Structural Insight Into The Assembly and Working Mechanism of Helicase-Primase D5 From Mpox Virus

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nature structural & molecular biology


Structural insight into the assembly and

working mechanism of helicase-primase D5
from Mpox virus

Received: 4 March 2023 Yaning Li1,2,3,4, Jing Zhu1,4, Yingying Guo 1

& Renhong Yan 1

Accepted: 27 September 2023

Published online: xx xx xxxx The Mpox pandemic, caused by the Mpox virus (or monkeypox virus, MPXV),
has gained global attention. The D5 protein, a putative helicase-primase
Check for updates
found in MPXV, plays a vital role in viral replication and genome uncoating.
Here we determined multiple cryo-EM structures of full-length hexameric
D5 in diverse states. These states were captured during ATP hydrolysis
while moving along the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) track. Through
comprehensive structural analysis combined with the helicase activity
system, we revealed that when the primase domain is truncated or the
interaction between the primase and helicase domains is disrupted, the
double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) unwinds into ssDNA, suggesting a critical
regulatory role of the primase domain. Two transition states bound with
ssDNA substrate during unwinding reveals that two ATP molecules were
consumed to drive DNA moving forward two nucleotides. Collectively, our
findings shed light on the molecular mechanism that links ATP hydrolysis to
the DNA unwinding in poxviruses.

The Mpox pandemic outbreak has confirmed more than 88,000 cases, cell’s nucleus for replication, ensuring efficient virus propagation12,13.
which have been reported in more than 110 countries and territories In VACV, five essential viral proteins are currently known to assemble
since May 2022 (refs. 1–3). With the eradication of the Variola virus, into viral replication apparatus, which contains the DNA polymerase
MPXV has emerged as a notable threat to public health as one of the holoenzyme (E9, the DNA polymerase; A20, the processivity factor; D4,
virulent orthopoxviruses capable of the human-to-human transmis- the uracil-DNA glycosylase), the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding
sion through close contact with skin lesions, droplets or contaminated protein I3 and the helicase-primase D5, which correspond to F8, A22,
objects4–6. The World Health Organization declared the MPXV outbreak E4, I3 and D5 in MPXV, respectively14–18. Inhibition of the replication
as a global health emergency at the end of July 2022, which has raised process of poxviruses is a crucial strategy for the treatment of viral
concerns regarding the development of therapeutics and vaccines to diseases19,20. However, the precise molecular mechanism of assembly
combat this virus3,7. and the specific working stages of the complete replication machinery
MPXV, belonging to the Poxviridae family, is a kind of large, envel- from the Poxviridae family has remained poorly understood. In this
oped, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) virus with the whole life cycle Article, we focus on the helicase-primase D5 of MPXV that exhibits
occurring entirely within the cytoplasm8–11. Similar to other members a high protein sequence identity of 99 and 98% to that of VACV and
in the Poxviridae family, such as the vaccinia virus (VACV), MPXV pos- Variola virus, respectively (Extended Data Fig. 1), which can be used
sesses its own replication machinery and does not rely on the host for the design of broad-spectrum anti-poxvirus drugs21–23.

Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Key University Laboratory of Metabolism and Health of Guangdong, Institute for Biological Electron
Microscopy, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. 2Center for Infectious Disease Research, Westlake Laboratory of Life
Sciences and Biomedicine, Key Laboratory of Structural Biology of Zhejiang Province, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China.
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structural Biology, Tsinghua-Peking Joint Center for Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China. 4These authors contributed equally: Yaning Li, Jing Zhu. e-mail:;

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


a Walker A493–516 Walker B544–559

1 238 323 404 706 785

Primase domain Helicase domain

RRM Zn-binding motif Collar domain AAA+ helicase domain C-terminal motif

b c






ss 785

UV280 absorbance (mAU)






















Protein (µM) 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0
Fork DNA (µM) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0
ATP + + + + – – – +

ADP – – – – + + + –
Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 Fork DNA
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Elution volume (ml)
MWM 13 ml 14 ml 15 ml
130 kDa
100 D5full length
100 D5
70 70
55 D5323–785

d Apo

90° 90°


Fig. 1 | Biochemical characteristics of D5 of MPXV. a, Domain organization of activity, while truncations D5238–785 and D5323–785 show helicase activity. Three
D5 from MPXV. b, Representative SEC purification of the D5 in milli-absorbance independent replicates were performed and a representative gel is shown here.
unit (mAU). SDS–PAGE was visualized using Coomassie blue staining. This d, The surface presentation of cryo-EM structures of D5 from MPXV is shown
experiment was repeated independently more than three times with similar here. Protomers A–F are colored light salmon, orange, yellow, green, blue and
results, and the representative result is shown. c, Helicase assay performed with purple, respectively. The RRM that cannot be assigned to protomers A–F is
purified D5 and its truncation proteins. The purified full-length D5 lacks helicase colored gray. ssDNA is colored red. The ATP and ADP are represented with sticks.

Several temperature-sensitive D5 mutants (for example, Lys509, for nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) binding and hydrolysis. A cysteine
Arg619 and Arg620 in ATP binding pocket) in VACV have shown a dra- cluster region forming the ring-shape oligomerization motif (residues
matic reduction in DNA synthesis and virus production18,24. An RNA 323 to 403 aa, also called the collar domain) and a short C-terminal
interference screen of early poxvirus genes identified the D5 as the motif (residues 706 to 785 aa)26,33. The SF-III helicase usually proces-
virus genome-uncoating factor, whose ATPase activity is essential for sively translocates ssDNA in the 3′–5′ direction34–36. The D5 protein of
this process25. The open reading frame of the OPG117 gene in the MPXV VACV may be recruited to the replication fork through its interaction
genome encodes a 785-amino acid (aa) D5 protein comprising two with the processivity factor A20 and this interaction is proposed to be
major parts: the N-terminal primase domain (residues 1 to 322 aa) and transient37. The oligomerization of D5 was needed for NTP hydrolysis
C-terminal helicase domain (residues 323 to 785 aa)24,26–28 (Fig. 1a). The and there is no notable difference between ATP, CTP, GTP and UTP
primase of D5 originates from the superfamily of archaeo-eukaryotic used for the hydrolysis26. For clarity, we will simply use ATP instead of
primases29, which harbors an RNA recognition motif (RRM) (residues these NTP because of the similar EM densities of these basic groups.
1 to 237 aa) and a Zn-binding motif (residues 238 to 322 aa)30,31. The Although the ATPase activity of D5 is well characterized, the helicase
purified D5 of VACV could synthesize ribonucleotide oligomers on a activity has not been confirmed so far.
ssDNA template in vitro, confirming primase activity32. The helicase Despite extensive research on VACV structures, including some
domain of D5 comprises core ATPases associated with diverse cellu- cryo-EM structures related to E9/A20/D4 polymerase holoenzyme and
lar activities (AAA+) helicase domain (residues 404 to 705 aa), which some low-resolution structures of D5 (refs. 26,31,38–41), the detailed
belongs to the helicase superfamily III (SF-III) that contains the Walker A working model of D5 protein in DNA unwinding at the replication fork
(residues 493 to 516 aa), Walker B (residues 544 to 559 aa) and Arginine and the coordination of primer synthesis remains elusive. Here, we
finger (residues 619 and 620 aa) consensus motifs that are responsible confirm that the primase domain plays a critical regulatory role in the

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Table 1 | Cryo-EM data collection, refinement and validation statistics

No. 1 ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA form IS1 No. 2 ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA form IS2

(EMDB-35051), (PDB 8HWA) (EMDB-35052), (PDB 8HWB)

Data collection and processing

Magnification 81,000
Voltage (kV) 300
Electron exposure (e−/Å2) 50
Defocus range (μm) −1.4–−1.8
Pixel size (Å) 1.095
Symmetry imposed C1
Initial particle images (no.) 1,368,211
Final particle images (no.) 85,148 67,228
Map resolution (Å) 3.7 3.9
FSC threshold 0.143 0.143
Map resolution range (Å) 3.7–5.0 3.9–5.2
Initial model used (PDB code) N/A N/A
Model resolution (Å) 3.6 3.6
FSC threshold 0.5 0.5
Model resolution range (Å) 3.6–5.8 3.6–5.8
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) −90 −90
Model composition
Nonhydrogen atoms 25,740 25,740
Protein residues 3,147 3,147
Nucleotides 6 6
Ligands ATP 5; ADP 1; MG 4 ATP 5; ADP 1; MG 4
B factors (Å )

