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Name - Utkarsh

Class - 10th B
Roll no. - 26
Subject - Maths
➢ History and Explanation
It is named for the 17th-century French
mathematician Blaise Pascal, but it is
far older. Chinese mathematician Jia
Xian devised a triangular
representation for the coefficients in
the 11th century. ... The triangle can
be constructed by first placing a 1
(Chinese “—”) along the left and right
➢ Construction
The easiest way to construct the triangle is to start
at row zero and write only the number one. From
there, to obtain the numbers in the following rows,
add the number directly above and to the left of
the number with the number above and to the right
of it. If there are no numbers on the left or right
side, replace a zero for that missing number and
proceed with the addition. Here is an illustration of
rows zero to five.
➢ Uses
Pascal’s triangle can be used in
various probability conditions.
Suppose if we are tossing the coin
one time, then there are only two
possibilities of getting outcomes,
either Head (H) or Tail (T).
If we toss it two times, then there are
one possibility of getting both heads
HH and both as tails TT, but there are
two possibilities of getting at least a
Head or a Tail, i.e. HT or TH.
➢ Real life Examples
For instance, when we have a
group of a certain size, let's
say 10, and we're looking to
pick some number, say 4, we
can use Pascal's Triangle to
find the number of ways we
can pick unique groups of 4 (in
this case it's 210)

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