortoise

28 How Do They Swim bodies, fins, flippers, paws, swim, tails

29 Animal Tongues brush, long, sticky, strong, thin, tongues

Why Does an Octopus Need

30 arms, catch, combing, eight, high fives, octopus
Eight Arms

31 Less Than compare, count, fewer, less than, numbers, total

compare, greater than, greatest, more, numbers,

32 Greater Than

33 I Count 100 Things count, gumdrops, igloo, marshmallow, paperclips, rainbow

34 At the Library books, library, listen, read, stories, visit

35 A Day for Dad breakfast, catch, Father's Day, picnic, plan, together

bakery, fire station, grocery store, library, neighborhood,

36 My Neighborhood
airport, bike, bus, car, ferry, house, office, school,
37 Getting Around the City
skateboard, store, subway, taxi, walk, work

38 Give Them Back ! Easter, hunt, plan, sneaky, sorry, takes

39 Maria's Halloween ghost, Halloween, pumpkin, spider, treat, trick

40 Country Places city, corral, country, farmhouse, orchard, shed

bus, car, city, country, friends, learn, morning, preschool,

41 My New School
read, stories, teacher

42 My New City city, different, freeway, moved, stores, subway

43 At a Fall Fair bob, explore, fair, fall, hay, maze

44 Imagine the Beach crashing, dive, imagine, rough, salty, sense

45 Bubbles bubbles, colorful, material, pockets, solids, stick

46 We Give Away bear, giving, keep, old, pile, puzzle

book, bookstore, clothing, coat, food, grandfather,

47 To the Store
grandmother, pet, shoes, shop, toy

48 Our Good Night Story book, brings, buddy, choose, climb, night, read

49 Nothing Scares Me ! broccoli, ghost, gorilla, pirate, scared, vampire

50 What Do You See ? bark, bumps, fern, ink, lamp, pieces

51 Let's Make a Bird Feeder bird feeder, birdseed, dried, fruit, hang, slices

52 Mud Balls ! dry, mix, mud, sand, scoop, shape

53 Animal Costumes bandanna, costumes, fins, mane, snout, wear

54 Because You Recycle counters, litter, newspaper, plastic, recycle, steel

55 I Need an Eraser drawer, eraser, fixed, found, mistake, need

56 Buddy the Bear different, fall apart, lost, loved, old, teddy bear

57 Shave It Off ! ago, beard, hairy, shave, smooth, wild

58 Katie and Katie both, class, idea, name, student, turn

59 Just a Trim fun, haircut, scared, shorter, snip, trim

60 My First Class Play acting, costume, lines, nervous, props, stage

61 Backyard Camping backyard, camp, flashlights, pajamas, sleeping bags, tent

62 I Hide behind, covers, hide, inside, sleepy, time

63 Pillow Fort Password anyway, cookies, know, password, pillow fort, wanted

64 Tootsie Can Talk birthday, cake, good, make, nothing, sweet

bill, carry, cents, dime, dollar, half dollar, nickel, penny,
65 Dollars and Cents

66 I Like My Hair braids, curly, different, spikes, straight, swing, upside down

67 I Did Not Give Up float, give up, important, keep, tie, trying

68 Who Wants to Play Basketball aunt, basketball, find, neighbor, plans, schoolwork

69 Hobbies collecting, create, enjoy, hobbies, relax, writing

ears, eyes, fingers, hear, nose, see, senses, smell, taste,

70 Senses
tongue, touch
baker, community, construction worker, doctor, firefighter,
71 Community Helpers
important, police officer, service dog, teacher
babysitter, dentist, firefighters, gardener, police officers,
72 Caretakers
road worker

73 Workers baker, farmer, grocer, miller, trucker, workers

baseball, batter, catcher, important, infielder, outfielder,

74 The Team
pitcher, players, team, together

75 Amazing Places to Work amazing, captain, miner, pilot, ranger, stage

76 Why Can't I ? climb, dance, jump, kitchen, paint, shelves, slide, wash

77 Sky High ! bumpy, climbs, gorilla, jumps, monkey, mossy

78 Best Friends Q and U earthquake, quilt, square, squeal, squint, squish

bear, deer, falling, fox, head, hits, mouse, nut, owl, rabbit,
79 The Sky is Falling
runs, sky, squirrel

