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Sam Karsten J.

Pacaldo ST11A5


Stories of beauty and resiliency are whispered by nature, the silent

symphony that surrounds our existence. Its thick embrace offers us
comfort and motivation. Every sound of falling leaves is a poem
written by the wind, and every river bubbling over is a dance of
liquid life.

Nature remains an expression to the artistry of creation even in the

middle of concrete jungles. Brightly colored flowers create an image
of hope, while tall trees create an umbrella of protection for a
variety of animals. The sound of birds singing creates a song that is
in tune with the Earth's heart.

It is our responsibility to care for, conserve, and preserve this

precious work of art as its guardians. Let's design a sustainable
future in which humankind and the natural world live together. By
preserving nature, we preserve our entire being, promising that the
symphony will sound for many more years.

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