Protein 86.76 109.75

Nucleotide 103.33 137.72
Ligand 79.46 93.72
R.m.s. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.003 0.003
Bond angles (°) 0.584 0.640
MolProbity score 1.66 1.76
Clashscore 7.39 9.79
Poor rotamers (%) 0.35 0.42
Ramachandran plot
Favored (%) 96.23 96.26
Allowed (%) 3.68 3.71
Disallowed (%) 0.09 0.03
No. 3 D5-apo form No. 4 D5-ADP form No. 5 D5-ATP-ADP form
(EMDB-35053), (PDB 8HWC) (EMDB-35054), (PDB 8HWD) (EMDB-35055), (PDB 8HWE)

Data collection and processing

Magnification 81,000 81,000 81,000
Voltage (kV) 300 300 300
Electron exposure (e−/Å2) 50 50 50
Defocus range (μm) −1.4–−1.8 −1.4–−1.8 −1.4–−1.8
Pixel size (Å) 1.095 1.072 1.0773
Symmetry imposed C1 C1 C1
Initial particle images (no.) 2,328,501 2,967,620 551,900

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Table 1 (continued) | Cryo-EM data collection, refinement and validation statistics

No. 3 D5-apo form No. 4 D5-ADP form No. 5 D5-ATP-ADP form

(EMDB-35053), (PDB 8HWC) (EMDB-35054), (PDB 8HWD) (EMDB-35055), (PDB 8HWE)

Final particle images (no.) 779,993 621,428 321,782

Map resolution (Å) 3.3 3.3 3.3
FSC threshold 0.143 0.143 0.143
Map resolution range (Å) 3.3–4.6 3.3–4.6 3.3–4.6
Initial model used (PDB code) N/A N/A N/A
Model resolution (Å) 4.1 4.1 3.7
FSC threshold 0.5 0.5 0.5
Model resolution range (Å) 4.1–5.6 4.1–5.6 3.7–6.0
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) −90 −90 −90
Model composition
Nonhydrogen atoms 14,943 15,029 17,247
Protein residues 1,836 1,834 2,112
Ligands 0 ADP 6 ATP 5; ADP1; MG 5
B factors (Å2)
Protein 65.46 77.08 69.78
Ligand N/A 116.76 77.10
R.m.s. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.004 0.005
Bond angles (°) 0.732 0.759 0.733
MolProbity score 1.96 2.15 2.03
Clashscore 10.25 13.09 10.03
Poor rotamers (%) 0.37 0.56 0.36
Ramachandran plot
Favored (%) 93.52 91.56 91.48
Allowed (%) 6.48 8.44 8.52
Disallowed (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00
No. 6 D5-ADP-ssDNA form No. 7 D5-ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form No. 8 D5-apo-ssDNA form
(EMDB-35056), (PDB 8HWF) (EMDB-35057), (PDB 8HWG) (EMDB-350558), (PDB 8HWH)

Data collection and processing

Magnification 81,000 81,000 81,000
Voltage (kV) 300 300 300
Electron exposure (e−/Å2) 50 50 50
Defocus range (μm) −1.4–−1.8 −1.4–−1.8 −1.4–−1.8
Pixel size (Å) 1.072 1.095 1.095
Symmetry imposed C1 C1 C1
Initial particle images (no.) 6,149,582 1,108,611 149,303
Final particle images (no.) 60,551 310,318 56,953
Map resolution (Å) 3.3 3 3.6
FSC threshold 0.143 0.143 0.143
Map resolution range (Å) 3.3–4.6 3–4.0 3.6–5.0
Initial model used (PDB code) N/A N/A N/A
Model resolution (Å) 3.7 3.1 4.7
FSC threshold 0.5 0.5 0.5
Model resolution range (Å) 3.7–5.2 3.1–4.2 4.7–6.8
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) −90 −90 −90

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Table 1 (continued) | Cryo-EM data collection, refinement and validation statistics

No. 6 D5-ADP-ssDNA form No. 7 D5-ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form No. 8 D5-apo-ssDNA form

(EMDB-35056), (PDB 8HWF) (EMDB-35057), (PDB 8HWG) (EMDB-350558), (PDB 8HWH)

Model composition
Nonhydrogen atoms 18,441 18,110 16,949
Protein residues 2,251 2,209 2,079
Nucleotides 6 6 6
Ligands ADP: 6; MG: 3 AGS: 4; ADP: 2; MG: 6 N/A
B factors (Å2)
Protein 86.01 55.20 124.51
Nucleotide 90.23 72.02 159.31
Ligand 94.85 62.10 N/A
R.m.s. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.012 0.005
Bond angles (°) 0.696 1.067 0.735
MolProbity score 1.78 2.32 1.89
Clashscore 8.46 8.38 10.56
Poor rotamers (%) 0.19 4.08 0.26
Ramachandran plot
Favored (%) 95.35 93.94 95.02
Allowed (%) 4.65 6.02 4.98
Disallowed (%) 0.00 0.05 0.00

helicase activity of D5. We also provide the comprehensive structural To obtain a broader range of snapshots and to investigate whether
characterization of full-length D5 hexamer of MPXV in apo and the the primase domain could be stabilized, we further examined the
presence of ADP, ATP, ATP analog adenosine 5′-O-(3-thio) triphosphate D5 protein in nucleotide-free (apo) state and in different conforma-
(ATP-γS), ssDNA, a mixture of ATP-γS and ssDNA as well as ADP with tions bound with various substrates (ATP, ADP and DNA). To trap D5
ssDNA by single-particle cryo-EM analyses with a resolution ranging in the apo state, apyrase, an ATP-hydrolyzing enzyme was used to
from 3.0 to 3.9 Å. degrade endogenously ATP and ADP to AMP, thereby releasing the
substrate from the binding pocket42. Subsequently, we determined the
Results cryo-EM structures of D5 protein under various conditions: apyrase
Structural determination of D5 protein in seven states treated, supplemented with Mg2+, supplemented with ATP or ATP-γS,
We first purified the recombinantly expressed D5 protein from the supplemented with complementary dsDNA or fork DNA, alone or
MPXV 2022 West African strain (GenBank ID ON563414.3) using human combined. The detailed sample preparation and structural deter-
embryonic kidney 293F (HEK293F) cells. The full-length protein exhib- mination can be found in the Methods section. In total, we success-
ited stability and homogeneity was determined by size-exclusion chro- fully solved seven cryo-EM structures of the D5 protein under these
matography (SEC) (Fig. 1b). Subsequently, we introduced an in vitro conditions, representing the ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA-bound state
assay system to assess the helicase activity of D5. Our results revealed (Fig. 1d), apo state (Fig. 2a), ADP-bound state (Fig. 2b), ATP-ADP-
that the full-length D5 protein did not exhibit detectable persistent bound state (Fig. 2c), ADP-ssDNA-bound state (Fig. 2d), ATP-γS-ADP-
helicase activity (Fig. 1c). Given that the D5 protein comprises both ssDNA-bound state (Fig. 2e) and apo-ssDNA-bound state (Fig. 2f).
the primase and helicase domains in a single protomer, we hypoth- The resolutions of these structures range from 3.0 to 3.9 Å. In the
esized that the primase domain might regulate the helicase activity. ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA structure, we observed additional electron
To test this hypothesis, we truncated the primase domain (D5238–785 and densities at the N-terminal region of D5, positioned on top of the
D5328–785) and, as a result, we observed immediate unwinding of dsDNA adjacent ring-shaped helicase. These densities corresponded to
into ssDNA, thus confirming our hypothesis (Fig. 1c). three RRMs and two zinc-binding motifs from the primase domain
To gain insights into the working mechanism of D5, we conducted (Figs. 1d and 3a).
cryo-EM studies to determine the structures of D5 in various states. The EM maps were well resolved for most of the helicase domain
Detailed information regarding cryo-EM sample preparation, data in ADP and ATP-ADP state (Fig. 2). In all DNA-bound states, six helical
acquisition, processing and model building can be found in the Meth- nucleotides are presented. Because of the strong base stacking, the
ods, Table 1, Extended Data Figs. 2–5 and Supplementary Table 1. Analy- individual density of basic groups is not so clear, thus we build them
sis of the two-dimensional (2D) class average revealed the hexameric as oligo dT. The direction of ssDNA is defined according to the density
form of D5 (Extended Data Fig. 2a). Initially, the structures of purified of the 3′ deoxyribose group and 5′ phosphate group (Extended Data
D5 protein were determined at ADP- and ATP-ADP-bound states both Fig. 5b). Besides, the C-terminal motif and some primase regions are
at an overall resolution of 3.3 Å (Extended Data Fig. 3d,e). While the not good enough for model building. The low threshold indicated
helicase domain was clearly resolved, the primase domain exhibited the C-terminal motif might participate in the intersubunit interac-
some flexibility (Extended Data Fig. 3d,e). tion (Extended Data Fig. 5f). The resolved regions of D5 in different