80 What ? breakfast, curious, dinner, fish, lunch, pizza, please, snack

81 Swamp Music band, music, play, quiet, swamp, whole

ant, bear, blue jay, cold, fox, mitten, rabbit, squash,

82 The Mitten
squeeze, squish, warm

83 Stone Soup brought, feast, hungry, idea, soup, stone

84 Little Loon alone, cold, lonely, loon, sleepy, swam, warm

85 Pick a Pie blackberries, cups, enough, picked, pie, plenty

86 Do Not Eat That ! finds, eat, hungry, space, trash, tree

87 What to Wear closet, clothes, gives, space, style, takes

88 Silent E change, hears, mean, silent, sound, words

89 How We Get to School children,world,different,way,ride,donkey,sled

wheel, truck, hill, fence, field, cow, barn, chicken, bridge,

90 The Wheel
river, town

91 These Bees birdhouse, log, bus stop, mailbox, home, need

92 So Many Fish bright, shiny, fancy, spotted, scary, striped

RAZ-E 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇

1 Arctic Animals antlers, Arctic, caribou, hunt, orcas, packs

2 All About Orcas breathe, dolphins, hunters, mammals, orcas, packs

3 Which Tree hollow, roots, sharp, syrup, trunk, umbrella

deserts, dry, hot, oceans, salty, mountains, tall, steep,

4 Places Plants and Animals Live
plains, grassy, flat, rivers, rainforests, wet, tundra, cold
family, fort, mountain, snowballs, dig, tunnels, winter, fun,
5 Not Enough Snow
tonight, back on, shovel, sidewalk
pot, soil, water, sunlight, company, attention, patient, talk,
6 I Am Your New Plant
sing, magic, tricks, grow
deer, twigs, robins, nests, squirrels, nuts, geese, ducks,
7 Country Animals swim, lakes, raccoons, wash, food, foxes, run, play,
fields,cows, grass, mice, grains,

8 What's In That Pouch baby, bilbies, koala, kangaroo, pouch, wallaby

animals, anything, chipmunk, furry, gray, hungry, lives,

9 In the Mountains many, mountains, proud, sly, small, squirrel, striped, strong

10 The First Strawberry bloom, fruits, patch, pests, spread, strawberries, sequence

fall, snow, spring, summer, winds, winter, colder, seasons,

11 The Four Seasons
longer, shorter

12 The Storm clouds, lightning, rain, sky, thunder, winds, blow, crashes,
darker, flashes, gather

13 A Walk With Mom picked, popped, ripe, strawberry, wild, woods

14 Sloth Wants to Snooze forgot, noisy, rainforest, sloth, snooze, tired

15 Class Pets Care, classes, guinea pig, hamster, pets, squeak

dogs, ducks, geese, hawks, mice, opossums, pigeons,

16 City Animals
raccoons, squirrels,animals, cities
camels, elephants, elk, foxes, giraffes, hippos, polar bears,
17 Animals, Animals

18 All About Coyotes coyotes, dens, howl, mammals, packs, pups, detail, idea,
animals, claws, crab, mussel, oval, pools, rocky, shaped,
19 Shapes in Tide Pools
shores, snail, starfish, tide, triangle
20 All Kinds of Musical Instruments bow, buzz, instruments, music, sounds, strings

different, fangs, numbers, opossum, teeth, vampire bat,

21 How Many Teeth
classify, information

22 Five Seconds to Blastoff blastoff, control room, rocket, seconds, space, T.rex

23 Ava Is a Vegan dairy, grains, ground, oatmeal, tofu, vegan, different, same

difference, Earth, electricity, recycle, reuse, tend, author,

24 Crazy Cakes
contests, helmets, pads, ride, skateboard, tricks, detail,
25 Skateboards
idea, main
park, parking garage, skyscraper, stadium, store, zoo,
26 City Places
lemons, pitcher, spot, squeeze, sweet, thirsty, roll, seeds,
27 Let's Make Lemonade
spill, sticky

