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PCS (Pacemaker Cluster Services) provides high availability services for

CentOS/RHEL 6+.

/etc/hosts should contain aliases to the PROD IPs with a -cl suffix (to match
Matt's auto iptables script) e.g. node1-prod node1-cl node2-prod node2-cl
Following ports should be opened between nodes

2224/tcp pcsd (ruby)

5405/udp corosync

##Install PCS Cluster

# Both MCs as root, install and start PCS, configure hacluster user
yum install pcs corosync pacemaker
service pcsd start && chkconfig pcsd on
passwd hacluster # hacluster, on a prod system this should be something secure!

# MC1 only as root, auth cluster nodes and start cluster

pcs cluster auth node1-cl node2-cl # enter hacluster user/pass from above passwd
pcs cluster setup --name sfwmc node1-cl node2-cl
pcs cluster status
pcs cluster start --all
pcs cluster status
pcs status

# Both MCs as root, configure cluster

corosync-cfgtool -s
pcs status corosync
journalctl | grep error
crm_verify -L -V
pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
crm_verify -L
pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=100
pcs cluster enable --all
crm_verify -L -V

pcsd.service start operation timed out. Terminating.

netstat -anp |grep ruby # showed a number of connections to (DNS)

Turns out /etc/resolv.conf had unnecessary entries

cat /dev/null >/etc/resolv.conf

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