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Soil nails field pullout testing: Evaluation and applications

Article in International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering · January 2010

DOI: 10.3328/IJGE.2010.04.01.13-21

15 8,940

2 authors:

G. L. Sivakumar Babu Vikas Pratap Singh

Indian Institute of Science National Institute of Technology (NIT) Uttarakhand


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G. L. Sivakumar Babu1* and Vikas Pratap Singh2

Soil nails field pullout testing:

evaluation and applications

Abstract: Field pullout testing of soil nails is identified as the appropriate method for studying the nail-soil interaction
and assessing the performance of soil nail walls. The primary objective of this study is to highlight the importance and practi-
cal applications of field pullout tests in the design and performance assessment of soil nail walls. Bond strength of soil-nail
interface is the essential parameter in the design of soil nail walls. Field pullout tests provide valuable inputs for the selection of
appropriate design bond strength. In this paper, a reliability based methodology for the evaluation and selection of appropriate
field pullout tests is proposed for the determination of the design bond strength. The proposed methodology is illustrated with
reference to the field pullout tests on soil nails conducted at a local site.

Keywords: Soil nailing; Field pullout tests; Evaluation and selection; Design bond strength; Applications.

1. Introduction cal model to incorporate roughness of reinforcement and

soil dilatancy effects in the evaluation of soil-reinforcement
Soil nailing is an in-situ earth reinforcement technique interface friction and demonstrated that the coefficient of
which is being used extensively for supporting excavations soil-reinforcement interface friction measured by a direct
and stabilization of existing slopes. Pullout resistance of shear test is much smaller from that measured by a pullout
the individual soil nails is of paramount importance for test. NCHRP (2008) conducted a field pullout testing pro-
the design and performance of soil nail structures. Soil nail gram and reported that the maximum load was 1.5 times
pullout resistance is a function of nail-soil interface shear the maximum calculated nail load following FHWA (2003)
strength which is likely to be influenced by a number of fac- guidelines.
tors, such as the normal stress acting on the nail; strength Importance of soil-reinforcement interaction in the
and dilatancy of in-situ soil and nail-soil interface friction. analysis, design and performance assessment of soil nailed
Various researchers, including Miligan and Tei (1998), structures is evident from the fact that it has drawn enor-
Junaideen et al. (2004), Chu and Yin (2005a,b) and Pradhan mous attention of the researchers across the globe. GEO
et al. (2006), investigated the development of nail-soil inter- (2007) recommends that the field pullout tests should be car-
face shear strength by means of laboratory pullout tests. Luo ried out to verify design assumptions on the soil/grout bond
et al. (2000, 2002) reported that soil dilation has significant strength of soil nails and recommends that the number of
effects on soil nail pullout resistance and proposed an ana- test nails should be two or 2% of the total number of work-
lytical model to predict the pullout resistance of a soil nail ing nails, whichever is greater. Porterfield et al. (1994) and
in dilative soils. Su et al. (2008) reported that the installation FHWA (2003) recommend that field pullout testing of soil
process of soil nail induces significant vertical stress changes nails should be conducted: (a) to verify the compliance with
in soil around the soil nails, and that the soil nail pullout pullout capacity and bond strength used in design and result-
shear resistance is independent of the overburden pressure. ing from the contractor’s installation methods (such type of
Wang and Richwein (2002) developed a simple mechani- pullout tests are termed as verification or ultimate load tests
with test loads generally desirable upto 2 times the allowable
*Corresponding Author pullout capacity), and (b) to verify that the nail design loads
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, can be carried without excessive movements and with an
Bangalore 560 012, Karnataka, India., Email: adequate safety factor (generally equal to 1.5) for the service
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
life of the structure (such type of pullout tests are termed as
Science, Bangalore 560 012, Karnataka, India., Email: vikasps@civil.iisc. proof tests usually recommended to be performed on 5% of
the production nails).