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


a Apo form

Apo Apo

Apo Apo

90° 90°

Apo Apo

b ADP form


90° 90°


c ATP-ADP form

90° 90°


d ADP-ssDNA form


90° 90°


e ATPγS-ADP-ssDNA form


ATPγS 90° 90°


f Apo-ssDNA form
Apo Apo

Apo 90° 90°

Apo Apo

Apo form ADP form ATP form ATP-γS form ssDNA

Fig. 2 | Cryo-EM analysis of D5 in different ligands and DNA-binding form. yellow respectively. ssDNA is colored red. a–f, The apo form (a), ADP form (b),
From left to right is the surface styled model of D5 complex viewed from the ATP-ADP form (c), ADP-ssDNA form (d), ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form (e) and apo-
bottom and top, alongside the corresponding cryo-EM map. The protomers in ssDNA form (f).
apo form or binding with ADP, ATP, ATP-γS are colored purple, blue, green and

structures are described in Supplementary Table 1. For clarity, the Overall, the structure of D5 could be clearly divided into four dis-
six subunits of D5 are defined as D5A–D5F protomers, respectively tinct layers in the ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA state (Extended Data Fig. 6a).
(Fig. 1d). The first layer consists of the primase domains, followed by the collar

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


D5F Zn-binding motif




D5A Zn-binding
D5E motif


Collar domain
R387 N163
D5F E79






D5full length (apyrase)

D5full length (apyrase)

D5238–785 (apyrase)

D5238–785 (apyrase)



D5full length (apyrase)

ssDNA alone
Fork alone

D5238–785 (apyrase)

Protein (µM) 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0
Fork DNA (µM) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 30

ADP – – – – + + + –
ssDNA ratio (%)

Fork DNA 20

kDa 0
100 D5full length

Fig. 3 | Structural analysis of N-terminal domain of D5. a, A cartoon mutant and primase domain truncated form of the D5 protein. The helicase
presentation of the cryo-EM structures of D5. Protomers A–F are colored light activity comparison of full-length D5, E79K/D88K/R128E mutant and N-terminal
salmon, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, respectively. The insets show truncations D5238–785 shows that the N-terminal truncations dramatically increase
a cartoon presentation of domain-colored cryo-EM structures of N-terminal the helicase ability, and the E79K/D88K/R128E mutant presents almost the same
primase domain that are visible. RRM of protomers A and F are colored red and helicase activity as D5238–785. Three replications were taken independently and
dark magenta. The RRM that cannot be assigned to protomers A–F is colored the ssDNA was delivered by quantitative analysis. Three replications were taken
gray. Zn-binding motifs of protomers A and F are colored light salmon and independently for data analysis and the data are presented as mean ± standard
purple. b, The regulated motif (dark red) in protomer A blocks the ssDNA exit site deviation. NS means no significance. For multiple comparisons, P values were
shaped by six collar domains colored light blue. The inset shows the interaction derived from ordinary one-way analysis of variance with Šídák’s multiple
network of the regulated motif. The residues outlined with the box and shaded comparisons test. The default parament settings were applied to multiple
in red, yellow and green are of the D5A, D5C and D5D protomers, respectively. comparisons. P < 0.05 (two sided) was considered significant. Graphs were
c, Helicase activity of the apyrase-digested full-length, E79K/D88K/R128E prepared in GraphPad prism (v.9.0).

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


r.m.s.d. 0.823
ATP bound ADP bound Apo

D5A R514
L655 K509
D5B T507
ATP bound 90° A506 D652
ADP bound D467 R619


R514 D5A
D656 D5A
K509 T511


90° A506
ADP bound

G508 R514
r.m.s.d. 5.837 I464
L655 T511
F630 90°
D5B A506

Fig. 4 | Comparison of D5 bound to ATP, ADP or no ligands. The structural ATP and ADP is 0.823 Å and that between 378 Cα pairs (323 to 700 aa) of the chain
comparison shows there are no conformation change among three collar bound apo and ADP is 5.837 Å. In the insets, the top panel shows the interaction
domains and no difference between AAA+ helicase domains D5 tightly bound network of ATP in D5-ATP form, the middle panel shows the interaction network
to ATP and ADP, but dramatic shifts in AAA+ helicase domain in apo form. of ADP in D5-ADP tight form and the bottom panel shows ATP or ADP-binding
ATP-bound, ADP-bound and apo form are colored green, blue and purple, pocket in apo form.
respectively. An r.m.s.d. between 378 Cα pairs (323 to 700 aa) of the chain bound

domain. The third layer comprises an asymmetric spiral staircase and of the regulated motif form salt-bridge interactions with Arg387 and
the ATPase domain, while the fourth layer corresponds to the short Glu382 of the collar domain, respectively. Additionally, Asp88 likely
C-terminal domain. Six protomers of D5 are arranged in a circular contributes to stabilizing the regulated motif by interacting with the
manner, forming stacked rings within the structure. This arrangement RRM. Hence, these three residues (Glu79, Asp88 and Arg128) are pro-
creates a positively charged central funnel-shaped chamber, which is posed to play a critical role in the interaction between primase and
crucial for DNA binding (Fig. 1d). The structure provides a clear depic- helicase domains (Fig. 3b).
tion of how the six putative helicase subunits in the C terminus of D5 The primase domain of D5 closely resembles PrimPol, a human
assemble into these stacked rings (Fig. 1d). DNA polymerase with primase activity, displaying root mean square
deviation (r.m.s.d.) values as 3.4 Å, as determined through align-
The assembly of primase ment using the Dali server43. When comparing the structure of D5
The primase activity of the N-terminal of the D5 protein, which includes with that of PrimPol, an elongated density is observed in the nucle-
the RRM and a Zn-binding subdomain, has been extensively studied oside binding site of D5, which can be well fitted with an ATP mol-
and characterized30. In the ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA intermediate state, ecule (Extended Data Fig. 6b)44. In contrast to PrimPol, the current
we identified three protomers that encompass the primase domain primase domains of D5 do not enclose a dsDNA substrate, suggest-
(Fig. 3a). The overall structure of the primase domain exhibits a cata- ing an open conformation (Extended Data Fig. 6b). Notably, despite
lytic palm structural core and shares similarities with the RRM fold of solving three out of the six primase domains in the D5 hexamer, the
the archaeo-eukaryotic primase superfamily (Fig. 3a,b). Within the remaining primase domains may show flexibility. Based on the archi-
primase domain, a regulated motif spanning amino acids 76 to 130, as tecture of primase domain, it is plausible to suggest that RNA primers
well as an adjacent Zn-binding motif, potentially obstruct the channel could be synthesized independently for the initiation of poxvirus
enclosed by the collar domain (Fig. 3b). Notably, Glu79 and Arg128 DNA replication.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


a e Aligned N-terminal
D5AIS1 primase domain
D5BIS1 r.m.s.d. 4.768

90° 90°


D5 IS1 D5 IS2 90°

D5 IS1 D5 IS2
b f d
βB-hairpin βA-hairpin

R585 R585
R585 F588 βF-hairpin ssDNAIS2
F588 F588
R585 R585 R585
F588 R585
F588 F588
βc-hairpin F588 F588
120° R585
R585 R585

90° 180° 90° 180°

3’ F588
R585 3’