28 Say Cheese bubbles, burner, curd, drain, strainer, whey

29 Let's Carve a Pumpkin carve, draw, light, pumpkin, scoop, seed

30 Nothing for Father's Day computer game, crash, enough, everyone, socks, ties

African, American, celebrates, crafts, feast, heritage,

31 Kaden’s Kwanzaa

32 The Leaning Tower bell tower, lean, Pisa, safe, weights, workers

removed, shovel, snow dumps, snow melter, snowblower,

33 Goodbye Snow

34 Muddy Boots covered, mess, mop, noticed, someone, tracks

35 Caring for Earth difference, Earth,electricity, recycle, reuse, tend

36 At the Rodeo barrels, belt buckles, broncos, bulls, ride, rodeo

37 Lunch Boxes common, fancy, lunch boxes, plain, rectangles, round

38 Hooray for the Farmer's Market artist, baker, band, farmer, gardener, market

39 Fantastic Phil adopt, budge, face, orphan, relief, toil, finally

beach, cleats, dance, flip-flops, hiking boots, men, park,

40 Shoes Men Wear pumps, shoes, slippers, sneakers, snow, soccer, sport,
tough, warm, wear, winter, women, woods, work boots
beach, cleats, dance, flip-flops, hiking boots, men, park,
41 Shoes Women Wear pumps, shoes, slippers, sneakers, snow, soccer, sport,
tough, warm, wear, winter, women, woods, work boots
backpacks, breakfast, everywhere, friends, Monday,
42 Getting Ready for School
paper, pencils, Sunday, teeth

43 Stop Snoring instruments, loudly, snoring, squeeze, style, wake

alone, anything, by, cookies, drive, eat, job, late, milk,

44 When I Grow Up
movies, myself, shopping, stay

45 How to Tie Your Shoes cross, face, lace, pinch, reach, tight, through, use

46 Make a Tree Friend apple, birch, elm, maple, oak, pine, willow

47 Jobs We Do at School collector, jobs, leader, pass, saver, students, energy

dropped, knocks, mail, placed, smashed, Special Delivery,

48 What Is in the Box
stamped, torn, tossed
bench, break, contest, farther, farthest, mine, next, past,
49 The Contest
seed, spit

50 Hugs enormous, giant, huge, miserable, rotten, terrible, favorite,


51 Lost and Found guard, lost, safe, salesperson, stranger, uniform, though

52 Dolly's Drama Queen Day breath, drama queen, funny, sobbed, spilled, stomped

feed, help, problems, solve, turn, wanted, problem,

53 The Class Pet

54 Winter Sports climbing, ice hockey, skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing,

sports, classify, information

55 Food Trucks barbecue, crowds, kitchen, seafood, tacos, taste

56 Bath Time bath, bubbles, slips, time, tub, tugboat

57 All Kinds of Factories buildings, goods, machines, parts, robots, turns

58 A Day of Firsts exciting, first, grade, learn, meet, pack

chickens, cotton, cows, fruits, sheep, sugarcane, apples,

59 All Kinds of Farms
breakfast, butter, cheese, clothes, eggs, milk

60 I Am Thankful curly, music, show, thankful, trains, trips

cheese, pepperoni, pizza, sauce, spread, toss, flat, high,

61 Making Pizza
oven, round
ceiling, cement, cereal, concerts, hard, soft, compare,
62 The Sisters C
63 Sew Who beak, felt, owl, pin, sew, stuffing, use

64 Grandparents Day bakes, grandparents, piano, share, together, watches

ache, brother, cough, doctor, earache, father, grandfather,

65 Doctor Jen
grandmother, knees, mother, sister, stiff, throat, vet
artist, astronaut, ballerina, cowboy, mermaid, pirate,
66 I'd Like to Be clown, musician, zookeeper

67 I Work at the Stables coat, hoof, stable, stall, stretch, watch

crimes, laws, officers, people, police, safe,direct,

68 Police Officers
problems, traffic, travel
bed, brushes, drinks, pajamas, reads, washes, clothes,
69 Time for Bed
face, glass, hands, teeth

70 Calming Down angry, breathe, calm, feelings, slowly, think

Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday,

71 A Week with Grandpa
failed, monkey bars, muscles, stronger, studied, tried,
72 Try, Try Again analyze, character

73 The Boy Who Cried Wolf cried, liars, sheep, trick, truth, wolf

bear, bending, bird, delicious, frog, giraffe, grass, hanging,

74 What's for Dinner
hungry, leaves,

75 The Brothers G gel, goblins, goggles, gorgeous, hard, soft

76 Too Much Work body, eyes, fluffs, ready, stripes, tiger

77 Maddy Loves to March band, door, march, marches, parade, stairs, street

78 Happy Birthday, Snag ! balloons, birthday, cake, candles, party, presents

79 Wake Up, Bear ! awake, bear, den, sleepy, spring, winter

80 Tiny Tugboat boats, pulls, ships, stuck, submarine, tugboat

81 Bear and Kangaroo catch, climb, eat, hop, juggle, lift

82 Runaway Snowball bigger, breaks, hill, rolls, snowball, snowman

building, costumes, ghost, Halloween, pirate, scared, treat,

83 Carlos's First Halloween

84 A Sweet Tale chewing, dough, mixed, rolled, special, treat

Branches, collecting, marbles, roots, stamp, trunk,
85 Where Are My Things
problem, solution

