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Roll No. Answer Sheet No.

Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of invigilator.


SECTION A (Marks 30)

NOTE:Attempt any [No of Questions] questions from Section 'B'. All questions carry equal marks. Write your answers neatly and legibly.
Q. 1 What will be the value of y from the following system of linear equations using Cramer's rule? (3)
3x − 2y = 1

−2x + 3y = 2

Q. 2 x −2 (3)
If A = [ ] and ∣A ∣= 6 , find the value of x.
−3 3

Q. 3 Do as directed. (3)
i. Write an example of rectangular matrix. ii. Write an example of scalar matrix.
iii. Write a matrix of order 2 × 3. 3 1
iv. Find the transpose of the matrix [ ] .
1 1

1 1
v. Find the additive inverse of the matrix [ ] .
0 0

Q. 4 2 5
7 7
If A
= [
] and determinant of matrix A = 7 , then

7 7

a. find the matrix A. b. prove that |A| = |Adj A|, i.e. determinant of matrix
A is equal to the determinant of adjoint of matrix A .

Q. 5 1 2 (3)
Find the multiplicative inverse of matrix B = [ ] .
3 5

Q. 6 If (AB)C = [ 24 ] , then find 2[A(BC)]. (3)

Q. 7 2 1 1 1 0 1 (3)
If A =[ ,
] B =[ ] and C =[ ] , then verify that A × (B + C) = A × B + A × C .
1 0 1 1 1 0

Q. 8 Find the values of the x and y for the given simultaneous linear equations using the inverse matrix method. (3)

2x + 3y = −2

5x + 2y = 17

Q. 9 2a 7 (3)
Find the value of a when ∣A ∣= 16 for A = [ ] .
6 8

Q. 10 Using result of part a, show that A−1 × A = I . (3)

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