F588 F588
R585 R585
F588 R585 R585

R585 F588 R585
R585 R585 5’
5’ R585

Fig. 5 | The structural comparison of two intermediate states of D5 in ATP- network in IS2. e, When we aligned the N-terminal primase domain of IS1 and
ADP-apo-ssDNA. a, The cartoon presentation of cryo-EM structures of D5 IS1. IS2, ssDNAs bound to different protomers. An r.m.s.d. between 3,139 Cα pairs of
Protomers A–F are colored light salmon, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, D5 IS1 and D5 IS2 is 4.768 Å. f, D5 IS1 are colored pink, orange and red. D5 IS2 are
respectively. ssDNA is colored red. b, The inset shows the DNA-binding network colored light blue, orange and blue. The top panel is the bottom view of e and the
in IS1. c, The cartoon presentation of cryo-EM structures of D5 IS2. Protomers bottom panel shows that when the IS1 structure is rotated 120° counterclockwise,
A–F are colored light salmon, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, the ssDNA of IS1 (red) and IS2 (blue) can overlap.
respectively. ssDNA is colored blue. d, The inset shows the DNA-binding

To investigate the influence of ATP and ADP binding on the helicase Since ATP and ADP can bind to the primase domain and helicase domain
activity of D5, we used apyrase to degrade the γ and β phosphate groups simultaneously, and we could only locate the primase domain in the
of ATP or ADP molecules, effectively removing endogenous ATP or ADP ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA state, we speculate that the apo state and the ATP and/
in the purified D5 protein and its mutants. The treated protein samples or ADP loading state may lead to different organization patterns between
were labeled as ‘protein name (apyrase)’ for convenience. We observed the primase domain and helicase domain, which in turn affects the
a faint ssDNA band in the lane of D5full-length (apyrase) when ATP and fork helicase activity.
dsDNA were added (Extended Data Fig. 7a,e) but not with ADP and fork To test this hypothesis, we incubated the apyrase-digested D5
dsDNA (Extended Data Fig. 7b,e). This suggests that full-length D5 exhibits protein with ADP first, and then added fork dsDNA and ATP to initial
weak helicase activity after apyrase treatment. This finding contrasts helicase activity (Extended Data Fig. 7c,e), the D5full-length (apyrase)
with the results obtained without apyrase treatment, where we observed sample showed very low helicase activity in this condition. We also
helicase activity only when the primase domain was removed (Fig. 1c). attempted to added fork dsDNA first, followed by ADP and finally ATP

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


D5 C terminus

F B Arg finger
D5 N terminus Fork substrates

Apo state
ATP binding
5’ A
Apo-ssDNA state
ADP state ATP-ADP state
ATP binding F F
5’ A B A B

E 3’ F


A B 5’
Translocation cycle

3’ 3’

5’ ADP-ssDNA state
3’ 3’

ATP-ADP-ssDNA state 5’
ATP hydrolysis
ATP hydrolysis C
A B 5’


ATP-ADP-Apo-ssDNA state
Fig. 6 | A proposed mechanism of ssDNA translocation from D5. Schematic purple). The basic elements, ATP, ADP, Arg finger (arginine finger) and F588 (the
of the MPXV D5 helicase domain dynamic revolving with the ssDNA substrate. phenylalanine residue at the 588 amino acid position) of helicase are illustrated in
Six protomers are shown in different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and the top panel. The red arrow indicates the proposed direction of DNA translocation.

to initial the helicase activity (Extended Data Fig. 7d,e), In this case, activity of D5, similar to the primase truncation form (Fig. 3c). This sug-
the D5full-length (apyrase) sample exhibited higher helicase activity than gests that the precise spatial placement of the primase domain affects
the previous condition but was still lower than the truncation form the unwinding function of the D5 protein.
(D5238–785). These results indicated a partial regulatory role of ADP and
ATP in the helicase activity of D5full-length, although they may not play a Distinct nucleotide-binding states
dominant role. In the presented structures of the D5 protein, we have observed
To investigate the influence of specific residues involved in the three different nucleotide states in the ATP/ADP-binding pocket of
interaction between the primase and helicase domains, we introduced a all protomers: ATP-bound, ADP-bound and apo-like status (Figs. 2
triple point mutation (E79K/D88K/R128E) in the D5 protein. These resi- and 4 and Extended Data Fig. 5). Notably, all three states are simul-
dues were previously identified as critical for the interaction between taneously present in ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA states (Figs. 1d and 2c–e).
the primase and helicase domains (Fig. 3b). The results showed that the Among the protomers, protomers A to D exhibit strong ATP-like densi-
triple mutation (E79K/D88K/R128E) remarkably enhanced the helicase ties in the nucleotide-binding pocket, while protomer E shows ADP-like