86 Zots Goes to School behave, focus, learn, listen, try, work

87 Zots Learns to Play against, breaking, create, rules, swings, touches

sings, hunts, floats, swims, rests, barks, crawls, glides,

88 In the Sea
sleeps, live

89 The Vet broken, crack, fever, hoof, paw, shell

90 I'd Like To Be artist, astronaut, ballerina, cowboy, mermaid, pirate

91 Police Officers crimes, laws, officers, people, police, safe

RAZ-F 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇
colony, gaggle, gather, groups, herd, murder, pack,
1 Gaggle, Herd and Murder
pod, smack
2 The Food Chain air, animals, plants, soil, sunlight, water
Chinese, garden, glad, mirror, rocks, stand, strong,
3 In a Chinese Garden
trees, water
4 Night Animals active, catch, hunt, nectar, senses, special

5 Some Birds Go birds, flock, migrate, returns, survive, winter

6 Animal Dads cares, dads, grow, guards, help, young

7 At the Watering Hole drink, flock, pack, parade, savanna, watering hole

8 Seashells bumpy, mollusks, protect, shells, skeleton, spotted

9 How Do They Move animals, arms, fins, flippers, legs, strong, wings

10 Who Needs Rain crops, dams, firefighters, goods, power, wondered

11 How is the Weather Today seasons, showers, stormy, weather, windy

12 Best of Friends enemies, friends, hissed, Lily, raced, Tiger, waking

13 What's in That Shell armor, pearl, hermit crab, swirled, oyster, tortoise

14 Hibernation animals, breathe, hearts, hibernate, safe, sleep,

15 Taste This bitter, kale, salty, sour, sweet., taste

color wheel, complementary, primary colors,
16 Color Wheel Colors
secondary colors, shades, tints
batteries, charged, chemicals, electricity, energy,
17 Battery Power !
18 A Look at Fossils clues, form, fossils, living, past, stony

19 Tunnels avoid, hidden, narrow, passages, pipes, safely

20 On the Moon craters, gravity, footprints, Moon, protect, suit

21 A Clown Face cheeks, eyebrows, eyelids, face, mouth, nose

22 Flashlight Shadow Show crack, flashlights, flight, howls, shadow, wiggles

see, stars, eagle, dragon, snake, fox, fair, king, pretty,
23 Friends in the Stars
queen, white, swan, little, bear, away
apple, float, golf, marble, penny, sink, water,
24 Does it Sink or Float
25 Following the Map compass, east, map, north, south, west

26 Double It climb, cried, double, inside, looked, trouble

27 Stella Storyteller cookies, dessert, explained, left, playdate, saved

confuse, disappear, impossible, nonsense, overload,
28 Princess Prefix
29 Are You From India coat, famous, India, shaggy, snout, spot

30 Sleds bends, glides, riders, steer, track, travel

31 Pinatas Are Fun parties, pinatas, shapes, spun, swinging, treats

32 At the Airport airline, airport, check in, planes, searched, travelers

33 Motorcycles comfortable, helmets, motorcycle, race, track, traffic

34 Are You From Brazil bill, Brazil, insects, mane, poison, rodent

35 Thank You Everyone fall, farmer, owner, thank you, Thanksgiving, workers

36 Mother's Day decorate, quietly, scramble, sizzle, sneak, special

37 Fishtank Fun alien, astronaut, fishtank, pretend, submarine, warrior

38 Hatching Eggs chicks, cracks, eggs, hatch, incubator, mark

39 Cascarones celebrate, confetti, crack, eggshells, fill, painted

40 Firefighters fire, firefighters, ladders, safety, smoke, tools

41 Weird White House Pets lived, odd, pets, presidents, White House, zoo

42 At the Movies behave, cheer, movies, ready, theater, tickets

43 The Sunflower Hut enough, hut, plant, roof, seeds, sunflower

44 Fishing with Grandpa boat, fish, hook, lake, pole, worms

camping, cooking gear, fishing, picture, sleeping
45 Our Camping Trip
bags, tent
carry, delivery, dump, fire truck, flatbed, garbage,
46 Trucking
heavy, job, pickup, special, tow truck, trash, truck

