Last 3 Month Vocabulary Magazine by Nimisha Ma'am Oct To Dec 2023

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Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best

Of all the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat
Your dedication is visible to everyone you meet
So soothing is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere

But like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew

From a leaf split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart
Yes, I believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you
Don’t ever give up
Yes, you can and you will do it

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(OCTOBER MONTH 2023) 5. Absurd: extremely silly; not logical and
sensible. बेतक
ु ा
1. Rift: a serious disagreement that
Synonyms: preposterous, outrageous
separates two people who have been
friends and stops their friendship Antonyms: pragmatic, prudent
continuing. मनमट ु ाव
Example: It's absurd to wear a winter
Synonyms: estrangement, dispute coat in the scorching summer heat.
Antonyms: harmony, concord 6. Pragmatically: in a practical and sensible
way rather than relying on fixed ideas or
Example: The argument caused a rift
theories. व्यावहारिक रूप से
between the two friends.
Synonyms: rationally, logically
2. Rupture: the ending of agreement or of
good relations between people, Antonyms: impractically, unrealistically
countries, etc. अलगाव
Example: She approached the problem
Synonyms: discord, schism pragmatically, finding the most efficient
Antonyms: reconciliation, unity
7. Articulate: to express or explain your
Example: The rupture of the friendship
thoughts or feelings clearly in words.
left both of them feeling hurt and distant.
स्पष्ट रूप से कहना
3. Steadfast: not changing in your attitudes
Synonyms: state, enunciate
or aims. दृढ़
Antonyms: mumble, stammer
Synonyms: resolute, unwavering
Example: Sarah is known for her ability
Antonyms: faltering, fickle
to articulate her thoughts clearly in any
Example: Despite the challenges, she conversation.
remained steadfast in her pursuit of her
8. Whipped up: encouraged or caused
dream job.
people to have strong feelings about
4. Ardent: very enthusiastic and showing something.
strong feelings about
9. Shoring up: helping to support
something/somebody. उत्साही
something that is weak or going to fail.
Synonyms: fervent, avid
10. Contingent on: depending on something
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent else in the future in order to happen.

Example: His ardent love for classic cars 11. By a landslide: winning something very
led him to collect vintage automobiles easily and by a huge difference.
from the 1950s.
12. At odds: in disagreement.
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13. The ball is in one's court: it is time for Synonyms: stupefied, dazed
someone to deal with a problem or make
a decision, because other people have Antonyms: conscious, aware
already done as much as they can. Example: The news of her promotion left
14. Rang the death knell: caused the end of her feeling numb with disbelief.
something. 20. Stunning: shocking or very impressive.
15. Zero-sum game: a situation in which one अद्भत

person or group can win something only Synonyms: astonishing, staggering
by causing another person or group to
lose it. Antonyms: expected, predictable

16. Vagaries: unexpected events or changes Example: His performance on the stage
that cannot be controlled and can was nothing short of stunning.
influence a situation. अनियमितता
21. Hammering: an occasion when someone
Synonyms: unpredictability, volatility is defeated completely. पराजय

Antonyms: conformity, regularity Synonyms: rout, drubbing

Example: I couldn't predict the vagaries Antonyms: triumph, victory

of the stock market, so I decided to
Example: Despite their best efforts, they
invest cautiously.
couldn't avoid the hammering handed to
17. Muted: made something weaker or less them by the opposing team.
severe. शांत करना
22. Augurs: to be a sign of especially good
Synonyms: allayed, quelled or bad things in the future. पर्व
ू सचू ना दे ना

Antonyms: heightened, intensified Synonyms: presage, portend

Example: His enthusiasm was muted Antonyms: eclipse, obscure

after hearing the disappointing news.
Example: The teacher's encouragement
18. Deluged: covered something with a lot of and support augured success for the
water. बाढ़ आना struggling student.

Synonyms: inundated, flooded 23. Equestrian: connected with the riding of

Antonyms: drained, dehydrated
24. Grappling with: trying to deal with or
Example: We had to postpone our understand a difficult problem or subject.
outdoor picnic when the unexpected
downpour deluged the park. 25. On the horizon: likely to happen or exist
19. Numb: not able to feel any emotions or to
think clearly, because you are so 26. Came to a head: reached a point where
shocked or frightened, etc. स्तब्ध some strong action had to be taken.

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27. Go a long way: to be very successful. 33. Frenetic: involving a lot of excited
movement or activity. उन्मादपर्ण

28. Confer: to give an official title, honour, or
advantage to someone. प्रदान करना Synonyms: frenzied, feverish

Synonyms: bestow, accord Antonyms: tranquil, serene

Antonyms: withhold, deprive Example: The frenetic pace of the city

can be overwhelming for some.
Example: Please confer the award to the
deserving candidate. 34. Juxtaposed: put things or people next to
each other, esp. in order to compare
29. Flagged: became tired, weaker or less them. तल
ु ना करना
enthusiastic. निरुत्साह होना
Synonyms: contrasted, collated
Synonyms: waned, faltered
Antonyms: separated, isolated
Antonyms: revived, soared
Example: The historical photographs
Example: Rita's confidence had never were juxtaposed with current images to
flagged. show the changes over time.
30. Undeterred: still continuing to do 35. Unenviable: difficult or unpleasant; that
something or enthusiastic about doing it you would not want to have. अवांछनीय
despite a bad situation. अडिग
Synonyms: unappealing, uninviting
Synonyms: resolute, unwavering
Antonyms: desirable, coveted
Antonyms: vacillating, dithering
Example: Her unenviable task was to
Example: Even after failing the first time, clean the entire house after the party.
she remained undeterred and tried again.
36. Scupper: to cause something such as a
31. Inchoate: just beginning to form and plan or an opportunity to fail. असफल करना
therefore not clear or developed. प्रारं भिक
Synonyms: thwart, foil
Synonyms: incipient, nascent
Antonyms: further, foster
Antonyms: full-fledged, ripened
Example: The heavy rain threatened to
Example: Her inchoate idea for a novel scupper our plans for a picnic.
began with a single sentence.
37. Take off: to suddenly start to be
32. Vie: to compete with other people to successful or popular.
achieve or get something. प्रतिस्पर्धा करना
38. Shot in the arm: something that has a
Synonyms: contend, rival sudden and positive effect on something,
Antonyms: cede, yield providing encouragement and new
Example: Several students vie for the
role of class president. 39. Against all odds: to do or achieve

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something although there were a lot of Example: This textbook will encompass
problems and you were not likely to all the topics you need to study for the
succeed. exam.

40. Play second fiddle: to be less important 46. Tweaking: changing something slightly,
or in a weaker position than someone especially in order to make it more
else. correct, effective, or suitable. सध
ु ारना

41. In vogue: popular and considered to be Synonyms: fine-tuning, modifying

attractive at the time in question.
Antonyms: spoiling, ruining
42. Peculiar: unusual and strange,
sometimes in an unpleasant way. विचित्र Example: The mechanic had to tweak the
engine to improve its performance.
Synonyms: odd, bizarre
47. Paradigmatic: serving as a typical
Antonyms: typical, standard example of something. उदाहरणस्‍वरूप

Example: It's peculiar how the weather Synonyms: archetypal, quintessential

can change so quickly.
Antonyms: atypical, unique
43. Straightforward: easy to do or to
understand; not complicated. सरल Example: In literature, Shakespeare's
works are often considered paradigmatic
Synonyms: elementary, facile examples of timeless storytelling.

Antonyms: arduous, taxing 48. Penalises: to punish somebody for

breaking a rule or law by making them
Example: The instructions for suffer a disadvantage. दं ड दे ना
assembling the furniture were
straightforward. Synonyms: chastise, reprimand

44. Feted: praised or welcomed someone Antonyms: pardon, reward

publicly because of his or her
achievements. उत्सवपर्व Example: The teacher decided not to
ू क सम्मान करना
penalise the student for the minor
Synonyms: lionised, commemorated mistake in their homework.

Antonyms: censured, vilified 49. Speculate: to form opinions about

something without having the necessary
Example: The company will fete its information or facts; to make guesses.
employees for their hard work with a अंदाज़ लगाना
company picnic.
Synonyms: conjecture, surmise
45. Encompasses: to include several
different things. सम्मिलित करना Antonyms: dismiss, disregard

Synonyms: incorporates, comprises Example: I can only speculate about what

the weather will be like tomorrow.
Antonyms: precludes, omits
50. Heft: the influence, ability, or importance

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that someone or something has. प्रभाव 57. Compensate: to provide something good
to balance or reduce the bad effects of
Synonyms: sway, clout damage, loss, etc. क्षतिपर्ति
ू करना
Antonyms: insignificance, triviality Synonyms: expiate, indemnify
Example: The professor's heft in the Antonyms: deprive, extort
academic community made his research
widely respected. Example: I'll compensate for my absence
by completing the work from home.
51. Keeping tabs on: routinely monitoring or
observing someone or something; 58. Incentives: something that encourages a
keeping track of someone or something. person to do something. प्रोत्साहन

52. Takes into account: to consider or Synonyms: inducement, enticement

remember something when judging a
situation. Antonyms: deterrent, dissuasion

53. Torn between: finding it very difficult to Example: The promise of a delicious
choose between two possibilities dessert was a great incentive for the kids
to finish their vegetables.
54. Mimic: to look or behave like something
else. अनक 59. Lacklustre: without energy and effort.
ु रण करना
Synonyms: imitate, emulate
Synonyms: bland, spiritless
Antonyms: differ, deviate
Antonyms: exceptional, outstanding
Example: The parrot can mimic human
speech perfectly. Example: The lacklustre performance of
the team disappointed their fans.
55. Innocuous: not harmful or offensive.
अहानिकर 60. Accentuating: emphasising a particular
feature of something or making
Synonyms: benign, anodyne something more noticeable. अधिक सस्
ु पष्ट
Antonyms: noxious, baneful
Synonyms: illuminating, punctuating
Example: The innocuous smile on his
face masked his true feelings. Antonyms: concealing, obscuring

56. Dictate: to control or influence how Example: The sunlight filtering through
something happens. निर्धारण करना the trees was accentuating the beauty of
the forest.
Synonyms: determine, govern
61. Trumped: beat someone or something by
Antonyms: hinder, curb doing or producing something better.
Example: Economic factors can dictate पछाड़ दे ना
the price of goods and services. Synonyms: eclipsed, surpassed

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Antonyms: failed, lost groups for a serious purpose. एकत्र होना

Example: His determination to succeed Synonyms: congregate, assemble

will ultimately trump any obstacles he
faces. Antonyms: disperse, separate

62. All-cause mortality: the death rate from Example: The board of directors will
all causes of death for a population in a convene in the conference room at 3 PM.
given time period. 69. Discernible: able to be seen or
63. In place: working or ready to work; understood. समझ में आने योग्य
established. Synonyms: perceptible, conspicuous
64. Lose sight of: to not consider Antonyms: obscure, vague
something, esp. because you have
forgotten about it. Example: Despite her attempts to hide it,
her nervousness was discernible in her
65. Ticking time bomb: a person, thing, or trembling hands.
situation that can at any moment cause
much havoc or result in a disastrous 70. Distilling: getting or showing only the
outcome. most important part of something. सार या
अर्क निकालना
66. Scrutiny: the careful and detailed
examination of something in order to get Synonyms: epitomising, condensing
information about it. जांच
Antonyms: elaborating, expanding
Synonyms: analysis, perusal
Example: The scientist was distilling data
Antonyms: negligence, oversight from various sources to draw meaningful
Example: The safety of the new product
design was under constant scrutiny to 71. Invoked: mentioned or used a law, rule,
ensure it met all regulations. etc. as a reason for doing something.
उपयोग करना
67. Persist: to continue to exist past the
usual time, or to continue to do Synonyms: implemented, executed
something in a determined way even
Antonyms: waived, neglected
when facing difficulties or opposition.
बना रहना Example: She decided to invoke her right
to remain silent during the police
Synonyms: endure, prevail
Antonyms: cease, conclude
72. Arduous: difficult and tiring, or needing a
Example: The rain persisted throughout great deal of effort. कठिन
the entire day, drenching everything in its
Synonyms: taxing, onerous
Antonyms: effortless, facile
68. Convenes: to meet formally as a group,
or to arrange a meeting of people or
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Example: Climbing the steep mountain angry about something. शांत करना
was an arduous task, but the view from
the top was breathtaking. Synonyms: assuage, mollify

73. Ensuing: that happens after or as a result Antonyms: inflame, agitate

of another event. परिणामी Example: The manager tried to placate
Synonyms: subsequent, following the upset customer by offering a full
Antonyms: antecedent, preceding
78. Kicking in: starting to have an effect or to
Example: She missed her alarm, and the happen.
ensuing rush to get ready made her late
for work. 79. Stemmed from: to be caused by
something or someone.
74. Vociferous: expressing your opinions or
feelings in a loud and confident way. मख 80. Benign: not causing damage or harm. जो
ु र
गंभीर न हो
Synonyms: clamant, emphatic
Synonyms: innocuous, anodyne
Antonyms: reticent, taciturn
Antonyms: deleterious, pernicious
Example: During the heated debate, both
candidates became increasingly Example: Fortunately, the storm's impact
vociferous in their arguments. on the town was relatively benign, with
only minor damage.
75. Resent: to feel bitter or angry about
something, especially because you feel it 81. Tacit: understood without being
is unfair. अप्रसन्न होना expressed directly. अनकहा

Synonyms: detest, despise Synonyms: implicit, inferred

Antonyms: welcome, approve Antonyms: explicit, articulated

Example: Tom tried not to resent his Example: Jane's refusal to discuss her
colleague's promotion, but he had been past hinted at a tacit pain she preferred
hoping for it himself. not to reveal.

76. Chagrin: disappointment or anger, 82. Prognosis: a judgment about how

especially when caused by a failure or something is likely to develop in the
mistake. शरमिंदगी future. पर्वा
ू नम ु ान

Synonyms: abashment, exasperation Synonyms: outlook, forecast

Antonyms: delight, satisfaction Antonyms: history, background

Example: Despite his best efforts, he Example: The financial analyst's

couldn't hide his chagrin after losing the prognosis influenced the investment
chess match. decisions of many.

77. Placate: to make somebody feel less 83. Respite: a short break or escape from

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something difficult or unpleasant. राहत comments on his social media post,
which hurt his feelings.
Synonyms: lull, recess
88. Clandestine: done secretly or kept
Antonyms: continuation, perpetuity secret. गप्ु त
Example: The rain offered a respite from Synonyms: surreptitious, covert
the scorching heat.
Antonyms: public, overt
84. Jolts: to give someone a sudden shock,
especially so that they start to take Example: The clandestine meeting took
action or deal with a situation. झटका दे ना place in the dimly lit alley.

Synonyms: startle, stagger 89. In a cleft stick: to be in a situation where

it is very difficult to decide what to do,
Antonyms: placate, assuage usually because both of your two
Example: The unexpected news jolted choices of action would cause problems.
her out of her daydream. 90. Walk the talk: to do what one said one
85. Uncanny: strange or mysterious; difficult could do, or would do, not just making
or impossible to explain. विचित्र empty promises.

Synonyms: bizarre, mystifying 91. In tandem: alongside each other.

Antonyms: commonplace, conventional 92. Little love lost: If there is no/little love
lost between two people, they do not like
Example: The magician's ability to each other.
predict the audience's thoughts seemed
uncanny. 93. Burnt their bridges: took actions that
made it impossible to return to a
86. Prevail: to defeat an opponent, especially previous situation or relationship.
after a long struggle. जीतना
94. Achilles heel: a small problem or
Synonyms: triumph, conquer weakness in a person or system that can
result in failure.
Antonyms: succumb, capitulate
95. Momentous: of great importance or
Example: Despite their best efforts, the
significance, especially in having a
underdog team managed to prevail over
bearing on future events. महत्वपर्ण

the reigning champions in a thrilling
soccer match. Synonyms: historic, consequential

87. Unsavoury: unpleasant or offensive; not Antonyms: trivial, trifling

considered morally acceptable. घणि
ृ त
Example: The invention of the internet
Synonyms: vile, iniquitous was a momentous breakthrough in
communication technology.
Antonyms: virtuous, ethical
96. Euphoria: an extremely strong feeling of
Example: He received unsavoury
happiness and excitement that usually

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lasts only a short time. उल्लासोन्माद Example: Their relationship was in a
precarious state, with constant
Synonyms: ecstasy, rapture arguments.
Antonyms: despondency, melancholia 101. Endure: to experience and deal with
Example: The unexpected compliment something that is painful or unpleasant
from a stranger made her feel a sudden without giving up. सहना
burst of euphoria. Synonyms: bear, sustain
97. Insular: interested only in your own Antonyms: evade, dodge
country or group and not willing to
accept different or foreign ideas. सीमित Example: She had to endure a long and
tedious wait at the doctor's office.
Synonyms: illiberal, intolerant
102. Undermine: to gradually weaken or
Antonyms: receptive, cosmopolitan destroy someone or something. दर्ब
ु ल
Example: The company's insular culture करना
made it difficult for new employees to Synonyms: impair, compromise
feel included.
Antonyms: buttress, bolster
98. Gleaned: collected information in small
amounts and often with difficulty. बटोरना Example: Negative thoughts can
undermine your ability to stay motivated.
Synonyms: garnered, amassed
103. Detrimental: causing harm or damage.
Antonyms: dispersed, dissipated हानिकारक
Example: He managed to glean a few Synonyms: baleful, pernicious
useful tips from the conversation.
Antonyms: salutary, salubrious
99. Floundering: having a lot of problems
and being in danger of failing completely. Example: Eating junk food every day can
लड़खड़ाना be detrimental to your health.

Synonyms: faltering, struggling 104. Pertinent: appropriate to a particular

situation. उचित
Antonyms: prospering, thriving
Synonyms: apposite, fitting
Example: When faced with unexpected
challenges, it's easy to flounder, but Antonyms: irrelevant, extraneous
resilience is key.
Example: Please provide only pertinent
100. Precarious: not safe or certain; information on your job application.
dangerous. अनिश्चित
105. Augment: to make something larger
Synonyms: perilous, dicey or fuller by adding something to it. बढ़ाना

Antonyms: reliable, secure Synonyms: expand, amplify

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Antonyms: diminish, lessen Antonyms: naive, asinine

Example: To improve her skills, she Example: The astute traveler planned
sought to augment her knowledge every detail of the trip to maximise
through online courses. enjoyment.

106. Forestall: to prevent something from 112. Notion: a belief or idea. विचार
happening by acting first. पहले ही रोक लेना
Synonyms: presumption, assumption
Synonyms: preclude, preempt
Antonyms: certainty, verity
Antonyms: expedite, facilitate
Example: Her notion of a perfect
Example: The company implemented weekend involves reading a good book.
new security measures to forestall
cyberattacks. 113. Denigrates: to criticise
somebody/something unfairly; to say
107. Watershed moment: an event or somebody/something does not have any
period that is important because it value or is not important. बदनाम करना
represents a big change in how people
do or think about something. Synonyms: disparage, belittle

108. A lion's share: the largest part or Antonyms: extol, compliment

most of something. Example: Sarah always tries to denigrate
109. Thumping: very big or important. her competitors instead of focusing on
ज़बरदस्त her own strengths.

Synonyms: tremendous, monumental 114. Acumen: the ability to understand and

decide things quickly and well. कुशाग्रता
Antonyms: insignificant, slight
Synonyms: sagacity, shrewdness
Example: His thumping victory in the
race was celebrated by his friends. Antonyms: ignorance, ineptness

110. Blunting: making something weaker Example: Jane's financial acumen

or less effective. मन्द करना allowed her to make wise investment
Synonyms: debilitating, enfeebling
115. Belied: showed that something
Antonyms: envigorating, bolstering cannot be true or correct. झुठलाना

Example: He decided to blunt the Synonyms: refuted, contradicted

criticism by acknowledging his mistake.
Antonyms: validated, substantiated
111. Astute: able to understand a situation
quickly and see how to take advantage of Example: Her smile might belie the
it. चतरु sadness she feels inside.