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


density, and protomer F adopts an apo-like status (Extended Data of ATP-γS, as the ADP in D5F has not been released. By aligning the
Fig. 5c–e). This 4ATP-1ADP-1apo binding mode of D5 differs notably N-terminal primase domain in ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA states with that in IS1
from other SF-III members, such as E1 of papillomavirus, which exhibits (Extended Data Fig. 9b) and IS2 (Extended Data Fig. 9c), we found that
a 3ATP-2ADP-1apo binding pattern45. Furthermore, in the structure of IS1 is fitted well with ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form. This suggests that IS1
the ADP-bound state, all nucleotide-binding pockets from six protom- occurs earlier than IS2 during DNA unwinding. For DNA translocation,
ers have well-resolved ADP molecules. In line with expectations, we did β-hairpins C to F are raised to take the position of β-hairpins A to D, and
not find nucleotide-like density in any chain of the apyrase-treated apo β-hairpins A and B fall to bind new nucleotides after releasing the now
state (Figs. 2a and 4). being binding nucleotides (Fig. 5b,d). The movements of β-hairpins
The ATP- and ADP-binding pockets are located in the middle of result in the 3′–5′ direction of right-handed spiral DNA unwinding,
the AAA+ helicase domain. The adenine ring, ribose moiety and α, β which is consistent with a previous study36. Two loose protomers rotat-
phosphate of ATP and ADP are associated with the nucleotide-binding ing counterclockwise for 120° consume two ATP molecules and move
pocket in a similar manner. The Walker A motif, Walker B motif and an two nucleotides forward in the 5′ direction.
associated Mg2+ ion are involved in the interaction with ATP and ADP We further conducted a comparison of each protomer and
(Fig. 4). The adenine ring of ATP is stacked with Phe630 and interacts observed that the collar domains remained relatively unchanged when
with Asp467 through a π–π interaction and hydrogen bond interac- these structures were superimposed (Extended Data Fig. 10a,b). We
tion, respectively. The ribose moiety is stabilized by the main chain noticed that the inclined angles of the AAA+ helicase domain varied
of Asp652 and the side chain of Asp656. Thr507, Gly508 and Thr511 among the ATP, ADP and apo nucleotide-binding states (Extended
are involved in α phosphate binding, and β phosphate interacts with Data Fig. 10a,b). In the ADP-bound structure of D5, two ADP mole-
Ala506, Thr507 and Lys509. The γ phosphate is coordinated by Mg2+ cules are presented in the ADP loose form whereas the remaining four
and the arginine finger motif (Arg619 and Arg620) is located in an ADP-bound protomers acquire a smaller inclined angle, which might
adjacent protomer (Fig. 4). When the ATP molecule is hydrolyzed, the represent another working state of D5, so we called this the ‘ADP tight
γ phosphate is released, and the arginine finger is no longer in con- form’ (Fig. 4). The apo form of D5 acquires the largest inclined angle,
tact with ADP, similar to the apo status. We refer to this ADP-binding once the ATP/ADP or ssDNA binding occurs, so it could trigger the
mode as ‘ADP loose form’. These interactions are confirmed by the smaller inclined angle (Extended Data Fig. 10a). Based on these obser-
ATPase activity system with the mutant R619/R620 and K509A/T511A/ vations, we propose that the tilt angle changes of the AAA+ helicase
R514A/F630A/R656A (M5t mutant) that harbor notably reduced ATP protomers are correlated with distinct nucleotide-binding states and
hydrolysis activity (Extended Data Fig. 8a). Besides, ATP-γS could also are supported by a collar pivot, which in turn affects the positions of
significantly inhibit the ATP hydrolysis activity (Extended Data Fig. 8a). the β-hairpins in this protomer36.
This binding pattern might directly lead to conformational changes of
two neighboring protomers. The putative working mechanism of D5 helicase
The helicases, such as E1 of the papillomavirus, the large tumor
An asymmetric spiral staircase engages the ssDNA substrate antigen of simian virus 40 and Rep40 of the adeno-associated virus
The DNA-binding properties are revealed in the structures of belonging to the SF-III family AAA+ helicase, all processively trans-
ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA (Fig. 5a,c), ADP-ssDNA (Fig. 2d), ATP-ADP-ssDNA locate in the 3′–5′ direction of the DNA substrate36,46–48. A proposed
(Fig. 2e) and apo-ssDNA (Fig. 2f). As the visible parts of the ssDNA model, known as the concerted escort translocation model, explains
substrates in these states are very similar to each other, the how the hexameric helicase threads the DNA substrate through the
ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA form is chosen as a representative to describe the spiral staircase formed by the central channel β-hairpins. This model
DNA-binding pattern. Owing to the flexibility of the ssDNA substrate, accounts for the events of ssDNA translocation, ATP binding, hydroly-
only the six nucleotides in the ssDNA substrate binding to protein are sis and ADP release, which are coupled to conformational changes
visible. These six nucleotides form a helical array and interact with within the helicase36.
five β-hairpins located in the third stack layer of the hexameric heli- When aligned with other members of the SF-III family, the heli-
case domain from D5A to D5E (βA-hairpin to βE-hairpin) (Fig. 5b). The case of D5 shows a closer resemblance to papillomavirus E1, both of
βA-hairpin to βE-hairpin form a spiral-like arrangement from high to which share common features such as the collar domain and AAA+
low in turn, and the loosely βF-hairpin is located at the opposite side helicase domain46 (Extended Data Fig. 10d). However, the detailed
of the ssDNA interface (Fig. 5b). The staircase residues Phe588 from working mechanism may differ remarkably. Three ATP hydrolysis
βA-hairpin to βE-hairpin play a crucial role in binding with the basic models have been proposed for hydrolytic cycling, including the con-
groups of ssDNA. Arg585 also makes a notable contribution to binding certed hydrolysis model (all six subunits bind, hydrolyze and release
with the phosphate backbone of ssDNA (Fig. 5b). Mutations in these ATP in synchrony), stochastic hydrolysis model (ATP hydrolysis at
key residues, such as R585A and F588A, lead to a notable decrease in the random site) and rotary hydrolysis model (ATP hydrolysis in a
DNA-binding activity (Extended Data Fig. 8b). sequential order around the collar domain)36. Similar to E1, D5 dis-
Notably, two distinct intermediate states are further classified played a series of ATPase states that progress from ATP- to ADP- and
from the particles in the ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA state data set. On aligning then apo-like configurations in sequential order, supporting the rotary
the N-terminal primase domains, we observed a notable movement of mechanism. However, the 4ATP-1ADP-1apo binding mode observed
the ssDNA in these two intermediate states (Fig. 5a,c–f). For simplicity, in D5 is distinct from the 3ATP-2ADP-1apo binding pattern seen in
we refer to these states as IS1 and IS2. When IS1 is rotated approximately E1 (ref. 35).
120° in an anticlockwise direction, both the ssDNA and the helicase More importantly, we captured two ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA inter-
domain align closely with those in IS2 (Fig. 5f). However, there remains mediate states, which represent two static snapshots of processive
a question, which of these intermediate states appear early during the movements along ssDNA. When bound to any substrates (ATP, ADP,
process of DNA unwinding? ssDNA or nucleotide-ssDNA), a striking shared structural feature of
Fortunately, we also capture an ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form, in which ring-shaped D5 is that four protomers are tightly connected with each
four ATP-γS and two ADP molecules were bound (Fig. 2e). Although other, regarded as ‘tight form’. Among ring-shaped hexamer of D5,
the density of the N-terminal primase domain in this form is weaker there are always two protomers that weakly interacting with adjacent
compared to the ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA states, it is still visible when the protomers, which are called ‘loose form’ here. The collar domain acts
map is viewed at a low threshold (Extended Data Fig. 9a). The DNA trans- as a fulcrum allowing the AAA+ helicase domain to produce tilt angles
location process appears to be slowed down by the slower hydrolysis depending on the rotation of the tight or loose form (Fig. 6).