47 Cleaning My Room clothes, find, help, pile, room, sort

deeper, fall, faster, house, mouths, outside, snow,

48 The Snowstorm

49 Our Class Flag favorite, flag, initials, party, season, symbol

cowboys, doctor, firefighters, glasses, people,

50 Josh Gets Glasses
police officers

51 Jobs for James counted, earn, money, proud, rake, weeds

air conditioner, dishwasher, dryer, energy, less,
52 Using Less Energy
re-using, save, shower
53 I Need a Snow Day flake, important, nervous, run, studied, subways

54 Super Thrift look, outgrown, streamers, superhero, thrift store,

55 Ramadan is Here awards, celebrate, crafts, holiday, poems, Ramadan

56 Rock Climbing boulders, brave, carefully, climbing, helmet, protect

corners, dead end, everywhere, roller coaster, tunnel,
57 Many Roads
58 Election Day booths, change, count, Election Day, stickers, vote

59 The Last Piece of Cake dessert, gobbles, grabs, invited, problem, soars
add, details, first, frowning, materials, middle, need,
60 How To Make A Snow Person
person, second, smaller, smiling, snow, supplies, third
61 Smart Crows defend, fetch, gather, protect, solve, tools
community, deliver, doctor, firefighter, healthy, hose,
62 Community Workers
mail carrier, safe, thermometer, workers
63 I Am a Gymnast balance, beam, gymnast, split, stretch, trampoline
64 We Do Yoga arch, balance, cobra, pose, reach, yoga

cooler, cycle, fall, hot, longer, melts, season, shorter,

65 Changing Seasons snow, spring, summer, warmer, weather, winter

66 Lou's Flu aching, flu, groaning, moaning, sneezing, wheezing

67 Eat Like a Pig grabbed, manners, napkin, sipped, slurped, wiped

68 Two for Me, One for You bigger, equal, mad, piles, share, split
beautiful, bowl, bubble, colors, glass, glassblower,
69 Glassblowing
gooey, oven, pipe, table, tools
70 SuperZero doughnuts, great, numbers, stronger, ten, zero

71 A Pet for Jupe alien(s), collar, dinosaur, food, snake, toy, water

animals, chickens, comes, cookies, farm, fences,

72 Farm Friends grandma’s, grandpa’s, horses, skatepark, someone
breathe, clothing, coat, dinner, drink, kite, lemonade,
73 Needs and Wants
pasta, storm, winter
asks, heavy, library, pirate, stacks, wagon, whale,
74 Monster Reading Buddies window

75 The Three Little Pigs blow, huffed, knocked, puffed, straw, warned

76 The Giant Turnip budge, burst, grabbed, heap, sprouted, turnip

77 The Tortoise and the Hare brag, hare, passed, race, steady, tortoise

78 Sir Suffix attractive, friendly, harmless, rainy, suffix, useful

79 Are You Okay fell, help, hook, hung, okay, recess

80 Four Friends heard, helpful, noise, protect, shooed, together

81 Scaredy Crow corn, farmer, scare, scarecrow, tractor,wind

82 Where Is Cub cub, find, honey, missing, seen, worried

83 Hide and Seek with Zog curious, drapes, juicy, kickball, knocks, sofa, tiptoes

84 Zots Helps Out chores, clean, faster, help, tosses, trash

85 Bake Sale bake sale, broken, fixed, tarts, treats, upset

86 Stop It Zots board, bored, bounces, pretend, quietly, rocks out

87 Why Exercise exercise, healthy, hungry, mood, stretch, sweat

RAZ-G 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇
circus, crust, elephants, lemonade, monkey, pizza,
1 Let's Go to the Circus!
sugar, thirsty
2 A Seed Grows flowers, leaves, plant, roots, seed, stem

3 Animal Eyes animals, dragonfly, eyes, lizard, owl, spider

Beanie, bear, blanket, chair, Chomps, Clare, Danny,
4 Beanie and the Missing Bear
detective, mysteries (mystery), sister, strange
5 Signs Are Everywhere advertise, signs, warnings, winding

6 Carlos Joins the Team baseball, catch, join, miss, mitt, team, watch

7 Billy Gets Lost Billy, chases, Emmy, farm, fetch, field, house, street
Bonk, dream(s), checkers, daisies, movie, Snag,
8 Bonk's Bad Dream
teeth, T-Rex
9 Going To the Dentist clean, dentist, filling, office, problem, tools