Synonyms: canny, sagacious 116. Pulled off: succeeded in doing

something difficult or unexpected.

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117. Called for: publicly asked for machine was an anomaly in its otherwise
something to happen. reliable performance.

118. Shorn of: to have something 126. Untenable: not able to be supported
important taken away from you. or defended against criticism, or no
longer able to continue. असमर्थनीय
119. Throw one's weight behind: to use
one's influence to support something. Synonyms: indefensible, refutable

120. A level playing field: a situation that is Antonyms: justified, watertight

fair because everyone has the same
chance of succeeding. Example: His argument became
untenable when he couldn't provide any
121. Looms large: If something looms evidence to support his claims.
large, it becomes very important and
often causes worry. 127. Malady: a disease, or a problem in the
way something works. रोग
122. Black swans: something extremely
rare. Synonyms: ailment, infirmity

123. Lingered: continued to exist for Antonyms: verdure, wellness

longer than expected. दे र तक ठहरना Example: The malady of procrastination
Synonyms: persisted, endured often hinders productivity and success.

Antonyms: faded, vanished 128. Resent: to dislike or be angry at

something or someone because you
Example: The memory of that summer have been hurt or not treated fairly. कुढ़ना
vacation still lingered in their minds.
Synonyms: scorn, disdain
124. Vexed: difficult to deal with and
causing a lot of disagreement and Antonyms: welcome, cherish
argument. विवादास्पद Example: She couldn't help but resent
Synonyms: moot, contentious her friend for canceling their plans at the
last minute.
Antonyms: unequivocal, resolved
129. Animated: caused someone or
Example: The budget allocation for the something to be more active or full of
project has become a vexed issue among life. उत्तेजित करना
the team members.
Synonyms: envigorated, stimulated
125. Anomalies: things, situations, etc.
that are different from what is normal or Antonyms: dampened, disheartened
expected. अनियमितता Example: She animated the party with
Synonyms: oddity, aberration her lively dance moves.

Antonyms: conformity, normality 130. Thwarted: stopped something from

happening or someone from doing
Example: The unusual behavior of the something. विफल करना

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Synonyms: frustrated, hindered opponents in shock.

Antonyms: facilitated, furthered 137. Blunting: making something weaker

or less effective. मन्द करना
Example: She thwarted my attempts to
surprise her with a birthday party. Synonyms: tempering, moderating

131. Analogous: similar in some way to Antonyms: intensifying, heightening

another thing or situation and therefore
able to be compared with it. अनरू Example: He tried to blunt the impact of
ु प
his criticism by adding some
Synonyms: equivalent, parallel compliments.

Antonyms: contrasting, disparate 138. Averted: prevented something bad or

dangerous from happening. टालना
Example: The way a sailboat catches the
wind to move is analogous to how a kite Synonyms: precluded, forestalled
stays aloft in the sky.
Antonyms: aided, assisted
132. Ringing in: bringing in or introducing
something, often related to a change or Example: The quick thinking of the pilot
transition. helped avert a potential disaster.

133. Off the table: to be withdrawn or no 139. Resurrection: the act of bringing
longer available, as for consideration, something that had disappeared or
acceptance, discussion, etc. ended back into use or existence.
ु रुत्थान
134. Tall order: an unreasonable or difficult
demand. Synonyms: resurgence, resuscitation

135. Effect: to cause something to happen. Antonyms: deterioration, decline

उत्पन्न करना Example: The actor's career saw a
Synonyms: effectuate, engender resurrection when he landed a leading
role in a blockbuster movie.
Antonyms: abolish, annul
140. Divisive: tending to cause
Example: The new law will effect disagreements that separate people into
significant changes in our tax system. opposing groups. विभाजनात्मक

136. Blitzkrieg: a short period Synonyms: contentious, controversial

characterised by an intense effort to do
something or a large quantity of Antonyms: agreeable, peaceful
something arriving. उल्लासोन्माद Example: The controversial decision to
Synonyms: barrage, deluge build a new highway through the national
park proved to be highly divisive among
Antonyms: dearth, paucity the local community.

Example: The sports team executed a 141. Alleged: stated as a fact but without
blitzkrieg of offensive plays, leaving their any proof. कथित

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Synonyms: supposed, purported Antonyms: commending, extolling

Antonyms: certain, definite Example: The mayor held a press

conference to condemn the recent acts
Example: She was questioned about her of vandalism in the city.
alleged involvement in the incident.
151. Abhor: to hate something, for
142. Face off: to meet an opposing person, example a way of behaving or thinking,
group, or sports team to argue or especially for moral reasons. घण
ृ ा करना
Synonyms: despise, detest
143. Smacks of: to seem to contain or
involve something unpleasant. Antonyms: admire, cherish

144. Buck the trend: to do something Example: I abhor cruelty to animals; it's
different or unconventional compared to important to treat them with kindness
what is typically expected or observed in and respect.
a particular situation.
152. Condone: to accept or allow
145. On its last legs: in such bad condition behaviour that is wrong. माफ करना
that it will soon be unable to work as it
should. Synonyms: tolerate, pardon

146. Buried the hatchet: agreed to end the Antonyms: castigate, upbraid
disagreement that has divided two Example: I cannot condone cheating on
people or groups. an exam; it's important to maintain
147. Throw one's weight behind: to use academic integrity.
one's influence or power to support or 153. Contend: to compete in order to win
promote someone or something. something or to achieve a position of
148. Face the axe: to be in a situation leadership. प्रतिस्पर्धा में होना
where one is at risk of losing their job or Synonyms: contest, vie
facing consequences.
Antonyms: cede, yield
149. Atrocities: extremely cruel, violent, or
shocking acts. अत्याचार Example: The athletes will contend for
the gold medal in the upcoming
Synonyms: outrage, malfeasance tournament.
Antonyms: virtue, righteousness 154. Desertion: the act of leaving someone
Example: The history books are filled behind in a difficult situation. परित्याग
with accounts of wartime atrocities. Synonyms: abandonment, forsaking
150. Condemning: criticising something or Antonyms: faithfulness, loyalty
someone strongly, usually for moral
reasons. निंदा करना Example: The sudden desertion of
customers from the restaurant was a
Synonyms: censuring, denouncing sign of its declining popularity.

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155. Championing: supporting, defending, something in a boring or annoying way.
or fighting for a person, belief, right, or
principle enthusiastically. समर्थन करना 160. Latching onto: following someone
and keep trying to talk to them, get their
Synonyms: advocating, endorsing attention etc, especially when they would
prefer to be left alone.
Antonyms: condemning, protesting
161. Walk a tightrope: to deal with a
Example: She aims to champion the difficult situation, especially one
cause of environmental conservation in involving making a decision between two
her community. opposing plans of action.
156. Embroiled: caused someone or 162. Steal a march on: gain an advantage
something to become involved in an over someone by acting before they do.
argument or a difficult situation. आपत्ति में
डालना 163. Soft-power:The ability to influence the
behavior or attitudes of others through
Synonyms: entangled, mired persuasion, attraction, or cultural appeal
Antonyms: liberated, freed rather than coercion or force.

Example: The company became Synonyms: Diplomacy, cultural influence,

embroiled in a scandal when evidence of persuasion, appeal, charm.
unethical practices surfaced. Antonyms: Hard power, force, coercion,
157. Vociferous: expressing your opinions intimidation.
or feelings in a loud and confident way. Sentence: Many countries use soft power
ु र to promote their culture and values
Synonyms: emphatic, vehement internationally, often through initiatives
like cultural exchanges and educational
Antonyms: reticent, taciturn programs.

Example: The protestor's vociferous

chants demanded immediate action on
climate change. 164. Quadrennial: Meaning: Occurring
every four years.
158. Resonated: reminded someone of
something; or was similar to what Synonyms: Every four years, periodic,
someone thinks or believes. याद दिलाना recurring.

Synonyms: strike a chord, hit home Antonyms: Annual, biennial.

Antonyms: divert, distract Sentence: The Olympic Games are a

quadrennial event that draws athletes
Example: The powerful message of the from all over the world.
speech resonated with the audience,
leaving a lasting impact

159. Harping on: keep talking about 165. Reticence: The quality of being
reserved, silent, or hesitant in expressing
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one's thoughts or feelings. Sentence: Hosting the Olympics can give
a country a vantage point on the global
Synonyms: Reserve, silence, hesitation, stage.

Antonyms: Openness, frankness,

outspokenness. 169. Tailwind: A wind blowing in the same
direction as the movement of an object,
Sentence: His reticence in sharing his providing additional forward momentum.
opinions often left people guessing
about his true feelings. Synonyms: Favorable wind, assist,
166. Scam-ridden: Filled with scams or
fraudulent activities. Antonyms: Headwind, hindrance.

Synonyms: Fraudulent, corrupt, Sentence: The tailwind helped the

deceitful. cyclists achieve record speeds during
the race.
Antonyms: Honest, genuine, transparent.
170. Ephemera: Things that are transient,
Sentence: The company's history is short-lived, or not lasting for a long time.
scam-ridden, with multiple cases of
embezzlement and financial fraud. Synonyms: Transitory, fleeting,
167. Ratification:The formal approval or
acceptance of a decision, action, or Antonyms: Permanent, enduring, lasting.
Sentence: Social media posts are often
Synonyms: Confirmation, endorsement, considered ephemera, as they quickly
approval. become outdated and are replaced by
newer content.
Antonyms: Rejection, disapproval,
denial. 171. Humongous: Extremely large or
Sentence: The ratification of the trade
agreement by all participating countries Synonyms: Gigantic, massive, colossal.
was a significant step towards
international cooperation. Antonyms: Tiny, minuscule, diminutive.

Sentence: The construction project

required a humongous amount of
168. Vantage:A position or condition that resources and manpower to complete.
provides an advantage or favorable
perspective. 172. Populist: Relating to or characteristic
of a political approach that seeks to
Synonyms: Advantage, benefit, edge. appeal to ordinary people by presenting
policies as being in their best interest.
Antonyms: Disadvantage, setback,
drawback. Synonyms: Demagogic, popularist,

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Antonyms: Elitist, exclusive, unpopular. harmed by something. अतिसंवेदनशील

Sentence: The politician's populist Synonyms: vulnerable, exposed

promises garnered a lot of support from
the working class. Antonyms: immune, resistant

173. Make up: to constitute, to form Example: Her weakened immune system
makes her more susceptible to
174. Bring about: to cause, to produce infections.

175. Set out: to begin, to start 183. Underscores: to emphasise or show

that something is important or true. ज़ोर
176. Turn to: to use, to resort to दे ना
177. Call for: to require, to demand Synonyms: accentuate, stress
178. Run out of: to have no more of Antonyms: downplay, understate
Example: She asked me to underscore
179. Mooted: suggest something for the significance of this research.
discussion. प्रस्तत
ु करना
184. Pivotal: of great importance because
Synonyms: broached, proffered other things depend on it. निर्णायक
Antonyms: withheld, suppressed Synonyms: critical, consequential
Example: She decided to moot the idea Antonyms: minor, trivial
of a weekend getaway with her friends.
Example: Her research was pivotal in
180. Exacerbate: to make something that is advancing our understanding of climate
already bad even worse. बिगड़ी हुई को और change.
185. Improbable: not likely to happen or be
Synonyms: aggravate, compound true. असंभव
Antonyms: alleviate, mitigate Synonyms: implausible, incredible
Example: Please avoid spicy foods if you Antonyms: certain, assured
don't want to exacerbate your
stomachache. Example: Winning the lottery is an
improbable event for most people.
181. Pronounced: easy to notice or
strongly expressed. स्पष्ट 186. Dire: very serious or extreme. भीषण

Synonyms: striking, prominent Synonyms: grave, grim

Antonyms: concealed, faint Antonyms: pleasing, delightful

Example: The contrast between the two Example: Failing to meet the deadline
colors was quite pronounced. would have dire consequences for the
182. Susceptible: easily influenced or

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187. Conspicuous: very noticeable or value, etc., or suddenly became less
attracting attention, often in a way that is successful. अचानक से गिरना
not wanted. प्रत्यक्ष
Synonyms: collapsed, flunked
Synonyms: obvious, evident
Antonyms: flourished, prevailed
Antonyms: obscure, vague
Example: I had a great start to the
Example: The giant billboard was so semester, but my grades tanked after I
conspicuous that it could be seen from fell behind on my assignments.
miles away.
194. Stringent: (of a law, rule, regulation,
188. Inadvertently: in a way that is not etc.) very strict and that must be obeyed.
intentional. अनजाने में सख़्त

Synonyms: unintentionally, accidentally Synonyms: rigorous, exacting

Antonyms: deliberately, purposely Antonyms: lax, lenient

Example: The chef inadvertently added Example: To qualify for the scholarship,
too much salt to the soup. students must adhere to stringent
academic requirements.
189. Confluence: a situation in which two
things join or come together. मेल 195. Irking: annoying someone. गुस्सा
Synonyms: convergence, union
Synonyms: vexing, miffing
Antonyms: divergence, split
Antonyms: pleasing, delighting
Example: The confluence of technology
and education is transforming how we Example: The constant noise from the
learn. construction site next door can really irk
me when I'm trying to work.
190. Pressing: urgent or needing to be
dealt with immediately. अत्यावश्यक 196. Plagued: caused pain or trouble to
somebody/something over a period of
Synonyms: burning, exigent time. कष्ट दे ना
Antonyms: trifling, frivolous Synonyms: bedevilled, beset
Example: The pressing demand for Antonyms: comforted, soothed
affordable housing is a major societal
challenge. Example: The bad weather seemed to
plague our outdoor plans all weekend.
191. Fraught with: full of unpleasant things
such as problems or dangers. 197. Viability: ability to work as intended or
to succeed. व्यावहारिकता
192. Grapple with: to try to deal with or
understand a difficult problem or subject. Synonyms: feasibility, practicality

193. Tanked: quickly went down in price, Antonyms: uselessness, impossibility

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Example: The viability of the old building मज़ा खराब करने वाला
as a museum is being assessed by
experts. Synonyms: killjoy, buzzkill

198. Colluding: working together secretly Antonyms: merrymaker, reveller

or illegally in order to deceive or cheat Example: Mark's constant negativity
someone. कपट-संधि करना made him the ultimate spoilsport during
Synonyms: conniving, conspiring the camping trip.

Antonyms: disbanding, parting 206. Tempered: made something less

severe by adding something that has the
Example: The evidence suggested that opposite effect. कम करना
some employees may have colluded to
undermine the company's security Synonyms: moderated, mitigated
measures. Antonyms: aggravated, heightened
199. Leverage: power to influence people Example: He tried to temper his anger by
and get the results you want. उत्तोलन की taking deep breaths.
207. Spurred: made something happen
Synonyms: sway, clout faster or sooner. प्रोत्साहित करना
Antonyms: impotence, inaptitude Synonyms: expedited, furthered
Example: Acquiring new partnerships Antonyms: inhibited, hindered
can provide a company with a fresh
leverage in the industry. Example: Learning a new language can
spur personal growth and cultural
200. Reeling under: struggling to deal with understanding.
some oppressive or difficult burden or
responsibility. 208. Erratic: not happening at regular
times; not following any plan or regular
201. Go up against: to oppose or come pattern; that you cannot rely on. अनियमित
into conflict with someone or something.
Synonyms: variable, volatile
202. Catch up: to reach the same quality or
standard as someone or something else. Antonyms: consistent, steady

203. Come up trumps: to complete an Example: The erratic weather patterns

activity successfully or to produce a have caused unexpected storms this
good result, especially when you were year.
not expected to.
209. Patronage: the support that a person
204. Take heart: to feel encouraged. gives a shop, restaurant, etc. by
spending money there. सहायता
205. Spoilsport: a person who stops other
people from having fun, for example by Synonyms: clientele, business
not taking part in an activity or by trying
Antonyms: dealer, merchant
to prevent other people from doing it.
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Example: The success of the local 215. Put the spotlight on: to focus on or
restaurant relied on the loyal patronage bring attention to someone or something.
of its regular customers.
216. Put the squeeze on: to put pressure
210. Seamless: happening without any on someone or something to spend more
sudden changes, interruption, or money or to cause the person to earn
difficulty. निर्बाध less money.

Synonyms: smooth, flawless 217. Ferocity: violence; aggressive

behaviour. उग्रता
Antonyms: uneven, imperfect
Synonyms: barbarity, ruthlessness
Example: We had a seamless journey
from the airport to our hotel with no Antonyms: benevolence, humanity
delays or issues.
Example: His ferocity in the boxing ring
211. Repatriation: the act of sending or made him a formidable opponent.
bringing somebody back to their own
country. दे श-प्रत्यावर्तन 218. Condemned: criticised something or
someone strongly, usually for moral
Synonyms: deportation, extradition reasons. निंदा करना

Antonyms: admission, inclusion Synonyms: censured, denounced

Example: The government announced Antonyms: applauded, exalted

the repatriation of citizens stranded
abroad. Example: The community condemned the
act of vandalism in their neighborhood.
212. Inherent: existing as a natural or basic
part of something. अंतर्निहित 219. Indiscriminate: done without thought
about what the result may be, especially
Synonyms: innate, intrinsic when it causes people to be harmed.

Antonyms: acquired, learned
Synonyms: thoughtless, haphazard
Example: The ability to adapt is inherent
in all living organisms. Antonyms: methodical, judicious

213. Critical: extremely important because Example: The indiscriminate use of

a future situation will be affected by it. pesticides harmed the local ecosystem.
अत्यंत महत्वपर्ण

220. Prominence: the state of being
Synonyms: paramount, pivotal important, well known or easy to notice.
Antonyms: trivial, inconsequential
Synonyms: eminence, fame
Example: Good communication is critical
in any relationship. Antonyms: obscurity, oblivion

214. The brunt of: the worst problems Example: Her achievements in the field of
caused by something. science brought her great prominence.

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221. Exhibit: to show clearly that you have 229. Picking up the slack: doing the work
or feel a particular quality, ability, feeling that someone else has stopped doing but
or symptom. दिखाना still needs to be done.

Synonyms: manifest, evince 230. No mean feat: a great achievement.

Antonyms: conceal, veil 231. A level playing field: a situation that

is fair because everyone has the same
Example: Sarah exhibits a great deal of chance of succeeding.
patience when teaching her students.
232. Frosty: unfriendly and not welcoming.
222. Thrive: to grow, develop, or be रूखा
successful. फलना-फूलना
Synonyms: hostile, stony
Synonyms: flourish, prosper
Antonyms: cordial, genial
Antonyms: deteriorate, wither
Example: Their relationship turned frosty
Example: Many plants thrive in the rich, after the argument.
fertile soil of the garden.
233. Proffering: offering something such
223. Earmark: to keep or intend something as advice or an explanation. दे ना
for a particular purpose. अलग रखना
Synonyms: extending, presenting
Synonyms: reserve, appropriate
Antonyms: withdrawing, refusing
Antonyms: utilise, consume
Example: He proffered his assistance
Example: She decided to earmark a when he saw her struggling with the
portion of her salary for savings. heavy bags.
224. War of attrition: a war that is fought 234. Retorted: replied quickly to a
over a long period and only ends when comment, in an angry, offended or
one side has neither the soldiers and humorous way. कड़ा उत्तर दे ना
equipment nor the determination left to
continue fighting. Synonyms: rebutted, responded

225. Stepping up: making something more Antonyms: ignored, overlooked

effective, or increasing the size or speed
of something. Example: When she questioned his
actions, he quickly retorted with a
226. Calling for: publicly asking for defensive explanation.
something to happen.
235. Deter: to prevent or discourage
227. Scale up: to increase something in someone from doing something. रोकना
size, amount, or production.
Synonyms: hinder, dissuade
228. A drop in the ocean: a very small
amount compared with what is needed or Antonyms: persuade, expedite
expected. Example: The warning sign was meant to

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deter hikers from entering the restricted 241. Shored up: helped support something
area. that is weak or going to fail.

236. Posited: suggested or accepted that 242. Called for: publicly asked for
something was true so that it could be something to happen.
used as the basis for an argument or
discussion. प्रस्तावित करना 243. Tit-for-tat: a situation in which you do
something bad to somebody because
Synonyms: proposed, propounded they have done the same to you.

