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ase Study for Lab


Program Name: Btech
Subject:Design Thinking And Complex Problem Solving

Student Name and Roll :Mohammed Armaan(23BTRCL054)

Case Study Title: ransforming the Brew: Designing a Delightful Customer Experience in a Local Coffee Shop

1. Introduction This case study delves into leveraging design thinking to elevate the customer experience within
a local coffee shop. By focusing on user-centric changes, we aim to create a welcoming and
memorable environment that goes beyond just serving coffee

User Research:
2. Problem Statement Through surveys, interviews, and observations, understanding customer preferences, pain points, and
aspirations becomes essential. Gathering insights into their interactions with the coffee shop helps identify
areas for improvement.
Problem Statement:
3. User Research The local coffee shop faces challenges such as slow service, inconsistent ambiance, and a lack
of personalized interactions. These issues contribute to a suboptimal customer experience,
potentially affecting customer loyalty and satisfaction.
4. Design Thinking Approach Design Thinking Approach:

Empathize: Connect with customers to understand their emotions, preferences, and

needs during their coffee shop visits.
Define: Clearly articulate the identified pain points and desires to define the scope
of improvements necessary for an enhanced customer experience.
Ideate: Collaboratively brainstorm creative solutions, considering aspects such as
service speed, ambiance, menu variety, and personalized interactions.
Prototype: Develop and implement small-scale changes, such as revised layouts or
trial menu additions, to gauge customer reactions and feedback.
Test: Continuously gather feedback from customers, adjust prototypes accordingly,
and iterate until an optimal design is achieved.
5. Conclusion and Conclusion and Recommendations:
Implementing design changes based on the principles of empathy and user engagement can
significantly enhance the coffee shop experience. Recommendations may include streamlining
service processes, introducing thematic elements to the ambiance, diversifying the menu
on customer preferences, and fostering a more personalized customer-staff interaction.
Regularly soliciting feedback and adapting to evolving customer needs will be crucial for
sustained success in providing a delightful coffee shop experience.

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