International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (2010) 4: (13-21) J. Ross Publishing, Inc. © 2010
DOI 10.3328/IJGE.2010.04.01.13-21
14 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

Thus, it is evident that field pullout testing is an impor- bond resistance or ultimate bond strength (qu)Th can be deter-
tant method of studying nail-soil interaction and is signifi- mined using following Eq. 2 given below.
cant in the design and performance assessment of soil nail
walls. Hence, an appraisal of the field pullout tests with (2)
respect to the existing analytical and laboratory studies is
found desirable. An explicit methodology for the appraisal where = effective overburden pressure acting on test nail (=
of field pullout tests is not available in the literature. In this qs + γz), kO = lateral earth pressure coefficient at rest (=1–
study, a reliability based methodology for the evaluation and sinϕ), f = ratio (tan δ/tan ϕ) ranging from 0.9-1.0 (assumed
selection of appropriate field pullout tests is proposed. The equal to 0.95), δ = soil-nail interface friction angle and Δσν
proposed methodology is illustrated using three field pullout is the additional normal stress due to the restrained dilation
tests conducted at a local site wherein a prototype temporary which can be determined using Eq. 3.
soil nail wall was constructed to facilitate a 10 m deep verti-
cal excavation. Results of the field pullout tests are evaluated
using the proposed methodology, and further used for the where ν = Poisson’s ratio of soil (assumed equal to 0.33), ψ
determination of design bond strength and other parameters = dilatancy angle of soil (≈ϕ – 30°) as suggested by Vermeer
relevant to soil nailing design and analysis. (1990).
Thus, Eqs. (1) and (2) provide two measures of the ulti-
mate bond strength or pullout resistance of a soil nail at a
2. Field pullout tests on soil nails given depth z, which can be used in combination for the reli-
Site specific field pullout tests conducted on soil nails may be ability based evaluation and acceptability of the field pullout
classified under the following two categories: test results.
a. Test nails with same configurations (i.e. having same As mentioned earlier, to estimate the effectiveness of
diameter, length, inclination, installation method, the bond strength developed between the soil nails and
external loading and testing method) at various the in-situ soil, field pullout tests were conducted on three
locations embedded at same depth z below ground specifically installed nails at a soil nail wall project site in
surface. This is the general case when limited field Bangalore, India. The soil nail wall was constructed to sup-
pullout tests are desirable due the economic or other port temporarily a 10 m deep vertical cut, which facilitated
constraints. the construction of two basement floors for a commercial
b. Test nails with different configurations having one establishment. Excerpts from the soil investigation report
or more variable factors (such as, different depths revealed the presence of fine grained soil at the construction
of embedment or different nail lengths). This case site. Presence of the ground water table or seepage of water
is desirable to ascertain the most appropriate repre- from any other source was not reported within the zone of
sentative bond strength at the design stage, quality interest. According to the soil nail wall design document,
control at each construction stage and long term mean values for the in-situ soil cohesion c, angle of internal
performance evaluation of the soil nail wall. friction and unit weight γ were adopted as 5 kN/m2, 32° and
17 kN/m3 respectively. A surcharge load qs of 5 kN/m2 was
For n number of site specific field pullout tests con- assumed to act on the top of the wall. The adopted design
ducted on soil nails, n values of peak pullout force PFT can be constituted a system of driven soil nails of 6 m length and 25
obtained regardless of whether tests are conducted on same mm diameter spaced in a grid pattern of 0.5 m × 0.5 m. Soil
or different configurations. Knowing peak pullout force PFT nail wall face was protected by means of a 50 mm grid size
from the field test, the bond stress or ultimate bond strength welded wire mesh and shotcrete of thickness of 75 mm.
qu mobilized at the soil-nail interface can be calculated from All the three test nails were circular, high yield strength
the frequently used equation (for example, Chai and Hayashi deformed bars of 25 mm diameter and 6 m length installed
2005) given below. at different locations at a depth of 9.5 m below the ground
surface. The design ultimate structural capacity of the test
(qu)FT = (1) nails was 200 kN. Installation of the test nails was carried out
DL in the same way as the actual nails used in the construction
where D and L are the diameter and length of test nail respec- of the soil nail wall. The nails were driven into the ground
tively. horizontally using a hydraulic hammer. Pullout testing of
Following Wang and Richwein (2002), Junaideen (2004) nails was carried out according to the procedure reported by
and Pradhan et al. (2006), theoretically expected value of Porterfield et al. (1994) and FHWA (2003).
Soil nails field pullout testing 15