Antonyms: withheld, retracted 244. Fastidiousness: the quality of being

careful that every detail of something is
Example: Scientists often posit theories correct. दस्र्
ु स्ती
to explain natural phenomena.
Synonyms: meticulousness,
237. Harmonious: friendly, peaceful and punctiliousness
without any arguments. सामंजस्यपर्ण

Antonyms: negligence, laxity
Synonyms: congenial, amicable
Example: His fastidiousness in selecting
Antonyms: inimical, acrimonious the right words for his essay paid off with
Example: The team worked together in a a top-grade.
harmonious manner to complete the 245. Reinvigorated: made something
project on time. stronger, or more exciting or successful
238. Parity: the state of being equal, again. पन
ु र्जीवित करना
especially the state of having equal pay Synonyms: revitalised, rejuvenated
or status. समानता
Antonyms: enervated, debilitated
Synonyms: equity, fairness
Example: A heartfelt compliment can
Antonyms: bias, partiality reinvigorate someone's self-esteem.
Example: Gender parity in the workplace 246. Inducted: introduced someone
is an important goal for many formally or with a special ceremony to an
organisations. organisation or group. भर्ती करना
239. Hobbled: made it more difficult for Synonyms: enlisted, instated
somebody to do something or for
something to happen. बाधा पहुंचाना Antonyms: expelled, blackballed

Synonyms: shackled, hampered Example: They will induct new members

into the club next week.
Antonyms: facilitated, aided
247. Obvious: easy to see, recognise, or
Example: He hoped his injury wouldn't understand. स्पष्ट
hobble his chances of winning the race.
Synonyms: evident, conspicuous
240. Pare down: to reduce something,
especially by a large amount. Antonyms: obscure, vague

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Example: Her smile made it obvious that operative, or effective.
she was happy.
256. Augment: to make something larger
248. Flawed: not perfect, or containing or fuller by adding something to it. बढ़ाना
mistakes. त्रटि
ु पर्ण

Synonyms: expand, amplify
Synonyms: amiss, impaired
Antonyms: diminish, lessen
Antonyms: impeccable, veracious
Example: To improve her skills, she
Example: His flawed argument didn't sought to augment her knowledge
convince anyone in the debate. through online courses.

249. Encompasses: includes a large 257. Forestall: to prevent something from

number or range of things. सम्मिलित करना happening by acting first. पहले ही रोक लेना

Synonyms: incorporates, comprises Synonyms: preclude, preempt

Antonyms: excludes, omits Antonyms: expedite, facilitate

Example: His interests encompass a Example: The company implemented

wide range of hobbies, from painting to new security measures to forestall
gardening. cyberattacks.

250. Forewarning: a warning about 258. Watershed moment: an event or

something bad or unpleasant before it period that is important because it
happens; the act of warning somebody. represents a big change in how people
चेतावनी do or think about something.

Synonyms: portent, omen 259. A lion's share: the largest part or most
of something.
Antonyms: hindsight, thoughtlessness
260. Bequeathed: left the results of your
Example: I received a forewarning about work, knowledge, etc. for other people to
the impending storm, so I prepared my use or deal with, especially after you had
house for the heavy rain. died. उत्तरदान करना
251. Called on: asked someone to do Synonyms: bestowed, endowed
Antonyms: withheld, retained
252. Brushed aside: ignored someone or
something; treated someone or Example: The tradition of storytelling
something as unimportant. was bequeathed from one generation to
the next.
253. In the offing: likely to happen or
appear soon. 261. Rugged: having a broken, rocky, and
uneven surface. ऊबड़ - खाबड़
254. Bad blood: feelings of hate between
people because of arguments in the past. Synonyms: jagged, coarse

255. Coming into play: becoming active, Antonyms: smooth, even

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Example: The rugged terrain made hiking Synonyms: elicited, induced
in the mountains challenging.
Antonyms: inhibited, stifled
262. Ramshackle: in a very bad condition
and needing repair. जर्जर Example: The documentary aimed to
evoke awareness about environmental
Synonyms: dilapidated, decrepit issues.

Antonyms: pristine, durable 267. Curtailing: limiting something or

making it last for a shorter time. घटाना
Example: We decided not to stay at the
ramshackle motel because it looked Synonyms: diminishing, contracting
Antonyms: extending, protracting
263. Intrinsic: belonging to or part of the
real nature of something/somebody. Example: To save energy, I decided to
आंतरिक curtail the use of unnecessary lights.

Synonyms: inherent, innate 268. Cocooned: protected someone or

something from pain or an unpleasant
Antonyms: acquired, learned situation. सरु क्षित करना

Example: Her kindness is an intrinsic Synonyms: sheltered, cushioned

part of her personality.
Antonyms: endangered, imperiled
264. Bristle: to suddenly become very
annoyed or offended at what somebody Example: He cocooned the delicate
says or does. क्रुद्ध हो जाना glassware in bubble wrap for safe
Synonyms: bridle, seethe
269. Harmoniously: in a friendly and
Antonyms: flatter, appease peaceful way. सौहार्दपर्व
ू क

Example: His comments made her Synonyms: affably, amicably

bristle, and she responded with
determination. Antonyms: antagonistically, bitterly

265. Jostling: struggling or competing Example: The committee members

forcefully for something. प्रतिस्पर्धा करना harmoniously reached a decision.

Synonyms: vying, contesting 270. Unwavering: never changing or

becoming weaker. अटल
Antonyms: assisting, aiding
Synonyms: steadfast, resolute
Example: As the athletes sprinted
towards the finish line, they jostled for Antonyms: unsteady, fluctuating
the lead. Example: The soldier's unwavering
266. Evoked: caused a particular reaction courage in the face of danger inspired
or response to happen. उत्पन्न करना his comrades.

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Collocation Antonyms: denied, disavowed

271. Rich vein of form: a state of Example: It's essential to assert your
performing well and consistently. boundaries in any healthy relationship.

272. Kept in good stead: to be very useful 278. Acquiescence: the act of accepting or
to someone when needed. agreeing to something, often unwillingly.
मौन स्वीकृति
273. On the wane: becoming less strong,
powerful, popular, etc. Synonyms: compliance, submission

274. Unprecedented: that has never Antonyms: defiance, resistance

happened, been done, or been known
before. अभत Example: His acquiescence to the new
ू पर्व

rules surprised everyone.
Synonyms: novel, unparalleled
279. Undermine: to gradually weaken or
Antonyms: commonplace, usual destroy someone or something. नष्ट करना

Example: The storm's intensity was Synonyms: impair, debilitate

unprecedented in our region.
Antonyms: fortify, bolster
275. Wary: careful when dealing with
somebody/something because you think Example: Spreading rumors can
that there may be a danger or problem. undermine trust among friends.
सावधान 280. Arrest: to stop or interrupt the
Synonyms: chary, heedful development of something. रोकना

Antonyms: unmindful, foolhardy Synonyms: hinder, impede

Example: The company was wary of Antonyms: expedite, advance

making hasty decisions without proper Example: A positive mindset can help
research. arrest self-doubt and boost your
276. Inevitable: certain to happen and confidence.
unable to be avoided or prevented. जो टल 281. Stifling: preventing something from
न सके happening, being expressed, or
Synonyms: inexorable, ineluctable continuing. दबाना

Antonyms: avoidable, avertable Synonyms: suppressing, restraining

Example: Sometimes, conflict is an Antonyms: prompting, encouraging

inevitable part of human relationships. Example: The company's strict rules
277. Asserted: stated clearly and definitely often stifle employees' creativity.
that something was true. द्दढ़तापर्व
ू क करना 282. Staunch: always loyal in supporting a
Synonyms: declared, affirmed person, organisation, or set of beliefs or
opinions. निष्ठावान

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Synonyms: faithful, ardent Synonyms: waning, relenting

Antonyms: perfidious, treacherous Antonyms: intensifying, burgeoning

Example: She was a staunch supporter Example: Her enthusiasm for the project
of environmental conservation. seemed to ebb after a few setbacks.

283. Called for: publicly asked for 292. Refrains: to stop yourself from doing
something to happen. something, especially something that
you want to do. परहे ज करना
284. Thrust upon: to force someone to
accept or deal with something. Synonyms: abstain, eschew

285. Roll back: to limit or reduce the Antonyms: indulge, persist

effects of a particular arrangement.
Example: Please refrain from talking
286. In the offing: likely to appear or during the movie.
happen soon.
293. Compounded: made something bad
287. Fell short of: failed to reach an become even worse by causing further
amount or standard that had been damage or problems. और बिगाड़ दे ना
expected or hoped for, causing
disappointment. Synonyms: exacerbated, aggravated

288. Horse trading: unofficial discussion in Antonyms: allayed, alleviated

which people make agreements that Example: Her late arrival at the meeting
provide both sides with advantages. compounded the team's frustration.
289. Turmoil: a state of confusion, 294. Sanguine: cheerful and confident
uncertainty, or disorder. उथल-पथ
ु ल about the future. आशावादी
Synonyms: upheaval, turbulence Synonyms: optimistic, upbeat
Antonyms: repose, serenity Antonyms: gloomy, despondent
Example: The sudden news of the Example: Even in the face of adversity,
company's bankruptcy caused turmoil she remained sanguine about the future.
among the employees.
295. Imminent: likely to happen very soon.
290. Clouds: make a matter or mental आसन्न
process unclear or uncertain. खराब करना
Synonyms: impending, looming
Synonyms: obfuscate, befog
Antonyms: remote, distant
Antonyms: illuminate, enlighten
Example: Dark clouds gathered in the
Example: Don't cloud your judgment with sky, signaling the imminent arrival of a
unnecessary worries. storm.
291. Ebbing: becoming gradually weaker 296. Bolstered: supported something, or
or less. कमज़ोर पड़ना

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made something stronger. सहारा दे ना size, or extent of something.

Synonyms: buttressed, fortified 303. Hot button issues: issues that cause
people to feel strong emotions such as
Antonyms: undermined, compromised anger and to argue with each other.
Example: The extra funds will bolster our
budget for the upcoming project.

297. Internecine: happening between

members of the same group, country or
organisation. आपसी

Synonyms: inner, fratricidal

Antonyms: external, extrinsic

Example: The internecine feud between

the two families had lasted for

298. Acolytes: people who follow and help

a leader. अनच
ु र

Synonyms: partisan, adherent

Antonyms: critic, detractor

Example: He served as an acolyte to the

master chef, learning culinary secrets.

299. Portends: to be a sign or warning of

something that is going to happen in the
future, especially something bad or
unpleasant. पर्वा
ू भास या पर्व
ू सचू ना दे ना

Synonyms: augur, presage

Antonyms: conceal, withhold

Example: His constant lateness to

meetings may portend a lack of

300. Firming up: becoming clearer,

stronger, or more definite.

301. Hold up: to remain strong or


302. Scaling down: reducing the number,

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(NOVEMBER MONTH 2023) Synonyms: exceeding, surpassing

Antonyms: falling short of, trailing

Example: She tends to overshoot her

1. Proactive: controlling a situation by
budget when shopping for clothes.
making things happen rather than
waiting for things to happen and then 6. Entrenched: established something very
reacting to them. अग्रसक्रिय strongly so that it is very difficult to
change. मजबत ू स्थिति बनाना
Synonyms: preemptive, anticipatory
Synonyms: embedded, rooted
Antonyms: reactive, responsive
Antonyms: unsettled, dislodged
Example: Proactive individuals tend to
excel in their careers due to their Example: The traditions of this small
forward-thinking nature. town are deeply entrenched in its history.
2. Chronic: lasting a long time; difficult to 7. Alacrity: speed and eagerness. तत्परता
solve. दीर्घकालिक
Synonyms: readiness, zeal
Synonyms: persistent, enduring
Antonyms: apathy, reluctance
Antonyms: intermittent, erratic
Example: The children greeted the idea
Example: The chronic shortage of clean of a trip to the park with alacrity.
water in the region is a major concern.
8. Supine: not willing to act or disagree with
3. Plague: to cause pain or trouble to somebody because you are lazy or
somebody/something over a period of morally weak. लापरवाह
time. कष्ट दे ना
Synonyms: pusillanimous, lackadaisical
Synonyms: beset, bedevil
Antonyms: industrious, spirited
Antonyms: comfort, console
Example: His supine attitude towards the
Example: The community showed great issue frustrated those who were looking
solidarity by coming together to help for active solutions.
those in need after the natural disaster.
9. Ramping up: increasing the speed,
4. Revamp: to change something to make it power, or cost of something.
more modern and efficient. पन
ु र्निर्माण करना
10. Broken away: left a political party, state,
Synonyms: renovate, overhaul etc., especially to form a new one.
Antonyms: deteriorate, spoil 11. Rife with: full of something unpleasant.
Example: We need to revamp our website 12. Writ large: clear and obvious.
to make it more user-friendly.
13. Malice: a desire to harm somebody
5. Overshooting: spending more money caused by a feeling of hate. द्वेष
than originally planned. पार कर जाना
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Synonyms: spite, malignance performance in the first half of the game
cost them the victory.
Antonyms: benevolence, compassion
18. Stringent: very strict and that must be
Example: Sarah sensed the malice obeyed. कठोर
behind his sarcastic smile.
Synonyms: rigorous, exacting
14. Advance: to go or move something
forward, or to develop or improve Antonyms: lax, tolerant
something. बढ़ाना
Example: The laboratory has stringent
Synonyms: evolve, augment quality control procedures in place.

Antonyms: regress, deteriorate 19. Emulate: to copy something achieved by

someone else and try to do it as well as
Example: She decided to advance her they have. अनकु रण करना
career by taking on new responsibilities
at work. Synonyms: imitate, mimic

15. Dissidents: people who strongly disagree Antonyms: differ, oppose

with and publicly criticise a government
or the official rulings of a group or Example: Our team aims to emulate the
organisation. मतभेद करनेवाला success of the previous project.

Synonyms: adversaries, dissenters 20. Unveil: to show or introduce a new plan,

product, etc. to the public for the first
Antonyms: proponents, adherents time. अनावरण करना

Example: The dissident group organised Synonyms: reveal, disclose

protests against unfair policies.
Antonyms: conceal, shroud
16. Tellingly: in a way that shows the truth
about a situation, or what someone really Example: Tomorrow, the company plans
thinks. स्पष्ट रूप से to unveil its new product line at the trade
Synonyms: revealingly, expressively
21. Earnest: very serious and sincere. गंभीर
Antonyms: meaninglessly, pointlessly
Synonyms: solemn, staid
Example: The dark clouds gathering in
the sky tellingly hinted at an impending Antonyms: facetious, frivolous
storm. Example: She spoke with an earnest
17. Lackadaisical: showing little enthusiasm tone, trying to convey the importance of
and effort. निरुत्साहपर्ण her message.

Synonyms: listless, apathetic 22. Factor in: to include or consider a

particular fact when you are planning or
Antonyms: spirited, animated calculating something.

Example: The team's lackadaisical 23. Sticking to: continuing with a subject,

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activity, or plan without changing. Antonyms: undermine, impair

24. Come clean: to tell the truth about Example: The financial assistance
something that you have been keeping program will buttress the local economy.
31. Vigour: strength, energy, or enthusiasm.
25. Hark back to: to remind you of, or to be ताकत
like, something in the past.
Synonyms: exuberance, gusto
26. Black Swan events: unpredictable events
that are beyond what is normally Antonyms: enervation, apathy
expected of a situation and has Example: The young athlete sprinted with
potentially negative consequences. incredible vigour during the race.
27. Persistent: lasting for a long time or 32. Temper: to make something less strong,
difficult to get rid of. निरं तर extreme, etc. कम करना
Synonyms: perpetual, relentless Synonyms: moderate, ease
Antonyms: intermittent, sporadic Antonyms: heighten, intensify
Example: The persistent rain made the Example: I must remember to temper my
streets flood. enthusiasm and not overcommit to too
28. Palpable: that is easily noticed by the many tasks.
mind or the senses. सस्ु पष्ट 33. Ebbing: becoming gradually weaker or
Synonyms: evident, obvious less. क्षीण हो जाना

Antonyms: imperceptible, clouded Synonyms: waning, abating

Example: Her excitement was palpable as Antonyms: bourgeoning, mounting

she opened the long-awaited gift. Example: His enthusiasm for the project
29. Flagged: became tired, weaker, or less seemed to ebb away as the challenges
effective. मंद होना grew.

Synonyms: dwindled, slumped 34. Disconcertingly: in a way that makes

someone feel uncertain and
Antonyms: enhanced, soared uncomfortable or worried. विक्षुब्ध करने के
ढं ग से
Example: After hours of intense
studying, Sarah's concentration flagged, Synonyms: alarmingly, dauntingly
and she found it hard to focus on her
work. Antonyms: reassuringly, supportively

30. Buttresses: to give support to or Example: The sudden thunderstorm was

strengthen something. पष्ु ट करना disconcertingly loud.

Synonyms: bolster, fortify 35. Succour: help given to someone,

especially someone who is suffering or

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in need. परे शानी में सहायता to the proposed legislation.

Synonyms: comfort, relief 43. Prohibition: A formal order or law that

forbids something.
Antonyms: hindrance, misery
Synonyms: Ban, restriction, embargo.
Example: A simple act of kindness can
be a source of succour for someone Antonyms: Permission, allowance,
going through a tough time. authorization.

36. Silver lining: something good that can be Example: The prohibition of alcohol in
found in a bad situation. the 1920s led to the rise of speakeasies.

37. For want of: because of not having 44. Stymie: To hinder, obstruct, or prevent
something or because something does progress or accomplishment.
not exist or is not available.
Synonyms: Hinder, obstruct, impede.
38. Have their task cut out: to have
something very difficult to do. Antonyms: Facilitate, assist, aid.

39. Reeling under: struggling to deal with Example: The unexpected financial
some oppressive or difficult burden or setback stymied their plans to expand
responsibility. the business.

40. In jeopardy: in a situation in which 45. Impermissible: Not allowed or permitted;

someone or something is exposed to not permissible.
possible injury, loss, or evil. Synonyms:Forbidden, prohibited, illegal.
41. Aggrieved: Feeling resentment or Antonyms: Permissible, allowed, legal.
distress due to a perceived wrong or
injustice. Example: Such behavior is impermissible
in our workplace.
Synonyms: Distressed, offended,
wronged. 46. Prudent: Showing careful and sensible
judgment, especially in practical matters.
Antonyms: Contented, pleased, satisfied.
Synonyms: Wise, judicious, cautious.
Example: The aggrieved party filed a
complaint against the unfair treatment. Antonyms: Reckless, careless,
42. Assent:Official approval or consent,
especially from a higher authority. Example: It would be prudent to save
some money for unexpected expenses.
Synonyms: Approval, consent,
agreement. 47. Laid-down: Established or prescribed as
a rule or standard.
Antonyms: Dissent, objection,
disagreement. Synonyms: Set, established, defined.

Example: The president gave his assent Antonyms: Flexible, variable, adaptable.

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Example: The laid-down procedures Example: The company's strict
must be followed for safety reasons. compliance with safety regulations
ensured a secure working environment.
48. Discretionary: Available for use at one's
own discretion or judgment. 56. Gamut: the complete range of a
particular kind of thing. विस्तार
Synonyms: Optional, flexible, voluntary.
Synonyms: spectrum, catalogue
Antonyms: Mandatory, obligatory,
required. Antonyms: extreme, part

Example: The use of the discretionary Example: The store offers a wide gamut
fund was left to the manager's decision. of products, from electronics to clothing.