10 Going To the Doctor blood pressure, checkup, cuff, doctor, height, weight

11 Gordon Finds His Way classroom, floor, hall, left, right, stairs

12 Grow Tomatoes In Six Steps bloom, fresh, seedling, soil, stake, tasty, tomatoes,
13 How To Build A Guitar clamps, design, effort, guitar, sands, traces
goat, grabbed, hawk, kangaroo, sleep, snap, splash,
14 I Bet I Can
splat, toward, winter
board games, listened, plastic, video games, wooden,
15 Long Ago and Today
Autobiography, biography, fantasy, informational,
16 Look At This Book
mystery, science fiction
circus, cowboys, flashlight, lightning, monsters, oval,
17 Monsters Stormy Day
shadow puppets, stormy, thunder
18 New Rule hide-and-seek, others, ready, rule, seek, starving

19 Rude Robot burped, learned, manners, robot, rude, turn

20 Stormingo! alone, flamingo, friend, hippopotamus, stork, strange

21 The Camel and the Pig bet, camel, hump, pig, short, tall

22 The Chase ditch, escaped, field, leapt, meadow, shore

23 Time Of Day afternoon, evening, morning, o’clock, time, tomorrow

24 Troll Bridge billy goat, bridge, pass, snorted, tossed, troll

25 We Build A Robot batteries, birthday, broken, robot, surprise, tools

26 Harriet Tubman brave, careful, caught, danger, escaped, slavery

27 Moving Bridges accordion, castles, curl, drawbridges, safely, tilt

28 How Many Rhymes bog, dozen, lame, nag, rhymes, wig

29 Laws For Kids accident, follow, laws, own, protect, traffic

30 Loose Tooth expect, lose, tooth, tooth fairy, wiggly, wonder

31 Maria Joins the Team baseball, coach, game, mitt, shortstop, team

costumes, cowboy, ghost, Halloween, mummy, pirate,

32 Monster Halloween pumpkin, trick-or-treating

33 My Day afternoon, evening, morning, night, noon

Chocolate, deserve, sharing, trade, valentine,
34 Mystery Valentine
Valentine’s Day
35 Pedro's Burro amiga, burros, gathered, jugs, village, well

China, Chinese New Year, dragon, firecrackers,

36 The Legend of Nian noise, scare

37 The Little Red Hen baked, flour, grind, harvest, plant, wheat

38 The Queen Ant's Birthday guard, jaws, nest, queen, surprise, tasty

39 Two Daughters brickmaker, daughters, dry, gardener), lesson, wished

40 Places People Live caves, float, ground, live, move, place

41 Penny the Rude Penguin bumped, mean, sliding, sorry, spun, whacked

42 Ants,Ants,and More Ants antennae, ground, insects, jaws, nests, queen

43 Bonk's Loose Tooth crown, loose, party, sorry, teeth, tooth, true, wiggle

44 Building a House builders, foundation, pipes, steps, switches, wires

45 Groundhog Goes Outside burrow, cheer, gathered, grinned, shadow, worried

46 Let's Build a Fairy Bridge bridge, build, cross, fairy, river, strong
basks, crocodile, papyrus, pyramids, sighs,
47 Miles The Nile Crocodile vegetarian
helicopter, leaked, prize, robot, science fair,
48 Science Fair
soda volcano
contract, defense, diaphragm, lungs, rejects,
49 The Reason for Sneezing
50 What in the World Is That bill, claw, platypus, sleek, strange, webbed
blood, insects, lampreys, leeches, mammals,
51 A Taste for Blood
52 A Trip to Petra canyon, channels, lost city, temple, tombs, treasures

53 Are You From Australia bill, country, deserts, forests, pouch, seashore

54 Caring for Your Dog brushed, care, family, fed, needs, treats

55 Chess battle, bishop, chess, knight, pawn, rook

56 Good Luck! believe, bring, ideas, items, lantern, luck

costume, Halloween, homemade, pinned, planned,
57 Homemade Halloween
58 On the Roof apartment, bridge, domino, guests, Harlem, laundry

59 Peace and Quiet bats, bumps, care, pokes, shreds, tears

assistant, difficult, information, meetings, president ,
60 A President's Day
apartments, floors, homes, houseboat, neighbors,
61 All Kinds of Homes
62 Amazing Mummies bogs, caves, desert, discovered, preserved, soil
left-handed, notebooks, problem, scientists, scissors ,
63 Being a Leftie
64 Cockroaches amazing, breathe, cockroaches, insect, need, pest
65 Fire Safety alarm, escape, fire department, panic, practice, tips

