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ase Study for Lab


Program Name: Btech
Subject:Design Thinking And Complex Problem Solving

Student Name and Roll number: Mohammed Armaan(23BTRCL054)

Case Study Title: Bridging Gaps: A Design Thinking Approach to Forge an Inclusive Online Learning Environment

1. Introduction This case study explores the transformative potential of design thinking in shaping an inclusive
and accessible online learning environment. By focusing on user needs and diversity, we aim to
revolutionize the digital education landscape, ensuring that learning is accessible to all.

Problem Statement:
2. Problem Statement The current online education landscape lacks sufficient inclusivity, presenting challenges such as limited
accessibility features, inadequate support for diverse learning styles, and a lack of accommodations for
individuals with varying abilities.

User Research:
3. User Research Conducting interviews, surveys, and accessibility assessments helps us understand the unique challenges
faced by diverse learners in online education. Identifying barriers, preferences, and learning styles becomes
essential for crafting an inclusive solution.
4. Design Thinking Approach Design Thinking Approach:

Empathize: Gain deep insights into the diverse needs, challenges, and aspirations
of learners through inclusive user research.
Define: Clearly articulate the identified barriers and needs, shaping a problem
statement that addresses the core challenges in online education inclusivity.
Ideate: Collaboratively brainstorm innovative solutions, considering adaptive
technologies, personalized learning paths, and inclusive design principles.
Prototype: Develop and implement prototypes of the online learning environment,
integrating features that cater to diverse learners and testing usability and accessibility.
Test: Gather feedback from a diverse group of learners, iteratively refining the
online learning environment to enhance accessibility and inclusivity.
5. Conclusion and Conclusion and Future Recommendations:
The design thinking approach contributes to the creation of a more inclusive online learning
environment. The conclusion should highlight improvements achieved, emphasizing enhanced
accessibility and the positive impact on diverse learners. Future recommendations may
include ongoing user engagement, continuous testing, and adapting the learning environment
to accommodate emerging technologies and diverse learning needs.

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