49. Merit: The quality or worthiness of 57. Entail: to involve or make something
something based on its positive necessary. आवश्यक बना दे ना
Synonyms: necessitate, warrant
Synonyms:Worth, value, excellence.
Antonyms: exclude, omit
Antonyms: Demerit, fault, flaw.
Example: Studying for the final exam will
Example: The project was selected based entail hours of focused concentration.
on its merit and potential impact.
58. Stalemate: a disagreement or a situation
50. In the driver's seat - In control or in a in a competition in which neither side is
position of authority. able to win or make any progress. स्थिति
में अवरोध
51. Behind closed doors - Privately, in
secret, or out of public view. Synonyms: deadlock, logjam

52. Playing hardball - Adopting a tough, Antonyms: headway, breakthrough

uncompromising approach in
negotiations or dealings. Example: The negotiation reached a
stalemate, with both parties unable to
53. In the same boat- Sharing a common agree on the terms.
situation or problem with others.
59. Elides: to ignore or leave out. छिपाना
54. The ball is in your court - It's your turn to
make a decision or take action. Synonyms: omit, drop

Antonyms: consider, include

55. Compliance: the practice of obeying Example: She decided to elide certain
rules or requests made by people in details from her story to protect her
authority. अनप friend's privacy.
ु ालन

Synonyms: adherence, conformity 60. Concerted: planned or done together for

a shared purpose. संगठित
Antonyms: infringement, contravention
Synonyms: collective, shared

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Antonyms: individual, separate 69. Lose sight of: to forget or ignore an
important aspect of something because
Example: The team's concerted effort led you have other things to think about.
to a successful project completion.
70. Abate: to become less intense or severe;
61. Daunting: making somebody feel to make something less intense or
nervous and less confident about doing severe. कम करना
something. हतोत्साही
Synonyms: relent, alleviate
Synonyms: intimidating, formidable
Antonyms: intensify, escalate
Antonyms: heartening, inviting
Example: I hope your headache will abate
Example: Climbing that mountain soon with some rest and water.
seemed daunting at first.
71. Stipulate: to state exactly what
62. Belie: to show something to be false, or something must be or how something
to hide something. झुठलाना must be done. नियम करना
Synonyms: conceal, obscure Synonyms: specify, instruct
Antonyms: reveal, betray Antonyms: confuse, neglect
Example: His calm demeanor can belie Example: The rental agreement stipulates
the stress he's feeling on the inside. that no pets are allowed in the apartment.
63. Buffer: something or someone that helps 72. Overshoots: to go past or beyond a limit
protect from harm. प्रतिरोधक or stopping place. पार कर जाना
Synonyms: bulwark, shield Synonyms: surpass, outstrip
Antonyms: vulnerability, susceptibility Antonyms: trail, follow
Example: The firewall acts as a buffer Example: Don't overshoot your budget
against cyberattacks, keeping our data when shopping for groceries.
73. Burgeoned: began to grow or develop
64. Tiding over: helping somebody during a rapidly. बढ़ना
difficult period by providing what they
need. Synonyms: mounted, ballooned

65. Propped up: helped something that was Antonyms: dwindled, waned
having difficulties.
Example: The population of the small
66. Stemming from: being caused by town is expected to burgeon as more
something or someone. people move in.

67. Hold up: to remain strong or successful. 74. Merits: to deserve praise, attention, etc.
योग्य होना
68. In the face of: when threatened by or
confronted with. Synonyms: warrant, call for

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Antonyms: be unworthy of, be 82. Idioms
undeserving of
83. Red herring: an unimportant fact, idea,
Example: His hard work and commitment event, etc. that takes people’s attention
merit recognition and praise. away from the important ones.

75. Tenuous: so weak or uncertain that it 84. In full swing: at a stage when the level of
hardly exists. कमज़ोर activity is at its highest.

Synonyms: fragile, frail 85. Come clean: to tell the truth about
something that you have been keeping
Antonyms: sound, solid secret.
Example: Her tenuous connection to the 86. Hark back to: to remind you of, or to be
distant relative she'd never met left her like, something in the past.
feeling disconnected.
87. Black Swan events: unpredictable events
76. Articulate: to express or explain your that are beyond what is normally
thoughts or feelings clearly in words. expected of a situation and has
स्पष्ट रूप से कहना potentially negative consequences.
Synonyms: enunciate, pronounce 88. Foretell: to say what is going to happen
Antonyms: stammer, stutter in the future. भविष्यवाणी करना

Example: Being able to articulate your Synonyms: augur, presage

feelings is a valuable skill in Antonyms: conceal, suppress
Example: The sudden drop in
77. Malleable: easily influenced, trained, or temperature could foretell the onset of
controlled. बात पर न अड़नेवाला winter.
Synonyms: pliable, amenable 89. Cohesive: united and working together
Antonyms: intractable, obdurate effectively. संसक्त

Example: His opinion was quite Synonyms: harmonious, unanimous

malleable, and it changed frequently Antonyms: fragmented, divided
depending on who he talked to.
Example: A cohesive community is more
78. Meted out: gave or ordered a punishment resilient in times of crisis.
or made someone receive cruel or unfair
treatment. 90. Onslaught: a strong or violent attack.
79. By dint of: as a result of something.
Synonyms: assault, offensive
80. Thrown up: produced new problems or
ideas. Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal

81. Frowned upon: thought Example: The army launched a fierce

somebody/something was bad. onslaught against the enemy forces.

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91. Levelled: destroyed a building or a group want or could not keep.
of trees completely by knocking it down.
नाश करना 98. Can ill-afford: If you can ill afford to do
something, it will cause problems for you
Synonyms: demolished, razed if you do it.

Antonyms: constructed, raised 99. Give effect to: to put into practice; make
Example: The demolition crew will level
the old building tomorrow. 100. Come clean: to tell the truth about
something that you have been keeping
92. Frantic: done or arranged in a hurry and secret.
a state of excitement or confusion. व्यग्र
101. Hark back to: to remind you of, or to
Synonyms: frenetic, frenzied be like, something in the past.
Antonyms: deliberate, heedful 102. Black Swan events: unpredictable
Example: Her frantic search for her events that are beyond what is normally
misplaced keys left her feeling stressed. expected of a situation and has
potentially negative consequences.
93. Triggered: made something happen
suddenly. शरू
ु करना 103. Malicious: intended to harm or upset
other people. दर्भा
ु वनापर्ण

Synonyms: prompted, sparked
Synonyms: malignant, spiteful
Antonyms: obviated, averted
Antonyms: benevolent, magnanimous
Example: His comment seemed to trigger
a heated argument among the group. Example: Malicious rumors can harm a
person's reputation unfairly.
94. Topple: to make somebody lose their
position of power or authority. पद को खोना 104. Curbs: something that controls and
puts limits on something. प्रतिबंध
Synonyms: overthrow, oust
Synonyms: restraint, check
Antonyms: enthrone, instal
Antonyms: freedom, incentive
Example: The board of directors decided
to topple the CEO due to financial Example: The company implemented
misconduct. curbs on overtime to maintain work-life
95. Rein in: to limit or control someone or
something. 105. Implications: possible effects or
results of an action or a decision. परिणाम
96. Lay down: to officially establish a rule, or
to officially say how something should Synonyms: consequences,
be done. repercussions

97. Disposed of: got rid of Antonyms: causation, source

somebody/something that you did not Example: The implication of missing the

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bus is that I'll be late for work. Antonyms: pacific, amicable

106. Apparently: according to what you Example: The belligerent driver was
have heard or read; according to the way pulled over by the police for reckless
something appears. ऊपरी तौर से driving.

Synonyms: seemingly, supposedly 111. Pendency: the time when something

is pending (= waiting to happen),
Antonyms: certainly, absolutely especially a legal or official process, or
Example: Apparently, the new restaurant the state of being pending.
in town has amazing food. 112. Mala fide: illegal or dishonest.
107. Scrupulously: in a very careful way 113. Tide over: to help somebody during a
that makes sure everything is done difficult period by providing what they
exactly as it should be. अति सतर्क तापर्व
ू क need
Synonyms: meticulously, 114. Tantamount to: being almost the same
conscientiously or having the same effect as something,
Antonyms: cursorily, haphazardly usually something bad.

Example: He scrupulously checked his 115. To the extent that: to a particular

work for errors before submitting it. degree or stage, often causing particular
108. Deliberate: done on purpose rather
than by accident. जान-बझ
ू कर किया हुआ 116. Gained currency: to become widely
accepted or prevalent in use.
Synonyms: intentional, wilful
117. Sputter: If an activity sputters, it
Antonyms: accidental, inadvertent continues weakly, and does not make
people feel confident about it. लड़खड़ाना
Example: The judge believed the crime
was deliberate, not accidental. Synonyms: flounder, falter

109. Unbridled: not controlled or limited. Antonyms: prosper, flourish

Example: Economic growth can sputter if
Synonyms: intemperate, unrestrained there is a decline in consumer
Antonyms: constrained, contained
118. Bolster: to support something, or
Example: His unbridled ambition drove
make something stronger. सहारा दे ना
him to achieve great success in his
career. Synonyms: buttress, fortify

110. Belligerent: wishing to fight or argue. Antonyms: undermine, hinder

Example: Regular exercise can bolster
Synonyms: bellicose, pugnacious your immune system.

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119. Flux: continuous change. निरं तर Example: Adequate rest is crucial for
परिवर्तन optimum cognitive function.

Synonyms: fluidity, oscillation 124. Apodictic: that can clearly be shown

or proved; absolutely certain or
Antonyms: stability, constancy necessarily true. सनि
ु श्चित
Example: The office environment is in a Synonyms: indisputable, incontestable
constant flux, with teams reorganising
regularly. Antonyms: moot, disputable

120. Tangible: real and not imaginary; able Example: The mathematical proof was
to be shown, touched, or experienced. apodictic, providing irrefutable evidence.
125. Callousness: behaviour that shows no
Synonyms: definite, perceptible care for other people's feelings, pain or
problems. कठोरता
Antonyms: abstract, fictitious
Synonyms: insensitivity, cruelty
Example: Tangible progress in
technology is evident with each new Antonyms: compassion, benevolence
generation of smartphones.
Example: The teacher was surprised by
121. Asserting: stating clearly and the callousness of some students who
definitely that something is true. दृढ़तापर्व
ू क didn't seem affected by their classmates'
कहना struggles.

Synonyms: declaring, affirming 126. Far from: certainly not something.

Antonyms: speculating, conjecturing 127. Show promise: to seem likely to be

successful in the future.
Example: She decided to assert her
opinion during the meeting. 128. Set down: to write something down
on paper in order to record it.
122. Obvious: easy to see, recognise, or
understand. स्पष्ट 129. Drawing up: preparing a plan,
agreement, or other document in detail.
Synonyms: evident, manifest
130. Reeks of: to make you think that
Antonyms: ambiguous, obscure something unpleasant, wrong or
Example: The solution to the puzzle was dishonest is involved in a situation.
obvious to everyone. 131. Ordeal: an experience that is very
123. Optimum: being the best or most painful, difficult, or tiring. कटु अनभ
ु व
likely to bring success or advantage. Synonyms: tribulation, hardship
Antonyms: delight, rhapsody
Synonyms: ideal, finest
Example: Waiting in the long line at the
Antonyms: suboptimal, substandard airport became an ordeal for the tired

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travelers. 136. Preempt: to prevent something from
happening by taking action first. रोकना
132. Vicious: used to describe an object,
condition, or remark that causes great Synonyms: preclude, forestall
physical or emotional pain. ख़राब
Antonyms: assist, promote
Synonyms: pernicious, baleful
Example: She decided to preempt any
Antonyms: gratifying, alluring misunderstandings by clarifying her
intentions in advance.
Example: Their argument took a vicious
turn, escalating into a heated exchange 137. Vindicated: proved that what
of harsh words. someone had said or did was right or
true, after other people thought it was
133. Perverse: showing a deliberate and wrong. सच या ठीक ठहराना
determined desire to behave in a way
that most people think is wrong, Synonyms: justified, defended
unacceptable or unreasonable. विकृत
Antonyms: refuted, accused
Synonyms: depraved, perverted
Example: She worked hard to vindicate
Antonyms: virtuous, ethical her reputation after the
Example: His perverse sense of humor
often led to laughter in situations where 138. Pervasive: present or noticeable in
others would remain serious. every part of a thing or place. व्यापक

134. Deviant: different from what most Synonyms: ubiquitous, prevalent

people consider to be normal and
acceptable. विसामान्य Antonyms: rare, scarce

Synonyms: degenerate, immoral Example: In the digital age, smartphones

have become pervasive in everyday life.
Antonyms: decent, righteous
139. Abnegation: the act of not allowing
Example: The deviant behavior raised yourself to have something that you
eyebrows at the formal gathering. want; the act of rejecting something.
135. Herald: to be a sign that something
important, and often good, is starting to Synonyms: renunciation, relinquishment
happen, or to make something publicly
known, especially by celebrating or Antonyms: indulgence, acceptance
praising it. सच
ू ना दे ना Example: The leader's abnegation of
Synonyms: harbinger, presage personal luxuries set a humble example
for the team.
Antonyms: conceal, shroud
140. Have a bearing on: to have an
Example: The blooming flowers heralded influence on something or a relationship
the arrival of spring. to something.

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141. Push for: to demand that something 148. Exuded: displayed an emotion or
be done or to take strong action to cause quality strongly and openly. प्रदर्शित करना
something to happen.
Synonyms: emanated, exhibited
142. Rein in: to control undesirable activity
or growth, or control someone who is Antonyms: retained, imbibed
behaving badly. Example: Even in challenging situations,
143. Watershed moment: an event or she managed to exude calmness and
period that is important because it poise.
represents a big change in how people 149. Elan: great enthusiasm and energy,
do or think about something. style and confidence. जोश
144. On the heels of: close behind or soon Synonyms: zest, vigour
after something.
Antonyms: apathy, lethargy
145. Belying: showing something to be
false, or hiding something such as an Example: With great elan, she danced
emotion. झुठलाना across the stage, captivating the
Synonyms: misrepresenting, concealing
150. Doughty: determined, brave, and
Antonyms: validating, betraying unwilling ever to stop trying to achieve
Example: The bright smile on her face something. हिम्मती
was belying the sadness in her eyes. Synonyms: valiant, steadfast
146. Resilient: able to recover quickly after Antonyms: craven, irresolute
something unpleasant such as shock,
injury, etc.. प्रत्यास्थी Example: The team displayed a doughty
spirit throughout the competition.
Synonyms: resolute, gritty
151. Pugnacious: having a strong desire to
Antonyms: vulnerable, feeble argue or fight with other people. झगड़ालू
Example: Despite facing setbacks, she Synonyms: bellicose, combative
remained resilient and continued to
pursue her goals. Antonyms: amiable, cordial

147. Ebbing: gradually decreasing. क्षीण हो Example: Despite his usual calm
जाना demeanor, James became unexpectedly
pugnacious when discussing his favorite
Synonyms: dwindling, waning sports team.
Antonyms: intensifying, ballooning 152. Ramp up: to make something
Example: After a long day of activity, her increase in amount.
energy seemed to ebb, and she decided 153. Weigh in: to give an opinion or enter a
to rest. discussion or argument.

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154. Eaten into: used or took away a large Antonyms: eternal, perpetual
part of something valuable, such as
money or time. Example: His happiness was fleeting,
disappearing as quickly as it came.
155. Brushing aside: ignoring someone or
something; treating someone or 161. Headwind: (metaphorically) a
something as unimportant. difficulty or obstacle that makes it harder
to achieve something. बाधा
156. On the trot: If you do things on the
trot, you do them directly after each other Synonyms: hindrance, impediment
without pausing. Antonyms: advantage, assistance
157. Swayed: persuaded somebody to Example: The project encountered
believe something or do something. unexpected headwinds, but the team
प्रभावित करना adapted quickly.
Synonyms: induced, influenced 162. Bland: showing no strong emotions
Antonyms: discouraged, dissuaded or excitement; not saying anything very
interesting. अरोचक
Example: Using facts and logic, he
attempted to sway the committee's Synonyms: lacklustre, insipid
decision in his favor. Antonyms: stimulating, rousing
158. Dissipate: to gradually become or Example: His joke fell flat, receiving only
make something become weaker until it a bland response from the audience.
disappears. नष्ट करना
163. Fallible: (of a person) able to fail or
Synonyms: abate, temper likely to make mistakes, or (of an object
Antonyms: intensify, escalate or system) likely not to work
satisfactorily. दोषक्षम
Example: The tension in the room
seemed to dissipate after the apology Synonyms: flawed, erring
was made. Antonyms: impeccable, perfect
159. Ebb: to become gradually weaker or Example: Despite his experience, he was
less. कमज़ोर पड़ना fallible and made occasional mistakes.
Synonyms: dwindle, wane 164. Dissent: strong difference of opinion;
Antonyms: strengthen, heighten disagreement esp. about official
decisions. मतभेद
Example: His enthusiasm seemed to ebb
away as the challenging task unfolded. Synonyms: objection, opposition

160. Fleeting: lasting for a very short time. Antonyms: accord, concurrence
क्षणिक Example: In the meeting, she expressed
Synonyms: ephemeral, transient her dissent with a firm yet respectful

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165. Deterrent: a thing that discourages or Antonyms: waning, subsiding
is intended to discourage someone from
doing something. प्रतिवारक Example: The mounting pressure to
succeed motivated him to work harder on
Synonyms: damper, disincentive his goals.

Antonyms: incentive, encouragement 173. Woes: big problems or troubles. संकट

Example: The presence of a security Synonyms: miseries, tribulations

guard acted as a deterrent to potential
intruders. Antonyms: bliss, jubilations

166. Rigorous: very strict. कठोर Example: A flat tire on the way to an
important meeting was a significant woe.
Synonyms: stringent, exacting
174. Improbable: not likely to happen or be
Antonyms: lax, lenient true. असंभव

Example: The teacher maintained Synonyms: unlikely, doubtful

rigorous standards for grading to ensure
academic excellence. Antonyms: certain, possible

167. Attributed to: said or thought that Example: It seems improbable that it will
something is caused by a particular thing rain tomorrow, given the clear sky.
or person. 175. Repercussions: the effects that an
168. Pulling back on: reducing or action, event, or decision has on
decreasing the intensity, quantity, or something, especially bad effects. प्रभाव
extent of something. Synonyms: ramifications, consequences
169. Short of: less than or below Antonyms: cause, source
Example: Sarah's decision to quit her job
170. Loosen the purse strings: to increase had unexpected repercussions on the
spending or allow increased spending. entire team.
171. Anticipate: to expect something. 176. Solicit: to ask somebody for
उम्मीद करना something, such as support, money or
Synonyms: foresee, estimate information. मांगना

Antonyms: doubt, apprehend Synonyms: beseech, implore

Example: Despite the challenges, the Antonyms: oblige, compel

team anticipates a successful outcome. Example: Please do not solicit personal
172. Mounting: gradually increasing. बढ़ता information from strangers online.
हुआ 177. Shunned: avoided or refused to
Synonyms: burgeoning, rising accept someone or something. दरू रखना

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Synonyms: snubbed, ostracised than the rest.

Antonyms: welcomed, approved 184. Give in to: to agree to do something

that you do not want to do.
Example: Jenny decided to shun fast
food and adopt a healthier diet. 185. Setting the stage for: making it
possible for something else to happen.
178. Nexus: an important connection
between the parts of a system or a group 186. Plague: to cause pain or trouble to
of things. संबंध somebody/something over a period of
time. परे शान करना
Synonyms: link, bond
Synonyms: beset, afflict
Antonyms: division, separation
Antonyms: comfort, assist
Example: The collaboration between
artists and scientists created a Example: Technical issues continued to
fascinating nexus of creativity and plague the computer system.
187. Respite: a pause or rest from
179. Spurious: false, although seeming to something difficult or unpleasant. राहत
be real or true. जाली
Synonyms: repose, recess
Synonyms: specious, phoney
Antonyms: continuation, persistence
Antonyms: genuine, legitimate
Example: The gentle sound of rain
Example: Don't be fooled by spurious provided a respite from the scorching
promises; verify the information before heat.
trusting it.
188. Looming: about to happen soon and
180. Punitive: intended as punishment. causing worry. पास ही मंडराना
दं डात्मक
Synonyms: impending, brewing
Synonyms: corrective, disciplinary
Antonyms: ceasing, expiring
Antonyms: nonpunishable, nonpunitive
Example: Dark clouds were looming on
Example: The company implemented a the horizon, signaling an approaching
punitive policy against workplace storm.
189. Inevitably: in a way that cannot be
181. Kick-back: an amount of money that avoided. अपरिहार्य रूप से
is paid to someone illegally in exchange
for secret help or work. Synonyms: inexorably, imminently

182. Carry out: to do and complete a task. Antonyms: evitably, remotely

183. Weeded out: removed or got rid of Example: With hard work and dedication,
people or things from a group because success is inevitably achieved.
they were not wanted or are less good

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190. Doughty: determined, brave, and something from something else.
unwilling ever to stop trying to achieve
something. हिम्मती 196. Blown away: defeated someone or
something completely, especially in a
Synonyms: resolute, steadfast sports competition.

