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A Research Report Present To

The Senior High School Department of
Negros Occidental High School
Bacolod City

Present by:



Submitted to:



The main purpose for this research is solely to understand the perception of Grade-
11 Humss liberty. This topic mostly aims to those who are unaware of the social
problem of the social experiencing teenage pregnancy and this research is
generally pointed out for students who may be experiencing this problems. The
questioning and surveying of whether these studies will help the perception of
everyone else's as well about the social problem of teenage pregnancy to other
people as well and to those who are unaware of these social problems. Like how
will this research benefit the public? Will this really be useful? Or will this be a
relevant topic to learn? All of these are very important questions and aims for one
objective that it will help other people realize this serious social problem and how
it is affecting the education of our country's future and our students. These research
will be using a modern way method of collecting of data using the internet by the
form of google surveys which will be given virtually to social media but these
surveys have a specific target alone to fish answers which will be the Grade-11
Humss Liberty consisting of 47 respondents. We're the only one's to do these
researches and surveys about teenage pregnancy to the students of Grade-11
HUMSS Liberty showing how this serious problem of society needs to be put an
end of and to use this research information as possible solution for the future that
will help the society to be a better place.

Teenage pregnancy is a social menace and common public health problem. This phenomenon
has multiple adverse consequences on mental health, child health and over all well-being of the
society (Mgbookwere, D; et al, 2015). According to Benjamin de Leon, President of Forum for
Family Planning and Development in the Philippines, an NGO working an adolescent health
issue expressed alarm that almost 10 percent of all Filipino women aged 15- 19 have already
given birth. This is reality that we must address”, he said. There is an urgency for all sectors” to
work together to help address adolescent reproductive health issue and teen pregnancy because
of the health and economic implications to the country”, he said. “A high rate often pregnancy
also means a high risk for maternal death among our young girls .(The Philippines Star July 11,
2023). There is evidence supporting the Reproductive Health Law that calls for sexuality
education among young students. Not that for teaching the Kids to engage in “safe” sex, but
rather, for telling them why they should not engage in early sex, and yes before marriage. With
regulated sexuality education, the young age informed about sex, pregnancy unplanned and
planned, instead of through the internet or pornographic magazines that somehow manage to
reach them. Peep into their rooms and see copies of playboy and penthouse and other sexy
publications tucked between and bed sheets, and adults-only-videos in the internet. The purpose
of this section of the study is to provide a review of relevant literature that focuses on teenage
pregnancy. This study shall provide a new understanding about the continuous emergence of
teenage pregnancy. The higher percentage of teenagers getting involved in this crisis shall lead
to deeper insights regarding the impact of teenage pregnancy among the youth, family members,
and even the society, will also benefit the youth to make them aware of the consequences and
possible risks that they could face if they do not understand the concept of this matter, and the
precautions that they should be aware of before they involve themselves with intimate

This study focused on senior High student of G11- Liberty 2023-2024 on how they
perceived teenage pregnancy as a major problem in our society. The research utilized a
researcher- made guide questions that help them gather data needed for the study. The
phenomenological method aims to describe, understand and interpret the meaning of experience
of human life. It focuses on research questions such as what it is like to experience a particular
situation. The Participants in this study is the students who help us answer the survey that we
made. We gathered the data by using google forms and wait for their responses. The researchers
use thermatic analysis as a tool in analyzing the data gather. Thematic analysis is a strategy for
breaking down subjective information.

Guide Questions
1. Do you think teenage pregnancy is a serious social problem?
2. Do you think teenage pregnancy is risky?
3. Do teenage pregnancies commonly occur in your community?
4. Is sex permitted before marriage in your culture?
5. Do you know what causes teenage pregnancy

.Table 1: The total student of Grade 11 HUMSS LIBERTY

In the survey conducted at Grade 11 HUMSS LIBERTY, 47 student parcitipated. Out of these, 21
were boys (44.7%) and 26 girls (55.3%). (Table 1)

Table 2: No. of responses in question 1

Based on the data from the second table, it is evident that a majority of the students, accounting
for (74.4%), believe that early student pregnancy is a serious social problem. This indicates that
they recognize thet potential negative consequenses ang implication associated with
preganancies occuring at a young age. The survey asked whether early pregnancy is a serious
social problem (Question 1). The responses in the survey is 35 students (74.4%) agreed that
serious social problem, while 12 student (25.6%) disagreed. (Table 2)
Table 3: No. of responses in question 3

Table 3 shows that the majority of the class showed more result to student agreeing to the
question of “3. Do teenage pregnancies commonly occur in your community?” Showing the
percentage amount of (89.19%) almost (90%). Meaning that this survey shows that not only how
common teenage pregnancy is to student and at a young age while this may also occur in some
parts of communities and not only in the class of HUMSS 11- LIBERTY. However disagreeing
of 5 student is only excepted for some may not be exposed or know to some of these parts of
their community showing that’s not entirely student are pregnant at their teens. This suggests thet
they have observe instances of early pregnancies happening around them, which could be
influencing thei perception of it being a social problem.

Table 4: No. of responses in question 4

Now proceeding to the table 4 where the question goes “Should sex be permitted before marriage
in your culture?” Now showing the statistics of the percentage it goes show that the majority
goes bto student agreeing that being (53.19%/). Even though that is a high scale of responses we
cannot ignore that fact that some students chose disagree at this matter making it a total 22
student that being (46.81%). Closely even to people who agreed. This may be understable due to
the urges of ayoung person to engage in such activities explaining the amount of people disagree
to this matter of question however most student choose rationaly ang logical choice which is to
agree to this question matter. You cannot just engage in premarital sexual activity with someone
whoyou aren’t married yet because that does not guarantee the future awaits for both of you and
nethier carrying a child at an early age. This indicates that there are differing beliefs and values
within the student population when it comes to cultural norms surounding premartialk sexual
relationship. Overall, these table highlight importnant aspects.

Pregnancy among teenagers is a big problem that affects their mental and physical health, as well
as the community in general. In the Philippines, 1 out of every 10 young women aged 15-19
have had a baby, and that's worrying. The leader of a group that helps young people's health says
it's important for everyone to work together to deal with reproductive health and teen pregnancy.
It affects the country's health and money. The Reproductive Health Law supports teaching young
students about the risks and results of getting pregnant early, instead of encouraging them to have
sex at a young age. This research wants to give new information about teenage pregnancy and
how it affects young people, their families, and society. The goal is to help young people
understand the risks and be careful when they start romantic relationships.


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