(b) Figure 2. Pullout force versus nail head displacement plots.

pullout tests are shown in Figure 2. Wong et al. (1997) and

Murthy et al. (2002) reported that small relative displace-
ment is required for the full mobilization of pullout capacity
of soil nails. In the present case, the relative displacement
required for the full mobilization of bond stress was observed
as 10 mm (Figure 2) which is about 0.16% of the nail length.

3. Methodology for the evaluation

and selection of soil nail field
pullout tests
For soil nails, the ultimate source of resistance against pull-
out is in-situ soil. Phoon and Kulhawy (1999) and Duncan
(2000) demonstrated uncertainties and ranges of variability
Figure 1. (a) Field pullout test apparatus assembly; (b) Pullout test in involved in the determination of various soil parameters.
progress (closer view). Consequently, it is desirable to consider the influence of in-
situ variability of soil parameters on the pullout resistance of
For each of the test nail, pullout test was conducted using soil nails.
a 250 kN capacity double acting, center-hole jack (mounted Two new terms, namely field pullout test efficiency fac-
on a reaction frame and maintained in position by means of tor ηp and field pullout test reliability factor βp, are proposed
4 tie rods and a plate) bearing against concrete padding at the in order to quantify the limits of the acceptable pullout test
nail head. Reaction frame of the jack was placed around the results. The field pullout test efficiency factor ηp given by Eq.
test nail in such a manner that the test nail is in the center of (4) is defined as the ratio of the bond resistance obtained
its base. The displacement at nail head was measured using from field pullout test to its theoretically estimated value.
a dial gauge. All three tests were conducted to the ultimate
state at which shear strength of in-situ soil along soil-nail (4)
interface was fully mobilized. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show
photographs of the pullout apparatus assembly and field On the other hand, field pullout test reliability factor βp,
pullout test in progress respectively. Variation of pullout is defined as the minimum acceptable value of Hasofer-Lind
force versus nail head displacement obtained for all the three reliability index considering the variability of in-situ soil
16 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

parameters. To determine βp, Hasofer-Lind reliability index

(Hasofer and Lind 1974) can be obtained using Eq. (5) using
the performance function given by Eq. (6).