Antonyms: wavering, vacillating 197. Ratcheting up: increasing, or making

something increase, repeatedly and by
Example: Despite facing challenges, she small amounts.
remained doughty and determined in her
pursuit of success. 198. On the horizon: likely to happen or
exist soon.
191. Hallowed: very respected and praised
because of great importance or great 199. On the trot: In quick succession, one
age. प्रतिष्ठित after another.

Synonyms: venerable, celebrated 200. Started off on the wrong foot: started
a relationship or activity badly.
Antonyms: disreputable, contemptible
201. Assent: official agreement to or
Example: In the small town, the hallowed approval of something. स्वीकृति
tradition of the annual fair brought joy to
generations. Synonyms: consent, concurrence

192. Humdingers: something that is very Antonyms: denial, repudiation

exciting or impressive. श्रेष्ठ व्यक्ति या वस्तु
Example: With a subtle smile, he gave his
Synonyms: standout, corker assent to the proposal.

Antonyms: flop, dud 202. Tyranny: unfair or cruel use of power

or authority. अत्याचार
Example: The party last night was a
humdinger with great music and lively Synonyms: subjugation, despotism
Antonyms: tolerance, clemency
193. Infuse: to fill someone or something
with an emotion or quality. भर दे ना Example: The protagonist in the story
fought against the tyranny of a corrupt
Synonyms: instil, imbue corporation.

Antonyms: expel, eliminate 203. Flagrant: (of a bad action, situation,

person, etc.) shocking because of being
Example: During the meeting, the team so obvious. घोर
leader tried to infuse enthusiasm into the
group by highlighting their Synonyms: blatant, glaring
Antonyms: covert, clandestine
194. In free fall: a sudden, fast loss, for
example in price, popularity, or value. Example: The student's flagrant
disregard for the classroom rules led to
195. Prised open: used force to separate disciplinary action.

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204. Conferred: gave someone an award, a Synonyms: astonishing, astounding
degree, or a particular honor or right.
प्रदान करना Antonyms: anticipated, predictable

Synonyms: accorded, bestowed Example: She faced a staggering array of

choices at the ice cream shop.
Antonyms: revoked, vetoed
209. Commemorated: reminded people of
Example: The judge will confer the medal an important event or person from the
of honor upon the brave firefighter for past with a special action or object. किसी
heroic actions. उत्सव द्वारा स्मरण करना

205. Cantankerous: arguing and Synonyms: honour, venerate

complaining a lot. लड़ाका
Antonyms: disregard, denounce
Synonyms: irascible, fractious
Example: The museum organised an
Antonyms: affable, genial exhibition to commemorate the artist's
Example: Despite his cantankerous
demeanor, Mr. Johnson secretly enjoyed 210. Alarming: causing worry or fear. भयप्रद
helping others.
Synonyms: disquieting, perturbing
206. Aggrieved: suffering unfair or illegal
treatment and making a complaint. व्यथित Antonyms: reassuring, heartening

Synonyms: wronged, maltreated Example: The alarming sound of sirens

filled the air as emergency vehicles
Antonyms: sheltered, nurtured rushed by.

Example: The aggrieved customer 211. Call to action: something such as a

demanded a refund for the faulty speech, piece of writing, or act that asks
product. or encourages people to take action
about a problem.
207. Paradox: something (such as a
situation) that is made up of two opposite 212. A wake-up call: an event that shocks
things and that seems impossible but is people into taking action about a difficult
actually true or possible. विरोधाभास or dangerous situation.

Synonyms: contradiction, absurdity 213. Overwhelming: very great or very

strong; so powerful that you cannot
Antonyms: normality, usualness resist it or decide how to react. अत्यधिक
Example: The paradox of technology is तीव्र
that while it connects people globally, it Synonyms: overpowering, potent
can also create a sense of isolation
locally. Antonyms: enafeebled, frail

208. Staggering: very shocking and Example: The responsibility of leading

surprising. चौंका दे ने वाला the project became overwhelming as the

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deadline approached. Synonyms: nosedived, plunged

214. Indomitable: impossible to defeat or Antonyms: skyrocketed, soared

discourage. अदम्य
Example: After the unexpected news, his
Synonyms: invincible, indefatigable confidence seemed to plummet.

Antonyms: surmountable, vulnerable 219. Mount: to organise and begin

something. आयोजित करना
Example: His indomitable willpower
allowed him to overcome the toughest Synonyms: stage, orchestrate
obstacles in his path.
Antonyms: neglect, disarrange
215. Anguished: having or showing severe
physical or mental pain, difficulty or Example: The teacher decided to mount a
unhappiness. दख group project to encourage collaboration
ु ी
among students.
Synonyms: wretched, harrowed
220. Ran into: met somebody by chance.
Antonyms: delighted, gratified
221. Throw up: to produce new problems
Example: Her anguished expression or ideas.
revealed the pain she was trying to hide.
222. Kicking in: starting to have an effect.
216. Vanquished: defeated somebody
completely in a competition, war, etc. 223. On the trot: In quick succession, one
पराजित करना after another.

Synonyms: conquered, subdued 224. A leap in the dark: something you do

without being certain what will happen as
Antonyms: succumbed, yielded a result.

Example: The team worked together to 225. Come up short: to disappoint; to fail
vanquish their rivals in the intense to meet certain expectations or goals.
226. Running high: (for feelings) to be in a
217. Stature: the importance and respect state of excitement or anger.
that a person has because of their ability
and achievements. रूतबा 227. Strive: to try very hard to do
something or to make something
Synonyms: eminence, prestige happen, especially for a long time or
against difficulties. प्रयत्न करना
Antonyms: infamy, dishonour
Synonyms: endeavour, persevere
Example: Sarah's academic
achievements greatly contributed to her Antonyms: abandon, neglect
growing stature in the scientific
community Example: Mr. Annan said the region must
now strive for economic development as
218. Plummeted: fell suddenly and quickly well as peace.
from a high level or position. तेज़ी से गिरना

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228. Tardy: slow or late in happening or Antonyms: liberal, cosmopolitan
arriving. विलम्बी
Example: They need to be better
Synonyms: delayed, belated informed and less parochial in their
Antonyms: prompt, punctual
233. Quashing: officially saying that a
Example: We apologize for our tardy decision made by a court is no longer
response to your letter. legally acceptable or correct. अमान्य
229. Shaved: reduced by a small amount. घोषित करना
कम करना Synonyms: nullifying, rescinding
Synonyms: pared, slashed Antonyms: ratifying, enforcing
Antonyms: raised, elevated Example: The Chief Executive issued a
Example: The new high speed trains will statement to quash rumours of financial
shave 25 minutes off the journey time. problems.

230. Infructuous: without any purpose or 234. Pun: a humorous use of a word or
value. व्यर्थ phrase that has several meanings or that
sounds like another word.
Synonyms: futile, worthless
235. Legalese: language used by lawyers
Antonyms: fruitful, productive and in legal documents that is difficult
for ordinary people to understand.
Example: Since the license was created
in violation of Clause 2(7) of the lease 236. Blue-collar: relating to people who do
deed, the agreement for license was physical work rather than mental work,
rendered infructuous and consequently and who usually do not work in an office.
unenforceable in law.
237. Eke out: to obtain or win something
231. Nitpicking: the habit of finding small only with difficulty or great effort.
mistakes in somebody’s work or paying
too much attention to small details that 238. Writ large: to be very obvious.
are not important. छिद्रान्वेषण 239. A level playing field: a situation that is
Synonyms: cavilling, carping fair because everyone has the same
chance of succeeding.
Antonyms: commending, complimenting
240. Bargaining power: the ability of a
Example: If you spent less time person or group to get what they want.
nitpicking, you'd get more work done.
241. Dismantle: to get rid of a system or
232. Parochial: showing interest only in a organisation, usually over a period of
narrow range of matters, especially those time. विघटित करना
that directly affect yourself, your town, or
your country. सीमित Synonyms: abolish, annul

Synonyms: insular, myopic Antonyms: enact, establish

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Example: To improve efficiency, the Synonyms: escalating, mounting
leadership decided to dismantle certain
departments and redistribute Antonyms: dwindling, plummeting
responsibilities. Example: The project costs began to
242. Vengeful: showing a desire to punish spiral unexpectedly, causing concern
somebody who has harmed you. प्रतिशोधी among the team.

Synonyms: spiteful, vindictive 247. Grave: very serious and important;

giving you a reason to feel worried. गंभीर
Antonyms: forgiving, benevolent
Synonyms: dire, alarming
Example: The vengeful protagonist
sought justice for the wrongs done to his Antonyms: promising, hopeful
family. Example: The student faced a grave
243. Repugnant: causing a strong feeling situation after failing the crucial exam.
of dislike or disgust. घण
ृ ास्पद 248. Rampant: existing or spreading
Synonyms: abominable, revolting everywhere in a way that cannot be
controlled. व्याप्त
Antonyms: delightful, agreeable
Synonyms: rife, pervasive
Example: I find the idea of animal cruelty
repugnant. Antonyms: rare, restricted

244. Stormed: attacked a place or building Example: Inflation became rampant,

by entering suddenly in great numbers. causing prices to soar across the
हमला करना country.

Synonyms: raided, infiltrated 249. Empirically: in a way that is based on

what is experienced or seen rather than
Antonyms: retreated, withdrew on theory. अनभु वतः

Example: The soldiers stormed the Synonyms: experimentally, practically

enemy fortress under the cover of
darkness. Antonyms: theoretically, notionally

245. Alleging: saying that someone has Example: The effectiveness of the new
done something illegal or wrong without drug was tested empirically through
giving proof. आरोप लगाना clinical trials.

Synonyms: asserting, claiming 250. Deterrent: something that makes

someone decide not to do something.
Antonyms: gainsaying, refuting हतोत्साह करनेवाला

Example: The witness alleged that they Synonyms: hindrance, impediment

saw the suspect near the crime scene.
Antonyms: incentive, stimulus
246. Spiralling: showing a continuous and
dramatic increase. उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ना Example: Heavy traffic can be a deterrent

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to people choosing to live in a busy city. importance of teamwork in achieving
common goals.
251. Imperative: extremely important or
urgent. आत्यावश्यक 258. Trigger: to make something happen
suddenly. शरू
ु करना
Synonyms: vital, crucial
Synonyms: prompt, engender
Antonyms: trivial, trifling
Antonyms: arrest, obviate
Example: Following traffic rules is
imperative for road safety. Example: Changing weather conditions
can trigger allergies for some people.
252. Build on: to use something as a basis
for further progress. 259. Construed: to understand the
meaning of a word, a sentence or an
253. Attributed to: said or thought that action in a particular way. अनव
ु ाद करना
something is caused by a particular thing
or person. Synonyms: interpreted, analysed

254. Came to light: became known. Antonyms: misconceived, confused

255. Tepid: not enthusiastic. उत्साहहीन Example: Please be careful with your
words, as they can be easily construed
Synonyms: lacklustre, spiritless as offensive.
Antonyms: fervent, zealous 260. Deferred: delayed something until a
Example: He received a tepid reception later time. टालना
to his new idea, leaving him a bit Synonyms: shelved, postponed
Antonyms: advanced, furthered
256. Spurred: encouraged an activity or
development, or caused something to Example: Sarah decided to defer her
develop faster. प्रोत्साहित करना vacation plans until next month.

Synonyms: expedited, furthered 261. Slew: a large number or amount of

something. ढे र
Antonyms: deterred, dissuaded
Synonyms: profusion, spate
Example: The successful trade
agreement spurred international Antonyms: paucity, dearth
cooperation and economic development.
Example: There's a slew of new movies
257. Asserted: stated clearly and definitely coming out next month
that something is true. द्दढ़तापर्व
ू क करना
262. Folly: the fact of being stupid, or a
Synonyms: professed, affirmed stupid action, idea, etc. मर्ख
ू ता

Antonyms: speculated, conjectured Synonyms: inanity, idiocy

Example: It's crucial to assert the Antonyms: prudence, sagacity

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Example: The decision to ignore the power, or cost of something.
weather forecast proved to be a folly as
they got caught in the rain. 268. Rein in: to limit or control someone or
263. Semblance: a situation or condition
that is similar to what is wanted or 269. Throwing up: producing new
expected, but is not exactly as hoped for. problems or ideas.
झलक 270. Unilateral: done by or affecting only
Synonyms: guise, veneer one person, group or country involved in
a situation without the agreement of the
Antonyms: reality, frankness others. एकतरफा

Example: With a tired smile, she Synonyms: autonomous, individual

maintained a semblance of composure
during the challenging meeting. Antonyms: collective, mutual

264. Turbulent: involving a lot of change, Example: Sarah made a unilateral choice
confusion, and disorder. अशांत to adopt a pet without discussing it with
her roommates.
Synonyms: chaotic, tumultuous
271. Crux: the most important or serious
Antonyms: serene, tranquil part of a matter, problem, or argument.

Example: Relationships can become
turbulent during times of stress. Synonyms: essence, gist

265. Perpetuates: to make something such Antonyms: periphery, sidenote

as a bad situation, a belief, etc. continue
for a long time. बनाये रखना Example: The crux of the story lies in its
unexpected twist.
Synonyms: protract, persist
272. Assent: official agreement to or
Antonyms: curtail, abridge approval of something. अनम
ु ति

Example: A lack of education can Synonyms: consent, approbation

perpetuate societal inequalities.
Antonyms: dissent, veto
266. Eminent: famous and respected,
especially in a particular profession. Example: The committee members gave
प्रसिद्ध their assent to the proposed changes.

Synonyms: distinguished, esteemed 273. Pretext: a pretended reason for doing

something that is used to hide the real
Antonyms: infamous, unsung reason. बहाना

Example: The eminent scientist received Synonyms: pretence, excuse

a prestigious award for her
groundbreaking research. Antonyms: truth, honesty

267. Ramp up: to increase the speed, Example: John's sudden phone call was

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just a pretext to check on Emily. Example: The teacher appreciated Tim's
novel approach to solving math
274. Tenet: one of the principles on which problems.
a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत
279. Voluntarily: willingly; without being
Synonyms: doctrine, creed forced. स्वेच्छापर्व
ू क
Antonyms: scepticism, disbelief Synonyms: deliberately, freely
Example: Honesty is a fundamental tenet Antonyms: reluctantly, hesitantly
of a strong relationship.
Example: He decided voluntarily to step
275. Reprimand: strong official criticism of down from his position.
a person or their behaviour. फटकार
280. In line with: according to or following
Synonyms: rebuke, admonition something such as a rule or principle.
Antonyms: commendation, applause 281. False alarm: an occasion when people
Example: Jenny received a reprimand wrongly believe that something
from her parents for coming home past dangerous or unpleasant is happening or
curfew. will happen.

276. Prorogued: stopped the activities of a 282. Incumbent: officially having the
parliament for a period of time without named position. पदस्थ
dissolving it. स्थगित करना Synonyms: reigning, ruling
Synonyms: postponed, deferred Antonyms: erstwhile, former
Antonyms: expedited, hastened Example: As the incumbent champion,
Example: The committee decided to she defended her title successfully.
prorogue their discussion until more 283. Formidable: causing you to have fear
information became available. or respect for something or someone
277. Culminates: to end with a particular because that thing or person is large,
result, or at a particular point. समापन होना powerful, or difficult. दर्जे
ु य

Synonyms: conclude, climax Synonyms: intimidating, daunting

Antonyms: commence, perpetuate Antonyms: heartening, uplifting

Example: His persistent efforts Example: Solving complex puzzles can

culminated in a promotion at work. be a formidable task.

278. Novel: new and original, not like 284. Influx: the arrival of a large number of
anything seen before. नया people or things. अंतर्वाह

Synonyms: unique, fresh Synonyms: inrush, inundation

Antonyms: hackneyed, familiar Antonyms: exodus, egress

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Example: The store experienced an influx Antonyms: adverse, detrimental
of customers during the holiday sale.
Example: A quiet environment is
285. Arrest: to stop a process or a conducive to focused work.
development. रोकना
290. Concerted: done in a planned and
Synonyms: check, inhibit determined way, especially by more than
one person, government, country, etc.
Antonyms: expedite, precipitate संयक्
ु त
Example: We shouldn't let fear of failure Synonyms: conscientious, intensive
arrest our pursuit of success.
Antonyms: perfunctory, cursory
286. Onslaught (often used figuratively): a
violent attack. हमला Example: The students made a concerted
effort to clean up the schoolyard.
Synonyms: assault, offensive
291. Cater to: to satisfy a need or to
Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal provide what is wanted or needed by a
Example: The sudden onslaught of rain particular person or group.
caught everyone off guard. 292. Bring forth: to cause something to
287. Constraints: things that limit happen or be seen or known.
something, or limit your freedom to do 293. Deal a blow: to cause someone or
something. अवरोध something, usually a plan or hope, to fail
Synonyms: restraint, impediment or to be affected very badly.

Antonyms: encouragement, incentive 294. In line with: according to or following

something such as a rule or principle.
Example: The limited resources acted as
a constraint in expanding the business. 295. Wake-up call: an event that shocks
people into taking action about a difficult
288. Prudent: sensible and careful when or dangerous situation.
you make judgements and decisions;
avoiding unnecessary risks. विवेकी 296. Touchstone: something that provides
a standard against which other things are
Synonyms: sagacious, astute compared and/or judged. मापदं ड

Antonyms: preposterous, reckless Synonyms: benchmark, criterion

Example: It's prudent to save money for Antonyms: estimate, guess

unexpected expenses.
Example: The classic movie remains a
289. Conducive: providing the right touchstone of cinematic excellence.
conditions for something to happen or
exist. अनक
ु ूल 297. Slapdash: done or made in a hurried
and careless way. लापरवाह
Synonyms: propitious, opportune
Synonyms: perfunctory, slipshod

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Antonyms: meticulous, painstaking large. बहुत ज्यादा

Example: The mechanic did a slapdash Synonyms: enormous, immense

job on my car repairs, and I had to return
for proper fixes. Antonyms: slight, modest

298. Peril: serious danger. जोखिम Example: Her generosity was met with
overwhelming appreciation.
Synonyms: threat, hazard
303. Evident: easily seen or understood.
Antonyms: security, assurance स्पष्ट

Example: The stormy sea presented a Synonyms: obvious, manifest

constant peril for sailors on the small
boat. Antonyms: ambiguous, obscure

299. Fragile: easily harmed, damaged, or Example: The worn-out shoes were
broken. नाजक evident signs of his adventurous journey.

Synonyms: delicate, frail 304. Fathom: to understand or find an

explanation for something. पर्ण
ू रूप से
Antonyms: sturdy, robust समझना

Example: The delicate vase was so Synonyms: comprehend, grasp

fragile that a gentle breeze could make it
wobble. Antonyms: misinterpret, misconceive

300. Scrutiny: the careful and detailed Example: I can't fathom why she made
examination of something in order to get that decision.
information about it. जांच 305. Disparity: a lack of equality or
Synonyms: inspection, analysis similarity, especially in a way that is not
fair. असमानता
Antonyms: neglect, disregard
Synonyms: discrepancy, contrast
Example: The scientific experiment
underwent careful scrutiny to ensure Antonyms: similitude, parity
accurate results. Example: The economic disparity
301. Agitation: public protest in order to between the rich and the poor is
achieve political change. आंदोलन widening.