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Based on the findings and observations, a working model for the contrast, we captured seven distinctive transition-state intermediates
D5 helicase can be proposed (Fig. 6). In the apo state, where D5 is not of the hexamer in apo and ATP/ADP substrate binding states or during
associated with a DNA substrate, there are six loose forms of protom- processive translocation along ssDNA. And our structures are good
ers. This state allows ATP molecules to enter the ATP binding pocket enough to assign the ssDNA rather than dsDNA to the central channel.
of each protomer. The ATP hydrolysis controls the movement of the These structures reveal how D5 forms a homo-hexameric ring-shaped
β-hairpins. When ssDNA binds with the β-hairpins in the central chan- AAA+ helicase, using a spiral staircase encircling an ssDNA substrate
nel of the ring, two ATP molecules in four tight protomers undergo and coupling ATP hydrolysis energy to highly coordinated motions.
hydrolysis, while the remaining two loose protomers release ADP and We provided solid evidence that two ATP molecules were consumed to
reacquire ATP molecules. This step allows D5 to catch the ssDNA in one drive DNA to move forward by two nucleotides, which could simply be
working step. In this model, it is proposed that the two loose protomers proposed by the energetic consumption associated with spontaneous
rotate counterclockwise with each step during ssDNA translocation, base pair unwinding, limiting helicase movement to a maximum step
coupled with the hydrolysis of two ATP molecules. This movement size of one or two bases in each NTP turnover36.
enables the helicase to advance the ssDNA by two nucleotides in Both the D5 protein of poxvirus and E1 of papillomavirus make use
the 5′ direction. of the pore loops to lever up and down depending on the nucleotide
status of their associated protomers for ssDNA translocation36,45,54.
Discussion However, the ATP- and/or ADP-binding mode and the ssDNA direc-
The genome of MPXV consists of a single, contiguous dsDNA chain tions in E1 (5′ toward the collar domain) and D5 (3′ toward the collar
that forms a linear duplex with covalently closed hairpin termini49,50. domain) structures are different, suggesting a possible different work-
During the infection process, the expression of the genes in poxviruses ing mechanism of the D5 protein. Translocation by E1 might depend
is tightly controlled and can be classified into the early and late gene on a coordinated escort mechanism in which a loop dives toward the
expression stages51,52. D5 protein is expressed at an early stage, with a 5′ DNA end, engages a base and then moves upward, remaining associ-
peak at 2 to 3 hours after infection, and declines to be undetectable after ated with that base until it is released at the end of the ATPase cycle for
5 hours, coinciding with the onset of viral DNA synthesis28,53. Whether that subunit. However, in the ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA intermediate states,
the natural activity of D5 protein is timely regulated remains unclear. every turnover might consume two ATP molecules, which drives the
In VACV, low-resolution structures of the D5 protein have revealed DNA forward by two nucleotides. Subsequently, the timely coupling of
its hexameric assembly state. However, the specific binding modes primase and helicase in D5 might accelerate the synthesis of new viral
of DNA and ATP, as well as the mechanism of ssDNA translocation, DNA. In conclusion, our findings represent a remarkable advancement
remain unknown26,31. in our understanding of the structure and function of the poxvirus
Our study has successfully revealed the inhibitory effect of the helicase-primase.
primase domain on the helicase activity of D5, supported by both
biochemical and structural evidence. Blocking the ssDNA exit from the Online content
collar domain might play an important regulatory role in the persistent Any methods, additional references, Nature Portfolio reporting sum-
helicase activity of D5. Through the analysis of D5full-length (apyrase) maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
and its re-acquisition of helicase activity, we have speculated that the acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author contri-
competition between ADP and ATP binding may influence the blockage butions and competing interests; and statements of data and code avail-
of the C-terminal helicase channel by the primase domains. To further ability are available at
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Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Methods were blotted for 3.0 or 3.5 s and flash-frozen in liquid ethane cooled
Protein expression and purification by liquid nitrogen with Vitrobot (Mark IV, Thermo Fisher Scientific).
The full-length open reading frame of OPG117 of MPXV (MPXV 2022 The prepared grids were transferred to a Titan Krios operating at
West African strain, GenBank ON563414.3) and variants including 300 kV equipped with Gatan K3 detector and GIF Quantum energy
K509A/T511A/R514A/F630A/D656A mutant (M5t), R619/620A mutant, filter. Video stacks were automatically collected using EPU software
R585A mutant, F588A mutant, R585A/F588A mutant and E79K/D88K/ (Thermo Fisher Scientific), with a slit width of 20 eV on the energy filter
R128E mutant, were cloned into the pCAG vector (Invitrogen) with an and a defocus range from −1.4 to −1.8 µm at a nominal magnification
N-terminal FLAG tag, respectively. Point mutations were introduced of ×81,000. The total dose rate was approximately 50 e−/Å2 for each
using a standard two-step PCR and verified by DNA sequencing. The stack. The stacks were motion corrected with MotionCor2 (ref. 56)
primase domain truncations of D5, residues 238–785 and residues and binned twofold, resulting in pixel sizes of 1.095, 1.072 or 1.077 Å
323–785, were constructed into the pCAG vector with a N-terminal FLAG per pixel. Meanwhile, dose weighting was performed57. The defocus
tag. All the plasmids used to transfect cells were prepared by GoldHi values were estimated with Gctf58.
EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit (CWBIO).
The recombinant protein was overexpressed using the HEK293F Data processing
mammalian cells (Invitrogen) at 37 °C under 5% CO2 in a Multitron-Pro The cryo-EM structures of the complex were solved in Relion v.3.0.6
shaker (Infors, 130 r.p.m.). When the cell density reached 2.0 × 106 cells and cryoSPARC v.3.3.1. Particles were automatically picked using
per ml, the plasmid was transiently transfected into the cells. To trans- Relion v.3.0.6 (refs. 59–62) from manually selected micrographs.
fect 1 l of cell culture, about 1.5 mg of the plasmid was premixed with After 2D classification with Relion, good particles were selected and
3 mg of polyethylenimines (Polysciences) in 50 ml of fresh medium subject to several cycles of 2D classification, ab initio reconstruc-
for 15 min before adding to the cell culture. Cells were collected by tion and multiple cycle of heterogeneous refinement without sym-
centrifugation at 4,000g for 10 min after 60 h of transfection and resus- metry using cryoSPARC63. The good particles were selected and
pended in a buffer containing 25 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl and subjected to local contrast transfer function refinement with C1 sym-
mixture of three protease inhibitors, aprotinin (1.3 μg ml−1, AMRESCO), metry, nonuniform refinement, resulting in three-dimensional (3D)
pepstatin (0.7 μg ml−1, AMRESCO) and leupeptin (5 μg ml−1, AMRESCO). reconstruction for whole structures. The particles in the data sets
For purification of the D5 protein, the cells were subjected to ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA form, ADP-ssDNA form and ATP-γS -ADP-ssDNA
lysis by sonication and cell debris was removed by centrifugation at form were subject to 3D classification and focused refinement
16,000g for 50 min at 4 °C. The supernatant was loaded to the M2 resin, with Relion.
rinsed with the wash (W) buffer containing 25 mM HEPES (pH 7.5) and The resolution was estimated with the gold-standard Fourier shell
150 mM NaCl and eluted by W buffer supplemented with 0.2 mg ml−1 correlation 0.143 criterion64 with high-resolution noise substitution65.
FLAG peptide. The eluent was then concentrated and applied to SEC Refer to Extended Data Figs. 2–5 and Table 1 for details of data collec-
(Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL, GE Healthcare) in the W buffer. The tion and processing.
peak fractions were collected and concentrated for EM analysis and
in vitro biochemical assays. For obtaining D5 (apyrase) protein, the Model building and structure refinement
eluent was digested by apyrase (500 U ml−1, New England Biolabs) Predicted models of D5 was first obtained using Alphafold2 (ref. 66),
at 4 °C for 16 h. The digested eluent was then applied to SEC (Super- which was further manually adjusted based on the cryo-EM map
ose 6 Increase 10/300 GL, GE Healthcare) in the W buffer. The peak with COOT67. Each residue was manually checked with the chemical
fractions were also collected and concentrated for EM analysis and properties taken into consideration during model building. Several
functional assay. segments, whose corresponding densities were invisible, were not
modeled. Structural refinement was performed in Phenix 68 with
Cryo-EM sample preparation and data acquisition secondary structure and geometry restraints to prevent overfitting.
The short DNA duplex used for cryo-EM analysis was the 12/16 To monitor the potential overfitting, the model was refined against
primer template from the Pol δ-DNA complex (Protein Data Bank one of the two independent half maps from the gold-standard 3D
(PDB) ID 3IAY), containing the 12-nt oligonucleotide primer refinement approach. Then, the refined model was tested against
(5′-ATCCTCCCCTAC-3′) annealed to the 16-nt template (5′-TAAGGT the other map. Statistics associated with data collection, 3D recon-
AGGGGAGGAT-3′)55. The fork DNA duplex used for cryo-EM analysis struction and model building are summarized in Table 1 and Sup-
was the 49/47 primer template, the 49-nt oligonucleotide (5′-AGCT- plementary Table 1.
annealed to the 47-nt (5′-AGCTATGACCATGATTACGAATTGCTTG- ATPase assay
GAATCCTGACGAACTGTAG-3′). ATPase activity was determined in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl
For the D5-ATP-ADP and D5-ADP forms, the peak fractions of fresh by Na+-K+-ATP activity assay kits (Beijing Solarbio Biotechnology Co.,
D5 complex at 3 mg ml−1 plus 1 mM MgCl2 were used for cryo-EM sample Ltd). The released phosphate from ATP hydrolysis was determined over
preparation (different batch proteins). For the D5-ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA time using the kit. The kit specifies that the amount of 1 μM inorganic
form, the peak fractions of fresh D5 complex at 3 mg ml−1 were incu- phosphorus produced by each milligram of enzyme catalyzing ATP
bated with 20 μM ‘short DNA duplex’ and 1 mM MgCl2 for about 1 h. hydrolysis in 1 h is a unit of enzyme activity (U mg−1 protein). The protein
For the D5-apo form, about 12 mg of D5 was incubated with 10 U of concentration of WT D5 was determined by BioRad assay with BSA as a
apyrase (500 U ml−1, New England Biolabs) at 4 °C for 16 h, and then standard. Then an aliquot (10 μl) of WT D5 and each variant was mixed
the mixture was subjected to SEC in W buffer. For the D5-apo-ssDNA with 5× sample buffer (250 mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.8), 10% SDS, 50% glyc-
form, the peak fractions of apo protein were diluted to 3 mg ml−1 and erol, 0.2% bromphenol blue and 500 mM dithiothreitol), and loaded
incubated with 20 μM ‘short DNA duplex’ and 1 mM MgCl2. For the to SDS–PAGE gels. After electrophoresis and staining with Coomassie,
D5-ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form, the apo protein was supplemented 1 mM the gels were exposed by ChampGel7000. The band intensities of WT
ATP-γS, 1 mM MgCl2 without or with 20 μM ‘short DNA duplex’. For the D5 and variants were measured by densitometry using the software
D5-ADP-ssDNA form, the apo protein was incubated with 1 mM ATP, ImageJ v.2.9.0. The protein concentration of each variant was normal-
20 μM fork DNA duplex and 1 mM MgCl2 for 5 min. ized based on the protein concentration and band intensities of the WT
Aliquots (3.3 μl) of the protein complex were placed on D5. The resulting data collection was repeated at least three times and
glow-discharged holey carbon grids (Quantifoil Au R1.2/1.3). The grids data were analyzed by GraphPad Prism v.9.0.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Electrophoretic mobility shift assay 56. Zheng, S. Q. et al. MotionCor2: anisotropic correction of
For ssDNA binding assays, the substrate was a 49 nt and 3′ labeled beam-induced motion for improved cryo-electron microscopy.
Cyanine5 (Cy5) oligonucleotide (5′-AGCTACCATGCCTGCACGAAT Nat. Methods 14, 331–332 (2017).
TAAGCAATTCGTAATCATGGTCATAGCT). DNA-binding assays with Cy5- 57. Grant, T. & Grigorieff, N. Measuring the optimal exposure for
labeled substrate (0.2 μM) and each protein (0.2 μM), were performed single particle cryo-EM using a 2.6 A reconstruction of rotavirus
in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl. Reactions were incubated for 1 h VP6. eLife 4, e06980 (2015).
at 4 °C and terminated by adding 10% glycerol and 0.13% w/v bromo- 58. Zhang, K. Gctf: real-time CTF determination and correction.
phenol blue. Products were separated on a 4 to 20% gradient gel, and J. Struct. Biol. 193, 1–12 (2016).
gels were exposed to MiniChemi610 Plus for imaging. The free DNA, 59. Zivanov, J. et al. New tools for automated high-resolution
unbound by protein, were measured with ImageJ v.2.9.0 for quantita- cryo-EM structure determination in RELION-3. eLife 7,
tive evaluation of DNA-binding ability. Three replications were taken e42166 (2018).
independently for data analysis and the data have been presented as 60. Kimanius, D. et al. Accelerated cryo-EM structure determination
mean ± standard deviation. with parallelisation using GPUs in RELION-2. eLife 5, e18722 (2016).
61. Scheres, S. H. RELION: implementation of a Bayesian
Helicase activity assay approach to cryo-EM structure determination. J. Struct. Biol. 180,
The oligonucleotides 5′-AGCTACCATGCCTGCACGAATTAAGCAATTCG 519–530 (2012).
TAATCATGGTCATAGCT with 3′ labeled Cy5 and 5′-AGCTATGACCAT 62. Scheres, S. H. A Bayesian view on cryo-EM structure
GATTACGAATTGCTTGGAATCCTGACGAACTGTAG were annealed to determination. J. Mol. Biol. 415, 406–418 (2012).
generate the Fork dsDNA substrate. Helicase assays with Cy5-labeled 63. Punjani, A. et al. cryoSPARC: algorithms for rapid unsupervised
substrates (0.4 μM) and each protein (0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 μM) were cryo-EM structure determination. Nat. Methods 14, 290–296
performed in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 4 mM MgCl2, 4 mM (2017).
ATP, which was named the ATP-only group. For ADP only group, 64. Rosenthal, P. B. & Henderson, R. Optimal determination of
Cy5-labeled substrates and each protein (apyrase digested) were particle orientation, absolute hand, and contrast loss in
performed in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 4 mM MgCl2, 4 mM single-particle electron cryomicroscopy. J. Mol. Biol. 333,
ATP. For the ADP, then fork, then ATP group, each protein (apyrase 721–745 (2003).
digested) was incubated with 1 mM ADP at 4 °C for 30 min and mixed 65. Chen, S. et al. High-resolution noise substitution to measure
with Cy5-labeled dsDNA substrates in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM overfitting and validate resolution in 3D structure determination
NaCl, 4 mM MgCl2 and 4 mM ATP for reaction. For the Fork, then ADP, by single particle electron cryomicroscopy. Ultramicroscopy 135,
then ATP group, each protein (apyrase digested) was incubated with 24–35 (2013).
0.4 μM Cy5-labeled dsDNA substrates at 4 °C for 1 h, and incubated 66. Jumper, J. et al. Highly accurate protein structure prediction with
with 1 mM ADP at 4 °C for 30 min. Finally, the preformed protein was AlphaFold. Nature 596, 583–589 (2021).
placed in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 4 mM MgCl2, 4 mM ATP 67. Emsley, P. et al. Features and development of Coot. Acta
for reaction. All reactions under various conditions were delivered for Crystallogr. Sect. D., Biol. Crystallogr. 66, 486–501 (2010).
1 h at 4 °C and added 10% glycerol, 20 mM EDTA, 0.5% SDS and 0.2% 68. Adams, P. D. et al. PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based
bromphenol blue to terminate the reaction. Products were separated system for macromolecular structure solution. Acta Crystallogr.
on a 20% polyacrylamide–TBE gel, and gels were exposed to Min- Sect. D., Biol. Crystallogr. 66, 213–221 (2010).
iChemi610 Plus for imaging. The free DNA unwound by helicase was
quantified by software ImageJ v.2.9.0. All experiments were performed Acknowledgements
in triplicate, and the data were presented as mean ± standard deviation We thank the Cryo-EM Facility of Southern University of Science and
by GraphPad Prism v.9.0. Technology (SUSTech) for providing the facility support. We thank
X. Ma, L. Zhang and P. Li at the Cryo-EM Center of SUSTech for technical
Reporting summary support in EM data acquisition. We thank Z. Liu for technical support
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Port- on computing environment. This work was funded by the Science,
folio Reporting Summary linked to this article. Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
(grant no. JSGG20220226085550001 to R.Y.) and the National Natural
Data availability Science Foundation of China (grant no. 82202517 to R.Y.).
Cryo-EM maps and molecular models have been deposited in the
EM Data Bank and PDB, respectively. Accession codes are listed Author contributions
here and in Table 1. Atomic coordinates and cryo-EM density maps R.Y. conceived the project. R.Y., Y.G., Y.L. and J.Z. designed the
of D5 protein in ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA form IS1 (PDB 8HWA whole experiments. Y.L. did the molecular cloning, protein purification,
map EMD-35051), ATP-ADP-apo-ssDNA form IS2 (PDB 8HWB cryo-EM data collection and processing, and model building. Y.G.
whole map EMD-35052), apo form (PDB 8HWC whole map EMD- and J.Z. did the protein purification, cryo-EM data collection and
35053), ADP form (PDB 8HWD whole map: EMD-35054), ATP-ADP ATPase assay, DNA-binding assay and the helicase assay. All authors
form (PDB 8HWE whole map EMD-35055), ADP-ssDNA form (PDB contributed to data analysis. R.Y. and Y.G. wrote the paper.
8HWF whole map EMD-35056), ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form (PDB
8HWG whole map EMD-350567) and apo-ssDNA form (PDB 8HWH Competing interests
whole map EMD-350568) have been deposited to the PDB (http:// The authors declare no competing interests. and the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (https://, respectively. All other data will be made Additional information
available upon request. Source data are provided with this paper. Extended data is available for this paper at
55. Swan, M. K. et al. Structural basis of high-fidelity DNA synthesis Supplementary information The online version
by yeast DNA polymerase delta. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 16, contains supplementary material available at
979–986 (2009).