where xi is a vector representing the set of random variables,

μiN is the vector of equivalent normal mean values, R is the
correlation matrix, σiN is the equivalent normal standard
deviation, and F is the failure domain. As illustrated by Low
(2005), Excel’s Solver program may be used for the reliability
From the observations reported in literature, including
Wang and Richwein (2002) and NCHRP (2008), field pull-
out test results with minimum value of efficiency factor ηp as Figure 3. Influence of adopted COV on reliability factor βp
1.50 can be considered as acceptable for the construction of
temporary as well as permanent soil nail walls. On the other
hand, reliability factor βp should not be less than 3.0 in case (mean value 20%), 2-10% (mean value 6%) and 3-7% (mean
of permanent soil nail walls and 2.50 in case of temporary soil value 5%) respectively. Therefore, influence of the adopted
nail walls. Thus, out of n site specific field pullout tests, only values of COVs of random variables c, ϕ and γ is studied by
those test results which are in accordance with the accept- varying COV of one parameter at a time and keeping COVs
able values for ηp and βp may be selected for the estimation of of the other two parameters constant at the mean value of
ultimate design bond resistance qud. their corresponding range. For the purpose of understand-
CEN (2000) recommends that if the design bond strength ing, field pullout test T2 is considered for carrying out reli-
is determined based on the mean values of one or more field ability analysis using Eqs. (5) and (6). COVs of the random
pullout test results, it should be divided by suitable factor ζ variables (c, ϕ and γ) are normalized using Eq. (8) to facilitate
depending upon the number of field pullout tests consid- graphical representation of the different ranges on the same
ered for the determination of mean value of ultimate bond axis (abscissa).
strength. For one field pullout test ζ is equal to 1.5, for two
pullout tests ζ is equal to 1.35 and for more than two pull-
out tests ζ is equal to 1.30. Thus, the design ultimate bond
strength qud can be determined using Eq. (7) given below. where xcov is the COV for influencing variable x (where x
= c or ϕ or γ), xmax and xmin are the upper and lower lim-
(7) its respectively of corresponding variable COV range. For
example, COV range 2-10% for internal friction angle ϕ can
where i represent the individual field pullout test out of be normalized as:
the total j number of tests selected for the determination of
design ultimate bond strength. (9)

3.1 Appropriate consideration of in-situ soil where ϕ varies from 2 to 10. Eq. (9) yields ϕcov = –1 when
variability COV of ϕ is equal to 2%, ϕcov = +1 when COV of ϕ is equal to
In the proposed methodology, reliability factor βp is the key 10% and ϕcov = 0 when COV of ϕ is at mean value of its range
parameter for the evaluation and selection of the field pullout i.e. 6%. Similarly, COVs of c and can be interpreted using Eq.
tests. Reliability factor βp is significantly influenced by the 8. Plots of reliability factor βp versus normalized coefficients
adopted values of coefficients of variation (COVs) for the of variation of influencing parameters (i.e. random variables
random variables. Phoon and Kulhawy (1999) and Duncan c, ϕ and γ) are shown in Figure 3. From Figure 3, it is evi-
(2000) reported ranges of COV of in-situ soil cohesion c, dent that the increase in COV of internal friction angle from
angle of internal friction ϕ and unit weight γ as 10-30% 2-10% leads to a drastic reduction in reliability factor βp. On
Soil nails field pullout testing 17

Table 1. Influence of correlation among soil parameters on Table 2. Evaluation of the field pullout test results
the pullout test evaluation Ultimate Ultimate
Correlation coefficient, ρ bond bond Efficiency Reliability
Test pullout
Case Reliability factor, βp strength strength factor, factor,
c–ϕ c–γ ϕ–γ no. force
(qu)Th (qu)Th ηp βp
U 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.04 PFT (kN)
(kPa) (kPa)
A -0.25 0.25 0.25 2.89 T1 58.0 84.0 123.0 1.46 2.31
B -0.50 0.25 0.25 2.91 T2 65.0 84.0 137.0 1.64 2.89
C -0.25 0.50 0.25 2.89 T3 48.0 84.0 101.8 1.21 1.25
D -0.25 0.25 0.50 2.75