Synonyms: activism, crusading 306. Resentment: a feeling of anger or

unhappiness about something that you
Antonyms: acceptance, agreement think is unfair. रोष

Example: The crowd's agitation echoed Synonyms: indignation, bitterness

through the streets as they voiced their
concerns. Antonyms: contentment, delight

302. Overwhelming: very great or very Example: She couldn't hide the

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resentment in her voice when discussing Antonyms: discordantly,
the unfair decision. disharmoniously

307. Accounted for: considered, included, Example: We all unanimously agreed that
or taken into consideration. pizza was the best choice for lunch.

308. Struck down: ruled that a law was 314. Dreaded: causing fear or worry.
illegal and should not be obeyed. भयानक

309. Knee-jerk response: a quick reaction Synonyms: alarming, direful

that does not allow you time to consider
something carefully. Antonyms: appealing, inviting

310. Compel: to force somebody to do Example: I faced the dreaded task of

something; to make something cleaning out the attic.
necessary. विवश करना 315. Consensus: a generally accepted
Synonyms: impel, oblige opinion or decision among a group of
people. सर्वसम्मति
Antonyms: dissuade, impede
Synonyms: agreement, concurrence
Example: His sincere apology compelled
her to forgive him. Antonyms: dissension, discord

311. Converge: to come from other places Example: There was a consensus among
to meet at a particular place. मिलना friends to try a new restaurant for dinner.

Synonyms: convene, congregate 316. Weathering: dealing successfully with

a difficult situation or a problem. सहना
Antonyms: disperse, separate
Synonyms: enduring, withstanding
Example: At the airport, travelers from
different parts of the world converge, Antonyms: succumbing, relenting
creating a diverse crowd. Example: I believe you can weather any
312. Strive: to try very hard to achieve adversity that comes your way.
something. प्रयत्न करना 317. Bolster: to support something, or
Synonyms: endeavour, aspire make something stronger. सहारा दे ना

Antonyms: abandon, abort Synonyms: buttress, reinforce

Example: The company encourages Antonyms: undermine, impair

employees to strive for innovation. Example: She decided to bolster her
313. Unanimously: in a way that is agreed fitness routine with regular jogging.
or supported by everyone in a group. 318. Onerous: difficult to do or needing a
सर्वसम्मति से lot of effort. कष्टदायक
Synonyms: collectively, concertedly Synonyms: arduous, exacting

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Antonyms: facile, effortless 324. Empathetic: showing an ability to
understand and share the feelings of
Example: The lengthy commute to work another. सहानभ
ु ति
ू रखने वाला
became increasingly onerous for Alex.
Synonyms: compassionate, sympathetic
319. Mooted: suggested something for
discussion. प्रस्तत
ु करना Antonyms: callous, inhumane

Synonyms: proposed, broached Example: His empathetic response

reassured her that he truly understood
Antonyms: suppressed, withheld her feelings.
Example: John mooted the idea of 325. Sustaining: causing or allowing
starting a book club among his friends something to continue for a period of
320. Conducive: providing the right time. बनाये रखना
conditions for something to happen or Synonyms: perpetuating, preserving
exist. अनक
ु ूल
Antonyms: curtailing, arresting
Synonyms: propitious, facilitative
Example: Proper nutrition is essential to
Antonyms: deleterious, detrimental sustain a healthy lifestyle.
Example: Adequate sleep is conducive to 326. Inevitable: certain to happen and
a healthy lifestyle. unable to be avoided or prevented.
321. Wean off: to make someone gradually निश्चित
stop using something that is bad for Synonyms: inexorable, ineluctable
Antonyms: evitable, improbable
322. Laudable: deserving to be praised or
admired, even if not really successful. Example: In a rapidly advancing world,
प्रशंसनीय technological progress is often
Synonyms: meritorious, commendable
327. Narcissistic: having too much interest
Antonyms: contemptible, deplorable in and admiration for yourself. आत्ममग्ु ध
Example: Sarah's dedication to her Synonyms: egotistical, conceited
studies is truly laudable.
Antonyms: humble, modest
323. Fervour: very strong feelings about
something. जोश Example: Instead of listening, the
narcissistic friend turned every
Synonyms: zeal, ardour conversation into a discussion about her
Antonyms: apathy, indifference achievements.

Example: She spoke about her favorite 328. Imbibed: received and understood
book with such fervour that it inspired ideas or information. अन्तर्ग्रहण करना
others to read it. Synonyms: assimilated, absorbed

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Antonyms: discarded, rejected 334. Cast a spotlight on: to focus on or
bring attention to someone or something.
Example: She decided to imbibe the
wisdom of classic literature during her 335. Play havoc with: to make a situation
quiet evenings. much more difficult or confusing.

329. Impetus: something that encourages

a particular activity or makes that activity
more energetic or effective. प्रोत्साहन

Synonyms: stimulus, incentive

Antonyms: deterrent, impediment

Example: The success of her friend

served as the impetus for Jane to pursue
her own dreams.

330. Prudent: showing good judgment in

avoiding risks and uncertainties; careful.

Synonyms: astute, sagacious

Antonyms: preposterous, injudicious

Example: Before making a major

purchase, it's prudent to compare prices
and read reviews.

331. Dearth: a lack of something. कमी

Synonyms: paucity, deficiency

Antonyms: abundance, plenitude

Example: There is a dearth of fresh

vegetables in the local market.

332. ocratic learning: A pedagogical

technique in which a teacher does not
give information directly but instead asks
a series of questions, with the result that
the student comes either to the desired
knowledge by answering the questions
or to a deeper awareness of the limits of

333. In fits and starts: in short,

inconsistent, and irregular intervals. (DECEMBER MONTH 2023)
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Antonyms: extolled, applauded

1. Allegedly: used when something is said Example: It's essential to condemn

to be true but has not been proved. कथित discrimination and promote equality.
तौर पर
6. Unfounded: not based on reason or fact.
Synonyms: ostensibly, purportedly बेबनि
ु याद

Antonyms: certainly, undoubtedly Synonyms: illogical, fallacious

Example: The suspect allegedly stole a Antonyms: reasonable, justified

valuable painting from the art gallery.
Example: The rumors about her stealing
2. Outraged: caused someone to feel very were completely unfounded; she was
angry, shocked, or upset. नाराज़ होना innocent.

Synonyms: affronted, aggrieved 7. Negate: to stop something from having

any effect. निष्फल करना
Antonyms: gratified, flattered
Synonyms: nullify, neutralise
Example: He was outraged by the unfair
decision made by the referee during the Antonyms: strengthen, fortify
Example: Taking a break can negate
3. Upfront: not trying to hide what you think feelings of stress and exhaustion.
or do. सच्चा
8. Hinges on: to depend on something
Synonyms: frank, candid completely.

Antonyms: dishonest, artful 9. Took on: competed against or fought

Example: I appreciate when people are
upfront about their intentions. 10. At stake: in danger of being lost.

4. Inkling: a slight knowledge of something 11. Hangs in the balance: to be in a

that is happening or about to happen. precarious state or condition.
12. Stretched thin: expended more time,
Synonyms: sign, clue resources, or energy than one can
maintain or sustain; undertook too many
Antonyms: misconception, ignorance activities at the same time.
Example: Jake didn't have the slightest 13. Steadfast: staying the same for a long
inkling about the new project his team time and not changing quickly or
was working on. unexpectedly. अटल
5. Condemned: criticised something or Synonyms: enduring, persistent
someone strongly, usually for moral
reasons. निंदा करना Antonyms: wavering, faltering

Synonyms: censured, denounced Example: His steadfast loyalty to his

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friends made him a trusted companion. robust cybersecurity system to protect
sensitive data.
14. Brooked: allowed or accepted
something. बर्दाश्त करना 19. Offset: to cancel or reduce the effect of
something; to create an equal balance
Synonyms: endorsed, sanctioned between two things. बराबर कर दे ना
Antonyms: disapproved, shunned Synonyms: counterbalance, neutralise
Example: We should brook no Antonyms: disproportion, outweigh
compromise on matters of safety.
Example: We'll need to offset the
15. Stewardship: the job of supervising or expenses by finding cost-saving
taking care of something. प्रबंधन measures.
Synonyms: superintendence, charge 20. Buoyed: supported something and made
Antonyms: negligence, ignorance it more successful. सम्भालना

Example: The company certainly Synonyms: buttressed, bolstered

prospered under his stewardship. Antonyms: undermined, impaired
16. Pedantic: giving too much attention to Example: The positive feedback buoyed
formal rules or small details. परिशद्
ु ध her confidence.
Synonyms: punctilious, fastidious 21. Precarity: the state of not being safe or
Antonyms: sloppy, slipshod certain. अनिश्चितता

Example: Instead of enjoying the story, Synonyms: vulnerability, insecurity

Alex became pedantic and focused on Antonyms: assurance, stability
historical inaccuracies in the movie.
Example: Economic precarity can lead to
17. Patchy: not complete; good in some increased stress and insecurity.
parts, but not in others. अपर्ण

22. Plaguing: causing pain or trouble to
Synonyms: lacking, inadequate somebody/something over a period of
Antonyms: exhaustive, thorough time. पीड़ा दे ना

Example: His knowledge of the subject Synonyms: besetting, harrowing

was patchy, with gaps in certain key Antonyms: comforting, appeasing
Example: The persistent rainstorm was
18. Robust: strong and unlikely to break or plaguing the small town for days.
fail. मजबत

23. Fillip: something that causes a sudden
Synonyms: sturdy, sound improvement. प्रोत्साहन
Antonyms: flimsy, fragile Synonyms: impetus, stimulus
Example: The company implemented a

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Antonyms: deterrent, impediment Antonyms: curtailing, arresting

Example: His promotion acted as a fillip, Example: His refusal to apologize only
boosting his confidence at work. served to perpetuate the
24. Ad hoc: arranged or happening when
necessary and not planned in advance. 32. Contravention: the fact of doing
something that is not allowed by a law or
25. Sans: without. rule. उल्लंघन
26. Spilled over: started in one area and then Synonyms: breach, infringement
affected other areas.
Antonyms: observance, compliance
27. Lost steam: lost strength, force, or
energy; slowed down. Example: Parking in a no-parking zone is
a contravention of the traffic rules.
28. Outset: the start or beginning of
something. प्रारं भ 33. Advocate: to publicly support or suggest
an idea, development, or way of doing
Synonyms: inception, dawn something. समर्थन करना
Antonyms: conclusion, cessation Synonyms: champion, endorse
Example: She realised from the outset Antonyms: confute, reprobate
that it was a challenging task.
Example: She decided to advocate for
29. Facet: one part of a subject, situation, environmental conservation in her
etc. that has many parts. पहलू community.
Synonyms: aspect, feature 34. Grassroots: involving the ordinary
Antonyms: entirety, whole people in a society or an organisation.
जमीनी स्तर पर
Example: She explored every facet of the
topic during her presentation. Synonyms: proletarian, local

30. Agnostic: not knowing or not having an Antonyms: elite, aristocratic

opinion about whether something is true, Example: Sarah started a grassroots
good, correct, etc. संशयवादी campaign to improve playgrounds in the
Synonyms: sceptical, uncertain neighborhood.

Antonyms: sure, convinced 35. Robust: strong and unlikely to break or

fail. मजबत

Example: Sarah is agnostic about which
movie to watch tonight. Synonyms: sturdy, sound

31. Perpetuating: causing something to Antonyms: flimsy, fragile

continue. बनाये रखना Example: The computer system had a
Synonyms: sustaining, preserving robust backup mechanism to prevent
data loss.

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36. Mainstream: to make something start to Antonyms: casually, halfheartedly
be considered normal. सामान्य बनाना
Example: She assiduously studied for
Synonyms: normalise, popularise her exams, determined to excel.

Antonyms: prohibit, criminalise 42. Mired: involved in a difficult situation,

especially for a long period of time. फँसा
Example: She hopes to mainstream the रहना
concept of mental health awareness in
schools. Synonyms: embroiled, entangled

37. Rooted in: to be based on something or Antonyms: liberated, excluded

caused by something.
Example: The project became mired in
38. Woes: big problems or troubles. संकट delays due to unforeseen issues.

Synonyms: tribulations, hardships 43. Woo: to try to get the support of

somebody. समर्थन माँगना
Antonyms: felicity, rapture
Synonyms: entreat, solicit
Example: Sarah shared her woes about
the challenging project during our lunch Antonyms: deter, dissuade
Example: The candidate delivered a
39. Myriad: a very large number of charismatic speech to woo voters.
something. असंख्य
44. Decisive: very important for the final
Synonyms: innumerable, multitudinous result of a particular situation. निर्णायक

Antonyms: finite, meagre Synonyms: crucial, critical

Example: During the hike, we Antonyms: trivial, insignificant

encountered a myriad of different bird
species. Example: The team captain's decisive
actions on the field led to a victorious
40. Cursory: done quickly and without giving outcome.
enough attention to details. सतही
45. Heft: ability or influence. महत्त्व
Synonyms: perfunctory, hasty
Synonyms: sway, clout
Antonyms: painstaking, thorough
Antonyms: impotence, inability
Example: The detective conducted a
cursory examination of the crime scene. Example: With a heft in local politics, she
effortlessly rallied support for community
41. Assiduously: in a way that involves initiatives.
working very hard and taking great care.
परिश्रम से 46. Overtures: suggestions or an action by
which somebody tries to make friends,
Synonyms: diligently, arduously start a business relationship, have
discussions, etc. with somebody else.

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प्रस्ताव carbon emissions by the end of the year.

Synonyms: proposal, proposition 54. Unabated: without becoming weaker in

strength or force. अक्षीण
Antonyms: rebuff, denial
Synonyms: relentless, incessant
Example: As a sign of goodwill, the
neighbors exchanged overtures of Antonyms: spasmodic, intermittent
Example: The rain continued unabated
47. Inflamed: made a situation worse or more throughout the night.
difficult to deal with. उत्तेजित करना
55. Eschew: to avoid something
Synonyms: aggravated, exacerbated intentionally, or to give something up.
परहे ज़ करना
Antonyms: placated, assuaged
Synonyms: abstain, shun
Example: Misunderstandings can easily
inflame conflicts in relationships. Antonyms: indulge, embrace

48. Status quo: the present situation or Example: I prefer to eschew fast food for
condition. a healthier lifestyle.

49. Harping on: keep talking about 56. Apportioning: giving or sharing out
something in a boring or annoying way. something, especially blame or money,
among several people or things. बांटना
50. Open old wounds: to cause people to
think of things from the past that make Synonyms: allocating, assigning
them sad, angry, etc.
Antonyms: gathering, amassing
51. Null and void: not legally valid.
Example: Instead of trying to apportion
52. Wrangling: arguments, especially ones blame, let's focus on finding a solution.
that continue for a long time. तकरार
57. Pummel: to hit someone or something
Synonyms: dispute, altercation repeatedly. मारना

Antonyms: concurrence, accord Synonyms: batter, pound

Example: Team members engaged in Antonyms: uphold, protect

lively wrangling over the best approach
to solve the problem. Example: Heavy raindrops began to
pummel the roof, creating a rhythmic
53. Cap: to put a limit on something. सीमित sound.
58. Redux: brought back. पन
ु ः पन
ु र्जीवित
Synonyms: curb, check
Synonyms: revived, restored
Antonyms: exceed, foster
Antonyms: abolished, cancelled
Example: The company aims to cap
Example: The 1980s were far more than

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just the 1950s redux. discovery.

59. Naive: showing a lack of experience, 65. Fervour: very strong feelings about
wisdom, or judgement. अनभ ु वहीन something. जोश

Synonyms: imprudent, ignorant Synonyms: enthusiasm, zeal

Antonyms: worldly, astute Antonyms: apathy, indifference

Example: She was naive to believe Example: She approached her hobby
everything she read online. with a fervour that was truly inspiring.

60. Preclude: to prevent something or make 66. Bolstered: supported something, or

it impossible, or prevent someone from made something stronger. सहारा दे ना
doing something. रोकना
Synonyms: buttressed, fortified
Synonyms: forestall, avert
Antonyms: undermined, vitiated
Antonyms: facilitate, encourage
Example: The team's spirit was bolstered
Example: Adequate preparation can by the coach's motivating pep talk.
preclude mistakes during a presentation.
67. Persist: to continue to exist. क़ायम रहना
61. Oxymoronic: having, or seeming to have,
opposite meanings. विरोधात्मक Synonyms: endure, linger

Synonyms: paradoxical, contradictory Antonyms: cease, expire

Antonyms: consistent, congruous Example: The rain did not persist for
long; it was just a passing shower.
Example: Misunderstandings can easily
inflame conflicts in relationships. 68. Buoyant: tending to increase or stay at a
high level, usually showing financial
62. Speak volumes: If something speaks success. तरणशील
volumes, it makes an opinion,
characteristic, or situation very clear Synonyms: booming, thriving
without the use of words. Antonyms: unprosperous, unpromising
63. Quick fix: an easy remedy or solution, Example: The robust job market
especially a temporary one which fails to contributed to the buoyant consumer
address underlying problems. spending observed this year.
64. Culminated: ended with a particular 69. Crackdown: severe action taken to limit
result, or at a particular point. समाप्त होना the activities of criminals or of people
Synonyms: concluded, climaxed opposed to the government or somebody
in authority. कड़ी कर्रवाई
Antonyms: commenced, initiated
Synonyms: clampdown, embargo
Example: The research project
culminated in a groundbreaking Antonyms: encouragement, incitement

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Example: In response to rising crime after something else has happened
rates, the police announced a crackdown and/or as a result of it.
on gang activities.
76. Factor in: to include a particular fact or
70. Spate: an unusually large number of situation when you are thinking about or
events that happen suddenly and at planning something.
about the same time. आवेश
77. Lay down: to officially establish a rule, or
Synonyms: flurry, deluge to officially say how something should
be done.
Antonyms: drought, trickle
78. Dissonance: lack of agreement. मतभेद
Example: There has been a spate of new
businesses opening in the downtown Synonyms: discord, dissension
Antonyms: concord, harmony
71. Rejig: to make changes to something so
that it is better or more suitable for a Example: The dissonance in their
particular purpose. बदलाव करना opinions made it challenging to reach a
Synonyms: alter, revamp
79. Betrays: to show feelings, thoughts, or a
Antonyms: retain, preserve particular characteristic without
intending to. प्रकट करना
Example: After receiving feedback, the
author had to rejig certain chapters of the Synonyms: reveal, evince
Antonyms: conceal, withhold
72. Dithering: the state of being unable to
make a decision about doing something. Example: The quiver in his voice
दवि betrayed his nervousness during the
ु धा में होना
Synonyms: vacillation, wavering
80. Flagging: becoming weaker. फीका पड़ना
Antonyms: resolve, determination
Synonyms: declining, wearying
Example: Mary's dithering over what to
wear made her late for the party. Antonyms: invigorated, vibrant

73. Kitty: a pool or reserve of money, often Example: Sarah's flagging concentration
collected from a number of persons or made it difficult for her to focus on her
sources and designated for a particular homework.
purpose specified by the contributors. 81. Replete: filled with something; with a full
74. Pendency: the time when something is supply of something. परिपर्ण

pending (waiting to happen), especially a Synonyms: teeming, abounding
legal or official process, or the state of
being pending. Antonyms: sparse, wanting

75. On the back of: in immediate succession Example: His speech was replete with

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insightful ideas and thought-provoking Example: The idea began to gain traction
concepts. after the successful presentation.

82. Impeding: delaying or stopping the 87. Persist: to continue to exist. क़ायम रहना
progress of something. बाधा डालना
Synonyms: endure, remain
Synonyms: hindering, obstructing
Antonyms: cease, desist
Antonyms: facilitating, expediting
Example: The artist's passion for
Example: Don't let fear impede your painting continued to persist throughout
progress toward your goals. his life.

