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Installing Alfresco on Windows

The installation wizard for Microsoft Windows installs all the software and components that you require for running Alfresco. This installation wizard installs Alfresco and additional software, including OpenOffice, JDK, SWFTools, ImageMagick, and Tomcat. These instructions assume that you are installing Alfresco for the first time. If you have previously installed Alfresco and the server is running, when you run this installation wizard again, you may be prompted to enter alternative port numbers for the components and services that you install. You may be asked to provide alternative port numbers for the MySQL database, Tomcat application server, FTP port, and the RMI port. For example, Alfresco runs the bundled MySQL database on port 3306. If you are prompted to provide an alternative port, enter another number, such as 3307. 1. Download one of the following installation files:
alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-win-x32.exe alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-win-x64.exe

There are two versions of the Alfresco installation wizard: one for 32-bit systems, and the other for 64-bit systems. The 32-bit installation wizard is not suitable for use on 64-bit environments. 2. Double-click the downloaded file. 3. In the Setup - Alfresco Enterprise window, click Next. 4. Select the installation language. This sets the language to be used for the remainder of the installation wizard. 5. In the Select Components window, select the components that you want to install. Deselect the components that you do not want to install. You can select from the following components: SharePoint Records Management Web Quick Start Web Project Management (AVM) Quickr Connector Support OpenOffice The following components are installed by default and you cannot deselect them: MySQL Java Alfresco 6. Click Next. 7. In the Installation type window, you can choose either: Easy - installs the Alfresco servers with the default configuration settings Advanced - installs Alfresco with configurable server ports and service properties Click Next to choose the default Easy installation type option. 8. In the Installation folder window, click Next to accept the default location. For example, the default location is C:\Alfresco.

Alternatively, click the

icon to choose another location.

9. In the Database Installation window, you can choose to: Use the bundled MySQL database, which is installed with Alfresco, or Use an existing database instance Choose the bundled MySQL database, and then click Next. 10. In the MySQL Credentials window, type a root password for the bundled MySQL database. Repeat the password, and then click Next. The MySQL password is created. 11. In the Admin Password window, type a password. Repeat the password, and then click Next. This sets the password for the Alfresco Administrator user account (admin). 12. (Optional) If you are installing the Quickr Connector Support component, the Quickr Content Services window displays. Enter the host and port details for your Quickr server, and then click Next. For example, the default is localhost and port number 6060. These settings are added to the configuration file for Quickr. 13. 14. In the Ready to Install window, click Next. The Installing window displays, showing the progress of the installation. In the Completing the Alfresco Enterprise Setup Wizard window, click Finish. By default, when you click Finish, the Readme file displays. Click OK. The Alfresco server starts and Alfresco Share launches in your default browser. If you do not want to view the Readme file, deselect the checkbox. Also, if you do not want to start Alfresco at this point, deselect the Launch Alfresco Enterprise Share now? checkbox. 15. Log on to Alfresco Share as the admin user. Enter the password that you specified in the Admin Password window. The Alfresco server is launched automatically as a Windows service. To manage the server, open the Control Panel Services window. The services that must be running for Alfresco are: alfrescoMySQL alfrescoOpenOffice alfrescoTomcat If you did not automatically launch Alfresco at the end of the installation wizard, to start Alfresco, you need to start all three services. Use the servicerun start script in the installation directory or select All Programs > Alfresco Enterprise > Alfresco Enterprise Service > Start Alfresco Enterprise Service. 16. To fully stop Alfresco, you must stop all three services. Use the scripts in the installation directory to start or stop the services: servicerun start and servicerun stop.

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