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to are available. Primary Handling Editor: Katarzyna Ciazynska, in
Yingying Guo or Renhong Yan. collaboration with the Nature Structural & Molecular Biology team.
Peer reviewer reports are available.
Peer review information Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
thanks Hauke Hillen and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their Reprints and permissions information is available at
contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 1 | Sequence alignments of the D5 protein from different and C-terminal domain (purple color). Gene and protein ID are as follows: MPXV
poxviruses. The hallmark motifs (Walker a and b) and the Arginine finger 2022 West African strain (Genebank: ON563414.3), MPXV_Zaire_96_I_16 strain
residues are shown by yellow, green and black dashed box, respectively. Various (Genebank: NP_536529.1), MPXV_UK_P3 strain (Genebank: YP_010377099.1),
colors are used to distinguish the primase domain (blue color), Zn-binding motif VACV (Genebank: AGB75830.1), VARV (Genebank: ABG44074.1). Sequences were
(orange color), collar-domain (yellow color), AAA+ helicase domain (green color) aligned by MultAlin and ESPript 3.0.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 2 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 2 | Cryo-EM analysis of D5 in ATP-ADP-Apo-ssDNA form. angle distribution in the final 3D reconstruction of class 1–4. i and j, FSC curve of
a, Represent micrographs and 2D class averages of D5. Scale bar of 2D, 10 nm. the refined model versus the overall structure of class 1/2 that it is refined against
A total of 2237 micrographs were collected. b and c, Flowchart for cryo-EM data (black); of the model refined against the first half map versus the same map (red);
processing. Please refer to the ‘Data Processing’ in Methods section for details. and of the model refined against the first half map versus the second half map
(c) Local resolution map for the 3D reconstruction of the overall structure. (green). The small difference between the red and green curves indicates that the
d, FSC curve. The resolution was estimated with the gold-standard Fourier shell refinement of the atomic coordinates did not suffer from overfitting.
correlation 0.143 criterion with high-resolution noise substitution. e-h, Euler

