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What we would look at from linguistic perspective?

 Grammatical structures
 Conjugations
 Register
 Style
 Purpose
 Audience
 Genre
 Terminology
 Paradigms and syntagma
 Syntax
 Semiotics
 Valency
 Vocabulary
 complexity of sentences
 verbs, adjectives, adverbs
 passive voice/active voice
 rhymes
 slang, idioms, metaphors
 stereotypes

how context influences what is written in the text

Types of text

 Scientific; Poems, novels, academic articles, lectures

 Legal texts; contracts, types of contracts
 Semiotics; movies, songs, slogans, advertisements, posters
 Historic text; bible
 Headlines, labels

Language and context








Text is a written form of communication

Discourse spoken or written text. Larger than a sentence, longer than an utterance

Genre – viewed as structure common for gropus of texts which are recognized as performing broadly
smilar functions in a scoeuity,

 Poem
 Novel
 Essay
 Report
 Formal speech
 Academic paper

Different genres of reports – whether reports

Any group of text which show a similiarty of register can be said to belong to the same genre

Genres can have common features, no two registers will ever be indentical

Genre- a callas of communicate venets, share some set of commujnikcate purpose. ( Swales, 1990)

Register linguistic features that mark commujnicative situtions in a aprticular social settings


Sports comentaty

4telephone converatsion

Political speech

Legal language

Dependant upon the social backgroubnd geography sex and age of the language user, the register is

Register ( Halliday 1985(

Register an anlaysis of the linguistic features commob in a text variety

It considers the situation of use


Field subject matter of concerstaion

Mode the medium of information exchange

Tenor social roles of participanets

The language of law:

 Long, complex sentences without interpunction

 Repetitions
 Passive voice
 Latin words
 Specific vocabulary
 Adverbials
 Legal collocations

The language of science:

 Terminology
 Latin words
 Reported speech
 Long sentences
 Specific collocations

The language of hip hop:

 Slang
 Neologisms
 Very informal
 Swear words
 Vernicular African American English

Componets in a register analysis

The situational context of use

Linguistic analysis of the words and structures that commonly occur

What determines the register?






Style variety of alanguage viewed from the p;oint of formality.

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