soil. Coefficients of variation of in-situ soil cohesion c, angle

the other hand, influence of increasing COV for cohesion c of internal friction ϕ and unit weight γ are adopted as 20%,
and unit weight of the in-situ soil has insignificant influence 6% and 5% respectively. Following section illustrates the
on the reliability factor βp. Thus, it is desirable that an appro- proposed methodology for the estimation of design ultimate
priate value of COV of ϕ should be adopted while evaluating bond strength.
field pullout tests using the proposed methodology.
Another important aspect that is likely to influence the
value of reliability factor βp is the consideration of correlation 4. Estimation of design ultimate bond
among random variables i.e. in-situ soil parameters c, ϕ and strength, qud
γ. Influence of correlation among soil parameters (c, ϕ and γ)
on the value of reliability factor βp is studied within the range To illustrate the methodology proposed in the previous sec-
of correlation coefficients among soil parameters reported tion, three pullout test results shown in Figure 2 are used. For
in literature (Chowdhary and Xu 1992; Sivakumar Babu and the purpose of identification; first, second and the third field
Singh 2009). Four possible combinations of negative correla- pullout tests are designated as T1, T2 and T3 respectively. It is
tion between cohesion c and internal friction angle ϕ (i.e. to be noted that all the three pullout tests T1, T2 and T3 were
c – ϕ) varying from –0.25 to –0.50 and positive correlation conducted on the soil nails with same configuration. Table
between shear strength parameters (c and ϕ) and unit weight 2 summarizes the evaluation of the field pullout test results.
γ (i.e. c – γ and ϕ – γ) varying from +0.25 to +0.50 are con- Eq. (1) is used for the determination of the ultimate bond
sidered for the study. Table 1 presents the influence of cor- strength values from the field tests i.e. (qu)FT. Theoretical esti-
relation among in-situ soil parameters on the evaluation of mate of ultimate bond strength (qu) Th is made using Eq. (2).
field pullout t tests. From Table 1, it is evident that reliability Table 2 clearly shows that only field pullout test T2 has
factor βp is maximum for the uncorrelated case, implying values of efficiency factor ηp and reliability factor βp more
that consideration of correlation among soil parameters is than the minimum desirable. Hence, only one (test T2) out of
desirable in the evaluation of the field pullout tests results. the three field pullout tests qualifies for the determination of
However, it is to be noted that the correlation ϕ – γ emerges design ultimate bond strength. Based on the proposed meth-
out to be the most significant. Thus, it is desirable that a odology, only one test T2 with peak pullout force PFT equal to
positive correlation coefficient ϕ – γ should be appropriately 65 kN can be selected for design bond strength determina-
adopted in ϕ – γ the range +0.25 to +0.50, however, for other tion. Thus, using i = j = 1, ζ = 1.50, D = 25 mm, L = 6 m in
correlations i.e. c – ϕ and c – γ, a least value of correlation Eq. (7), the design ultimate bond strength qud is obtained as
coefficients –0.25 and +0.25 respectively may be considered 92 kN/m2.
sufficient for the evaluation of field pullout tests using pro- From the above illustration, it is found that even for
posed methodology. the field pullout tests conducted on the nails with same
In the present study, for the determination of reliability configuration, a need for judicious evaluation and selection
factor βp, in-situ soil cohesion c, angle of internal friction of acceptable field pullout tests is evident. In case of field
ϕ and unit weight of soil are considered as log-normally pullout tests conducted on soil nails with different con-
distributed correlated random variables with mean value 5 figurations, the proposed methodology would be extremely
kPa, 32° and 17 kN/m3 respectively. A negative correlation beneficial. At the design stage of a soil nail wall, the design
coefficient of –0.25 is considered between cohesion c and ultimate bond strength qud evaluated using Eq. (7) can be
internal friction angle ϕ of in-situ soil whereas, a positive used to determine the minimum nail length required for a
correlation coefficient of +0.25 is considered between shear given set of other parameters. In the analysis, it could be used
strength parameters (i.e. c and ϕ) and unit weight γ of in-situ to determine to evaluate the most prominent internal failure
18 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