66 Living Or Nonliving alike, battery, cells, living, spot, tricky

67 Ready,Set,Bike! brakes, helmet, inner tube, oil, patch, pump

68 The Hard Frost asters, blanket, bloom, cleared, frost, towel

69 Ride,Cling,Run climb, cling, hatch, pouch, shelter, travel

70 Rock Hunting counters, granite, hunting, limestone, obsidian, slate

71 Meet the Beetles beetles, deserts, insects, jungles, skeleton, waste

72 Squirrel Acrobats acrobats, alert, balance, direction, escape, squirrels

73 Taking the Train blows, races, rocks, rolls, track, train

74 The Spider's Web silk , spider, spins, sticky, thread, web

cardinal, chicken, Costa’s hummingbird,

75 This Is a Bird emperor penguin, mallard, pelican, turkey vulture,
76 Whose Eggs Are These butterfly, frog, penguin, robin, shark, spider

77 Why Do Leaves Change Color change, color, fall, food, leaves, trees

78 The Food We Eat bagels, cattle, hamburger, omelets, pepperoni, wheat

79 Wiggly Worms cocoon, mate, slimy, soil, tunnels, waste

80 Ough Is Tough bough, drought, ought, plot, rough,trough

81 Scorpions arachnids, claws, prey, scorpions, stinger, venom

82 American Symbols American, flag, freedom, ideas, liberty, symbols

83 Stars and Stripes bold, colonies, country, Flag Day, formed, pattern

84 Zots Learns to Share breaks, half, may, offers, share

85 Zots Gets Clean barf, brush, clean, nasty, shower, trash

RAZ-K 级别单词表【Word List】
序号 书名 词汇
causes, colonies, equal rights, First Lady, Great
1 Abigail Adams
Britain, independent
2 All About Kites bridle, fishhook, flutter, gauges, parafoil, shock
camel, elephants, elk, fox, giraffes, hippopotamus,
3 Animals, Animals
kangaroo, polar bears, snow leopards, zebra
4 Anna and the Magic Coat breeze, cupcakes, magic, picnics, swirled, weather
cultures, elected, government, lawyer, message,
5 Barack Obama
6 Blackbeard the Pirate attacked, captured, crew, pirate, sail, treasure
bouncing, brainstorm, distance, trail, trampoline, yard
7 Brainstorm Bear
8 The Butterfly Life Cycle butterfly, caterpillar, life cycle, mate, pupa, stages

blindfold, celebration, decorate, independence,

9 Carlos's Family Celebration Mexican, pinata, practice

10 Chickens in My Backyard bedding, chicks, coop, grind, nesting boxes, pellets

11 Cinderella ball, fit, maiden, slippers, twig, wish

12 Community Government community, council, departments, election,

government, mayor
altars, celebrate, cemetery, decorate, remember,
13 Día de los Muertos
14 Different deaf, insult, keep-away, playground, sense , teasing

15 Dr. King’s Memorial fair, laws, marched, memorial, peaceful, separate

adventures, beasts, creaked, excitement, lonely,
16 The Dragon in the Closet
17 The Drum deeds, goods, hungry, musicians, robbers, struggling

18 Earth's Water gas, invisible, liquid, polluted, precipitation, solid

19 The Empty Pot boiled, China, emperor, empty, honest, well

20 Extreme Animals celebrities, creatures, extreme, mammals, quietest ,

21 Fishing in the Rain cast, comfortable, marshmallows, reeled, wriggling
abilities, China, dungeon, greedy, magistrate,
22 The Five Brothers
23 Flying Kites against, caught, enough, trouble

course, democracy, plains, ranges, revolution,

24 France
Aboriginal, barbecued, boomerang, caribou, Inuit,
25 Friends Around the World
African American, equality, judges, separate, South ,
26 Good for Thurgood!
Supreme Court
communicate, endangered, family, groom, lowlands,
27 Gorillas
dangerous, erosion, national park, protected,,
28 The Grand Canyon
sediment, tribes
29 Grounded to Earth alien, blasters, lesson, suit, take over, teleported
active, erupted, lava, national park, protected,
30 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
31 How Glooskap Found Summer bloomed, defeat, messenger, spell, thaw, ruled