83. Fleeting: lasting for a very short time. 88. Borne out: supported or proved a claim
क्षणिक or idea.

Synonyms: ephemeral, evanescent 89. Frittered away: wasted or used up

Antonyms: perpetual, enduring
90. Huddle: a small group of people or things
Example: A fleeting hesitation crossed that are close together. जमघटा
his face before he made a decision.
Synonyms: gathering, congregation
84. Exemplified: was a typical example of
something. उदाहरण दे ना Antonyms: individual, constituent

Synonyms: epitomised, personified Example: In the middle of the forest, the

campers formed a huddle to plan their
Antonyms: distorted, obscured next move.
Example: His selfless actions exemplify 91. Grim: extremely bad, worrying, or
the true spirit of altruism. without hope. ख़राब
85. Damped: decreased in feeling, strength Synonyms: bleak, dismal
or intensity. कम करना
Antonyms: heartening, promising
Synonyms: inhibited, stifled
Example: Despite their best efforts, the
Antonyms: heightened, intensified outcome looked increasingly grim.
Example: Be cautious not to damp the 92. Precipitated: made something happen
enthusiasm of the team with excessive suddenly or sooner than expected. जल्दी
criticism. ला दे ना
86. Traction: the extent to which an idea, a Synonyms: expedited, hastened
product, etc. becomes popular or gains
support. स्वीकरण Antonyms: stymied, stalled

Synonyms: credence, acceptance Example: We need to be cautious not to

precipitate any unnecessary conflicts.
Antonyms: apprehension, denial

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93. Spiralling: increasing rapidly. उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ना 97. Proactively: in a way that causes change
by taking action, rather than reacting to
Synonyms: escalating, mounting changes. अग्रसक्रिय रूप से
Antonyms: plummeting, abating Synonyms: preemptively, anticipatorily
Example: The company's expenses were Antonyms: reactively, unpreparedly
spiralling out of control, prompting a
financial review. Example: She proactively tackled the
project, addressing potential issues
94. Resilient: able to recover quickly after before they arose.
something unpleasant such as shock,
injury, etc. प्रत्यास्थी 98. Incorporates: to include something as
part of something larger. सम्मिलित करना
Synonyms: gritty, tenacious
Synonyms: integrate, encompass
Antonyms: infirm, vulnerable
Antonyms: omit, exclude
Example: Despite facing challenges, she
remained resilient and never gave up. Example: The new software update will
incorporate several user-friendly features
95. Disseminating: spreading or giving out to enhance the overall experience.
something, especially news, information,
ideas, etc., to a lot of people. प्रसारित करना 99. Adverse: having a negative or harmful
effect on something. प्रतिकूल
Synonyms: dispersing, propagating
Synonyms: detrimental, deleterious
Antonyms: gathering, censoring
Antonyms: conducive, propitious
Example: Our goal is to disseminate
awareness about environmental Disrupt: Example: The adverse weather
to make it difficult for something to conditions made outdoor activities
continue in the normal way. नाकाम करना challenging.

Synonyms: hinder, thwart 100. Drudgery: hard boring work. नीरस काम

Antonyms: facilitate, ease Synonyms: chore, toil

Example: Technical issues can disrupt Antonyms: excitement, fun

online meetings.
Example: Homework may seem like
96. Exacerbate: to make something that is drudgery to students, but it reinforces
already bad even worse. बिगड़ी हुई को और learning.
101. Upheld: supported something that
Synonyms: aggravate, compound you think was right and made sure that it
continued to exist. समर्थन करना
Antonyms: alleviate, mitigate
Synonyms: sustained, defended
Example: Skipping meals can exacerbate
feelings of fatigue and low energy. Antonyms: quashed, abjured

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Example: The judge's primary duty is to 106. Partake: to become involved with or
uphold the laws and ensure justice is take part in something. हिस्सा लेना
Synonyms: participate, engage
102. Abrogate: to end a law, agreement, or
custom formally. रद्द करना Antonyms: forsake, withdraw

Synonyms: annul, rescind Example: I plan to partake in the

community cleanup event this weekend.
Antonyms: institute, establish
107. Mimics: to look or behave like
Example: The government chose to something else. अनक
ु रण करना
abrogate certain regulations to promote
economic growth. Synonyms: imitate, emulate

103. Incongruous: strange, and not Antonyms: contradict, contrast

suitable in a particular situation. बेमेल Example: The robot was designed to
Synonyms: inapposite, malapropos mimic human movements.

Antonyms: befitting, felicitous 108. Debilitating: making someone or

something physically weak. कमजोरी लाने
Example: Her casual attire appeared वाली
incongruous at the formal event.
Synonyms: enervating, incapacitating
104. Disenchantment: a feeling of no
longer believing in the value of Antonyms: envigorating, animating
something, especially having learned of Example: The tropical heat was so
the problems with it. मोहभंग debilitating that even a short walk felt
Synonyms: disappointment, discontent exhausting.

Antonyms: confidence, faith 109. Exorbitantly: to a very high degree

that does not seem reasonable. बेहद
Example: His disenchantment with the
job grew as he realised it didn't align with Synonyms: excessively, extravagantly
his passions. Antonyms: reasonably, moderately
105. Disenchantment: a feeling of no Example: The hotel's room rates were
longer believing in the value of exorbitantly raised during peak tourist
something, especially having learned of season.
the problems with it. मोहभंग
110. Game-changer: a person, an idea or
Synonyms: disappointment, discontent an event that completely changes the
Antonyms: confidence, faith way a situation develops.

Example: His disenchantment with the 111. Rely on: to need a particular thing or
job grew as he realised it didn't align with the help and support of someone or
his passions. something in order to continue, to work
correctly, or to succeed.

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112. Proactive: taking action by causing Synonyms: unwavering, persistent
change and not only reacting to change
when it happens. अग्रसक्रिय Antonyms: transient, momentary

Synonyms: preemptive, anticipatory Example:His steadfast loyalty to his

friends made him a reliable companion.
Antonyms: impulsive, spontaneous
117. Acquiesce: to accept or agree to
Example: Mary decided to be proactive something, often unwillingly. सहमति दे ना
and tackle her work assignments ahead
of schedule. Synonyms: consent, accede

113. Succour: help given to someone, Antonyms: resist, defy

especially someone who is suffering or Example: Sarah chose to acquiesce to
in need. सहायता her friend's movie choice, even though it
Synonyms: aid, assistance wasn't her favorite genre.

Antonyms: hindrance, obstruction 118. Enduring: suffering something

difficult, unpleasant, or painful. सहन करना
Example: In times of distress, a kind
word can provide succour to the troubled Synonyms: braving, sustaining
soul. Antonyms: succumbing, relenting
114. Tortuous: not simple and direct; long, Example: Some animals have remarkable
complicated and difficult to understand. abilities to endure extreme temperatures.
119. Affinity: a liking or sympathy for
Synonyms: convoluted, complex someone or something, especially
Antonyms: straightforward, facile because of shared characteristics. लगाव

Example: The negotiations became Synonyms: penchant, rapport

tortuous as both parties struggled to find Antonyms: antipathy, aversion
a compromise.
Example: James and Lily developed a
115. Manifested: showed something strong affinity for each other's company
clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or during their shared travel adventures.
a quality. प्रकट करना
120. Endeared to: caused someone to be
Synonyms: exhibited, demonstrated liked by someone.
Antonyms: repressed, stifled 121. Adhere to: to continue to obey a rule
Example: His lack of effort began to or have a belief.
manifest in his declining grades. 122. Carved out: created a separate and
116. Steadfast: staying the same for a long distinct entity or portion from a larger
time and not changing quickly or whole.
unexpectedly. अचल 123. Cheered on: praised or encouraged.

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124. Nibbling away: taking away small Antonyms: reticent, taciturn
amounts of something, so that the total
amount is gradually reduced. Example: The teacher struggled to
maintain order in the classroom due to
125. Call for: to publicly ask for something the vociferous arguments among the
to happen. students.

126. In similar vein: in a similar way or 131. Parvenus: people from a low social
manner; used to indicate that something position who have suddenly become rich
is comparable to what was just or successful. नौबढ़
mentioned or discussed.
Synonyms: upstart, arriviste
127. Morphed: gradually changed, or
changed someone or something, from Antonyms: grandee, nobleman
one thing to another. बदलना Example: The parvenus flaunted their
Synonyms: altered, modified newfound wealth with extravagant
Antonyms: preserved, retained
132. Messianic: attempting to make big
Example: Over time, technology has the changes in society or to a political
power to morph our daily routines. system in an extremely determined and
enthusiastic way. मक्ति
ु दाता-संबंधी
128. Reams: a large quantity of something,
especially paper or writing. भरमार Synonyms: ardent, fervent

Synonyms: heap, stack Antonyms: apathetic, lackadaisical

Antonyms: lack, want Example: The teacher's messianic

enthusiasm for education inspired her
Example: Jake accidentally spilled his students.
coffee on a ream of important
documents. 133. Espousal: the act of giving your
support to a belief, policy, etc. समर्थन
129. Burgeoning: beginning to grow or
develop rapidly. फलना फूलना Synonyms: endorsement, advocacy

Synonyms: mounting, flourishing Antonyms: censure, repudiation

Antonyms: waning, deteriorating Example: His espousal of environmental

causes led to the creation of a
Example: The small town experienced a community garden.
burgeoning population as more families
moved in. 134. Banal. : boring, ordinary, and not
original. साधारण
130. Vociferous: expressing your opinions
or feelings in a loud and confident way. Synonyms: hackneyed, prosaic
ु र
Antonyms: unique, innovative
Synonyms: clamant, obstreperous
Example: She sighed at the banal plot of

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the movie, expecting more creativity. 143. Stark: unpleasant; real, and
impossible to avoid. वास्तविक किंतु अप्रिय
135. Explicit: clear and exact. स्पष्ट
Synonyms: grim, bleak
Synonyms: definite, precise
Antonyms: cheering, heartwarming
Antonyms: vague, ambiguous
Example: The stark reality of the
Example: The teacher gave explicit situation hit her when she received the
instructions for the assignment. news.
136. Odium: hate and strong disapproval. 144. Volatile: likely to change suddenly
नफ़रत and unexpectedly, especially by getting
Synonyms: repugnance, abhorrence worse. परिवर्तनशील

Antonyms: recognition, admiration Synonyms: fluctuating, mercurial

Example: Despite her efforts, the teacher Antonyms: stable, constant

could not escape the odium of unfair Example: Weather conditions in the
grading. desert can be extremely volatile.
137. Cul de sac: a situation that leads 145. Propelling: causing something to
nowhere. move forward. आगे को बढ़ाना
138. Laid out: explained or described in a Synonyms: driving, spurring
clear and detailed way.
Antonyms: dissuading, hindering
139. Reigning in: controlling undesirable
activity or growth, or controlling Example: Government policies can be
someone who is behaving badly. influential in propelling economic
stability and growth.
140. Loathe to: to be unwilling to do
something. 146. Palpable: that is easily noticed by the
mind or the senses. स्पष्ट
141. In similar vein: in a similar way or
manner; used to indicate that something Synonyms: evident, obvious
is comparable to what was just
mentioned or discussed. Antonyms: imperceptible, obscure

142. Resurgence: a process in which Example: The tension in the room was
something starts to grow, develop, or palpable as everyone awaited the
become successful again. पन announcement.
ु रुत्थान

Synonyms: revival, resurrection 147. Perishable: likely to decay or go bad

quickly. बिगड़नेवाला
Antonyms: decline, collapse
Synonyms: putrefiable, spoilable
Example: A resurgence of classic fashion
trends has been observed in recent Antonyms: durable, lasting
runway shows.

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Example: Fresh fruits are highly the pros and cons of moving.
perishable and should be consumed
quickly. 153. On the boil: in a state of intense
interest or activity.
148. Gauged: measured. मापना
154. Rein in: to control undesirable activity
Synonyms: judged, assessed or growth, or control someone who is
behaving badly.
Antonyms: surmised, conjectured
155. Ripple effect: a situation in which one
Example: The company conducted a event produces effects which spread and
survey to gauge customer satisfaction. produce further effects.
149. Inclement: unpleasant. कठोर 156. Underscore: to emphasise or show
Synonyms: severe, harsh that something is important or true. बल
दे ना
Antonyms: inviting, clement
Synonyms: accentuate, punctuate
Example: The hikers were unprepared for
the inclement mountain weather. Antonyms: downplay, trivialise

150. Bleak: not hopeful or encouraging. Example: I underscored the importance

निराशाजनक of punctuality during our team meeting.

Synonyms: dismal, gloomy 157. Audacious: showing a willingness to

take risks or offend people. दःु साहसी
Antonyms: comforting, promising
Synonyms: brazen, impudent
Example: Despite the bleak outlook, she
remained optimistic about the future. Antonyms: deferential, tactful

151. Onus: the responsibility or duty to do Example: His audacious attempt to

something. जिम्मेदारी manipulate the results raised serious
ethical concerns.
Synonyms: obligation, liability
158. Eclectic: not following one style or set
Antonyms: exemption, dereliction of ideas but choosing from or using a
wide variety. सारग्राही
Example: The onus is on the students to
complete their assignments on time. Synonyms: varied, diverse

152. Ambivalent: having two opposing Antonyms: homogeneous, uniform

feelings at the same time, or being
uncertain about how you feel. उभयभावी Example: Her wardrobe was eclectic,
featuring styles from various fashion
Synonyms: vacillating, wavering eras.

Antonyms: unequivocal, resolved 159. Infamous: well known for being bad or
evil. बदनाम
Example: The decision to relocate left
Emily feeling ambivalent, as she weighed Synonyms: notorious, disreputable

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Antonyms: esteemed, distinguished 165. In tandem with: a thing that works or
happens in tandem with something else
Example: The city's traffic jams are works together with it or happens at the
infamous among commuters. same time as it.
160. Rally: to come together or bring 166. Call upon: to ask formally for
people together in order to help or someone to do something.
support somebody/something. एकत्र होना
167. Call for: to publicly ask for something
Synonyms: assemble, unite to happen.
Antonyms: separate, disperse 168. Draw in: ​to involve.
Example: We need to rally behind the 169. At the forefront: in an important or
cause for environmental conservation. leading position in a particular group or
161. Improbable: not likely to happen or be activity.
true. असंभव 170. Under way: having started and in
Synonyms: unlikely, implausible progress.

Antonyms: certain, assured 171. Furthers: help the progress or

development of something. आगे बढ़ाना
Example: It's improbable that he will
arrive on time given the heavy traffic. Synonyms: advance, foster

162. Depletion: a reduction in something, Antonyms: impede, hinder

or the act of reducing it. कमी Example: Learning a new language
Synonyms: decline, diminution furthers cultural understanding.

Antonyms: increment, augmentation 172. Stymieing: preventing something

from happening or someone from
Example: Overfishing can result in the achieving a purpose. बाधाएँ डालना
depletion of fish populations in oceans.
Synonyms: thwarting, inhibiting
163. Nimble: able to think, react and adapt
quickly. कुशल Antonyms: facilitating, expediting

Synonyms: adept, adroit Example: A sudden technical glitch

threatened to stymie the live broadcast.
Antonyms: imprudent, doltish
173. Deliberation: careful thought or
Example: The software engineer's nimble discussion done in order to make a
problem-solving resolved the coding decision. विचार-विमर्श
issue swiftly.
Synonyms: consideration, dialogue
164. Attributed to: said or thought that
something was caused by a particular Antonyms: disregard, neglect
thing or person. Example: The committee engaged in a
thoughtful deliberation before reaching a

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consensus. Synonyms: animosity, resentment

174. Browbeating: frightening or Antonyms: harmony, affinity

threatening somebody in order to make
them do something. धमकाना Example: Despite their long friendship,
acrimony emerged between them over a
Synonyms: intimidating, dragooning trivial disagreement.

Antonyms: advising, suggesting 179. Belligerent: aggressive and

unfriendly. यद्
ु धरत
Example: Don't let anyone browbeat you
into making decisions you're not Synonyms: bellicose, pugnacious
comfortable with.
Antonyms: pacific, amicable
175. Dissent: strong difference of opinion;
disagreement esp. about official Example: Despite his belligerent attitude,
decisions. असहमति Tom rarely engaged in actual conflicts.

Synonyms: discord, dissention 180. Assent: official agreement to or

approval of something. अनम
ु ति
Antonyms: accord, concurrence
Synonyms: consent, sanction
Example: Despite the majority's view,
Jake continued to dissent, highlighting Antonyms: denial, objection
potential risks. Example: With a quick glance, John
176. Unseemly: not polite or suitable for a sought his friend's assent before
particular situation. अनचि speaking up.
ु त

Synonyms: infelicitous, malapropos 181. In line with: according to or following

something such as a rule or principle.
Antonyms: fitting, decorous
182. Delve into: to try hard to find out more
Example: The CEO frowned upon the information about something.
unseemly gossip circulating within the
company. 183. Play to the gallery: to behave in a way
intended to make people admire or
177. Testy: easily annoyed and not patient. support you.
184. Short shrift: If you get or are given
Synonyms: irascible, fractious short shrift by someone, you are treated
without sympathy and given little
Antonyms: amiable, genial attention.
Example: Sarah's testy response 185. Touted: tried to persuade people that
indicated her frustration with the ongoing somebody/something was important or
technical issues. valuable by praising them/it. शेखी बघारना
178. Acrimony: anger, argument, and bad Synonyms: publicised, championed
feeling. कटुता
Antonyms: obscured, censored

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Example: The new smartphone was repercussions
touted as the most advanced device on
the market. Antonyms: cause, reason

186. Streamlining: changing something so Example: The new law had a significant
that it works better, esp. by making it implication on the way businesses
simpler. कारगर बनाना operated in the region.

Synonyms: revamping, upgrading 191. Contentious: causing , involving, or

likely to cause disagreement and
Antonyms: complicating, regressing argument. विवादास्पद

Example: The new software aims at Synonyms: controversial, moot

streamlining data entry tasks.
Antonyms: agreeable, peaceful
187. Persist: to continue to exist. क़ायम
रहना Example: The contentious issue of
funding allocation sparked tension in the
Synonyms: endure, linger meeting.

Antonyms: cease, expire 192. Scrupulously: in a way that is careful

to do the morally right thing. ईमानदारी से
Example: The cold weather is expected
to persist for the next few days. Synonyms: justly, conscientiously

188. Ambit: the range or limits of the Antonyms: unethically, furtively

influence of something. परिधि
Example: The leader acted scrupulously,
Synonyms: purview, gamut ensuring fairness and justice in every
Antonyms: interior, core
193. 9. Battered: hit something with force
Example: His ambit of knowledge many times. मारना
extended far beyond traditional subjects.
Synonyms: bashed, buffeted
189. Snooping: finding out private things
about somebody, especially by looking Antonyms: defended, guarded
secretly around a place. ताक झाँक करना
Example: During the storm, the waves
Synonyms: prying, stickybeaking began to batter the shore.

Antonyms: ignoring, neglecting 194. Attributed to: said or thought that

something is caused by a particular thing
Example: The journalist was caught or person.
snooping for information about the
upcoming product launch. 195. Take a beating: suffer damage or hurt.

190. Implications: possible effects or 196. Catch by surprise: to happen to

results of an action or a decision. परिणाम someone or something unexpectedly.

Synonyms: consequences, 197. On similar footing: being in a similar

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situation or having similar conditions. 203. Barred: banned or prevented
somebody from doing something. मना
198. With an open mind: to wait until you करना
know all the facts before forming an
opinion or making a judgment. Synonyms: prohibited, forbade

199. Ratified: (especially of governments Antonyms: permitted, encouraged

or organizations) made an agreement
official. मंजरू करना Example: The unruly customer was
barred from entering the store after
Synonyms: validated, sanctioned causing a disturbance.