mode i.e. soil-nail pullout failure mode of the soil nail walls. where (Tmax)1 the maximum axial force developed in the
Some of these aspects and other applications of field pullout first nail, H is the vertical height of the soil nail wall, qud is
tests on soil nails are discussed in the following sections. the design ultimate bond strength, Sv1 is the vertical depth
of embedment of the first nail below ground surface, Sh is
horizontal spacing of nails, α is the inclination of failure
5. Other applications of field pullout plane with respect to horizontal equal to 45 + (ϕ/2) in degrees
tests (FHWA 2003), is the inclination of soil nail with respect to
horizontal, D is the diameter of the reinforcement bar i.e. nail
The three pullout tests (Figure 2) that are reported in this (in case of grouted nails equal to drill hole diameter DDH).
study can be classified as “ultimate tests” (Porterfield et al. For the soil nail wall in consideration, H = 10 m, qs =
1994), conducted with the primary objective of determin- 5 kN/m2, Sv1 = Sh = 0.5 m, D = 25 mm, θ = 0 deg., qud = 92
ing the ultimate bond capacity between in-situ soil and nails kN/m2 and ϕ = 32°. Substituting these values in Eq. (10), the
and to verify that the soil nail length provided is sufficient minimum required design length of soil nail Lmin is equal to
to provide design bond strength. As discussed previously, 5.60 m. The length of soil nails actually provided is 6 m which
the design ultimate bond strength qud obtained based on the is more than the minimum desired design length of soil nails
three pullout test is 92 kPa for which minimum required (Lmin = 5.60 m).
length of soil nail is 5.60 m (discussed in the following sub-
section) which is less than the nail length actually provided 5.2 Evaluation of pullout failure mode of
(i.e. 6 m). Thus, based on the pullout test results it is verified
soil nails
that length of soil nail provided in actual constructed wall is
sufficient to develop design bond strength. The design ultimate bond strength qud determined earlier can
In addition to the above, field pullout tests provide be used for the analysis of pullout failure of soil nails. Pullout
implicit information about various important parameters failure of soil nails is one of the most prominent internal
that are beneficial in studying behaviour of soil-nail interac- failure mode of the soil nail walls which takes place along the
tion analytically and using rigorous computational tools such soil-grout or soil-nail interface. Insufficient intrinsic bond
as finite element methods. For example, Murthy et al. (2002) strength and / or insufficient nail length are the most promi-
demonstrated the use of the field pullout result in the back nent causes of soil nail pullout failure. The minimum recom-
calculation of in-situ soil parameters using numerical simu- mended value of factor of safety against nail pullout failure is
lations and studied the stability and deformation behaviour 2.0 (FHWA 2003). For any particular nail embedded at depth
of the two prototype soil nail walls. In the following subsec- z below the ground surface, factor of safety against pullout
tions, some of the practical applications of the field pullout failure FSP is determined as the ratio of its pullout capacity
tests are illustrated with reference to the three field pullout Rp to the maximum axial force Tmax developed in the nail at
tests shown in Figure 2. that level i.e.

5.1 Determination of minimum design nail
length Lmin
The design ultimate bond strength qud can be used to deter- In accordance with FHWA (2003), the maximum axial
mine the minimum length of soil nail required for a given force developed in a soil nail embedded at depth z below the
set of geometric and loading conditions. Minimum required ground surface and its pullout capacity can be determined
length of the soil nail can be determined on the basis of fol- using Eqs. (12) and (13).
lowing two criteria: (a) top nail (i.e. the first nail) should be
such that it crosses the failure surface, and (b) length of the
top nail must yield minimum factor of safety equal to 2.0
against nail pullout failure. Thus, considering these two cri- (13)
teria, Eq. (10) can be used to calculate the minimum design
length of soil nail Lmin. where Sv is vertical spacing of soil nails and LP is the effective
bond length. Assuming a linear failure plane inclined at angle
(10) α with respect to horizontal, the effective bond length LP can
be determined using Eq. (14).
(10a) (14)
Soil nails field pullout testing 19

Table 3. Summary of pullout failure mode analysis

Depth of Factor of safety
Nail Reliability index
embedment against pullout
no. βPull
z (m) failure FSP
1 0.50 5.11 2.84
5 2.50 3.65 7.69
10 5.00 3.37 14.0
15 7.50 3.28 17.06
19 9.50 3.23 18.25

Reliability analysis for the soil nail pullout failure can be

performed using Eq. (5) and the performance function given
by Eq. (15).


