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My plans for the future essay/ My plans for the future topic

Nama : Andi Royyan El Fiqri

Nim : 10256122017

In my opinion, talking about our own future is difficult. However, the most important thing
is that I already have an idea of my dreams or goals in the future. My future goals may seem
simple to others, but they have a special meaning to me.

In the future, I want to be a bank employee who will have a positive impact on myself and
many people. Through this job, I want to learn and grow, not only professionally but also as a
responsible person. I am very aware that my goals or dreams are very far from my current
major in college. However, I will continue to learn English, as it is very important and helpful
in a work context.

I actually don't really understand why I am so interested in working as a bank employee, in

my eyes bank employees are very cool and have a fairly guaranteed income. Because of this,
I dream of having a comfortable house to live in in my homeland. The house will be a shelter
and create memories with my little family in the future. Apart from wanting a dream house, I
also want to have a very good understanding of managing finances wisely, as this will also
have a big impact on the lives of my children in the future. I also plan to save regularly and
manage my finances well and with discipline, so that I can prepare savings for future plans,
including wedding preparation. I believe that with a good understanding of finances, it will be
easier for me to manage my family's finances to be stable and not feel deprived as I dreamed.

My goals are not only for myself, but also for my parents. One of them is to be able to
accompany my parents on the Hajj. I am very aware of how precious the Hajj itself is, I want
to give them a deep spiritual experience as a form of gratitude for my parents' sacrifices so
far. In achieving my goals, I am very ready to face these challenges with determination and
high discipline. I am very confident that with hard work, dedication and smart financial
understanding, this dream will become a reality, and bring happiness not only to me but also
to my family whom I love very much.

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