Antonyms: annulled, rescinded 204. Dissent: strong difference of opinion;

disagreement esp. about official
Example: The company's board of decisions. असहमति
directors plans to ratify the new policy.
Synonyms: contention, opposition
200. Impair: to damage or weaken
something so that it is less effective. Antonyms: accord, concurrence
Example: In any discussion, it's
Synonyms: compromise, vitiate important to respect and consider
different forms of dissent.
Antonyms: envigorate, facilitate
205. Bulwark: something that protects you
Example: Lack of sleep may impair your from dangerous or unpleasant situations.
ability to concentrate. बचाव
201. Demit: to give up a job or position by Synonyms: safeguard, defence
telling your employer that you are
leaving. इस्तीफा दे ना Antonyms: kryptonite, susceptibility

Synonyms: resign, abdicate Example: The vaccine is a bulwark in our

defense against infectious diseases.
Antonyms: retain, claim
206. Calamitous: causing great damage or
Example: After facing constant suffering. नक़
ु सानदे ह
challenges, she chose to demit her
leadership position. Synonyms: disastrous, catastrophic

202. Vocal: telling people your opinions or Antonyms: beneficial, fortunate

protesting about something loudly and
with confidence. मख Example: Forgetting my laptop at home
ु र
on the day of an important presentation
Synonyms: vociferous, emphatic was truly calamitous.

Antonyms: reticent, taciturn 207. Demagoguery: the action of winning

support by exciting the emotions of
Example: The community meeting ordinary people rather than by having
allowed residents to be vocal about their good or morally right ideas.

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208. Egging on: urging or encouraging 216. Implications: possible effects or
someone to do something that is usually results of an action or a decision. प्रभाव
foolish or dangerous.
Synonyms: consequences,
209. Brought down: caused someone to repercussions
lose power or be defeated.
Antonyms: cause, reason
210. Talking past each other: to engage in
a conversation without actually Example: Ignoring climate change has
understanding or engaging with what the global implications for future
other person is saying; to discuss two generations.
different things while supposedly talking 217. Conspicuous: easy to see or notice;
about the same thing. likely to attract attention. प्रत्यक्ष
211. Walk a fine line: to navigate or strike a Synonyms: evident, obvious
balance between two sides, positions, or
approaches to something, especially Antonyms: subtle, vague
when trying to avoid one of them.
Example: The typo in the presentation
212. Hold dear: to consider someone or was so conspicuous that everyone
something to be very valuable or noticed it.
important, especially at a personal level.
218. Envisage: to imagine or expect
213. Bodes ill: to be a sign that something something in the future, especially
bad will happen in the future. something good. परिकल्पना करना

214. Scrutiny: the careful and detailed Synonyms: envision, anticipate

examination of something in order to get
Antonyms: doubt, question
information about it. जांच
Example: I envisage a future where
Synonyms: inspection, audit
technology enhances our everyday lives.
Antonyms: ignorance, neglect
219. Grave: urgent and very bad; serious.
Example: The new legislation will गंभीर
undergo careful scrutiny in the upcoming
Synonyms: dire, grim
parliamentary session.
Antonyms: frivolous, trivial
215. Deliberations: long and careful
considerations or discussions. Example: A grave mistake in the
विचार-विमर्श calculations led to unexpected
Synonyms: contemplation, pondering
220. Prevalence: the fact of something
Antonyms: indiscretion, impulsiveness
existing or happening often. व्यापकता
Example: The team engaged in a
Synonyms: ubiquity, rampancy
thoughtful deliberation before making a
decision. Antonyms: paucity, rarity

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Example: In some regions, the the porous borders to transport goods
prevalence of certain diseases remains a illegally.
significant public health concern.
227. Dearth: a lack of something; the fact
221. Prompted: made somebody decide to of there not being enough of something.
do something; caused something to कमी
happen. प्रेरित करना
Synonyms: paucity, lacuna
Synonyms: induced, compelled
Antonyms: plethora, surfeit
Antonyms: dissuaded, hindered
Example: The dearth of rainfall in the
Example: The loud noise prompted me to region has led to water shortages.
look out the window.
228. Frenzy: uncontrolled and excited
222. Refrain: to stop yourself from doing behaviour or emotion that is sometimes
something, especially something that violent. उन्माद
you want to do. परहे ज करना
Synonyms: vehemence, fervour
Synonyms: abstain, eschew
Antonyms: composure, aplomb
Antonyms: indulge, partake
Example: During the sale, shoppers
Example: The teacher reminded the moved with a frenzy to grab the best
students to refrain from talking during deals.
the exam.
229. Conferred: gave someone an award, a
223. Consternation: a feeling of worry, degree, or a particular honor or right. दे ना
shock, or confusion. घबराहट
Synonyms: bestowed, accorded
Synonyms: trepidation, disquiet
Antonyms: revoked, denied
Antonyms: assurance, contentment
Example: The professor will confer
Example: Sally's sudden resignation led degrees to the graduating students.
to consternation in the office.
230. Woefully: to a very bad or serious
224. Struck down: decided that a law was degree. बरु ी तरह से
illegal and should not apply.
Synonyms: miserably, deplorably
225. Fleshing out: adding more details or
information to something. Antonyms: admirably, perfectly

226. Porous: not protected enough to stop Example: The team performed woefully in
people going through. सरु ाखदार the first half but managed to turn things
around in the second.
Synonyms: penetrable, transparent
231. Pinnacle: the most important or
Antonyms: impermeable, impervious successful part of something. शिखर

Example: Smugglers took advantage of Synonyms: peak, zenith

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Antonyms: nadir, pits 236. Whip up: to encourage or cause
people to have strong feelings about
Example: His successful business something.
venture marked the pinnacle of his
career. 237. Bristling with: to contain a large
number of something.
232. Abysmal: extremely bad or of a very
low standard. बहुत ही ख़राब 238. Hard to come by: difficult to possess,
obtain, or acquire.
Synonyms: terrible, awful
239. Dead man walking: someone who will
Antonyms: exceptional, marvellous certainly lose their job, position, title, etc.
Example: Despite practicing for hours, very soon.
her performance at the piano recital was 240. Afflicting: affecting
abysmal. somebody/something in an unpleasant or
233. Culminated: ended with a particular harmful way. कष्ट पहुँचाना
result, or at a particular point. समापन होना Synonyms: plaguing, bedevilling
Synonyms: climaxed, concluded Antonyms: comforting, delighting
Antonyms: commenced, began Example: The small town was afflicted by
Example: The research project a prolonged drought, affecting crops and
culminated in a groundbreaking water supply.
discovery. 241. Relinquish: to give up something
234. Sweeping: having an important effect such as a responsibility or claim. त्यागना
on a large part of something. विस्तत
ृ Synonyms: abdicate, renounce
Synonyms: extensive, broad Antonyms: retain, withhold
Antonyms: narrow, restricted Example: Sarah decided to relinquish her
Example: A sweeping change in policy role as team captain, passing the
brought about positive results. responsibility to Jake.

235. Tinderbox: a dangerous and 242. Arbitrary: based on a desire or idea or

uncontrolled situation in which violence chance rather than reason. मनमाना
is likely to happen. विस्फोटक स्थिति वाला Synonyms: discretionary, random
Antonyms: methodical, planned
Synonyms: flashpoint, loose cannon
Example: Selecting a winner from the
Antonyms: calmness, safety submissions was done in an arbitrary
Example: Tensions between the two rival manner.
gangs created a tinderbox atmosphere in 243. Prominent: very well known and
the neighborhood. important. प्रसिद्ध

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Synonyms: renowned, preeminent 248. Dovetailed: caused something to fit
exactly together. मेल खाना
Antonyms: obscure, insignificant
Synonyms: harmonised, conformed
Example: The historian focused on the
prominent events that shaped the course Antonyms: conflicted, differed
of history.
Example: Her interests dovetail with the
244. Deferential: polite and showing goals of the community organisation.
respect. सम्मानपर्ण

249. Ire: anger. क्रोध
Synonyms: courteous, reverential
Synonyms: fury, wrath
Antonyms: derogatory, arrogant
Antonyms: pleasure, contentment
Example: The employee's deferential
attitude towards his boss earned him Example: The delayed flight sparked the
praise in the workplace. ire of the weary passengers.

245. Dithered: was unable to make a 250. In a nutshell: very briefly, giving only
decision about doing something. दवि the main points.
ु धा में
होना 251. Lay bare: to make something known.
Synonyms: vacillated, faltered 252. Wipe the slate clean: to start a new
Antonyms: decided, resolved and better way of behaving, forgetting
about any bad experiences in the past.
Example: The captain didn't dither when
faced with a critical decision during the 253. Go the whole hog: to do something in
storm. a very thorough and complete way.

246. Clout: power and influence. ताकत 254. In tatters: badly damaged or
completely spoiled.
Synonyms: sway, heft
255. Spurred: encouraged an activity or
Antonyms: impotence, powerlessness development or make it happen faster.
प्रोत्साहित करना
Example: Despite being a newcomer,
Jane quickly gained clout in the local Synonyms: prompted, triggered
music scene.
Antonyms: hindered, inhibited
247. Opportune: suitable for doing a
particular thing, so that it is likely to be Example: The economic stimulus
successful. उपयक् package spurred growth in various
ु त
Synonyms: propitious, felicitous
256. Presumption: something that is
Antonyms: inauspicious, malapropos thought to be true or likely. धारणा

Example: The arrival of good weather 257. Synonyms: assumption,

was opportune for our outdoor plans. presupposition

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Antonyms: certainty, truth Synonyms: apposite, apropos

Example: Mark approached the task with Antonyms: irrelevant, extraneous

the presumption that it would be
challenging. Example: The teacher provided pertinent
examples to help students understand
258. Reckon: to think something or have the concept.
an opinion about something. मानना
263. Demonise: to try to make someone or
Synonyms: consider, suppose a group of people seem as if they are
evil. दष्ु ट बनाना
Antonyms: disregard, neglect
Synonyms: disparage, vilify
Example: I reckon it's time to upgrade my
phone. Antonyms: canonise, honour

259. Rebuttal: a statement that says that Example: It's important not to demonise
something is not true. खंडन a whole group for the actions of a few.

Synonyms: confutation, refutation 264. Fait accompli: something that has

already happened or been done and
Antonyms: corroboration, validation cannot be changed.
Example: Despite his strong argument, 265. Status quo: the present situation or
she provided a compelling rebuttal that condition.
left him pondering.
266. Mens rea: the intention or knowledge
260. Exempted: freed a person or of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a
organization from an obligation or crime, as opposed to the action or
liability imposed on others. छूट दे ना conduct of the accused.
Synonyms: excused, relieved 267. Actions speak louder than words:
Antonyms: obliged, incriminated said to emphasise that what you do is
more important and shows your
Example: Small businesses with low intentions and feelings more clearly than
revenue were exempted from certain what you say.
taxation rules.
268. There's many a slip twixt cup and lip:
261. Deft: skilful, clever, or quick. कुशल said to emphasise that many bad things
might happen before something is
Synonyms: adroit, dextrous
Antonyms: inept, amateurish
269. At variance: to be in disagreement
Example: His deft handling of the with someone or something, or to be
situation diffused tension in the room. different from him, her, or it.

262. Pertinent: appropriate to a particular 270. Dawn: come into existence. शरू
ु होना
situation. उचित
Synonyms: commence, begin

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Antonyms: cease, conclude make it impossible, or prevent someone
from doing something. रोकना
Example: The excitement in the room
began to dawn as the event drew nearer. Synonyms: forestall, avert

271. Stalemated: brought to or caused to Antonyms: facilitate, encourage

reach a situation in which further action
or progress seemed impossible. जिच में Example: The rainstorm may preclude
डालना our outdoor picnic this weekend.

Synonyms: stalled, hindered 276. Misplaced: not appropriate or correct

in the situation. गलत
Antonyms: advanced, progressed
Synonyms: misconceived, misguided
Example: The debate between the two
candidates eventually stalemated with no Antonyms: fitting, felicitous
clear winner. Example: Her misplaced perception of
272. Sagging: becoming weaker or fewer. his intentions caused unnecessary
कम होना worry.

Synonyms: ebbing, abating 277. Resort to: to do something that you

do not want to do because you cannot
Antonyms: heightening, mounting find any other way of achieving
Example: As the day wore on, her energy
levels began sagging, and she felt the 278. Harp on: to keep talking about
need for a break. something in a boring or annoying way.

273. Singe: to burn slightly on the surface, 279. Embark upon: to start to do
without producing flames. झलु साना something new or difficult.

Synonyms: sear, scorch 280. In the wake of: following (someone or

something), especially as a
Antonyms: freeze, extinguish consequence.
Example: Be careful not to singe your 281. Open a Pandora's box: do something
fingers when lighting the candles. that causes a lot of problems to appear
274. Buoyed: made someone feel happier that did not exist or were not known
or more confident about a situation. about before.
उत्साह बढ़ाना 282. Throw of the dice: a risky attempt to
Synonyms: heartened, uplifted do or achieve something.

Antonyms: dispirited, dampened 283. Prairie fire: (figuratively) a rapidly

spreading or intense situation, idea, or
Example: A sincere compliment has the emotion.
power to buoy someone's self-esteem.
284. Black swan: an unpredictable or
275. Preclude: to prevent something or unforeseen event, typically one with

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extreme consequences. Antonyms: collaborating, assisting

285. Enduring: existing for a long time. Example: Teams from different countries
चिरस्थायी vie for victory in the international
Synonyms: perpetual, abiding
290. Cryptic: mysterious and difficult to
Antonyms: fleeting, ephemeral understand. रहस्यमय
Example: Despite facing challenges, their Synonyms: enigmatic, arcane
enduring friendship stood the test of
time. Antonyms: comprehensible, obvious

286. Glitzy: having a fashionable Example: The detective deciphered the

appearance intended to attract attention. cryptic code and solved the mystery.
291. Unsung: not praised or famous but
Synonyms: flamboyant, ostentatious deserving to be. अकीर्तित

Antonyms: modest, plain Synonyms: unrecognised, anonymous

Example: The movie premiere was a Antonyms: celebrated, renowned

glitzy event attended by many celebrities.
Example: Behind every successful event,
287. Tryst: a meeting between two people there are unsung heroes who work
who are having a romantic relationship, tirelessly behind the scenes.
especially a secret one. छिप कर मिलने का
स्थान 292. Inception: the beginning of an
organisation or official activity. आरं भ
Synonyms: rendezvous, date
Synonyms: outset, commencement
Antonyms: separation, division
Antonyms: cessation, conclusion
Example: Sarah and Mark planned a
secret tryst under the old oak tree. Example: The inception of the project
marked a new beginning for the team.
288. Eliciting: getting or producing
something. प्राप्त करना 293. Lag: to move or develop slowly or
more slowly than other people,
Synonyms: extracting, deriving organisations, etc. पीछे रह जाना

Antonyms: repressing, giving Synonyms: delay, dally

Example: The researcher sought to elicit Antonyms: hasten, bolt

honest feedback from study participants.
Example: A lack of motivation can cause
289. Vying: competing with other people to individuals to lag in achieving their
achieve or get something. प्रतिस्पर्धा करना goals.

Synonyms: contending, rivalling 294. Pivotal: of great importance because

other things depend on it. निर्णायक

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Synonyms: consequential, vital Example: The desert was sparsely
populated, with only a few scattered
Antonyms: trivial, trifling settlements.
Example: Her advice played a pivotal role 302. Treacherous: dangerous, especially
in helping me navigate through the when seeming safe. दे खने में सरु क्षित पर
challenges. खतरनाक
295. Come a long way: to have made Synonyms: perilous, dicey
significant progress or improvement.
Antonyms: reliable, trustworthy
296. Draw to a close: to come to an end.
Example: The hiker navigated the
297. Hold dear: to consider someone or treacherous mountain trail with caution.
something to be very valuable or
important, especially at a personal level. 303. Telltale: showing that something
exists or has happened. स्पष्ट संकेत दे ने
298. Give effect: to put something into वाला
action or to make something happen.
Synonyms: revealing, indicative
299. Curtailed: stopped something before
it is finished, or reduced or limited Antonyms: uninformative, meaningless
something. घटाना
Example: The telltale signs of spring
Synonyms: truncated, abridged were evident as flowers bloomed.

Antonyms: protracted, extended 304. Gullible: easily deceived or tricked,

and too willing to believe everything that
Example: To save energy, we decided to other people say. भोला-भाला
curtail our use of electronic devices.
Synonyms: naive, credulous
300. Asylum: protection or safety, or a
protected and safe place, given esp. to Antonyms: shrewd, astute
someone who has left a country or place
for political reasons. शरण Example: Don't be too gullible; not
everything on the internet is true.
Synonyms: shelter, sanctuary
305. Exacerbated: made something that is
Antonyms: jeopardy, peril already bad even worse. बिगड़ी हुई को और
Example: The old mansion served as an
asylum for those in need of refuge during Synonyms: aggravated, compounded
the storm.
Antonyms: alleviated, allayed
301. Sparsely: with only a small number or
amount of people or things. छितराकर Example: Eating spicy food when you
have a sore throat may exacerbate the
Synonyms: sparingly, scantly irritation.

Antonyms: abundantly, copiously 306. Plummeting: falling very quickly and

suddenly. तेज़ी से गिरना

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Synonyms: plunging, nosediving commitment, but people might doubt if it
can actually be delivered or fulfilled.
Antonyms: mounting, skyrocketing
313. Reprieve: an escape from a bad
Example: The popularity of the situation or experience. राहत
once-trendy app started to plummet as
users migrated to newer platforms. Synonyms: amelioration, relief

307. Gleaned: obtained information, Antonyms: affliction, distress

knowledge, etc., sometimes with
difficulty and often from various different Example: The decision to postpone the
places. बटोरना meeting gave everyone a brief reprieve
from their busy schedules.
Synonyms: garnered, gathered
314. Leniency: treatment in which
Antonyms: dispersed, dissipated someone is punished or judged less
strongly or severely than would be
Example: The detective hoped to glean expected. नरमी
clues from the crime scene.
Synonyms: clemency, mercy
308. Impasse: a situation in which
progress is impossible, especially Antonyms: intolerance, strictness
because the people involved cannot
agree. गतिरोध Example: The judge considered the
defendant's remorse and showed
Synonyms: stalemate, deadlock leniency in sentencing.

Antonyms: breakthrough, headway 315. Upholding: defending or maintain a

principle or law, or stating that a decision
Example: Their disagreement led to an that has already been made, esp. a legal
impasse in resolving the issue. one, is correct. कायम रखना
309. Bonhomie: a feeling of cheerful Synonyms: sustaining, backing
friendship. मिलनसारिता
Antonyms: overturning, repealing
Synonyms: geniality, affability
Example: The upholding of the verdict
Antonyms: hostility, malevolence brought a sense of justice to the
Example: Despite the challenging community.
project, the team maintained a sense of 316. Commendable: deserving praise.
bonhomie. प्रशंसनीय
310. Smooth over: to make problems, Synonyms: laudable, praiseworthy
difficulties, or disagreements less
serious or easier to solve, usually by Antonyms: deplorable, reprehensible
talking to the people involved.
Example: The company's commitment to
311. Come to light: to become known. sustainable practices is commendable.

312. Tall promise: a big or impressive 317. Implicating: showing that someone is

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involved in a crime or partly responsible Example: Within the company, the CEO's
for something bad that has happened. ambit of control spans various
फंसाना departments.

Synonyms: incriminating, imputing 322. Handed down: announced something,

especially a judgement or sentence,
Antonyms: acquitting, exculpating formally or publicly.
Example: The detective found evidence 323. Press for: to work hard to win support
that seemed to implicate the suspect in for a plan so that it will succeed.
the crime.
324. Laid down: officially established a
318. Jeopardise: to put something such as rule, or officially said how something
a plan or system in danger of being should be done.
harmed or damaged. ख़तरे में डालना
325. Moot point: something that is no
Synonyms: imperil, compromise longer relevant to the current
Antonyms: safeguard, shield conversation.

Example: Ignoring traffic rules can 326. No room for: If you say there is no
jeopardise the well-being of both drivers room for a feeling or type of behaviour,
and pedestrians you mean it is not acceptable.

319. Spat: a short argument about

something unimportant. झगड़ा

Synonyms: squabble, row

Antonyms: concord, harmony

Example: The neighbors had a spat over

the noisy late-night party.

320. Prevailed: proved more powerful or

superior. प्रबल होना

Synonyms: triumphed, reigned

Antonyms: yielded, failed

Example: Hard work and perseverance

often prevail over obstacles.

321. Ambit: the range of the authority or

influence of something. सीमा

Synonyms: scope, purview

Antonyms: limitation, restriction

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