Table 3 presents a summary of pullout failure mode Figure 4. Determination of nail-soil interface shear modulus K
analysis for nails at different depths in the soil nail wall con-
sidered in the present study. It is evident from Table 3 that
interface is assumed to behave as an ideal elasto-plastic mate-
soil nail wall is internally safe against nail pullout failure at
rial. As shown by the dotted line in the Figure 4, force-dis-
each nail level. An interesting observation from the pullout
placement response of the field pullout tests can be idealized
failure analysis is that the soil nails approach higher reliabil-
to represent an elasto-plastic behavior of nail-soil shear inter-
ity against pullout failure with the increase in the depth of
face. This idealized force-displacement response can be used
embedment (Table 3).
for the determination of shear modulus of nail-soil interface
It can be noted that the above performance function is a
K, yield strength of the nail-soil interface qo and the interface
safety margin rather than a ratio by which the factor of safety
displacement at yield uo (= qo/K). Assuming elasto-plastic
is defined.
behavior for nail-soil interface, these parameters can be used
in the finite element analyses and developing analytical mod-
5.3 Determination of pullout friction els for soil-nail interaction. Figure 4 show that from the field
coefficient f* pullout test T2, interface parameters can be obtained as: K =
Wang and Richwien (2002) reported that the coefficient of 3.31 MPa, qo = 10.25 kN/m and uo = 3.10 mm. Knowing the
pullout friction f* can be obtained from the field pullout Poisson’s ratio of the soil, elasticity modulus of the soil in the
results using Eq. (16). vicinity of the nail Es can be determined as 2K(1+ υ). For an
assumed value of υ = 0.33, Es = 8.80 MPa.
(16) Another important parameter that can be derived from
the results of field pullout tests is the interface shear stiffness
ki. Within the elastic limit of nail-soil pullout behavior, the
where σm is the mean normal stress acting on the interface of
interface shear stiffness ki for the stiff nails can be determined
reinforcement (= qs + γz). Considering the field pullout test
as the ratio of yield interface shear stress τo to the yield inter-
T2, for PFT = 65 kN, D = 25 mm, z = 9.5 m, L = 6 m and = 166
face nail displacement at uo (Milligan and Tei 1998). From
kN/m2, the coefficient of pullout friction f* = 1.31.
the field pullout test T2 (Figure 5), the interface shear stiffness
ki = 42 kN/m2 mm.
5.4 Determination of nail-soil interface A summary of various parameters determined using the
parameters three pullout tests is presented in Table 4. From the above
Field pullout test results can be used for the determination discussion, it is evident that field pullout tests provide reli-
of the nail-soil interface parameters. In general, the nail–soil able and significant amount of information desirable for the
interface parameters are related to the installation method of analysis, design and evaluation of the long term performance
the soil nails instead of directly determining from the actual of the soil nail structures.
soil parameters. Following Misra et al. (2007), nail-soil shear
20 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

Table 4. Summary of parameters determined using field grams would not only enable the appropriate selection of the
pullout test design bond capacity, but also assure the long term reliability
Parameter Value of the performance of the soil nail walls.
Design ultimate bond strength qud (kN/m ) 2
Minimum required soil nail length Lmin (m) 5.60
Pullout friction coefficient f* 1.31 Acknowledgements
Nail-soil interface shear modulus K (MPa) 3.31
The work presented in this paper is a part of the research
Yield strength of the nail-soil interface qo (kN/m) 10.25
project Guidelines for Soil Nailing Technique in Highway
Yield interface displacement at yield uo (mm) 3.10
Engineering (R-86) financed by the Ministry of Shipping,
Elastic modulus of surrounding soil Es (MPa) 8.80 Road Transport and Highways, India. The authors express
Nail-soil interface shear stiffness ki (kN/ 42.0 thanks to the Ministry for funding and providing necessary
support for the project.

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