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 3 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 3 | Cryo-EM analysis of D5 structures without ssDNA. criterion with high-resolution noise substitution. g, Euler angle distribution in
a-c, Represent micrographs and 2D class averages of D5 Apo, ADP, and ATP-ADP the final 3D reconstruction. h, FSC curve of the refined model versus the overall
form. Scale bar of 2D, 10 nm. A total of 3504, 1514 and 1004 micrographs were structure that it is refined against (black); of the model refined against the first
collected, respectively. d and e, Flowchart for cryo-EM data processing. Please half map versus the same map (red); and of the model refined against the first half
refer to the ‘Data Processing’ in Methods section for details. e, Local resolution map versus the second half map (green). The small difference between the red
map for the 3D reconstruction of the overall structure. f, FSC curve. The and green curves indicates that the refinement of the atomic coordinates did not
resolution was estimated with the gold-standard Fourier shell correlation 0.143 suffer from overfitting.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 4 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 4 | Cryo-EM analysis of D5 structures with ssDNA. gold-standard Fourier shell correlation 0.143 criterion with high-resolution noise
a-c, Represent micrographs and 2D class averages of D5-ADP-ssDNA, substitution. g, Euler angle distribution in the final 3D reconstruction. h, FSC
ATP-γS -ADP-ssDNA, and Apo-ssDNA form. Scale bar of 2D, 10 nm. A total of curve of the refined model versus the overall structure that it is refined against
4594, 1431 and 201 micrographs were collected, respectively. d and e, Flowchart (black); of the model refined against the first half map versus the same map (red);
for cryo-EM data processing. Please refer to the ‘Data Processing’ in Methods and of the model refined against the first half map versus the second half map
section for details. e, Local resolution map for the 3D reconstruction of (green). The small difference between the red and green curves indicates that the
the overall structure. f, FSC curve. The resolution was estimated with the refinement of the atomic coordinates did not suffer from overfitting.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 5 | Representative cryo-EM density maps of D5. a, Cryo-EM density maps of protein are shown at threshold of 7 σ. b, Cryo-EM density map of
ssDNA is shown at threshold of 5 σ. c-e, Cryo-EM density maps of ligand and the binding pocket are shown at threshold of 7 σ. f, Density maps show the C-terminal motif
could interact with the helicase domain in neighboring protomer.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 6 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 6 | Structural characteristics of D5 of MPXV. a, The human PrimPol (PDB ID: 5L2X). RMSD between 44 pruned atom pairs is
organization of four layers of D5. Left: Structure of one protomer of full-length 1.210 Å and across all 207 pairs is 9.768 Å. Insets: In top panel, structural similarity
D5 is showed by cartoon. The color strategy is consistent with Fig.1a. Right: between RRM in protomer A (red) and human PrimPol (cyan) indicates the similar
Overall structures of D5 is showed by surface and the color strategy is consistent functions and potential ATP binding pocket in N-terminal primase domain of
with Fig.1d. b, Structural analysis of N-terminal primase domain of D5. Shown MPVX. Bottom panel shows the density at potential ATP binding pocket allow us
here is cartoon presentation of domain-colored cryo-EM structures of N-terminal to build an ATP molecular. Cryo-EM density map is shown at threshold of 7 σ.
primase domain of D5 and structural alignment between RRM in protomer A and

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 7 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 7 | Helicase activity of D5 and the variants. a-d, Helicase which indicates that ADP may have a regulatory effect on helicase activity of full
activity of D5 (Apyrase) and truncation D5238-785 (Apyrase). When ATP acts as an length D5. e, Free DNA releasing by proteins was delivered quantitative analysis
energy substrate, D5full length (Apyrase) has weak helicase activity, while truncation with ImageJ 2.9.0 to evaluate the helicase ability of various proteins. Three
D5238-785 (Apyrase) shows apparent increasing in helicase activity. Whereas, ADP replications were taken independently for data analysis and the data has been
can’t catalyze the reaction. When apyrase treated proteins were pre-incubated presented as mean ± standard deviation. The samples derive from the same
with ADP, the helicase activity was reduced. However, for D5full length (Apyrase), experiment and that gels were processed in parallel.
pre-incubation with Fork DNA before ADP restored its activity to ATP only group,

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 8 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 8 | Functional activity of D5 and the variants. a, ATP (a) and (b), **** indicates extremely significant difference (p < 0.0001),
hydrolysis activity of D5 and the mutants. WT D5 shows obvious ATPase activity. ** indicates significant difference (p < 0.01), ns indicates no significance.
Comparing with WT D5, R619/620A mutant and M5t (K509A/ T511A/ R514A/ Three replications were taken independently for data analysis and the data has
F630A/ R656A) mutant show apparent decreasing in ATPase activity. Also, been presented as mean ± standard deviation. For multiple comparisons, P values
ATP-γS has a great impact on the ATPase activity of the proteins. b, DNA binding were derived from ordinary one-way ANOVA with Šídák′s multiple comparisons
ability of D5 and the mutants. WT D5 has DNA binding activity, and R585A, test. The default parament settings were applied to multiple comparisons.
F588A and R585A/F588A mutants could impair the DNA binding ability of D5. P values< 0.05 (two side) were considered significant. Graphs were prepared in
All experiments were performed in triplicates and the free DNA was delivered Graphpad prism (Version 9.0).
quantitative analysis to evaluate the DNA binding ability of various proteins. In

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 9 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 9 | Structural comparison among N-terminal domain of ATP-γS-ADP ssDNA form and D5 ATP-ADP-Apo ssDNA form IS1/2 shows that DNA
D5-ATP-γS-ADP ssDNA form and D5 ATP-ADP-Apo ssDNA form IS1/2. a, Here in ATP-γS-ADP ssDNA form is consistent with it in IS1 (b) but not IS2 (c). RMSD
shows the cryo-EM map and model of D5 ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form. Density of D5 between 3139 Cα pairs of D5 IS1 and D5 ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form, D5 IS2 and D5
is colored light blue and cartoon presentation of D5 and DNA are colored gray ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form are 1.118 Å and 4.840 Å, respectively.
and black, respectively. Alignments among N-terminal primase domain of D5

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 10 | See next page for caption.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Extended Data Fig. 10 | Comparison of D5 bound to different ligands and E1 between 378 cα pairs (323 to 700 amino acid) of the chain in ATP form and ADP
protein. a, The structural comparison of D5 bound to different ligands shows tight form, ADP tight form and Apo bound DNA form, Apo bound DNA form and
there is no shift between collar domains and dramatic shifts in AAA+ helicase ADP loose form, and ADP loose form and Apo are 1.791, 2.931, 4.220, and 1.990.
domain. Right panel is the diagram to show the shifts angles in AAA+ helicase c, The interaction network of ADP in D5-ADP loose form. d, Structural
domain. AAA+ helicase domain of D5-ATP form (yellow), D5-ADP tight form comparison of D5 of MPXV and E1 of papillomavirus. Middle: Structural
(green), D5-Apo bound DNA form (purple), D5-ADP loose form (blue), and Apo alignment of D5 and E1. D5 are colored blue and E1 are colored green. D5 and E1
(magenta) are looser in turn. b, The interaction network of ADP in D5-ADP loose are showed at left and right panel. Collar domain are colored light blue (D5) and
form. To make the shift more clearly, superpositions of ATP form and ADP tight light green (E1), and AAA+ helicase domains are colored dark blue (D5) and dark
form, ADP tight form and Apo bound DNA form, Apo bound DNA form and ADP green (E1).
loose form, and ADP loose form and Apo are showed from left to right. RMSD

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

nature portfolio | reporting summary
Corresponding author(s): Renhong Yan
Last updated by author(s): Aug 29, 2023

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Atomic coordinates and cryo-EM density maps of D5 protein in ATP-ADP-Apo-ssDNA form IS1 (PDB: 8HWA, whole map: EMD-35051), ATP-ADP-Apo-ssDNA form IS2
(PDB 8HWB, whole map: EMD-35052), Apo form (PDB: 8HWC, whole map: EMD-35053), ADP form (PDB 8HWD, whole map: EMD-35054), ATP-ADP form (PDB:
8HWE, whole map: EMD-35055), ADP-ssDNA form (PDB: 8HWF, whole map: EMD-35056), ATP-γS-ADP-ssDNA form (PDB: 8HWG, whole map: EMD-350567), and

Apo-ssDNA form (PDB:8HWH, whole map:EMD-350568) have been deposited to the Protein Data Bank ( and the Electron Microscopy Data
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