32 How Zebras Got Their Stripes appreciated, fooled, impatient, problem, relax, roam

33 Hugs for Daddy cymbals, instruments, military, salute, tracing, uniform

34 I Collect That ! alike, collection,hobby, keepsake, popular, type

35 I Fly Hot-Air Balloons fuel, nylon, oxygen, satellites, scenery

audience, elevated, fountain, platform, reflection,

36 I Love City Parks

37 I'd Like To Be artist, astronaut, athlete, mermaid, musician, pirate

allergic, allergy, ingredients, medicine, peanuts,

38 I'm Allergic to Peanuts
desert, festival, firecrackers, Hindu, mangrove,
39 India

40 It's About Time candle clock, cuckoo, grandfather clocks, shadow

clock, sundial, water clock

41 Jack-o'-Lanterns carved, cursed, decorate, design, display, stingy

athletes, condition, prejudice, professional, rights,

42 Jackie Robinson
43 Japan Earthquakes, empire, shoguns, samurai,
skyscrapers, volcanoes
amazement, beamed, leap day, leap years, quarter ,
44 Leap Year Birthday
time traveler
current, downstream, predators, rapids, spawn,
45 Leap! A Salmon's Story

46 The Leprechaun Trap bait, career, disprove, exist, experiments, scientist

choice, delicious, dragged, opposite, saddled,
47 Lola the Llama stubborn

48 The Mailman's Hat gusty, mailman, porch, pouch, shreds, treat

blindfold, celebrate, decorate, Mexican Independence
49 Maria's Family Celebration
Day, pinata, practice
50 The Mighty Mississippi course, demanded, directions, polite, south, winter

51 Migrating Geese flocks, goose, goslings, hatched, mate, migrating

52 The Mind Game flocks, goose, goslings, hatched, mate, migrating

competitions, designs, engine, hobby, model,
53 Model Rockets
54 Mongo's Migration dams, floods, locks, mammals, Mississippi River,
55 Nature Stinks! disturb, enemies, liquid, rotten, spray, stinky

56 New Planet, New School freak, galaxy, planet, species, tease, tentacles
bills, foal, responsibility, shaggy, Shetland pony,
57 One Pony Too Many
58 Playing It Safe community, dangerous, downhill, helmet, wrists

59 Police Officers academies, enforce, injuries, patrol, training, uniform

company, enchanted, happily, rage, weeping,
60 Rapunzel
61 Ratty Rats cargo bay, evidence, gangway, hoist, sails, traps

62 Russia celebrate, czars, mine, peasants, president, traditions

63 Sadko and the Sea Kingdom churned, disobey, flooded, gusli, lowly, strumming
barbecue, fireworks, Independence Day, mayor,
64 Sam's Fourth of July
parade, patriotic
65 Ships and Boats explorers, frames, goods, propellers

66 Simple Machines axle, inclined plane, lever, pulley, screw, wedge

67 Sled Dogs to the Rescue blizzard, disease, medicine, musher, relay, teams
amphibians, backbones, endangered, reptiles,
68 Slithery and Slimy
scales, venomous

69 Soccer Is a Kick! cleats, dribbling, foul, goal, match, tie

70 Soggy Stepsisters arguing, cabin, canoe, paddle, stepsister, vacation

71 The Sorcerer's Apprentice cast, fetch, pleading, salute, snicker, sorcerer

72 South Korea celebration, coast, freely, modern, peak, plains

capital, explorers, festival, islands, mountain range,

73 Spain
bay, clatter, courting, debt, harvest, mare, parson,
74 The Squire's Bride squire

75 Strange Plants colonies, critter, digests, imagine, moisture, parasite

athletes, compete, dashes, gymnasts, marathon,
76 Summer Olympics Events
77 Tarantula! fangs, harmless, prey, sense, spider, venom

elephant, flute, horns, lemonade, popcorn, prance,

78 To the Circus
show, trapeze artist, wailed
79 To the Pumpkin Patch jack-o’-lantern, patch, pumpkins

80 What Built This builders, cells, entrances, prey, protection, silk

naked mole rats, puffins, salamander, tunnels,
81 What Lives in This Hole
coal, dams, electricity, energy, gasoline, generator,
82 Where We Get Energy natural gas, oil, power plants, solar cells, solar
panels, steam
Yellowstone: A Place of Wild explorers, hot spot, national park, Native Americans ,
Wonders protected, wildlife

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